HNOF :: Volume #6

#587: Lin Feng Life Source proves the prestige of Dao Technique treasure!

massive Ice-Flame, is similar to tide similar rushes Shi Tianhao in Dragon Battle Arena, is actually Cao Wei plans to fish in troubled waters. 海量冰炎,如同潮水一般涌向龙斗场中的石天昊,却是曹伟打算浑水摸鱼。 Lin Feng faint has swept his an eye, lets the Cao Wei whole body such as the falling ice hole. 林锋淡淡扫了他一眼,却让曹伟浑身如坠冰窟。 next moment, Lin Feng top of the head Treasure Light shines, in Void transmits melodious bell sound, mighty bell breaks open Space, arrives at the world. 下一刻,林锋头顶宝光亮起,虚空中传来悠扬钟声,一口洪钟破开空间,降临人世。 bell sound resounds, Cao Wei Ice-Flame actually vanishes. 钟声响起,曹伟冰炎却消失殆尽。 Bell of Good Fortune! 造化之钟 The great clock image changed gradually, turns into one path jet black huge stone gate, the surface has covered entirely the reliefs of myriad picture, during was ancient desolate, was sending out strong Life Aura. 大钟的形象渐渐改变,变成一道漆黑的巨大石门,表面布满了万千景象的浮雕,古老苍凉之中,散发着浓烈的生命气息 In continuous bell sound, stone gate sends out the strong full of vitality, the first heavy change of precisely Bell of Good Fortune, Creating Life Gate. 在连绵不绝的钟声中,石门散发出浓烈的勃勃生机,正是造化之钟第一重变化,创命之门 Was born on behalf of infinite Life, infinite thing created big door, contained opened a side Good Fortune, created a side Heaven and Earth great power to be able! 代表了无穷生命诞生,无穷事物被创造的大门,蕴含了开辟一方造化,创造一方天地的大威能! Thunders, heavy stone gate opens toward both sides slowly. 一声轰鸣,厚重石门向着两端缓缓打开。 The people have turned very quiet, concentrates including Kuang Heng, Dao Venerable Profound Downpour and Qin Emperor Shi Yu vision, is gazing at in Void slowly opening Creating Life Gate. 众人屏住了呼吸,连匡恒玄霖道尊秦帝石羽都目光微凝,注视着虚空中徐徐开启的创命之门 By their cultivation base Cultivation Realm, can feels this Magical Treasure Strength Domain indistinctly, succeeds one another with Lin Feng in person Lineage. 以他们的修为境界,可以隐约感受到这件法宝力量意境,同林锋本人一脉相承。 This is Lin Feng's Life Source proves the Dao Technique treasure! 这是林锋的本命道法宝! big door opens, in gentle radiance, there is a person's shadow to flash, then has one person to depart from the gate, the goal points to Cao Wei! 大门开启,柔和光明中,有人影闪动,接着便有一人从门中飞出,目标直指曹伟 This is... Source Qi Dao Soldier?!” Cao Wei has gawked staring, then on look big change. “这是…元气道兵?!”曹伟愣了愣,接着就神色大变。 The family raises the method of Dao Soldier, is not rare, uses specific Formation, will study same Dao Technique Sect's Disciples to be united as one body numerously, the low cultivation base disciple wants the quantity to be many enough, coordinating Formation to resist cultivation base to be higher than their many. But quantity few enemies. 眷养道兵之法,并不少见,利用特定的阵法,将众多修习同一种道法门人弟子连成一体,低修为的弟子只要数量够多,配合阵法便可抵御修为高出他们许多。但数量较少的敌人。 Some Divine Great Land Sect also meet the family to raise Monster Race, by the Human Race Dao Technique instruction. transform into Dao Soldier. 神州浩土有些宗门还会眷养妖族,以人族道法传授。将之化为道兵 Great Zhou Dynasty Divine Martial Army Under the Heavens is well-known, Divine Martial Executing Immortal Array Formation can tens of thousands of cultivate different Dao Technique Strength of fuse with a furnace Cultivator. Also is the method of good improvement Dao Soldier. 大周皇朝神武军天下闻名,神武诛仙阵可以将成千上万修练不同道法修士力量融于一炉。也是行的改良道兵之法。 But in the final analysis, Dao Soldier to majority win, defeats a superior enemy, at quantity receiving in exchange quality, some significance, is the Formation one variety. 