HSSB :: Volume #14

#1358: South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor

Yan Zhaoge with Feng Yunsheng follows in Ling Qing behind, to go through in void together. 燕赵歌封云笙跟在凌清身后,一起于虚空中穿行。 Here, the passing speed of time becomes the disorder, the change varies. 在这里,时间的流逝速度变得紊乱,变化不一。 Yan Zhaoge also can only depending on oneself to the time controlling to judge, but is hard to pass to obtain the only reference depending on the outside time. 燕赵歌也只能凭自身对时间的把控来加以判断,而难以凭外界时间流逝获得唯一的参照。 They left that piece of Spatial Region quickly. 他们很快离开了那一片宇域 The advance long time, after passing through many space and times, at present has big nebulas presents. 前进良久,穿越多个时空后,眼前有一大片星云呈现。 The nebula assumes the vortex appearance, keeps rotating, a star light is centered on this circles, finally is far away from the nebula, speeds along to the distant place void, vanishes instantaneously does not see. 星云呈漩涡模样,不停转动,道道星光以此为中心盘旋,最后远离星云,向远方虚空飞驰,瞬间消失不见。 Sees here, Yan Zhaoge then knows fairly well. 看见这里,燕赵歌便心中有数。 Here should approximately be the both sides meeting place. 这里应该就大约是双方会面的地点了。 Now the External Way two families influence, is authentic together with Monster Race and Buddhism, although is hitting is heavily engaged, fights the luxurious place, but the concern over several Taoism Heavenly Lord, feared that still had not relaxed. 如今外道两家势力,连同妖族和佛门正宗,虽然正打得不可开交,战到酣处,但对几位道门天尊的关注,怕是仍然不曾放松。 Similarly the truth is also applicable to view of Nine Nether. 同样道理也适用于针对九幽 If South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor must partly sink in the concealment condition of dormancy to be separated from half drift, resembled North Star Great Emperor such to revisit the world in the past, must guard against the attention of enemy. 南极长生大帝如果要从原本半漂流半沉眠的隐匿状态中脱离,似当年勾陈大帝那样重临人世,也要提防对头的关注。 at present this nebulas, are concealing of not bad, at least can play some roles in a short time. 眼前这片星云,就是一个不错的掩饰,至少能在短时间内发挥些许作用。 We arrived.” Really, Ling Qing to nebula outside, then said. “我们到了。”果然,凌清到了星云外便即说道。 Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng nodded the head, accompany her to enter in that nebula center vortex together. 燕赵歌封云笙颔首,随同她一起入了那星云中心的漩涡里。 The star light circulation, seels, when radiance diverges gradually, in front of the Yan Zhaoge three people are a haziness. 星光流转,障人眼目,待光辉渐渐散去,燕赵歌三人面前已是一片迷蒙。 Here environment was similar to the initial primitive nebula, but also had the difference. 这里的环境同当初的原始星云类似,但又有不同。 Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang not in?” The Yan Zhaoge line of sight looks all around all around, has not seen the Gao Han form. 日曜太阳上尊不在?”燕赵歌视线环顾四周,没有看见高寒的身影。 Ling Qing said: He is not, also will not come, you want to see his words, now relates, he rushes to here in a short time without enough time.” 凌清言道:“他不在,也不会来,你想要见他的话,现在联系,他短时间内来不及赶到这里。” That was really too regrettable, I also wanted to express gratitude to him.” Yan Zhaoge smiles: My wife holds Greater Yin Royal Crown, you have the fate with Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin, Yan also has actually resulted in Greater Yang Seal, this walks, borrows more than once has boosted, should to the Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang expression of gratitude be.” “那真是太遗憾了,我还想要向他道谢呢。”燕赵歌一笑:“拙荆持太阴冠冕,与月曜太阴上尊您结下缘分,燕某却也得了太阳印,这一路走来,借过不止一次助力,该向日曜太阳上尊道谢才是。” Later has the opportunity, would meeting, at the appointed time you spoke in detail are.” Ling Qing as if did not care that no longer takes up, stands in void, static waiting. “以后有机会,总会相见,到时你们详谈便是。”凌清对此似乎并不关心,不再接腔,站在虚空中,静静等待。 Yan Zhaoge also peacefully stands with Feng Yunsheng is waiting same place. 燕赵歌封云笙也安静站在原地等候。 