HSSB :: Volume #14

#1346: The sword transfers two meters

Uncle-Master Long raises the sword several thousand years, a dynasty goes out, light cold universe.” In Hall of Pills, Sword Sovereign Yue Zhenbei acclaimed completely. 龙师叔养剑数千年,一朝出关,光寒宇宙。”丹殿中,剑皇越震北满是赞叹。 Yan Zhaoge main body controls Hall of Pills, while said: Yes, Grand Uncle-Master Long holds front, after reaching the first sword to Profound Immortal, most Grand Void Primordial Immortal must evade tip temporarily, otherwise not injured must be hit the head and face filthy with grime face countenance to sweep the floor.” 燕赵歌本尊一边驾驭丹殿,一边说道:“是啊,龙师叔祖开锋,臻至玄仙后的第一剑,大多数太虚元仙都要暂避锋芒,否则不受伤也要被打得灰头土脸颜面扫地。” The present person, mostly only cares about Long Xingquan to be inferior at the matter of his wife Gao Qingxuan, even treats as the joke secretly. 如今的人,大都只在意龙星泉逊色于其夫人高清漩之事,甚至暗地里当做笑谈。 Long Xingquan in person regarding this and does not care, usually is also sluggish at will, cannot live in seclusion, is easier to despise. 龙星泉本人对此并不在意,平日里又懒散随意,隐居不出,更是容易让人轻视。 So long as thinks then to know, person who does not have temperament not to have the skill, is Jade Pure descendant, in the past can be competent to run up to Supreme Pure Jade Green Stream Heaven to go compared with the matter of sword? 但只要想一想便知道,没脾气没本事的人,身为玉清传人,当年怎么可能干出跑到上清碧游天去比剑的事情? The know-nothing parties dauntlessly, issue was Long Xingquan initially really sword art swept away Jade Green Stream Heaven, completely hit the Zhang Buxu, Daoist Yun Zheng and other numerous Supreme Pure powerhouse face countenances to lose, until Gao Qingxuan take action, other source was defeated. 无知者无畏也就罢了,问题是龙星泉当初果真剑术横扫碧游天,打得张步虚云征道人一众上清强者颜面尽失,直到高清漩出手,他方才败下阵来。 According to Sword Sovereign Yue Zhenbei, Long Xingquan usually in leisurely and carefree sluggish, when his sword was at the hand and person battle, frantic and rigid to the victory, compared with past Yan Xingtang must. 按照剑皇越震北所言,龙星泉平日里悠闲懒散,但是当他一剑在手与人争斗时,对胜利的狂热与执着,比当年燕星棠还要更甚。 Compares notes the technique, if with the enemy battle, under the sword is either dead or wounded, is never forgiving. 切磋较技就罢了,如果是与敌争斗,剑下非死即伤,从不留情。 This one point Yan Zhaoge the understanding was not very direct-viewing before. 一点燕赵歌以前以前的认识还不够直观。 But today looks has hung the dark green Crown Prince fate, all did not need to talk too much. 但今天看了悬苍太子的下场,一切都无需多言了。 As for the Long Xingquan strength, sought for Hall of Pills in years past at first, Yan Zhaoge initially meets Cloud Phenomenon Great Emperor, once commended the opposite party, in the known True Immortal powerhouse, to only then entered first three at that time. 至于龙星泉的实力,昔年最初寻找丹殿时,燕赵歌初遇云征大帝,曾经称赞对方,在当时自己已知的真仙强者中,对方可入前三之列。 But at that time, in the Yan Zhaoge eye True Immortal most powerhouse, possibly initially does not ascend Immortal Realm Chen Qianhua, is not Long Xueji that tip reveals completely, is not the prestige is prominent, enlarges ones vision shocking Empress Xie Mingkong. 而在那个时候,燕赵歌眼中真仙最强者,不是可能初登仙境陈乾华,不是锋芒毕露的龙雪寂,也不是威名显赫,开眼惊世的女帝解明空 This low recuperation sword several thousand years, degenerates into the joke in a small number of person eyes Grand Uncle-Master. 正是这位低调养剑数千年之久,在少数人眼里沦为笑谈的师叔祖 At that time Dragon Spring Great Emperor, Long Xingquan! 彼时的龙泉大帝,龙星泉 Here gives Zhaoge you, I also helped.” Although was inharmonious with Jade Green Stream Heaven Rattan Sovereign, Daoist Yun Zheng and other powerhouses, but copes with the foreign enemy at this moment, Yue Zhenbei still temporarily put down the private grudges, set out Hall of Pills. “这里交给赵歌你们,我也去帮忙了。”虽然同碧游天藤皇云征道人等强者不睦,但此刻对付外敌,越震北仍然暂时放下私怨,起身出了丹殿 The universe outside Hall of Pills void, Long Xingquan faces directly equivalent to Taoism Heavenly Monarch Monster Race Little Saint Dust Domain Dragon King. 