HNOF :: Volume #6

#582: Shi Tianyi , your self-confidence?

Stars Strength is huge, Shi Tianyi studies Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray to have, although can directs the gathering group starlight magnificent, but also just very weak. 星辰之力何等庞大,石天毅修习羡天群星聚华神光有成,虽然可以引聚群星光华,但也只是很微弱的一丝。 but, this, puts in Divine Origin Cultivation Realm following Cultivator Fighting Technique, is aggressive to cannot again aggressive killing strike. 不过,就这一丝,放到元神境界以下修士斗法中,已经是凶悍到不能再凶悍杀招 Sat straight the body including the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect observing people, was fixing the eyes on the two people in war. 玄门天宗观战众人都坐直了身体,紧盯着战局中的二人。 Wang Lin in both eyes cold light flashes, studies Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture now, and Nascent Soul Formation he, has not feared Shi Tianyi this round offensive, but if returned in Void Battlefield at that time, Shi Tianyi put forth this move, the result that fought said on very difficult. 汪林双目中冷光一闪,现在修习四象开天书并且已经结婴的他,不怕石天毅这一轮攻势,但若是退回虚空战场里那个时候,石天毅使出这招,那一战的结果就很难讲了。 Xiao Yan mutter to oneself: can has compared favorably with Hell Evil Fire and True Solar Fire union Firmament Fire Lotus...” 萧焱喃喃自语:“已经可以媲美幽冥邪煌太阳真火结合的苍穹火莲了…” his Firmament Fire Lotus, the combination of Hell Evil Fire and True Solar Fire, is in double Fire Lotus the might strongest portfolio approach. 他的苍穹火莲,幽冥邪煌太阳真火的组合,是双火莲中威力最强的组合方式。 Naturally, after waiting for him Nascent Soul Formation, his own cultivation base promotes, no matter some Firmament Fire Lotus or unit drive True Fire, Strength will enhance greatly. 当然,等他结婴之后,他自身修为提升,不管是苍穹火莲还是单独驱动某一种真火,力量都会大幅提高。 Although Zhu Yi has not spoken, but look also serious several points. 朱易虽然没有说话,但神色也郑重了几分。 As the observer, can feel Shi Tianyi this move of aggressive clearly, in this moment Dragon Battle Arena, faced directly its point Shi Tianhao to feel naturally to be clearer. 作为旁观者,都能清楚感受到石天毅这一招的凶悍,此刻龙斗场内,直面其锋芒的石天昊感受自然就更清楚了。 Especially Shi Tianyi not only by Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray attack, limits Shi Tianhao's moving with Middle Heaven Gate Mystical Ability, this causes the Shi Tianhao's situation even more bad risk. 尤其是石天毅不仅以羡天群星聚华神光攻击,更用中天门神通限制石天昊的移动,这就使得石天昊的处境越发凶险。 However Shi Tianhao in person unperturbed fearless, tranquil looks at approaches the golden color light beam that oneself rumbles like lightning. 但是石天昊本人夷然无惧,平静看着闪电般向自己轰来的金色光柱。 His back Void opens wide suddenly, second Black Hole Flooding Furnace opening! 他背后虚空猛然洞开,第二口混洞洪炉开启! In Flooding Furnace, the invisible and without shape storm whooshes in non-stop, overlapping chaotic Space surges. 洪炉之内,无形无相的风暴在不停嘶吼,层层叠叠的混乱空间涌动。 Anliang King Shi Zongyue sees this, stunned: That is... Void Storm in 4 Great Divine Winds? Wait / Etc., is not right, does not build up real Void Storm, but actually expedited that Strength Domain in Formless.” 安良王石宗岳看见这一幕,不禁愕然:“那是…四大神风中的虚空风暴?等等,不对,不是炼化真实的虚空风暴,但却在无形中催生出了那种力量意境。” Giant Ferocious Beast Light Avatar also appears in Black Hole Flooding Furnace at this moment, its as if yellow sack. Like pill fire, six full four-ways, muddy sincere does not have the appearance scarlet. 一头巨型凶兽光影此刻也在混洞洪炉中浮现,其状如黄囊。赤如丹火,六足四翼,浑敦无面目。 