HNOF :: Volume #6

#520: Gets the gate directly!

Shi Family and Yu Family, are very rampant!” Xiao Yan hears news that Kang Nanhua has spread, complexion to send immediately coldly, startled and anger. 石家于家,很嚣张啊!”萧焱听了康南华传来的消息,脸色顿时发寒,又惊又怒。 Lin Feng calmly asked: „Does the Tianhao grandfather, have the news?” 林锋静静问道:“天昊的祖父呢,有没有消息?” Kang Nanhua replied: Was still missing, from Void Battlefield, only Tianhao parents.” 康南华答道:“仍然下落不明,从虚空战场中出来的,只有天昊的父母。” finish speaking these words, Kang Nanhua does not speak, because he discovered Lin Feng at this moment, terrifying. 说完这句话,康南华就不吭声了,因为他发现此刻的林锋,恐怖至极。 Although seemed still a calm appearance, Lin Feng the whole body high and low seemed lingering at this time Disaster-like Aura, as if Heaven and Earth great misfortune. 虽然看上去仍然一副心平气和的模样,林锋这时周身上下似乎都萦绕着一股灾厄般的气息,仿佛天地大劫。 Xiao Yan is looking at such Lin Feng, at heart instead one warm. 萧焱望着这样的林锋,心里反而一暖。 In the his memory, oneself Master this moved the real anger, before he has seen only twice. 他的记忆中,自己师父这是动了真怒,之前他只见过两次。 Before a still is long time, Wang Lin just entering the Sect time, Xiao Yan they by person besieging, Xiao Yan to protect Zhu Yi and Shi Tianhao is seriously injured. 一次还是很久以前,汪林刚刚入门的时候,萧焱他们被人围攻,萧焱为了保护朱易石天昊更身受重伤。 One time was he just absorb Southern Bright Hexagram Fire by the distress of True Fire backlash, Lin Feng just from the beginning is misunderstood him injured. 还有一次便是他刚刚吸纳南明离火真火反噬之厄,林锋刚一开始误会他是被人打伤的时候。 The Lin Feng's vision looks tranquilly to the Desolate Heaven Valley direction, said in a soft voice: Tianhao is still closing up...” 林锋的目光平静望向荒天谷的方向,轻声说道:“天昊还在闭关啊…” Master, I go!” 师父,我去!” Xiao Yan both hands hold the fist in the other hand, the facial expression is firm and resolute: Little Junior Brother closes up at present, the his parents were intercepted, the villain must pay the price, the disciple makes Eldest Senior Brother, cannot sit looked that the Junior Brother family member was injured, this in view of the provocation of my Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, cannot such consider as finished.” 萧焱双手抱拳,神情坚毅冷峻:“小师弟眼下闭关,他的父母遭人截杀,凶徒必须付出代价,弟子做大师兄的,不能坐看师弟的家人受到伤害,这也是针对我玄门天宗的挑衅,不能就这么算了。” Lin Feng looked at his an eye, nod one's head, the hand has wielded, Purple Qi from the sky gathered, changes to scroll. 林锋看了他一眼,点点头,手一挥,紫气在空中汇聚,化作一副卷轴 shortly afterwards, the Lin Feng finger has selected on scroll. The original blank does not have thing scroll to curl up rapidly, non-stop of scroll in the midair shakes. Incomparable terrifying Aura from there sends out, as if Heaven and Earth destroy similar. 紧接着,林锋手指在卷轴上点了一下。本来空白无物的卷轴飞速卷起,卷轴在半空中不停震荡。一股无比恐怖气息从中散发出来,仿佛天地破灭一般 Lin Feng hands over to give Xiao Yan scroll. Then pupil light flashes, departs stream of light from his left eye, falls into the Xiao Yan forehead. 林锋卷轴转手递给萧焱。然后眸光一闪,自他左眼中飞出一道流光,落入萧焱眉心。 Then, Lin Feng faint spoke a few words. 然后,林锋淡淡的说了一句话。 crush Yu Family.” 铲平于家。” Xiao Yan smiles, reveals the snow white tooth: Master please feel relieved that from knowing the Little Junior Brother past events on that day, the disciple was hoping this moment.” 萧焱一笑,露出雪白的牙齿:“师父请放心,从知道小师弟的往事那一天起,弟子就在盼着这一刻了。” Lin Feng said: Shi Family left Tianhao oneself processing, Yu Family gives you.” 