HNOF :: Volume #6

#583: Strongest showdown!

That giant bird build is huge, facial expression proud, the chest and belly wings feather assumes pale golden color, the forehead and tail feathers assumes green Green, top of the head Mao Guan is royal purple. 那巨鸟体型巨大,神情傲岸,胸腹双翼羽毛呈淡金色,头部和尾羽呈翠绿色,头顶毛冠则是蓝紫色 appearance is similar to Phoenix, but also has the difference, appears rogue, under the tricolor god feathers in lightning ray shines, shining. 外形凤凰相似,但又有不同,显得凶恶许多,三色神羽在雷光照耀下,熠熠生辉 Observing Dao Venerable Blue Thunder is not calm, stunned looks at that skull: Thunder Beast Ang Mao? That... Is that the Ang Mao skeleton fragment?” 观战的蓝霆道尊不淡定了,愕然看着那块头骨:“雷兽昂昴?那…那是昂昴的骨骸碎片?” Has the well-informed person, at this time also recognized the Shi Tianyi this Magical Treasure Embryo origin, unexpectedly is one before death achievement Immortal Monster Soul Realm Ang Mao skull transformed into. 有见闻广博的人,这时也纷纷认出石天毅法宝胚胎的来历,竟然是一头生前成就不灭妖魂境界昂昴头骨所化 Thunder Beast Ang Mao and Darkness Beast Ming Du are the same, is in the past Primordial Great Monster , the shape such as the phoenix bird, the feather lives tricolor, holds Heaven and Earth metallography thunder & lightning Strength, in the hearsay Ang Mao from the Beginning of the Universe thunder is born, the Primordial time, may be called in the thunder Sovereign. 雷兽昂昴暗兽冥独一样,都是昔年太古大妖,形如凤鸟,羽生三色,掌天地金相雷电之力,传闻中昂昴就是自天地初开的雷霆中诞生,太古时代,堪称雷中皇者 When to today, Ang Mao almost vanished in Heaven Primal World, exterminated, is not good to determine, but very long Time not having lived Ang Mao present world. 时至今日,昂昴几乎已经在天元大世界绝迹,是否灭绝了,还不好确定,但已经很长时间没有活着的昂昴现世。 Lin Feng looks at this Ang Mao skull on eastern stand, feels interesting: well, has idea, although just skull, but least already nourishing over ten thousand years, True Spirit has not dispersed, but hostility does not have, can is used to refine Magical Treasure, not like my Ming Du skeleton, once refines were equal to that made Ming Du resurrect.” 东看台上的林锋看着这枚昂昴头骨,也感到有趣:“唔,意思,虽然只是头骨,但最少已经温养上万年了,真灵未散,可是戾气全无,正可以用来炼制法宝,不像我那具冥独骸骨,一旦炼制就等于让冥独复活了。” After Shi Tianyi obtains this Ang Mao skull, extremely treasures, after will be he in the future achievement Divine Origin boundary, will refine Life Source Magical Treasure alternative Treasure Item. 石天毅得到这枚昂昴头骨后也极为珍惜,是他日后成就元神之境后炼制本命法宝的备选宝物 Usually by Supreme Void Temple Secret Technique nourishing, can treats as Magical Artifact to oppose the enemy, will not actually obliterate spirituality. 平日里以太虚观秘法温养,也可以当作法器来对敌,却不会磨灭其中灵性 This time he then sends in the Ang Mao skull Shi Tianhao's Taotie Black Hole, formidable Spirit Power has surpassed the Taotie Black Hole Devouring limit immediately. 这一次他便将昂昴头骨送入石天昊的饕餮混洞中,强大灵力顿时超越了饕餮混洞吞噬极限。 The wild thunder blasts open unceasingly, eye looks at must Shi Tianhao's Taotie Black Hole tearing! 狂暴的雷霆不断炸裂,眼看着要将石天昊的饕餮混洞撕裂! Fighting Technique is insufficient, we again in addition fought the treasure to be good.” The Shi Tianhao palm turns, Bronze Void Cauldron flies into Taotie Black Hole immediately, directly the Ang Mao skull installing up. 斗法不够,那咱们就再加上斗宝好了。”石天昊手掌一翻,青铜虚空鼎顿时飞入饕餮混洞中,直接将昂昴头骨给装了起来 In the cauldron body Space Strength is densely covered, overlapping a lot of Space fold in together, seals up the wild thunder. 鼎身内空间力量密布,层层叠叠千百层空间折叠在一起,封住狂暴的雷霆。 