HSSB :: Volume #14

#1349: The posture of Hall of Pills fight

Immortal Ruyi pesters the Gao Qingxuan opportunity while Dust Domain Dragon King and Jade Rabbit Spirit, withdraws, throws to Hall of Pills. 如意大仙趁着寰尘龙王玉兔精纠缠高清漩的机会,脱出身来,向丹殿扑去。 Feng Yunsheng sees that a Cold Sun Divine Sabre pendulum, swings the shading yellow light fog, pursues toward Immortal Ruyi. 封云笙见状,凛日神刀一摆,荡开暗黄的光雾,朝如意大仙追去。 However Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch also made a determined effort at this moment, in hand were many a treasured sword, cuts to fall to Feng Yunsheng. 但是百眼魔君这一刻也发了狠,手里多了一口宝剑,就向封云笙斩落。 Feng Yunsheng returns to the blade to keep off, Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch rib next a lot of eye together flash, yellow fog everywhere, surrounding stops the Feng Yunsheng footsteps. 封云笙回刀一挡,百眼魔君肋下千百眼睛又一起闪光,黄雾漫天,包围阻拦封云笙的脚步。 Long Xingquan and Yue Zhenbei and the others goes forward to stop Immortal Ruyi, but follows other Monster Race powerhouses who Jade Rabbit Spirit reenforces to enter the Taoism universe also to catch up, threatens to well up to go forward. 龙星泉越震北等人上前阻拦如意大仙,但追随玉兔精增援进入道门宇宙的其他妖族强者也都赶来,气势汹汹涌上前。 Including previously Dust Domain Dragon King under the casualty heavy group monster, at this time also threw in the Dust Domain Dragon King howling sound. 先前寰尘龙王手下已经死伤不轻的群妖,这时也在寰尘龙王呼啸声中重新扑上来。 In the Immortal Ruyi hand [gold/metal] Gou flings, such as the good vertex angle, shakes Long Xingquan sword light, then forwards, fast rushes to nearby Hall of Pills. 如意大仙手中金钩一甩,如牛顶角,震开龙星泉剑光,然后便一路向前,飞快冲到丹殿附近。 On Hall of Pills [say / way] golden light shoots up to the sky, shoots to him. 丹殿上道道金光冲天而起,向他射去。 The [gold/metal] hook in Immortal Ruyi danced a circle, will say that golden light sweeps together falls, then extends a hook. 如意大仙手里的金钩舞了一个圈,将道道金光一起扫落,然后伸出去一钩。 Similarly the flashing golden color radiance cutting edge, becomes in this moment incomparable gigantic, cut out purple mist, then fell in the White Jade palace. 同样闪动金色光辉的锋刃,在这一刻变得无比巨大,裁剪开了紫色云气,然后落在白玉宫殿上。 Hooks on to Hall of Pills, then Immortal Ruyi putting out a hand round trip. 丹殿钩住,如意大仙便即伸手往回拉。 Pleasant [gold/metal] Gou is tiny a hand end, falls in Immortal Ruyi. 如意金钩把手一端细小,落在如意大仙手里。 The cutting edge carries gigantic, has hooked on to huge incomparable, just likes paradise city gigantic Hall of Pills. 锋刃一端巨大,钩住了庞大无比,恍若仙界城池般巨大丹殿 But along with the dragging of Immortal Ruyi, big Hall of Pills sways unexpectedly, starts to approach to him. 但随着如意大仙的拖动,偌大的丹殿竟然摇晃起来,开始向他靠近。 A Gao Qingxuan sword refers to slantingly, the Sword Sovereign idle talk, changes to myriad instantaneously, moves mountains to kill to Dust Domain Dragon King. 高清漩一剑斜指,剑皇废话,瞬间化作万千道,排山倒海杀向寰尘龙王 The Dust Domain Dragon King personal appearance light, is divided into nine, has let Gao Qingxuan sword momentum. 寰尘龙王身形化光,一分为九,让过高清漩剑势 The Gao Qingxuan whole body red light dodges, immediately is vanishing same place. 高清漩周身红光一闪,当即在原地消失。 Almost does not have any time-gap, when dark red sword light sparkles once more, she pursued to Immortal Ruyi behind, immediately is a sword cuts to fall. 几乎没有任何时间间隔,暗红剑光再次闪耀时,她已经追到如意大仙身后,立即便是一剑斩落。 Immortal Ruyi grasps the hook, another hand turns round to hit to Gao Qingxuan. 如意大仙一手持钩,另外一只手回身向高清漩打去。 His head Two Flowers Gather on Crown, own strength and vitality far from common Monster Race Little Saint or Taoism Heavenly Monarch may compare. 他头上两花聚顶,自身力量和一身元气都远非寻常妖族小圣又或者道门天君可比。 The bonus is his another hand with the Hall of Pills test of strength, another hand racket falls, blocks Gao Qingxuan sword momentum. 饶是他另外一只手在同丹殿角力,另外一只手拍落,也挡住高清漩剑势 Gao Qingxuan cannot hit, Dust Domain Dragon King has staged a comeback, the cut-throat move fiercely attacks behind Gao Qingxuan. 