HSSB :: Volume #14

#1351: Sweeping group monster!

The independence deals with Gao Qingxuan, has made Dust Domain Dragon King be tired out from the press. 独立应对一个高清漩,已经让寰尘龙王疲于奔命。 At this moment saw with own eyes that two Gao Qingxuan kill together, Dust Domain Dragon King is unable, to turn around immediately escapes. 此刻眼见两个高清漩一起杀来,寰尘龙王无法,只得立即掉头远遁。 His mouth, boundless Black Sea spouts once more, then the whole person breaks, with the aid of fleeing from within the water flees. 他嘴一张,茫茫黑海再次喷出,然后整个人冲入其中,借助水遁奔逃。 The bonus is so, a Gao Qingxuan this imposing manner dreadful sword, still forcefully broke out Black Sea, cuts the wound him. 饶是如此,高清漩这气势滔天的一剑,仍然强行劈开黑海,将他斩伤。 If not for Dust Domain Dragon King hesitant retreating, has not suffered this sword not dead slightly must lose half life. 若不是寰尘龙王没有丝毫犹豫的退走,挨了这一剑不死也要丢半条命。 A Gao Qingxuan sword goes well, has not continued to pursue, but turns around immediately , helping Feng Yunsheng, fights in this place evil spirit strongest Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch. 高清漩一剑得手,没有继续追击,而是立即转身,去助封云笙,战此地妖魔中最强的百眼魔君 The Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch strength is worthily formidable, rib next thousand emitting golden light yellow fog not to stop, do not see the shape of deterioration unexpectedly for a very long time, as if continuously. 百眼魔君实力不愧强大,肋下千眼一刻不停的喷吐金光黄雾,竟然久久不见衰败之象,仿佛源源不断。 His talent divine ability, with the person battle, the function even exceeds his other studies. 他这门天赋神通,与人争斗,作用甚至胜过他其他一切所学。 However Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch secretly was complaining at this moment also of hardship. 不过百眼魔君此刻也在暗暗叫苦。 Feng Yunsheng Sabre of the End of the World, must be weird than his talent divine ability, is stranger, is overbearing! 封云笙末法之刀,比他的天赋神通还要更加邪门,更加诡异,更加霸道! Although Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch can also support, keeps displaying divine ability, releases golden light yellow fog. 虽然百眼魔君还能支撑,不停施展神通,释放金光黄雾 But cuts along with a Feng Yunsheng blade blade, although golden light extinguished fresh, supplemented unceasingly that the momentum range does not see the reduction. 可是随着封云笙一刀一刀斩下,虽然金光灭了又生,不断补充,声势范围不见缩小。 But this divine ability imprisonment space and time, the effect wondrous use of offending somebody mind, unclearly is actually going down hill. 但这神通禁锢时空,伤人心神的功效妙用,却隐隐然在走下坡路。 The quantity has not reduced, but the quality is falling! 数量没减,可质量在下跌! This was explained to reduce compared with golden light, but also makes Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch feel terrified with loving dearly. 这比金光被人破解减少,还让百眼魔君感到悚然与心疼。 That explained that this talent divine ability, fundamentally was being weakened unexpectedly disintegrates. 那说明他这门天赋神通,竟然从根本上在被削弱瓦解。 Although the speed is not fast, but seems irreversible! 虽然速度不快,但却仿佛不可逆转! Beng Yimie said that ruins all, ends all terror sabre edge, making Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch incomparably dread. 崩仪灭道,葬送一切,终结一切的恐怖刀锋,让百眼魔君无比忌惮。 What he dreads, at present Feng Yunsheng, in both eyes the stern countenance is getting stronger and stronger. 他更忌惮的是,眼前封云笙,双目中厉色越来越浓。 The strength really faintly has the trend of further rise. 其力量竟然隐隐有进一步上升的趋势。 Although that also follows slides gradually to the non-steady state of out-of-control, may lose control, bears the brunt, first faces directly its tip his Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch. 虽然那也伴随着渐渐滑向失控的不稳定状态,可就算失控,首当其冲,第一时间直面其锋芒的还是他百眼魔君 Read hence, in the Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch vision flashed through the color of tyrannical suddenly. 一念至此,百眼魔君目光中陡然闪过凶戾之色。 He stretches out the arms, stimulates to movement golden light yellow fog to keep, simultaneously in the hand the treasured sword shakes, was thrown, then is changes to broad sword light to fly to fall together, cuts to Feng Yunsheng. 