HNOF :: Volume #6

#581: Turning misfortune into a blessing Shi Tianyi

„Is that Spirit Roaming Universe Visualizing Law Heavenly Origin Shadow Morph Mystical Ability?” Dao Venerable Eternal Smile hesitates was saying that the vision looks to Anliang King Shi Zongyue. “那是神游太虚观想法天元化影神通吧?”长乐道尊迟疑着说道,目光望向安良王石宗岳 At the Divine Origin cultivation base Divine Soul intensity, the numerous big shots can in clear visible Dragon Battle Arena that hundred and thousand, wandering soul similar phantom. 元神修为神魂强度,一众大佬们都能清楚的看见龙斗场中那成百上千,游魂一般虚影 Although Shi Tianyi right eye Dual Pupil Strength is strong, but deceives Divine Origin Expert that but observes. 石天毅右眼重瞳之力虽强,但骗不过观战的元神强者们。 Shi Zongyue is staring at Shi Tianyi in field, slowly nod one's head: precisely Heavenly Origin Shadow Morph Mystical Ability, most excellent Mystical Ability in Spirit Roaming Universe Visualizing Law, but generally speaking, is unable to split up these many Divine Soul Light Avatar.” 石宗岳盯着场中的石天毅,徐徐点点头:“正是天元化影神通,神游太虚观想法里的最上乘神通,不过一般来说,无法分化这么多神魂光影。” Can have such effect, is because big stone itself Divine Soul formidable, Dual Pupil Strength has the unique mysterious reason.” “能有这样的效果,也是因为大石头本身神魂强大,重瞳之力有独特奥妙的缘故。” A lot of Divine Soul surround Shi Tianhao, the Shi Tianhao whole body Physique vitality erupts together, as if Flooding Furnace is the same, the thermal energy makes surrounding Space seem appears twists up. 千百神魂包围石天昊,石天昊全身体魄气血一起爆发,就仿佛一座洪炉一样,热力让周围空间看上去都显得扭曲起来 Most restrains Divine Soul Technique, regards Lightning Technique, is firm Physique of formidable military, the courage vigor is then majestic , then the soul is difficult to be near. 最克制神魂之术的,首推雷法,然后便是强大武者的阳刚体魄,血气雄壮则阴魂难近。 But the water are many can fire fighting, the fire were many also can to have baked the water similarly. 但水多了可以灭火,火多了同样也可以将水烧干。 Shi Tianyi splits up Divine Soul now, has almost over a thousand numbers, each one precise formidable, the covering the sky and blocking the Sun dark cloud capping, seems to be uncontainable including Shi Tianhao formidable Physique. 石天毅现在分化神魂,几乎有上千之数,个个凝炼强大,遮天蔽日仿佛乌云压顶,连石天昊强大体魄都难以克制。 Ji! in sky transmits Shi Tianyi lowly shouted, immediately some massive Divine Soul dive potential threw toward Shi Tianhao. 疾!”天空中传来石天毅一声低喝,顿时有大量神魂以俯冲之势向着石天昊扑了过来。 These Divine Soul in the sprint process, the twist deformation, lost Shi Tianyi appearance originally, change to a handle handle Formless sharp knife blade, the violent storm punctures. 这些神魂在冲刺过程中,扭曲变形,失去了石天毅原本的模样,化作一柄柄无形利刃,狂风暴雨般刺下。 Shi Tianyi this is must assassinate Little Guy Shi Tianhao's Divine Soul directly. 石天毅这是要直接刺杀小不点石天昊的神魂 Presents all people, besides Divine Origin Expert, the other people brow is tight. Facing such formidable Divine Soul offensive, the role that Fleshly Body and Magic Force can plays is really limited. 在场所有人,除了元神强者以外,其他人都眉头紧蹙。面对这样强大神魂攻势,肉身法力可以起到的作用实在有限。 Shi Tianyi . This is the Divine Soul combustion, thus obtains extremely the formidable attack strength and penetrating power. 石天毅。这是将神魂燃烧,从而获得极为强大攻击力与穿透力。 Traded other people to cause this move. That has not offended somebody injures oneself first, perishes with the enemy association, fighting method of perishing together. 换了其他人来使这招。那就是未伤人先伤己,与敌协亡,同归于尽的打法。 But Shi Tianyi displays Heavenly Origin Shadow Morph, Divine Soul appears a lot, is not the fission, but nearly in duplication. 可是石天毅施展天元化影,神魂显化千百,并非分裂,而是近乎于复制。 