HNOF :: Volume #6

#580: Fate decisive battle!

Shi Tianhao stands in tranquilly same place, but this moment physical condition, before was entirely different. 石天昊平静站在原地,但他此刻身体状况,和之前已经截然不同。 When he does not have appears oneself just presented that terrifying appearance, in Shi Tianhao Great Saint animal skin and Wind and Thunder Stirring the Heavens and other Strength will smelt oneself meat behind perfectly, the genuinely fight will not have revealed Wind-Thunder Ghosts and Gods Body and golden light Giant Beast image. 他并没有显化自己刚刚亮相时那恐怖的模样,在石天昊大圣兽皮和风雷天动力量完美熔炼自己的肉身后,真正战斗时已经不会显露风雷鬼神之躯金光巨兽影像。 That appearance, is actually the his cultivate condition, but no longer is the battle condition. 那副模样,其实是他的修练状态,而不再是战斗状态。 At this moment, Shi Tianhao originally pure white clear body surface, flood faint golden color radiance, but has azure purple light stream non-stop to leap up under the skin. 此刻,石天昊原本洁白晶莹的体表,泛起淡淡金色光辉,而在皮肤下方则有青紫色光流不停蹿动。 But his body appearance has not changed, was still a big youth appearance. 但他身体外貌没有丝毫变化,仍是一副高大少年模样。 But whole body blazing Fleshly Body vitality, simply like the one active volcano, moreover active volcano that or one non-stop erupts, Strength, making all Divine Origin following Cultivator dignified. 可是浑身炽热的肉身气血,简直就像一个活火山一样,而且还是一个不停爆发的活火山,其中力量,让所有元神以下修士都神情凝重。 Such Fleshly Body Physique Strength, is many smelts oneself Fleshly Body Nascent Soul Late Stage Martial Dao Cultivator Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, must feel ashamed of one's inferiority. 这样的肉身体魄之力,便是许多将天地法相熔炼进自己肉身元婴后期武道修士,也要自愧不如。 In his opposite Shi Tianyi , has deep feeling. 在他对面的石天毅,就对此深有感触。 Shi Tianyi this time appearance also differed from the past, the body surface flesh entire was covered one Layer golden color, as if image of Buddha similar. 石天毅此时的模样也与以往有所不同,体表肌肤整个被镀上了一层金色,仿佛佛像一般 This is he oneself cultivate Buddhism unsurpassed defense military Dao Divinity, Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body has stimulated to movement arrived own limit the situation. 这是他将自己修练佛门无上防御道神通,不动尊王佛身已经催动到了自身极限的地步。 Eternal is motionless, Immortal Indestructible Strength Domain from there emerges. 一股永恒不动,不朽不坏力量意境从中涌现。 But at this moment, the Shi Tianyi golden color image of Buddha similar body surface, had many cracks impressively! 但此刻,石天毅金色佛像一般的体表,赫然出现了许多条裂缝! Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body was broken unexpectedly, in just now by Fleshly Body Mystical Ability Martial Dao to spelling in process, Little Guy Shi Tianhao looks like with the iron hammer pounds the walnut to be the same. Has made the crack Shi Tianyi Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body stiffly! 不动尊王佛身竟然被破了,在方才以肉身神通武道对拼的过程中,小不点石天昊就像是拿铁锤砸核桃一样。硬生生把石天毅不动尊王佛身打出了裂缝! Sees clearly this, numerous observing holds breath an cold air/Qi. 看清这一幕,一众观战者都倒吸一口冷气。 bluntly said . If Shi Tianyi is not cultivate in the past Great Thunderclap Temple inheritance strongest defense Martial Dao Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body, has traded other defense military Dao Divinity. At this moment had made into the a puddle muddy flesh by Shi Tianhao Fleshly Body thoroughly. 毫不客气的说。如果石天毅不是修练昔年大雷音寺传承的最强防御武道不动尊王佛身,换了别家的防御道神通。