林锋说道:“石家留给天昊自己处理,于家交给你了。” After Xiao Yan receives an order, immediately descends the mountain. The goal that his first stands, points to Great Qin Dynasty sovereign Western Hill City. 萧焱领命之后,当即下山。他第一站的目标,直指大秦皇朝的皇都西陵城 Here, has Yu Family mansion. 在这里,有于氏家族府邸 First puts down Yu Family in Western Hill City mansion, then even Yu Family Ancestral Land! 先平于家西陵城府邸,再平于家祖地 Western Hill City, the history above Sky Capital City, Divine Great Land first magnificent city, walks at present in the city on the street, even can feel the faint trace heavy feeling in the under foot road surface showing, entire city as if covers in First Level marvelous Strength Domain. 西陵城,历史更在天京城之上,眼下神州浩土第一雄城,走在城内街道上,甚至都能感到脚下路面中透出的丝丝厚重感,整座城市仿佛笼罩在一重奇妙的力量意境内。 Similar to from ancient wilderness. Then has arrived at this time today, the endless years melt for the flash. 如同从荒古起。便一直走到今时今日,无尽岁月融为一瞬之间。 Yu Family is one of the Great Qin four big aristocratic families, constructs mansion in the Western Hill City west, the occupying land area is broad. The imposing manner is great. 于家身为大秦四大世家之一,在西陵城的城西建有府邸,占地宽广。气势宏大。 Even if the servant of entrance guarding, appears capable incomparable. 即便是门口看守的仆役,也显得精干无比。 In those days, here was in Western Hill City most receives one of several places the person awed. But one year ago, the Yu Family prestige caused heavy losses. One after another and in Profound Gate Heavenly Sect total defeat in conflict of Sand Region City and Kunlun Mountains. 往日里,这里是西陵城内最受人敬畏的几个地方之一。但在一年以前,于氏家族声威受到重创。接连在沙洲城昆仑山玄门天宗的冲突中折戟沉沙。 This create to Yu Family the overall strength and prestige fame the attack of Destruction nature. 这对于家的整体实力和声誉名望都造成毁灭性的打击。 On the mansion opposite street, some people look around to the broad dwelling: „Is that Yu Family in mansion of Capital City?” 府邸对面的街道上,有人向恢宏的宅院张望:“那就是于氏家族在京城的府邸呀?” Time slightly that he settles down was longer. The servant of Yu Family entrance, the line of sight popularity at the time comes: Yu Family mansion, the miscellaneous personnel forbids to spy on!” 他驻足的时间稍微久了一些。于家门口的仆役,视线顿时望过来:“于家府邸,闲杂人等禁止窥探!” That middle-aged man is also Golden Core Initial Stage Cultivator, although is Loose Cultivator, but was scolded by a servant, in the honor somewhat cannot hang immediately. 中年男子也是个金丹初期修士,虽然是散修,但被一介仆役呵斥,脸面上顿时有些挂不住。 But he looks at the Yu Residence tall gate tower, is only in that gate tower transmits strong Magic Force fluctuation. 但他望了望于府高大的门楼,光是那门楼中就传来强劲的法力波动 middle-aged man hesitant or has not dared to act unruly, Yu Family was hit in Profound Gate Heavenly Sect front does not have the temperament, but is not he can stir up. 中年男子犹豫了一下还是没敢撒野,于氏家族玄门天宗面前被打得没脾气,但也不是他能惹得起。 He however turns around to depart resentfully, cold snort|hum: Was hit by Profound Gate Heavenly Sect like the stray cur, but also such overbearing? Thinks that was the past?” 他悻悻然转身离去,冷哼一声:“都被玄门天宗打得像丧家之犬一样了,还这么霸道?以为是从前呢?” middle-aged man is just about to take a step, suddenly felt the body of oneself unable moving. 中年男子正要迈步,突然感觉自己的身体无法移动了。 A bone-chilling chill in the air proliferates his whole body, he discovered panic-stricken that the oneself body crawled completely one Layer quiet blue ice frost. 