他张开双臂,催动金光黄雾不停,同时手中宝剑一抖,被抛起来,然后便是化作一道恢宏剑光飞落而下,斩向封云笙 golden light prohibits, to start to further condense concentration, in view of the Feng Yunsheng individual, but relaxes to the surrounding control. 金光封禁,开始进一步凝聚浓缩,针对封云笙个人,而放松对周围的控制。 Then, Feng Yunsheng sabre light has divided the smoke cloud, cuts to fall to Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch. 如此一来,封云笙刀光劈过烟云,也向百眼魔君斩落。 Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch has not given way to traffic, to attack to attack impressively, makes every effort in this Feng Yunsheng heavy losses, no longer entanglement dragging. 百眼魔君没有避让,赫然以攻对攻,力求在此将封云笙重创,不再纠缠拖延。 In this Era then once Great Monster of proud Howl side, at this moment made a determined effort, opposes the enemy suppresses to oneself also ruthlessly, only the seeking perfection strength strikes, frustrates Feng Yunsheng. 这位上个纪元便曾经傲啸一方的大妖,此刻发了狠,对敌狠对自己也狠,只求全力一击,挫败封云笙 If Feng Yunsheng returns to the blade protection, that falls under him to cherish, enabling him to snatch actively. 如果封云笙回刀防护,那更落他下怀,让他可以抢到主动。 Feng Yunsheng feels the Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch offensive change, the facial expression has not vacillated, to attack to attack, shakes with the Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch frontage hardly. 封云笙感受到百眼魔君攻势变化,神情没有丝毫动摇,以攻对攻,同百眼魔君正面硬撼。 sabre and sword interlocks, she already a blade cut to injure Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch. 刀剑交错之间,她已然一刀斩伤百眼魔君 Under the Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch rib has golden light mutual, this blade falls on his shoulder finally, immediately the black air/Qi overflows, blue-black demonic brilliance ignites, making a Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch monster Yuan revolution be hard to extinguish. 百眼魔君肋下有金光相互,这一刀最终落在他肩头上,顿时黑气四溢,蓝黑魔煌燃起,让百眼魔君一身妖元运转都难以熄灭。 But in other one side, the Yan Zhaoge state of mind coincides to melt protection god Monarch with Hall of Pills, still stood sky over Hall of Pills, the distant palm ejects. 而在另外一边,燕赵歌神魂同丹殿相合所化之护法神君,仍旧站在丹殿上空,遥遥一掌击出。 Purple gold multi-coloured rays, delimits the universe to be void, falls side Feng Yunsheng. 紫金霞光,划过宇宙虚空,落在封云笙身旁。 Everywhere golden light yellow fog, was hit by Purple gold multi-coloured rays, although does not have broken, but rocks. 漫天金光黄雾,被紫金霞光一撞,虽然没有破碎,但是一阵晃动。 Under golden light yellow fog covers, the Feng Yunsheng personal appearance is hard to move, had been sideways slightly, prepares to trade the wound by the wound, meets a Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch sword. 金光黄雾笼罩下,封云笙身形难以移动,本已微微侧身,准备以伤换伤,也强接百眼魔君一剑。 When this moment light fog in a flash, her personal appearance the loosen is quick immediately, is at a crucial moment, has changed the position, making Milky Way shading yellow sword light brush. 此刻光雾一晃,她身形顿时松快,千钧一发之际,换了位置,令银河般的暗黄剑光擦身而过。 Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch is not willing to give up, the intention moving place, let go sword light that departed still to change prescriptions, continued to cut toward Feng Yunsheng. 百眼魔君不肯善罢甘休,心念动处,脱手飞出的剑光仍然一转方向,继续朝封云笙斩去。 But this, Feng Yunsheng had abundant the enough time, returns to the blade to keep off, cracks open sword light! 但顿了这一顿,封云笙已经有了足够充裕的时间,回刀一挡,将剑光磕开! Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch face upwards the deep sigh, turns the head to look, after seeing Gao Qingxuan repels Dust Domain Dragon King, tip transfers, refers to Jade Rabbit Spirit again, sword light hiding the sky and covering the earth, such as raging tide of emotion rushed forth. 百眼魔君仰天长叹,转头望去,就见高清漩打退寰尘龙王以后,锋芒调转,再指玉兔精,剑光遮天蔽日,如怒潮奔涌 Sky over Hall of Pills, flashing purple golden light splendor, just likes the deity giant oversees center, is then distant and strikes, assisting Gao Qingxuan to attack to Jade Rabbit Spirit. 丹殿上空,闪动紫金光辉,恍若天神般的巨人坐镇中枢,便遥遥又是一击,协助高清漩攻向玉兔精 Although the Jade Rabbit Spirit strength above Dust Domain Dragon King , can only at this moment, but withdraws. 