说到底,道兵是为了以多胜少,以弱胜强,以数量换取质量,某种意义上来说,也是阵法一个变种。 Cao Wei Heavenly Lake Sect has such Technique. 曹伟自家天池宗就有这样的法门 But Dao Soldier is life of insight, does not have to condense manifestation Dao Soldier by Source Qi. 道兵都是有识的生灵,从没有过以元气凝聚化生道兵 Because of Source Qi Dao Soldier, only Magical Treasure Original Spirit can condense, but can only be the Nascent Soul Realm Strength level high. 因为元气道兵,只有法宝元灵才能凝聚,但最高只能达到元婴期力量层次。 Saves breeding enough Dao Soldier. Forms the battle formation, truly can obtains formidable Strength, but contrary to this is Divine Origin rank Strength Magical Treasure, the gain does not equal the loss, so many Source Qi, might as well is actually used to strengthen oneself. 积攒孕育足够数量的道兵。结成阵势,确实可以获得强大力量,但相对于本就是元神级别力量法宝来说,却得不偿失,有那么多的元气,还不如用来强化自身。 But now, is not only Cao Wei, all sees that Source Qi Dao Soldier person, is dumbfounded. 可是现在,不仅仅是曹伟,所有看见那元气道兵的人,都目瞪口呆。 Sees only that Source Qi Dao Soldier body half black half white. It seems like strange, actually incomparably coordinates, the five senses appearance is gentle, but unemotionally. 只见那元气道兵身体半黑半白。看似诡异,却无比协调,五官长相柔和,但面无表情。 These are not the key points. With emphasis lies, this Source Qi Dao Soldier whole body Magic Force Aura round revolutions, achieves Cultivation Realm of Heaven and Earth body unexpectedly. Impressively is Strength cultivation base of Divine Origin rank! 这些不是重点。重点在于,这元气道兵周身法力气息圆转,竟然达到天地一体的境界。赫然是元神级别的力量修为 Source Qi Dao Soldier of Divine Origin rank! 元神级别的元气道兵 Illusion? Has or reposed Treasure Item?” Presents all people, looks the color of shock including Kuang Heng, Dao Venerable Profound Downpour and Shi Yu three Divine Origin Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Expert. “幻象?还是其中寄托了宝物?”在场所有人,包括匡恒玄霖道尊石羽三名元神合道境界强者都面露震惊之色。 Lin Feng's Bell of Good Fortune. The appears first densification looks like Creating Life Gate, implication endless Life Strength nearly. 林锋的造化之钟显化第一重化象创命之门,蕴含近乎无穷无尽生命力量 Is used for the medical service. Almost has the living corpse and meat white bones effect, Lin Feng has the this treasure guard, Myriad evils can not invade, even if injured, can is replying instantaneously. 用来医疗。几乎有活死人、肉白骨的奇效,林锋此宝护身,万邪不侵,即便受伤,也可以在瞬间回复。 But this Treasure Item and is not only the treasure of guard, is Fighting Technique Divine Weapon, the reason lies from the Creating Life Gate embodiment nurtures form Primal Chaos Dao Soldier! 但这件宝物并不仅仅是护身之宝,更是斗法利器,原因就在于自创命之门内蕴育而成太极道兵 Own vast boundless life Strength, transfers the transform into actual battle efficiency, Technique of gain does not equal the loss to other Magical Treasure, Creating Life Gate, actually but is exactly its institute. 将自身浩瀚无边的生灵之力,转化为实际的战斗力,对其他法宝来说得不偿失的法门,于创命之门来说,却不过是恰得其所罢了。 When the people are shocked, Primal Chaos Dao Soldier that black and white blends arrived at Cao Wei front, the double fist inspires, is Lin Feng's Great Sun Divine Fist. 就在众人震惊之时,黑白交融的太极道兵已经来到曹伟面前,双拳一振,便是林锋的大日神拳 Dazzling golden light changes to the boundless raging fire, compelling Cao Wei to hit completely Mind to deal. 耀眼金光化作无边烈火,逼得曹伟不得不打起全部精神应对。 Sees this, all person simultaneously suck in an cold air/Qi: Really is Source Qi Dao Soldier of Divine Origin First Level Strength level!” 