HNOF :: Volume #6

#521: Only does a matter, crush your Yu Family!

The broad Yu Family mansion, the occupying land area is broad, the imposing manner is vigorous, has stood erect the long years in Western Hill City. 恢宏的于家大宅,占地广阔,气势雄浑,已经在西陵城中屹立了漫长岁月。 But this moment this mansion main entrance place, imitates the Buddhism building same construction, was actually collapsed by the direct bang. 但此刻这座府邸的正门处,仿佛门楼一样的建筑,却被直接轰塌。 As if the one imposing manner is astonishing, dignified in appearance big fellow, sliced off a hair to be the same. 就仿佛一个气势惊人,仪表堂堂的大汉,被人削掉了一块头发一样。 Has not shaved clean the hair, but is other place hair is complete, solely was together bare on only, is similar to one skin disease dysentery, the instantaneous any imposing manner, any measuring appliance, all turns into the joke. 还不是剃光了头发,而是其他地方头发完好,单单就只有一块秃了,如同一个癞痢头似的,瞬间什么气势,什么仪表,全都变成笑话。 In the Yu Family mansion shines one blue rays suddenly, the innumerable Talisman incantations gather one after another Array Formation, massive Array Formation Blueprint combine in together, changes to one huge Formation, from there spreads wants frozen all ancient wilderness Aura. 于家大宅上骤然亮起一片蓝色光芒,无数符箓咒文汇聚成一个又一个法阵,大量阵图组合在一起,化作一个巨大的阵法,从中传出要冰封一切的荒古气息 As if Giant Beast was awakened, air/Qi and anger, must tear into shreds front all Life. 就仿佛一头巨兽被惊醒,又气又怒,要撕碎面前的一切生命 True Solar Fire transformed into fierce tiger unperturbed does not fear, sends out the heaven shaking rave to the Yu Family mansion, the tiger's roar wind lives, wild impact ice blue Array Formation. 太阳真火所化猛虎夷然不惧,冲着于家大宅发出惊天狂吼,虎啸风生,狂暴的冲击着冰蓝法阵 Controls the True Solar Fire person, naturally is Xiao Yan, he is looking at the front Yu Family mansion, the look is desolate. 掌控太阳真火的人,自然便是萧焱,他望着面前于家大宅,神色冷淡。 „The person outside Yu Family direct line Bloodline, leaves immediately, otherwise casualty, regardless.” 于家直系血脉以外的人,立刻离开,否则死伤不论。” Such remarks, the crowd in an uproar. 此言一出,人群哗然。 Some people have recognized Xiao Yan: That is Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Sect Master Big Disciple Xiao Yan!” 有人认出了萧焱:“那是玄门天宗掌门大弟子萧焱!” Xiao Yan? He did not have long Time not to make an appearance, why suddenly appeared here?” 萧焱?他不是有很长时间没有露面了吗,为什么突然出现在这里?” Profound Gate Heavenly Sect? Before and fight of Yu Family, didn't they win?” 玄门天宗?之前和于家的战斗,他们不是获胜了吗?” Heard that several times are Yu Family first provokes, then got refused, but this will not give up on behalf of Profound Gate Heavenly Sect. This was does accounts!” “听说几次都是于家先挑衅,然后碰了钉子,但这不代表玄门天宗就会善罢甘休啊。这就是来算账来了!” Why doesn't that early come? Crossed quick one year to come?” “那为什么早不来?都过了快一年才来?” Who knows that perhaps, Yu Family has handled any matter. Annoys others not to be happy?” “谁知道呢,或许于家又做了什么事情。惹人家不高兴了呢?” Regarding people's discussion, Xiao Yan turns a deaf ear . The look is cold, walks toward the Yu Family mansion straightly. 对于众人的议论,萧焱充耳不闻。神色冷然,笔直向着于家大宅走去。 In giant ice blue Array Formation spreads the one old sound: youngster, your Profound Gate Heavenly Sect was rather excessive, thinks seriously my Yu Family is easily bullied?” 巨大的冰蓝法阵中传出一个苍老的声音:“年轻人,你玄门天宗未免过分了,当真以为我于家软弱可欺不成?” In this sound contained ** the strength, is shocking nearby a side Heaven and Earth, that vigorous Magic Force fluctuation, only Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor can have impressively. 这声音中蕴含了强**力,震撼着附近一方天地,那雄浑的法力波动,赫然只有元婴后期老祖才能具备。 