HNOF :: Volume #6

#584: Genuine Nirvana rebirth, Heaven's Chosen Child!

Although is seriously injured, but two youth Heaven's Chosen both tower proudly into the skies, the line of sight is fixing the eyes on the opposite party. 虽然都受重伤,但两位少年天骄都傲然挺立,视线紧盯着对方。 On Shi Tianhao was cut the one path huge wound, to the harm that he brings is not only the injury, makes his nearly diamond Indestructible Fleshly Body present the breakage, broken like the dike already, in the event of the one path opening, will cause the overall defense strength to drop together. 石天昊身上被斩出一道巨大伤口,对他带来的损害不仅仅是伤势,更让他原本近乎金刚不坏肉身出现破损,就像堤坝不破则已,一旦出现一道口子,就会导致整体防御力一起下降。 Shi Tianyi lost right arm also is not only the simple Fleshly Body damage, he displayed Yielding Heaven Great Thousand Slash Mystical Ability, the whole body vigor concentrates together, this besides Fleshly Body, together caused heavy losses including Divine Soul even Nascent Soul all of a sudden. 石天毅失了右臂也不仅仅是简单的肉身损伤,他施展从天斩大千神通,全身精气神一起集中,这一下子除了肉身外,连神魂甚至元婴都一起受到重创。 In Shi Tianyi right eye Dual Pupil brilliance flashes, unprecedented bright, sends out Strength Aura from there that before is mysterious. 石天毅右眼重瞳光华闪动,前所未有的明亮,远比之前玄奥的力量气息从中散发出来。 eye turn into light makes the golden color light fog to cover the Shi Tianyi whole body, in the light fog the infinite Talisman writing fluctuates. 光化金色光雾将石天毅全身笼罩,光雾中无穷符箓文字起伏。 My Dual Pupil, throughout is existence of strongest.” The Shi Tianyi expression is light, the left eye has delimited the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect camp with the normal person same pupil, stayed on Wang Lin. “我的重瞳,始终都是最强的存在。”石天毅语气平淡,左眼和正常人一样的瞳孔划过玄门天宗阵营,在汪林身上停留了一下。 On his line of sight again fall on front Shi Tianhao: I hope leaves your Senior Brother Wang Lin actually this Strength, but your Strength truly stems from me to be unexpected, you experience I more further Dual Pupil Strength competently.” 他的视线重新落在面前石天昊身上:“我其实希望将这种力量留给你师兄汪林,但你的力量确实出乎我预料之外,你够资格见识我更进一步的重瞳之力。” At the same time was saying, sees Void that Shi Tianyi places, a distortion of strange, he transform into destroyed right arm under Shi Tianhao attack, appeared in radiance before unexpectedly gradually, eye looks at must return to the original condition! 一边说着,就见石天毅身处的虚空,一阵诡异的扭曲,他之前在石天昊攻击化为乌有的右臂,竟然在光辉中渐渐显现,眼看着就要恢复原状! Surrounds the people are in an uproar, Xiao Yan, Zhu Yi and Yue Hongyan turn the head and looks to Wang Lin, the Wang Lin look is simultaneously dignified, shook the head: „It is not Avici Undying Body Technique.” 围观众人都是哗然,萧焱朱易岳红炎同时转头看向汪林,汪林神色凝重,摇了摇头:“不是阿鼻不死身法门。” Yang Qing had not spoken, is staring at the Shi Tianyi careful observation, frowns saying: „It is not some treatment method. Has not created the regeneration Strength Domain.” 杨清一直没有吭声,盯着石天毅仔细观察,蹙眉说道:“也不是某种治疗手段。没有创造再生的力量意境。” Wang Lin nodded, is staring at the breaking arm of Shi Tianyi gradually restoration: good. Moreover does not treat Fleshly Body purely, including just now in the Little Junior Brother fighting process is damaged together is also restoring with Divine Soul and Nascent Soul that.” 汪林点了点头,盯着石天毅渐渐复原的断臂:“不错。而且不是单纯治疗肉身,连方才与小师弟交手过程中受损的神魂元婴也在一起恢复。” This feeling... As if Little Junior Brother just now attack. not previously has existed, or does not have genuinely to hit he to be the same.” “这种感觉…就仿佛小师弟方才的攻击不曾存在过,或者说,没有真正命中他一样。” Yue Hongyan eyebrows raises up: But, hit inside a moment ago obviously, moreover causes heavy losses to him, almost only remains half life, is not false illusion that his right eye Dual Pupil builds, assigns inside, how possibly to say?” 