高清漩一击不中,身后寰尘龙王已经卷土重来,凶狠一招猛攻高清漩背后。 A hard sharp True Dragon finger of claw, as if long spear of destroying the hardest defenses, must pass through the Gao Qingxuan chest and belly strategic point. 坚硬锐利至极的真龙指爪,仿佛一支支无坚不摧的长枪,要贯穿高清漩胸腹要害。 Gao Qingxuan has not fended, Index and Middle fingers exists side by side like the sword, the fingertip besides heavy line sword light, adds the faint trace white clouds and spooky azure glow again. 高清漩没有闪避,食中二指并立如剑,指尖除了条条黑线似的剑光外,再添丝丝白气和幽幽青芒 sword tip, on a Dust Domain Dragon King finger of claw. 剑锋所向,点在寰尘龙王指爪上。 fierce swift and fierce dragon claw, shakes immediately! 刚猛凌厉的龙爪,顿时一抖! Pale [gold/metal] Yaoyuan who on dragon claw flashes, touches that azure sword glow, immediately starts to disintegrate, scatters piece by piece golden dust, vanishes in puff of smoke. 龙爪上闪动的淡金妖元,触到那青色剑芒,顿时开始土崩瓦解,散落成一片片金色尘埃,灰飞烟灭。 But that white clouds fall on as if eternal firm not bad Dragon Scale stubbornly, immediately Dragon Scale blasting open. 而那死死白气落在仿佛永恒坚固不坏的龙鳞上,立马就将龙鳞炸裂。 Black sword light spreads across, cuts the Dust Domain Dragon King flesh and blood, then joint holds one revolution. 黑色剑光纵横交错,切割寰尘龙王的血肉,然后合抱一转。 His refers to the claw, immediately had been cut by a Gao Qingxuan sword! 他一根指爪,顿时被高清漩一剑斩了下来! Dust Domain Dragon King spreads one lowly, but tyrannical sword tip that the Gao Qingxuan fingertip gives birth, its potential keeps radically, cuts off Dust Domain Dragon King one finger the twinkling time, sword tip then continues to fall , to continue to cut to Dust Domain Dragon King. 寰尘龙王传出一声低哼,而高清漩指尖生出的凶戾剑锋,其势根本不停,斩断寰尘龙王一指不过瞬息功夫,剑锋便继续滑落,继续斩向寰尘龙王 This strength equivalent to Taoism Heavenly Monarch Dragon Race Little Saint, the personal appearance turns suddenly, opens mouth suddenly, the black mighty current runs out together, changes into instantaneously vastly vast, covers entirely void. 这位实力相当于道门天君龙族小圣,身形猛然一翻,忽地张嘴,一道黑色的洪流冲出,瞬间化为浩瀚汪洋,布满虚空。 The jet black sea hinders Gao Qingxuan sword tip at the same time, Dust Domain Dragon King also change to stream of light, sinks to the sea water, with the aid of fleeing from within the water recedes instantaneously, finally avoids Gao Qingxuan this sword, is insufficient dragon claw entire to be chopped by the match. 漆黑大海阻碍高清漩剑锋的同时,寰尘龙王自己也化作一道流光,沉入海水里,借助水遁瞬间远走,终于避开高清漩这一剑,不至于一只龙爪都被对手整个砍下来。 Gao Qingxuan compelling will draw back, did not plan to pursue, but turns around to continue to look for Immortal Ruyi. 高清漩将之逼退,本不打算追赶,而是掉头继续去找如意大仙 But that vast desert, has raised the dreadful rough sea waves, hiding the sky and covering the earth raids toward her. 可是那汪洋瀚海,已经掀起滔天巨浪,铺天盖地朝她袭来。 Monster Race mostly has talent divine ability, when spars to prey with the person, may play not allow to neglect role. 妖族大都有天赋神通,在与人斗法搏杀时,可发挥不容忽视的作用。 Resembles Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch like that big of talent divine ability function, even surpasses his absolute art to a certain extent. 百眼魔君那般,天赋神通作用之大,某种程度上甚至超过他一身绝学 Although the Dust Domain Dragon King skill was inferior that Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch rib next thousand golden light are overbearing, has the originality. 寰尘龙王的本事虽然不如百眼魔君肋下千眼金光霸道,却也自有独到之处。 Gao Qingxuan all does not fear him, but tied down by him, is annoyed. 高清漩全不惧他,可是被他缠住,自是心烦。 Presently under the dangerous war, is only the twinkling time, is ever changing. 当前险恶战局下,便只是瞬息功夫,已是千变万化。 Immortal Ruyi delays Feng Yunsheng and opportunity of Gao Qingxuan and the others footsteps with the aid of other Great Monster, makes the best use of the time to attack Hall of Pills. 如意大仙借助其他大妖拖延封云笙高清漩等人脚步的机会,抓紧时间攻打丹殿 Grasps pleasant [gold/metal] Gou, hooks on to Hall of Pills, keeping Hall of Pills in light of this from moving, is hard to retreat to leave. 