看见这一幕,所有人齐齐倒抽一口冷气:“真的是元神一重力量层次的元气道兵!” This is on Divine Great Land not completed has always presented Divine Origin rank Dao Soldier, thinks that such Dao Soldier quantity saves up, that terrifying picture, everyone is afraid. 这是神州浩土上从来未成出现过的元神级别道兵,想到这样的道兵数量积攒起来,那恐怖景象,每个人都不寒而栗。 All people look to in Void Creating Life Gate: „Is this what kind of Magical Treasure?” 所有人都望向虚空中创命之门:“这到底是件怎样的法宝啊?” This Dao Soldier has insufficient, is not equal to genuinely Divine Origin Cultivator.” Has kept silent, the whole body Magic Force Aura fluctuation Great Qin power Wu Qingrou had not said slightly suddenly: Is purely Source Qi transformed into, gives birth to Spiritual Sense, is equal to Magical Treasure Original Spirit and synthesis of Cultivator Mystical Ability Dharma Body.” “这道兵有不足,不等同于真正元神修士。”一直默不作声,周身没有丝毫法力气息波动大秦权相伍轻柔突然说道:“是纯粹元气所化,生出灵识,相当于法宝元灵修士神通法身的综合。” Is far away from that to expedite his Magical Treasure, or in certain Time not arrive Magical Treasure Strength supplemented that his spirituality and Source Qi will obliterate gradually.” “远离那催生他的法宝,或者一定时间内得不到法宝力量补充,他的灵性元气都会渐渐磨灭。” Moreover, might far inferior Profound Gate's Master oneself Mystical Ability Dharma Body.” “而且,威力远不及玄门之主自己神通法身。” Qin Emperor Shi Yu calmly said: But Profound Gate's Master's this Magical Treasure, I can feel, but also just Spirit Gestation grade, has the infinite potential can excavation, if Strength continues to promote, this Dao Soldier strength also very difficult lecture.” 秦帝石羽静静说道:“但玄门之主的这件法宝,朕能感到,还只是孕灵级数,有无穷的潜力可以挖掘,若是力量继续提升,这道兵实力也很难讲。” Wu Qingrou nod one's head, sighed, on the face revealed the forced smile rarely: Let alone, Dao Soldier originally by quantity win...” 伍轻柔点点头,叹了口气,脸上难得露出苦笑:“更何况,道兵本来就是以数量取胜…” The voice has not fallen, sees in Creating Life Gate, runs out of one Primal Chaos Dao Soldier once more, dashes to Cao Wei! 话音未落,就见创命之门内,再次冲出一个太极道兵,直扑曹伟 Cao Wei left hand pinched one strange Secret Technique, right hand Index and Middle fingers existed side by side like the sword, the point to the oneself forehead. 曹伟左手捏了一个古怪法诀,右手食中二指并立如剑,点向自己的眉心。 His left hand five fingers open and close, as if ice frost congeals, actually resembles the flame to soar, will move with the static perfect union. 左手五指开阖之间,仿佛冰霜凝结,却又似火焰飞腾,将动与静完美结合。 After his right hand to the oneself forehead, infinite ice frost freezes his whole person, as if an incarnation ancient iceberg. 他的右手点到自己眉心之后,无穷冰霜将他整个人冻结,仿佛化身一座亘古冰山。 next moment, iceberg peak is loudly stave, is similar to the volcanic eruption is the same, infinite raging fire magma upwards spout from the summit. 下一刻,冰山顶端轰然破碎,如同火山喷发一样,无穷烈火岩浆从山顶朝天喷涌。 The iceberg non-stop transpiration, the raging fire airborne dances in the air, both are rapid transform into red blue two hazes, shortly afterwards these two hazes merge into one organic whole, loses the trace in Space, as if vanished baseless similar. 冰山不停蒸腾,烈火空中飞舞,两者都飞速化为一红一蓝两道烟气,紧接着这两道烟气融为一体,在空间中失去踪影,仿佛凭空消失了一般 Ice Fire Two Extremes Invisible Sword Qi! 冰火两极无形剑气 The Cao Wei self-created alone gate gives up study, is imposing in this moment ominous prestige, compels to draw back front Primal Chaos Dao Soldier. 曹伟自创的独门绝学,在这一刻凶威凛然,逼退面前太极道兵 doesn't wait for him was but happy, moreover one Primal Chaos Dao Soldier together has also pasted! 