HSSB :: Volume #14

#1355: Exiled Immortal returns to Above the Nine Heavens

Yan Zhaoge's personal appearance from Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace slowly upward, rises outside out of the furnace. 燕赵歌的身形从玄霄紫金炉中缓缓上行,升出炉外。 primordial chaos Everlasting did not see, but three illusory clear light, the analysis and synthesis, hang after his brain. 混沌无极已经不见,但有三圈虚幻的清光,分分合合,悬于他脑后。 Sees that three clear light, the person on the scene about Yan Zhaoge knew that also slightly the limited person, awakes: Three Pure Ones simultaneous cultivation, no wonder!” 看见那三圈清光,在场人中对燕赵歌了解还稍微有限的人,都是一醒:“三清同修,难怪!” This is through the ages, first Three Pure Ones simultaneous cultivation, but can also shove open the Immortal Gate’s person?” Gao Xuebo muttered. “这是古往今来,第一个三清同修,还能推开仙门的人吧?”高雪泊喃喃自语。 Not only shoves open Immortal Gate.” Long Xueji said in a soft voice: Has the explicit literature record, walks Three Pure Ones with Cultivation Way road, cultivation has Martial Saint Sixth Layer realm high.” “不只是推开仙门。”龙雪寂轻声说道:“有明确文献记载,走三清修道路者,修为最高只有武圣六重境界。” No wonder he had interest to Dragon Man Tribulation Scripture.” Gao Xuebo claps hands to acclaim: Today, really not in vain!” “难怪他对龙汉劫经有兴趣了。”高雪泊抚掌赞叹:“今天,真的不枉啊!” On the same day, witnesses Jade Green Stream Heaven great Great World, together with many Lower Realm together migrated grand scene of its subordination, looks on the magnificent feat that Heavenly Awakening Universe and Heaven Beyond the Heaven open, witnesses in history first Three Pure Ones simultaneous cultivation, the martial artist birth of ascended to Immortal Realm. 同一天里,目睹碧游天一方宏大世界,连同其统属的诸多下界一起被迁移的壮丽景象,旁观天苏宇宙天外天开辟的壮举,更见证有史以来第一个三清同修,登临仙境武者诞生。 On this day, is authentic to Post-Great Cataclysm Taoism, to the history of this entire good fortune world, is commemorable one day, was doomed to leave behind the dark ink serious wound in the history ancient book. 这一天,对大破灭后道门正宗,对这整个造化世界的历史来说,都是值得纪念的一天,在青史典籍中注定留下浓墨重彩的一笔。 But those who make the person anticipate, all these as if are also only a beginning. 而更让人期待的是,这一切仿佛还只是一个开端。 at present this constantly creates youngster of miracle, his future, will be as before broad, his potential, as if endless. 眼前这个不断创造奇迹的年轻人,他的未来,依旧远大,他的潜力,仿佛无尽。 Yue Zhenbei looks at Yan Zhaoge, looked around Yan Di. 越震北看着燕赵歌,又看了看一旁的燕狄 His at present as if again presented in years past the kind teacher Yan Xingtang form. 眼前仿佛再次出现昔年恩师燕星棠的身影。 At this moment, Yue Zhenbei only feels mood unprecedented pleased. 此刻,越震北只感觉心情前所未有的快慰。 He all along in proper serious face, hard to see reveals the happy expression, but the happy expression dodges passes, then serious saying: Congratulates Exiled Immortal to return to Above the Nine Heavens.” 他一贯端方严肃的面孔上,少见的流露出笑意,不过笑意一闪即逝,然后郑重的说道:“恭喜谪仙重返九天之上。” Nie Jingshen heard this, smiles immediately, serious cups one hand in the other across the chest to the Yan Zhaoge arch: Congratulates Exiled Immortal to return to Above the Nine Heavens!” 聂惊神闻言,顿时也是一笑,郑重的向燕赵歌拱拱手:“恭喜谪仙重返九天之上!” Mars Halberd praised without cease, similarly also cuped one hand in the other across the chest saying: Congratulates Exiled Immortal to return to Above the Nine Heavens!” 荧惑戟赞叹不已,同样也拱手说道:“恭喜谪仙重返九天之上!” After Gao Xuebo one is slightly surprised, feels relaxed smiles, starts talking, actually with side Long Xueji with one voice: Congratulates Exiled Immortal to return to Above the Nine Heavens!” 高雪泊微微一愕后,也释然的笑起来,开口说话,却与身旁的龙雪寂异口同声:“恭喜谪仙重返九天之上!” Comes this's Gao Qingxuan and Long Xingquan husband and wife two people along with Yue Zhenbei and Feng Yunsheng together, looks at each other one, similarly the surface presently comforts the joyful color. 越震北封云笙一同来此的高清漩龙星泉夫妇二人,对视一眼,同样面现宽慰喜悦之色。 Congratulates Exiled Immortal to return to Above the Nine Heavens.” Does not have the sword in Long Xingquan of hand, an appearance of weary at ease, first with a smile congratulated again. “恭喜谪仙重返九天之上。”