丹殿外的宇宙虚空中,龙星泉直面相当于道门天君妖族小圣寰尘龙王 Dust Domain Dragon King at this moment was no longer irritable, fights steadily to fortify at every step, must oppress others by realm. 此刻的寰尘龙王已经不再急躁,稳扎稳打步步为营,就是要以境界压人。 But Long Xingquan at this moment, although in vision reveals to try to outdo others the stimulated mood, but during beginning, was still systematic, calm. 而此刻的龙星泉,虽然目光中流露出好胜亢奋的情绪,但动手之间,仍然条理分明,沉着冷静。 He when resists opposite party take action the Great Way imperial decree follows to the suppression that oneself creates, while sword light just for supple, socializes with the enemy. 他一边抗拒对方出手大道纶音相随对自身造成的压制,一边将剑光化刚为柔,与敌周旋。 But in other one side, Rattan Sovereign and Daoist Yun Zheng that in Jade Green Stream Heaven comes out, Sword Sovereign Yue Zhenbei that in Hall of Pills comes out, fights one group with other Monster Race. 而在另外一边,碧游天里出来的藤皇云征道人,丹殿里出来的剑皇越震北,则与其他妖族战成一团。 This place Monster Race, besides hanging dark green Crown Prince, still many skilled people. 此地的妖族,除了悬苍太子以外,仍有不少好手。 However they at this moment, must raise the sword Daoist Yun Zheng similarly several thousand years later, amazes the world with a single brilliant feat! 但是他们此刻,同样要面对云征道人养剑数千年后,一鸣惊人! Although momentum inferior Long Xingquan, but this moment Daoist Yun Zheng sword already leaves, is keeping off flees! 虽然声势逊色龙星泉,但此刻云征道人一剑既出,也是挡者披靡! Immortal Astralized Qi, Monster Immortal of equivalent to Taoism Profound Immortal Realm, was cut two by a Daoist Yun Zheng sword directly. 一个仙气合罡,相当于道门玄仙境界的妖仙,直接被云征道人一剑斩成两段。 sword light castrates continuous, forms the potential of sweeping away, raises bloody raging tides! 剑光去势不休,形成横扫之势,掀起一片血腥狂澜! Dust Domain Dragon King was compelled not to have means that temporarily abandoned Long Xingquan, was forced to receive this sword for other Monster Race again. 寰尘龙王都被逼得没办法,暂时舍了龙星泉,被迫再替其他妖族接下这一剑。 But in other one side, Long Xingquan sword light wells up immediately crazily, grasps the opportunity to counter-attack Dust Domain Dragon King. 而在另外一边,龙星泉马上剑光狂涌,抓紧机会反攻寰尘龙王 Daoist Yun Zheng same sword light sways, drops sword, makes use closes Dust Domain Dragon King and Long Xingquan. 云征道人同样剑光挥洒,落下道道剑阵,趁势将寰尘龙王龙星泉一齐关在其中。 His hand wields, stream of light binds Long Xueji and Gao Xuebo two brothers to fly to another side Yue Zhenbei, then Yue Zhenbei escorts to Hall of Pills this them again. 他手一挥,一道流光裹着龙雪寂高雪泊兄弟二人飞向另一边的越震北,然后越震北再将这他们两个送往丹殿 Although the outside has the Great Way imperial decree that Monster Race Little Saint stimulates to make the True Immortal realm Long Xueji two people be suppressed, but after this biography, sends them first to Hall of Pills safely. 虽然外界有妖族小圣激发的大道纶音令真仙境界龙雪寂二人受到压制,但经此一传,也安然送他们先进入丹殿 Violent anger dragon roar sound gets up, Dust Domain Dragon King quick tearing sword, runs out. 暴怒的龙吟声响起,寰尘龙王很快撕裂剑阵,重新冲出。 Under his command, surplus Monster Race powerhouse simultaneously take action, launches to counter-attack. 在他的统帅下,剩余的妖族强者齐齐出手,展开反攻。 Long Xingquan and Yue Zhenbei and the others look is invariable, meets to incur respectively, with it socializing. 龙星泉越震北等人神色不变,各自接招,与之周旋。 Moreover one side, Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch witnessed that Jade Green Stream Heaven is connected with Hall of Pills, similarly startled and anger. 另外一边,百眼魔君目睹碧游天丹殿相连,同样又惊又怒。 While at this time, previously with Jade Green Stream Heaven Sword Realm of his test of strength, sword qi starts to weaken slowly. 正当此时,先前同他角力的碧游天剑界,剑气开始徐徐减弱。 However a black clothing female, walked. 但是一个青衣女子,从中走了出来。 She takes a step, the indistinct mysterious Great Way imperial decree resounds similarly, neutralizes Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch and Dust Domain Dragon King unceasingly takes to the pressure of people. 她迈步之间,缥缈玄奥的大道纶音同样响起,更不断中和百眼魔君寰尘龙王带给众人的压力。 