HSSB :: Volume #14

#1376: Famous whole family

Three Illuminations Divine Water to Heaven Beyond the Heaven, naturally is the urgently needed treasure. 三光神水天外天来说,自然是急需的宝物。. Said like Gao Han, has this treasure to camouflage, Immortal Courtyard and Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, will be more difficult to search to determine the Heavenly Primordial Stone fragment the whereabouts whereabouts. 诚如高寒所言,有了此宝遮蔽,仙庭无量天尊,将更难搜索确定天元石碎片的下落行踪。 Moreover especially important one point, had the Three Illuminations Divine Water help, threat that Fu Ting, Meng Wan and He Xixing they, face, there is a possibility to be smaller, reduces opportunity that Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable separates directly leads into the path of virtue spatially. 而且尤为重要的一点,有了三光神水帮忙,傅婷孟婉何熙行他们,面对的威胁,也有可能小一些,降低无量天尊直接隔空渡化的机会。 Although Yan Zhaoge about Fu Ting their situation, another consideration and arrangement, but if can be better late than never, avoids the threat, must be better eventually. 虽然燕赵歌关于傅婷他们三人的情况,另有一番思量和安排,但如果能亡羊补牢,免除威胁的话,终究要更好一些。 To Hall of Pills Heavenly Awakening Universe, with its internal Heaven Beyond the Heaven, is so safer, further improves the confidentiality. 丹殿所化的天苏宇宙,和其内部的天外天而言,如此也更安全,进一步提高隐蔽性。 To just hear the name of Three Illuminations Divine Water, in the Yan Zhaoge heart then slightly moves. 是以刚刚听闻三光神水之名,燕赵歌心中便微微一动。 However, he does not have to make the decision anxiously, but asked a question first. 不过,他没有急着做决定,而是先问了一个问题。 In which Buddhism Venerable hand? I can others once listen to its given name?” “在哪位佛门尊者手里?我等可曾听过其名号?” Gao Han heard this, unfolds the face to smile: I think that should be has listened, generally politely calls it is Shore of Benevolence Ascetic.” 高寒闻言,展颜一笑:“我想,应该是听过的,一般尊称其为惠岸行者。” He He...” Yan Zhaoge suppresses the impulsion that shows the whites of the eyes: naturally has listened.” “呵呵…”燕赵歌强忍住翻白眼的冲动:“自然听过。” Shore of Benevolence Ascetic Muzha, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing second son, Three Altars Deity of the Multitudes Nezha Second Brother. 惠岸行者木吒,托塔天王李靖的次子,三坛海会大神哪吒的二哥。 Ancient Era then became an immortal, transits the discipling from Jade Pure legacy True Person Puxian, Taoism third generation disciple family background formally. 上古纪元便已成仙,师承玉清嫡传普贤真人,正儿八经的道门三代弟子出身。 Afterward entered the Western Buddhism along with its master True Person Puxian together, True Person Puxian changed into Samantabhadra, Muzha also becomes Buddhism Venerable. 只是后来随其师普贤真人一同入了西方佛门,普贤真人化为普贤菩萨,木吒也成为佛门尊者。 Entered Jade Pure legacy of Western Buddhism with True Person Puxian together, Heavenly Lord of Broad Methods Mañjuśrī and True Person Cihang, the former changes into Mañjuśrī, the latter changes into Avalokiteśvara. 普贤真人一同入了西方佛门的玉清嫡传,还有文殊广法天尊慈航真人,前者化为文殊菩萨,后者化为观音菩萨 After that the Medieval Era time, the Muzha revolutions throws Avalokiteśvara disciple, has been his disciple, called Shore of Benevolence Ascetic. 其后中古纪元时候,木吒转投观音菩萨门下,做了其弟子,称惠岸行者 In the past junction of Ancient Era with Medieval Era, similar chaotic situation were many, a lot except for the party concerned, the unusual person knew the truth. 当年上古纪元中古纪元之交,类似混乱情况不少,很多事情除了当事者,已经少有人知晓真相。 It looks like in Yan Zhaoge, Shore of Benevolence Ascetic matter, can be bad debts similarly. 燕赵歌看来,惠岸行者的事情,也同样可以算是烂账一笔。 Therefore, may I ask Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang, True Person Puxian and True Person Cihang two can , save the world now?” Yan Zhaoge looks to Gao Han. “所以,敢问日曜太阳上尊,普贤真人慈航真人两位,如今可还存世?”燕赵歌看向高寒 Initially heard that Three Illuminations Divine Water reappears in the Buddhism Venerable hand, is beyond control Yan Zhaoge not to be many thinks. 初闻三光神水在佛门尊者手里重现,由不得燕赵歌不多想。 