此刻已经被石天昊肉身彻底打成一滩肉泥了。 Thinks of here, each Divine Origin Cultivation Realm following Cultivator felt that the back of the body sends coolly, if has changed them in the Shi Tianyi position, other did not say, Fleshly Body Martial Dao just now a round confrontation, directly was killed by Shi Tianhao. 想到这里,每个元神境界以下的修士都感觉后心发凉,若是换了他们在石天毅的位置上,别的不好说,肉身武道方才一轮交锋,就直接被石天昊打死了。 Including Profound Gate Heavenly Sect high and low, looks fearful and apprehensive. 玄门天宗上下,都看得心惊肉跳。 Xiao Yan is at a loss, he has remembered also long ago, that or their Martial Brothers several just Foundation Establishment time. Abscess duel matter. 萧焱直嘬牙花子,他想起了还在很久以前,那还是他们师兄弟几个刚刚筑基的时候。相互之间搭手切磋的事情。 At that time, but also only was 4 or 5-year-old, Shi Tianhao of complete one suckling baby, has shown formidable Fleshly Body Strength, at that time fought, Xiao Yan did not believe in evil doctrines, must put together Fleshly Body with Shi Tianhao, finally was actually defeated. 那个时候,还只有四五岁大,完完全全一个奶娃的石天昊,就已经展现出强大肉身力量,当时交手,萧焱不信邪,就是要跟石天昊拼一拼肉身,结果却败下阵来。 He looked that has formed Nascent Soul Zhu Yi and Wang Lin to side: you guys two, now with the words that Little Junior Brother hits. Dares to put together Fleshly Body Strength?” 他看向身旁已经结成元婴朱易汪林:“你们两个,现在跟小师弟打的话。敢拼肉身力量吗?” Calm Zhu Yi directly has always delivered him the one supercilious look: I was insane insanely, went to compare Fleshly Body Strength with Little Junior Brother.” 一向淡定的朱易直接送了他一个白眼:“我失心疯了,才去跟小师弟肉身力量。” After Wang Lin has seriously thought deeply about one very much next, said: Yellow Springs Undying Body, can only guarantee that was not killed by Little Junior Brother directly, even if body Yellow Spring. Also cannot spell hardly, before Yellow Spring True Water purifies his flesh and blood Strength, first was scattered by him.” 汪林很认真的思索了一下后说道:“黄泉不死身,只能保证不被小师弟直接打死,就算身化黄泉。也不能硬拼,在黄泉真水净化他的血肉力量前,就先被他打散了。” Xiao Yan turn the head and looks to Yue Hongyan. Is always fearless, marching forward courageously red hair young girl smiles bitterly: I also achieve Golden Core Late Stage. Dragonic Magical War Halberd in hand, reluctantly a can war. Simple ratio Fleshly Body Strength, hits but.” 萧焱转头看向岳红炎。向来天不怕地不怕,勇往直前的红发少女苦笑一声:“我也达到金丹后期龙魔战戟在手,勉强可以一战。单比肉身力量,打不过。” Nearby Xiao Zhen'er smiles suddenly: Brother Xiao Yan, at present only you with him are with one Cultivation Realm, how didn't you say your oneself?” 一旁的萧真儿突然一笑:“萧焱哥哥,眼下只有你跟他是同一个境界,你怎么不说你自己?” No matter also the oneself apprentice sits in behind, Xiao Yan did not have the image mouth to hold in the mouth grass stalk very much, optional saying: Is very simple, simple ratio Fleshly Body Martial Dao, compared with but this smelly brat, if Fighting Technique in entire aspect, my type three Fire Lotus can kill by explosion him, I win, rumble undying, then death is I.” 也不管自己的徒弟就坐在身后,萧焱很没形象的嘴里叼了根草茎,随意的说道:“很简单,单比肉身武道,比不过这个臭小子,如果是全方面的斗法,我一式三火莲能轰死他,我就赢,轰不死,接下来死的就是我。” Warm that the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect people discussed that Shi Tianyi in field realized regarding Shi Tianhao's Fleshly Body Strength profoundly. 玄门天宗众人讨论的热烈,场中的石天毅对于石天昊的肉身力量体会最为深刻。 