HSSB :: Volume #14

#1354: Treads broken Immortal Tribulation, again non- world body!

The difference of Human Immortal, separation of world. 人仙之别,天地之隔。 These step stepped over, is the immortal body, henceforth again non- human world body. 这一步迈过,便是仙体,从此再非人间身。 To bridge over this Heavenly Moat person, since the ancient times does not know many, upper dog actually few. 想要跨过这道天堑的人,自古以来不知有多少,成功者却总是寥寥。 Even if in the Pre-Great Cataclysm martial arts prosperous times, still so. 哪怕在大破灭前武学盛世,也仍然如此。 But today, Yan Zhaoge considers oneself as body, felt one have been able to see existence of that leaf of invisible gate clearly, only waits to shove open it. 但在今日,燕赵歌自视己身,感觉自己已经可以清楚看到那扇无形大门的存在,只等着自己去推开它。 Yan Zhaoge Three Pure Ones simultaneous cultivation, from Martial Saint Ninth Layer, Immortal Bridge later stage realm to Martial Saint Tenth Layer Realm of Supreme, Jade Pure, Grand Pure and Supreme Pure Three Pure Ones legacy absolute art, various need. 燕赵歌三清同修,自武圣九重,仙桥后期境界武圣十重至尊之境,玉清太清上清三清嫡传绝学,各需要一门。 But to the present, Yan Zhaoge wants to shove open Immortal Gate, Three Pure Ones legacy absolute art, similarly needs one respectively. 而到现在,燕赵歌想要推开仙门,三清嫡传绝学,同样各需一门。 This time Jade Pure absolute art, is Heaven Opening Book. 这一次的玉清绝学,乃是开天书 Grand Pure absolute art, is Earlier Heaven Five Grands second, Grand Simplicity later Grand Beginning Divine Finger, receives the first cleverness of Heavenly Unity qi. 太清绝学,为先天五太第二位,太易之后的太初神指,秉承先天一炁之高妙。 Supreme Pure absolute art , because the present migrates the merit of Jade Green Stream Heaven, recently studied from Gao Qingxuan Dragon Man Tribulation Scripture. 上清绝学,乃是因为今朝迁移碧游天之功,新近学自高清漩龙汉劫经 The Era five tribulations, Dragon Hanwei first, is called Dragon Hanshi tribulation, said that Dragon Hankai tribulations, for all beginnings, the time of heaven splitting and earth shattering. 纪元五劫,龙汉为先,称为龙汉始劫,又称龙汉开劫,正为一切之始,开天辟地之时刻。 Dragon Man Tribulation Scripture, then implication true meaning, is Supreme Pure Ten Scriptures opens the introduction book. 龙汉劫经,便蕴含此间真意,乃上清十经开卷首书。 Yan Zhaoge after the advantage of Hall of Pills opens Heavenly Awakening Universe and Heaven Beyond the Heaven, the obtained sensibility and feedback, are helping him by ordinary person the speed that is hard to hope to attain, comprehends this Supreme Pure absolute art mystery. 燕赵歌借助丹殿之利开辟天苏宇宙天外天后,所得之感悟与反馈,正帮助他以常人难以企及的速度,领会这门上清绝学的奥妙。 He to the comprehension of Heaven Opening Book, Grand Beginning Divine Finger and Dragon Man Tribulation Scripture, is has shoved at this moment open the Immortal Gate’s powerhouse , the unusual person, goes to the extremely profound situation. 他此刻对开天书太初神指龙汉劫经的领悟,便是已经推开仙门的强者,也少有人及,达到极为高深的地步。 This is ten thousand years is difficult to meet good opportunity, is capable of opening world, cultivation realm is high enough. 此乃万载难逢之良机,有能力开天地者,修为境界足够高。 cultivation realm insufficiently high person, how many people also there are possible to result in Hall of Pills to assist today the good opportunity? 