Although is unable to maintain long Time, but when Magical Technique lasts, he is equal to having a lot of Divine Soul, sacrificed part to oneself not any influence. 虽然无法维持长时间,但在法术存续期间,他就等同于拥有千百神魂,牺牲掉一部分对自身没有任何影响。 A lot of Divine Soul assassinate. even if Shi Tianhao Fleshly Body vitality formidable, forms the protection automatically, meets eliminate Shi Tianyi Divine Soul, but very difficult resists the so crowded offensive, Shi Tianyi this is takes the quantity to bully the person completely. 千百记神魂刺杀。就算石天昊肉身气血强大,自动形成防护,会消融石天毅神魂,但很难抵挡如此密集的攻势,石天毅这是完全拿数量来欺负人。 Shi Tianhao actually unperturbed fearless, own Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture Magic Force revolves, back Void twists suddenly, changes to Black Hole Flooding Furnace. 石天昊却夷然无惧,自身四象开天书法力运转开来,背后虚空突然扭曲,化作一口混洞洪炉 Flooding Furnace opens, inside full is the black land. Silent silent, just likes the black hole. 洪炉开启,里面满是黑色土地。沉默寂静,犹如黑洞。 Wild beast roar from there spreads, just likes the baby cries aloud, is quite grating. A Ferocious Beast Light Avatar image appears, its as if chimera person surface, its eye in armpit. Tiger tooth person claw. 狂暴兽吼从中传出,犹如婴儿啼哭,极为刺耳。一头凶兽光影形象浮现出来,其状如羊身人面,其目在腋下。虎齿人爪。 precisely Primordial four ominous Taotie! 正是太古四凶之一的饕餮 Black earth Black Hole opens, as if Primordial giant Ferocious Beast in deep sleep regains consciousness. Deep sleep endless years, were very hungry. Wakes up then must eat food, opens the abyss similar big mouth, swallowing the heaven and devouring the earth. 黑土混洞开启,仿佛一头沉睡中的太古巨型凶兽苏醒。已经沉睡无尽岁月,无比饥饿。一醒来便要进食,张开深渊一般的大口,吞天噬地 The Divine Soul assassination of Shi Tianyi appears, falls into black earth Black Hole Flooding Furnace completely, did not have the sound instantaneously, is similar to clay ox entering the sea similar. 石天毅显化神魂刺杀,全部落入黑土混洞洪炉中,瞬间没了声息,如同泥牛入海一般 Not is only Mystical Ability Magic Force, including Divine Soul Strength can Devouring?” Shi Tianyi sees Shi Tianhao to display this First Level Mystical Ability in the Shi Family mansion, bites not to put Shi Tianyi his father's Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol directly, does not work loose only to be able helplessly looks at oneself by Devouring. “不仅仅是神通法力,连神魂之力可以吞噬?”石天毅石家大宅见过石天昊施展这一重神通,直接将石天毅他老爹的天地法相咬住不放,挣脱不得只能眼睁睁看着自己吞噬 Now, his in person Divine Soul attack is also so, Shi Tianhao newcomer does not resist, many swallows many. 现在,他本人神魂攻击也是如此,石天昊来者不拒,有多少吞多少。 Shi Tianyi vision slightly flashes, immediately stopped Magical Technique, surplus Divine Soul take back oneself together, at the his Divine Soul intensity, felt that slightly is weary. 石天毅目光微微闪动,顿时停了法术,剩余神魂一起收归自身,以他的神魂强度,也感到微微疲倦。 Heavenly Origin Shadow Morph appears Divine Soul was destroyed, to his in person not create injury, but displays this Mystical Ability itself, extremely loses Divine Soul. 天元化影显化神魂被毁,对他本人造成伤害,但施展这门神通本身,就极为损耗神魂 Now actually flies back without any results, even he can feel clearly, after Devouring oneself Divine Soul, Shi Tianhao's Divine Soul was instead stronger. 如今却无功而返,甚至他能清楚感觉到,吞噬自己神魂之后,石天昊的神魂反而更强了。 The custom that Shi Tianhao has not come under attack passively, Shi Tianyi displays Magical Technique starts attack at the same time, he earnestly is also seeking for the Shi Tianyi exact location. 石天昊从来没有被动挨打的习惯,石天毅施展法术发动攻击的同时,他也在认真寻找石天毅的确切位置。 This time, he believes firmly the goal that oneself found is correct. 这一次,他确信自己找到的目标是正确的。 