HSSB :: Volume #14

#1357: Lest progresses is too quick

In Chen Xuanzong mouth Fellow Daoist Ling naturally refers to Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing. 陈玄宗口中的“凌道友自然是指月曜太阴上尊凌清 But His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, does not need to talk too much, refers to Taoism one of the Four Augusts South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor. 而“南极长生陛下”,无需多言,乃是指道门四御之一南极长生大帝 Hears the name of South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, the Yan Zhaoge vision flashes slightly, ponders. 听到南极长生大帝之名,燕赵歌目光微微闪动,沉思起来。 If Chen Xuanzong said that this naturally worked as the name of legend. 陈玄宗所言,这位自然当的起传说之称。 South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, names Jade Pure True King, full title Heavenly Lord of High Supreme Divine Firmament Jade Pure True King of Longetivity Great Emperor Uniting Heaven Primordial Saint. 南极长生大帝,又名玉清真王,全称高上神霄玉清真王长生大帝统天元圣天尊 Usually with Middle Heaven Purple Tenuity of the North Pole Star Grand Sovereign Great Emperor , Carrying Heaven Imitating Deep Virtue Everbright Empress of the Earth and North Star Supreme Palace Heavenly Sovereign Great Emperor three, joint name Taoism Four Augusts. 素来同中天紫微北极太皇大帝承天效法厚德光大后土皇地祇勾陈上宫天皇大帝三位,并称道门四御 And, in Four Augusts, South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, may be called Three Pure Ones legacy that most has a good class origin and performance, is Jade Pure Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning founder personal disciple. 并且,在四御之中,南极长生大帝,堪称最为根正苗红的三清嫡传,乃是玉清元始天尊祖师亲传弟子 Goes upstream to Ancient Investiture of the Gods Era, he has not entered Heavenly Court Divine Palace, but also when Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning disciple study, the given name is South Pole Immortal Father. 上溯到上古封神纪元,他尚未入天庭神宫,还在元始天尊门下学道时,名号为南极仙翁 South Pole Immortal Father is different from Old Man of the South Pole, the custom, Old Man of the South Pole is Canopus another name. 南极仙翁南极老人不同,习惯上来说,南极老人乃是寿星君的别号。 After Investiture of the Gods Era, South Pole Immortal Father entered Heavenly Court Divine Palace, then called South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, until the present. 封神纪元之后,南极仙翁入了天庭神宫,遂称南极长生大帝,直到如今。 In the Post-Great Cataclysm day, Taoism has a hundred things to do authentic, various legacy tend to be on the wane, only remains big cat cat 32, develops legacy after many years, now finally had the sign of revival. 大破灭后的日子里,道门正宗百废待兴,各支传承都趋于凋零,只剩大猫小猫32只,经过多年发展传承,如今才终于有了复兴的迹象。 Resembles the Yan Zhaoge's grandfather, Yue Zhenbei kind teacher Yan Xingtang, it transits the discipling from the words that has traced upwardly, is Jade Cauldron True Man disciple legacy. 燕赵歌的祖父,越震北的恩师燕星棠,其师承一直向上追溯的话,便是玉鼎真人门下传承 Mercury Sovereign Chen Xuanzong transits the discipling from the upward backward, is immortal of Yun Zhongzi Jade Pure disciple legacy famous Forder. 辰皇陈玄宗的师承向上追溯,乃是玉清门下嫡传有名的福德之仙云中子 Realm Above the Realm new Kunlun Mountain Qilin Cliff Lineage upward backward of Supreme Lord of the Earth Luminary Saturn Jiang Shen, is Guangchengzi disciple legacy one. 土曜镇星上尊蒋慎界上界昆仑山麒麟崖一脉向上追溯,则是广成子门下传承的一支。 Scarlet Sea Lineage that Northwest Supreme Lian Zulin wields gets to the bottom upwardly, is Scarlet Spirit disciple legacy. 西北至尊练祖琳执掌的赤海一脉向上追根溯源,是赤精子门下一支传承 In years past one of the Realm Above the Realm Five Emperors, died in Yan Zhaoge and Yang Candle Great Emperor in Mars Halberd, it transited the discipling from the upward backward, was Pure Void Way and its Virtue True Monarch lineage/vein. 昔年界上界五帝之一,已经陨落在燕赵歌荧惑戟手里的烛阳大帝,其师承向上追溯,是清虚道德真君一脉。 But Yan Zhaoge's mother Xue Chuqing, its Great-Grand Master Supreme Lord of Wood Luminary Jupiter Shao Junhuang this lineage/vein, as well as in Realm Above the Realm Northeast Supreme Liu Zhenggu Azure Firmament Kuí Thunder Palace, had made the mist in years past predecessor Eastern Supreme Taoist Heavenly Unity disciple Cloud Vast Mountain Pure Magnificent Monastery Three Families legacy, gets to the bottom, then South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor disciple legacy originates. 