He looked down the crack on oneself Golden Body, the pupil color break-up moved: Thinks not arrive, thinks not arrive, your Fleshly Body Strength is so strong.” 他低头看了看自己金身上的裂纹,眸光闪动:“想不到,真的想不到,你的肉身力量这么强。” Before Void Battlefield, although Marquis of Jing Huan did not have fully, but after all was Nascent Soul Late Stage Martial Dao Expert, although Fleshly Body Strength got the winning side, but also cannot hit Shi Tianyi Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body is cracked, statue that as if one damaged. 之前在虚空战场里,虽然景桓侯没有出全力,但毕竟是元婴后期武道强者,虽然肉身力量占据上风,但也没能石天毅不动尊王佛身打得龟裂,仿佛一个破损的雕像。 This moment Shi Tianyi Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body was broken, that motionless Immortal Strength Will gradually is dissipating. 此刻石天毅不动尊王佛身被破,那不动不朽力量意志都在渐渐消散。 He diverges Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body Strength simply thoroughly: Has heard your Fleshly Body formidable, therefore tries today, it seems like rumor truly not empty, such being the case, that did not make you bump into my body to be good again.” 他索性彻底散去不动尊王佛身力量:“一直听说你肉身强悍,所以今天试一试,看来传言确实不虚,既然如此,那就不让你再碰到我的身体好了。” Shi Tianhao smiles: You said touch not arrive, doesn't that touch arrived?” 石天昊一笑:“你说碰不到,那就碰不到了?” At the same time was saying, his body just likes lightning similar plunges Shi Tianyi , instantaneous close combat, Fist Strike. 一边说着,他身体犹如闪电一般扑向石天毅,瞬间近身,一拳打来。 The Shi Tianyi right eye Dual Pupil ray puts greatly, golden light fills the air, changes to the fog, in the fog the infinite Diagram mark emerges, the grading dispels, then changes to Myriad Things. 石天毅右眼重瞳光芒大放,金光弥漫,化作雾霭,雾霭中无穷图纹符号涌现,次第排开,接着化作万物 Builds false World?” Shi Tianhao in the heart alerts, halts suddenly. “营造虚假的世界吗?”石天昊心中警醒,猛然止步。 Shi Tianyi tranquil looks at he: How, to distinguish clearly illusory and real? Does the worry stand in my just false illusion of this place now? The worry falls into World that I create, was controlled by me in applauses?” 石天毅平静的看着他:“怎么了,分不清虚幻与真实了吗?担心现在站于此地的我只是虚假幻象?担心陷入我创造的世界里,被我操控于鼓掌之间?” In all fairness, your Senior Brother Wang Lin, his Divine Soul, is very strong.” Shi Tianyi calmly was saying: My right eye to him, the function is limited, when especially he has guarded ahead of time.” 平心而论,你的师兄汪林,他的神魂,很强。”石天毅静静说着:“我的右眼对他,作用有限,尤其当他提前有所防备的时候。” Shi Tianyi is mild, seems chatting with Shi Tianhao: But you are different, your Divine Soul Strength just is ordinary, with me compared with missing too, you cannot completely understand True and False Reality and Illusion.” 石天毅语气和缓,仿佛在同石天昊拉家常:“但你不同,你的神魂力量只是平常,跟我比差得太远,你看不透真假虚实。” Shi Tianhao has given a tongue-lashing the tooth, said with a smile: Idle talk should not be many, has skill you to come.” 石天昊呲了呲牙,笑道:“废话别多,有本事你过来。” You think that my Dual Pupil Strength is used in defense merely? Thought oneself, so long as does not approach me first, won't be injured by Dual Pupil?” Shi Tianyi said calmly: Has made a mistake, is completely mistaken, sees since your moment from my right eye vision, you have placed World inside that I create.” “你以为我的重瞳之力仅仅是用于防御?觉得自己只要不先靠近我,就不会被重瞳所伤?”石天毅平静说道:“错了,大错特错,从我右眼目光看见你的那一刻起,你就已经身处我创造的世界中了。” next moment, Shi Tianhao felt suddenly the Shi Tianyi sound resounds behind oneself, he even can feel on the Shi Tianyi breath air flush sound fall on oneself nape of the neck. 