HSSB :: Volume #14

#1356: Some people want to see you

In years past immortal armament embryo, now finally becomes true immortal armament. 昔年的仙兵胚胎,如今终于成为真正的仙兵 In that flash that Yan Zhaoge becomes an immortal, grasps that time in the wink of an eye, Yan Zhaoge makes Great Nether Light Wheel also complete the final transformation. 就在燕赵歌成仙的那一刹那,把握那瞬息之间的光阴,燕赵歌大幽明轮也完成最终的蜕变。 But becomes along with the Great Nether Light Wheel final merit, hides in information, flows in the Yan Zhaoge mind in that moment. 而随着大幽明轮的最终功成,更多隐藏在其中的信息,也在那一刻都流入燕赵歌脑海。 And, then possibly contains Xue Chuqing Grand Master, the Well-Illuminated Great Emperor Hu Yuexin final whereabouts. 其中,便可能包含雪初晴师祖,通明大帝胡悦心的最终下落。 Past, Heavenly Primordial Stone fragment present world, time between Immortal Courtyard and White Lotus Pure Land, battle most intense time. 昔日,天元石碎片现世,时间正恰逢仙庭白莲净土之间,争斗最激烈的时刻。 Yin Tianxia while this opportunity take action, steals the Heavenly Primordial Stone fragment quietly finally successfully. 尹天下趁此机会悄然出手,最终成功劫走天元石碎片。 The behind, believes that must have South Pole of Longetivity Great Emperor and other Taoism Heavenly Lord the forms. 其背后,相信少不了南极长生大帝道门天尊的身影。 Their goal is too big, easy remarkable, but also therefore just, dispersed in the war the Immortal Courtyard high-level powerhouse originally limited attention, thus was Yin Tianxia and Hu Yuexin goes well to create the opportunity. 只是他们目标太大,容易惹人注意,不过也正因此,分散了战争中仙庭高层强者本就有限的注意力,从而为尹天下胡悦心得手创造了机会。 Shortly after Yin Tianxia goes well, the thing then in secret changes over to Well-Illuminated Great Emperor Hu Yuexin. 尹天下得手后不久,东西便暗中转入通明大帝胡悦心手里。 Hu Yuexin was suspected similarly, stared. 胡悦心同样遭人怀疑,被人盯上。 Perhaps, the opposite party did not determine the thing at that time whether in Hu Yuexin, but still strove to look for her whereabouts. 或许,对方当时也不确定东西是否在胡悦心手里,不过仍然出力寻找她的下落。 On the way of the avoidance, Hu Yuexin astrays in Outside Territory endless void singularly varied strategic place, has been stranded there, treats is several hundred years. 躲避途中,胡悦心误入域外无尽虚空里一处奇幻险地,以至于一直被困在那里,一待就是数百年。 Until afterward, her just now reluctantly found the means to withdraw. 直到后来,她方才勉强找到办法脱身。 However, a quick Immortal Courtyard people then once more notes her. 不过,很快仙庭中人便再次注意到她。 Therefore Hu Yuexin imitated in the past the Yin Tianxia old method, by the attention of own attraction enemy, but gave own disciple the Heavenly Primordial Stone fragment in secret, was the Xue Chuqing master. 于是胡悦心仿效当年尹天下旧法,以自身吸引对头的注意力,而将天元石碎片暗中交给自己的弟子,也就是雪初晴的师父。 After that pursues chasing to run away, Hu Yuexin vanishes in Outside Territory endless void, did not return again, whereabouts turn into a riddle. 其后追追逃逃,胡悦心消失在域外无尽虚空,再未返回,行踪成谜 But her descendant has special method, can determine that Well-Illuminated Great Emperor Hu Yuexin, already the step the Nether Light Great Emperor Yin Tianxia footsteps, low-spirited died. 但她的传人身怀特殊法门,可以确定,通明大帝胡悦心,已然步了幽明大帝尹天下的后尘,黯然陨落。 Her land of buried bones, Xue Chuqing master and disciples does not have the means affirmation. 只是,她的埋骨之地,雪初晴师徒并没有办法肯定。 Therefore, this also became Xue Chuqing master and disciples read thinks that had prospect accidentally, perhaps was Hu Yuexin still in good health? 于是,这也成了雪初晴师徒的一个念想,存有万一的指望,或许胡悦心仍然健在? Naturally they are also clear, the hope is very uncertain. 当然她们也清楚,希望无比渺茫。 When afterward, the Xue Chuqing teacher died in the past Realm Above the Realm Eastern Supreme Taoist Heavenly Unity subordinate, the matter then made Xue Chuqing sob. 待到后来,雪初晴的师尊陨落在当年界上界东方至尊天一道人手下,事情便更让雪初晴唏嘘。 Whether Grand Master can return, may not know, the hope is uncertain. 师祖能否归来,尚未可知,希望渺茫。 But own master actually first died. 