HSSB :: Volume #14

#1345: A thousand years sword!

Long Xingquan as if body sword light, lightens Jade Green Stream Heaven, arrives at the Taoism universe void. 龙星泉仿佛身化剑光,闪出碧游天,来到道门宇宙虚空中。 at present hangs the dark green Crown Prince command group monster, to connecting light flow between Jade Green Stream Heaven and Hall of Pills launches the attack. 眼前是悬苍太子统帅群妖,正对连接碧游天丹殿之间的一道道光流发起攻击。 Long Xingquan grasps the scabbard, another hand grasps on the sword hilt, pulls out the long sword slowly. 龙星泉一手持剑鞘,另一只手握在剑柄上,徐徐将长剑抽出。 Along with the movement of drawing a sword, his entire Human Qi potential changes. 随着拔剑的动作,他整个人气势都为之一变。 Facial expression as before sluggish invariable, but made the person palpitation terrifying imposing manner, sent excitedly! 神情依旧懒散不变,但令人心悸的恐怖气势,勃然而发! Was cutting still strikes the light class hangs dark green Crown Prince to faint from fear, vision one cold, turns around to look to Long Xingquan. 本来还在斩击光流的悬苍太子惊觉,目光一凛,转身看向龙星泉 Long Xingquan draws a sword slowly, the movement seems like very slow, made the group monster fearful and apprehensive. 龙星泉徐徐拔剑,动作看似很慢,却令群妖心惊胆颤。 Quiet Profound Immortal... An immortal sword of handle Quiet level?” Hangs in the dark green Crown Prince heart to ponder over. 清静玄仙…一柄清静层次的仙剑?”悬苍太子心中琢磨。 Sword spreading deep pool, is not Long Xingquan in person along sword, his few Longquan is leakless level immortal armament, the time is limited, being insufficient makes him collect the material, an immortal sword of oneself personally recast handle Quiet level. 剑名驰渊,并非龙星泉本人随身佩剑,他自己的少龙泉是无漏层次仙兵,时间有限,远不足以让他收集材料,自己亲手重铸一柄清静层次的仙剑。 In the eye starts this spreading deep pool sword, is sword after his wife Profound Sovereign Gao Qingxuan ascended to Profound Immortal Realm. 眼下手里这支驰渊剑,乃是其妻子玄皇高清漩登临玄仙境界后的佩剑 Long Xingquan couple's exchange on sword art martial arts quite a lot, now arrived in his hand, then as if has connected the second master's hand, does not need nourishing, then has at one's command. 龙星泉夫妻二人于剑术武学上的交流颇多,如今此间到了他的手上,便仿佛直接入了第二个主人之手,无需温养,便如臂使指。 As Long Xingquan draws a sword, sword edge comes out of the sheath slowly, erupts incomparable bright sword light. 随着龙星泉拔剑,剑刃徐徐出鞘,爆发出无比璀璨剑光 As if compared with that Jade Green Stream Heaven Sword Realm must swifter and fiercer powerful sword qi, be full the Taoism universe at this moment! 仿佛比那碧游天剑界还要更加凌厉强盛的剑气,这一刻充盈道门宇宙! Long Xingquan draws a sword, other people witnessed that all has an misconception. 龙星泉拔剑,旁人目睹,皆生出一种错觉。 The at present world, likely is re-enters the day ago, scene of piece of primordial chaos primordial chaos. 眼前世界,像是重回开天之前,一片鸿蒙混沌景象 But along with movement that Long Xingquan draws a sword, wipes the initial light presents, breaks faintly and darkly, just likes the primordial chaos meteorology is opened, world by set up the sacred cauldron, a side good fortune world Great Thousand entire world, finally present world! 而随着龙星泉拔剑的动作,一抹最初的光呈现,破开幽幽暗暗,恍若鸿蒙般的气象被开辟,天地被鼎定,一方造化世界大千寰宇,终于现世! Hangs dark green Crown Prince, although also felt that the Long Xingquan imposing manner is uncommon, but the self-confidence was still full. 悬苍太子虽然也感到龙星泉气势不凡,但仍旧自信心满满。 He is the child of Huanchen, but had the potential of green is born of blue gradually, is regarded as the promising youth who in the future in Dragon Race the potential will win his father. 他乃寰尘之子,但已经渐渐有青出于蓝之势,在龙族内部被视为将来潜力更胜其父的后起之秀。 Then is now, hangs dark green Crown Prince the equivalent to four air/Qi to add Human Race Profound Immortal sovereign of body, is away from equivalent to Human Race Primordial Immortal Monster Race Little Saint, but one pace. 便是如今,悬苍太子已经相当于四气加身的人族玄仙皇者,距离相当于人族元仙妖族小圣,不过一步之遥。 Today to this's Monster Race powerhouse, besides his father Dust Domain Dragon King and other Monster Race Little Saint, hangs first expert that dark green Crown Prince does not pass on responsibilities. 