一阵刺骨寒意遍布他全身,他惊恐的发现,自己身上爬满了一层幽蓝色的冰霜 Biting cold extreme cold freezes his whole body Magic Force completely, fundamental is unable to revolve, blood ** the soul and Divine Soul must be frozen together, including in the brain is transferring thought gradually slow, the thought as if must coagulate. 彻骨极寒将他周身法力全部冻结,根本无法运转,血**魄和神魂也要被一起冻结,连脑子里转着的念头都渐渐慢了下来,思维仿佛要凝固。 The one white clothing youth appears in the his line of sight, coldly looks at he: Any offends the Yu Family person, is this fate.” 一个白衣青年出现在他的视线中,冷冷看着他:“任何触犯于氏家族的人,就是这个下场。” My Yu Family rises approached for ten thousand years, after innumerable Wind and Rain, already got used to seeing fluctuate, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, even though is rampant for a time, Multiple crimes, will certainly the destruction.” “我于氏家族崛起已经接近万年,历经无数风雨,早已看惯了起起伏伏,玄门天宗纵使一时猖獗,多行不义,必将覆灭。” Their destruction, my Yu Family was still Yu Family, stood erect here, was not behind your this pheasant Loose Cultivator can chews the root of the tongue.” “他们覆灭,我于家仍然是于家,就屹立在这里,不是你这种野鸡散修可以背后嚼舌根的。” middle-aged man is struggling exclaiming: My just... Several words, you unexpectedly... Wants... Takes my life...” 中年男子挣扎着吼道:“我只是…几句话,你竟然…就要…取我性命…” White clothing youth desolate saying of: You want oneself to court death, cannot complain about me.” 白衣青年冷淡的说道:“你要自己找死,怨不得我。” Besides the white clothing youth, his behind also has other to wear the white robe Yu Family person to exist, they return from outside, prepare to return to the mansion, happen to directly bumps into with this middle-aged man, at this moment the gaze of their coldly this person who makes them get angry by Mysterious Dark True Water frozen. 除了白衣青年以外,他身后还有其他身着白袍于家人存在,他们都是从外面归来,准备返回大宅,正好跟这个中年男子迎头碰上,此刻他们都冷冷的注视着这个让他们冒火的人被玄冥真水冰封。 Regarding present Yu Family, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect became the one taboo, invites the wrath of the emperor same existence, anybody mentioned that will touch wound of that deep brand mark in soul. 对于现在的于氏家族来说,玄门天宗已经成为一个禁忌,逆鳞一样的存在,任何人提到,都会触动那深深烙印在灵魂上的创伤。 But, I feel words anything that he said is not right.” “可是,我觉着他说的话没什么不对呀。” The one sound resounds in side suddenly, shortly afterwards golden color flame shines suddenly, as if the point is the same. 一个声音突然在旁边响起,紧接着一蓬金色火焰骤然亮起,仿佛针芒一样。 On gloomily blue Ice Soul that the golden color point in that will soon freeze blasts open, compels to draw back Mysterious Dark True Water of white clothing youth. 金色针芒在那即将冻结的幽蓝冰魄上炸裂,将白衣青年的玄冥真水逼退。 The numerous Yu Family juniors are imposing the heart startled: What person?” 一众于家子弟都凛然心惊:“什么人?” doesn't wait for him responded that boundless Magic Force dispersing, has raised the people completely is off their feet, middle-aged man of only that getting out of trouble stood dull is in-situ. 不等他们反应过来,磅礴的法力散开,已经将众人全部掀得人仰马翻,只有那个脱困的中年男子呆呆站在原地。 The white clothing youth is in this numerous Yu Family juniors the cultivation base highest person, he lies down, struggles is wanting to set out, but felt instantaneously oneself mind has a dizzy spell, the whole body is the ache wants to crack, seemed fired by the raging fire. 