The "Time!" Shi Tianhao right fist holds up, Time Character Secret Art in Mysterious Yellow Four Characters Secret Art starts, suppression Shi Tianyi Mind, enabling its within the body Time to come to the stagnation. “宙!”石天昊右拳举起,玄黄四字诀中的宙字诀发动,镇压石天毅精神,使其体内时间陷于停滞中。 Shi Tianyi Divine Soul formidable, restricted are not many, but also felt that the oneself whole person as if changes the formed puppet clay sculpture, cannot speak, cannot moving, become including the thought rotation of in the mind slow up. 石天毅神魂强大,受限不多,但也感觉自己整个人仿佛变成了木偶泥塑,不能说话,不能移动,连脑海中的念头转动都变得缓慢起来 He tries to work loose, but Shi Tianhao's offensive likely ocean waves wave after wave, after Time Character Secret Art, immediately joins Space Character Secret Art, the Shi Tianyi personal appearance thorough anchorage, is unable moving. 他试图挣脱,但石天昊的攻势像海浪似的一波接一波,宙字诀之后立刻接上宇字诀,将石天毅的身形彻底定住,无法移动 But Shi Tianhao in person approached with lightning speed, a layer upon layer fist bombardment on Shi Tianyi . 石天昊本人已经风驰电掣般靠近,重重一拳轰击在石天毅身上。 When at a crucial moment, Shi Tianyi displays Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body once more, shoulders Shi Tianhao one strike, but Buddha’s radiance was almost rumbled completely broken, is similar to the Buddha alike body covers entirely the spider web similar fissure. 千钧一发之际,石天毅再次施展不动尊王佛身,才扛下石天昊一击,但一身佛光几乎全部被轰碎,如同佛陀像的身躯上布满蛛网一般的裂痕。 Shi Tianyi Heaven Ascension Technique launches, reaches the sky in a single bound, flings Shi Tianhao instantaneously once more far. 石天毅登天术展开,一步登天,瞬间把石天昊再次甩远。 Shi Tianhao Space Character Secret Art starts once more, Bronze Void Cauldron revealed that shakes Space, Nascent Soul Initial Stage Shi Tianyi is unable to withdraw through the Space shuttle. 石天昊宇字诀再次发动,青铜虚空鼎亮出,震荡空间,以至于元婴初期石天毅都无法通过空间穿梭脱身。 At this moment, Shi Tianyi has drunk one suddenly lightly: Opens!” 就在这时,石天毅突然轻喝了一声:“开!” In Void, massive white mist emerge, enormous and powerful faintly recognizable, fills a side Heaven and Earth rapidly, dyes white the Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region dark red sky. 虚空之中,大量白色云气涌现,浩荡飘渺,迅速弥漫一方天地,将天龙古域深红天空也染成白色 white mist fast tumbles, sea of clouds center, has infinite radiance to flash. 白色云气飞快翻滚,云海中心,有无穷光明闪动。 As if leaf of god country big door opens slowly. 仿佛一扇神国大门徐徐打开。 On the stand, the observing people in an uproar, Old Sword Immortal, Dao Venerable Blue Thunder and the others look at each other in blank dismay, reveals the color of shock including their faces on immediately. 看台上,观战众人顿时一片哗然,剑老仙蓝霆道尊等人面面相觑,连他们脸上都露出震惊之色。 That is... Middle Heaven Gate?! Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Secret Art Middle Heaven Gate, has Kuang Heng given Shi Tianyi this big Dao Divinity unexpectedly circular?” “那是…中天门?!太虚九重天诀中天门,匡恒竟然把这门大道神通传给了石天毅?” Frowns including Qin Emperor Shi Yu slightly, vision looks to the western Supreme Void Temple people. 秦帝石羽微微蹙眉,目光望向西边的太虚观众人。 Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Secret Art, Supreme Void Temple Paramount big Dao Divinity, strongest fight Technique, in the Supreme Void Temple's status, quite in Immortal Sky Sword Qi in Mount Shu Sword Sect, the Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm method seal is the same in Great Thunderclap Temple. 太虚九重天诀,太虚观至高道神通,最强战斗法门,在太虚观的地位,就相当于仙天剑炁蜀山剑宗,大日如来神掌法印在大雷音寺一样。 Also is recognition Divine Great Land Human Race Cultivation World first gives up study. 同时也是公认的神州浩土人族修真界第一绝学。 