修为境界不够高的人,又有几人可得今日丹殿相助之良机? So under the chance, Yan Zhaoge meticulously plans, just now received the pouch. 如此机缘,正是燕赵歌精心谋划下,方才收入囊中。 Otherwise Three Pure Ones simultaneous cultivation, is hard to start, wants Heavenly Moat that bridges over separation of such world Human Immortal to recognize, by the energy of Yan Zhaoge , the non- short 20 years, can the merit become. 否则三清同修,举步维艰,想要跨过人仙之隔这样世所公认的天堑,以燕赵歌之能,也非短短20余年,便可功成。 But today, everything is ready, east wind also foot! 而今日,万事俱备,东风也足! Yan Zhaoge spirit at this moment, with mortal body, unites completely, with blends illusory, shares everything. 燕赵歌此刻的精神,与肉身,完全合一,虚幻同真实交融,不分彼此。 He lifts the foot to take a step, the personal appearance as if has not moved. 他抬脚迈步,身形似乎没有移动。 But is away from that leaf of illusory invisible gate, is getting more and more near. 但距离那扇虚幻无形的大门,却越来越近。 Before Yan Zhaoge arrives in this gate, he without hesitation, puts out a hand this shoving open! 燕赵歌抵达这座大门前,他毫不犹豫,伸手将这门推开! Then, only felt that inexhaustible storm, gushes out from the gate, will embezzle. 然后,只感觉无穷无尽的风暴,从门中涌出,将自己吞没。 But this storm, actually as if sends from, is divided into two, from the Yan Zhaoge foot heart and top of the head, emits together, across his body. 而这风暴,却又似乎是自内而发,分为两道,从燕赵歌脚心与头顶,一同冒出,穿过他的身体。 Immortal Tribulation! 仙凡劫 immortal qi enters the body, is not only only the martial artist pure turnover derives the spiritual qi wondrous truth, but genuinely changes the martial artist itself flesh and blood physique. 仙气入体,不仅仅只是武者单纯吞吐汲取灵气妙谛,而是真正改变武者本身血肉体质。 This pass/test can cross, is the boundless new world, cannot cross, body dies and Way disappears makes the soot. 这一关能渡过去,便是海阔天空新天地,渡不过去,身死道消作灰灰。 martial artist from Great Martial Scholar to Martial Saint, is called Transcending the Mortal World, surmounts ordinary. 武者大宗师武圣,称为超凡入圣,乃是超越凡俗 But at this moment, from Martial Saint to Immortal Realm, is the path of this transcendence finally comes to the end, welcomed transforms finally, eliminates the embryo of ordinary flesh and blood, ascended to Immortal Realm, was the members of the Hanlin Academy! 而此刻,从武圣仙境,便是这条超越的道路终于走到尽头,迎来最后蜕变,消去凡俗血肉之胎,登临仙境,位列仙班! Yan Zhaoge at this moment, then faces directly this single layer inexorable fate. 燕赵歌此刻,便直面这一重劫数。 In years past practiced, all sorts of scene completely all reappeared in the mind. 昔年修练,种种景象尽皆在脑海中浮现。 A many martial arts true meaning body presents, past all these were the foundations of Yan Zhaoge outstanding strength, but now actually becomes his hindrance. 多种武学真意一体呈现,昔日这一切乃是燕赵歌超卓实力的基础,而现在却都成为他的阻碍。 Once the circle transferred pleasant all sort of ideal conditions, became disorderly, little by little had the trend of disintegration. 曾经圆转如意的诸般意境,重新变得杂乱,更一点一点有土崩瓦解的趋势。 Any one point small slight defect, possibly becomes own hindrance, and disturbance other of infection exist, making the loophole bigger and bigger. 任何一点小的瑕疵,都可能成为自身阻碍,并传染似的干扰其他存在,使得漏洞越来越大。 