HNOF :: Volume #6

#588: Primal Chaos Dao Soldier, suppresses Enlightenment!

Dao Soldier arranging formation, Strength large scale promotion. 道兵结阵,力量大幅度提升。 Although only four Primal Chaos Dao Soldier, but forms the battle formation, cannot be underestimated. 虽然只有四个太极道兵,但结成阵势,也不容小觑 If merely is this, Ice and Fire Two Elders extremely will not have dreaded that after all Divine Origin Second Level and between Divine Origin First Level has the extremely big difference, the gap commonplace is hard to surmount, the profound mystery of Void Return Dharma Body, pure Divine Origin Avatar Strength superimposes the can comparison by no means. 若仅仅是这样,冰火二老还不会太过忌惮,毕竟元神二重元神一重之间有极大差别,鸿沟等闲难以跨越,返虚法体之玄奥,并非单纯元神化身力量叠加可以比拟。 But four big Primal Chaos Dao Soldier collaborate, displays Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique such Powerhouse Mystical Ability, immediately makes Ice and Fire Two Elders feel the eccentric pressure. 但四大太极道兵联手,施展出元始开天妙术这样的大能神通,顿时让冰火二老到了压力。 That as if a side Good Fortune opens, formidable Strength of World crush, even if deals with up to be also thorny by their Mystical Ability Magic Force. 那仿佛一方造化开辟,世界碾压的强大力量,即便以他们的神通法力应对起来也非常棘手。 Elder Ice has anchored the step of oneself advance directly, does not dare to divert attention to look for Shi Tianhao to be troublesome again, said to Cao Wei sinking sound: Ice Soul Vast Cloud gives me.” 冰长老直接停住了自己前进的步伐,不敢再分心去找石天昊麻烦,冲着曹伟沉声说道:“冰魄云渺给我。” Cao Wei without demur, Magical Treasure in the hand gives Elder Ice directly. 曹伟二话不说,直接将手中法宝交给冰长老 Elder Ice Dao Technique Domain and Elder Fire just right relative, completely gives up raging fire Strength, but will ice Strength to display arrived pinnacle coldly. 冰长老道法意境火长老正好相对,完全放弃烈火之力,而将寒冰力量发挥到了极致 Entire Heavenly Lake Sect high and low, he can count Magical Treasure Strength to display the peak Ice Soul Vast Cloud this Manifestation Stage , both sides joint effort, even can surpass own limit in pairs. 整个天池宗上下,他能将冰魄云渺这件化身级法宝力量发挥到巅峰,双方合力,甚至能双双超越自身极限。 He grasps Ice Soul Vast Cloud, in rime fog Sword Light presents the one facial expression immediately ice-cold, north just likes the cold wind bone-chilling cold female, precisely Ice Soul Vast Cloud Sword Spirit, Elder Ice and Sword Spirit catch up together, the instantaneous wind and snow writings, change to the world of ice and snow a side Heaven and Earth. 他一握冰魄云渺,冰雾般的剑光中顿时出现一个神情冰冷,犹如北地寒风般凛冽的女子,正是冰魄云渺剑灵,冰长老剑灵一同发力,瞬间风雪大作,将一方天地化作冰天雪地。 If in snow and ice World of fog electricity, non-stop suppresses the air bubble that Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique forms, must prevent the air bubble to burst finally, wants to seal it frozen. 如雾似电的冰雪世界中,不停压制元始开天妙术形成的气泡,要阻止气泡最终破裂,想将之冻封。 But heaven splitting earth shattering Strength what kind formidable, the air bubble splits, the clear and turbid two air/Qi surge, divide Heaven and Earth, directly snow and ice World tearing. 开天辟地力量何等强大,气泡裂开,清浊二气涌动,划分天地,直接将冰雪世界撕裂。 Cao Wei and Ice and Fire Two Elders look emergency, this move Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique when does not have Lin Feng in person displays formidable, but is also soul-stirring. 曹伟冰火二老神色急变,这一式元始开天妙术虽然没有林锋本人施展时强大,但也惊心动魄。 Asked the treasure to come!” Instantaneous, Ice and Fire Two Elders simultaneously the hand pinches Secret Technique, and stretches out one finger respectively, point to the opposite party forehead! “请宝贝现身!”瞬间,冰火二老同时手捏法诀,并且分别伸出一指,点向对方的眉心! After the point opposite party forehead, two people finger retreat, the fingertip drags to entrain the one path fine lace like lightning separately. 