今日到此的妖族强者,除了其父寰尘龙王妖族小圣外,悬苍太子当仁不让的第一高手 Draws a sword facing Long Xingquan, his first response, assaults! 面对龙星泉拔剑,他的第一反应,是抢攻! The sword of Long Xingquan, gathers of potential, hangs dark green Crown Prince not to dare to neglect. 龙星泉之剑,蓄势之强,悬苍太子也不敢忽视。 But fords Wei ji to strike its average, when he must while Long Xingquan is ready, first take action, making Long Xingquan this seem like an astonishing sword half-way died! 但渡河未济击其中流,他要趁龙星泉蓄势待发之际,抢先出手,让龙星泉这看似惊人的一剑半道夭折! The strong attack, must always be able to project in the match, sees the function. 再强的攻击,总是要能打到对手身上,才见作用。 Hangs in the dark green Crown Prince hand long spear, cut-throat thorn to Long Xingquan. 悬苍太子手中一杆长枪,凶狠刺向龙星泉 He has the confidence to be quicker than Long Xingquan! 他有信心比龙星泉更快! Was dealing with Hall of Pills Dust Domain Dragon King to turn the head with amazement, sees this scene, becomes flushed! 本来正在应对丹殿寰尘龙王骇然转头,看见这一景象,勃然变色! Hangs dark green, fast draws back!” Dust Domain Dragon King loosens hastily grasps with the hand claw of Hall of Pills radiance, turns around, to hang dark green Crown Prince to swoop toward Long Xingquan: He amends the Supreme Pure Rising Sword Concealing Edge method, this operates the front first sword!” “悬苍,速退!”寰尘龙王连忙松开抓拿丹殿光辉的手爪,转身朝龙星泉、悬苍太子这边飞扑:“他修上清藏锋养剑法,这是开锋第一剑!” Hangs dark green Crown Prince heard this, the heart jumps. 悬苍太子闻言,心头一跳。 The solid educational foundation received from family elders, oneself is also a ascended to Monster Immortal several thousand years of top powerhouse, has fought many battles, his naturally knows after Supreme Pure martial artist raises the sword, operates the first sword of front, will far exceed the normal level! 家学渊源,自身亦是登临妖仙数千年的顶尖强者,身经百战,他自然知道上清武者养剑之后,开锋的第一剑,将远远超出正常水平! At this moment draws back also already without enough time, hangs dark green Crown Prince only to have the firm determination, further stimulates to movement own strength, strikes fully, no matter other. 此刻退也已经来不及,悬苍太子唯有坚定意志,进一步催动自身力量,全力一击,不管其他。 But, the Long Xingquan drawing a sword speed seems like slow, when attacks to the enemy face to face approaches, in his hand the spreading deep pool sword, already came out of the sheath! 可是,龙星泉拔剑速度看似缓慢,但当面对敌人攻击来临之际,他手中驰渊剑,已然出鞘! The concept of time, the definition of speed, in this moment, was blurred. 时间的概念,快慢的定义,在这一刻,已被模糊。 Only has is certainly strong a sword, haughty flies high! 唯有绝强一剑,傲世凌空! As if opens a day of light sword magnificent, flashes past in void. 仿佛开天之光的剑华,在虚空中一闪而过。 Hangs in the dark green Crown Prince hand long spear, breaks accordingly! 悬苍太子手中长枪,应声而断! In a flash, his at present white piece, was occupied by bright sword light completely, cannot see other scene again. 一瞬间,他眼前白茫茫一片,完全被璀璨剑光占据,再看不见其他景象 When the universe, is at a crucial moment, Dust Domain Dragon King rushes, flies high a claw, said that golden light congeals, changes to dragon form, keeps off in sword light with hanging dark green Crown Prince. 宇宙中,千钧一发之际,寰尘龙王赶到,凌空一爪,道道金光凝结,化作龙形,挡在剑光与悬苍太子之间。 The Great Way imperial decree and Nine Firmaments dragon roar also resounds, frightens the four directions. 大道纶音和九霄龙吟同时响起,震慑四方。 However Long Xingquan this sword, to eradicate all hindrance, the potential of heaven splitting and earth shattering, rolling forwards. 但是龙星泉这一剑,以破除一切阻碍,开天辟地之势,滚滚向前。 bright incomparable sword light, is quietly, pierces the Dust Domain Dragon King strength to melt Gold Dragon! 璀璨无匹的剑光,悄无声息间,洞穿寰尘龙王力量所化之金龙 As if spans in huge Gold Dragon in entire world, the whole body brilliance is dim immediately, such as was cut to kill. 仿佛横亘于寰宇之间的庞大金龙,周身光彩顿时黯淡,如被斩杀。 After sword light Tu Dragon, castrated still had not stopped unexpectedly , to continue to forward, cuts on hanging dark green Crown Prince! 剑光屠龙之后,去势竟然仍未停止,继续向前,斩在悬苍太子身上! Hangs a dark green Crown Prince pitiful yell, among the flowing light changes, was hit present the primary form directly. 