HSSB :: Volume #14

#1347: The blade broken

Two Gao Qingxuan, seem like does what is right, but soul two bodies, Dual Sword Combination, forms the potential of jointly attacking. 两个高清漩,看似各行其是,但一魂二体,双剑合璧,形成合击之势。 Displaying Executing Immortal Sword of head of Supreme Pure legacy Numinous Treasure Four Swords. 一个施展的正是上清嫡传灵宝四剑之首的诛仙剑 But another displaying is actually husband Long Xingquan Jade Void Opening the Heaven Sword! 而另一个施展的却是丈夫龙星泉玉虚开天剑 The sword of heaven splitting and earth shattering, with the sword of Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth, joins up in this moment, the resonance blends. 开天辟地之剑,同毁天灭地之剑,在这一刻联合起来,共鸣交融。 Although Yan Di's Good Fortune Sabre is different, changes into brand-new unparalleled absolute art, before this but Gao Qingxuan this moment Dual Sword Combination, actually also has never has the change. 虽然不似燕狄的造化刀一样,化为一门全新的盖世绝学,但高清漩此刻双剑合璧,却也生出此前从未有过的变化。 Her situation is special, blessed by Heaven, a soul double body, leaves the move at this moment, just likes a person. 情况特殊,得天独厚,一魂双身,此刻出招,恍若一人。 Such tacit understanding, is a twin twin comes the double sword to jointly attack, is impossible achieves. 这样的默契,便是一对孪生双胞胎来双剑合击,也不可能达到。 Two launching-crew-training, even if being together millennium ten thousand years, is impossible like this is eventually skillful. 其他两人合练,就算相处千年万载,也终究不可能这样纯熟。 Under both sides sword intent interweaves, indistinctly forms the shape of world good fortune change beginning to end circulation unexpectedly. 双方剑意交织下,竟然也隐约形成天地造化变迁始末循环之象。 Not if Yan Di's Good Fortune Sabre like that original complete, is her main body and doppelgänger, the sword qi sword intent resonance unites, is almost equal to two own strength adding together, is particularly vigorous. 不若燕狄的造化刀那般独到圆满,可是她本尊与分身,剑气剑意共鸣联合,几乎等同两个自己的力量相加,分外雄浑。 Gao Qingxuan double sword simultaneously out, irresistible, just likes shading yellow Heavenly River general sword light Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch that cuts off once more! 高清漩双剑齐出,势不可挡,将百眼魔君那恍若暗黄天河一般的剑光,再次斩断! „It is not illusory false body, is one achieves Five Elemental Chakras realm doppelgänger with the main body similarly?” The bonus is Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch is ten thousand years of ghost, experienced and knowledgeable, at this time was also one startled: This sword art,...” “不是虚幻的假身,是一个跟本尊同样达到五气朝元境界分身?”饶是百眼魔君乃是万年老妖,见多识广,这时也是一惊:“还有这剑术,到底…” He looked at Hall of Pills and Jade Green Stream Heaven again, sees Jade Green Stream Heaven given light class, the whole started to move! 他再看了看丹殿碧游天,就见碧游天在光流牵引下,整体已经开始移动! Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch took a deep breath, then unties the clothes belt suddenly, took off oneself soap robe unexpectedly. 百眼魔君深吸一口气,忽地便解开衣带,竟脱了自己身上的皂袍。 Daoist Chuan He lineage/vein in Post-Great Cataclysm, secretly guard against Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch not to know when will walk. 川河道人一脉在大破灭后,都暗自提防百眼魔君不知何时就会找上门来。 The ability characteristics, there is an inquiry. 其本领特点,也有打探。 This moment Gao Qingxuan saw the opposite party movement, immediately remembers some related rumors. 此刻高清漩见了对方动作,立刻想起一些相关的传言。 Really, saw only supercilious look Demon Monarch to peel the clothes, lifted the hand, that two coerced to have 1000 eyes, at this time jumped together puts yellow fog golden light. 果然,只见白眼魔君剥了衣裳,把手一齐抬起,那两胁下有1000只眼,这时一起迸放黄雾金光 Dense yellow fog, the two sides coerce to spurt to say \; Yanyan golden light, in thousand eyes such as sets on fire. 森森黄雾,两边胁下似喷云\;艳艳金光,千只眼中如放火。 The light fog everywhere, covers to Gao Qingxuan. 光雾到处,向高清漩笼罩。 Was only covered by this fog, Gao Qingxuan feels immediately in a dilemma, even unable to move a single step. 被这光雾罩住,高清漩顿时感觉进退两难,甚至动弹不得 Her Dual Sword Combination, opens a road to oneself, the personal appearance regains the freedom, may move in the light fog. 