在点中对方眉心后,两人手指闪电般后退,指尖分别拖拽出一道细线。 Two fine laces one blue one red, the screw interwines, the direct impact heaven, has opened wide above Void. 两条细线一蓝一红,螺旋交织在一起,直冲上天,洞开了上方的虚空 in Void fearful Aura transmits immediately, simultaneously follows the one sad sound: why arrive to this?” 虚空中立刻一股慑人气息传来,同时伴随着一个沉闷的声音:“何至于此?” Instant Time, the people in Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region, feel formidable Strength Aura to transmit, silk not at all is inferior and Kuang Heng, Dao Venerable Profound Downpour and Qin Emperor Shi Yu such Divine Origin Dao Fusion Expert. 时间,天龙古域中的人们,都感受到一股强大力量气息传来,丝毫不逊色与匡恒玄霖道尊秦帝石羽这样的元神合道强者 In breaks open Space, one white clothing middle-aged man goes out gradually, a flame scarlet-red long hair, pair of straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are actually snow white, as if ice frost. 破开空间内,一个白衣中年男子缓步走出,一头火焰般的赤红长发,一对剑眉却是雪白色,仿佛冰霜 Qin Emperor Shi Yu and Wu Qingrou look at each other an eye: Is Two Extremes Heavenly Peak.” 秦帝石羽伍轻柔对视一眼:“是两极天峰。” Two Extremes Heavenly Peak, Heavenly Lake Sect genuinely Treasure of Mountain Protection, several thousand years ago is in northern border snow territory Heavenly Lake a strange mountain peak, whole body constitutes by the extreme cold ice crystal, the mountain peak center of earth contained the blazing lava. 两极天峰,天池宗真正镇山之宝,数万年前是北疆雪域天池中一座奇异山峰,通体极寒冰晶构成,山峰地心却蕴含了炽热熔岩。 The Ice Fire Two Extremes Good Fortune Strength collection in one, after Heavenly Lake Sect opening the mountain Sect Founder seeks, by Secret Technique sacrificial refining becomes Magical Treasure, refining up after Heavenly Lake Sect all previous dynasties Expert, as well as with concentration cultivate, finally succeeded on Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure. 冰火两极造化之力集于一身,被天池宗开山祖师寻得后,以秘法祭炼成为法宝,历经天池宗历代强者炼化,以及自身潜心修练,终于成大乘级数法宝 Magical Treasure promotes Third Level Cultivation Realm, achieves Enlightenment grade, the Original Spirit thorough accomplishment, can is separated from the main body, and ** the control main body, alone displays completely Strength, ascends the sky into to have one's wish. 法宝晋升第三重境界,达到大乘级数,元灵彻底大成,可以脱离本体,并**驾驭本体,独自发挥全部力量,上天入地随心所欲。 Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure, in the battle efficiency, is equal to one Divine Origin Third Level Dao Fusion Cultivation Realm Powerhouse Expert completely. 一件大乘级数法宝,在战斗力上,完全等同于一个元神三重合道境界大能强者 Appears in people front, sends white eyebrows middle-aged man scarlet, is Two Extremes Heavenly Peak Magical Treasure Original Spirit. 出现在众人面前,赤发白眉中年男子,便是两极天峰法宝元灵 He is Heavenly Lake Sect present strongest, always assumes personal command in Heavenly Lake Sect Mountain Gate, does not go out easily, this time persuaded by Ice and Fire Two Elders and Cao Wei, came Western Hill City eventually. 他才是天池宗眼下的最强者,一向坐镇于天池宗山门,轻易不外出,这次被冰火二老曹伟说动,终究也来了西陵城 Sees with own eyes Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique extremely formidable, destroys to decay the potential bang to the Cao Wei three people, he could not sit still finally. 眼见元始开天妙术极为强大,摧毁拉朽之势轰向曹伟三人,他终于坐不住了。 middle-aged man white eyebrows raises, the palm average holds up to the sky, Space opens wide, has thousand zhang (3.33 m) high and low majestic mountain peak to appear in the people top of the head fully. 中年男子白眉一扬,手掌平平向天空中举起,空间洞开,一座足有千丈高低的巍峨山峰出现在众人头顶。 The huge volume, visual impact strength formidable, whole body is extremely snow white, is similar to the ice crystal sending out bone-chilling cold cold air. 庞大的体积,视觉冲击力极为强悍,通体雪白通透,如同冰晶般散发凛冽寒气。 