HNOF :: Volume #6

#586: Who dares to meddle, cuts off his claw!

Shi Tianyi gets angry in roaring sound, the oneself Fleshly Body total disassembly, changes to the sky-filling blood light. 石天毅吼声中,将自己肉身彻底解体,化作漫天血光。 He by the Shi Tianhao interruption backbone, Fleshly Body was destroyed, but foundation still , the law of disintegration was shattered, erupts astonishing Strength, breaks through Shi Tianhao's Space Character Secret Art to imprison Strength. 他被石天昊打断脊梁骨,肉身被毁,但根底尚在,以解体之法破碎,爆发出惊人的力量,冲破石天昊的宇字诀禁锢之力 This all of a sudden, Shi Tianyi Fleshly Body completely destroys, only remains right eye Dual Pupil to preserve, changes to the one small luminous spot, must flee. 这一下子,石天毅肉身尽毁,只剩右眼一枚重瞳得以保存,化作一个小光点,就要遁走。 his Divine Soul, his Nascent Soul, is attached to that Dual Pupil completely. 他的神魂,他的元婴,全部都附在那一枚重瞳上。 what a pity, Shi Tianyi effort, actually cannot collapse and break Shi Tianhao's Origin Divine Light and Purple Qi, Doomsday Divine Light was still extracted by non-stop. 可惜,石天毅的努力,却没能崩断石天昊的起源神光和其中紫气,终焉神光仍然被不停抽取。 In Shi Tianhao stand on Void, although is also the whole body scar blood, is weak including Aura, but on the face does not have weakly slightly condition. 石天昊立于虚空之中,虽然也是满身伤痕鲜血,连气息都非常微弱,但脸上没有丝毫虚弱之态。 His pitch-black long hair shawl, on the face the naivete sheds thoroughly completely, instead reveals overbearing to be boundless, rules the Under the Heavens imposing manner. 他一头乌黑长发披肩,脸上稚气彻底褪尽,反而流露出一股霸道无边,君临天下的气势。 Finished.” Shi Tianhao is watching intently Shi Tianyi Divine Soul and Nascent Soul, murderous aura is steaming. “都结束了。”石天昊逼视着石天毅神魂元婴,杀气腾腾。 Dao Venerable Profound Downpour cold snort|hum, Magic Force changed to white mist to grasp toward them, was actually blocked by Lin Feng. 玄霖道尊冷哼一声,法力化作白色云气向着他们抓了过来,却被林锋所阻。 „The war of today, is only restricted in the this Eminence disciple with that Shi Tianyi , no one must interfere, some people meddle, that this Eminence cuts off the his claw!” Lin Feng faint said that Xuan Li that beside him is silent is vanishing instantaneously same place. 今日之战,仅限于本座弟子与那石天毅之间,谁也不得干涉,有人插手,那本座就斩断他的爪子!”林锋淡淡说道,他身旁沉默不语的玄璃瞬间在原地消失。 next moment, Xuan Li appears above Dragon Battle Arena, the back sword chest opens loudly, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ominous offense pure light shoots up to the sky, shines upon the grits people miserable green the entire Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region sky completely. 下一刻,玄璃出现在龙斗场上方,背后剑匣轰然打开,万丈凶戾清光冲天而起,将整个天龙古域的天空全部映照成糁人的惨青色。 Dao Venerable Profound Downpour look slightly changes, just wants to speak, sees Xuan Li to extract Heaven Punishment Sword from the back sword chest. 玄霖道尊神色微微一变,刚想说话,就见玄璃已经从背后剑匣中抽出诛天剑 destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth terrifying Aura scatters in all directions immediately. Wipes radiant bright Sword Light, flies to shoot Dao Venerable Profound Downpour! 一股毁天灭地恐怖气息顿时四散而出。一抹璀璨至极的明亮剑光,飞射玄霖道尊 In the Dao Venerable Profound Downpour left eye shines the ray. Magical Treasure Thousand Edges Time Mirror departs, innumerable Dao Light magnificent refraction. Immediately covers up Dao Venerable Profound Downpour over a thousand Space levels. 玄霖道尊左眼中亮起光芒。法宝千棱流光镜飞出,无数道光华折射。顿时将玄霖道尊遮掩在上千空间层面之中。 These Space overlapping fall on same places, as if mirrors, in each mirror surface have existence of Dao Venerable Profound Downpour, Reality and Illusion mutual promotion, fluctuates peerless. 