HSSB :: Volume #14

#1353: heaven splitting and earth shattering!

( Ps: Prayed for the seismic region compatriot that the wish is safe.) (ps:为震区同胞祈祷,祝愿平安。) Yan Zhaoge controls Hall of Pills, is separated from the Taoism universe, far yang, vanishes in the Outside Territory endless space and time. 燕赵歌驾驭丹殿,脱离道门宇宙,一路远飏,消失在域外无尽时空中。 When is calm and steady, Feng Yunsheng and Yue Zhenbei and the others returned to Purple Immortal Pavilion at this time. 待得一切安稳下来,封云笙越震北等人这时都回到紫仙阁里。 In the garret, Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace falls in the midair slowly, falls in the ground. 阁楼中,玄霄紫金炉于半空里徐徐下落,重新落在地面上。 Yan Di and the others dignified looks at Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, in looks at pill furnace still both eyes closed, as if without sense and without awareness Yan Zhaoge. 燕狄等人都神情凝重的看着玄霄紫金炉,看着丹炉里仍然双目闭合,似乎无知无觉燕赵歌 At present they have not dared to relax mind. 眼下他们还不敢放松心神。 Yan Zhaoge changes into new Hall of Pills Palace Spirit by own state of mind, obviously melts supervises the Heavenly Awakening Guangji Protector Venerable the god, fights the group monster, hit match one to be caught off guard. 燕赵歌以自身神魂化为新的丹殿殿灵,藉此显化督天苏广济护法尊神,大战群妖,打了对手一个措手不及。 This move of surprise-attack forces are prominent, making the people repel numerous Great Monster successfully, can migrate Jade Green Stream Heaven safely, then before more enemies arrive retreats safely. 这一招奇兵突出,让众人成功击退一众大妖,得以平安迁移碧游天,然后在更多敌人到来前平安撤退。 However then, other people were safe, to the Yan Zhaoge individual, actually also relaxing time. 不过如此一来,其他人平安了,对燕赵歌个人来说,却还不到松一口气的时候。 Changes to Hall of Pills Palace Spirit by oneself, is only the expedient measure for a while. 以自身化作丹殿殿灵,只是一时权宜之计。 Can change originally, is well with everything, otherwise he must review the experience of Pre-Great Cataclysm. 能够重新变回原本的自己,才算万事大吉,否则他就要重温大破灭前的经历了。 In Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, said that under golden light and purple smoke keep fluctuating, contrast, the Yan Zhaoge's body shakes suddenly slightly. 玄霄紫金炉里,道道金光和紫烟不停浮动,烘托之下,燕赵歌的身躯忽然微微一震。 Then in sees above pill furnace to be void, the ray of light mark appears together, outlines the mysterious symbol. 然后就见丹炉上方虚空里,一道道光纹浮现,勾勒出玄奥阵符。 Under the symbol covers, radiance condenses, then the photo falls on Yan Zhaoge. 阵符笼罩下,光辉凝聚,然后照落在燕赵歌身上。 The billowing light class falls in torrents, in the bathing light rain, the Yan Zhaoge eye opens slowly. 滚滚光流倾泻而下,沐浴光雨中,燕赵歌眼睛徐徐睁开。 Illness!” Drinks in the sound lightly, he long puts out foul air, leaps from Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, said with a smile facing the people: „The good fortune does not fail in one's mission finally.” “疾!”轻喝声中,他长长吐出一口浊气,从玄霄紫金炉里一跃而出,面对众人笑道:“总算幸不辱命。” Other person also simultaneously relaxed, look at each other, beams from ear to ear. 其他人也都齐齐松了口气,面面相顾,都笑逐颜开。 „, I started next.” Yan Zhaoge sits cross-legged to sit down by Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, then extends a hand, according to treasure furnace. “那么,我开始下一步了。”燕赵歌玄霄紫金炉旁边盘膝坐下,然后伸出一只手,按在宝炉上。 After Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace vibrates one next, in entire Purple Immortal Pavilion, starts to float many tiny such as the luminous spot of corn, imitates, if glow. 玄霄紫金炉震动一下后,整个紫仙阁内,开始漂浮诸多细小如粟米的光点,仿若萤火。 As the glow are getting more and more, until floods Purple Immortal Pavilion finally. 随着萤火越来越多,直到最后充斥紫仙阁 Imperial edict!” “敕!” The Yan Zhaoge's sound resounds, is centered on Purple Immortal Pavilion, spreads to the entire Hall of Pills interior universe, each side world in this universe, each corner surges. 燕赵歌的声音响起,以紫仙阁为中心,向整个丹殿内部宇宙扩散,在这宇宙里每一方世界,每一个角落激荡。 Looks from Hall of Pills, is that White Jade immortal palace main hall, at this moment the outline gradually becomes fuzzy, then starts constantly outward to expand. 丹殿外面看,则是那白玉般的仙宫大殿,这一刻轮廓渐渐变得模糊,然后开始不断向外扩展。 