玉兔精实力虽在寰尘龙王之上,此刻也只能无奈退避。 previously was hit directly present primary form Immortal Ruyi by Yan Zhaoge actually, at this moment exudes one to fill roaring of pain feeling. 倒是先前燕赵歌打得直接现了原形的如意大仙,此刻发出一声充满痛楚感觉的怒吼。 This Old Bull essence injures and anger, got angry thoroughly. 这头老牛精又伤又怒,彻底红了眼。 The low and deep roaring sound, originally huge primary form True Body, the build further increases unexpectedly, as if suppresses the entire sky ancient Divine Mountain to be ordinary. 低沉怒吼声,本就庞大至极的原形真身,体型竟然又更进一步增大,仿佛镇压诸天的亘古神山一般。 law Heavenly Image place! 天相地! Great good head one low, two corners aim at Hall of Pills, four hooves gallop, to tread universe imposing manner, toward Yan Zhaoge incarnation supervised the Heavenly Awakening Guangji Protector Venerable the god to hit! 巨牛脑袋一低,两根犄角对准丹殿,四蹄奔腾,以踏碎宇宙的气势,朝燕赵歌所化身的督天苏广济护法尊神撞了过来! The entire Taoism universe at this moment, as if had the feeling of several points of shivering. 整个道门宇宙这一刻,仿佛都有了几分颤抖的感觉。 Void Space, by cow hooves cut-throat treading, great cow instantaneously before the Purple gold day body. 虚空的空间,被牛蹄凶狠的踏碎,巨牛瞬间到了紫金天将身前。 The Purple gold day that appearance long same Yan Zhaoge is without change, will send one to drink greatly, both hands simultaneously stretches out once more, accurate holds two cow horn of great cow! 面貌长相同燕赵歌一般无二的紫金天将,发一声大喝,双手再次齐齐伸出,准确的抓住巨牛的两根牛角 Wild impulse, let supervise the Heavenly Awakening Guangji Protector Venerable the god personal appearance to sway. 狂暴的冲击力,让督天苏广济护法尊神身形都摇晃了一下。 Below Hall of Pills, is shake, in Purple Immortal Pavilion great array, nearly cannot suppress in the palace the changes of universe various world. 下方的丹殿,更是震荡,紫仙阁大阵,都险些镇压不住殿内宇宙诸世界的变迁。 Lucky, many Lower Realm of Jade Green Stream Heaven and rein, at this moment already completely by Hall of Pills absorb. 万幸,碧游天及其统御的诸多下界,此刻已经完全被丹殿吸纳 gate of White Jade palace, rumbles closes up. 白玉宫殿的大门,轰得合拢。 Although in the palace in the universe was still troubled, but the shake of entire Hall of Pills, subsides finally slightly. 虽然殿内宇宙中仍旧纷纷扰扰,但是整个丹殿的震荡,总算稍微平息一些。 But Yan Zhaoge incarnation Purple gold day will hold also one's ground, the tiny step does not move, treads to stand in void, as stable as Mount Tai, blocks the at present great good footsteps firmly! 燕赵歌所化身的紫金天将也稳住阵脚,寸步不移,踏立在虚空中,稳如泰山,将眼前的巨牛脚步牢牢挡住! The bull of going crazy, four hooves is keeping trampling, but is actually not able to continue to forward. 发狂的公牛,四蹄在不停践踏,可是却无法继续向前。 Protection god Monarch of purple golden light splendor twinkle sends one to shout again. 金光辉闪烁的护法神君再发一声喊。 The double palm executes the strength of Heaven Turning Seal together, as if can reverse the universe universe together. 双掌齐施番天印之力,仿佛能将宇宙乾坤一起扭转。 At this moment, the entire Taoism universe, as if slightly twisted. 这一刻,整个道门宇宙,似乎微微扭曲了一下。 Innumerable tiny stars collapse, that gigantic monster cow, is unable to control oneself again, was flung by a Purple gold giant of mail-armor and helmet directly to the one side, the personal appearance reverses. 无数细小星辰崩灭,那头巨大的妖牛,无法再控制自身,被一身甲胄的紫金巨人直接甩向一旁,身形翻倒。 Among monster Ox Tonghu, strength is lax, but Yan Zhaoge has not actually dropped. 妖牛痛呼之间,力量松懈,而燕赵歌却没有放手。 Purple gold giant both hands grip cow horn firmly, then starts to change the direction to catch up. 紫金巨人双手牢牢握住牛角,然后开始改变方向发力。 Third tone vibration entire world drinks sound to get up greatly, Yan Zhaoge breaks off directly this great good top of the head cow horn! 第三声震动寰宇的大喝声响起,燕赵歌直接将这巨牛头顶一根牛角掰断! As if mountain peak cow horn, the Purple gold giants wave the arms about to throw one side. 仿佛山峰般的牛角,紫金巨人甩手扔到一旁。 His left hand still gripped the great cow remaining corners, but right hand that empties lifts, according to the great good top of the head is a palm, hits once more on this great good forehead! 左手仍旧握住巨牛剩下一根犄角,而空出来的右手抬起,照着巨牛头顶就又是一掌,再次打在这巨牛脑门上!
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