The Ang Mao skull changes to the one path purple light, penetrates several hundred Space instantaneously. Must run out of Bronze Void Cauldron, above the cauldron body suddenly presents at the same time the whole body pure white, ancient intent abundant round mirror suddenly. 昂昴头骨化作一道紫光,瞬间击穿数百层空间。要冲出青铜虚空鼎,却冷不防鼎身上方突然出现一面通体纯白,古意盎然的圆镜。 Shi Tianhao's another Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact, Ice Soul Cold Mirror. 石天昊的又一件元婴期法器,冰魄寒光镜 one path blue Bai Jingguang sends out. Immediately covers the Ang Mao skull, the extreme cold Strength outbreak, Strength of Void together supress the seal Ang Mao skull with Bronze Void Cauldron. 一道蓝白镜光发出。顿时罩住昂昴头骨,极寒之力发作,同青铜虚空鼎虚空之力一同镇封昂昴头骨。 Ang Mao Light Avatar in lightning ray were suddenly many several points of spirituality, in a pair of eye pupil purple light non-stop flashing, flutters to soar, thunder Strength rises once more crazily. 雷光中的昂昴光影突然多了几分灵性,一对眼瞳中紫光不停闪烁,振翅高飞,雷霆力量再次狂涨。 Bronze Void Cauldron non-stop shakes, sky over the cauldron body float Ice Soul Cold Mirror also shivers. 青铜虚空鼎不停震荡,鼎身上空悬浮的冰魄寒光镜也颤抖不已。 Ice Soul Cold Mirror and Bronze Void Cauldron joint effort, suppression does not live in this Magical Treasure Embryo, although cannot place on a par with Magical Treasure, but after Supreme Void Temple Secret Technique nourishing. Also can play several points of might. 冰魄寒光镜青铜虚空鼎合力,都镇压不住这件法宝胚胎,虽然不能跟法宝相提并论,但经过太虚观秘法温养后。也能发挥出几分威力。 Shi Tianhao activate Yellow Sky Bell Hammer, makes an effort to knock on Bronze Void Cauldron, this ripple is actually not the outward diffusion, but is centralized shakes toward the cauldron. 石天昊祭起黄天钟锤,在青铜虚空鼎上用力一敲,这次波纹却不是向外扩散,而是集中向着鼎内震荡。 Several Treasure Item buckets inextricably involved, Shi Tianhao both palms gathers in the front. Back two Black Hole suddenly changed the direction. 几件宝物斗得难解难分,石天昊双掌在胸前一合。背后两口混洞突然变了方向。 Forward opened, at this time also together reversed, turns face-to-face opens. 本来都是向前开启,这时也一起扭转,变成面对面开启。 shortly afterwards, two Black Hole Flooding Furnace unions in one, have merged into one organic whole, in Void vanishes does not see, as if not previously has always appeared. 紧接着,两口混洞洪炉结合在了一起,融为一体,在虚空中消失不见,仿佛从来不曾出现过。 But the Shi Tianyi brow is pressed immediately. Because he discovered impressively that with the oneself intention interlinked Ang Mao skull, had broken the relation unexpectedly. 石天毅眉头顿时蹙起。因为他赫然发现,一直与自己心念相通的昂昴头骨,竟然断了联系。 When Shi Tianhao while oneself several Treasure Item with the Ang Mao skull contends, two big Black Hole Flooding Furnace unite, Taotie Strength adds on Chaos Strength, collaborated this Magical Treasure Embryo thorough suppression! 石天昊趁着自己几件宝物昂昴头骨相争之际,两大混洞洪炉合一,饕餮之力加上浑沌之力,联手将这件法宝胚胎彻底镇压了! So firstly. You lost.” The brow of Shi Tianyi stretches, faint said: Two Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact, two big Mystical Ability both are used for suppression my Ang Mao skull, how then do you fight with me?” “如此一来。你输了。”石天毅的眉头舒展开来,淡淡说道:“两件元婴期法器,两大神通都用来镇压我的昂昴头骨,接下来你又如何与我交手?” Did not say other, Space is mysterious. You are unable to contend with Nascent Soul Formation me.” “不说别的,空间奥妙。你就无法同已经结婴的我相抗衡。” The Shi Tianyi palm stretches out straight in front of oneself forward, Middle Heaven Gate Mystical Ability starts, imprisons Void, in Space engraves the massive Light Avatar writing, two people Space twists up immediately, oppresses Shi Tianhao. 