岳红炎双眉竖起:“可是,刚才明明打中了,而且将他重创,几乎只剩半条命,并非他右眼重瞳营造的虚假幻象,是真的命中了,怎么可能说没有就没有?” Lin Feng the tranquil start to talk said at this time: Shi Tianyi this person. About two Dual Pupil uses are different, left eye can looks through fabricatedly, clear(ly) distinguished, can see through the loophole in opponent Mystical Ability, before was held in Void Battlefield thoroughly blindly, is unable to recover.” 林锋这时平静开口说道:“石天毅此人。左右两只重瞳用处不同,左眼可以看破虚妄,明辨真实,能看穿对手神通中的漏洞,之前在虚空战场彻底被捅瞎了,无法复原。” Remaining is the right eye, the can manufacture illusion, simulates World that one fictionalizes, hoodwinks the opponent sensation.” “剩下的便是右眼,可以制造幻象,模拟出一个虚构的世界,蒙蔽对手的感知。” Lin Feng leisurely and carefree looks at Shi Tianyi : „When both eyes is complete. Shi Tianyi Dual Pupil has the one characteristics, closes, another Strength will strengthen.” 林锋悠闲的看着石天毅:“双眼都完好时。石天毅重瞳就有一个特点,闭上其中一只,另外一只的力量会增强。” People suddenly: Therefore, his left eye Dual Pupil destroyed. Instead let right eye Dual Pupil Strength bring it up a level?” 众人恍然:“所以,他左眼重瞳毁了。反而让右眼重瞳之力更上一层楼了?” Lin Feng faint said: precisely so, before his right eye, just builds false Good Fortune, but now further ability. Then is eliminate is real, change reality into falsehood.” 林锋淡淡说道:“正是如此,他右眼之前只是营造虚假造化,而现在更进一步的能力。则是抹杀真实,变真为假。” His slightly smiled: Shi Tianyi uses oneself right eye Dual Pupil Strength. Just now real happen at oneself matter, changes formed will be unreal.” 微微笑了笑:“石天毅利用自己右眼重瞳力量。将方才真实发生自己身上的事情,变成了虚幻。” Zhu Yi frowns: That said. So long as he had not been killed instantaneously, the right eye had not been ruined, any in view of attack of his create essence injury, will be reversed cancels?” 朱易蹙眉:“那岂不是说。只要他没被瞬间杀死,右眼没被毁掉,任何针对他造成实质伤害的攻击,都会被逆转取消?” Xiao Yan cares about other one problem: „His Strength, can only affect in oneself, can affect in Little Junior Brother or other with the person who it fights?” 萧焱则关心另外一个问题:“他这种力量,是不是只能作用于自身,能不能作用在小师弟或者其他与之交手的人身上?” By Shi Tianyi present cultivation base, but also can only affect in oneself, moreover cannot the long-term usage, waiting for him cultivation base gradually be in the future long, Dual Pupil Strength is getting stronger and stronger, then all are possible.” Lin Feng faint said: but does not need extremely to be worried, excellent Strength Domain that the mystery that Transformation of Reality and Illusion, illusory and real between opposes, in this is Two Extremes contains.” “以石天毅眼下的修为,还只能作用于自身,而且不能连续使用,等他日后修为渐长,重瞳之力越来越强,那么一切都是可能的。”林锋淡淡说道:“不过也无需太过担心,虚实之变,虚幻与真实之间对立的奥秘,本就是两极中蕴含的上乘力量意境。” „The comprehend Reality and Illusion True and False mystery, restrains the Mystical Ability change of his Dual Pupil on can.” 参悟虚实真假的奥妙,就可以克制他重瞳神通变化。” Lin Feng looked at Shi Tianyi an eye, a corners of the mouth slightly check: Puts to feel relieved, he cannot overturn the heavens.” 林锋看了石天毅一眼,嘴角微微一勾:“都放宽心,他翻不了天。” Xiao Yan and the others heard this word, eyes flashes moves, line of sight again falls to Dragon Battle Arena. 萧焱等人闻听此言,都目光闪动,视线重新落向龙斗场内。 In there, Shi Tianhao treads Void fully, tranquil looks at front Shi Tianyi , faint said: You owed my thing, the 12 year, today this.” 