HNOF :: Volume #6

#519: Is surprised to know the sad news

Xiao Yan holds Lin Tong, the racket her back is saying with a smile: Tong'er did not say that after treating the Wu Tree Sovereign ceremony, benefits greatly.” 萧焱抱着林桐,拍拍她的后背笑道:“桐儿就不说了,经过治疗梧树皇的仪式,受益匪浅。” Disciple, has not run a fruitless errand.” On the side of Xiao Yan smiles, both eyes pupil in the process however shines two Cream-colored small flame. “弟子这一趟,也没有白跑。”萧焱一边笑着,双眼瞳孔中突然亮起两朵乳白色的小火苗。 Among precisely Heaven and Earth Pure Yang True Fire in seven big Supreme Fire Power, ancestor of myriad fires in legend, the source and first ancestor of Heaven Primal World flame, the pure flame, may fuse many other flame most purely, restrain all yīn evil. 正是天地间七大至尊火力中的纯阳真火,传说中的万火之祖,天元大世界火焰的源头、始祖,最纯粹纯正的火焰,可融合其他诸多火焰,克一切阴邪 The Pure Yang True Fire static beat, True Solar Fire similar is not blazing, not like Hell Evil Fire that violent rogue, but has a tranquil pure Strength feeling, seems like average not wonderful, has the infinite mystery. 纯阳真火静静跳动,不似太阳真火一般炽热耀眼,也不像幽冥邪煌那么暴烈凶恶,但自有一股宁静纯粹的力量感,看似平平无奇,却有无穷奥妙。 Lin Feng said with a smile: Also was Pure Yang True Fire, if has traded Black Heaven Calamity Flame and Kshitigarbha True Fire or Red Lotus Karmic Fire, your brat must suffer loss.” 林锋笑道:“也就是纯阳真火了,若是换了玄天劫焰地藏真煌又或者红莲业火,你小子又要吃苦头了。” Xiao Yan hey has also smiled up, his present Golden Core Late Stage cultivation base, controls the True Fire Seed class theoretically the limit is three types, many words, must like before, because True Fire conflicts mutually, backlash own turned into the sickness cat. 萧焱也嘿嘿笑了起来,他现在金丹后期修为,理论上来说,控制真火种类的极限就是三种,再多的话,又要像之前那样因为真火互相冲突,反噬自身而变成病猫了。 Also is Pure Yang True Fire, is ancestor of myriad fires, has the mysterious functions of other combination flame, this can force with Hell Evil Fire, True Solar Fire and Southern Bright Hexagram Fire lives in peace with each other.( Lin Feng also precisely, because sees this, therefore feels relieved makes Xiao Yan go to Heaven Desolate Land. 也就是纯阳真火,为万火之祖,有化合其他火焰的玄妙作用,这才能勉强同幽冥邪煌太阳真火南明离火相安无事。(林锋正是因为看到这点,所以才放心的让萧焱前往天荒广陆 So firstly, you carry on three True Fire Fusion, urging the round of Firmament Fire Lotus difficulty also large scale to drop.” Lin Feng said that Xiao Yan listened to again and again nod: Master said right, precisely so.” “如此一来,你进行三种真火融合,催发苍穹火莲的难度也大幅度下降了。”林锋说道,萧焱听了连连点头:“师父说的没错,正是如此。” Past he when Golden Core Initial Stage, fused two True Fire, then wanted be careful cautiously, cautious. one may fusion failure carelessly, even can instead injure oneself. 昔日他在金丹初期的时候,融合两种真火,便要小心翼翼,如履薄冰。一个不慎就有可能融合失败,甚至会反伤了自己 Even if succeeds, needs long preparation Time, simultaneously will consume Magic Force large scale, even finds time the oneself vigor directly, after Firmament Fire Lotus, oneself completely loses the battle efficiency. 即便成功,也需要较长的准备时间,同时会大幅度消耗法力,甚至直接抽空自己的精气神,一朵苍穹火莲之后,自身完全失去战斗力。 After promoting Golden Core Intermediate Stage. This situation was then better, when he achieves Golden Core Late Stage, after complete leakless Cultivation Realm, two big True Fire Fusion Firmament Fire Lotus. Nearly has had words at fingertips and written with facility. 晋升金丹中期后。这种情况便好了许多,等到他达到金丹后期,圆满无漏境界后,两大真火融合苍穹火莲。已经近乎信手拈来。 No matter Lin Feng or Xiao Yan in person. At first estimated Xiao Yan must after Nascent Soul Formation, just now can the circle transfer freely control double Fire Lotus, but Golden Core Late Stage makes arrived now. 不管是林锋还是萧焱本人。最初都预计萧焱要在结婴之后,方才能圆转自如的驾驭双火莲,但现在金丹后期就做到了 This is mainly because had the surprise situation, that was Xiao Yan wrong absorb Southern Bright Hexagram Fire, oneself received backlash. 