石天毅手掌向前平伸,中天门神通发动,禁锢虚空,空间中镌刻大量光影文字,两人所处的空间顿时扭曲起来,压迫石天昊 Shi Tianhao chuckle, in the hand reveals handle Long Sword suddenly. 石天昊轻笑一声,手里突然亮出一柄长剑 Said is Long Sword, is stone qualitative, the sword blade edge edge is clear, looks as if but is actually more like tall and slender stone strip. 说是长剑,却是石质的,剑刃边缘圆润,看起来倒更像是一根细长的石条 A only sword tip point, flashing cold glow, is very dazzling, shows one to destroy the hardest defenses, pierces all sharp feelings. 只有剑尖一点,闪动寒芒,无比耀眼,更透出一股无坚不摧,洞穿一切的锋锐感。 As if entire handle sword all points, concentrate in a arrived this sword tip point completely, making the lethality of this sword soar. 似乎整柄剑所有的锋芒,全部都集中到了剑尖一点上,让此剑的杀伤力直线上升。 Shi Tianhao sword tip, pierces Void immediately, the Mystical Ability imprisonment of breaks open Middle Heaven Gate. 石天昊剑锋所向,顿时洞穿虚空,破开中天门神通禁锢。 Your Treasure Item along are many.” Shi Tianyi raises the eyebrow gently, he knows that Shi Tianhao has Bronze Void Cauldron and Ice Soul Cold Mirror on hand, but has not cared, these two Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact add up to be inferior to the his Ang Mao skull. “你的随身宝物不少啊。”石天毅轻轻扬眉,他知道石天昊手头有青铜虚空鼎冰魄寒光镜,但没有放在心上,这两件元婴期法器起来都不如他的昂昴头骨。 But this is actually unexpected lithical Long Sword, after carefully observed one next, Shi Tianyi nod one's head: Originally is one is damaged Magical Treasure, Magical Treasure Original Spirit annihilation, but foundation heavy, will not have in the future not necessarily the possibility that again rises.” 但这把石质长剑却在预料之外,仔细观察了一下后,石天毅点点头:“原来是一件受损法宝,法宝元灵湮灭,但根底厚重,日后未必没有重新崛起的可能。” even if is now, is rare Treasure Item, exceeds most Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact weakly, silk not at all in the Ang Mao skull of Shi Tianyi . 就算是现在,也是一件不可多得的宝物,胜过绝大多数元婴期法器,丝毫不弱于石天毅昂昴头骨。 Shi Tianhao sword tip aims at Shi Tianyi , faint said: Shi Tianyi , fights!” 石天昊剑锋指向石天毅,淡淡说道:“石天毅,来战!” You have this sword, is not my opponent.” The Shi Tianyi look is tranquil: Your its his thing, my interest is not big, but this handle sword is very good, I like very much.” “你有此剑,也不是我的对手。”石天毅神色平静:“你其他的东西,我兴趣不大,但这柄剑很好,我很喜欢。” Wants?” Shi Tianhao smiles: Visited you to have that skill.” “想要?”石天昊一笑:“看你有没有那个本事了。” Shi Tianyi nod one's head: „, I came.” At the same time was saying, his right hand holds up to the sky, left hand index finger point to the oneself forehead. 石天毅点点头:“那么,我来了。”一边说着,他右手向天空举起,左手食指则点向自己的眉心。 His time must initiate attack on own initiative, only depends on right eye Dual Pupil illusory Good Fortune Strength to be not enough to overcome the enemy, Shi Tianhao does not attack on own initiative, is deceived on will not easily, two people does not attack, is dumbfounded, suffering a loss naturally is Shi Tianyi , the his Ang Mao skull also in Shi Tianhao there buckle. 他这次要主动发起攻击了,仅凭右眼重瞳虚幻造化之力不足以克敌制胜,石天昊不主动进攻,就不会轻易受骗,两人都不进攻,大眼瞪小眼,吃亏的自然石天毅,他的昂昴头骨还在石天昊那里扣着呢。 just this moves, sees the his movement, various Divine Origin big shots completely slightly of observing changed complexion. 只是他这一动,看见他的动作,观战的各家元神大佬们全部微微变了脸色 Even in the Supreme Void Temple oneself camp, on the Yun Huan Dao Venerable face flashes through surprised that is written in water, her turn the head and looks to Kuang Heng: Senior Brother Kuang, his does Great Thousand Slash practice formed?” 甚至太虚观自己阵营中,云嬛道尊脸上都闪过转瞬即逝的惊讶,她转头看向匡恒:“匡师兄,他连斩大千都练成了?” Kuang Heng nodded, has not spoken. 匡恒点了点头,没说话。 