HSSB :: Volume #14

#1352: A end of time

Yan Zhaoge supervises the Heavenly Awakening Guangji Protector Venerable a god palm to fall, is hitting on that great good forehead. 燕赵歌所化的督天苏广济护法尊神一掌落下,正打在那巨牛脑门上。 The Immortal Ruyi law Heavenly Image place, was destroyed by him forcefully. 如意大仙的法天相地,被他强行打碎。 Great good personal appearance extremely fast shrinks, most retreat returned compared with former original form True Body must a smaller appearance, kept tumbling on the ground, real corner, by break asunder. 巨牛身形极速缩水,最后退化回比之前原型真身还要更小的模样,在地上不停翻滚,真实的犄角,也生生被拗断了一根。 Immortal Ruyi does not dare to stay, turns the head to stagger along, rough, dashes about wildly to run away. 如意大仙再不敢停留,转头跌跌撞撞,磕磕绊绊,一路狂奔逃走。 Moreover one side, Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch cannot insist, empty shakes one move, under the golden light guard with the aid of the rib, flees toward the distant place. 另外一边,百眼魔君也坚持不下去,虚晃一招,借助肋下金光护身,朝远方遁走。 The Purple gold giants who wears the mail-armor and helmet raise the head slightly, felt that the shake of Taoism universe, is subsiding at this moment rapidly. 身披甲胄的紫金巨人微微仰首,感觉道门宇宙的震荡,这一刻在飞速平息。 The aspect is somewhat unusual. 局面有些反常。 At this moment coincides with Hall of Pills, the incarnation is Hall of Pills protection god Monarch, strength almost equivalent to top Heavenly Monarch Yan Zhaoge, the thoughts is nimble and resourceful, the sensation ability is unprecedented. 此刻同丹殿相合,化身为丹殿护法神君,实力几乎相当于顶尖天君燕赵歌,心思灵动,感知能力前所未有强大。 He can feel that indistinctly as if there is single layer shadow to float is careful. 他隐约能感觉仿佛有一重阴影浮上心间。 That is not the misconception. 那不是错觉。 Bull Demon King, Nine Headed Great Saint such Monster Race Supreme Being, Buddhism top powerhouse who although in alerting several Taoism Heavenly Lord and possibly catches up with, but may also here the attention. 牛魔王,九头大圣那样的妖族大能,虽然在戒备几位道门天尊和可能赶来的佛门顶尖强者,但也有可能关注这边。 If they had the take action opportunity, the tour of today adds the variable unavoidably. 万一他们有了出手的机会,今日之行难免平添变数。 Fortunately Jade Green Stream Heaven entered the universe in Hall of Pills, a oneself side today's plan, achieved the goal completely. 所幸碧游天已经进入丹殿内的宇宙,自己一方今日的计划,已经圆满达成目标。 The gigantic Purple gold giant, starts to disintegrate at this moment. 巨大的紫金巨人,这一刻开始解体。 Gao Qingxuan and Feng Yunsheng and the others has not pursued, supervises the Heavenly Awakening Guangji Protector Venerable the god is Hall of Pills protection god Monarch, the sphere of action must defend Hall of Pills. 高清漩封云笙等人也没有追赶,督天苏广济护法尊神乃是丹殿护法神君,活动范围必须守着丹殿 At this moment supervises the Heavenly Awakening Guangji Protector Venerable god to disintegrate, even if they pursue do not get the advantage, but also possibly blocked off by Bull Demon King and the others. 此刻督天苏广济护法尊神解体,她们即便追击也不占优势,还可能被牛魔王等人堵截。 After converging Long Xingquan and Yue Zhenbei and the others, everybody returns to Hall of Pills together. 汇合了龙星泉越震北等人后,大家一同回返丹殿 Hall of Pills appearance that restores golden light to sparkle, the surroundings Purple Qi sea of clouds is getting more and more abundant, curls up Hall of Pills to shuttle back and forth in the Taoism universe, then breaks the Taoism universe the wall barrier, re-enters Outside Territory endless void. 丹殿重新恢复金光闪闪的模样,周围紫气云海越来越盛,卷起丹殿道门宇宙内穿梭,然后破开道门宇宙的壁障,重新进入域外无尽虚空 Outside Territory endless void, the space and time is confused, direction is difficult to distinguish, does not divide the four directions and up and down. 域外无尽虚空,时空错乱,方向难辨,不分四方与上下。 If there is not agreed a known exact position in advance, comes out from the same place, possibly defeats the purpose, is distanced distantly does not know far. 如果预先没有约定好一个已知的确切方位,从同一个地方出来,都可能南辕北辙,遥遥相距不知多远。 But also possibly comes out from obviously the different different positions, finally actually happen to touches in the same place. 但也可能从明明天差地远的不同方位出来,结果却正好碰在一起。 Fortunately Yan Zhaoge and the others luck not bad, after being separated from the Taoism universe, has not met Master Fu Luo and the others, therefore vanishes in the boundless space and time without consulting anybody. 