双剑合璧,给自己开一条路,身形重新恢复自由,可在光雾里行动。 But light fog strange, continuously, broke fresh, was still stranded her. 但光雾奇异,源源不断,破了又生,仍然将她困在其中。 The Gao Qingxuan facial color is invariable, main body doppelgänger back to back stands, displays Executing Immortal Sword as before, another has traded swords art, no longer uses Jade Void Opening the Heaven Sword, changes to Executing Immortal Sword similarly. 高清漩面色不变,本尊分身背靠背而立,一个依旧施展诛仙剑,另一个则换了剑法,不再使用玉虚开天剑,也同样改用诛仙剑 Two swords collaborate to jointly attack once more, this chapter does not make the good fortune change, but finishes in strikes fully, as if the day punishes lowers the attack of Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth generally, has bored a hole through the light fog forcefully, withdraws to run out from inside. 两剑再次联手合击,这一回不做造化变迁,只是毕全力于一击,仿佛天罚一般降下毁天灭地的攻击,强行凿穿了光雾,从里面脱身冲出。 Although Gao Qingxuan runs out of light the fog, but looks back to look, saw Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch rib next a lot of monster eyes still to keep the flash, boundless light fog hiding the sky and covering the earth, continued to pursue to her. 高清漩虽然冲出光雾,但回首望去,就见百眼魔君肋下千百只妖眼仍旧不停闪光,茫茫光雾铺天盖地,向她继续追来。 At the same time, in Territory Beyond the Void outside Taoism universe, Immortal Ruyi and other Great Monster also rushed. 同一时间,道门宇宙外的域外虚空里,如意大仙等其他大妖也都已赶到。 However, there are other formidable aura to arrive. 不过,也有其他强大气息降临。 And pure colored glaze radiance emerges, a Golden Body Bodhisattva appears! 其中清净琉璃光辉涌现间,一位金身菩萨出现! Although he also all over the body like colored glaze, flashing light radiance, is actually not in White Lotus Pure Land Buddhism Venerable common Buddha's aura. 他虽然也通体如琉璃,闪动淡淡光辉,却并非白莲净土中佛门尊者常见的佛光 This radiance, is from this Bodhisattva oneself. 光辉,乃是发自这尊菩萨自身。 Is one came from Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss impressively, obtaining enlightenment big Bodhisattva who the authentic Zen cultivate. 赫然是一位源自西方极乐净土,正宗禅修的得道大菩萨。 His aura is most formidable, but beside him, there are imposing manners of other in twos and threes people to reappear, even also faintly has Nine Nether Demonic Aura to surge. 他的气息最为强大,而在他之外,也有三三两两其他人的气势浮现,其中甚至还隐隐有九幽魔气涌动。 Master Fu Luo and other Great Monster exchange a color mutually, then immediately defers to plans beforehand, respective conduct. 浮罗子大妖相互交换一个颜色,便立即按照事先计划,各自行事。 Under Fairy Profound Frost contrasts in the border moonlight, in the hand raises pounding medicines in a mortar to poke, welcomed directly to Venerable of that Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss Pure Land. 玄霜仙子在交界月光烘托下,手里提着一根捣药杵,直接迎向那西天极乐净土的尊者。 Master Fu Luo deters other people, simultaneously puts out a hand to fly high to write talisman, talisman projects brilliance, spreads to expand to the distant place, forms the lattice gradually. 浮罗子则震慑其他所有人,同时伸手凌空书写符箓,符箓投射光华,向远方蔓延扩张,渐渐形成网状。 Buddhism Venerable of that Ultimate Bliss Pure Land sees that immediately frowns. 极乐净土的佛门尊者见状,顿时蹙眉。 Although he did not determine that light net actually anything affects, but before , he has related oneself Ultimate Bliss Pure Land to come the person to support. 他虽然不确定那光网究竟什么作用,但之前他已经联系自家极乐净土来人支援。 But feeling temporal and spatial variation, that light net expands, as if the confused space and time will collect unexpectedly, the person who the surroundings approach, will hit in the net finally. 可是感受时空变化,那光网扩张间,竟似乎将错乱的时空收束起来,以至于周围靠近的人,最终都会撞到网里。 This net looks like outward not internal, will have a mind by that Buddhism Venerable explaining, what a pity Jade Rabbit Spirit Fairy Profound Frost throughout will disturb him, with his dogfight. 此网看起来对外不对内,是以那佛门尊者有心将之破解,可惜玉兔精玄霜仙子始终干扰他,与他缠斗。 Moreover one side, Immortal Ruyi, is leading under one group of Monster Race powerhouses, first has crashed in the Taoism universe, dashes to Hall of Pills to go! 