HSSB :: Volume #14

#1348: Fights the group monster

looks at hand Riggin hooks the gap that on was chopped, Immortal Ruyi holds breath cold air. 看着自己手里金钩上被砍出来的缺口,如意大仙倒吸一口凉气。 Just now both sides weapons collides, he even can also feel Feng Yunsheng to have a mind to draw in indistinctly to control own strength. 方才双方兵刃碰撞,他甚至还能隐约感受到封云笙在有心收拢节制自身力量。 Only these fights, Immortal Ruyi vibrates on the mind: Has the End of World Heavenly Demon authority aura, so is unexpectedly terrorist?” 只这一下交手,如意大仙就心神震动:“沾染末法天魔权柄气息,竟然如此恐怖吗?” Read hence, he towed [gold/metal] Gou but actually, has not plunged Hall of Pills again, turned the head also to connect Hall of Pills and Jade Green Stream Heaven's light class to that throws. 一念至此,他倒拖金钩,没有再扑向丹殿,转头也向那一道道连接丹殿碧游天的光流扑去。 Although the goal has Hall of Pills, cuts off this light to flow, Jade Green Stream Heaven is detained the Taoism universe, Hall of Pills has possibility to retreat, but Immortal Ruyi believes that Yan Zhaoge and the others will not drop in light of this. 虽然目标只有丹殿,斩断这光流,碧游天滞留道门宇宙,丹殿有可能自己退走,但如意大仙相信,燕赵歌等人不会就此放手。 This opportunity misses, next time various group of troops know their intention links Jade Green Stream Heaven to whirl away together, has a mind to prepare under the ambush, that really becomes waits for gains without pains, Yan Zhaoge wants the successful opportunity, is very uncertain. 这次机会错过,下次各路人马都知道他们意图连碧游天一起卷走,有心准备埋伏下,那就真成守株待兔,燕赵歌想再成功的机会,无比渺茫。 Since take action, must be clear today. 既然出手,就必须要在今天见分晓。 Although Immortal Ruyi original form True Body is the cow, but he is rare agilely, personal appearance one vertical, arrives at Dust Domain Dragon King nearby them, a hook everywhere, hooks light flow immediately first. 如意大仙原型真身虽然是牛,但他却超乎寻常敏捷,身形一纵之间,来到寰尘龙王他们附近,一钩到处,当即先钩断一道光流 But in the Feng Yunsheng hand jet black long sabre refers to slantingly, immediately overtakes comes. 封云笙手中漆黑长刀斜指,立即追上前来。 Very pustule.” Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch criticizes one at heart, flies toward Feng Yunsheng, then the both arms open, rib next thousand golden light and yellow fog together spout, covers toward Feng Yunsheng. “忒脓包。”百眼魔君心里暗骂一声,也朝封云笙这边飞来,然后双臂张开,肋下千眼金光黄雾一起喷涌,朝封云笙笼罩过去。 Before avoided that light fog Gao Qingxuan to see that the personal appearance also immediately transferred, attacked to Immortal Ruyi and Dust Domain Dragon King they. 之前躲避那光雾的高清漩见状,身形也立即调转,就攻向如意大仙寰尘龙王他们。 Do not want to walk.” In the Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch sneering sound, that light fog fills the air, almost covers the less than half Taoism universe. “都别想走。”百眼魔君冷笑声中,那光雾弥漫,几乎笼罩小半个道门宇宙。 Every light fog institute and place, the space and time as if together was congealed. 凡是光雾所及之处,时空仿佛都被一起凝结。 The yellow dense light fog, flying curls everywhere, must swallows Feng Yunsheng and Gao Qingxuan together. 黄森森的光雾,到处飞卷,要把封云笙高清漩一起吞噬。 Feng Yunsheng sees that took a deep breath, left hand also grasps on the Cold Sun Divine Sabre hilt. 封云笙见状,深吸一口气,左手也握在凛日神刀刀柄上。 Her both hands arm with knife, then has lifted up high the top of the head. 她双手持刀,然后高举过头顶。 zha!” In the Feng Yunsheng mouth sends out a meaning unclear syllable. “咤!”封云笙口中发出一声意味不明的音节。 sabre edge that lifts up high chops to fall downward, the sabre light mistake, the myriad things are toppling, the step to perishes finally. 高举的刀锋向下劈落,刀光过处,万物倾颓,步向终焉灭亡。 That yellow dense light fog, facing sad and shrill dark sabre light, unceasingly wither away at this moment. 那黄森森一片的光雾,面对凄厉的黑暗刀光,这一刻也不断消亡。 Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch glares angrily, under the rib the shading yellow light fog keeps emerging, supplemented continuously that forms the potential of locked in a seesaw struggle with Feng Yunsheng. 百眼魔君怒目圆睁,肋下暗黄的光雾不停涌现,源源不断补充,同封云笙形成拉锯之势。 