所幸燕赵歌等人运气不错,脱离道门宇宙后,并没有遇上浮罗子等人,于是径自消失在茫茫时空里。 Moreover half, Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch, Immortal Ruyi, Jade Rabbit Spirit and Dust Domain Dragon King they, difficult same Master Fu Luo converges. 另外一半,百眼魔君如意大仙玉兔精寰尘龙王他们,艰难的同浮罗子汇合。 After regrouping after a defeat, cannot attend to continue block off the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss Buddhism powerhouse, one crowd of Great Monster emerge the Taoism universe hastily. 重整旗鼓后,也顾不上继续堵截西方极乐净土的佛门强者,一群大妖连忙重新涌入道门宇宙。 Did not have the Master Fu Luo hindrance, numerous Buddhism powerhouses start to gather immediately, then arrives at the Taoism universe with them about the same time. 没了浮罗子阻碍,众多佛门强者顿时开始汇聚,然后跟他们前后脚降临道门宇宙。 What a pity, here early was reminded of dear ones who have left. 可惜,这里早已经人去楼空。 Once here existed to multiply several thousand years of Jade Green Stream Heaven to vanish does not see, together vanished also had Jade Green Stream Heaven subordination many Lower Realm. 曾经在这里存在繁衍数千年的碧游天消失不见,一同消失的还有碧游天统属的诸多下界 The world in this moment Taoism universe, only remaining Realm Above the Realm and minority Lower Realm. 此刻道门宇宙中的世界,只剩下界上界和少数下界 Several badly beaten Great Monster keep puffing, the eyeball becomes blood red. 几个头破血流的大妖都不停喘着粗气,眼珠子变得血红。 Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch and Jade Rabbit Spirit are good, Immortal Ruyi and Dust Domain Dragon King are seriously injured, has almost not been able to fight with the person again. 百眼魔君玉兔精还好,如意大仙寰尘龙王都身受重伤,几乎已经无法再同人交手。 But is this, in their hearts the anger more moves restlessly, wishes one could to massacre air/Qi. 但越是这样,他们心中怒火越是躁动,恨不得乱杀一气。 The Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch similar complexion is ugly, feels vexed resentful. 百眼魔君同样脸色难看,感到窝囊愤懑。 Arrived at Immortal Pill of mouth, unexpectedly also ran!” Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch air/Qi clenches jaws. “已经到了嘴边的仙丹,居然还跑了!”百眼魔君气得咬牙切齿。 Master Fu Luo looks serious, sighed: Is I and others underestimated the opposite party, underprepared.” 浮罗子神情严肃,叹息一声:“是我等低估对方,准备不足。” In several Great Monster hearts resentful, look bad takes a fast look around in the Taoism universe, the vision has swept Realm Above the Realm, unavoidably for it. 几个大妖心中愤懑,都眼神不善的在道门宇宙里扫视,目光扫过界上界,难免为之一顿。 Does not have the use, perhaps also annoys the disaster, only to leave the temporary air/Qi, is not worthwhile.” Master Fu Luo beckoned with the hand, draws the people to leave: Now ill contract Western Paradise Buddhist Land opens the second stretch of battlefield, but you have the wound in the body, the difficult insurance opposite party not to be thinking picking up a bargain, my constant speed fast leaves.” “没用处,说不定还惹祸事,只为出一时之气,不值当。”浮罗子摆摆手,拉了众人离开:“现在不适合同西天佛土开第二片战场,但你们有伤在身,难保对方不想着捡便宜,我等速速离开吧。” The group monster is silent, but gradually returned to normal the mood, resentful however is separated from the Taoism universe together. 群妖沉默,但都渐渐平复了心境,悻悻然一起脱离道门宇宙。 Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss numerous Buddhism Supreme Being, eyes covetously, but has not erupted a bigger conflict finally. 西方极乐净土一众佛门大能,虎视眈眈,不过最终没有爆发更大的冲突。 In this moment Realm Above the Realm, the Kunlun Mountain South High Peak Qilin Cliff top, old man both hands shoulder behind, raises head the looks at heaven, the vision is distant, as if penetrated the Realm Above the Realm’s boundary. 此刻界上界中,昆仑山南高峰麒麟崖的顶上,一个老者正双手背负身后,仰头看着苍天,目光悠远,仿佛穿透了界上界的边界。 In the old man behind, in twos and threes has stood several people, with his same movement, raises head to look at the day. 在老者身后,三三两两站了几人,也和他相同的动作,仰头望天。 His Majesty the Earth Sovereign, this inexorable fate, it seems like has mediated.” A black clothed old man said in a soft voice that is All-Covering Forests Great Emperor. 地皇陛下,这一场劫数,看来已经了断。”一个黑衣老者轻声说道,正是森罗大帝 But stands in the people front is the old person of head, is Supreme Lord of the Earth Luminary Saturn, Earth Sovereign Jiang Shen. 