悬苍太子一声惨叫,流光变化间,直接被打得现了原形。 A gigantic Black Dragon appears in void, the head like the mountain, the body like the rivers and streams, around the middle had actually cut off, only remains the half body! 一条巨大黑龙出现在虚空里,头颅如山岳,身体如江河,却已经被人拦腰斩断,只剩半截身子! Dust Domain Dragon King rushes finally, blocks before that black Dragon Body, has met a Long Xingquan sword hardly. 寰尘龙王终于赶到,拦在那黑龙身前,硬接了龙星泉一剑。 The body of Five Elemental Chakras, Profound Immortal difficult wound. 五气朝元之身,玄仙难伤。 But the bonus is so, already successive fights two, nearly sword light of spent force, hits the Dust Domain Dragon King body to sway. 但饶是如此,已经连战两阵,近乎强弩之末的剑光,还是打得寰尘龙王身体摇晃。 He startled and anger, first turns head to look Black Dragon that one behind suffocated. 他又惊又怒,先回头看自己身后已经奄奄一息的黑龙。 Other Monster Race one faces are shocking, after recovering, cannot attend to paying attention to connected light class of Jade Green Stream Heaven temporarily with Hall of Pills, hurries to hanging dark green Crown Prince encircles. 其他妖族都一脸震惊,回过神来后也暂时顾不上理会碧游天丹殿之间相连的光流,赶忙向悬苍太子围过来。 Front Dust Domain Dragon King turns the head to look angrily at the person. 寰尘龙王转头怒视面前之人。 Long Xingquan sword tip refers to Dust Domain Dragon King slantingly. 龙星泉剑锋斜指寰尘龙王 A sword after the hand, his facial expression finally no longer sluggishly at will. 一剑在手后,他神情终于不再懒散随意。 At this moment, on handsome face, tranquil, is containing dedicated reverent, is as for... Frantic! 此刻,英俊的脸庞上,宁静中,蕴藏着专注虔诚,乃至于…狂热! To dedicated of Martial Way, frantic to sword art! 武道的专注,对剑道的狂热! Dust Domain Dragon King angry roar, the personal appearance in a flash, is divided into nine, changes to nine Gold Dragon, goes to Long Xingquan surrounding. 寰尘龙王怒啸一声,身形一晃,一分为九,化作九条金龙,向龙星泉包围而去。 Method of Rising Sword Concealing Edge, opens front first sword momentum to be irreversible, whets oneself deeply hides for a lot of years is releases as for several thousand years of sword intent all. 藏锋养剑之法,开锋第一剑势不可挡,将自身磨砺深藏千百年乃至于数千年的剑意尽数释放。 Later when replies under current realm the normal level. 之后当回复当前境界下正常水平。 But Long Xingquan at this moment, whole body [say / way] immortal qi pasts, changes into Immortal Astral, moves along with sword tip, socializes with dragonflight. 而此刻的龙星泉,周身道道仙气流转,化为仙罡,随剑锋而动,与群龙周旋。 Righteous Qi, Transformation Qi, Pure Qi and Bright Qi. 正气化气清气明气 Long Xingquan distinct four Astralized Qi at this moment! 此刻的龙星泉分明四气合罡 Is detained the True Immortal number thousand years, did not call already, amazed the world with a single brilliant feat, some day these step trod forward, was the Profound Immortal peak! 滞留真仙数千载,不鸣则已,一鸣惊人,有朝一日这一步向前踏出,便是玄仙顶峰! Four Astralized Qi Profound Immortal, Dust Domain Dragon King has to fight. 气合罡玄仙,寰尘龙王不是没有交过手。 But at present Long Xingquan, the spreading deep pool sword in the hand, the sword light circulation, the analysis and synthesis, light and darkness interlocks, actually his attack, resisting outside, making Dust Domain Dragon King that the anger reached, the brains for a it Qing, reexamined at present this match. 眼前龙星泉,驰渊剑在手,剑光流转,分分合合,明暗交错,竟然将他的攻击,拒之于外,令怒火冲顶的寰尘龙王,头脑为之一清,重新审视眼前这个对手。 Then was flowed swiftly opened front first sword that incomparable tip, Long Xingquan at this moment did not accommodate careless and indiscreet. 便是已经泻了开锋第一剑那无匹锋芒,此刻的龙星泉也不容轻忽。 Nine Gold Dragon unite, Dust Domain Dragon King gloomy face, has stood firm the mind, take action, does not unfold the change once more, goes straight there and comes straight back, must oppress others by realm, compels Long Xingquan fight recklessly. 九道金龙合一,寰尘龙王阴沉了脸,稳住了心神,再次出手,不展变化,直来直去,就要以境界压人,迫龙星泉硬拼 But at the same time, in Jade Green Stream Heaven, after Long Xingquan, Rattan Sovereign, Daoist Yun Zheng and other powerhouses, departs one after another, arrives at the universe void. 而与此同时,碧游天里,龙星泉之后,藤皇云征道人等强者,也相继飞出,来到宇宙虚空中。
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