在那里,石天昊足踏虚空,平静的看着面前石天毅,淡淡说道:“你欠我的东西,十二年了,今天该还了。” radiance clears, in Shi Tianyi right eye Dual Pupil the brilliance is somewhat dim, he has closed the right eye of oneself directly, but the look is extremely good. 光辉散尽,石天毅右眼重瞳中光彩有些黯淡,他直接闭上了自己的右眼,但神色极好。 Just now with serious injury of Shi Tianhao in create to the spelling process, as if an illusion bubble, always not previously has existed. 方才与石天昊对拼过程中造成的严重伤势,仿佛一场梦幻泡影,从来都不曾存在过。 I always do not owe you anything, inborn Myriad Things, those who are able occupy it.” Shi Tianyi said calmly: If initially were I in swaddling clothes, but you have been able to walk cultivate, perhaps then matter naturally happen, instead cannot be you have dug my eye, will not be I obtained your Supreme Dao Root .” “我从来都不欠你什么,天生万物,能者居之。”石天毅平静说道:“如果当初是我尚在襁褓中,而你已经能行走修练,那么事情自然不会发生,或许反而会是你挖了我的眼睛,不会是我得到你的至尊道基。” In left eye that his looks at front Shi Tianhao, opens complex color flashes: Must acknowledge that I have not thought, you not only have not died, now can also stand in my front, grows to this degree, opens Dragon Stone Gate with me together.” 看着面前石天昊,睁开的左眼中复杂之色一闪而过:“必须承认,我真的没想到,你不仅没死,现在还能站在我面前,成长到这种程度,与我一起打开龙石门。” Can completely compel trump card to leave me, you were sufficiently proud.” The Shi Tianyi facial features restore quietly: But now, all had finished, my physical condition still in peak, but you, the present injury, making you suppress my Ang Mao skull not to make arrived?” “能把我逼得底牌尽出,你足以自傲了。”石天毅面容恢复沉静:“但现在,一切都结束了,我身体状况仍在巅峰,而你,现在的伤势,让你连压制我的昂昴头骨都做不到了吧?” Shi Tianhao behind Void shakes in slightly, as if the wave same rocks, that is not his in person or the result of Shi Tianyi Strength function, but is the Ang Mao skull non-stop revolt, must break through Shi Tianhao's two Black Hole Flooding Furnace supress the seal. 石天昊身后虚空微微震荡,仿佛水波一样晃动,那不是他本人或者石天毅力量作用的结果,而是昂昴头骨不停反抗,要冲破石天昊的两口混洞洪炉镇封 You tried to favor.” The Shi Tianhao look is indifferent. “你试试看好了。”石天昊神色淡然。 Shi Tianyi shakes the head: „The in the end still child, must know, obstinate argumentative not any function.” 石天毅摇摇头:“终究还是小孩子,要知道,嘴硬没有任何作用。” At the same time was saying, his forehead has one path radiant brilliance to emerge. 一边说着,他眉心处有一道璀璨光华涌现。 You have thought me from your there arrived anything, is good, that made you experience finally frequently.” Shi Tianyi tranquil looks at front Shi Tianhao: but, this is my Strength, the present is, in the future also will be.” “你一直认为我从你那里得到了什么,也好,那就让你最后时刻见识一下好了。”石天毅平静看着面前石天昊:“不过,这是我的力量,现在是,将来也是。” At the same time was saying, Shi Tianyi forehead brilliance is getting more and more dazzling. The shining a white sheet color, by dark red is changed entire Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region does pure white. 一边说着,石天毅眉心处的光华越来越耀眼。明晃晃一片白色,将整个天龙古域由深红变作纯白。 The ray seems like not blazing. But that terrifying Strength fluctuation, shocks Heavens. 光芒看似不炽烈。可是那恐怖力量波动,震撼诸天 It is not how ray formidable. But as if contained the infinite possibility. 并非光芒如何强大。而是其中仿佛蕴含了无限可能。 The massive Talisman writing emerges in brilliance, the platoon becomes one after another mysterious Diagram, gets down one to scatter reconstructing instantaneously suddenly, again transform into completely different Diagram, continuously, repeat in cycles. 海量符箓文字在光华中涌现,排成一个又一个玄奥图纹,下一个瞬间猛然打散重组,再化为完全不同的图纹,此起彼伏,循环往复。 Shi Tianyi speak unhurriedly and clearly said: This is my Doomsday Divine Light!” 