However in secret, they talked in sound transmission, Ling Qing could realize that they had the exchange, but the specific content was to actually be hard to learn. 不过私下里,他们却在传音交谈,凌清或许能察觉他们有交流,但具体内容却是难以获知了。 Gao Han had self-knowledge actually.” Yan Zhaoge shakes the head to say with a smile: If before , the matter about his digging a pit cloudy person is also only the legend, that experience initially Supreme Lord of the Shadow Luminary Ketú that afterward, all personal experience know that he was what kind of character.” 高寒倒是有自知之明。”燕赵歌摇头笑道:“如果说之前关于他挖坑阴人的事情还只是传说,那经历当初隐曜计都上尊那件事后,所有亲身经历者都知道他是怎样一个人物了。” Feng Yunsheng casts a sidelong glance slantingly he: He does not come, will you therefore relax the alert?” 封云笙斜睨他:“他不现身,你就会因此放松戒备吗?” Naturally cannot.” Yan Zhaoge said without hesitation that then smiles: He also knows us not, reason that also does this, but to express sincerity and goodwill, tells us this is not he collaborates to trap to deceive me with Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin to come, but is His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity summons.” “当然不会。”燕赵歌毫不犹豫说道,然后一笑:“他也知道咱们不会,之所以还这样做,只是为了表示诚意和善意,告诉我们这不是他跟月曜太阴上尊联手设陷阱骗我过来,而是南极长生陛下真的相召。” Was saying, in his heart moves slightly suddenly. 正说着,他忽然心中微动。 Feng Yunsheng does not speak similarly. 封云笙也同样不说话了。 In the nebula, there is a thunderclap to resound. 星云里,有雷声响起。 At this moment, nebula that three people of placing, as if changes to primordial chaos primordial chaos. 这一刻,三人身处的星云,仿佛化作鸿蒙混沌 But at this time sound of thunder, as if initial sound, resounded with the thunderclap, primordial chaos primordial chaos opening. 而这时一声雷响,仿佛最初的声音,随着雷声响起,鸿蒙混沌开辟。 The time and Space change, the Five Elements circulation, the myriad things produce, the Yin-Yang connection, alternates day and night. 时间与空间变化,五行流转,万物生发,阴阳交汇,日夜更迭。 The thunder, the incomparably violent strength, described at this moment subtle stable balance, constructs a tranquil world together. 雷霆,无比暴烈的力量,此刻却形容微妙稳定的平衡,一起构建一个宁静的世界。 In this side world, extremely great will showing, is similar to good fortune ruler. 在这方世界里,一个极为宏大的意志彰显,如同造化主宰 Jade Pure disciple Yan Zhaoge, has seen His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity.” Yan Zhaoge places in the thunder world, toward empty void ritual. 玉清弟子燕赵歌,见过南极长生陛下。”燕赵歌身处雷霆世界上,向着空荡荡的虚空一礼。 Although has not come, the opposite party status is also obvious. 虽未现身,对方身份也昭然若揭。 Taoism one of the Four Augusts, South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor. 道门四御之一,南极长生大帝 When wields four climates to transport, can control the forces of nature, uses the thunder and lightning ghosts and gods, controls Cardinal of Myriad Things' Fortune and Misfortune Lord of Divine Thunder. 执掌四时气候运化,能呼风唤雨,役使雷电鬼神,亦控制万物祸福生发之枢机神雷之主 Therefore also has the Heavenly Lord of Thunder Founder Thunderbolt Helper given name. 故又有都雷教主霹雳伽助天尊的名号。 Jade Pure disciple Feng Yunsheng, has seen His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity.” Feng Yunsheng similarly to void ritual. 玉清弟子封云笙,见过南极长生陛下。”封云笙同样向虚空一礼。 Ling Qing in one side, salutes respectfully: Your majesty.” 凌清在一旁,也恭敬行礼:“陛下。” Her temper was usually chilly strangely, other people are hard to guess, but appears feels a heartfelt admiration at this moment. 她性子素来清冷古怪,旁人难以揣测,但此刻则显得心悦诚服。 Jiang Shen, Chen Xuanzong and Yan Xingtang and the others, is not comes Three Pure Ones legacy. 不似蒋慎陈玄宗燕星棠等人,是出身三清嫡传 Ling Qing in Pre-Great Cataclysm, is a Heavenly Court Divine Palace people, results in South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor to direct personally, calculates strictly that among them has the graciousness of half th division. 凌清大破灭前,便是天庭神宫中人,更得过南极长生大帝亲自指点,严格算来,两人之间有半师之恩。 