In Dragon Battle Arena, Shi Tianyi left hand index finger ignites the oneself forehead, right hand sets up the palm like the blade, lifts up high to the sky. Then is dividing to fall to front Shi Tianhao slowly, along with the movement that under his arm chops, in Void has a crack immediately. 龙斗场内,石天毅左手食指点着自己的眉心,右手立掌如刀,高举向天空。然后对着面前石天昊缓缓劈落,随着他手臂下劈的动作,虚空中顿时出现一条裂缝。 The appearance of this crack, directly Space tearing. Darkness after crack common Cultivator splits open space, instead in the entokinetic fissure bursts out dazzling White Light by no means. 这条裂缝的出现,直接将空间撕裂。裂缝并非寻常修士破开虚空后的黑暗,反而自裂缝中迸发出耀眼白光 The White Light crack distortion is beating, is involved in which the surrounding thing, by the crack turns toward the central extrusion together. 白光裂缝扭曲跳动着,将周围事物卷入其中,裂缝两边一起向着中央挤压。 Heavenly Connection Sword Sect Old Sword Immortal sighed: Supreme Void 3rd Heavenly Layer, Yielding Heaven Great Thousand Slash! Thinks that not arrive this Mystical Ability practices formed.” 通天剑宗剑老仙叹了一口气:“太虚三重天,从天斩大千!想不到他连这门神通都练成了。” Sword Venerable Bright Sun and Sword Venerable Soaring Snow look at each other in blank dismay: Yielding Heaven Great Thousand Slash, is not only splits open space, expedited Domain Strength, Strength that as if two side World collisions extruded, must cut Great Thousand World.” 日曜剑尊飞雪剑尊面面相觑:“从天斩大千,不仅仅是破开虚空,更催生出了界域之力,仿佛两方世界碰撞挤压的力量,要斩开大千世界。” Victory and defeat already minute, it seems like or big stone even better.” “胜负已分,看来还是大石头更胜一筹。” good. The small stone just now resists Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray, must exhaust the skills, now he surpasses half above Strength to be used for the suppression big stone the Ang Mao skull, at this time comes facing Strength stronger Yielding Heaven Great Thousand Slash again, even if there is that stone dagger in hand. Also ominous multiple luck was short.” 不错。小石头方才抵挡羡天群星聚华神光,已经要耗尽浑身解数,现在他超过一半以上力量用来镇压大石头的昂昴头骨,此时再来面对力量更强的从天斩大千,即便有那石剑在手。也凶多吉少了。” Is uncertain, perhaps does that small stone have other method?” “也不一定,或许那小石头也有别的手段?” When the people whoop, the Shi Tianhao look is tranquil, the right hand stone dagger aims at Shi Tianyi , left hand grasps the fist, holds up upwards, puts out the one character slowly: Flood! 正当众人议论纷纷之际,石天昊神色平静,右手石剑指向石天毅,左手则握成拳,朝天举起,徐徐吐出一个字:“洪! Immediately. His whole body Magic Force wells up crazily, as if disaster similar Aura immediately erupts, bleak, ancient, huge, rogue! 顿时。他全身法力狂涌,一股仿佛天灾一般气息顿时爆发出来,荒凉,古老,庞大,凶恶! In entire Dragon Battle Arena Spiritual Qi had the change. As if tranquil sea happen Tsunami is suddenly same, mighty waves surging, and turns toward Shi Tianhao to gather completely. 整个龙斗场灵气都起了变化。仿佛平静大海突然发生海啸一样,波涛滚滚,并且全部向着石天昊聚拢。 next moment, these Spiritual Qi together are suddenly quiet, actually does not vanish without the trace. Preparation that but as if in doing erupts greatly, is similar to the tranquility before violent Wind and Rain, that constrains the terrifying atmosphere to make observing feel that is flustered. 下一刻,这些灵气突然一起沉寂下来,却不是消失无踪。而是仿佛在做更大爆发的准备,如同暴风雨前的宁静,那压抑恐怖的气氛让观战者们都感到一阵心慌。 Shi Tianyi vision flashes, the front White Light crack has cut toward Shi Tianhao. 石天毅目光一闪,面前白光裂缝已经向着石天昊斩了过去。 Meanwhile, Shi Tianhao sword tip, backlog boundless Strength also loudly erupts. 与此同时,石天昊剑锋所向,积压的磅礴力量也轰然爆发出来。 