In Divine Great Land history about Nine Heavens. Spreads the broadest view to have two types, its one stems from among the Ancient years to dominate for a while. Now annihilation super Sect Heaven Gate, Heaven Gate has defined Nine Heavens thoroughly is Central Great Heaven. Eastern Vault Heaven, Northeast Autumn Heaven, Northern Profound Heaven, Northwest Serene Heaven, Western Yuan Heaven, Southwest All Heaven, Southern Burning Heaven, Southeast Yang Heaven. 神州浩土历史上关于九天。流传最广的说法有两种,其一出自上古年间称雄一时。如今已经彻底湮没的超级宗门天门,天门定义九天中央钧天东方苍天,东北旻天,北方玄天,西北幽天,西方魭天,西南朱天,南方炎天,东南阳天 Another view, is the Supreme Void Temple's definition. Nine Heavens, one is Middle Heaven, two are Begrudging Heaven, three are Yielding Heaven, four are Alternating Heaven, five are Birth Heaven, six are Empty Heaven, seven are Harmonious Heaven , eight are Silent Heaven. Nine are Entire Heaven. 另一种说法,便是太虚观的定义。九天者,一为中天,二为羡天,三为从天,四为更天,五为晬天,六为廓天,七为咸天,八为沈天。九为成天 Nine are the number, there is an infinite meaning, above Entire Heaven, is Grand Dao. Grand Dao in the sky, endless, takes not see to unreliably. 九为数之极,又有无限之意,成天之上,便是大道大道在天,无穷无尽,以不见为玄。 The ancient people hand down. In Supreme Void Temple Mountain Gate White Cloud Mountain has Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower, mysterious peerless. The only most outstanding Supreme Void Temple disciple can enter accepts the baptism, and comprehend Paramount Mystical Ability. Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Secret Art. 故老相传。太虚观山门白云山中有九重天阙,玄奥无方只有最杰出的太虚观弟子才能进入其中接受洗礼,并参悟至高神通太虚九重天诀 Mystical Ability that Shi Tianyi displays now, is Supreme Void 1st Heavenly Layer, the gate of Middle Heaven! 石天毅现在施展的神通,便是太虚一重天,中天之门! Middle Heaven Gate opens, Shi Tianyi whole body Magic Force rises crazily, he is gazing at Shi Tianhao: Gate, is mysterious, in society Myriad Laws, if can find the correct path, can result in its to enter, the gate, starts, is entrance, is the beginning.” 中天门开启,石天毅全身法力狂涨,他注视着石天昊:“门,说来简单,却玄而又玄,世间万法,若能找到正确道路,便可得其门而入,门,是开始,是入口,是起点。” In predicament, can find gate, then has the group to walk.” At the same time was saying, Shi Tianyi moves sideways to enter in the shutter directly. “困局中,能找到门,便有路走。”一边说着,石天毅直接闪身进入光门内。 Mentioned mysteriously, entered the shutter, he immediately the functions of got rid of Shi Tianhao "Space" "Time" two knacks. 说来玄妙,一入光门,他顿时摆脱了石天昊“宇”“宙”二诀的作用。 Sword Venerable Soaring Snow sees that sighs: This Dual Pupil has turned misfortune into a blessing, if were not hit blind Dual Pupil in Void Battlefield, perhaps will not obtain this Good Fortune, accepts the Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower baptism, studies Middle Heaven Gate Mystical Ability Magical Technique.” 飞雪剑尊见状,叹了口气:“这重瞳者因祸得福了,若非在虚空战场中被打瞎一只重瞳,恐怕也不会得到这番造化,接受九重天阙洗礼,更学得中天门神通法术。” The Sword Venerable Bright Sun vision is fixing the eyes on below battlefield, nodded: Shi Tianhao was then difficult to manage.” 日曜剑尊目光紧盯着下方战场,点了点头:“石天昊这下难办了。” next moment, Shi Tianyi comes once more, arrived another one place, his tranquil looks at Shi Tianhao, both hands together have actually pinched one Secret Technique. 下一刻,石天毅再次现身,却已经到了一个地方,他平静的看着石天昊,双手一起捏了一个法诀 Top of the head infinite white mist opens wide immediately, wipes radiant golden light as if to pierce Vault of Heaven, above the dark red sky breaks open one path gap including Heavenly Dragon Ancient Region, reveals wipes Darkness Void, in Void stars. 头顶无穷白色云气顿时洞开,一抹璀璨金光仿佛洞贯天穹,连天龙古域上方的深红天空都破开一道缺口,露出一抹黑暗虚空,虚空中繁星点点。 