HNOF :: Volume #6

#585: justice that owes, this also!

Shi Tianyi forehead Doomsday Divine Light is even more radiant, this moment a large number of mind place to control on Doomsday Divine Light, is unable to continue strongest Magical Technique Yielding Heaven Great Thousand Slash that displays to study. 石天毅眉心处的终焉神光越发璀璨,他此刻相当一部分心神都放在操控终焉神光上,无法继续施展修习的最强法术从天斩大千 But he through Dual Pupil Strength, adjusts arrived injured the peak before own condition, immediately both hands pinch Secret Technique. 但他通过重瞳之力,将自身状态调整到了受伤前的巅峰,当即双手捏起法诀 Vault of Heaven splits the one path slit, golden light gathers transform into to hold Rune, precisely Supreme Void 2nd Heavenly Layer Mystical Ability, Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray. 天穹裂开一道缝隙,金光汇聚化为举行符纹,正是太虚二重天神通,羡天群星聚华神光 Shi Tianhao's two big Black Hole Flooding Furnace, both are used for the suppression Ang Mao skull with two Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact, by him currently own injury, even if has stone dagger in hand, is hard to resist the bombardment of stars great strength. 石天昊的两大混洞洪炉,和两件元婴期法器都用来镇压昂昴头骨,以他现在自身伤势,就算有石剑在手,也难以抵挡星辰巨力的轰击。 No matter Good Fortune Divine Light, other or anything thing, is my, do not think of a way.” Shi Tianyi calmly said: Otherwise, you will die.” “不管是造化神光,还是别的什么东西,是我的,你就别打主意。”石天毅静静说道:“否则,你会死。” The support favors the Shi Tianhao's person, this moment heart cannot help but clutches tightly. 支持看好石天昊的人,此刻心不由得揪紧。 Because Shi Tianhao draws back now does not have to draw back, he matches Doomsday Divine Light by Origin Divine Light, but was also held by the opposite party, at this moment receives the hand, immediately can first by Doomsday real light Behead. 因为石天昊现在偏偏退无可退,他以起源神光敌住终焉神光,但也被对方吸住,此刻收手,立刻就会先被终焉真光斩杀 Shi Tianhao naturally pays attention to the arrived Shi Tianyi movement, but his facial expression is tranquil, instead top of the head Kunpeng Light Avatar fluctuates, overran toward Shi Tianyi . 石天昊自然注意到了石天毅的动作,但他神情平静,反而头顶鲲鹏光影浮动,朝着石天毅冲了过去。 Shi Tianyi vision one cold, Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray must start, suddenly his pupil contracts suddenly, the line of sight is fixing the eyes on Shi Tianhao's left hand. 石天毅目光一冷,羡天群星聚华神光就要发动,突然他瞳孔猛然收缩,视线紧盯着石天昊的左手 Sees in Shi Tianhao's left hand to be many a thing, is a white jade, whole body is transparent, smoothly like mirror, mirror surface shining. 就见石天昊的左手中多出一件东西,却是一枚白色玉石,通体透明,平滑如镜,镜面流光溢彩。 Sees clearly the jade appearance, the Shi Tianyi excitedly discoloration: Illuminating Heaven Stone?!” 看清楚玉石模样,石天毅勃然色变:“照天石?!” precisely Shi Tianyi formerly entered Void Battlefield, found after the untold hardships, Treasure Item Illuminating Heaven Stone that finally actually brushed past. 正是石天毅先前进入虚空战场,历经千辛万苦找到,最终却擦肩而过的宝物照天石 Illuminating Heaven Stone shines upon the Heavens Myriad Things texture. clear(ly) distinguished fabricatedly, eliminated the false and kept the true. Strength Domain with Shi Tianyi left eye Dual Pupil consistent, if Shi Tianyi can obtains this treasure. Then can promotes oneself left eye Dual Pupil Strength. 照天石映照诸天万物纹理。明辨虚妄,去伪存真。同石天毅左眼重瞳力量意境相一致,石天毅若是可以得到此宝。