That Strength is so violent, as if mighty current similar, sweeps across Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, Myriad Things Mortal, runs out by an irresistible imposing manner. 力量是如此猛烈,仿佛洪流一般,席卷天地造化,万物苍生,以一股不可阻挡的气势冲出。 The innumerable Talisman writing, Diagram Formation fluctuates in the mighty current, gathers together in together, changes to the one path golden light mighty current, the White Light crack with Shi Tianyi release clashes outrageously! 无数符箓文字,图纹阵法在洪流中起伏,共同汇聚在一起,化作一道金光洪流,同石天毅释放的白光裂缝悍然对撞! strongest showdown! 最强对决! Shi Tianhao Mysterious Yellow Four Characters Secret Art Third Technique, "Flood" Character Secret Art, shakes Shi Tianyi Supreme Void 3rd Heavenly Layer hardly, Yielding Heaven Great Thousand Slash! 石天昊玄黄四字诀第三法,洪字诀,硬撼石天毅太虚三重天,从天斩大千 Immediately, in entire Dragon Battle Arena turns into light instantaneously the sea, half golden color, similar white, each other does not yield mutually respectively, non-stop collides, next moment interwines, continuously, dogfight continuous. 顿时,整个龙斗场中瞬间变成一片光的海洋,一半金色,一般白色,彼此各不相让,不停碰撞,下一刻又交织在一起,此起彼伏,缠斗不休。 arrived final, Sea of Light erupts loudly, the sky-filling light rain fills all around. 到了最后,光海轰然爆发,漫天光雨弥漫四周。 At this moment, two Spiritual Qi interweaving rising typhoons are upward, attacks in the sky together, hidden white jade Portal in Void. 就在这时,两道灵气交织扶摇向上,一起冲击天空中,隐于虚空里的白玉门户 The Dragon Stone Gate golden light writings, all vulture dragons together open the eye, sends out the dignified vision, in unison long and loud cry up. 龙石门金光大作,所有雕龙都一起睁开眼睛,发出威严目光,齐声长啸起来 In the long howl, Dragon Stone Gate suddenly vibrated, two big door slowly open unexpectedly, in gate shining, to one unknown miniature world. 就在长啸声中,龙石门猛然震动了一下,两扇大门竟然缓缓打开,门中流光溢彩,通往一个未知的小世界 Great Qin Dynasty all person looks are complex, Dragon Stone Gate that several thousand years of not previously opens, today because finally two big youth Heaven's Chosen to fighting, but again opened. 大秦皇朝所有人都神色复杂,数千年不曾开启的龙石门,今天终于因为两大少年天骄的对战而重新打开了。 In Dragon Battle Arena, the light fog has lifted completely, reveals two person's shadows to confront gradually by far. 龙斗场内,光雾散尽,渐渐露出两个人影远远对峙。 At this time no matter Shi Tianhao, or Shi Tianyi , the appearance is in an extremely difficult situation. 此时不管是石天昊,还是石天毅,模样都狼狈不堪。 Little Guy Shi Tianhao from right shoulder diagonal under to Zuo Fu, reveals the one path huge scar, covered with blood, by his nearly diamond Indestructible Fleshly Body, was injured by Shi Tianyi type Yielding Heaven Great Thousand Slash, injury looks as if is quite scary, almost cuts two halves him. 小不点石天昊右肩斜向下到左腹,露出一道巨大的伤痕,血肉模糊,以他近乎金刚不坏肉身,也被石天毅一式从天斩大千所伤,伤势看起来极为骇人,差点将他斩成两半。 But Shi Tianyi is more miserable than him, the body was scarred did not say that the entire right arm complete shoulder vanished without the trace, even has lacked one including the right shoulder arm. 石天毅比他更惨,身上伤痕累累不说,整条右臂齐肩消失无踪,甚至连右肩膀都缺了一块。 So the severe wound, some wanted the feeling of faint at the Shi Tianyi Divine Soul intensity, but his look sinks to congeal as before, right eye Dual Pupil, two pupils rotate together, as if Sun and Moon takes turn, has from not previously, sends out compared with beforehand even more mysterious Strength Aura from there. 如此重伤,以石天毅神魂强度都有了要昏厥的感觉,但他神色沉凝依旧,右眼重瞳,两个瞳孔一起转动,仿佛日月交替,一股从不曾有过,比之前更加玄奥的力量气息从中散发出来。
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