可是不等他高兴,另外一个太极道兵也一起贴了上来! Gets up!” Cao Wei does not dare to have slightly hesitant, the hand flings, the one path faintly recognizable unpredictable rime fog emerges, flutters in his palm place. “起!”曹伟不敢有丝毫犹豫,手一甩,一道飘渺难测的冰雾涌现出来,在他掌心处飘荡。 If fog such as imaginary, then has to flash the dazzling Sword Light cold glow. 如雾如幻,便有闪动耀眼的剑光寒芒。 Actually is Heavenly Lake Sect collection Magical Treasure, named Ice Soul Vast Cloud, is mysterious Magical Sword, the non-stop transformation of main body between the ice crystals and mist two shapes, not measured wonderful. 却是天池宗一件珍藏的法宝,名为冰魄云渺,是一件神奇的法剑,本体在冰晶与水雾两种形态之间不停变换,神妙莫测。 Cao Wei operates this manifestation grade Magical Treasure by Divine Origin First Level Realm, is unable to urge to send complete might, but the power and influence is also astonishing, coordinates up with oneself Ice Fire Two Extremes Invisible Sword Qi, sweeps away 4 sides. 曹伟元神一重境界操纵这件化生级数法宝,无法催发其中全部威力,但也威势惊人,与自己冰火两极无形剑气配合起来,横扫四方 But that two Primal Chaos Dao Soldier all unemotionally, one in the front and one in the back attacks from both sides Cao Wei. 但那两名太极道兵全都面无表情,一前一后夹攻曹伟 Great Sun Divine Fist and Immeasurable Ocean Secret Art two big Mystical Ability, two Dao Soldier one person one types, display, shortly will hit Cao Wei to be surrounded by perils. 大日神拳无量海诀两大神通,两个道兵一人一种,施展开来,顷刻间打得曹伟险象环生。 And Primal Chaos Dao Soldier displays Immeasurable Ocean Secret Art, the body boundless blue sea, has met a Cao Wei sword hardly, next moment, is one path Strength Domain completely is then same, but even more formidable Ice Fire Two Extremes Invisible Sword Qi anti- attack to Cao Wei, air/Qi Cao Wei immediately spits blood. 其中一名太极道兵施展无量海诀,身化无边碧海,硬接了曹伟一剑,下一刻,便是一道力量意境完全相同,但更加强悍冰火两极无形剑气攻向曹伟,顿时把曹伟气得吐血。 in Void opens wide, the flashing violent red light, raging fire lava from there spews out, one appearance formidable might sends old man to take a step scarlet, snow white Ice-Flame appears, then quick transform into red raging fire. 虚空中洞开,闪动暴烈红光,烈火熔岩从中喷涌而出,一个长相威武的赤发老者迈步而出,雪白冰炎出现,接着很快化为赤色烈火。 Under the raging fire combustion, almost is instantaneously clean the immeasurable blue sea evaporation of Primal Chaos Dao Soldier. 烈火燃烧下,几乎在瞬间将太极道兵的无量碧海蒸发干净。 The another side Void also breaks open crack, the one look sinks to congeal faint white hair old man to go out, has not actually managed Primal Chaos Dao Soldier, the his goal was still Shi Tianhao. 另一边虚空破开裂缝,一个神色沉凝淡漠的白发老者走出,却没有管太极道兵这边,他的目标仍然是石天昊 Sees these two old man, presents all Divine Origin big shots eyebrows to raise: „Did Ice and Fire Two Elders leave the mountain unexpectedly together?” 见到这两个老者,在场所有元神大佬都眉毛一扬:“冰火二老居然一起出山了?” Shi Zongyue carefully looked at an eye: They break the price record ahead of time, but left, the millennium painstaking efforts give up eventually, cannot achievement Divine Origin Dao Fusion boundary, what a pity, seriously what a pity!” 石宗岳仔细看了一眼:“他们提前破关而出了,千年苦功终究放弃,没能成就元神合道之境,可惜,当真可惜!” But can make them make so significantly sacrificed, actually on Shi Tianhao to have what secret?” “但能让他们做出如此重大牺牲,石天昊身上究竟有何秘密?” These two old man precisely Heavenly Lake Sect Supreme Elder, Sect Master Cao Wei Martial Uncle, and called Ice and Fire Two Elders, although two people not completed Dao Fusion, but has reached the Void Return peak, Strength was quite fearful. 