Surrounds the people all startled: Is Yu Family assumes Western Hill City Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor, unexpectedly was alarmed by first Time.” 围观众人皆惊:“是于氏家族坐镇西陵城元婴后期老祖,居然被第一时间惊动了。” Facing Nascent Soul Late Stage Expert, Xiao Yan smile however smiles: Has made anything. you guys Yu Family oneself is clear.” 面对元婴后期强者,萧焱哂然一笑:“做过什么。你们于家自己清楚。” I only asked you, besieging can my Little Junior Brother parents, have your one?” “我只问你,围攻小师弟的父母,可有你一份儿?” After Array Formation silent one next, broadcasts the sound: That is the Shi Family family work, my Yu Family and Shi Family generation is on good terms , helping arm Strength...” 法阵之中沉默了一下后传来声音:“那是石氏家族的家事,我于家石家世代交好,助一臂之力而已…” Interruption of Xiao Yan coldly he: Has sufficed, the remaining idle talk were needless to say much that you acknowledged had you to suffice, then you can die.” 萧焱冷冷的打断他:“够了,剩下的废话不用多说,你承认有你就够了,那么你可以去死了。” That Yu Family Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor sound also transfers coldly: Ignorant junior, but Golden Core Late Stage cultivation base. Dares to be so extremely arrogant, the old man then seizes you, then asks how your Master teaches the apprentice!” 那位于家元婴后期老祖声音也转冷:“无知小辈,不过金丹后期修为。就敢如此狂妄,老夫便擒下你,然后再去问问你师父是如何管教徒弟的!” The voice has not fallen, sees one height dozens zhang (3.33 m) big Giant to run out from blue Array Formation. Treads Void fully. 话音未落,就见一个身高数十丈的高大巨人从蓝色法阵中冲出。足踏虚空 This Giant only arm, on the face only lives an eye, that eye is similar to congeals ice crystal water-drop similar. from there sends out formidable Strength that entire Heaven and Earth must freeze. 巨人只有一条手臂,脸上只生一只眼睛,那眼睛就如同凝结成冰晶的水滴一般从中散发出一股将整个天地都要冻结的强大力量 Giant comes, immediately extreme cold Aura almost must cover Western Hill City. The triplet state Western Hill City own defense, has limited extreme cold Strength Domain of Giant sending out based on this. 巨人一现身,顿时极寒气息几乎要笼罩西陵城。直接激发了西陵城自身防御,才将巨人散发的极寒力量意境限制在一定范围内。 When that overbearing Strength still deterred 4 sides. Another all bystanders have to yield and withdraw, in order to avoid by suffering as an innocent bystander. 当那霸道力量仍然威慑四方。另所有围观者都不得不退避三舍,以免遭了池鱼之殃。 Has person who that don't agree retreats, shortly will then be frozen becomes the ice sculpture! 有那不肯退却的人,顷刻间便被冻成冰雕! This Yu Family Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor, direct appears oneself Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, must capture Suppress and Kill Xiao Yan at one fell swoop, by shame that snow today Yu Family suffers! 这名于氏家族元婴后期老祖,直接显化自己天地法相,要一举擒拿镇杀萧焱,以雪今日于家所蒙受的耻辱! Junior, you guys Profound Gate Heavenly Sect goes too far, kills my Yu Family Expert many people, today also dares to visit to disturb, the old man first seized to kill you, was asks for an interest with your Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, in the future must the you guys 1 by 1 repayment!” “小辈,你们玄门天宗欺人太甚,杀伤我于家强者多人,今天还敢上门捣乱,老夫就先擒杀了你,算是跟你玄门天宗讨点利息,日后总要你们一一偿还!” Xiao Yan has laughed at one: you guys provokes my Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, is purely has only self to blame, now unexpectedly also makes a false countercharge, can the facial skin be thick? or said that you guys overbearing has been used, therefore the person also changed stupid, thought that only you guys can dealt with others, can't others actually counterattack?” 萧焱嗤笑了一声:“你们招惹我玄门天宗,纯属咎由自取,现在居然还来反咬一口,脸皮能再厚一点?