一只手持如意金钩,钩住丹殿,让丹殿就此无法动弹,难以撤退离开。 His another hand stretches out, changes into instantaneously obstructs the day superhuman hand, grasps to the Hall of Pills overhead falls! 他另一只手伸出,也瞬间化为遮天巨掌,向丹殿当头抓落! In Hall of Pills, in Purple Immortal Pavilion, does not see the Yan Zhaoge trace. 丹殿里,紫仙阁中,不见燕赵歌踪影。 Only has Yan Di, Nie Jingshen, Long Xueji and Gao Xuebo four people, as well as obviously melts the human form Mars Halberd. 唯有燕狄聂惊神龙雪寂高雪泊四人,以及显化人形的荧惑戟 Five people tie to sit, Yan Di resides in the center, other four people are placed the four directions. 五个人结阵而坐,燕狄居于中央,其他四人分列四方。 They tie the battle formation, competes for Hall of Pills when at first, is used for uniform Palace Spirit Heavenly Awakening array formation. 他们所结之阵势,正是最初争夺丹殿时,用来制服殿灵天苏阵法 Now although has changed the candidate, but new Long Xueji and Gao Xuebo two people also knew extremely well the array formation change, and can coordinate with other three people. 如今虽然换了人选,但是新加入的龙雪寂高雪泊二人也已经熟稔阵法变化,并能同其他三人配合。 Situated in the central Yan Di top of the head above, float gigantic pill furnace, is Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace. 位居中央的燕狄头顶上方,悬浮一尊巨大丹炉,正是玄霄紫金炉 But in Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, Yan Zhaoge secure sits in meditation. 而就在玄霄紫金炉里,燕赵歌安静坐于其中。 His both eyes closed, did not say motionless, as if sank the dormancy, was the soul flies likely beyond the Heavens. 双目闭合,不言不动,仿佛沉眠,又像是魂飞天外 At this moment the person of suppression aspect in Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace, seems only a body, nearly does not have to want not to have reading condition. 此刻在玄霄紫金炉内镇压局面的人,似乎只是一副躯壳,近乎无想无念之态。 Match overwhelms with numerical strength, I have to take risk to wrestle.” The Yan Zhaoge's sound resounds in Purple Immortal Pavilion, but the source is actually not in Profound Firmament Purple Gold Furnace. “对手人多势众,我也只好冒险一搏。”燕赵歌的声音在紫仙阁内响起,但源头却不是玄霄紫金炉里。 His sound, as if proliferated entire Purple Immortal Pavilion at this time, as if proliferates entire Hall of Pills, but only has in the pavilion five people, can hear him to speak. 他的声音,这时仿佛遍布整个紫仙阁,又仿佛遍布整个丹殿,只是唯有阁中五人,方能听见他说话。 „When I begin, Hall of Pills is unavoidable, has to ask five to tie, suppression.” Yan Zhaoge said. “我动手时,丹殿难免动荡,只好请五位结阵,代为镇压。”燕赵歌言道。 If no these many world that in the palace the universe holds, now seems having the innumerable shackles and heavy burdens. 若是没有殿内宇宙容纳的这么多世界也就罢了,现在则仿佛带着无数镣铐和重担。 To put down the heavy burden to have no ideological problems weighing on the mind, the matters of line of breaking through, from cannot go bad many world to be safe, cannot all throw them here. 想要卸下重担轻装上阵,行突围之事,自也不能坏了诸多世界平安,更不能将它们全抛在这里。 However, this cannot baffle Yan Zhaoge. 不过,这难不倒燕赵歌 Ties five people, said with a smile: Goes about something with a free hand is.” 结阵五人,都笑道:“放手去做便是。” Good!” Yan Zhaoge laughs, the laughter resounds through Purple Immortal Pavilion. “好!”燕赵歌哈哈大笑,笑声响彻紫仙阁 Beside Hall of Pills, the palm of Immortal Ruyi is just about to fall on the White Jade palace top, White Jade palace sudden ray writings! 丹殿之外,如意大仙的手掌正要落在白玉宫殿顶上,白玉宫殿突然光芒大作! The unprecedented powerful aura spreads. 前所未有强盛的气息从中传出。 Then unthinkable presents before the outside people. 然后令人匪夷所思的一幕呈现在外面众人面前。 Hall of Pills sends out the ray, is changed into Purple gold by pure gold. 丹殿所散发光芒,由纯金化为紫金。 The purple golden light splendor congeals, then obviously melts an arm, the palm holds up upwards, hand that direct cradling Immortal Ruyi grasps! 金光辉凝结,然后显化一条手臂,手掌朝天举起,直接托住如意大仙抓来的手! Immortal Ruyi is startled, above Hall of Pills radiance condenses, the second arm stretches out baseless, a palm pats on his forehead! 如意大仙一怔之间,丹殿之上光辉凝聚,第二条手臂凭空伸出,一掌拍在他脑门上!
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