This treasure was in Jade Pure Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning founder dojo Jade Emptiness Temple had the thing that in the past, was all over the world alone, must say under the chance coincidence to have the posterity to obtain, this possibility cannot say does not have, but the probability was too low. 这宝物当年乃是玉清元始天尊祖师道场玉虚宫里才有的东西,普天之下独一份儿,要说机缘巧合下有后人无意间得到,这可能性不能说没有,但是概率太低了。 But Heavenly Lord of Broad Methods Mañjuśrī, True Person Puxian and True Person Cihang three Jade Pure legacy Supreme Being, entered the Western Buddhism after Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning above worldly matters together, if they brings, that possibility is higher. 文殊广法天尊普贤真人慈航真人三位玉清嫡传大能,在元始天尊超脱后一起入了西方佛门,如果是他们带过去的,那可能性还更高些。 The result asked that sure enough. 结果一问,果不其然。 True Person Cihang, I am not how clear, but True Person Puxian, should be also alive.” The Gao Han smile replied. 慈航真人如何,我不清楚,不过普贤真人,应该还在世。”高寒微笑答道。 Yan Zhaoge facial expression faint smile: „, Does not know Three Altars Deity of the Multitudes, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King and Lingshan Vanguard Buddhist Protector situation, Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang whether to tell?” 燕赵歌神情似笑非笑:“那么,不知三坛海会大神,托塔天王灵山前部护法情况,日曜太阳上尊可否见告?” Three Altars Deity of the Multitudes Nezha. 三坛海会大神哪吒 Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing. 托塔天王李靖 Lingshan Vanguard Buddhist Protector Jinzha. 灵山前部护法金吒 Shore of Benevolence Ascetic Muzha. 惠岸行者木吒 This was also historically the quite famous whole family. 这也算是历史上比较有名的一家子了。 Lingshan Vanguard Buddhist Protector, still in Central Hovering Pure Land, is present White Lotus Pure Land.” The Gao Han facial expression is usual, tells: Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King actually entered Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, but the Three Altars Deity of the Multitudes whereabouts, Gao does not know the circumstances of the matter, but also was inquiring.” 灵山前部护法,仍在中央娑婆净土,也就是如今的白莲净土。”高寒神情如常,娓娓道来:“托塔天王却入了西方极乐净土,而三坛海会大神的下落,恕高某也不知情,还在查询。” But, Great Cataclysm, Heavenly Court Divine Palace fell from the sky in the past fights, in the hearsay Three Altars Deity of the Multitudes fought to finally, likely protects buddhist law to be a good omen.” “不过,当年大破灭,天庭神宫陨灭一战中,传闻中三坛海会大神战至最后,很可能护法呈祥了。” So-called protects buddhist law to be a good omen, is falls from the sky to lay down one's life the quite tactful view. 所谓护法呈祥,就是陨落捐躯比较委婉的说法。 Feng Yunsheng frowns slightly, looks to Gao Han. 封云笙微微蹙眉,看向高寒 Must say that the enemy has not had great idea, about all sorts of dangers, does not conceal actually, one by one said detailed. 要说对方没打好主意吧,关于种种危险,倒是都不隐瞒,一一详实道来。 But if the opposite party is settling the good intention, how she listens how to think that this has dug a big hole, coaxed the person to jump toward inside. 可如果说对方安着好心,她怎么听怎么觉得,这是挖了一个大坑,哄着人往里面跳。 Yan Zhaoge looking pensive: „Does Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang want to make to probe?” 燕赵歌若有所思:“日曜太阳上尊是想做一下试探吗?” True Person Cihang and True Person Puxian, although entered the Buddhism, but since and my Three Pure Ones Orthodox, continuously also somewhat sentiment of burning incense.” The Gao Han smile replied: Let alone, I and others also seeks Three Illuminations Divine Water, is not to be awkward with Shore of Benevolence Ascetic, mentions Shore of Benevolence Ascetic also similarly is our generation Taoism senior.” 慈航真人普贤真人,虽然入了佛门,但与我三清正宗,一直以来都还有几分香火之情。”高寒微笑答道:“更何况,我等也只是谋求三光神水,并不是一定要同惠岸行者为难,说来惠岸行者也同样是我辈道门前辈呢。” After Yan Zhaoge ponder moment, opens the mouth to ask: What situation at present is both sides war latest progress? Where does Shore of Benevolence Ascetic come? He in it place, Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and Monster Race, is as for two families External Way, which powerhouses has there?” 