这些空间层层叠叠落在一起,仿佛一面面镜子,每个镜面中都有玄霖道尊的存在,虚实相生,变幻无方 But when Heaven Punishment Sword front, is fabricated, a lot of unpredictable Space, were obliterated by easily accomplished similar, is difficult to keep off the Heaven Punishment Sword slightest! 可是在诛天剑面前,一切都是虚妄,千百个变化莫测的时空间,被摧枯拉朽一般磨灭,难挡诛天剑分毫! In Thousand Edges Time Mirror. one old man Light Avatar appears, with Dao Venerable Profound Downpour stands, the look is quite dignified: „The Enlightenment grade peak Magical Treasure might, conceals Good Fortune Magical Treasure Aura, manifestation grade I am not opponent!” 千棱流光镜内。一个老者光影出现,同玄霖道尊站在一起,神色极为凝重:“大乘级数巅峰法宝的威力,隐含造化法宝气息,化生级数的我不是对手!” Dao Venerable Profound Downpour did not say a word, nodded, both palms gather, has pinched one Secret Technique. 玄霖道尊一言不发,点了点头,双掌一合,捏了一个法诀 Immediately, boundless mist surges. Among the white clouds, one path flashes golden light huge City to rise straight from the ground, the instantaneous formation, 4 sides City Wall encircles one huge city outline. formidable Strength Domain from there emerges extremely. 顿时,无边云气涌动。白云之间,一道闪动金光的巨大城池拔地而起,瞬间成型,四方城墙围成一个巨大的城廓。一股极为强大力量意境从中涌现。 formidable defense strength, unexpectedly there is several points of Immortal Dragon City motionless Indestructible, Eternal Immortal flavor in inside. 强大防御力,竟然有了几分不朽龙城不动不坏,永恒不朽的味道在里面。 Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Secret Art. Supreme Void 6th Heavenly Layer, Empty Heaven Immortal Town! 太虚九重天诀太虚六重天,廓天仙城 Empty Heaven Immortal Town formidable defense strength. Unifies with Thousand Edges Time Mirror, finally shoulders the terrifying Heaven Punishment Sword light. 廓天仙城强大防御力。与千棱流光镜结合,终于扛住恐怖诛天剑光。 But does not wait for Dao Venerable Profound Downpour to relax. Holds sword young girl is a sword cuts! 但不等玄霖道尊松一口气。持剑少女便又是一剑斩出! This sword analogy even more aggressive, inspires among entire Heaven and Earth terrifying pure light to turn toward Dao Venerable Profound Downpour to fall in torrents together under. 这一剑比方才更加凶悍,引动整个天地恐怖清光一起向着玄霖道尊倾泻而下。 Entire Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region rocked fiercely, as if must by sword destroy. 整个天龙古域剧烈晃动了一下,仿佛要被一剑破灭 The Great Qin Dynasty people look changes, Qin Emperor Shi Yu turned the palm to pinch one Secret Technique, stabilized Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region again. 大秦皇朝众人神色微变,秦帝石羽翻掌捏了一个法诀,才将天龙古域重新稳定下来。 But Dao Venerable Profound Downpour facing this even more terrifying second sword, not slightly hesitant, immediately stimulates to movement the lithical steps in oneself right eye. 玄霖道尊面对这更加恐怖的第二剑,没有丝毫犹豫,立刻催动自己右眼中的石质阶梯。 The lithical steps fly quick change to be big, held up surrounding area vast Empty Heaven Immortal Town. 石质阶梯飞快变大,将方圆辽阔的廓天仙城托了起来 Under lifting of lithical steps, Empty Heaven Immortal Town Strength strengthens, the flying apsaras, as if the genuinely immortal country god city, stands erect under the Heaven Punishment Sword light bombardment not fall down. 在石质阶梯的托举下,廓天仙城力量增强,飞天而起,仿佛真正的仙国神城,在诛天剑光轰击下屹立不倒 But the observing people look the color of shock, solemn Supreme Void Temple Supreme Elder, Divine Origin Third Level Expert Dao Venerable Profound Downpour, was only suppressed by not arrive Good Fortune grade Magical Treasure can passive defense, this really alarmed. 但观战众人都面露震惊之色,堂堂太虚观太上长老,元神三重强者玄霖道尊,被一件不到造化级数法宝压制得只能被动防御,这一幕着实令人触目惊心。 Meanwhile, on the Dragon Battle Arena thing two sides stand, Lin Feng and Kuang Heng simultaneously stand. 