石天毅一字一顿说道:“这是我的终焉神光!” And Strength Domain, Doomsday, Myriad Things end point, break point. The place visited, other things will be interrupted, ahead of time finished, is forced to draw to a close period. 其中力量意境,终焉,万物终点,断点。所过之处,其他事物都将被中断,提前结束,被迫划上句号。 brilliance flies to shoot from Shi Tianyi between the eyebrows, changes to the one path heaven shaking rainbow, in the rainbow light has all over the sky Gods and Buddhas Light Avatar to flash, just likes yellow bell great sound, praising of turbulent Heavenly Dao sang the sound to be lingering on faintly. 光华石天毅眉心中飞射而出,化作一道惊天长虹,虹光内有满天神佛光影闪动,恍如黄钟大吕,动荡天道的颂唱声不绝于耳。 Good Fortune Divine Light! 造化神光 Sets up Supreme Spirit Platform, precise Supreme Pill Cauldron. Forms Purple Core to live the phenomenon, finally success Nascent Soul Formation, Good Fortune of genuinely clock Heaven and Earth, as if ascending the sky darling. Load bearing Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, advantageous formidable Strength. 立起至尊灵台,凝炼至尊丹鼎。结成紫丹生异象,最后成功结婴,真正天地造化,仿佛上天宠儿。承载天地大道,得天独厚的强大力量 The people on the scene have to know person who Good Fortune Divine Light has, dignified. 在场众人有知道造化神光存在的人,都神情凝重至极。 Appears in their front. Is nearly in legend existence, this Good Fortune Divine Light. Will follow Shi Tianyi to grow together, is getting stronger and stronger. Has nearly infinite potential and might. 出现在他们面前的。是近乎于传说般的存在,这道造化神光。将伴随石天毅一起成长,越来越强。拥有近乎无限的潜力与威力。 Shi Tianhao looks at that pierces Heaven and Earth divine light, rare sigh, said gently: That is not your, is my.” 石天昊看着那洞贯天地神光,少见的叹息一声,轻轻说道:“那不是你的,是我的。” The surrounding all people are silent, if did not have the matter of past years, in the future on cultivation road unimpeded, then this Doomsday Divine Light, genuinely master should was the small stone is truly right. 周围所有人都沉默不语,如果没有当年之事,日后修行路上一路畅通,那么这道终焉神光,真正的主人确实应该是小石头才对。 Shi Tianhao faces Doomsday Divine Light tranquilly, the top of the head suddenly pure light writings, Golden Core from there of flashing purple light appears. 石天昊平静面对终焉神光,头顶突然清光大作,一枚闪动紫光的金丹从中浮现。 Golden Core as if transparent amber crystal clear similar, in Golden Core, one path radiant divine light non-stop circles flowing, in that divine light as if contained all things Myriad Things, the mystery of Great Desolation change. 金丹仿佛透明的琥珀琉璃一般,在金丹内,一道璀璨至极的神光不停盘旋流动,那神光中仿佛蕴含了万事万物,洪荒变迁的奥秘。 This Dao Divinity light was very weak, but feels existence of Doomsday Divine Light at this moment, Shi Tianhao Golden Core inside divine light rises suddenly loudly, expands rapidly! 道神光本来还很微弱,但此刻感受到终焉神光的存在,石天昊金丹内的神光轰然暴涨,飞速壮大! Also is one path Good Fortune Divine Light?!” One group of Divine Origin big shots at this moment are not calm, surprised looks at this: This small stone, seriously Nirvana Rebirth, is not only his oneself, he gives birth to one path Good Fortune Divine Light to come unexpectedly!” “也是一道造化神光?!”连一群元神大佬此刻都不淡定了,吃惊的看着这一幕:“这小石头,当真涅槃重生了,不仅仅是他自身,他竟然又生出一道造化神光来!” Entire Dragon Battle Arena in an uproar a piece, all person shocking looks at Shi Tianhao of: This is genuinely Heaven's Chosen Child!” 整个龙斗场都哗然一片,所有人震惊的看着石天昊:“这才是真正天之骄子!” The Shi Tianhao look is tranquil, genuinely mature Good Fortune Divine Light of original should after Nascent Soul Formation, at this moment faces with oneself leaves source Doomsday Divine Light in fact, first was expedited childbirth unexpectedly! 