In the snowy mountain of ice crystal, the faintly visible red flame beats fierce, the summit is steaming, thick smoke surging, infinite blazing flame and magma from there gush out. 冰晶似的雪山中,隐隐可见赤色火光凶猛跳动,山顶热气蒸腾,浓烟滚滚,无穷炽热火焰和岩浆从中喷薄而出。 middle-aged man are not many speaks, single-handed lifting top of the head majestic Two Extremes Heavenly Peak, after Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique air bubble collapse the clear and turbid two air/Qi that runs out have pounded directly! 中年男子也不多说话,单手托举头顶巍峨两极天峰,朝着元始开天妙术气泡破裂后冲出的清浊二气直接砸了下去! The clear and turbid two gas range have the heaven splitting earth shattering formidable power and influence, shells on Two Extremes Heavenly Peak. 清浊二气带起开天辟地强大威势,轰击在两极天峰上。 Two Extremes Heavenly Peak had the change suddenly, mountain peak Space , the incarnation is a side World, Ice Fire interweaves. 两极天峰突然起了变化,山峰所处的空间,也化身为一方世界,冰火交织。 That raging fire burns down Pure Qi unexpectedly unceasingly, but the snow and ice clear away Foul Qi in non-stop, two joint efforts, must two be mad again to press the Primordial Chaos initial state clear and turbid unexpectedly! 那烈火竟然不断焚烧清气,而冰雪则在不停涤荡浊气,两下合力,竟是要把清浊二气重新压回混沌原始状态! The majestic mountain peak non-stop whereabouts, must reverse Heaven and Earth to open, prevent the Great Desolation change! 巍峨山峰不停下落,要逆转天地开辟,阻止洪荒变迁! Such Strength power and influence, making the people on the scene praise to the heavens. 这样的力量威势,让在场众人叹为观止。 Four Primal Chaos Dao Soldier arranging formation, naturally cannot compare Lin Feng in person Mystical Ability Magic Force, although Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique is very exquisite, but under Two Extremes Heavenly Peak suppression, must be reversed at this moment shortly. 四个太极道兵结阵,自然比不得林锋本人神通法力,虽然元始开天妙术无比精妙,但此刻在两极天峰镇压下,眼看就要被逆转。 But at this time, in Creating Life Gate the person's shadow once more flashed. 但就在这个时候,创命之门内人影再次闪动。 one! 一个 Also one! 一个 Third, until are more! 第三个,直到更多! Suddenly the free time, in Creating Life Gate runs out of eight Primal Chaos Dao Soldier unexpectedly! 眨眼工夫,创命之门内竟然又冲出八名太极道兵 These eight Primal Chaos Dao Soldier are actually not divided into two groups, each group of four people of once more arranging formation, but forms the one battle formation about eight people of Strength. 这八名太极道兵却不是分成两拨,每拨四人再次结阵,而是合八人之力结成一个阵势。 Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Lake. 天、地、风、雷、水、火、山、泽 Eight Primal Chaos Dao Soldier come to a stop respectively the Eight Trigrams position, forms the battle formation, Magic Force Source Qi is united as one body, evolves Great Thousand Good Fortune instantaneously, the Myriad Things picture. 八名太极道兵分别站稳八卦方位,结成阵势,法力元气连成一体,瞬间演化大千造化,万物景象。 formidable Strength poured into to formerly four Dao Soldier on continuously, first four latter eight, the 12 Dao Soldier battle formation fused gradually. 强大力量源源不断注入到先前四名道兵身上,前四后八,十二道兵的阵势渐渐融合。 Strength of entire battle formation rises suddenly loudly, Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique Strength also in same Time as the tide rises, the boat rises with it! 整个阵势的力量随之轰然暴涨,元始开天妙术力量也在同一时间水涨船高 The clear and turbid two air/Qi establish separately once more, splits Primordial Chaos by the irresistible power and influence, expedites Good Fortune. 清浊二气再次分立,以不可阻挡的威势分裂混沌,催生造化 Foul Qi sinks, calm concise, congealment is the essence, changes to the earth, subsequently evolves mountain streams and rivers. 浊气下沉,沉稳凝练,凝结为实质,化作大地,继而演化山川河流 Pure Qi rises, enormous and powerful faintly recognizable, length and breadth is mysterious, changes to the sky, subsequently evolves stars Sun and Moon. 