与此同时,龙斗场东西两边看台上,林锋匡恒同时站立而起。 two people this sets out, entire Dragon Battle Arena shivers up, can maintain besides the northern stand that Qin Emperor Shi Yu assumes calm and steady outside, other Divine Origin big shots are not even able to stop under the oneself body the vibration of valley stand. 两人这一起身,整个龙斗场都颤抖起来,除了秦帝石羽坐镇的北看台还能保持安稳以外,其他元神大佬甚至都无法止住自己身下山谷看台的震动。 That appearance, as if the ancient times great gods of two deep sleep, together regained consciousness, open the eye, stood up. 那模样,就仿佛两尊沉睡的远古巨神,一同苏醒,睁开眼睛,站起身来。 Although lives a child appearance, but the Kuang Heng vision vicissitudes are quiet: „Do you want to be ruthless?” 虽然生得一副孩童模样,但匡恒目光沧桑沉静:“你要赶尽杀绝?” Slayer, the person kills it permanently.” Lin Feng faint said that Kuang Heng nodded, no longer spoke, next moment both palms gather, the one path grand light beam appeared immediately, passes through Heaven and Earth, as if hold up the sky pillar. “杀人者,人恒杀之。”林锋淡淡说道,匡恒点了点头,不再说话,下一刻双掌一合,顿时一道宏伟光柱出现,贯穿天地,仿佛擎天支柱。 Supreme Demon-Suppressing Astral Light! 太上镇魔罡 Supreme Demon-Suppressing Astral Light in Kuang Heng hand, may be entirely different from Shi Tianyi on hand, seriously is similar to bright Heavenly Pillar, passes through Heaven and Earth, passes through the past and present, passes through Good Fortune. 匡恒手中的太上镇魔罡,可与石天毅手上截然不同,当真如同煌煌天柱,贯穿天地,贯穿古今,贯穿造化 Although has not destroyed Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region, but light beam about both sides, direct breaks open this a side miniature world Domain Strength! 虽然没有毁去天龙古域,但光柱的上下两端,直接破开了这一方小世界界域之力 Moreover this has not calculated, from opening wide in Void visibles faintly, Space World that white light beam transcends has been hard to count, as if Heavenly River, in Void flows. 而且这还不算,从洞开的虚空中隐约可见,白色光柱穿越了难以计数的空间世界,仿佛一条天河,在虚空中流淌。 This Supreme Demon-Suppressing Astral Light comes toward Lin Feng suppression, Lin Feng regards it indifferently, holds up oneself right hand, Index and Middle fingers exists side by side like the sword, points to the sky, immediately one path exterminates Heaven and Earth terrifying Sword Intent to reveal. 太上镇魔罡向着林锋镇压过来,林锋漠然视之,举起自己右手,食中二指并立如剑,直指向天,顿时一道灭绝天地恐怖剑意流露出来。 The right hand fingertip place, one black and one white two Dao Technique strength non-stop circle, changes to the Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark that one Yin-Yang blends, in the center of that Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark, one path grey sword tip from there slowly raises, brings to make a side Good Fortune trembling millet Strength. 右手指尖处,一黑一白道法不停盘旋,化作一个阴阳交融的太极图纹,在那太极图纹的中心处,一道灰色的剑尖从中缓缓升起,带来令一方造化颤粟的力量 Heaven Punishment Sword Qi! 诛天剑炁 Lin Feng wields, grey Sword Qi runs out, place visited, Void all transform into Primordial Chaos! 林锋手一挥,灰色剑气冲出,所过之处,虚空尽数化为混沌 Boom! 轰! A bang, as if Heavenly Pillar Supreme Demon-Suppressing Astral Light, cut off by a Lin Feng sword directly! 一声巨响,仿佛天柱般的太上镇魔罡,直接被林锋一剑斩断! The terrifying imposing manner, as if seriously cuts off a day of column, a side World along with it toppling collapsing. 恐怖气势,就仿佛当真斩断天之柱,一方世界都随之倾颓坍塌。 Kuang Heng eyes flashes moves, then to the pupil of vicissitudes , the brilliance gradually tends to be light, until afterward became nearly the deathly stillness. 匡恒目光闪动,那对沧桑的眸子里,光彩渐渐趋于平淡,直到后来变得近乎死寂。 