下一刻,石天昊突然感觉石天毅的声音就在自己背后响起,他甚至能感觉到石天毅的呼吸吹气声落在自己的脖颈上。 Now, your understood?” Also one Shi Tianyi appears in the Shi Tianhao behind near at hand place impressively, in his hand divine light wells up crazily, such as the fog like the electricity, goes toward the Shi Tianhao back of the head bang! “现在,你明白了?”又一个石天毅赫然出现在石天昊身后近在咫尺的地方,他手中神光狂涌,如雾如电,朝着石天昊后脑轰去! But at this moment, Shi Tianhao smiled suddenly: What don't understand is you are right.” 而就在这时,石天昊突然笑了笑:“不明白的是你才对。” Saying, him was turning round suddenly, right hand made a fist, an elbow ball, the right fist like a handle sledgehammer, hit toward side rear Shi Tianyi ! 说着,他猛然回身,右手握拳,手肘一弹,右拳就像一柄大锤一样,向着侧后方的石天毅打去! Boom! 轰! Shi Tianhao this fist hits to explode Space directly, the innumerable Spiritual Qi annihilations, Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Lake eight heavy item manifestation, toward make great strides forward likely mutually infinitely, then non-stop annihilation, thus expedites infinite Strength, loudly eruption. 石天昊这一拳直接打爆空间,无数灵气湮灭,天、地、风、雷、水、火、山、泽八重物象相互化生,向着无穷迈进,然后又不停湮灭,从而催生出无限力量,轰然爆发。 Eight Trigrams Heaven-Collapsing Hammer! 八卦崩天捶 Shi Tianhao this thump, speed fast, after impressively, sends first, is quicker than Shi Tianyi attack, before Shi Tianyi right hand has not handed his back of the head with enough time, first one step hits in Shi Tianyi waist abdomen place. 石天昊这一捶,速度飞快,赫然后发先至,比石天毅攻击更快,在石天毅右手还没来得及递到他后脑前,就抢先一步打在石天毅的腰腹处 Diverges Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body Shi Tianyi , must fly upside down directly by this Fist Strike, the blood spurts crazily. 散去不动尊王佛身石天毅,直接被这一拳打得倒飞出去,鲜血狂喷。 Sees this, the Yue Hongyan eye shines, Lin Feng does not turn head, the smile said: It seems like Hongyan you have harvested.” 看到这一幕,岳红炎眼睛亮了亮,林锋也不回头,微笑说道:“看来红炎你有所收获。” Yue Hongyan replied: Reported Master, the disciple studied your Eight Trigrams Heaven-Collapsing Hammer, at present only practices Thunder Jolting Hammer, Blunt Mountain Hammer and Earth Land Hammer, now watches Tianhao complete Eight Trigrams Heaven-Collapsing Hammer, there are some new comprehensions, thought deeply about some date and time again, when there are progressive.” 岳红炎答道:“禀师父,弟子修习您的八卦崩天捶,目前只练成震雷捶,艮山捶坤地捶,现在观看天昊的完整八卦崩天捶,又有了些新的领悟,再多思索一些时日,当有更多进步。” Lin Feng faint smiles: or must be original in conception is.” 林锋淡淡一笑:“还是要更多自出机杼才是。” Yue Hongyan nods the head: Disciple respectfully follows the Master instruction.” 岳红炎颔首:“弟子谨遵师父教诲。” In Great Qin Dynasty auditorium, Shi Chongyun nodded: Shi Tianyi right eye Dual Pupil, although can builds false World, but this World itself does not have the attack nature, even if creates the attack picture and situation, is false, can only make the enemy, cannot injure the enemy and killing the enemy.” 大秦皇朝的观众席上,石崇云点了点头:“石天毅的右眼重瞳虽然可以营造虚假世界,但这个世界本身不具备攻击性,就算创造出攻击画面与情境,也是虚假的,只能制敌,不能伤敌和杀敌。” Only if both sides on such confront, otherwise wants to start genuinely attack, must Shi Tianyi in person personally begin, gives the second wave of offensive to be good.” “除非双方就这么对峙,否则想要发动真正攻击,必须石天毅本人亲自动手,给予第二波攻势才行。” Shi Chongyun said him, if distant by Magical Technique attack, close combat attack Shi Tianhao, actually could not but actually have supported the Shi Tianhao Fleshly Body response to be too quick, made to deal on can instantaneously, even, sent first, this did not have Motionless Honorable King Dharma Body to protect all of a sudden, Shi Tianyi suffers a loss immediately.” 