With Primordial four ominous Chaos of Taotie with arranging in order! 饕餮同列太古四凶的浑沌 Shi Tianhao cried loud and long, the Chaos Strength in addition in second Black Hole Flooding Furnace held above oneself formidable Fleshly Body. Shoots up to the sky directly, welcomed directly to shelling the his golden color light beam. 石天昊长啸一声,第二口混洞洪炉中的浑沌之力加持在自己强大肉身之上。直接冲天而起,正面迎向轰击他的金色光柱。 From the beginning, Shi Tianhao has not thought must dodge! 从一开始,石天昊就没想过要闪躲! A fist rumbles, Space breaks immediately, Ferocious Beast Chaos appears is the crazy fierce storm, the frontage shakes the thick golden color light beam hardly. 一拳轰出,空间顿时破碎,凶兽浑沌显化为狂猛风暴,正面硬撼粗大的金色光柱。 Radiant golden light non-stop flashing, the observing people of shining cannot open eyes, in Divine Consciousness is also scalding hot. 璀璨金光不停闪烁,照耀的观战众人睁不开眼,神识中也是一片灼热。 only small number of people can sees, Shi Tianhao on this outrageously stand on midair, Chaos Strength non-stop shatter Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray. 只有少数人可以看到,石天昊就这样悍然立于半空之中,浑沌之力不停破碎羡天群星聚华神光 But stars great strength is great. even if Shi Tianyi can only draw support, vast boundless, the bang results in Shi Tianhao non-stop retreat. 但星辰巨力何等宏大。就算石天毅只能借助一点,也浩瀚无边,轰得石天昊不停后退 If not Shi Tianhao Fleshly Body enough formidable is firm, is only scattering starlight burns down his whole person on can cleanly. 若非石天昊肉身足够强大坚固,光是流散的星光可以将他整个人焚烧干净。 Hey!” Shi Tianhao right hand makes a fist, frontage firmly resist starlight bombardment. The left hand five fingers open, the first mouth Black Hole Flooding Furnace inside Taotie Strength in addition holds, from one side grasps on golden color starlight. “嘿!”石天昊右手握拳,正面硬抗星光轰击。左手则五指张开,第一混洞洪炉内的饕餮之力加持,从侧面抓在金色星光上。 Ferocious Beast Taotie appears is the Darkness earth, unceasing Devouring Shi Tianyi starlight Strength. 凶兽饕餮显化黑暗大地,不断吞噬石天毅星光之力 Shi Tianyi slightly frowns, sees Shi Tianhao to aspirate the sound, in behind two Black Hole Flooding Furnace transmits the Heaven-shaking beast roar, as if returns to the Great Desolation time. 石天毅微微蹙眉,就见石天昊吐气开声,身后两座混洞洪炉中传来震天兽吼,仿佛重归洪荒时代。 Two big Mystical Ability joint efforts. Is directly stave that huge golden color light beam! 两大神通合力。直接将那巨大的金色光柱破碎! Time, in Dragon Battle Arena entire was covered by dazzling golden light, Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region from Dragon Battle Arena looks at Dragon Battle Arena, sees only ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light from there gush out. 时间,龙斗场中整个被耀眼金光覆盖,从龙斗场外的天龙古域龙斗场,也只见万丈金光从中喷薄而出。 Observing people at this moment doesn't come out sound, but is not calm. 观战众人此刻都不出声,但心情都不平静。 Two people in before one's eyes fierce combat, seriously worthily the name of youth Heaven's Chosen. 眼前激战中的二人,当真不愧少年天骄之名。 The big stone suffices aggressive. cultivate Supreme Void Temple strongest Mystical Ability Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Secret Art, no matter Middle Heaven Gate or Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray, the might is astonishing, which one is casual to come out brightly, can walked sideways in Nascent Soul Realm. 大石头够凶悍修练太虚观最强神通太虚九重天诀,不管是中天门还是羡天群星聚华神光,都威力惊人,随便哪一个亮出来,都可以元婴期横着走了。 