With the his vision change, his Magic Force Aura also gradually belongs to the nihility, both hands Secret Technique change, boundless mist surges, 4 sides City from there that also golden light sparkles raises, protects his whole person in the middle. 随着他的目光变化,他一身法力气息也渐渐归于虚无,双手法诀变化,无边云气涌动,也有一座金光闪闪的四方城池从中升起,将他整个人护在中间。 Blocks Lin Feng terrifying Heaven Punishment Sword Qi by Empty Heaven Immortal Town, Kuang Heng under non-stop, path after path faint mist gushes out, in Void interweaves. 廓天仙城挡住林锋恐怖诛天剑炁,匡恒手下不停,一道又一道淡淡云气涌出,在虚空中交织。 lines after lines mist blends, covers in the Lin Feng top of the head, white mist fast transform into golden color, from there spreads the surging thunder sound. 道道云气交融,笼罩在林锋头顶,白色云气飞快化为金色,从中传出滚滚雷霆声。 non-stop of golden color lightning ray in the cloud layer surges, in the cloud layer several thick electricity dragons poke head , is actually not common thunder & lightning essence appears, but as if genuinely has spirituality Life similar. 金色雷光在云层中不停涌动,云层中更有数条粗大电龙探出头来,却不是寻常雷电精气显化,而是仿佛真正具有灵性生命一般 Supreme Void 5th Heavenly Layer, Birth Heaven Cloud Dragon Imperial Thunder Secret Arts! 太虚五重天,晬天云龙御雷诀 Kuang Heng by the Empty Heaven Immortal Town defense, shortly afterwards pokes the direction to Lin Feng, in the golden color cloud layer inundates Heavenly Thunderclap to change to a lot of electricity dragons to fall toward the Lin Feng bang! 匡恒廓天仙城防守,紧接着戳指点向林锋,金色云层中漫天雷霆化作千百电龙向着林锋轰落! The Lin Feng look has not changed, even attack Heaven Punishment Sword Qi does not take back, left hand pinched Secret Technique, Void broke immediately. 林锋神色没有丝毫变化,甚至连攻击诛天剑炁都不收回,左手捏了个法诀,虚空顿时破碎。 endless, flows rapidly restless Earth, Water, Fire, Wind to stir Primordial Chaos all. 无穷无尽,奔流不息的地水火风将一切搅成混沌 Instantaneous, the Earth, Water, Fire, Wind then again homing, becomes balanced, gives birth to one as if air bubble in the Void turbulent flow the thing. 瞬间,地水火风便重新归位,变得平衡,在虚空乱流中生出一个仿佛气泡似的东西。 Lin Feng stretches out the oneself left hand finger, a point on the air bubble, the air bubble bursts gently immediately, Clear One muddy two air current from there run out, heaven splitting earth shattering formidable Strength Domain from there manifests. 林锋伸出自己左手指,在气泡上轻轻一点,气泡顿时破裂,一清一浊两道气流从中冲出,一股开天辟地强大力量意境从中体现。 Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique! 元始开天妙术 The Lin Feng forehead locates the Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark to reveal that the non-stop rotation, Magic Force wells up crazily, that again standing like a tripod universe, opens Heaven and Earth Good Fortune Strength directly a lot of electricity Dragon Jiao smashing. 林锋额头处太极图纹显露,不停转动,法力狂涌,那重新鼎立乾坤,开辟天地造化力量直接将千百电龙绞的粉碎。 As if faced with a side World's suppression, shakes, as if at any time including that golden color thunder clouds broken will extinguish. 仿佛面临一方世界的镇压,连那金色雷云都震荡不已,仿佛随时会碎灭。 While Lin Feng with Kuang Heng Fighting Technique, Shi Tianhao overtook Shi Tianyi that the preparation fled, Time Character Secret Art starts, immediately Divine Soul of anchorage opposite party, directly was a fist of vicious has then pounded! 就在林锋匡恒斗法的同时,石天昊已经追上了准备遁走的石天毅,宙字诀发动,顿时定住对方的神魂,然后直接就是凶狠的一拳砸了上去! The Shi Tianyi Divine Soul congealment is the entity, has been short of the right arm, was stroked by Shi Tianhao full of vigor Martial Dao again, Divine Soul as if shatter chinaware similar, has covered entirely the crack immediately. 石天毅神魂凝结为实体,少了右边臂膀,再被石天昊血气方刚的武道击打,神魂顿时仿佛破碎的瓷器一般,布满了裂缝。 