The Hall of Pills boundary keeps outside expanding, the domain mutual lack of understanding gradually becomes fuzzy, the universe in Hall of Pills as if suddenly inflates. 丹殿边界不停外扩,界域隔膜逐渐变得模糊,丹殿内的宇宙仿佛骤然膨胀。 Compares in the original palace universe, this inflation causes to present the places of many blank, piece of faintly and darkly. 相较于原先的殿内宇宙,这膨胀导致出现诸多空白之处,一片幽幽暗暗 Was towed by this, in the stable palace the universe, moved restlessly at this time. 受此牵引,原本稳定的殿内宇宙,这时都躁动起来。 Holds in world, loses frail balance that previously has maintained, starts to change to together stream of light gradually, must to being far away from the Purple Immortal Pavilion direction movement. 容纳于其中的一个个世界,失去了先前维持的脆弱平衡,开始渐渐化作一道道流光,也要向远离紫仙阁的方向运动。 At this time, in Purple Immortal Pavilion, a Yan Zhaoge hand was pressing Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, another hand five fingers gathered, set up the palm like the blade, then faced forward empty to divide. 这时,紫仙阁里,燕赵歌一只手按着玄霄紫金炉,另外一只手五指并拢,立掌如刀,然后朝前虚虚一劈。 In the Hall of Pills universe, as if also presents the invisible cutting edge. 丹殿宇宙内,仿佛也出现无形的锋刃。 Ubiquitous, cutting edge of stopping at nothing. 一把无处不在,无所不至的锋刃。 The entire Hall of Pills universe, all places outward are far away from Purple Immortal Pavilion, but this moment all places, as if simultaneously had been delimited by this cutting edge. 整个丹殿宇宙,所有地方都在向外远离紫仙阁,而此刻所有地方,都仿佛同时被这锋刃划过。 tip everywhere, boundless Nether Dark was broken immediately, bright radiance gives birth! 锋芒到处,无边幽暗顿时被破开,璀璨至极的光辉从中生出! After chaotic earth, water, fire and wind follows closely radiance, unceasing rushed forth. 纷乱的地水火风紧随光辉之后,不断奔涌 The boiling water that the Hall of Pills universe, most Space, as if boils at this moment is the same, the single layer heavy unstable space and time appears, then like air bubble broken of one after another, has more air bubbles to float off. 丹殿宇宙内部,大半空间,此刻都仿佛煮沸的开水一样,一重重不稳定的时空出现,然后就像一个个气泡似的接连破碎,紧接着有更多的气泡浮起。 At the same time, then there is a space and time that in Hall of Pills itself many constructions form, given light class, closes up to Purple Immortal Pavilion. 同一时间,则有丹殿内本身诸多建筑所形成的时空,在光流牵引下,向紫仙阁靠拢。 pill, medical supply store, various every large or small kind of pill refining rooms... 丹库,药库,大大小小各类炼丹室… To has past the East and southeastern all who Jing separated from Realm Above the Realm that Purple Immortal Pavilion closed up also together! 一同向紫仙阁靠拢的还有昔日从界上界分离出来的东方、东南诸境! These world, melt the nebula to fuse with Purple Immortal Pavilion together. 这些世界,同紫仙阁所化之星云一同融合。 Opens!” Yan Zhaoge own Heaven Opening Book attainments, stimulated to movement peak in this moment, integrated in the change of Hall of Pills. “开!”燕赵歌将自身开天书的造诣,在这一刻催动到了极致,融入丹殿的变化中去。 Purple Immortal Pavilion melts the nebula, after unifying various world, expands loudly outward. 紫仙阁所化星云,结合诸世界后,也轰然向外扩张。 This radiance just likes the sea tide, fast passing over gently and swiftly entire Hall of Pills universe. 光辉犹如海潮,飞快掠过整个丹殿宇宙。 Chaotic earth, water, fire and wind set up the sacred cauldron, belongs to again tranquilly, changes into the stable universe to be void, then selects a star to be luminous, gives birth is own stars! 纷乱的地、水、火、风重新鼎定,归于平静,化为稳固的宇宙虚空,然后点点星光亮起,生出属于自身的星辰! But in Purple Immortal Pavilion in position, a space and time domain was independent, changes into the brand-new world. 而在紫仙阁原先所在位置,一片时空界域独立出来,化为崭新天地。 In the world Pure Qi rises, foul air sinks, the Yin-Yang connection then establishes separately, as if crossed the great antiquity change in a flash. 天地间清气上升,浊气下沉,阴阳交汇然后分立,仿佛转瞬之间渡过洪荒变迁。 In this side world, the once Realm Above the Realm five boundaries, established separately the central four directions. 在这方世界里,曾经的界上界五境,分立中央四方。 