But, before Yan Zhaoge, after being repeatedly tempered, may be called in history the most formidable Later Heaven mortal body body, in this moment, experiences the immortal qi succinct difficulty, is bigger than other people similarly. 而偏偏,燕赵歌之前,经过千锤百炼,堪称有史以来最强大后天肉身的身躯,在这一刻,经历仙气洗练的难度,也同样大于其他人。 All these, cause Yan Zhaoge to shove open the Immortal Gate’s difficulty, instead wants other people high, is easier to fall from the sky under the inexorable fate. 这一切,都造成燕赵歌推开仙门的难度,反而要高过其他人,也更容易陨落在劫数之下。 Fortunately, Yan Zhaoge today's accumulation, was too deep. 所幸,燕赵歌今日的积累,太深厚了。 Jade Pure opens the day, Grand Pure Grand Beginning, Supreme Pure holds the tribulation, Three Great Absolute Arts completely by heaven splitting and earth shattering, the unprecedented stance boosts Yan Zhaoge to be upward. 玉清开天,太清太初,上清开劫,三大绝学全部都以开天辟地,一往无前的姿态助推燕赵歌不停向上。 Under welcomes a newcomer worn-out, inherits, yesterday all sorts malpractice big or small, as if also became insignificant. 破旧迎新,继往开来之下,昨日种种或大或小的弊端,仿佛也已经变得无足轻重。 Said that Pure Qi keeps surging in Yan Zhaoge within the body, exists in each point of each, everywhere, stops at nothing. 道道清气燕赵歌体内不停激荡,存在于每一分每一毫,无处不在,无所不至。 immortal qi that yes, Five-type immortal qi, Yan Zhaoge achievement True Immortal chooses, is in Five Qi, lightest Pure Qi. 是的,五种仙气,燕赵歌成就真仙所选的仙气,乃是五气之中,最为平淡的清气 Generally speaking, for with the person battle, cultivates Vicious Qi and cultivates Righteous Qi, spars sharply. 一般而言,用于和人争斗,修戾气者和修正气者,斗法最为犀利。 Pure Qi is in Five Qi, is relatively ordinariest, most doctrine of the mean, even mediocre air/Qi. 清气则是五气中,相对最普通,最中庸,甚至于平庸的一气。 The martial artist actual practice, the Pure Qi superiority often is, easier with the second immortal qi connection, two Astralized Qi breakthroughs to Profound Immortal Realm. 武者实际修练而言,清气的优势往往在于,更容易同第二种仙气交汇,二气合罡突破至玄仙境界。 Meanwhile, said objectively that crosses Immortal Tribulation by Pure Qi succinct oneself, the difficulty is relatively lowest. 同时,客观的说,以清气洗练自身渡仙凡劫,难度相对最低。 For example, the External Way True Immortal Great Emperor, leave alone practice martial arts is any category, basically by Pure Qi as practice first immortal qi. 例如,外道真仙大帝,别管修练的武学是什么类别,基本上都是以清气作为修练的第一种仙气 But to Yan Zhaoge, chooses Pure Qi, actually to not reduce oneself crosses the difficulty of tribulation, even if his Three Pure Ones simultaneous cultivation breaks through Immortal Tribulation, is more difficult than other people. 但对燕赵歌而言,选择清气,却不是为了减轻自己渡劫的难度,哪怕他三清同修突破仙凡劫,远比其他人更难。 If only consideration difficulty, he rather will break through the time to retard, after prepare to be fuller, begins again. 若只是考虑难度,他宁肯将突破时间推后,等自己准备更充分后再动手。 Yan Zhaoge chooses Pure Qi, because, this most suits his path. 燕赵歌选择清气,正是因为,这才是最适合他的那条道路。 Pure Qi, the doctrine of the mean is gentle, during sounds, among the qualities, is similar to all junctions, center point, or the pivot, other well distributed turnover four air/Qi, are the world at first air/Qi, Five Qi is basic and foundation. 清气者,中庸平和,动静之间,好坏之间,如同一切的连接点,中点,又或者支点,调和周转其他四气,乃世界最初之气,五气根本与基础。 