But the small stone is more ominous. Unexpectedly can frontage firmly resist Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray. 但小石头更凶。居然可以正面硬抗羡天群星聚华神光 Thinks that he actually Golden Core Late Stage, but Shi Tianyi is Nascent Soul Initial Stage cultivation base, made one feel on even more with amazement. 想到他其实才金丹后期,而石天毅则是元婴初期修为,就更加令人感到骇然。 Shi Chongyun unemotionally looks at before one's eyes this, Great Qin Imperial Family once intended to adopt Shi Tianyi , how this matter doesn't he know? 石崇云面无表情看着眼前这一幕,大秦皇室曾经有意过继石天毅,这种事情他又如何不知? Shi Zongyue and Dao Venerable Eternal Smile look at each other an eye, then slightly shakes the head: what a pity, no matter the big stone or small stone, cannot use for my Great Qin, what a pity, is really what a pity.” 石宗岳长乐道尊对视一眼,则都微微摇头:“可惜,不管是大石头还是小石头,都不能为我大秦所用,可惜,实在是可惜。” In the golden color light billows, Shi Tianhao towers proudly into the skies, this time has also been hurt, withstands the starlight bombardment, even if is his Fleshly Body intensity difficult insurance to be also well, but this time imposing manner surges upward, reaches the one brand-new altitude, drinks in the sound lightly, top of the head indistinct fluctuation one Layer halo. 金色光澜之中,石天昊傲然挺立,他身上此时也已经见伤,承受星光轰击,就算他的肉身强度也难保无恙,但他此时气势高涨,达到一个全新高度,轻喝声中,头顶隐约浮动一层光晕。 In halo, build huge Monster Beast in the non-stop ups and downs. 光晕里,一头体型巨大的妖兽正在不停沉浮。 Some people have recognized, calls out in alarm said: Kunpeng?” 有人认了出来,惊呼道:“鲲鹏?” That Kunpeng as if non-stop in Cosmic World Great Desolation ups and downs, sinks, is the fish, whole body pitch-black, huge incomparable, in the length of body tens of thousands, is hard to count. 鲲鹏仿佛在宇宙洪荒不停沉浮着,沉则为鱼,通体乌黑,巨大无比,体长成千上万里,难以计数。 Floats is the bird, the whole body green feather, the golden color beak, the top of the head has the white plume feather, the both wings open, has several thousand li (0.5km) widely fully. 浮则为鸟,浑身青色羽毛,金色喙,头顶有白色翎羽,双翅张开,宽足有数千里。 Although the Shi Tianhao top of the head halo area is not big, but the Space fold extends, the bystanders can feel that Kunpeng that lets the build that the person shocks. 虽然石天昊头顶光晕面积不大,但空间折叠延伸,围观者都能感觉到鲲鹏那让人震撼的体型。 Shi Tianhao has made up mind to come sacrificial refining oneself Black Hole Flooding Furnace with Primordial four ominous Blood Essence, but his own body undergoes Kunpeng True Blood to strengthen, has blended Kunpeng some Mystical Ability to be mysterious. 石天昊决意用太古四凶的精血祭炼自己混洞洪炉,但他自身身躯经受过鲲鹏真血强化,举手投足间,已经融汇了鲲鹏的部分神通奥妙。 His shoulders peak, as if Kunpeng pays the water surface suddenly, the transform into Péng bird, the next moment azure Péng spreads the wings, then skyrockets Nine Heavens. 他双肩猛然一耸,就仿佛鲲鹏付出水面,化为鹏鸟,下一刻青鹏展翅,便扶摇直上九天 Shi Tianyi Middle Heaven Gate Mystical Ability, in view of the his fetter, was relieved directly, but Shi Tianhao in person threw to Shi Tianyi front. 石天毅中天门神通,针对他的束缚,直接被解除,而石天昊本人已经扑到石天毅面前 His speed fast, even if Shi Tianyi Heaven Ascension Technique Escape Technique, avoids. 他速度飞快,就算石天毅登天术遁法,都躲避不及。 Shi Tianyi right eye Dual Pupil divine light puts greatly, the innumerable rosy cloud fog emerge, weave illusory Good Fortune, avoids a tribulation once more. 石天毅右眼重瞳神光大放,无数云霞雾霭涌现,编织虚幻造化,再次躲过一劫。 