燕赵歌沉思片刻后,开口问道:“眼下双方战局最新进展是什么情况惠岸行者在哪里现身?他所在之地,西方极乐净土妖族,乃至于两家外道,都有哪些强者在那里?” Immortal Courtyard External Way, three thousand Immortal Realm, 800 perish, falls into the hand of White Lotus Pure Land.” Gao Han said: Compares in this one point, those who most make Immortal Courtyard have a fracture is four big Heavenly Immortal is struck to kill by Fellow Daoist Suo.” 仙庭外道,三千仙境,有800沦丧,落入白莲净土之手。”高寒言道:“不过相较于这一点,最让仙庭伤筋动骨的还是四大天仙索道友击杀。” Immortal Courtyard ten two Heavenly Lord, in quantity the originally inferior White Lotus Pure Land Buddha, was struck to kill four by Fellow Daoist Suo finally again, in a short time is unable to supplement that this had their today's calamity.” 仙庭十二天尊,数量上本就逊色白莲净土的佛陀,结果再被索道友击杀四个,短时间内无法补充,这才有了他们今日之祸。” But, with the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss help, Immortal Courtyard External Way has stood firm, starts to seek unceasingly seizes seized eight hundred Immortal Realm again, White Lotus Pure Land naturally is not willing, moreover hopes that can go a step further, both sides is at the locked in a seesaw struggle condition now, no one easily will give up.” “但是,在西方极乐净土帮助下,仙庭外道已经重新站稳脚跟,开始不断谋求重夺被占领的八百仙境,白莲净土自然不肯,而且还希望能更进一步,双方现在正处于拉锯状态,谁也不会轻易放弃。” The Gao Han smile said: „If no especially big accidental accident, they want to decide the victory and defeat, but must be very long.” 高寒微笑说道:“如无特大意外变故,他们想要分出胜负,还要很久。” Yan Zhaoge said lightly: Has the present aspect, Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang your plan, at least has half merit, Yan admires.” 燕赵歌淡淡说道:“有如今的局面,日曜太阳上尊您的谋划,至少有一半功劳呢,燕某佩服。” This I may not be at all.” Gao Han shakes the head: Gao one point shallow end magical skill, but considers in detail one or two for His Majesty South Pole of Longetivity, let alone finally can accomplish, is lucky Fellow Daoist Suo.” “这我可真不敢当。”高寒摇头:“高某一点浅末道行,不过是为南极长生陛下参详一二,更何况最终能够成事,也多亏索道友。” He looks to Yan Zhaoge, the smile said: These, there is your excellency your merit, has merit that Fellow Daoist Shao their these many people of same belief advance uninterruptedly, a little at a time mounts up, just now finally has become the important matter, Gao does not dare to claim credit.” 他看向燕赵歌,微笑说道:“这其中,也有阁下你的功劳,有邵道友他们这诸多同道前赴后继的功劳,聚沙成塔,方才最终成了大事,高某可不敢居功。” Supreme Lord of the Sun Luminary Greater Yang was polite.” The Yan Zhaoge look is tranquil. 日曜太阳上尊客气了。”燕赵歌神色平静。 Gao Han shows neither approval nor disapproval smiles , to continue saying: Shore of Benevolence Ascetic, not in the Immortal Courtyard ground, but in Outside Territory endless void, with several big Monster Immortal dogfights, the nearby also has Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and Monster Race other powerhouses, but does not have Buddha or Monster Race of Great Saint Great Encompassing Heavenly Immortal level in side.” 高寒不置可否的一笑,继续说道:“惠岸行者,并不在仙庭地面上,而是在域外无尽虚空里,同几大妖仙缠斗,附近也有西方极乐净土妖族的其他强者,不过没有大罗天仙层次的佛陀或者妖族大圣在旁边。” „Does the match who he directly faces, which Great Monster have?” Asking that Yan Zhaoge maintains composure. “他直接面对的对手,都有哪些大妖?”燕赵歌不动声色的问道。 Gao Han replied: „The latest news that I obtained before, can determine has Crane Race and monkey clan and a Great Péng bird clan.” 高寒答道:“我之前得到的最新消息,可以确定的有鹤族、猴族和大鹏鸟一族。” That no wonder.” Yan Zhaoge look usual saying: In the past Supreme Pure Supreme Being Winged Immortal of Great Péng clan, once had then suffered a loss in front of Three Illuminations Divine Water.” “那就难怪了。”燕赵歌神色如常的说道:“当年大鹏一族的上清大能羽翼仙,便曾经在三光神水面前吃过亏。” Gao Han nods: not bad, this time to restrain the Great Péng bird, therefore Shore of Benevolence Ascetic brought Three Illuminations Divine Water leave the mountain to enter the war.” 高寒点头:“不错,这次正是为了克制大鹏鸟,所以惠岸行者带了三光神水出山参战。”
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