无剑在手的龙星泉,重新一副闲散惫懒的模样,首先笑吟吟道贺。 Gao Qingxuan also slowly nods the head: Congratulates Exiled Immortal to return to Above the Nine Heavens.” 高清漩亦是徐徐颔首:“恭喜谪仙重返九天之上。” Yan Di looks to Yan Zhaoge, smiles, the intuition mind is happy. 燕狄看向燕赵歌,也是满脸笑容,直觉胸怀舒畅。 Feng Yunsheng blinked to Yan Zhaoge, smiles saying: Congratulates Exiled Immortal to return to Above the Nine Heavens!” 封云笙冲着燕赵歌眨了眨眼睛,笑眯眯说道:“恭喜谪仙重返九天之上!” Yan Zhaoge smiles, then restrains the smiling face quickly, similarly the look is serious, cups one hand in the other across the chest to return salute to the people: Senior speaks discreetly, Yan Zhaoge here thanking.” 燕赵歌不禁莞尔,然后很快收敛笑容,同样神色郑重,向众人拱手还礼:“诸位前辈言重,燕赵歌这里谢过。” After he returns salute, toward Gao Qingxuan and Long Xingquan husband and wife once more good a ritual: Formerly throughout the reason miserly one side, had no other choice depending on the doppelgänger visit parents, now finally can see right in front of one Grand Uncle-Master Long and Senior Gao truly.” 他还礼之后,又朝高清漩龙星泉夫妇再次行了一礼:“从前始终缘悭一面,更不得已凭分身拜会二老,如今终于能以真正面见龙师叔祖高前辈了。” Long Xingquan said with a smile: Senior Apprentice Brother early had the arrangement in the past, I want to seek for his descendant, is very difficult, when hears the news, you arrived at Realm Above the Realm.” 龙星泉笑道:“师兄当年早有安排,我想寻找他的后裔,很是艰难,待听得消息,你们已经到了界上界。” But, your fathers and sons, already the colour blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo , the Senior Apprentice Brother netherworld had the knowledge, was inevitably happy that wishes one could to drink a large cup of wine as a penalty for losing in a finger-guessing game.” “不过,你们父子,早已青出于蓝而胜于蓝,师兄泉下有知,必然高兴,恨不能浮一大白。” Gao Qingxuan has not spoken, is only the static looks at Yan Zhaoge fathers and sons. 高清漩没有说话,只是静静看着燕赵歌父子。 Yue Zhenbei and Long Xingquan can see the Yan Xingtang shadow on them, she also similarly remembered at this moment in years past with Little Apprentice Sister Di Qinglian that oneself related most is better. 越震北龙星泉能在他们身上看到燕星棠的影子,她这一刻也同样想起昔年同自己关系最要好的小师妹狄清涟 At this moment, usually Gao Qingxuan of few word, said: Those images and scenes meet, do not have really regrettably, my in Yuan already foot.” 这一刻,素来少言的高清漩,也说道:“此情此景相见,无甚遗憾,我于愿已足。” The people meet, is hates late, during the conversations, many sobbed. 众人相见,自是恨晚,交谈之间,多有唏嘘。 The Yan Zhaoge personal appearance falls by Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, then the palm presses on treasure furnace. 燕赵歌身形落在玄霄紫金炉旁边,然后手掌重新按在宝炉上。 Talked with Yue Zhenbei and the others, he while also continued to control Hall of Pills, felt the change of this side universe. 一边同越震北等人交谈,他一边也继续掌控丹殿,感受这方宇宙的变化。 Although the Hall of Pills thorough expansion, in palace the universe transfers outside the palace at present, but root still Hall of Pills here. 虽然眼下丹殿彻底扩张,殿内宇宙转为殿外,但根源仍然在丹殿这里。 Still may have Hall of Pills some wonderful places by this side universe. 是以这方宇宙仍然可具备丹殿的一些神妙之处。 For example can still wander in Outside Territory endless void, is insufficient to be found easily. 例如仍然可以在域外无尽虚空里漂流,不至于那么容易被人找到。 Under the Yan Zhaoge's stimulation of movement, Heavenly Awakening Universe starts to migrate on own initiative, as if in this unrivalled divine land great ships of Jade Green Stream Heaven, Heaven Beyond the Heaven and many world, starts own navigation. 燕赵歌的催动下,天苏宇宙开始主动迁移,仿佛一艘在这碧游天天外天和诸多世界的旷世神州巨舰,开始自己的航行。 Senior Chen also loses outside, we slice to seek him.” Yan Zhaoge said. 陈前辈还失落在外,我们切去寻他。”燕赵歌言道。 The people all nod to call friendly. 众人皆点头称善。 In order to attract and shift the attention of match, before Jade Green Stream Heaven migrates officially, Supreme Lord of the Water Luminary Mercury Chen Xuanzong then in advance leaves Hall of Pills. 