燕赵歌的母亲雪初晴,其太师祖木曜岁星上尊邵君篁这一脉,以及昔年界上界东北至尊刘铮谷青霄山夔雷宫,已做云烟的前任东方至尊天一道人门下云渺山清华观三家传承,追根溯源,则都正是南极长生大帝门下嫡传发源而来。 Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang Gao Han and Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin Ling Qing, Pre-Great Cataclysm is the Heavenly Court Divine Palace family background, listens to say in South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor disciple. 日曜太阳上尊高寒月曜太阴上尊凌清,大破灭前都是天庭神宫出身,也在南极长生大帝门下听过讲。 Because of this relations, Three Pure Ones legacy family background martial artist, regardless of opinion idea whether approves South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, but under most situation, the ritual respects. 因为这一层关系,三清嫡传出身的武者,不论意见想法是否认同南极长生大帝,但绝大多数情况下,都礼敬有加。 Also is glad to help the belt words to give Yan Zhaoge by Chen Xuanzong. 是以陈玄宗也乐意帮忙带话给燕赵歌 Although migrated the Realm Above the Realm’s time in the past, both sides had the conflict, but circumstances changes with the time now, each other already not obvious conflict. 虽然当年迁移界上界的时候,双方曾经有过冲突,不过如今时过境迁,彼此已经没有明显的矛盾冲突。 Strictly speaking, in treating the External Way manner, South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor and Gao Han and Ling Qing and the others, with Yan Zhaoge they are a going the same way people. 严格说来,在对待外道的态度上,南极长生大帝高寒凌清等人,同燕赵歌他们是同路中人。 Moreover is willing to keep an appointment, wants Yan Zhaoge to decide eventually. 而且愿不愿意赴约,终究还是要燕赵歌自己来决定。 Not is only His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity summons, I walk one then am.” After Yan-Zhao thinks deeply about one next, replied. “既是南极长生陛下相召,我走一趟便是。”燕赵思索一下后答道。 Although does not have the obviously conflict, does not have the enmity of not being able to melt, but regarding Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang Gao Han, Yan Zhaoge maintains the alert, otherwise perhaps when by the opposite party selling. 虽然没有明显矛盾冲突,也没有化解不开的仇怨,但对于日曜太阳上尊高寒,燕赵歌还是保持戒备的,否则说不定什么时候就被对方给卖了。 As for South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor, has certainly possibility. 至于南极长生大帝,当然也有可能。 The Supreme Being powerhouse of that level, did not say other, the disparity that the information that has on hand how much brings, can very relaxed play with the person above the stock palm. 那个层次的大能强者,不说别的,手头掌握的信息多寡所带来的差距,就可以很轻松将人玩弄于股掌之上。 But Yan Zhaoge is glad with South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor has to do, so just now helps him further understand that the current situation environment, understands the truth of many matters. 燕赵歌乐于同南极长生大帝打交道,如此方才便于他进一步了解当前局势环境,了解许多事情的真相。 Let alone, in his heart some similar questions, could get the answer in South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor there. 更何况,他心中同样有些疑问,或许能在南极长生大帝那里得到答案。 His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity summons, to mention by name you to go, our other people want to come unable to replace.” Yan Di knows after the matter, said: His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity in person, should the prevent departure you, actually not probably guard that intentionally other people covet in secret, seize the chance to cause trouble.” 南极长生陛下相召,点名你去,我们其他人想来是无法代替的。”燕狄知道事情后言道:“南极长生陛下本人,该不会故意留难你,却需谨防其他人暗中觊觎,趁机作祟。” Xue Chuqing calmly stands in the one side, has not expressed any comment. 雪初晴静静站在一旁,没有发表任何意见。 Her family background transits the discipling from, strict, the upward backward, is South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor legacy, whether or not at this time to support Yan Zhaoge to go to invites, is inappropriate. 她的出身师承,严格来说,向上追溯,便是南极长生大帝嫡传,这时候不论是否支持燕赵歌赴邀约,都不合适。 