而站在众人前方为首的老人,正是土曜镇星上尊,地皇蒋慎 He looks void, has not turned head: not bad, finished.” 他远望虚空,没有回头:“不错,结束了。” Because Yan Zhaoge pulled out to the reason of Realm Above the Realm multi- place in the past, by Jiang Shen these years most of the time, keeps the Realm Above the Realm improvement to adjust here all and ensure here spiritual qi circulates is stabler. 因为当年燕赵歌抽离界上界多地的缘故,是以蒋慎这些年来大多数时候,也都留在界上界改良调整这里的一切,确保这里的灵气循环更加稳固。 Although Immortal Courtyard and White Lotus Pure Land, are are just like a raging fire with the war between Monster Race as for Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss now, but Earth Sovereign and the others also mostly stations in Realm Above the Realm, no longer goes out. 虽然现在仙庭白莲净土,乃至于西方极乐净土妖族之间的大战正如火如荼,但地皇等人也大多驻留界上界,不再外出。 As far as possible stable situation, eliminates the influence that beforehand Yan Zhaoge and the others has, is they current most important matter. 尽量稳固局势,消除之前燕赵歌等人造成的影响,才是他们当前最要紧的事情。 Also therefore just, the people happen to present, the entire journey witnessed the short and intense war that just now in the Taoism universe erupts. 也正因此,众人适逢其会,全程目睹了方才道门宇宙中爆发的这一场短暂而又激烈的大战。 Although Jiang Shen by Suo Mingzhang strikes realm, but method eyesight mostly also. 蒋慎虽然被索明璋打落境界,但手段眼力大多还在。 With locating in Taoism universe, the Jade Green Stream Heaven that side has such big accident, Jiang Shen naturally first realized. 同处道门宇宙里,碧游天那边发生这么大的变故,蒋慎自然第一时间察觉。 But at present Realm Above the Realm’s upper formation powerhouses, naturally receives the news, gets together in Qilin Cliff. 而目前界上界的上层强者们,也自然接到消息,齐聚麒麟崖 When knowing numerous Great Monster encircles, they think that Yan Zhaoge and the others walks into a trap, the predestined time of death approaches. 在得知有众多大妖围剿时,他们本以为燕赵歌等人自投罗网,大限来临。 Who once thinks that finally asked them to be startled again. 谁曾想,结果再次叫他们吃惊了。 One such as 20 years ago. 一如20年前。 How in the past Yan Zhaoge whirled away most Realm Above the Realm, how now to whirl away Jade Green Stream Heaven. 当年燕赵歌怎么卷走大半界上界,如今就怎么卷走碧游天 Moreover this time has not whirled away part, carried off entire Jade Green Stream Heaven. 而且这次还不是卷走一部分,是将整个碧游天都带走了。 They, have carried off Jade Green Stream Heaven, with that many world of its under subordination?” Western Supreme Lang Qing asked quietly. “他们,真的带走了碧游天,和其下统属的那么多世界?”西方至尊郎青悄然问道。 Jiang Shen nods the head: Yes, is hard to solve except for minority space and times, possibly with Lower Realm of Land of Nether Border adhesion outside, can migrate outmigrated.” 蒋慎颔首:“是啊,除了少数时空纠缠不清,可能同幽垠之地粘连的下界以外,能迁移走的都迁走了。” People heard this, suddenly falls into silent. 众人闻言,一时间都陷入沉默。 Jiang Shen also no longer spoke similarly. 蒋慎同样也不再说话。 They as if saw a end of time. 他们仿佛看到了一个时代的结束。 In years past, Kunlun Nine Luminaries opened Realm Above the Realm, Jade Green Stream Seven Children opens Jade Green Stream Heaven, later evolved deliberates, forms the present Taoism universe gradually, was thoroughly stable until the boundary barrier, raised up at the same time wall. 昔年,昆仑九曜界上界,碧游七子碧游天,之后演化推敲,渐渐形成如今的道门宇宙,直到边界壁垒彻底稳固,竖起一面“墙”。 But now, wall in the scenery no longer, the Jade Green Stream Heaven whole is separated, Realm Above the Realm vanishes most probably. 而如今,“墙”里风光不再,碧游天整体脱离,界上界大半消失。 Post-Great Cataclysm, Taoism is popular again, rests and builds up strength several thousand years of Taoism universe, at this moment somewhat is unexpectedly empty. 大破灭后,道门重兴,休养生息数千年之久的道门宇宙,这一刻竟有些空荡荡。 As if a piece of remnant of destroyed building. 仿佛一片断壁残垣。 The end of old time, as if a coming of omen brand-new time. 旧时代的结束,又仿佛预兆一个全新时代的到来。 ( Ps: The plan of adjustment daily schedule, seemed like goes bankrupt today... (ps:调整作息时间的计划,貌似今天是破产了… The vertigo, could not see clearly the computer screen, allowing me not to stay up late to be so late today, first went to sleep, was owing first watch, I knew in heart, records, everybody felt relieved.) 眼花,看不清电脑屏幕了,容我今天不熬夜那么晚了,先睡下了,欠着一更,我心里有数,都记着的,大家放心。)
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