Starts Middle Heaven Gate and Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray, even if by the vigor of his Magic Force, Time also consumes oversized, has to evade the small stone temporarily the point, again saves Strength. 发动中天门羡天群星聚华神光,即便以他的法力之雄浑,一时间也消耗过大,不得不暂避小石头的锋芒,重新积蓄力量 Shi Tianhao calmly said: „Before making war, aren't you very confidence? Now why actually likely does same as a tortoise shrinking the head only dare to hide up? Your confidence? Your pride?” 石天昊静静说道:“开战前,你不是很自信么?为什么现在却像个缩头乌龟一样只敢躲起来?你的自信呢?你的骄傲呢?” in Void, does not know is true or false, is illusory image or Honourable Shi Tianyi crosses the hands behind the back to stand, tranquil looks at Shi Tianhao: Dual Pupil Strength, this is my ability, I use, what issue also there is? You, you are not have wanted to fight with me actually, I wait for you to break my Mystical Ability.” 虚空中,不知是真是假,是幻影还是真人石天毅负手而立,平静看着石天昊:“重瞳之力,本就是的能力,我使用,又有什么问题?倒是你,你不是一直想与我一战吗,我等着你来破我的神通。” Shi Tianhao back two Black Hole Flooding Furnace send out roars wild, top of the head Kunpeng Light Avatar ups and downs: Nascent Soul Realm cultivation base, was hit the blind eye by my Third Senior Brother before, thinks that you studied Supreme Void Temple Magical Technique to have progressive, now is hit by my Golden Core Late Stage can only defense, if I you, early looked for a tunnel to sneak in depart.” 石天昊背后两口混洞洪炉发出狂暴咆哮,头顶鲲鹏光影沉浮:“元婴期修为,之前被我三师兄打瞎一只眼睛,原以为你学了太虚观法术会有进步,现在又被我金丹后期打得只能防御,我要是你,早找个地洞钻进去了。” His words like the blade, the Supreme Void Temple people of observing, Kuang Heng, Dao Venerable Profound Downpour and Yun Huan Dao Venerable three big Divine Origin Expert have not mattered but actually, the Ding Runfeng and other young disciples only feel on the face burning hurting. 他言辞如刀,观战的太虚观众人,匡恒玄霖道尊云嬛道尊三大元神强者倒还无所谓,丁润峰年轻弟子都只感觉脸上一阵火辣辣的疼。 Shi Tianhao then said: I have the patience to consume with you actually slowly, can perhaps't however this, open Dragon Stone Gate? Wastes Time purely.” 石天昊接着说道:“我倒是有耐心跟你慢慢耗,只不过这样子,恐怕打不开龙石门吧?纯粹浪费时间。” This but actually really is issue.” Shi Tianyi nodded: „, I came.” “这倒确实是个问题。”石天毅点了点头:“那么,我来了。” At the same time was saying, Shi Tianyi both palms gather in midair, pinched one Secret Technique, whole body Treasure Light has put greatly. 一边说着,半空中的石天毅双掌一合,捏了一个法诀,周身宝光大放。 next moment, in Treasure Light transmits heaven shaking dragon's roar, runs out of a White Light big dragon from inside, howls is firing into Shi Tianhao. 下一刻,宝光中就传来一声惊天龙吟,从里面冲出一条白光巨龙,呼啸着冲向石天昊 Shi Tianhao must make to deal, sinks into illusory Good Fortune that Shi Tianyi right eye Dual Pupil builds, who knows this attack is true or false. 石天昊必须做出应对,陷于石天毅右眼重瞳营造的虚幻造化中,谁知道这攻击是真是假 He has not avoided, still welcomed the White Light big dragon to rush, behind Taotie Black Hole evolves the Darkness earth, just likes the abyss, directly White Light big dragon Devouring. 他没有躲避,仍然迎着白光巨龙冲上,身后饕餮混洞演化黑暗大地,犹如深渊,直接将白光巨龙吞噬 Then Shi Tianhao then rushed to Shi Tianyi front, Fist Strike goes. 接下来石天昊便已经冲到石天毅面前,一拳打去。 But Shi Tianyi this time has actually made the avoidance, his Divine Soul is turbulent, the Magic Force Aura circulation, Shi Tianhao can determined immediately that oneself has faced, and with Shi Tianyi that it talked, was Honourable, but was not the false appearance. 