但自己的师父却已经先陨落了。 In any event, if can seek the Grand Master grandma whereabouts, or... The skeleton, is the good deed.” Xue Chuqing sighed was saying: Grand Master grandma, if can see our today's new looks, wants to come to meet hearty laugh.” “不论如何,若能寻到师祖婆婆的下落,或者…骸骨,自是好事。”雪初晴叹息着说道:“师祖婆婆如果能见到咱们今日的新气象,想来会开怀不已。” She... They pledged to fight to the death in the past striving for success all, had not been disappointed.” “她…还有他们当年誓死拼搏的一切,并没有被辜负。” After Xue Chuqing is disappointed, the vision became is quiet and firm. 雪初晴怅然之后,目光已经重新变得沉静而又坚定。 In years past Nether Light Great Emperor and Well-Illuminated Great Emperor two, the merit in the century, our generation martial artist, performed all profits.” Yan Di said: I and others should lead them to come back, now Nether Light Great Emperor here, has tried to retrieve Well-Illuminated Great Emperor, natural.” “昔年幽明大帝通明大帝二位,功在千秋,我辈武者,尽皆受益。”燕狄言道:“我等理应带他们回来,如今幽明大帝已经在此,设法寻回通明大帝,理所应当。” Yan Zhaoge nods the head: Yes, I further in detail will then analyze the information in Great Nether Light Wheel, strove to find the multithreading.” 燕赵歌颔首:“是啊,我接下来会更进一步详细解析大幽明轮中的信息,争取找到更多线索。” After today such one noisy, the lines of sight of several other big influences will be staring at us unavoidably once more, we needed again peaceful some time.” “经过今天这么一闹,其他几大势力的视线难免会再次盯着我们,我们需要重新安静一段时间了。” He through Hall of Pills, actuating the Heavenly Awakening Universe whole to move in endless Territory Beyond the Void: And other time crest of wave in the past, we can leave well to look.” 他通过丹殿,驱动天苏宇宙整体在无尽域外虚空里移动:“等这次的风头过去,咱们就可以动身就好好找一找。” In endless Territory Beyond the Void space and time fold complexing, complex mysterious, in goes through, Heavenly Awakening Universe approached in the past the Hall of Pills at first float place gradually. 无尽域外虚空里时空折叠络合,复杂奥妙,在其中穿行间,天苏宇宙渐渐靠近当年丹殿最初悬浮之地。 Before Mercury Sovereign Chen Xuanzong made an appearance intentionally, attracts the attention of enemy, making others think that Hall of Pills returned to area this. 之前辰皇陈玄宗故意露面,吸引对头的注意力,让别人以为丹殿重返这一带。 Now, catches up to come here White Deer Spirit to come also to receive the news, knew itself to be deceived. 如今,赶来这里的白鹿精想来也已经接到消息,知晓自己上当受骗。 Therefore Yan Zhaoge counter- its magical skill it, afterward still will decide with the place that Chen Xuanzong converged here. 所以燕赵歌反其道行之,就将事后同陈玄宗汇合的地方仍然定在这里。 Truth with searching the place little searched for second to be the same. 道理同搜索过的地方很少被搜第二遍一样。 Only if the Chen Xuanzong accident is captured, that was a different matter. 除非陈玄宗意外被擒,那就是另外一回事了。 Although the possibility is not big, but stems from the discrete consideration, Yan Zhaoge has not been letting the Heavenly Awakening Universe visualization anxiously, but is the present same place observation for a long time. 虽然可能性不大,但出于谨慎考虑,燕赵歌并没有急着让天苏宇宙显形,而是现在原地观察许久。 After seeing does not have the unusual form, then attempts to relate Chen Xuanzong. 见没有异状后,再尝试联系陈玄宗 After a little while, the Chen Xuanzong information pours , after Yan Zhaoge calmly observes the moment, just now goes to converge with Chen Xuanzong. 少顷,陈玄宗的信息传来,燕赵歌又静静观察片刻后,方才去同陈玄宗汇合。 „Thanks the matters of Chu two seniors, feared that could not worry, but also asked His Majesty the Mercury Sovereign and to put to feel relieved.” Yan Zhaoge said: Waited till the crest of wave in the past, we tried more people to seek to have a look.” “谢、楚两位前辈的事情,怕是着急不得,还请辰皇陛下且放宽心。”燕赵歌言道:“等到风头过去,我们尝试更多人寻找一下看看。” Truly cannot demand, in my heart also understands this principle.” Chen Xuanzong stands in the Broad Creed Mountain summit, looks into the distant place Heaven Beyond the Heaven's mountains and rivers: Some matters, must face, but compares in these, I hope that they are safe.” “确实强求不得,吾心中亦明白此理。”