便可以提升自己的左眼重瞳力量 Finally the person calculates that is inferior to the day to calculate, the tour of Shi Tianyi Void Battlefield, not only cannot obtains Illuminating Heaven Stone, instead has also compensated the left eye of oneself. 结果人算不如天算,石天毅虚空战场之行,不仅没能得到照天石,反而还把自己的左眼赔了进去。 This moment Illuminating Heaven Stone suddenly appears in the Shi Tianhao hand, this makes Shi Tianyi in the heart give birth to a oneself thing by the anger that others rob, but this angry flashes passes, Shi Tianyi in the heart reappeared quickly an extremely unlucky premonition. 此刻照天石突然出现在石天昊手中,这让石天毅心中生出一种自己东西被别人抢走的愤怒,但这种愤怒一闪即逝,石天毅心中很快浮现起了一股极度不祥的预感。 At this moment, Shi Tianhao grasped Illuminating Heaven Stone, the bright mirror same jade surface has aimed at Shi Tianyi right shoulder! 就在这时,石天昊手持照天石,明镜一样的玉石表面对准了石天毅右肩 On one path shining ray direct fall on Shi Tianyi right shoulder. Light Avatar flashes, Shi Tianyi entire right arm together with the shoulder, instantaneous twists up fiercely. 一道明晃晃的光芒直接落在石天毅右肩上。光影闪动间,石天毅整条右臂连同肩膀,瞬间剧烈扭曲起来 No!” Shi Tianyi stuffy snort|hum, only felt that formerly by the reality of eliminate, that made injury again of his painful penetrating heart and lungs return to the body. “不!”石天毅闷哼一声,只感觉先前被抹杀的真实,那令他痛彻心肺的伤势重新回到身上。 his right arm entire vanishes, the torso right approached the position of shoulder to lack a bulk, the blood flew to shoot immediately. 他的右臂整个消失,躯干右侧靠近肩头的位置都缺了一大块,鲜血顿时飞射而出。 Divine Soul is damaged extremely, one intermittent felt dizzily again floats the mind, Shi Tianyi Innate Divine Soul formidable. This type feels unprecedentedly, making him feel awful. 神魂极度受损,一阵阵晕眩感觉重新浮上脑海,石天毅先天神魂强大。这种感觉前所未有,让他感到糟糕至极。 In his within the body, the one appearance has 78 similar baby with him, that is his Nascent Soul. right arm does not have the disruption of indication sudden bang! 在他体内,一个模样跟他有78分相似的婴孩儿,那是他的元婴右臂毫无征兆突然轰的一声碎裂! Formerly the eliminated injury, tide similar returned on Shi Tianyi . 先前被消除的伤势,潮水一般返还到石天毅身上。 In his right eye Dual Pupil Strength short Time is unable the second use, only to be able helplessly looks at all these happen. 偏偏他的右眼重瞳力量时间内无法第二次使用,只能眼睁睁看着这一切发生 Under severe wound. Has achieved Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray that the critical point will soon start also only to terminate, otherwise by Shi Tianyi present physical condition. fundamental is unable to control this Mystical Ability. 重伤之下。已经达到临界点即将发动的羡天群星聚华神光也只能终止,否则以石天毅现在的身体状况。根本无法驾驭这门神通 Comes under the influence of Shi Tianyi severe wound, stiffly had gone against by Origin Divine Light including Doomsday Divine Light. 受到石天毅重伤的影响,连终焉神光都被起源神光硬生生顶了回来。 But bigger threat. Nearly in before one's eyes! 而更大的威胁。近在眼前 The Shi Tianhao body and Kunpeng Light Avatar coincides, already to arrived Shi Tianyi front , he although also has the wound in the body, but the injury is more less serious than Shi Tianyi . 石天昊身体与鲲鹏光影相合,已经冲到了石天毅面前,他虽然也有伤在身,但伤势比石天毅轻。 The condition of both sides, reverses immediately. 双方的状态,顿时逆转。 I will not lose!” Shi Tianyi deeply inspires, surviving left hand pinches Secret Technique, white mist surges, golden light big door opens, must get rid of the Shi Tianhao's offensive through Middle Heaven Gate. “我不会输!”石天毅深吸一口气,残存的左手捏起法诀,白色云气涌动,金光大门开启,就要通过中天门摆脱石天昊的攻势。 