为了吸引和转移对手的注意力,在碧游天正式迁移之前,水曜辰星上尊陈玄宗便先行离开丹殿 He goes to Yan Zhaoge and the others to obtain the Hall of Pills place at first, makes the false appearance, in order to plays uses diversionary tactics, function of luring the enemy out of his stronghod. 他前往燕赵歌等人最初获得丹殿的地方,制造假象,以求起到声东击西,调虎离山的作用。 The plan is nothing less than successful, truly plays confuses enemy's function. 计划不可谓不成功,确实起到迷惑敌人的作用。 numerous Great Monster also exactly in recently the interconnection helper, prepared to besiege a stronghold in order to strike at the reinforcements, taking advantage of attacking the opportunity of Jade Green Stream Heaven, attracts Yan Zhaoge and Hall of Pills appears. 只是一众大妖也恰好在最近相互联系帮手,准备围点打援,借攻打碧游天之机,吸引燕赵歌丹殿出现。 Finally White Deer Spirit and part of Monster Race powerhouses, although was attracted by the false appearance of Chen Xuanzong manufacture, has other Great Monster powerhouse to rush. 最终白鹿精和一部分妖族强者虽然被陈玄宗制造的假象吸引走,却还有别的大妖强者赶到。 Therefore finally a war or hits the bad risk quite. 于是最终一战还是打得颇为凶险。 However, the plan of Yan Zhaoge and the others succeeded finally. 不过,燕赵歌等人的计划最终还是成功了。 The present to the conclusion stage, naturally must try to meet Chen Xuanzong to come back. 眼下到了收尾阶段,自然要设法接陈玄宗回来。 Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch, Master Fu Luo and other Great Monster ate stuffily has so owed, in the heart naturally many refuses to accept. 百眼魔君浮罗子大妖吃了如此闷亏,心中自然多有不服。 Knows Elderly Monarch faintly these Monster Race high-level powerhouses, unless it is absolutely essential, not under killer to the Taoism Three Pure Ones Orthodox pain, the matters of line of stamping out the source of trouble. 隐隐知道老君尚在的这些妖族高层强者们,不到万不得已,不会对道门三清正宗痛下杀手,行斩草除根之事。 But they definitely do not care in view of somebody are ruthless. 但他们肯定不在乎针对某个人赶尽杀绝。 Chen Xuanzong hangs at present the lofty one outside, if becomes the goal that Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch and the others has given vent to indignation, that is not rather beautiful. 陈玄宗眼下孤悬在外,如果成了百眼魔君等人泄愤的目标,那未免不美。 By, although knows that Chen Xuanzong truly wants taking the opportunity to investigate Xie Mingkong and Chu Lili whereabouts, but Yan Zhaoge plans to determine the first opposite party fell said again. 是以虽然知道陈玄宗确实想要借机查访解明空楚黎黎的下落,但燕赵歌还是打算先确定对方下落再说。 How when the time comes Chen Xuanzong wants to do, Yan Zhaoge does not certainly interfere, but at least can determine the opposite party security, so as to avoid under completing the order form, took advantage for the enemy. 到时候陈玄宗想要怎么做,燕赵歌当然不干涉,但至少可以确定对方安全,免得落单之下,为敌所趁。 Walks while the road, he invited parental Yan Xingtang and Xue Chuqing comes Purple Immortal Pavilion to meet. 走在路上的同时,他请了父母燕星棠雪初晴紫仙阁见面。 „Do you know Grand Master grandma land of buried bones?” Xue Chuqing first is some surprise, subsequently suddenly: Is it possible that...” “你知道师祖婆婆埋骨之地?”雪初晴先是有些诧异,继而恍然:“莫非…” I thought that after being uneventful, can try to look to look.” Yan Zhaoge was saying, the finger flies high lightly. “我觉得,等风平浪静后,可以去试着找找看。”燕赵歌说着,手指凌空轻点。 Then, from his fingertip on, one point radiance appears. 然后,自他指尖上,一点光辉出现。 That radiance neither bright, nor dark, fuzzy, then expands, half are bright, half are extremely dark. 光辉非明非暗,模模糊糊,然后扩展开来,一半光明,一半极暗。 Similar to the light and dark boundary, black Iron Wheel slowly raises, by slightly is increased, at first falls in Yan Zhaoge. 如同光与暗的分界线,一只黑铁轮从中冉冉升起,由小变大,最初落在燕赵歌手里。 His previously from Nether Light Great Emperor Yin Tianxia Great Nether Light Wheel! 正是他先前得自幽明大帝尹天下大幽明轮 Yan Di and Xue Chuqing all eyesight is completely uncommon, then recognizes, this Great Nether Light Wheel things are very different now, is immortal armament. 燕狄雪初晴尽皆眼力不凡,一眼便认出,这大幽明轮已经今非昔比,乃是一件实打实的仙兵 Moreover this immortal armament as if also out of the ordinary. 而且这仙兵似乎还非比寻常。
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