陈玄宗站在广乘山山顶,眺望远方天外天的山山水水:“有些事情,总要面对,但相较于那些,吾更希望她们平安。” It is not willing not to come back importantly, but at least can determine safely well. 不愿意回来不要紧,但至少能确定平安无恙。 His line of sight falls west Broad Creed Mountain Lineage. 他的视线落在广乘山脉西麓。 There, after is Jade Green Firmament Peak migrates the position to Heaven Beyond the Heaven. 那里,是碧霄峰迁移到天外天后的位置。 Chen Xuanzong is looking at the Jade Green Firmament Peak direction, is silent, Yan Zhaoge has not made noise, accompanies Mercury Sovereign calmly to stand. 陈玄宗望着碧霄峰方向,沉默不语,燕赵歌也没有出声,陪辰皇静静站着。 Long time, Chen Xuanzong takes back the vision, turns the head to look to Yan Zhaoge: Has not congratulated Zhaoge you to shove open Immortal Gate.” 良久之后,陈玄宗收回目光,转头看向燕赵歌:“还没有恭喜赵歌你推开仙门。” Opens the world, jumps over Immortal Gate, so the magnificent feat, does not dare to say certainly unprecedentedly, but only I know, truly is first one.” Chen Xuanzong sighed was saying: During 20 years, your fathers and sons ascended to Immortal Realm, being enough history has left a good name one after another, has you to hold the magnificent feat of Heaven Beyond the Heaven again, endures the legend fully.” “开天地,越仙门,如此壮举,不敢说一定前无古人,但仅就吾所知,确实是头一位。”陈玄宗叹息着说道:“20年间,你们父子相继登临仙境,就已经足以青史留名,再有你开天外天之壮举,足堪传奇。” The Chen Xuanzong such status cultivation person, in the mouth said that legend two characters, naturally is not the legend that in Eight Extremities World such side Lower Realm spreads. 陈玄宗这样身份修为的人,口中所说“传奇”二字,自然不是八极大世界那样的一方下界中流传的传奇。 Also is not the legend that Realm Above the Realm or in Heaven Beyond the Heaven such world itself spreads. 也不是界上界或者天外天这样世界本身内流传的传奇。 Even is only not restricted in the legend that now world spreads, but can in this entire common people good fortune, the true legend of shining past and present! 甚至不是仅限于当今之世流传的传奇,而是可以在这整个苍生造化里,照耀古今的真正传奇! Even if the time passes by for hundred years, millenniums, ten thousand years, even longer after years, the people look back on the present , can still understand the elegant demeanor, praises its. 哪怕时间过去百年,千年,万年,甚至于更长的岁月后,人们回首今朝,也仍能领略风采,传颂其名。 Congratulates Exiled Immortal to return to Above the Nine Heavens.” On the Chen Xuanzong face shows the smile, but the expression is serious, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest to Yan Zhaoge. “恭喜谪仙重返九天之上。”陈玄宗脸上露出微笑,但语气郑重,也向燕赵歌拱了拱手。 Yan Zhaoge returns salute: His Majesty the Mercury Sovereign overpraised.” 燕赵歌还礼:“辰皇陛下过奖。” „A matter, must say that knows with you.” After congratulating, Chen Xuanzong then said: Has another legend, holding me to have the words, wants to see you.” “还有一件事,要说与你知。”道贺之后,陈玄宗接着说道:“有另一位传奇,托我带话,想要见见你。” The Yan Zhaoge eyebrow raises slightly: Oh? which?” 燕赵歌眉毛微微一扬:“哦?哪一位?” His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity.” 南极长生陛下。” Listened to the reply of Chen Xuanzong, the Yan Zhaoge vision to congeal immediately slightly. 听了陈玄宗的回答,燕赵歌目光顿时微微一凝。 Chen Xuanzong nods the head: I arrived here before, has brought in years past in Heavenly Court Divine Palace Canopus mount White Deer Spirit, has brought in a External Way people, brings in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss Buddhism powerhouse to nose.” 陈玄宗颔首:“我之前到这里,引来了昔年天庭神宫寿星君的坐骑白鹿精,引来了外道中人,也引来西方极乐净土的佛门强者来查探。” However, Fellow Daoist Ling actually also came, mentioned His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, had a mind to discuss with you face to face.” “而之后,凌道友却也来了,提及南极长生陛下,有心同你当面相谈。” ( Ps: Today first watch, second watch will make up tomorrow.) (ps:今日一更,第二更明天补。)
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