还是你们霸道惯了,于是人也变蠢了,觉得只有你们可以去对付别人,别人却不能还击?” He is staring at Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol of that one-eyed Giant appearance, cracks into a smile, is bringing several points of ominous offense Aura: Told you honestly, one year ago the war of Kunlun Mountains, my cannot participated, cannot personally taught you guys these to intrude on my Profound Gate Heavenly Sect chop suey, I have learned a lesson.” 他盯着那独眼巨人模样的天地法相,咧嘴一笑,带着几分凶戾气息:“老实告诉你,一年前昆仑山之战,我没能参加,没能亲手教训你们这些进犯我玄门天宗的杂碎,我一直引以为憾。” Today here, I do not have the thoughts with your many idle talk, must reason with you to look for others.” “今天来这里,我没心思跟你多废话,要讲理你去找别人。” Xiao Yan both hands make a fist, stretches out straight in front of oneself forward, revealed in the front: I only do a matter today.” 萧焱双手握拳,向前平伸,在胸前亮出:“我今天就只干一件事情。” crush your Yu Family!” 铲平于家!” golden color fierce tiger sends out the Heaven-shaking rave, unites with the Xiao Yan body, instantaneous cuts completely Heaven and Earth, exterminates Mortal bone-chilling cold murderous aura to erupt. 金色猛虎发出震天狂吼,同萧焱身体合一,瞬间一股斩尽天地,灭绝苍生的凛冽杀气爆发出来。 That wild killing nature hostility, made him, even if were Nascent Soul Late Stage opponent also all over the body lives coldly: This killing, did not miss compared with Huo Family Asura Secret Art!” 那狂暴的杀性戾气,令他即便是元婴后期对手也遍体生寒:“这种杀性,不比霍家修罗诀差了!” Xiao Yan coldly gazes at opponent Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, invests in the oneself complete vigor arrived True Solar Fire transformed into fierce tiger. 萧焱冷冷注视对手天地法相,将自己全部精气神都投入到了太阳真火所化猛虎中。 After studying Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture, Xiao Yan blends oneself to understand to the comprehension of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao that lives Azure Dragon, Vermilion bird, White Tiger and Black Tortoise Four Symbols. 在修习四象开天书之后,萧焱融汇自身对天地大道的领悟理解,生青龙朱雀白虎玄武四象 This moment precisely revealed that the shape of White Tiger, the Lord murders, looks disdainfully Under the Heavens, since birth all killed! 此刻正是显露白虎之象,主杀伐,睥睨天下,有生皆杀! When was different from initially fought with Tao Yaoyao the Vermilion bird shape, now Xiao Yan is in own Four Symbols, murdered the attack strongest condition. 不同于当初与陶夭夭交手时的朱雀象,现在萧焱才处于自身四象中,杀伐攻击最强的状态。 One-eyed Giant Dharma Idol, projects the thick blue light beam from the one-eyed of oneself, the line of sight institute and place, all things completely all change to the black ice crystal, subsequently disrupts the powder. 独眼巨人法相,从自己的独眼中射出粗大的蓝色光柱,视线所及之处,所有东西尽皆化作黑色冰晶,继而碎裂成粉。 Xiao Yan unperturbed fearless, the shape of True Solar Fire transformed into White Tiger raises the Myriath Paths golden color flame, fierce same blue light beam to bumping. 萧焱夷然无惧,太阳真火所化白虎之象掀起万道金色火光,凶猛的同蓝色光柱对碰。 Golden Core Late Stage cultivation base, shakes Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol hardly! 金丹后期修为,硬撼元婴后期老祖天地法相 The blue light and golden light clash unceasingly, have True Solar Fire frozen, but also has the blue light beam by golden color hot glow blasting open. 蓝光与金光不断对撞,有太阳真火被冰封,但也有蓝色光柱被金色火芒炸裂。 The fierce combat of both sides, has caused in Western Hill City other Expert attention. Comes to surround. 双方的激战,已经引起了西陵城中其他强者的注意力。纷纷前来围观。 