清气上升,浩荡飘渺,广袤而玄妙,化作天空,继而演化星辰日月 Reset Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, opens Heaven and Earth Good Fortune. 重定地水火风,开辟天地造化 Under the Strength bombardment of such overbearing, Two Extremes Heavenly Peak shivers immediately fiercely up, creakies, as if the building will lean. 在这样霸道力量轰击下,两极天峰顿时剧烈颤抖起来,摇摇欲坠,仿佛大厦将倾。 Sends white eyebrows middle-aged man complexion had a big change scarlet, has drunk one: Ji! form instantaneous moving arrived Two Extremes Heavenly Peak on top, stabilizes the oneself main body. 赤发白眉中年男子脸色大变,喝了一声:“疾!”身影瞬间移动到了两极天峰顶上,稳定自己的本体。 On the Ice and Fire Two Elders face reveals color with amazement, knows that the arrived critical moment, without demur, threw Two Extremes Heavenly Peak together good-fittingly, changes to the one path blue light and one path red light, entire integrates in Magical Treasure. 冰火二老脸上都露出骇然之色,知道已经到了关键时刻,二话不说,一起合身扑上两极天峰,化作一道蓝光和一道红光,整个融入法宝之中。 Cao Wei deeply looked at the distant place also with Lin Feng an eye that Kuang Heng fights, there, the Lin Feng eye does not look toward here. 曹伟深深看了远方还在与匡恒交手的林锋一眼,在那里,林锋眼睛都不往这边看一下。 duo!” Cao Wei inspired, revealed that oneself Divine Origin Avatar, changes to a round flashing cold light blue Sun, intensely bright, makes the person be afraid. “咄!”曹伟吸了一口气,显露出自己元神化身,化作一轮闪动冷光的蓝色太阳,耀眼夺目,却让人不寒而栗。 his Divine Origin Avatar also attaches on arrived Two Extremes Heavenly Peak, Heavenly Lake Sect numerous Expert Strength centralized in this Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure. 他的元神化身也附到了两极天峰上,天池宗一众强者力量都集中于这件大乘级数法宝 Two Extremes Heavenly Peak body surface red blue two color ray flashing, mountain peak volume non-stop inflates alternately, rises arrived to have more than 3000 zhang (3.33 m) altitude fully, hangs above in the sky, Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique that covering the sky and blocking the Sun, under suppression 12 Primal Chaos Dao Soldier arranging formation displays fully. 两极天峰体表红蓝二色光芒交替闪烁,山峰体积不停膨胀,涨到了足有3000多丈高度,悬于天空之上,遮天蔽日,全力镇压下方十二太极道兵结阵施展的元始开天妙术 But the people on the scene, majority have not focused in them, the line of sight instead gazes at another side that leaf of black big door. 但在场众人,大多数都没有把注意力放在他们身上,视线反而注视另一边那扇黑色大门 In Creating Life Gate, is indistinct, has the person's shadow to flash impressively, although has not trod Creating Life Gate, but also makes all people be startled for it heart. 创命之门内,隐约间,赫然还有人影闪动,虽然没有踏出创命之门,但也让所有人为之心惊。 Fuck, did this also call Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure? 尼玛,这也叫孕灵级数法宝 Makes dirtily Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure, although under Magical Treasure under Good Fortune, may have the situation in to subdue|grams, but that majority are Spirit Gestation challenges manifestation, manifestation challenges Enlightenment. 把一件大乘级数法宝弄得灰头土脸,虽然造化之下的法宝,有可能出现下克上的情况,但那大多数是孕灵挑战化生,化生挑战大乘 Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure contends with the Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure matter, has, but like present Creating Life Gate, suppresses Two Extremes Heavenly Peak, actually absolutely may be called the different number. 孕灵级数法宝抗衡大乘级数法宝的事情,不是没有,但像现在创命之门这样,压制两极天峰,却绝对堪称异数。 Xuan Li of distant place is overbearing, one path ominous offense pure light, pares an corner/horn Dao Venerable Profound Downpour Empty Heaven Immortal Town directly. 远方的玄璃更是霸道,一道凶戾清光,直接将玄霖道尊廓天仙城削去一角。 Xuan Li unemotionally, sword momentum non-stop, Sword Light rises crazily, is even more sad and shrill, entire Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region in turbulent, Myriad Things is the front, the topple the mountains and overturn the seas similar pressure to Dao Venerable Profound Downpour. 