Therefore she does not open the mouth simply, gives Yan Zhaoge to decide. 所以她索性不开口,交给燕赵歌自己决定。 not bad that you said that I am also thinking this issue.” Yan Zhaoge looks at Yan Di and Xue Chuqing show a faint smile: Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang manner, really untrustworthy.” “您说的不错,我也在想这个问题。”燕赵歌看着燕狄雪初晴微微一笑:“日曜太阳上尊的为人,实在让人信不过。” He turns the head to look to nearby Feng Yunsheng: Yunsheng went together with me, so long as were not His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity feels embarrassed our these juniors personally, should then not have the issue.” 他转头看向一旁的封云笙:“云笙与我同去好了,只要不是南极长生陛下亲自为难我们这些小辈,应该便没问题了。” Naturally, must be careful External Way and Monster Race, Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss person.” “当然,也要小心外道妖族,还有西方极乐净土的人。” The Feng Yunsheng facial expression is tranquil, the smile nods. 封云笙神情宁静,微笑点头。 Although Hall of Pills revolves under the Yan Zhaoge control, changes to Heavenly Awakening Universe, but Yan Zhaoge does not need to keep in Hall of Pills frequently. 虽然丹殿燕赵歌掌控下运转,化作天苏宇宙,但燕赵歌并不用时时刻刻留在丹殿内。 All already on stock rail, so long as abides by the rules laid down by one's predecessor, routinely maintains then. 一切已经上了正轨,只要萧规曹随,按部就班的维持下去即可。 If must have new change, is needs Yan Zhaoge once more take action the time. 如果要有新一番变动,才是需要燕赵歌再次出手的时候。 Usually, there is Xue Chuqing oversees, maintains array formation, guarantees invariably then. 平日里,有雪初晴坐镇,维持阵法,确保不变即可。 After also officially informed Jade Green Stream Heaven that side Gao Qingxuan and Long Xingquan and the others, Yan Zhaoge then together leaves Heavenly Awakening Universe with Feng Yunsheng. 在也知会了碧游天那边高清漩龙星泉等人一声后,燕赵歌封云笙便一同离开天苏宇宙 Her Majesty the Rattan Sovereign left eventually.” Walks on the road, Feng Yunsheng sighed one lightly. 藤皇陛下终究还是离开了。”走在路上,封云笙轻叹一声。 Yan Zhaoge shakes the head: Goes along with her, does not have the matter of means.” 燕赵歌摇头:“随她去吧,也是没办法的事情。” He looks to Feng Yunsheng: „Can you, be able to stand firm actually?” 他看向封云笙:“倒是你,可还稳得住?” Is short with words that the person begins, but can also press some years again.” The Feng Yunsheng look is somewhat helpless. “少跟人动手的话,还可以再多压些年月。”封云笙神色有些无奈。 Yan Zhaoge grins, the expression does not know whether to laugh or cry similarly. 燕赵歌咧咧嘴,表情同样哭笑不得。 Others are wish one could to proceed to clash unceasingly, toward walks high, oneself wife is actually making every effort, making oneself rise is slower. 别人都是恨不得不断往前冲,往高走,自家媳妇却是在尽一切努力,让自己上升更慢一些。 Two person look at each other in dismay, feel not to know whether to laugh or cry. 两个人面面相觑,都感觉啼笑皆非 Such chatted while walked, the Yan Zhaoge two people of shuttles were void, according to the position of Mercury Sovereign direction, sought for the agreement the place. 就这么边聊边走,燕赵歌二人穿梭虚空,按照辰皇指引的方位,寻找约定的地点。 Quick, they had found that side Foreign Dimension. 很快,他们找到了那一方异域空间 Enters, really a female already peaceful there. 进入其中后,果然一个女子已经安静等在那里。 20 years ago, in the Taoism universe in a war, had casual acquaintance Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin, Ling Qing. 正是20年前,道门宇宙内一场大战里,曾经有过一面之缘的月曜太阴上尊,凌清 Supreme Lord of the Moon Luminary Greater Yin, was face to face courteous.” Yan Zhaoge salutes upon meeting with Ling Qing with Feng Yunsheng together, after Ling Qing returns salute, the look is calm. 月曜太阴上尊当面,有礼了。”燕赵歌封云笙一起跟凌清见礼,凌清还礼之后,神色波澜不惊。 Her vision has delimited on two faces. 她目光在两人脸上划过。 Regarding and Feng Yunsheng of her some origins, excessively has not paid attention, instead stayed on Yan Zhaoge short has flickered. 对于和她有些渊源的封云笙,没有过多关注,反而在燕赵歌身上短暂停留了一瞬。 Two please come along with me.” Ling Qing said that takes back the vision, the personal appearance flies superficially, then left that side Foreign Dimension, goes to the Outside Territory endless void deep place line. “二位请随我来。”凌清说罢,收回目光,身形轻描淡写飞起,便出了那一方异域空间,向域外无尽虚空深处行去。
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