石崇云说道“他若是远远的以法术攻击倒还罢了,近身攻击石天昊,却架不住石天昊肉身反应太快,瞬间就可以做出应对,甚至后发先至,这一下子没有不动尊王佛身保护,石天毅立刻就吃大亏。” Nearby Shi Xingyun said: Imperial Elder Brother, that Dual Pupil so is not simple.” 一旁的石星云说道:“皇兄,那重瞳者没这么简单。” Oh?” Shi Chongyun knows that oneself this Imperial Younger Sister family background is special, although cultivation base is inferior to oneself, but Divine Soul is stronger. ?”石崇云知道自己这个皇妹出身特殊,虽然修为不如自己,但神魂更强。 Listened to a Shi Xingyun such saying, he again the attention will return in Dragon Battle Arena immediately. 石星云这么一说,他立刻重新将注意力放回龙斗场内。 Sees a Shi Tianhao fist bang to fly Shi Tianyi , has not actually followed up a victory with hot pursuit, instead looked down carefully the fist of oneself. 就见石天昊一拳轰飞石天毅,却没有乘胜追击,反而低头仔细看了看自己的拳头。 Is very sly, including this attack is also the false image?” “很狡猾啊,连这次攻击也是虚假的影像吗?” The third Shi Tianyi form appears in his front not far away, the look is tranquil: This is naturally, since I know that your Fleshly Body Strength is greatly strengthened, how also as stupid as close combat attack you?” 第三个石天毅的身影出现在他面前不远处,神色平静:“这是自然,我既然已经知道你肉身力量极强,又怎么会还蠢到近身攻击你呢?” Shi Tianhao flung waving the arms about, faint said: Oh, how you prepare to do, here is dumbfounded with me, everywhere looked that who starves to death first?” 石天昊甩了甩手,淡淡说道:“,那你准备怎么做,在这里跟我大眼瞪小眼,比比看谁先饿死?” Do not be anxious, came.” Shi Tianyi faint smiles, in Void slightly rocks suddenly up. “别急,已经来了。”石天毅淡淡一笑,虚空中突然微微晃动起来 Shi Tianhao Divine Consciousness sweeps, can only feel indistinctly that in Void suddenly seemed to be many many things, but is not Spiritual Qi Magic Force, let alone the naked eye looks at not arrive, including the Divine Consciousness also very difficult capture. 石天昊神识一扫,只能隐约感到,虚空中仿佛突然多了不少东西,但并非灵气法力,别说肉眼看不到,连神识很难捕捉。 Can by Divine Soul Technique attack me?” Shi Tianhao whole body vitality combustion up, body faint flood one Layer red light, is difficult to be near according to periphery Phantom. “要以神魂之术攻击我吗?”石天昊全身气血燃烧起来,身上隐隐泛起一层红光,照得周围鬼神难近。 formidable Martial Dao Cultivator, the vitality is majestic, blazingly like Sun, Divine Soul and formidable Fleshly Body is close, the commonplace is hard to vacillate, can restrains Divine Soul Technique effectively. 强大武道修士,气血雄壮,炽热如太阳,神魂强大肉身紧密相连,等闲难以动摇,也可以有效克制神魂之术 however this photo, the Shi Tianhao eye slightly narrows the eyes immediately. 只不过这一照,石天昊眼睛立刻微微一眯。 Because among Heaven and Earth, is fluttering unexpectedly hundred and thousand of as if wandering soul similar phantom, the phantom appearance completely is Shi Tianyi ! 因为天地间,竟然飘荡着成百上千个仿佛游魂一般虚影,虚影面目全部都是石天毅 In this fall on observing people eyes, is one group of Divine Origin big shots, simultaneously knits the brows. 这一幕落在观战众人眼中,就是一群元神大佬,都齐齐皱眉。 Divine Soul, everyone has, only one, but Shi Tianyi evolved a lot of Divine Soul unexpectedly. 神魂,每个人都有,也只有一个,可是石天毅竟然演化出了千百神魂
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