Then, at this moment, the hiding the sky and covering the earth light fog is unable to continue to spread immediately to sweep across. 只是如此一来,这一刻,原本铺天盖地的光雾顿时无法继续蔓延席卷。 The Gao Qingxuan not loquacity, the main body and doppelgänger one on the left and other on the right, separately flush away to Immortal Ruyi and Dust Domain Dragon King! 高清漩也不多话,本尊和分身一左一右,分别向如意大仙寰尘龙王冲去! Sees just now Gao Qingxuan with scene that Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch fights, Dust Domain Dragon King has not dared to neglect, turns around to deal with front this not to know that is the main body or doppelgänger Gao Qingxuan. 见过方才高清漩百眼魔君交手的景象,寰尘龙王不敢怠慢,转身应对面前这个不知是本尊还是分身高清漩 Match Supreme Pure legacy Numinous Treasure Four Swords launches, sword art high, kills Dust Domain Dragon King to be unable to make ends meet, streaming with sweat. 对手上清嫡传灵宝四剑展开,剑术高绝,杀得寰尘龙王左支右绌,汗流浃背。 But in other one side, already Two Flowers Gather on Crown Immortal Ruyi to another Gao Qingxuan, is relatively relaxed. 而在另外一边,已经双花聚顶如意大仙对上另一个高清漩,则相对轻松。 However when to Immortal Ruyi, Gao Qingxuan not just now to Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch such fight recklessly. 不过对上如意大仙,高清漩又不似方才对上百眼魔君时那样硬拼了。 By her sword art completely all does not use, solely only displays Fallen Immortal Sword. 她旁的剑术尽皆不用,单单只施展一门陷仙剑经。 Sees wipes the red light to be and out in void, unpredictable, the bonus is Immortal Ruyi also agilely grows perceptibly by the skill, is in a short time difficult to catch its trail. 就见一抹红光在虚空里忽隐忽现,变幻莫测,饶是如意大仙也以身手敏捷见长,短时间内也难捕捉其踪迹。 Not only among various swords art transforms pleasant, then after only uses sword art, is deeper various three tastes, exquisite peerless!” Some Immortal Ruyi headaches: Unequalled Holy Mother lineage/vein, left an extraordinary later generation.” “不仅仅各种剑法之间转换如意,转而只用一门剑术后,更是深得各种三味,精妙绝伦!”如意大仙有些头疼:“无当圣母一脉,出了个了不得之后辈啊。” His foundation accumulates, compares current Gao Qingxuan to be thicker, fights has actively. 他根底积累,到底比目前的高清漩更为厚实,交手间更具主动。 Immortal Ruyi has a mind to attack Hall of Pills, or attacks Long Xingquan and Rattan Sovereign and the others, but front Gao Qingxuan flies the speed that escapes to transfer and on clever is not completely inferior in him, making him be hard to withdraw. 如意大仙有心攻打丹殿,或者攻打龙星泉藤皇等人,但偏偏面前高清漩飞遁挪移的速度和灵巧上完全不逊色于他,让他难以脱身。 But in other one side, Long Xingquan, Rattan Sovereign, Yue Zhenbei and Daoist Yun Zheng with other Monster Race buckets in the same place. 而在另外一边,龙星泉藤皇越震北云征道人则同其他妖族斗在一起。 Four sword light entire world, are vertically and horizontally many by few enemies, completely does not drop the wind, even pursues that numerous Great Monster to attack crazily, compelling them to be far away connects Jade Green Stream Heaven and Hall of Pills light class. 四道剑光纵横寰宇,以少敌多,全然不落下风,甚至追着那一众大妖狂攻,逼得他们远离连接碧游天丹殿的光流。 These four people all are sword cultivator, murders to renounce, relentless in attack, few move of times, the match then already started to present the casualty. 这四人皆是剑修,杀伐决绝,攻势凌厉,没几招功夫,对手便已然开始出现死伤。 But under this moment Purple Qi golden light contrasts the White Jade palace, calm, through the light class of that cable, starts to tow entire Jade Green Stream Heaven to approach to oneself. 而此刻紫气金光烘托下的白玉宫殿,老神在在,通过那一道道缆绳似的光流,开始牵引整个碧游天向自己靠近。 Palace gate already opened, in the gate out, various is the single layer universe. 宫殿大门已然打开,门内门外,各是一重宇宙。 Entire Jade Green Stream Heaven, in this moment, starts actinic! 整个碧游天,在这一刻,开始光化! ruo Great World, changes into up the class, through the gateway, enters in the universe in Hall of Pills. 大世界,化为光流,通过门户,进入丹殿内的宇宙中。 So gigantic sound, turbulent entire Taoism universe, no matter where, can realize. 如此巨大的动静,动荡整个道门宇宙,不管哪里,都能察觉。 