big fellow that several north alien races dress up is looking at the battlefield from afar, they are the Beirong Royal Court people. Goes abroad on a diplomatic mission along with Beirong Right Virtuous King together Great Qin Dynasty, Right Virtuous King met with with Qin Emperor in the imperial palace at this moment. Some people accompany, other people in dwelling recuperation. 几个北方异族打扮的大汉远远望着战场,他们是北戎王庭的人。随北戎右贤王一同出使大秦皇朝,右贤王此刻在皇宫中同秦帝会面。部分人陪同,另有部分人在住处休整。 Their looks at aggressive Xiao Yan, sucks in cold air: Touches with Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator hardly, this Xiao Yan seriously worthily is Big Disciple that Profound Gate's Master sits down!” 他们看着凶悍萧焱,都倒抽一口凉气:“和元婴后期修士硬碰,这萧焱当真不愧是玄门之主坐下的大弟子!” but Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol is fierce, he this way, is defeated unavoidably.” 不过元婴后期修士天地法相何等厉害,他这样下去,难免落败。” In the conversation sound, Xiao Yan is lived by the blue light beam that one-eyed Giant sends out gradually frozen. 交谈声中,萧焱渐渐被独眼巨人发出的蓝色光柱冻住。 But his doesn't care, sneers, True Solar Fire transformed into golden color fierce tiger vanishes suddenly does not see. The shortly afterwards flaming royal purple roaring flame emerges, crazy fierce tyrannical Strength Domain covers Heaven and Earth, the a side sky is dyed royal purple by terrifying evil severe Hell Evil Fire. 但他毫不在意,冷笑一声,太阳真火所化金色猛虎突然消失不见。紧接着熊熊蓝紫色烈焰涌现出来,狂猛暴虐的力量意境涵盖天地,一方天空都被恐怖邪厉的幽冥邪煌染成蓝紫色 terrifying Demon Fire condenses, transform into purple fierce tiger, analogy True Solar Fire transformed into golden color fierce tiger even more ominous offense! 恐怖魔火凝聚,化为一头紫色猛虎,比方才太阳真火所化金色猛虎更加凶戾! Hell Evil Fire, condenses the shape of White Tiger, most complements each other. 幽冥邪煌,凝聚成白虎之象,才最是相得益彰。 Kills!” In Xiao Yan severe roaring sound, Hell Evil Fire transformed into White Tiger has torn the blue light beam forcefully, wild Strength and opponent fight in the same place. “杀!”萧焱吼声中,幽冥邪煌所化白虎已经强行撕裂蓝色光柱,狂暴的力量对手斗在一起。 Meanwhile. True Solar Fire and Southern Bright Hexagram Fire also respectively condense the shape of White Tiger, three fierce tiger gather round one-eyed Giant to launch fierce attack. 与此同时。太阳真火南明离火也分别凝聚成白虎之象,三头猛虎围着独眼巨人展开猛攻 Three big True Fire press together, is that Yu Family Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor, stimulates to movement Mysterious Dark True Water by Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol. Time also occupied the not arrive winning side. 三大真火一起压上,便是那于家元婴后期老祖,以天地法相催动玄冥真水。一时间也占不到上风了。 „Does this child actually simultaneously have three True Fire?” 此子竟然同时拥有三种真火?” The Yu Family people feel shocking: Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, monstruous talent are too many, is not only that Shi Tianhao. This Xiao Yan so is also fierce, is not good. Cannot let alone get down like this, today must his Behead here!” 于氏家族的众人都感到震惊:“玄门天宗,妖孽太多,不仅仅是那石天昊。这萧焱也如此凶猛,不行。不能这样放任下去,今天就要将他斩杀在这里!” Side person cannot help. Two Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator try to join regiment , helping one of us arm Strength. 旁的人也帮不上忙。两名元婴期修士试图加入战团,助自家人一臂之力 But this time Xiao Yan thorough murderous red eyes, three True Fire transformed into White Tiger has vertically and horizontally looked disdainfully, besides that Nascent Soul Late Stage Yu Family Ancestor, other people moistens is dying, touches is perishing. 而此时的萧焱已经彻底杀红眼,三头真火所化白虎纵横睥睨,除了那元婴后期于家老祖以外,其他人沾着就死,碰着就亡。 One-eyed Giant exudes one to roar fiercely, has tied the one method seal single-handed, the cold air in surroundings Space receives suddenly. 