But initially was South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor conveniently for it, but in Post-Great Cataclysm, the Ling Qing survival, returned to South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor disciple to listen, both sides affinity actually about. 只不过当初是南极长生大帝随手为之,而在大破灭后,凌清幸存,重归南极长生大帝门下听讲,双方都缘法倒是更近一层。 Initially South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor separated from each other with North Star Great Emperor, Ling Qing naturally then consistently stood in a South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor side. 当初南极长生大帝勾陈大帝分道扬镳,凌清自然便始终站在南极长生大帝一方。 Void , the slightly strange thunderclap resounds, forms the syllable that the significance is difficult to be bright, lets, but actually incomparable naturally, imitates, if world highest good. 虚空里,略显古怪的雷声响成一片,形成意义难明的音节,让但却无比自然,仿若天地至理。 After the syllable adjusts the change slightly, Yan Zhaoge and the others starts to realize meaning. 音节略微调整变化后,燕赵歌等人开始能体会其中意思。 Dispense with ceremony.” In the sound dignity reveals gentle. “免礼。”声音威严中流露出平和。 Your majesty, I draw back first.” Ling Qing said that void thunderclap said: Might as well, and stays behind.” “陛下,我先退下。”凌清言道,那虚空中的雷声则言道:“无妨,且留下吧。” Ling Qing bows a ritual: Respectfully follows your majesty decree.” 凌清躬身一礼:“谨遵陛下谕令。” Said that does not talk too much, calmly stands, as if sculpture. 说罢也不多言,静静站在旁边,仿佛雕塑。 Feng Yunsheng sees that then does not make the evasion, similarly peaceful does not say a word, stands in the Yan Zhaoge body side. 封云笙见状,便也不做回避,同样安静不发一言,站在燕赵歌身侧。 Jian Shunhua acts as one thinks fit, the risk wrestles, the disciple remains does not live does not die the result.” The void thunderclap continues to open the mouth, has not raised Hall of Pills, has not raised Heaven Beyond the Heaven or the Jade Green Stream Heaven's matter, but mentioned Supreme Lord of the Dark Luminary Rāhu Jian Shunhua first. 简瞬华自行其是,冒险一搏,徒留不生不死之结果。”虚空中的雷声继续开口,没有提丹殿,也没有提天外天或者碧游天的事情,而是先提起了暗曜罗睺上尊简瞬华 Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunsheng two people of hearts clutch immediately slightly tightly. 燕赵歌封云笙二人的心顿时微微揪紧。 Steals authority of End of World Heavenly Demon, rash, has now the inexorable fate, the branch must, but you have taken the blame for others painstakingly.” “窃末法天魔权柄,胆大妄为,有如今劫数,分所应当,只是苦了你代人受过。” The Feng Yunsheng indistinct feeling void has a pair of eye to gaze at her. 封云笙隐约感觉虚空中有一对眼睛正注视她。 The thunderclap then said: I have a treasure, temporarily gives you cultivation, against Nine Nether spies on the seepage.” 雷声接着说道:“朕有一宝,暂予你修行,防九幽窥探渗透。” Feng Yunsheng turns the head to look to Yan Zhaoge, two people of look at each other in dismay, exchange a look. 封云笙转头看向燕赵歌,二人面面相觑,交换一个眼神。 Thanked your majesty.” Feng Yunsheng to void ritual. “谢陛下。”封云笙向虚空一礼。 Wild thunder in the tranquil world, thunder ray drops from the clouds together, chops in void. 狂暴雷霆所化的宁静世界里,一道雷光从天而降,劈在虚空里。 thunder ray clears, what appears in Yan Zhaoge with Feng Yunsheng in front is an exquisite black jade bottle. 雷光散尽,出现在燕赵歌封云笙面前的是一只小巧的黑玉瓶。 Feng Yunsheng sees the black jade bottle, in heart moves slightly, goes forward to receive it. 封云笙见到黑玉瓶,心中微微一动,上前将其收起。 Does not know that His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity this time does summon, to have what instruction?” Yan Zhaoge opens the mouth to ask. “不知南极长生陛下此次相召,有何吩咐?”燕赵歌开口问道。 If considered for Feng Yunsheng and End of World Heavenly Demon matter, then can ask somebody to pass this black jade bottle greatly. 如果只是为了封云笙末法天魔的事情考虑,那么大可以托人转送这黑玉瓶。 Since met with, then from, when also has other reasons. 既然会面,那自当还有其他原因。 White Lotus Pure Land, you once had been, right?” The void in thunderclap resounds once more. 白莲净土,你曾到过,对吗?”虚空里的雷声再次响起。 ( Ps: Today first arrived here.) (ps:今天先到这里。)
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