Center the world, the continuous celestial mountain rises, observed to be somewhat similar to past Broad Creed Mountain, but actually wanted to be huge many times, in not inferior past Realm Above the Realm complete new Kunlun Mountain, in Kunlun Mountain compared with present that incomplete Realm Above the Realm, even must grander vast! 世界正中,连绵仙山崛起,远观起来同昔日广乘山有几分相似,但是却要庞大出许多倍,丝毫不逊色昔日界上界里完整的新昆仑山,比眼下那残缺界上界里的昆仑山,甚至都还要更加雄伟辽阔! Taoism Sacred Mountain of the East, new Broad Creed! 道门东岳,新广乘 Among present Broad Creed Mountain Lineage, in Realm Above the Realm Kunlun Mountain Range Jade Capital Cliff, Jade Green Firmament Peak and Wonderful Flying Peak Red Lotus Cliff and other famous mountains paradises, the dwelling place of celestial beings cave mansion, came clearly into view in years past. 如今的广乘山脉间,昔年界上界昆仑山脉玉京岩碧霄峰妙飞峰红莲崖等名山胜地,仙家洞府,都历历在目。 But the mountain range prominent peak, is brand-new Broad Creed Mountain. 而山脉主峰,正是全新的广乘山 Above the summit prominent peak, a white Yuxian Gong stands erect, golden light is bright, the purple smoke winds around, clearly was the physique reduced many Hall of Pills! 山巅主峰之上,一座白玉仙宫矗立,金光熠熠,紫烟缭绕,分明是形体缩小了许多的丹殿 Hall of Pills at this moment, no longer universe marvelous sight, but is similar to the common building is ordinary. 此刻的丹殿内部,不复宇宙奇观,而是如同寻常建筑一般。 In Purple Immortal Pavilion, Yan Zhaoge according to Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, another hand flies high once more empty chops: Opens!” 紫仙阁里,燕赵歌一手按在玄霄紫金炉上,另外一只手再次凌空虚虚一劈:“开!” New Broad Creed Mountain Lineage side brand-new world, gradually tends to be stable. 广乘山脉所处的这一方崭新世界,渐渐趋于稳固。 But outside this side new world, was connected with Realm Above the Realm, by many Lower Realm that one and brings, is connected with the new world, establishes one after another Slit of the Heavenly Wall. 而在这方新天地之外,原本同界上界相连,被一并带来的诸多下界,也都与新天地相连,建立起一道又一道天壁之伤 Universe that the Hall of Pills interior forms, tends to be stable. 丹殿内部所形成的宇宙,也趋于稳固。 The invisible boundary barrier formation, still separated with Outside Territory endless void this side universe. 无形的边界壁垒形成,将这方宇宙仍然同域外无尽虚空隔开。 Faces each other across a great distance with this side new world, with place universe in also has Jade Green Stream Heaven that just migrated. 和这方新天地遥遥相对,同处宇宙中的还有刚刚迁移进来的碧游天 At this moment is stable along with the exterior space environment, Jade Green Stream Heaven all revolutions also start gradually to restore as usual, many Lower Realm of its under subordination, are the same appearances. 此刻随着外部宇宙环境稳固,碧游天一切运转也开始逐渐恢复如常,其下统属的诸多下界,亦是相同模样。 In Purple Immortal Pavilion, Yan Zhaoge looks to people, shows a faint smile. 紫仙阁里,燕赵歌看向众人,微微一笑。 This side universe, from Pre-Great Cataclysm Heavenly Court Divine Palace’s Heavenly Awakening Hall, then the name said Heavenly Awakening Universe.” “此方宇宙,源自大破灭前天庭神宫的天苏殿,便名之曰天苏宇宙吧。” „The past has Realm Above the Realm, this life Heaven Beyond the Heaven, wish to revive for my Taoism Three Pure Ones Orthodox legacy, adds a new meteorology.” “昔有界上界,今生天外天,愿为我道门三清正宗嫡传复兴,添一番新的气象。” Then, Yan Zhaoge sets out from the ground, leaps plunges into nearby Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace. 说罢,燕赵歌从地上重新起身,一跃跳入旁边的玄霄紫金炉里。 The bung closes up, the furnace fire ignites, starts to temper the Yan Zhaoge's mortal body impressively. 炉盖合拢,炉火燃起,赫然开始锤炼燕赵歌的肉身。 Yan Zhaoge facial expression safely, sitting well in. 燕赵歌神情安然,端坐其中。 Although mainly draws support from the convenience of Hall of Pills, but founds personally establishes a side world even side universe, lets Yan Zhaoge to the world Great Way comprehension, achieves the unprecedented region. 虽然主要借助丹殿之便利,但是亲手开创奠定一方天地甚至一方宇宙,让燕赵歌对天地大道领悟,达到前所未有之境地。 This moment treasure furnace refining up the body, does to the mortal body main body again tempers finally, all opportunity, were perfect! 此刻宝炉炼身,再对肉身本体做最后锤炼,一切时机,都已完美! Today the person, is this world, wants heaven splitting and earth shattering, trades new scene! 今日不论是人,还是这世界,都要开天辟地,换一番新景象
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