HSSB :: Volume #14

#1350: Fights with the fists the primary form!

These two hold extremely sudden, hits Immortal Ruyi to be caught off guard. 这两掌来的太过突然,打得如意大仙措手不及。 The second palm is falling on the Immortal Ruyi forehead, immediately hits him sees stars, badly beaten. 第二掌正落在如意大仙脑门上,顿时把他打得眼冒金星,头破血流。 Among the spins, his personal appearance tumbles on the following day backward, the swivel plus keystone link lives in the Hall of Pills pleasant [gold/metal] hook again unable to grip, lets go to let loose. 地转天旋之间,他身形向后翻滚,连钩住丹殿的如意金钩都再抓不牢,松手放开。 Was hit one get lost, holds one's ground with great difficulty, Immortal Ruyi is going against eyeful Venus, difficult raise one's head looks. 被打了一个滚,好不容易才重新稳住阵脚,如意大仙顶着满眼金星,艰难抬头望去。 Sees only above Hall of Pills, the purple golden light splendor keeps sparkling. 只见丹殿上方,紫金光辉不停闪耀。 Besides two arms, more complete human form body, starts to appear. 除了两条臂膀以外,更加完整的人形身躯,开始出现。 The five senses have not been able to distinguish temporarily, but the head outline by fuzzy gradually becomes clear. 五官暂时还无法分辨,但是头颅轮廓由模糊逐渐变得清晰。 Just started to have the upper part, the waist as if submerged below Hall of Pills. 刚开始只有上半身,腰部仿佛没入了下方的丹殿中。 Then this gigantic body starts to raise gradually, the purple golden light splendor also congeals the lower part, finally obviously changes into a giant, treads fully void, is built on sky over Hall of Pills. 然后这巨大的身躯开始渐渐拔高,紫金光辉将下半身也凝结出来,最后显化为一个巨人,足踏虚空,立于丹殿上空。 Hall of Pills Palace Spirit?!” Jade Rabbit Spirit of distant place sees that was startled: Did not say that has fallen from the sky? Even if rebirth, is impossible is so quick!” 丹殿殿灵?!”远处的玉兔精见状,吃了一惊:“不是说已经陨灭了吗?就算重生一个,也不可能这么快呀!” Immortal Ruyi glowers to Hall of Pills: Is silvery spear point actually made of pewter, the impressive-looking but useless thing!” 如意大仙丹殿怒目而视:“不过是银样镴枪头,中看不中用的东西!” He roar lowly, personal appearance dodges, to the Hall of Pills front, then the double palm has hit instantaneously to that Purple gold giant. 他低啸一声,身形一闪,瞬间到了丹殿前方,然后双掌向那紫金巨人打了上去。 Just now although was hit head and face filthy with grime by a palm, but Immortal Ruyi self-examines, more because of opposite party unexpected reason, just now suffered a loss by oneself. 方才虽然被一掌打得灰头土脸,但如意大仙自问,更多是因为对方出其不意的缘故,方才让自己吃亏。 Although that palm is ruthless, but also makes him determine that the opposite party strength was still limited, otherwise his head suffers that is definitely more miserable than the present. 那一掌虽狠,但也让他确定,对方力量仍然有限,否则他脑袋挨那一下,肯定比现在更惨。 This Immortal Ruyi whole body concentrates on, shoots first with one hand and then the other. 这次如意大仙全身贯注,左右开弓。 Like the hammer, walks frontage, walks the straight line, fierce, is not crude, at any time may live the change, the actual situation interaction. 一手如锤,走正面,走直线,刚猛至极,却不鲁莽,随时可生变化,虚实相间。 Side like the hook, walks, walks the arc, seems like gentle and reserved, is kills to incur swiftly and fiercely, after at any time possibility, sends first. 一手如钩,走侧面,走弧线,看似阴柔,也是凌厉杀招,随时可能后发先至。 Among, has congealed the great god who becomes to surround that purple golden light splendor in central, forcing the opposite party to have no place to go, only to meet this move hardly. 一直一曲之间,将那紫金光辉凝结而成的巨神包围在中央,迫使对方无处可逃,只能硬接他这一招。 Immortal Ruyi must compel the opposite party at this moment with own fight recklessly, by stronger strength crush match. 如意大仙此刻就是要逼对方跟自己硬拼,靠更强的力量碾压这个对手。 However the next moment, his pair of buphthalmo stares the circle fiercely. 但是下一刻,他一对牛眼猛地瞪圆。 That purple golden light splendor when person's shadow, initially looks at is frail, is after his human form is stable, immediately has purple golden light magnificent to be complicated the gathering. 那紫金光辉所化的人影,初时看着单薄,可是在他人形稳固之后,顿时有更多紫金光华交缠汇聚。 The ray of light magnificent interweaves the congealment, changes to the Purple gold color whole body to fight the armor, the clothing to that giant on. 