石天昊神色宁静,本来应该结婴后才真正成熟的造化神光,此刻面对与自身事实上同出一源的终焉神光,竟然抢先一步被催生了! Not is only one is born with two Good Fortune Divine Light, Shi Tianhao then expedites divine light in Golden Core Late Stage, past and present unparalleled, unprecedented, is latter difficult newcomer, the uniqueness of genuinely. 不仅仅是一身生就两道造化神光,石天昊更在金丹后期便催生出神光,古今无双,前无古人,后难有来者,真正的独一无二。 Throws in Doomsday Divine Light to the Shi Tianhao front instance, in Shi Tianhao Golden Core gush out of bang leaves one path to shake the Heaven and Earth radiant rainbow similarly, clashes with Doomsday Divine Light outrageously in the same place. 终焉神光扑到石天昊面前的瞬间,石天昊金丹中轰的喷薄一道同样撼动天地的璀璨长虹,与终焉神光悍然对撞在一起。 My Doomsday Divine Light, can cuts off all, ends all, is to other on Good Fortune Divine Light, positive showdown also can wins!” The Shi Tianyi surface sinks like the water, left eye vision ice-cold bone-chilling: or that wins I!” “我的终焉神光,可以斩断一切,终结一切,便是对上其他造化神光,正面对决也可以战而胜之!”石天毅面沉如水,左眼目光冰冷刺骨:“赢的还是我!” Shi Tianhao faint said: Has the end point, then has beginning, has Doomsday, then has the origin, who said that old end point, can't be the new origin?” 石天昊淡淡说道:“有终点,便有起点,有终焉,便有起源,谁说旧的终点,就不能是新的起源?” Sees place of two Dao Divinity light to the spelling, Shi Tianhao's Good Fortune Divine Light non-stop cuts off by Shi Tianyi Doomsday Divine Light, but actually and is unable to be obliterated throughout thoroughly, just broke, then again extends. 就见两道神光对拼之处,石天昊的造化神光不停石天毅终焉神光斩断,但却并始终无法被彻底磨灭,刚刚断裂,便又重新延伸。 Shi Tianyi complexion finally changed, his Doomsday Divine Light can cuts off all things Myriad Things spirituality thoroughly, has nearly irreversible knockout, is unable to cure to restore, initially in Void Battlefield cut off Wang Lin's Naihe Bridge, Wang Lin has Extreme Path Rebirth Mystical Ability Strength, is unable to recover in short Time. 石天毅脸色终于变了,他的终焉神光可以彻底斩断万事万物灵性,具有近乎不可逆转的摧毁性,无法治愈恢复,当初虚空战场里斩断汪林的奈何桥,汪林身怀极道重生神通之力,都无法在短时间内复原。 But now, unexpectedly can't beat Shi Tianhao this new born Good Fortune Divine Light! 但现在,竟然奈何不得石天昊这道新生造化神光 Said again one time, is the last time.” Shi Tianhao both eyes is fixing the eyes on front this person who changes oneself first half Life to transport: That is my divine light, my first said Good Fortune Divine Light, Doomsday.” “再说一次,也是最后一次。”石天昊双目紧盯着面前这个改变自己前半生命运的人:“那是我的神光,我的第一造化神光,名终焉。” However my second Good Fortune Divine Light, an origin, finishes what one starts, Heavenly Dao apparently, just now becomes Good Fortune.” “而我的第二道造化神光,名起源,有始有终,天道昭然,方才成造化。” Because leaves a source, each other Strength Domain mutual promotion repels one another, therefore Doomsday Divine Light can expedite Origin Divine Light to be mature ahead of time. 正因为同出一源,彼此力量意境相生相克,所以终焉神光才能催生起源神光提前成熟。 The Shi Tianyi cold sound said: even if so, my cultivation base Cultivation Realm higher than you, at present the body Divine Soul Magic Force condition feel better you, the Good Fortune Divine Light might and owner own ability were related, still win can be I!” 石天毅寒声说道:“就算如此,我修为境界高过你,眼下身体神魂法力状态都好过你,造化神光威力与拥有者自身能力相关,胜得仍然会是我!” As if proving the his viewpoint, Doomsday Divine Light is even more powerful, oppresses Origin Divine Light non-stop retreat. 仿佛在证明他的观点,终焉神光越发强盛,压迫起源神光不停后退 Shi Tianhao shakes the head: You lost.” 石天昊摇摇头:“你输定了。” Saying, him, as soon as raises hand, in the hand are many a thing. 说着,他一扬手,手中多出一件东西。
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