When that appearance, pours with Nine Luminaries Heaven-collapsing Array Formation starts the appearance is somewhat similar, although was weaker, cannot compare with that super ominous, but Shi Tianyi remote directs the stars terrifying great strength by trivial Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator individual Strength, lets present all people to suck the tongue. 那模样,倒与九曜崩天阵发动时的模样有几分相似,虽然弱了许多,不能与那超级凶阵相比,但石天毅以区区元婴期修士个人之力遥引星辰恐怖巨力,也让在场所有人都咂舌。 Supreme Void 2nd Heavenly Layer, Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray! 太虚二重天,羡天群星聚华神光 one is very complex, has mu fully the giant Rune in the sky airborne condensation of surrounding area, innumerable light brume clouds and mist scatter in all directions to fill the air, massive starlight transcends endless Void, was directed to gather on this Rune, making Rune radiance even more dazzling, as if one small Sun. 一个无比复杂,足有亩许方圆的巨型符文在天空中凝聚,无数光霭烟霞四散弥漫,大量星光穿越无尽虚空,被引聚到这个符文上,让符文光辉越发耀眼,仿佛一个小型太阳 On the Shi Zongyue face the look change, hey however said: Besides Middle Heaven Gate, practices formed including Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray!” 石宗岳脸上神色变化,嘿然道:“除了中天门外,连羡天群星聚华神光都练成了!” Shi Tianhao raises the head in giant Rune facing sky, slightly frowns, he can feel this Magical Technique might. 石天昊仰首面对天空中的巨型符文,也微微蹙眉,他能感受到这个法术的威力。 The stars great strength is grand, fundamental is not Divine Origin following Cultivator can use Strength, handles big issue with smart power, your also at least even more has four two Strength available to be good. 星辰巨力何等宏伟,根本不是元神以下修士可以动用的力量,四两拨千斤,你也至少还要有四两力量可用才行。 Supreme Void Temple this Magical Technique Mystical Ability, seriously might be called excellent. 太虚观这门法术神通,当真堪称绝妙了。 Since has made war, Shi Tianhao first time earnestly feels the arrived threat. 开战以来,石天昊头一次切切实实感到了威胁。 Meanwhile, Shi Tianyi right hand is forward average extends, white mist surges, the infinite ray appears, changes to one after another mysterious Rune, flutters in Space, formidable Strength forcefully anchorage Shi Tianhao's body. 与此同时,石天毅右手向前平平一伸,白色云气涌动间,无穷光芒出现,化作一个又一个玄奥符文,在空间中飘荡,强大力量强行定住了石天昊的身体。 Shi Tianhao slightly stunned, discovers oneself unable to move, that appearance displays Space Character Secret Art to go to anchorage enemy Space to be the same on as if oneself. 石天昊微微愕然,发现自己动弹不得,那模样就仿佛自己施展宇字诀去定住敌人所处的空间一样。 This is actually Supreme Void 1st Heavenly Layer, the Middle Heaven Gate Mystical Ability First Level wondrous use. 这却是太虚一重天,中天门神通的又一重妙用。 Gate opens, is the outlet, starts, is the beginning.” Shi Tianyi faint said: Gate closes, finished, is close, is the end point, does not have any outlet.” “门打开,是出路,是开始,是起点。”石天毅淡淡说道:“门关上,就是结束,就是封闭,就是终点,也就没有任何出路可言。” His is coordinates Envious Heavenly Star Cluster Essence Divine Ray with Middle Heaven Gate, making Shi Tianhao have no way to avoid, can only accept the bombardment of stars radiance stiffly! 他这是用中天门配合羡天群星聚华神光,让石天昊没法躲避,只能硬生生接受星辰光辉的轰击! During the speeches, in the two people top of the head sky that huge Rune radiance achieves the apex, the person eyes that punctures are unable to look straight ahead. 说话间,两人头顶天空中那巨大的符文光辉达到顶点,刺的人眼睛无法直视。 next moment, one path thick golden color light beam straight direction of fire below Shi Tianhao! 下一刻,一道粗大的金色光柱笔直射向下方的石天昊 The blazing phosgene the place visited transform into nihility, all prevents completely in its front thing is passed through completely, destroys, perishes! 炽热的光气将所过之处全部化为虚无,一切阻挡在它面前的东西全部被贯穿,摧毁,灭亡!
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