道光华交织凝结,化作紫金色的全身战铠,穿戴到那巨人身上。 First is the carapace and chest armor, then abdomen armor, on the leg ties up to hang the leg, about the waist hangs a piece of knee skirt respectively. 先是背甲和胸甲,然后腹甲,腿上缚吊腿,腰间左右各垂一片膝裙。 As giant both hands hold up, the purple golden light splendor condenses, protects the batch of arms of shoulder arm and ties up the hand also together obviously. 随着巨人双手举起,紫金光辉凝聚间,保护肩臂的批膊和缚手也一同显化。 Both hands that raises, a palm hits, a fist chops, supports the offensive that Immortal Ruyi shoots first with one hand and then the other certainly! 那举起的双手,一手掌打,一手拳劈,准准架住如意大仙左右开弓的攻势! The palm is Heaven Turning Seal, the fist makes Splitting the Heavens Streamer! 掌为番天印,拳作开天幡 Then under the Immortal Ruyi dumbstruck gaze, on the giant adds to protect again, the forehead is captured mou to cover, chest radiance achieves strongly, finally changes into heart protecting mirror. 然后在如意大仙目瞪口呆注视下,巨人身上再添护项,头部被兜鍪笼罩,胸口光辉达到最强,最后化为护心镜 The entire vice- war armor adds the body, the Purple gold giant personal appearance rises crazily, changes into is indomitable spirit the giant, the personal appearance compared with day Exalted Immortal city Hall of Pills itself must gigantic! 整副战铠加身,紫金巨人身形狂涨,化为顶天立地之巨人,身形比天上仙城般的丹殿本身还要更加巨大 Supervises the Heavenly Awakening Guangji Protector Venerable the god! 天苏广济护法尊神! This is Heavenly Awakening Hall Palace Spirit obviously melts external, protects and sustains oneself, with the most flourishing shape of foreign enemy battle! 这才是天苏殿殿灵显化外在,护持自身,与外敌争斗的全盛形态! Initially but Palace Spirit Heavenly Awakening, because Great Cataclysm affected to receive the reason of damage, did not have Fa Xian to melt this grade of stance. 当初但殿灵天苏因为大破灭波及受到损伤的缘故,无法显化这等姿态。 But now, reappears on Yan Zhaoge. 而现在,于燕赵歌手上重现。 Immortal Ruyi then in Post-Great Cataclysm, person of first asking for advice. 如意大仙便是在大破灭后,第一个领教的人。 Not only reappears, was different from years past Pre-Great Cataclysm, at that time did not have the self- spirit knowledge, can only mechanize the operation Hall of Pills, under this moment Yan Zhaoge stimulation of movement, more successful a martial arts opinion, integrated. 不仅重现,不同于昔年大破灭前,当时没有自我灵识,只能机械化运作的丹殿,此刻燕赵歌催动下,更成功将自己一身武学见解,融入其中。 At present this Purple gold giant, the Yan Zhaoge state of mind coincides with Hall of Pills! 眼下这紫金巨人,正是燕赵歌神魂同丹殿相合所化! The powerful strength palm shadowboxing chops, not only under the truncation the Immortal Ruyi both hands offensive, simultaneously a left hand Heaven Turning Seal revolution, leads Immortal Ruyi right hand to change, hits above Immortal Ruyi left hand. 强盛的力量掌打拳劈,不仅截下如意大仙双手攻势,同时左手番天印一转,带动如意大仙右手转向,撞在如意大仙自己左手之上。 This protection god Monarch leaps right hand, fights with the fists once more on the Immortal Ruyi forehead! 这尊护法神君则腾出来右手,再次一拳打在如意大仙脑门上! A same fist, the strength compared with just now, is more vigorous violent. 同样的一拳,力量较之方才,却更加雄浑暴烈。 The Immortal Ruyi whole person was hit but actually get lost backward, in the tumbling process, did not have the human appearance directly, changes oneself original form True Body. 如意大仙整个人被打得向后倒滚,翻滚过程中,直接没了人样,变回自己原型真身 The great cow that sees only a stars size, sways back and forth after flies to fall. 只见一头星辰般大小的巨牛,打着滚朝后飞跌。 Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch, Dust Domain Dragon King and Jade Rabbit Spirit saw, in heart imposing. 百眼魔君寰尘龙王玉兔精见了,都心中凛然。 They fix the eyes on to look, protection god Monarch who sees that all over the body flashing purple golden light splendor, the five senses appearance starts gradually becomes clear. 他们定睛看去,就见那通体闪动紫金光辉的护法神君,五官面貌渐渐开始变得清晰。 No longer indistinct unpredictable, clearly Yan Zhaoge's appearance! 不再缥缈难测,分明正是燕赵歌的模样! Supervises the Heavenly Awakening Guangji Protector Venerable the god to appear, with the Immortal Ruyi fight recklessly several moves, the under Hall of Pills main body, sways fiercely. 