To today, past Profound Sovereign, already took that step, is lower than Mysterious Primordial Tribulation successfully, the body of achievement Five Elemental Chakras, marches into the boundary of Grand Void Primordial Immortal! 到了今日,昔日的玄皇,已然迈出那一步,成功低过玄元劫,成就五气朝元之身,步入太虚元仙之境! After Suo Mingzhang, since Great Cataclysm in Taoism newborn martial artist, second Heavenly Monarch near world. 索明璋后,大破灭以来道门新生武者中,第二位天君临世。 Jade Green Stream Heaven, sword transfers two meters Gao Qingxuan! 碧游天,“剑转两仪”高清漩 Also is Daoist Chuan He disciple grand disciple.” Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch gratefully, points at one point, gives birth to together shading yellow sword light, then thorn to Gao Qingxuan. “也是川河道人徒子徒孙。”百眼魔君毫不客气,手指一点,生出一道暗黄剑光,便刺向高清漩 The Gao Qingxuan footsteps keep, continue to forward, immediately also a match sword. 高清漩脚步不停,继续向前,当即还了对手一剑。 The dark green sword glow that renounces sad and shrill flies high cuts, cuts off that shading yellow sword light directly! 凄厉决绝的青绿剑芒凌空一斩,直接将那暗黄剑光斩断! Although Executing Immortal Sword, but she attainments on this swords art is very high...” “虽说是诛仙剑,但她在这门剑法上的造诣很高啊…” A Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch brow wrinkle, went to the heart of contempt. 百眼魔君眉头一皱,去了轻视之心。 Then sees his top of the head, immediately has brilliance to shine! 然后就见他头顶,立即有光华亮起! When Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch is Journey to the West Era Supreme Being Monster Immortal that then obtains enlightenment, although until now is unable to bridge over Venerable of Primordial Heavenly Tribulation achievement Monster Race Great Saint throughout, in the Monster Race powerhouse but who tyrannical of strength, this time comes the Taoism universe, besides Master Fu Luo, the remaining people is not his match. 百眼魔君乃是西游纪元时便得道的大能妖仙,时至今日虽然始终无法跨过元天劫成就妖族大圣之尊,但一身实力之强横,这次来道门宇宙的妖族强者里,除了浮罗子以外,余者皆不是他对手。 His top of the head two brilliance flash impressively! 他头顶赫然有两朵光华闪动! Two Flowers Gather on Crown, a Hundred Eyed Demon Monarch strength current craze rises. 双花聚顶,百眼魔君一身力量顿时狂涨。 The body becomes more indestructible, the strength is greatly infinite, but Immortal Primordial that Five Qi unites, is even more powerful. 其身躯变得更加坚不可摧,力大无穷,而五气合一的仙元,更是愈发强盛。 He uses a sword again, sword light is similar to shading yellow Heavenly River, almost horizontal entire Taoism universe, faces Gao Qingxuan to cut to fall. 他再出一剑,剑光如同暗黄的天河,几乎横过整个道门宇宙,朝向高清漩斩落。 Top to gather magnificent, not only means that Grand Void Primordial Immortal turns toward a higher level to make great strides forward unceasingly, similarly means its strength growth really! 顶上聚华,不仅仅意味着太虚元仙不断向着更高层次迈进,同样意味着其力量实打实的增长! Initially ascends Realm of Primordial Immortal Gao Qingxuan, enemy who at this moment faces, is not only established Monster Race Little Saint, was one already the Two Flowers Gather on Crown powerhouse. 初登元仙之境高清漩,此刻面对的敌人,不仅仅是一位老牌妖族小圣,更是一位已然双花聚顶的强者。 Illness!” “疾!” Facing the powerful enemy, Gao Qingxuan is without turning a hair, still continued. 面对强敌,高清漩面不改色,仍然继续前行。 But side her, does not have the indication suddenly are many a form. 而在她身旁,突然毫无征兆的多出一个身影。 Another Gao Qingxuan. 另一个高清漩 Regardless of the aura, is the appearance, the same main body is without change. 不论气息,还是样貌,都同本尊一般无二。 The station here, is two Gao Qingxuan, has nothing the genuine and fake, shares everything! 站在这里,便是两个高清漩,无有真假,不分彼此! They act exactly the same, straightly forwards, then a simultaneously out sword. 两人动作一模一样,都是笔直向前,然后一齐出剑。 Left, sword intent to ominous to offense, exterminates all, eradicates ten thousand laws, Zhao reveals the good fortune finally! 左边一个,剑意至凶至戾,灭绝一切,破除万法,昭显造化终焉! Right, sword intent paramount to raising, unprecedented, rises to challenges, evolves heaven splitting and earth shattering! 右边一个,剑意至高至昂,一往无前,披荆斩棘,演化开天辟地
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