Is just right for the Yan Zhaoge Three Pure Ones simultaneous cultivation way, but True Immortal realm will practice Pure Qi, Yan Zhaoge will also obtain compared with other immortal qi stronger strengths! 正合燕赵歌三清同修的路数,而真仙境界修练清气,燕赵歌也将获得比其他仙气更强的实力! This is his exceptional case, person who walks other martial arts ways, the imitation is serious. 这是属于他的特例,走其他武学路数的人,却模仿不得了。 When immortal qi in within the body circulation, rises finally, when gathers in Yan Zhaoge's Niwan Palace, his personal appearance shrinks suddenly! 当体内流转的仙气,最终上升,汇聚于燕赵歌的泥丸宫里之时,他身形猛然一缩! Not is only mortal body movement shrinks, his state of mind also one shrinks. 不仅仅是肉身动作一缩,他的神魂也随之一缩。 Whole person vigor in this moment centralized in one point, hugs in Niwan Palace completely. 整个人精气神在这一刻集中于一点,全部抱于泥丸宫中。 Along with flowing of immortal qi, the Yan Zhaoge's mortal body, has the change at this moment, extremely fast reduces, until vanishes finally does not see. 随着仙气的流动,燕赵歌的肉身,这一刻也生出变化,极速缩小,直到最后消失不见。 In those days, Yan Zhaoge revolution flesh and blood, can change the personal appearance size. 往日里,燕赵歌运转血肉,也能变化身形大小。 However, has, even if shrinks is small, still had. 但是,有就是有,哪怕缩得再小,也仍然是有。 But now, his whole person, disappears in Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace. 而现在,他整个人,消失在玄霄紫金炉里。 All, as if only remaining one point. 所有一切,仿佛都只剩下一点 Is inenarrable, is hard to estimate, is hard to locate, is beyond description, one point of being hard spoken language. 难以描述,难以揣摩,难以定位,难以形容,难以言语的一点 In this one point, does not have time priority, does not have position high and low all around. 于此一点,没有时间先后,没有位置上下前后左右。 Imitates if before primordial chaos opens, initial Primordial Beginning Everlasting. 仿若混沌开辟前,最初的元始无极 Suddenly, does not have the indication, this one point expands suddenly! 忽然间,毫无征兆,这一点猛然扩张开来! As if primordial chaos breaks, the primordial chaos peeps! 仿佛混沌破开,鸿蒙初现! From this one point, change is beyond description, a nondescriptive fuzzy Nether Dark piece, just likes the boundary unpredictable cloud cluster. 从这一点,化为难以形容,难以名状的模糊幽暗一片,恍若边际难测的云团。 From the cloud cluster , the Yan Zhaoge personal appearance appears, sits cross-legged to sit, both eyes opens and closes, colorful. 自云团里,燕赵歌身形浮现,盘膝而坐,双目开阖,异彩纷呈。 If primordial chaos of cloud cluster shape, loudly opens at this moment, changes to the temporals, then the good fortune change, direction withering away dies out. 如云团状的混沌,这一刻又轰然开辟,化作世间万物,然后造化变迁,走向消亡寂灭。 After extinguishing, only Yan Zhaoge, but primordial chaos comes back to life, all repeats in cycles. 灭后只余燕赵歌,而混沌复生,一切循环往复。 Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace rumbles opens, ten thousand multi-coloured rays depart. 玄霄紫金炉轰得打开,万道霞光从中飞出。 Waits to gaze at treasure furnace outside person, only thinks that facing that multi-coloured rays, had at several points of sacrificial offering ceremony unexpectedly, worships Three Pure Ones founder burning incense the feeling of shock! 等在外面的人注视宝炉,只觉面对那霞光,竟有了几分祭祀典礼上,祭拜三清祖师香火的震撼之感!
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