天苏广济护法尊神出现,同如意大仙硬拼数招,下方丹殿本体,随之剧烈摇晃。 In the palace in the universe various world also start becomes unstable, as if must restore together the light flow appearance, runs out of outside the palace. 殿内宇宙中诸世界也开始变得不稳定,仿佛要恢复一道道光流的样子,冲出殿外去。 In is being received in the palace universe Jade Green Stream Heaven and subordination numerous Lower Realm, shakes together, must restore the primary form likely, no longer enters in the palace the universe. 正在被收入殿内宇宙的碧游天及其统属众多下界,更是一起震荡,像是要恢复原形,不再进入殿内宇宙。 However, the Hall of Pills internal universe center, Purple Immortal Pavilion melts in the nebula light group, a ray of light magnificent that is hard to count departs, is similar to chains, separately connection that side another side world. 不过,丹殿内部宇宙中央,紫仙阁所化之星云光团里,难以计数的一道道光华飞出,如同一根根锁链,分别连接那一方又一方世界。 After these chains connect, from Purple Immortal Pavilion similarly spreads purple golden light splendors. 被这些锁链连接之后,从紫仙阁里同样传出一道道紫金光辉。 After various world cover the single layer purple golden light splendor, becomes stable appropriate. 诸世界镀上一重紫金光辉后,都重新变得稳定妥当。 World of originally in universe, restores once more tranquilly. 本就在宇宙内的一个个世界,再次恢复宁静。 But the Jade Green Stream Heaven and other world, restart the advance step , to continue methodically, entered in Hall of Pills by absorb. 碧游天等世界,重启前进步伐,继续有条不紊,被吸纳进入丹殿里。 In Purple Immortal Pavilion, array formation plays role continually, causes the Hall of Pills main body while the Yan Zhaoge fight, can still maintain the frail stability of equilibrium state. 紫仙阁中,阵法持续发挥作用,使得丹殿本体在燕赵歌战斗的同时,仍能维持脆弱平衡稳定。 In Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, the Yan Zhaoge's body still sat cross-legged to sit quietly, did not say motionless, without any sound. 玄霄紫金炉中,燕赵歌的躯壳仍旧盘膝安坐,不言不动,没有任何声息。 His state of mind, is reversing the method of beforehand Hall of Pills Palace Spirit reincarnation at this moment, temporarily displaces, changes makes Palace Spirit, obviously melts supervises the Heavenly Awakening Guangji Protector Venerable the god. 他的神魂,此刻正逆转之前丹殿殿灵转生的法门,暂时取而代之,变作殿灵,显化督天苏广济护法尊神。 The big giant wears the whole body armor, will just like the day, will stand above Hall of Pills, will fly high distantly a palm, will hit Jade Rabbit Spirit again. 高大巨人身披全身铠甲,恍若天将,站在丹殿上方,遥遥凌空一掌,再打玉兔精 Jade Rabbit Spirit with the Gao Qingxuan dogfight, is seeing that to fend. 玉兔精正同高清漩缠斗,见状只得闪避。 A Gao Qingxuan dynasty has resulted in the crevice, immediately counter-attack! 高清漩一朝得了空隙,立马反击! Although she is skilled in Fallen Immortal Sword, but just now match, Immortal Ruyi and Jade Rabbit Spirit, is good at the space and time transferring, puts out a hand agile, does not allow to despise. 她虽精通陷仙剑,但方才的对手,如意大仙玉兔精,也都擅长时空挪移,伸手矫捷,不容轻视。 previously to stop to besiege Hall of Pills several Monster Race Little Saint from each direction, the Gao Qingxuan main body and doppelgänger also can only separate the motion, in order to expands defense line coverage scope as far as possible. 先前为了阻拦从各个方向围攻丹殿的几位妖族小圣,高清漩本尊和分身也只能分开行动,以求尽量将防线覆盖范围扩大。 At this moment saw with own eyes that Yan Zhaoge completes ceremony finally successfully, obviously melts Hall of Pills protection god Monarch, Gao Qingxuan does not have the extra worries again. 此刻眼见燕赵歌终于成功完成仪式,显化丹殿护法神君,高清漩再无后顾之忧。 Her main body and doppelgänger one on the left and other on the right, Dual Sword Combination, first attacks weakest Dust Domain Dragon King to three Monster Race Little Saint. 她本尊与分身一左一右,双剑合璧,首先攻向三个妖族小圣里最弱的寰尘龙王 Operates a day of sword with executing the day of sword once more together present world, changes to the billowing mighty current, moves mountains, irresistible pressure to enemy! 开天之剑同诛天之剑再次一同现世,化作滚滚洪流,排山倒海,势不可挡压向敌人!
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