白衣青年是这一众于家子弟中修为最高的人,他躺倒在地,挣扎着想要起身,但瞬间就感到自己脑海一阵头晕目眩,浑身更是疼痛欲裂,仿佛被烈火灼烧。 in his mind with amazement, has not thought unexpectedly in just the flash, oneself Divine Soul and Fleshly Body in pairs caused heavy losses. 他心中骇然,没想到竟然在刚刚一瞬间,自己神魂肉身就双双遭到重创。 Wants by the Mysterious Dark True Water suppression injury, unexpectedly oneself within the body Golden Core is gloomy, definitely is unable unexpectedly revolution Mysterious Dark Secret Art Dao Technique. 想要以玄冥真水镇压伤势,却不料自己体内金丹黯淡无光,竟然完全无法运转玄冥诀道法 What person? You may know where this is?” The numerous Yu Family juniors startled anger occurred simultaneously. “什么人?你可知道这是哪里?”一众于家子弟惊怒交加。 Appears in his front, is one group of golden color flames, the innumerable point equally dazzling flames emit toward all around, making the person not dare to look straight ahead. 出现在他面前的,是一团金色火光,无数针芒一样耀眼的火光向着四周放射,令人不敢直视。 Similar to one small Sun, appears in people front. 如同一个小型太阳,出现在众人面前 In the golden color flame spreads the one sound: Mysterious Dark True Water? That should was Yu Family direct line.” 金色火光中传出一个声音:“玄冥真水?那应该于家嫡传了。” The white clothing youth gets angry: Knows that here is the Yu Family place, do you also dare to act unruly?” 白衣青年怒道:“知道这里是于家的地方,你还敢撒野?” Yu Family was right, this explained that I do not have the accidental injury.” In the golden color flame has a person's shadow faintly, at a moderate pace, turns toward not far away Yu Family mansion to walk gradually. 于家就对了,这说明我没有误伤。”金色火光中隐隐有个人影,不紧不慢,一步一步向着不远处的于家府邸走去。 I look is Yu Family!” “我找的就是于家!” Nearby person all face frightened looks at this: What situation this is, can the there is person look for the trouble of Yu Family unexpectedly?” 附近的人全都一脸惊悚的看着这一幕:“这是什么情况,竟然有人要找于氏家族的麻烦?” Yu Family was really declined, before was extinguished several Nascent Soul Realm Ancestor by Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, finally the sound did not dare squeek, now unexpectedly directly gets the gate, then they wanted the power and prestige to sweep the floor.” 于氏家族真是没落了,之前被玄门天宗灭了好几个元婴期老祖,最后声都不敢吱,现在居然又被人直接打上门来,这下他们要威风扫地了。” That not necessarily, this person of cultivation base, obviously is not profound, at least is not Divine Origin Powerhouse, so long as is not Divine Origin Powerhouse looks for trouble, Yu Family will not break, here has Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor to assume personal command.” “那也不见得,这人的修为,明显没有多么高深,至少不是元神大能,只要不是元神大能找麻烦,于家就不会破,这里可是有元婴后期老祖坐镇的。” good, Yu Family mansion has also arranged fierce Formation, has the Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor management again, some Divine Origin following impossible people breaks through.” 不错,于家府邸还布置了厉害阵法,再有元婴后期老祖主持,元神以下不可能有人攻破。” This person was to look at Yu Family has had bad luck, came the knock down kingfisher? Actually does not know that skinny camel is big, he such rashly visits, feared that must knock one's head against the wall!” “这人是看于家倒霉了,来打落水狗的吧?却不知道瘦死骆驼比马大,他这么冒然上门,怕是要碰得头破血流了!” Is the established aristocratic family, not being tolerant of other people light shame!” “到底是老牌世家,不容人轻辱啊!” Yu Family Divine Origin Expert Dao Venerable Profound Darkness Yu Xintao still, Yu Family, even if Dao Venerable Profound Darkness doesn't come out, Yu Family Ancestral Land also had more masters but actually, this person could not overturn the heavens!” 