另外一边,如意大仙,带着手下一群妖族强者,抢先已经冲进道门宇宙,直扑丹殿而去! Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch and Jade Green Stream Heaven have a grudge, he may not have. 百眼魔君碧游天有仇,他可没有。 Hall of Pills is goal that Immortal Ruyi wants. 丹殿才是如意大仙想要的目标。 You must relax.” In this moment Hall of Pills, Yan Zhaoge looks to Feng Yunsheng: Continues maintains suppresses the seal unable to relax, till current condition stable free, otherwise the blind further words, demonic nature as the tide rises, the boat floats, instead possibly did not have the means to tidy up.” “你还是要悠着点。”此刻丹殿中,燕赵歌看向身旁的封云笙:“继续保持压制封印不能放松,直到当前状况稳固自如为止,否则盲目再进一步的话,魔性也水涨船高,反而可能没办法收拾了。” I know.” A Feng Yunsheng white clothing, portable black sabre: Makes to that situation, I also possibly become a guidepost, making Demon of Yin Wood such existence look.” “我知道。”封云笙一袭白衣,手提黑刀:“真闹到那个地步,我还可能成为路标,让乙木之魔那样的存在找来。” At the same time was saying, her personal appearance vanishes, when appears again, already arrived at outside Hall of Pills. 一边说着,她身形消失,再出现时,已然来到丹殿外。 At this moment, Immortal Ruyi is plunging Hall of Pills, for the first time sees Feng Yunsheng, is startled. 此刻,如意大仙正扑向丹殿,乍一见封云笙,不由一怔。 Person... Demon?” He slightly in consternation, before, even if remembering a news that once heard: „Were you that have contaminated the person of End of World Heavenly Demon authority aura?” “人…还是魔?”他微微愕然,随即便想起之前曾听闻的一则消息:“你就是那个沾染了末法天魔权柄气息的人?” Feng Yunsheng did not answer, gripped the hair of ponytail to fling, in the hand Cold Sun Divine Sabre roared is running out of the scabbard! 封云笙不答,扎成马尾的头发一甩,手中凛日神刀咆哮着冲出刀鞘! tyrannical unlucky Black Fire Demon Miasma, changes to terror sabre edge, cuts directly to Immortal Ruyi! 凶戾不祥的黑火魔氛,化作恐怖的刀锋,直接斩向如意大仙 20 years ago, once as if world Judgement Day, making the Taoism universe have dying out the terrifying aura of shape on the wane faintly, today revisits. 20年前,曾经仿佛世界末日,令道门宇宙隐隐生出凋零寂灭之象的恐怖气息,今日重临。 And, 20 years ago must be more powerful than! 并且,远比20年前还要更加强盛! Feng Yunsheng take action does not spare, in her top of the head, has to resemble empty as imaginary Flowery Light to condense impressively obviously! 封云笙出手不容情,在她头顶,赫然也有似虚似幻的华光凝聚显化! Just, was different from past Suo Mingzhang and Gao Han, was different from current Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch. 只不过,不同于昔日的索明璋高寒,也不同于当前的百眼魔君 Feng Yunsheng gathers in brilliance of top of the head, is a darkness. 封云笙聚于头顶的光华,乃是一片黑暗。 The aura of that terror makes Immortal Ruyi not dare to neglect, takes out own pleasant [gold/metal] Gou hastily, the top of the head also direct present Two Flowers Gather on Crown, the whole body strength aura completely all rose suddenly. 那恐怖的气息让如意大仙不敢怠慢,连忙取出自己的如意金钩,头顶也直接现了双花聚顶,全身力量气息尽皆暴涨。 His hook sweeps off, violent swift and fierce, fierce is matchless. 他一钩扫去,暴烈凌厉,刚猛无俦。 As if can carry on the back the god cow of vault of heaven, at this moment cut-throat shaking vertex angle! 仿佛一头能驮起苍穹的神牛,这一刻凶狠甩头顶角! The Feng Yunsheng look is tranquil, the vision is dedicated, sabre edge has lifted up high the top of the head high, then chops the potential of Mount Hua by the strength, the overhead chops to fall, completely disregards the Immortal Ruyi [gold/metal] hook. 封云笙神色平静,目光专注,刀锋高高举过头顶,然后以力劈华山之势,当头劈落,完全无视如意大仙的金钩。 That terror dark sabre edge everywhere, universe void as if along with it splitting two halves. 那恐怖的黑暗刀锋到处,宇宙虚空仿佛都随之裂开两半。 Wild brilliance flashes through, Cold Sun Divine Sabre strikes with pleasant [gold/metal] Goujiao, Immortal Ruyi under feeling trembles immediately, does not dare fight recklessly, hastily in hand hook one slanting, lets to side. 狂暴光华闪过,凛日神刀同如意金钩交击,如意大仙顿时感觉手底下发抖,不敢硬拼,连忙手中钩一斜,向旁边让去。 The bonus is so, he fixes the eyes on looked that hand Riggin hooked on were also many a gap! 饶是如此,他定睛一看,手里金钩上也已经多了个缺口!
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