这两名老者正是天池宗太上长老,宗主曹伟师叔,并称冰火二老,两人虽然未成合道,但都已经达到返虚巅峰,力量极为可怕。 Elder Fire presently behind, curls up the burn the Heaven roaring flame, pushes to pure violent boundary Heavenly Lake Sect Ice Fire Two Extremes Strength Domain, completely gives up icing Strength coldly, but displays arrived pinnacle raging fire Strength, two Divine Origin First Level cultivation base Primal Chaos Dao Soldier completely is not opponent. 火长老身后,卷起焚天烈焰,将天池宗冰火两极力量意境推向单纯的极端之境,完全放弃寒冰之力,而将烈火力量发挥到了极致,两个元神一重修为太极道兵完全不是对手 May at this moment, in Creating Life Gate run out of two Primal Chaos Dao Soldier once more, similarly is Divine Origin First Level cultivation base. 可就在这时,创命之门内再次冲出两个太极道兵,同样都是元神一重修为 Presents all person looks to be dignified, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect besides Sect Master Lin Feng, unusual Divine Origin Cultivator, many people thinks that diverted Lin Feng, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect then had no alternative facing other influence Divine Origin Expert attack. 在场所有人都神色凝重,玄门天宗除了宗主林锋以外,少有元神修士,很多人认为牵制住了林锋,玄门天宗面对其他势力元神强者攻击便无可奈何。 Heavenly Lake Sect then has this idea, but everyone not previously thinks that Lin Feng's Life Source Magical Treasure so Heaven-defying, unexpectedly can evolve the Divine Origin rank unexpectedly Dao Soldier. 天池宗便是打得这种主意,但谁也不曾想到,林锋的本命法宝竟然如此逆天,竟能演化元神级别的道兵 So firstly, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect fundamental does not lack the Divine Origin rank the strength. 如此一来,玄门天宗根本就不缺元神级别的战力。 Although just Divine Origin First Level cultivation base, one-on-one faces Divine Origin Second Level Elder Fire appears lacks the ability to do what one would like, but Divine Origin Second Level Expert where is that many? 虽然都只是元神一重修为,单对单面对元神二重火长老就显得力不从心,但元神二重强者又哪里是那么多的? Let alone, who knows in Creating Life Gate, how many Primal Chaos Dao Soldier can breed? 何况,谁知道创命之门中,到底能孕育出多少太极道兵 At this moment, four Primal Chaos Dao Soldier live apart 4 sides, brothers, interaction whether there is, impressively group formed one simple battle formation. 此刻,四名太极道兵分居四方,彼此之间同气连枝,互动有无,赫然组成了一个简单的阵势。 All person Mind inspire, so-called Dao Soldier, this is wants arranging formation to oppose the enemy, can play the might. 所有人精神一振,所谓道兵,本就是结阵对敌,才能发挥威力。 Great Sun Divine Fist, Immeasurable Ocean Secret Art, Eternal Light Divine Wind and Heaven Supporting Seal were displayed separately, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind surges together, directly the Void smashing. 大日神拳无量海诀宙光神风承天印被分别施展开来,地水火风一起涌动,直接将虚空粉碎。 next moment, Primordial Chaos again is stable, Good Fortune Splitting the Heaven Strength breeds form, the one air bubble appears in Elder Fire and Cao Wei front, fires into Shi Tianhao's Elder Ice continually, was blocked the way. 下一刻,混沌重新安定,造化开天之力孕育而成,一个气泡出现在火长老曹伟面前,连冲向石天昊的冰长老,也被拦住了去路。 The Heavenly Lake Sect three big Divine Origin Expert complete discolorations, before soon, them just experienced Lin Feng in person personally to use this terrifying Magical Technique. 天池宗三大元神强者全部色变,就在不久之前,他们刚刚见识过林锋本人亲自使用过这个恐怖法术 The standing like a tripod universe, heaven splitting earth shattering, opens a Natural World formidable to be dignified. 鼎立乾坤,开天辟地,开辟一方造化世界强大威严。 Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique! 元始开天妙术
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