于家元神强者玄冥道尊于新涛尚在,于家倒不了,就算玄冥道尊不出,于家祖地还有更多高手,此人翻不了天!” The white clothing youth lies down on the ground, non-stop sneers: „The not to know the immensity of Heaven and Earth thing, takes seriously any random cat or dog to dare to come my Yu Family now to act unruly, today uses your blood to warn thing that all does not enlarge ones vision!” 白衣青年躺在地上,也不停冷笑:“不知天高地厚的东西,现在当真什么阿猫阿狗都敢来我于家撒野了,今天就用你的血来警告所有不开眼的东西!” but, his golden color flame... That, that probably is True Solar Fire!” The white clothing youth stared in a big way eye suddenly: Besides Monster Race Three Legged Golden Crow, Human Race Dao Cultivation grasped True Solar Fire, only...” 不过,他身上那金色火焰…那,那好像是太阳真火!”白衣青年突然瞪大了眼睛:“除了妖族三足金乌以外,人族修道界掌握了太阳真火的,岂不是只有…” At this moment, that group of space Ardent Sun similar golden color flame, before came the arrived Yu Family mansion gate, wild imposing manner dispersing, sweeps away to dare to prevent the oneself person. 此刻,那团天上烈日一般金色火光,已经来到了于家府邸门前,狂暴的气势散开,横扫一切敢于阻挡自己的人。 Courts death!” From the Yu Family mansion deep place, transmits one formidable Strength fluctuation, the mansion entrance Void place splits the slit, one white clothing middle-aged person from there goes out, impressively is one Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator. “找死!”从于家府邸深处,传来一个强大力量波动,大宅门口的虚空处裂开缝隙,一个白衣中年人从中走出,赫然是一个元婴期修士 You...” “你…” He just started talking, the before one's eyes golden color flame rises suddenly suddenly! 他刚开口说话,眼前金色火光猛然暴涨! fierce tiger that golden color True Solar Fire transform into killing intent four shoot, roared to fire into this Nascent Soul Initial Stage cultivation base white clothing middle-aged person. 金色太阳真火化为一头杀意四射的猛虎,一声咆哮冲向这元婴初期修为的白衣中年人。 The white clothing middle-aged person only with enough time condenses Mysterious Dark True Water to keep off before the oneself body, flies on the golden color fierce tiger bang! 白衣中年人只来得及凝聚一点玄冥真水挡在自己身前,就金色猛虎轰飞出去! Bang a bang, Yu Family mansion broad gate tower direct transform into stretch of ruins. “轰隆”一声巨响,于家府邸恢宏的门楼直接化为一片废墟。 The white clothing middle-aged person was buried in the ruins Life and Death does not know. 白衣中年人被埋在废墟之中生死不知。 All witnessed that this person all sucks in cold air: This person who? Too fierce, a move flew to the bang opponent, Nascent Soul Initial Stage cultivation base, hits back Strength not to have including a point!” 所有目睹这一幕的人全都倒抽一口凉气:“这人谁啊?太猛了,一招就把对手给轰飞了,元婴初期修为,连一点还手之力都没有!” Was rumbled to collapse including the Yu Family gate tower, Yu Family this time had really troublesome!” “连于家的门楼都被轰塌了,于家这次真的有麻烦了!” True Solar Fire transformed into fierce tiger roar towards the sky, in the golden color flame, the one person's shadow is gradually clear, that is the one stature tall and straight youth, the facial features is fine-looking, wears Purple Clothes, a shell black robe. 太阳真火所化猛虎仰天长啸,金色火光中,一个人影渐渐清晰,那是一个身材挺拔的青年,面容英挺,身着紫色劲装,外罩一件黑袍。 His raises the head looked at Yu Family mansion an eye desolately. 抬头冷淡的看了于家大宅一眼 Yu Family, the you guys creditor visited.” 于氏家族,你们的债主上门了。”
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