The shadow of death rose the Shi Tianyi heart: shouldn't be is this! My inborn Dual Pupil, Deity descend to Earth, I am not worse than anybody, even if your inborn Supreme Dao Root , I am not worse than you!” 死亡的阴影升上了石天毅的心头:“不应该是这样的!我天生重瞳,神人临尘,我不比任何人差,就算你天生至尊道基,我也不比你差!” Since you seek to seize my Supreme Dao Root at that moment, in your moral nature, you admitted defeat, today you have only self to blame purely.” Shi Tianhao desolate saying: „It is not does not report, double-hour has not arrived! In society has justice, without justice, I makes one justice to come!” “从你谋夺我至尊道基那一刻起,在你心底,你就已经认输了,今天你纯粹咎由自取。”石天昊冷淡的说道:“不是不报,时辰未到!世间自有公道,没有公道,我就打出一个公道来!” Now, double-hour arrived!” “现在,时辰到了!” Shi Tianyi roars, his Nascent Soul automatic combustion control up, formidable Magic Force Essence is supplied his Dual Pupil impressively completely. 石天毅怒吼一声,他的元婴赫然自动燃烧起来,强大法力精华全部被供给他的重瞳 His was must go all out really! 他这是真的要拼命了! Shi Tianyi Divine Soul also invests in Dual Pupil, because originally Strength loses oversized, but somewhat dim Dual Pupil, immediately bright up. 石天毅神魂也投入重瞳之中,原本因为力量损耗过大而有些黯淡的重瞳,顿时明亮起来 My Shi Tianyi life, is not weak in people!” “我石天毅一生,不弱于人!” The lines after lines god glow splendor, fills four wild, innumerable mysterious mark writing from there once more emerges. 道道霞光辉,再次弥漫四野,无数玄奥符号文字从中涌现。 Death!” “死!” Does not wait for Dual Pupil to assume an awe-inspiring pose once more, Shi Tianhao throws to go forward, a both palms racket, hit to erupt the intermittent light rain that Dual Pupil directly forcefully, Shi Tianyi Divine Soul and Nascent Soul is shaken. 不等重瞳再次发威,石天昊扑上前去,双掌一拍,直接将那枚重瞳打得爆发出阵阵光雨,石天毅神魂元婴被强行震了出来。 But at this time, the one black and one white two Dao Technique strength broke in Dragon Battle Arena, was Yun Huan Dao Venerable is actually impeded by Kuang Heng while Lin Feng, catches up with take action, must rescue Shi Tianyi . 而这时,一黑一白道法力冲入龙斗场,却是云嬛道尊趁着林锋匡恒绊住,赶来出手,要救下石天毅 In sky, Lin Feng vision one cold: Go away!” 天空中,林锋目光一寒:“滚!” Does not need him to begin, the distant place compels not to hit back Dao Venerable Profound Downpour Strength Xuan Li, engages in self-examination directly is a sword, rogue pure light Slashing the Heaven and Splitting the Earth, protects oneself Magic Force to chop into pieces Yun Huan Dao Venerable directly! 不用他动手,远方把玄霖道尊逼得没有还手之力玄璃,直接反身就是一剑,凶恶的清光斩天裂地,直接将云嬛道尊护身法力劈碎! Yun Huan Dao Venerable startles greatly, in the sleeve cuff departs snow white long silk, on the long silk Light Avatar flashes, appears the one court lady style of dress female person's shadow. 云嬛道尊大骇,袖口中飞出一条雪白长绢,长绢上光影闪动,浮现出一个宫装女子人影。 one Divine Origin Second Level Expert, manifestation grade Magical Treasure, the joint effort, the Yin-Yang two gasifications make one black and one white two light sphere together, non-stop revolving wear down the Heaven Punishment Sword light. 一个元神二重强者,一件化生级数法宝,一起合力,阴阳二气化作一黑一白两个光球,不停旋转消磨诛天剑光。 However, useless! 但是,没用! Heaven Punishment Sword light flashes, destroys the Black and White Light ball instantaneously, then cuts off that snow white long silk! 诛天剑一闪,瞬间将黑白光球摧毁,接着将那雪白长绢斩断! But in same Time, in Dragon Battle Arena snow white Ice-Flame scatters, is actually continuously Heavenly Lake Sect Sect Master Cao Wei of silent low key, in this moment take action, the goal points to Shi Tianhao in field unexpectedly! 但就在同一时间,龙斗场内雪白冰炎飘散开来,却是一直沉默低调的天池宗宗主曹伟,竟然也在这一刻出手,目标直指场中的石天昊 In Dragon Battle Arena, the situation is even more chaotic. 龙斗场里,局势越发混乱。
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