But small stone can not to this opportunity, sharp-eyed and deft-handed, will wave the arms about to fly to throw the stone dagger directly, nails fast Middle Heaven Gate that will soon open! 但小石头可不会给他这个机会,眼疾手快,直接甩手将石剑飞掷而出,钉住了即将开启的中天门 Shi Tianyi first Time cannot flees, immediately is held by Shi Tianhao. 石天毅第一时间没能遁走,立刻就被石天昊抓住。 Under the close combat condition, he is not Shi Tianhao opponent, now the alone arm to the both arms, is hit again and again is repulsed. 近身状态下,他本就不是石天昊对手,现在独臂对双臂,更被打得连连败退。 But he is also aggressive, many Mystical Ability display, with the Shi Tianhao bloody battle, forehead Doomsday Divine Light is aggressive, non-stop erupts, some slight Doomsday Divine Light break through the stop of Origin Divine Light, perpendicular incidence Shi Tianhao. 但他也是凶悍,诸多神通施展开来,同石天昊血战,眉心处的终焉神光更是凶悍,不停爆发,有些许细微终焉神光冲破起源神光的阻拦,直射石天昊 A Shi Tianhao short body, body leaned to side suddenly, the left shoulder place is made the one path pitiful scar, the flesh and blood was dripping. 石天昊猛然一矮身,身体向旁边侧了一下,左肩处已经被打出一道凄惨的伤痕,血肉淋漓。 But he gets angry shouts, a hand holds the left arm of Shi Tianyi , another under searches, holds the his waist position, has lifted up the Shi Tianyi whole person directly! 但他怒喝一声,一只手抓住石天毅的左边臂膀,另一只手下探,抓住他的后腰位置,直接将石天毅整个人举了起来 Captures the my Way base, the achievement Supreme foundation, arrives at today, your also no more than this!” “夺取我的道基,成就至尊基础,一路走到今天,你也不过如此!” Was grabbed to lift by Shi Tianhao in the midair, the body is almost uncontrolled, on the Shi Tianyi consistent indifferent face floats off unwillingly with the color of humiliation, his left hand brilliance flashes, the backhand wants the racket to the Shi Tianhao's top of the head. 石天昊抓着举在半空中,身体几乎不受控制,石天毅一贯淡然的脸上浮起不甘与屈辱之色,他左手光华闪动,反手就要拍向石天昊的头顶。 But the Shi Tianhao speed is faster, first one step grabs the his body to pound toward below, at the same time, right leg raises the knee, hits to the previous knee maliciously! 石天昊速度更快,先一步抓着他的身体朝下砸,与此同时,右腿提膝,狠狠向上一记膝撞! Boom! 轰! Shi Tianyi Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body is thorough, the lumbar vertebra place transmits the skeleton disruption the sound, as if Shan Yue was broken around the middle! 石天毅不动尊王佛身彻底破碎,腰椎处传来骨骼碎裂的声音,仿佛一座山岳被拦腰打断! looks at this, all person simultaneously suck in an cold air/Qi: Too aggressive!” 看着这一幕,所有人齐齐倒抽一口冷气:“太凶悍了!” Big stone has defeated thoroughly, the small stone won!” “大石头彻底败了,小石头赢了!” In the Supreme Void Temple camp, Yun Huan Dao Venerable sets out suddenly, shocking looks at before one's eyes this, Kuang Heng and Dao Venerable Profound Downpour body, although has not moved, but vision no longer tranquil. 太虚观阵营中,云嬛道尊霍然起身,震惊的看着眼前这一幕,匡恒玄霖道尊身体虽然没动,但目光都不再平静。 Shi Tianyi Fleshly Body, destroyed! 石天毅肉身,毁了! In Dragon Battle Arena, on Shi Tianyi shines heavy Treasure Light suddenly, in Treasure Light the white flag flutters in the breeze at the same time, the ray shakes Shi Tianhao instantaneously draws back. 龙斗场内,石天毅身上突然亮起厚重宝光,宝光中一面白色大旗迎风招展,光芒瞬间将石天昊震退。 Supreme Void Temple Magical Treasure, Coiling Void Flag! 太虚观法宝,卷虚旗 At this time Supreme Void Temple bestowed Shi Tianyi guard Magical Treasure, at this moment finally could not bear the display function, protected Shi Tianyi . 这时太虚观赐给石天毅的护身法宝,这一刻终于忍不住发挥作用,将石天毅护住。 