独眼巨人猛地发出一声怒吼,单手结了一个法印,周围空间中的寒气突然一收。 Then, the blue light in Giant one-eyed is dim, vanishes does not see, but he ties seal single-handed actually turned toward Xiao Yan to press. 接下来,巨人独眼中的蓝光黯淡下来,消失不见,但他结印的单手却向着萧焱压了过来。 The palm central place, a pitch-dark piece, the endless cold air as if must World frozen, making all re-enter the glacial period. 手掌中央处,黑洞洞的一片,无尽寒气仿佛要将世界冰封,令一切重回冰河时代。 Cold Martial Mysterious Dark God-Sealing Mark! 寒武玄冥封神印 In Yu Family Mysterious Dark Secret Art derivation Mystical Ability, top-notch Magical Technique, frozen in society Myriad Things, all return to the ancient wilderness extreme cold years. 于氏家族玄冥诀衍生神通中,最顶尖法术,冰封世间万物,一切重归荒古极寒岁月。 The Xiao Yan look is cold, both palms gathers gently, True Solar Fire and Southern Bright Hexagram Fire transformed into White Tiger, then takes back oneself side, compresses two groups of precise flame rapidly, then starts to fuse. 萧焱神色冷然淡漠,双掌轻轻一合,太阳真火南明离火所化白虎便即收回自己身边,急速压缩成两团凝炼至极的火焰,接着便开始融合。 His both hands ten fingers put on leaf to pick flowers to rock flexible, path after path Secret Technique was infiltrated in True Fire of palm instantaneously. 他双手十根手指穿叶摘花般灵活晃动,一道又一道法诀在瞬间被打入掌心的真火中。 Instantaneous, a golden color base of lotus flower of only palm of the hand size appears in his in the palm of the hand, the base of lotus flower center, the red blue two color ray transform into stamens and pistils drags gently. 瞬间,一朵只有巴掌大小的金色莲座出现在他掌心中,莲座中央,红蓝二色光芒化为花蕊轻轻摇曳。 terrifying Firmament Fire Lotus welcomed directly to opponent Cold Martial Mysterious Dark God-Sealing Mark. 恐怖苍穹火莲正面迎向对手寒武玄冥封神印 Extremely hot and extreme cold Strength to bumping in the same place, is directly stave piece of Void, Western Hill City defense Array Formation by stronger Strength revolution up, blocks both sides' complementary waves to spelling after stubbornly, protects Western Hill City not to be damaged. 极热与极寒力量对碰在一起,直接将一片虚空破碎,西陵城防御法阵以更强的力量运转起来,死死挡住双方对拼后的余波,保护西陵城不受损伤。 Firmament Fire Lotus after Cold Martial Mysterious Dark God-Sealing Mark clashes, then changes to sky-flooding golden color Fire Sea, spreads the innumerable flames toward all around, each one path flame, bumps into surrounding Black Ice Soul, on the happen fierce explosion! 苍穹火莲寒武玄冥封神印对撞后,便化作滔天金色火海,向着四周扩散成无数火光,每一道火光,碰到周围的黑色冰魄,就发生剧烈的爆炸! Explosion of continual non-stop! 连续不停的爆炸! Explosion of endless! 无穷无尽的爆炸! Collision explosions of trillion flames and trillion Ice Soul! 亿万火光与亿万冰魄的碰撞爆炸! The cold air is similar to by dark cloud similar that the sunlight scatters, the tumbling is withdrawn immediately, imitates, if Ice Soul exploded torn to pieces of black hole similar. 寒气顿时如同被阳光驱散的乌云一般,翻滚退避,仿若黑洞一般冰魄被炸的支离破碎。 Massive cold ice sheet raging fire carburation by evaporation, around a side Heaven and Earth Yu Family mansion entire covers in the boundless water vapor, as if has encountered bad fog! 大量的寒冰被烈火蒸发汽化,将于家府邸周围一方天地整个都笼罩在茫茫水汽之中,仿佛遭遇了一场大雾! The white water vapor clears, in Void reveals the one huge form. 白茫茫的水汽散尽,虚空中露出一个巨大的身影。 The numerous Yu Family juniors see this shadow, on the face show the relaxed facial expression, that is their family|home Ancestor Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol. 一众于家子弟见到这个影子,脸上都露出轻松的神情,那是他们家老祖天地法相 But, almost in same Time, that huge form, slowly kneels down suddenly! 可是,几乎在同一时间,那巨大身影,突然缓缓跪倒!
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