But outside the Taoism universe, with other influence near Master Fu Luo and Jade Rabbit Spirit, the surface presently the dignified color, the vision may not suppress to appear anxious. 而在道门宇宙外,正跟其他势力较近的浮罗子玉兔精,都面现凝重之色,目光不可抑制出现焦虑。 At present the change of Taoism universe, clearly indicated that Yan Zhaoge and the others whirls away the Jade Green Stream Heaven's plan smoothly, but Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch and other Great Monster, are actually not able to prevent. 眼下道门宇宙的变化,分明表示,燕赵歌等人卷走碧游天的计划在顺利进行,而百眼魔君大妖,却无法阻止。 The light net that in Master Fu Luo this moment hand extends, the dense and numerous complete superpositions in the same place, have formed one to collect the gigantic bird nests of innumerable space and time gradually. 浮罗子此刻手上延伸出去的光网,已经密密麻麻完全叠合在一起,渐渐形成一个收束了无数时空的巨大鸟巢。 At present in this bird nest, distinct has known how things stand saying that golden light is glittering. 眼下这鸟巢里,分明已经有数道金光在闪烁。 Performs is receives to disclose secret information, catches up with Buddhism Supreme Being that supports from Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. 尽皆是接到通风报信,自西方极乐净土赶来支援的一位位佛门大能 They shuttle back and forth the space and time to catch up with the Taoism universe, the at present path actually all passed through in the bird nest, in a short time is hard to break through. 他们穿梭时空赶来道门宇宙这边,眼前道路却全都通到了鸟巢里,短时间内难以突破。 Temporarily Master Fu Luo that the Ultimate Bliss Pure Land reinforcements are cut off, at this time did not have the means to withdraw, has to remain same place. 暂时把极乐净土援军阻隔住的浮罗子,这时却也没办法脱身,不得不留在原地。 He sighed: Fairy maiden helps a hand.” 他叹息一声:“仙子去帮把手吧。” At the same time was saying, his head also appears brilliance, then take action intercepts that Buddhism Bodhisattva for Jade Rabbit Spirit. 一边说着,他头上也浮现光华,然后出手玉兔精截住那位佛门菩萨。 Has work Dao Brother.” Jade Rabbit Spirit does not talk too much, immediately copies pounding medicines in a mortar to poke, hastily crashes in the Taoism universe. “有劳道兄。”玉兔精也不多言,当即抄着捣药杵,就连忙冲进道门宇宙中。 Entered the Taoism universe, rushes to nearby Jade Green Stream Heaven, the Jade Rabbit Spirit line of sight has swept the scene condition, suddenly also surprisedly. 入了道门宇宙,冲到碧游天附近,玉兔精视线扫过现场状况,一时间也惊讶不已。 Her line of sight falls on Hall of Pills, sees Jade Green Stream Heaven to change into up the class at this moment, must be introduced in Hall of Pills gradually completely. 她的视线落在丹殿上,就见碧游天这一刻已经化为光流,要渐渐全部被引入丹殿中。 Void in light avatar appears, world, at this moment the area boundary also becomes clear. 虚空里光影浮现,一个又一个世界,这一刻疆域边界也都变得清晰。 That is similar the Eight Extremities, Vast Ocean, Floating Life and other world, the series belongs to Jade Green Stream Heaven's side side Lower Realm. 那都是类似八极沧海浮生等世界,统属于碧游天的一方方下界 Yan Zhaoge and the others must migrate Jade Green Stream Heaven, this numerous Lower Realm and population, naturally must carry off together. 燕赵歌等人要迁移碧游天,这众多下界和其中的人口,自然也要一同带走。 Jade Rabbit Spirit sees that throws immediately like Hall of Pills. 玉兔精见状,立马就像丹殿扑来。 With Gao Qingxuan doppelgänger brow tight wrinkle that Dust Domain Dragon King fights, temporarily first a sword compels to draw back Dust Domain Dragon King, then blocks Jade Rabbit Spirit. 寰尘龙王交手的高清漩分身眉头紧皱,暂时先一剑迫退寰尘龙王,然后来拦玉兔精 Although Dust Domain Dragon King was compelled to draw back temporarily, but quick then once more rushes ahead to come. 寰尘龙王虽然被暂时逼退,但很快便又再次抢上前来。 The Gao Qingxuan main body and doppelgänger display Fallen Immortal Sword, in all directions stop. 高清漩本尊和分身一齐施展陷仙剑,四处阻拦。 But opposite party three Monster Race Little Saint advance in unison, finally makes Immortal Ruyi take advantage of loopholes, casts off Gao Qingxuan, plunges Hall of Pills! 但对方三位妖族小圣齐头并进,终于还是让如意大仙钻了空子,甩开高清漩,扑向丹殿
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