Warring parties, one Nascent Soul Initial Stage, one Golden Core Late Stage. This ratio fights, the default can not use Divine Origin Magical Treasure. Because extremely affects balanced. 交战双方,一个元婴初期,一个金丹后期。这场比斗,默认是不得使用元神法宝的。因为太过影响平衡。 Fights Divine Origin Magical Treasure, whose that is fights Profound Gate Heavenly Sect and Supreme Void Temple family property is thicker. But who is not the small stone and big stone is stronger. 元神法宝,那就是斗玄门天宗太虚观谁家底更厚。而不是小石头和大石头谁更强。 Therefore the both sides method completely leaves, even if the stone dagger and Ang Mao skull, cannot be regarded Magical Treasure. 所以双方手段尽出,哪怕是石剑和昂昴头骨,也算不得法宝 But at this moment, had self-awareness Coiling Void Flag unable to calm down finally, Shi Tianyi Fleshly Body has destroyed, Body Possession opportunity, if Divine Soul and Nascent Soul completely destroyed, that thoroughly could not revive. 但这一刻,有自我意识的卷虚旗终于沉不住气了,石天毅肉身毁了,还有夺舍的机会,若是神魂元婴尽毁,那就彻底救不活了。 Shi Tianyi cannot die, Good Fortune Divine Light and Dual Pupil cannot have surprise. This is the Supreme Void Temple's bottom line! 石天毅不能死,造化神光重瞳不能有意外。这是太虚观的底线! Was shaken by Coiling Void Flag draws back, Shi Tianhao big shouts: Has Sect on you?” His both palms racket, top of the head ray surges, huge grand Verdant-Black Palace arrives from in Void! 卷虚旗震退,石天昊喝一声:“就你有师门?”他双掌一拍,头顶光芒涌动间,一座巨大宏伟的青黑殿堂虚空中降临! That palace is very broad, as if came from ancient times the god country, when huge inconceivable, just presented in the sky airborne, almost and Dragon Battle Arena similar was huge! 那殿堂无比恢宏,仿佛来自远古神国,巨大的不可思议,刚刚出现在天空中时,几乎和龙斗场一般巨大! In golden light, innumerable incantation talisman seal non-stop appears. Similar to spray that in ocean of light tumbles, boundless Strength spreads, made the person palpitation. 金光之中,无数咒文符印不停浮现。如同光之海洋中翻滚的浪花,磅礴的力量散布开来,令人心悸。 Belongs to Lin Feng's Divine Origin Magical Treasure, Kunpeng Palace! 属于林锋的元神法宝,鲲鹏殿 duo!” “咄!” Kunpeng Palace vibrates in airborne one. Overall transform into jet black piece, heavy in the extreme, loudly hits to Coiling Void Flag! 鲲鹏殿在空中一个震动。整体化为漆黑一片,沉重的无以复加,轰然撞向卷虚旗 In deafening explosion sound sound. Coiling Void Flag White Light was hit directly crushes! 震耳欲聋的轰响声中。卷虚旗白光直接被撞得粉碎! Of insight the Coiling Void Flag foundation people surprised, because of a Coiling Void Flag strongest point. precisely its defense strength, is now facing black Kunpeng Palace. It looks like the paper simply sticks is the same. 有识得卷虚旗根底的人都大吃一惊,因为卷虚旗最强的一点。正是防御力,可是现在面对黑色鲲鹏殿。简直就像是纸糊的一样。 Was too fierce.” In Coiling Void Flag spreads the one low sinking sound sound, does not dare to touch with Kunpeng Palace again hardly, curls up Shi Tianyi , splits open space, flees rapidly. “太猛了。”卷虚旗中传出一个沉声音,不敢再与鲲鹏殿硬碰,卷起石天毅,破开虚空,飞速遁走。 Kunpeng Palace responded extremely quickly, trembled once more, was jet black palace instantaneous transform into whole body green, controlled Astral Wind, suddenly overtook Coiling Void Flag! 鲲鹏殿反应极快,再次震颤,原本漆黑一片的殿堂瞬间化为通体青色,驾驭罡风,眨眼间已经追上卷虚旗 Two * Magical Treasure clashes once more, Coiling Void Flag this time direct broken had not been guarded but actually, but is actually not able to withdraw. 两**宝再次对撞,卷虚旗这次倒没有被直接破防,可是却也无法脱身。 To resist Kunpeng Palace fully, it even has to let loose Shi Tianyi , otherwise valuable one person must be cracked-up by Kunpeng Palace. 