玄璃面无表情,剑势不停,剑光狂涨之间,越发凄厉,整个天龙古域都在动荡,万物为锋,排山倒海一般压向玄霖道尊 Here cannot display, we changed a place to be good.” The Dao Venerable Profound Downpour facial expression is invariable, under foot lithical steps fly loudly, breaks open Space, has been separated from Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region a side World directly, escapes into endless in Void. “这里施展不开,咱们换个地方好了。”玄霖道尊神情不变,脚下石质阶梯轰然飞起,破开空间,直接脱离了天龙古域一方世界,遁入无尽虚空中 In Darkness Cosmic World, stars, the Dao Venerable Profound Downpour suspension of movement turns around, Xuan Li that tranquil looks at no trace of politeness pursues. 黑暗宇宙里,繁星点点,玄霖道尊停步转身,平静看着毫不客气追出来的玄璃 In Dao Venerable Profound Downpour both eyes, all sentiments belong to tranquilly, as if Myriad Things Annihilation, melts the return to origin beginning. 玄霖道尊双目之中,所有感情都归于平静,仿佛万物寂灭,化归元始。 His robe sleeve flutters, as if coincides with entire Void Cosmic World, in a flash, the stature arrives huge inconceivable, as if oneself is a Natural World. 他袍袖飘飞,仿佛与整个虚空宇宙相合,一瞬之间,身材庞大到不可思议,仿佛自身就是一方造化世界 A Dao Venerable Profound Downpour both hands racket, endless white mist gathers in his palm, white Aura appears one after another, mixes layer upon layer Cosmic World Void, myriad Space. 玄霖道尊双手一拍,无穷无尽白色云气在他掌心聚拢,一圈又一圈白色光环出现,搅动重重宇宙虚空,万千空间 Space is overlapping, but these white Aura do not twist, does not distort, seems any disaster tribulation cannot Destruction Strength. 空间层层叠叠,但那些白色光环不扭曲,不变形,似乎是任何灾劫都不能毁灭力量 Aura non-stop accumulation overlay, changes to a strange light group finally, as if fruit similar, in fruit innumerable Grand Dao Rune emerge, shocks Myriad Creations of Heaven and Earth, from there is revealing great Strength Domain. 光环不停聚集叠加,最后化作一枚奇异的光团,仿佛果实一般,果实中无数大道符文涌现,震撼着天地万物,从中流露出一股宏大力量意境 not sad is not happy, does not have the anger to be not resentful, the sentiment has not existed slightly, ignores all, grasps all, ruler all. 无悲无喜,无怒无怨,没有丝毫感情存在,漠视一切,却又掌握一切,主宰一切。 Qin Emperor Shi Yu keeps in Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region not with, but his line of sight transcends layer upon layer Void, static looks at this: „Is this then Dao Venerable Profound Downpour Dao Fruit?” 秦帝石羽留在天龙古域中没有跟出去,但他的视线穿越重重虚空,静静看着这一幕:“这便是玄霖道尊道果?” Said, Heaven and Earth truth guiding principle, Cultivator cultivation Grand Dao result, achievement. 道,天地道理纲领,果,修士修行大道的结果,成果。 Dao Fruit, only has Divine Origin Third Level, formidable Strength that Dao Fusion Cultivator just now has, Void Return Dao Fusion, gathers is Dao Fruit, beside Transcendence Heaven and Earth, comprehend Paramount Grand Dao. 道果,唯有元神三重,合道修士方才具备的强大力量,返虚合道,合的便是道果,超脱天地之外,参悟至高大道 Dao Venerable Profound Downpour launches oneself Dao Fruit, boundless Strength shocks Void immediately. 玄霖道尊展开自己道果,磅礴力量顿时震撼虚空 Same Time, Lin Feng and Kuang Heng are also separated from Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region to arrive at endless in Void, the Kuang Heng vision is tranquil, gazes at Lin Feng, similarly a both palms racket, even more formidable Dao Fruit appears before his body, mysterious vast, receives and instructs Grand Dao Strength, concentrates not to be loose, most profound. 同一时间,林锋匡恒也脱离天龙古域来到无尽虚空中,匡恒目光平静,注视林锋,同样双掌一拍,一枚更加强大道果出现在他身前,玄奥浩瀚,接引大道力量,凝而不散,玄之又玄。 The Lin Feng look is indifferent, the forehead the Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark to rotate up rapidly. 林锋神色淡然,眉心处太极图纹飞速转动起来
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