石天毅这次却做出了躲避,他神魂动荡,法力气息流转,石天昊顿时可以确定,自己一直面对,并与之交谈的石天毅,是真人,而不是假象。 But since is Honourable, will attack of that White Light big dragon, why so be just now weak? 可既然是真人,方才那白光巨龙的攻击,为何会那么弱? Blustered? Before displayed the loss of Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Secret Art not to restore? 虚张声势?之前施展太虚九重天诀的损耗还没有恢复? Also or... Another seeks? 又或者说…另有所谋? Feels the fishy, Shi Tianhao pauses suddenly, sees him to pause, Shi Tianyi faint smiles: Did not respond slowly.” 感到蹊跷,石天昊猛然停步,见他停步,石天毅淡淡一笑:“反应不慢。” Saying, Shi Tianhao was feeling oneself back Taotie Black Hole Flooding Furnace, unexpectedly fiercely turbulent up! 说着,石天昊就感到自己背后的饕餮混洞洪炉,竟然猛地动荡起来 As if has endless Strength to inflate in inside, oneself this Black Hole Flooding Furnace Taotie Strength, is unable unexpectedly it Devouring digestion. 仿佛有无穷无尽力量在里面膨胀,自己这口混洞洪炉饕餮之力,竟然无法将之吞噬消化。 Although Taotie swallowing the heaven and devouring the earth Mystical Ability formidable, but places current Cultivation Realm, always has the limit. 饕餮吞天噬地神通虽然强大,但身处当前境界,总有极限。 But now the Shi Tianhao's feeling is, just by oneself Devouring Strength, was surpassed the limit that Taotie Black Hole has been able to withstand. 而现在石天昊的感觉就是,刚刚被自己吞噬力量,超过了饕餮混洞所能承受的极限。 In Darkness Black Hole Flooding Furnace, shines the dazzling purple light, bang makes noise, as if the thunder, path after path purple lightning ray from there shoots up to the sky. 黑暗混洞洪炉中,亮起耀眼紫光,轰隆隆作响,仿佛雷霆,一道又一道紫色雷光从中冲天而起。 A moment ago that white dragon...” The Shi Tianhao brow is pressed, a Divine Consciousness revolution, sees Magic Force of White Light big dragon already by Devouring, has actually revealed thing of hideaway. “刚才那条白龙…”石天昊眉头蹙起,神识一转,就见白光巨龙的法力已经被吞噬,却露出了其中隐藏的东西。 Pretence of White Light big dragon just covering, is used to hide Shi Tianyi genuinely killing strike. 白光巨龙只是个打掩护的幌子,用来隐藏石天毅真正杀招 That is a thing of skull appearance, whole body pale golden, glittering and translucent, from there emerges innumerable purple lightning ray, is shelling Shi Tianhao's Taotie Black Hole, as if endless, to the Taotie Strength Devouring digestion, is unable to counter-balance, instead are getting more and more. 那是一块头骨模样的东西,通体淡金,晶莹剔透,从中涌现无数紫色雷光,轰击着石天昊的饕餮混洞,仿佛无穷无尽,任凭饕餮之力吞噬消化,也无法抵消,反而越来越多。 Unexpectedly is Magical Treasure Embryo?” The Shi Tianhao eye winked winking. “居然是一件法宝胚胎?”石天昊眼睛眨了眨。 Shi Tianyi faint said: „When this is my future achievement Divine Origin boundary, is the raw material of oneself sacrificial refining Magical Treasure preparation, Supreme Void Temple has Secret Technique, even if the embryo also can sacrificial refining use, the might wins similar Nascent Soul Magical Artifact, will not actually obliterate its Magical Treasure spirituality.” 石天毅淡淡说道:“这是我将来成就元神之境时,为自己祭炼法宝准备的原材料,太虚观秘法,即便是胚胎也可以祭炼使用,威力更胜一般元婴法器,却不会磨灭其法宝灵性。” The voice has not fallen, purple lightning ray in golden color skull is even more intense, from there condenses appears one Light Avatar, lifelike, that is a giant bird, looks completely relaxed, in inundating Heavenly Thunderclap hovers. 话音未落,金色头骨中的紫色雷光越发强烈,从中凝聚显化一个光影,栩栩如生,那是一头巨鸟,神态悠闲,在漫天雷霆中翱翔。 The giant bird image formation, lightning ray even more is immediately violent. 巨鸟影像成型,雷光顿时越发猛烈。
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