为了全力抵挡鲲鹏殿,它甚至不得不放开了石天毅,否则一宝一人都要被鲲鹏殿撞碎。 Shi Tianhao stands in the Kunpeng Palace roof, coldly is gazing at Shi Tianyi : „It is not your, eventually is not your, steals the thing that from my there, today is the thing returning to rightful owner time.” 石天昊站在鲲鹏殿屋顶,冷冷注视着石天毅:“不是你的,终究不是你的,从我那里偷去的东西,今天是物归原主的时候了。” Origin Divine Light projects, covers the Shi Tianyi whole person. 起源神光射出,将石天毅整个人笼罩住。 Shi Tianhao both hands have pinched Secret Technique together, his within the body gushes out infinite Purple Qi suddenly, through Origin Divine Light, as if channel similar breaks in Shi Tianyi within the body. 石天昊双手一起捏了个法诀,他体内突然涌出无穷紫气,通过起源神光,仿佛通道一般冲入石天毅体内。 next moment, shocking appeared, the Shi Tianyi within the body there is brilliance circulation, was extracted from the body by that Purple Qi unexpectedly stiffly, through Origin Divine Light, returns to Shi Tianhao within the body! 下一刻,令人震惊的一幕出现了,石天毅体内竟然有光华流转,被那紫气硬生生从身体中抽出,通过起源神光,回到石天昊体内! All people instantaneously responded: That is Shi Tianyi Doomsday Divine Light! Shi Tianhao is seizing this divine light again by Secret Technique!” 所有人都瞬间反应过来:“那是石天毅终焉神光石天昊正以秘法将这神光重新夺回来!” Shi Tianhao impossible has this Mystical Ability, is that Purple Qi unseemly behavior!” 石天昊不可能有此神通,是那紫气作怪!” That is... That is Profound Gate's Master's Mystical Ability!” “那是…那是玄门之主的神通!” Everybody's vision looks together to Lin Feng on stand, the Lin Feng look is tranquil, faint opens the mouth saying: No one can interfere the war of today.” 大家的目光一起望向看台上的林锋,林锋神色平静,淡淡开口说道:“谁也不能干涉今日之战。” While he spoke, Dao Venerable Profound Downpour already set out, puts out a hand to grasp, white mist changed to big hand instantaneously, in the big or medium stone toward Dragon Battle Arena grasped. 就在他说话的同时,玄霖道尊已然起身,伸手一抓,白色云气瞬间化作一只大手,朝着龙斗场内大小石头抓去。 „The Shi Tianyi life and Good Fortune Divine Light make no mistake.” 石天毅的性命和造化神光不容有失。” The Lin Feng robe sleeve flings, enormous and powerful Purple Qi blocks the hand of Dao Venerable Profound Downpour, but another side Kuang Heng also stands up, the line of sight is staring at Lin Feng: Let it go.” 林锋袍袖一甩,浩荡紫气玄霖道尊的手拦住,而另一边匡恒也站起身来,视线盯着林锋:“撒手。” As soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, white sound waves have pushed toward Lin Feng, the Lin Feng palm stretches out straight in front of oneself, the mighty waves are turbulent, boundless Blue Light changes to as if limitless sea, blocks Kuang Heng by the immeasurable blue sea. 言出法随,一圈圈白色声波向着林锋推了过来,林锋手掌平伸,波涛汹涌间,苍茫碧光化作一片仿佛无边无际的海洋,以无量碧海挡住匡恒 Dragon Battle Arena immediately tumult up, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect and Supreme Void Temple must thoroughly to! 龙斗场顿时骚动起来,玄门天宗太虚观要彻底对上了! But Shi Tianhao Space Character Secret Art below Space starts, suppresses Shi Tianyi stubbornly, extracts his Good Fortune Divine Light. 而下方空间中的石天昊宇字诀发动,死死压制住石天毅,抽取他的造化神光 Shi Tianyi , you owe my justice, today this also!” 石天毅,你欠我的公道,今天该还了!” Shi Tianyi roars: You have a dream!” 石天毅怒吼一声:“你做梦!” In roaring sound, his Fleshly Body breaks up loudly, changes to the sky-filling blood light, must break through the Shi Tianhao's Space Character Secret Art imprisonment! 吼声中,他的肉身轰然崩解,化作漫天血光,要冲破石天昊的宇字诀禁锢!
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