这主要是因为出现了意外情况,那就是萧焱错误吸纳南明离火,以至于自身受到反噬 But also precisely in combing within the body True Fire, slowly temperance own Magic Force, in stable Cultivation Realm process. Xiao Yan regarding True Fire control bring it up a level.( Turns misfortune into a blessing, in Xiao Yan promotes in the Golden Core Late Stage situation, he regarding the double Fire Lotus control freely degree, has exceeded the anticipated level, was mill knife in disguised form does not harm the chopping firewood merit. 但也正是在梳理体内真火,慢慢锤炼自身法力,稳固境界的过程中。萧焱对于真火的掌控更上一层楼。(因祸得福,在萧焱晋升金丹后期的情况下,他对于双火莲的驾驭自如程度,超出了预期水平,也算是变相的磨刀不误砍柴功了。 but. Similar to double Fire Lotus with three Fire Lotus in the might is not simple two add was equal to that three are so simple, control difficulty similarly also high is not a least bit. Xiao Yan now Golden Core Late Stage cultivation base, wanting simultaneous integration three True Fire to urge round of Firmament Fire Lotus, was still the behavior of wire walking. 不过。正如同双火莲与三火莲在威力上并非简单的二加一等于三那么简单,驾驭难度同样也高的不是一点半点。萧焱现在金丹后期修为,想要同时融合三种真火催发苍穹火莲,仍然是走钢丝的行为。 Difficulty extremely big. Simultaneously consumes also in a big way, has extremely high failure risk. 难度极大。同时消耗也大,更有极高的失败风险。 Urges round of Firmament Fire Lotus, has mistake slightly, first injured is Xiao Yan oneself, simultaneous integration True Fire are more, Strength is stronger, then backlash is also heavier. 催发苍穹火莲,稍有差池,最先受伤的就是萧焱自己,同时融合真火越多,力量越强,那么反噬也就越重。 Now had Pure Yang True Fire, if by Pure Yang True Fire, unifies other two True Fire to urge to send three Fire Lotus, that difficulty will reduce, the security and stability drastically promote, the successful probability will be also higher. 现在有了纯阳真火,如果以纯阳真火,结合其他两种真火来催发三火莲,那难度就会降低很多,安全性与稳定性都大幅提升,成功几率也会高许多。 but Little Yan you want in the heart to know how things stand.” Lin Feng reminded: Even if there is Pure Yang True Fire, just enhanced you to fuse three types of True Fire success probabilities, three fires fused Firmament Fire Lotus, to your own Magic Force consumption still extremely big.” 不过小焱子你要心中有数。”林锋提醒道:“即便有了纯阳真火,也只是提高了你融合三种真火的成功几率,三火融合苍穹火莲,对你自身法力消耗仍然极大。” Three fire fusions, you likely like initially Passing Clouds Peak last that time, after one strike, oneself escapes the strength.” “三火融合,你很可能像当初行云峰上那时一样,一击之后,自身脱力。” Xiao Yan look serious nod: Asked Master to feel relieved, disciple understand.” 萧焱神色郑重的点头:“请师父放心,弟子明白。” Then, he then smacked the lips, on face shows the regrettable look: what a pity, I now four True Fire, if can four fire fusions, that should be what kind of might?” 然后,他便咂了咂嘴,脸上露出遗憾的神色:“可惜啊,我现在有四种真火,要是能四火融合,那该是怎样的威力呀?” Xiao Yan oneself also knows that this can only in the brain think even if, impossible puts to the reality. 萧焱自己也知道,这就只能脑子里想想就算,不可能付诸实际。 His present Golden Core Late Stage cultivation base, simultaneously maintains four True Fire not to fight in within the body, is the limit, three fire fusion risks are extremely high, four fires fuse that are absolutely do not have the successful possibility, dares to do, is purely oneself courts death. 他现在金丹后期修为,同时维持四种真火在体内不打架,已经是极限了,三火融合风险都极高,四火融合那是完全没有成功的可能性,敢那么做,纯属自己找死。 Lin Feng faint smile looks at Xiao Yan: Smelly brat, you are more corrupt than Tianhao, the appetite is so big, did not fear is supporting the words, Teacher here also has the fifth type.” 林锋似笑非笑的看着萧焱:“臭小子,你比天昊还贪呀,胃口这么大,不怕撑着的话,为师这里还有第五种呢。” His palm turns, in being similar to transparent crystal wall equally overlapping Space bonds, is wrapping one group of black flame, has filled unclear with the terrifying flavor, as if can swallowing the heaven and devouring the earth, brings the end catastrophe to Myriad Things. 他手掌一翻,在如同透明晶壁一样层层叠叠的空间界障中,包裹着一团黑色火焰,充满了不详和恐怖的味道,仿佛可以吞天噬地,给万物带来末日浩劫。 Xiao Yan eye one bright: This is... Black Heaven Calamity Flame?” 萧焱眼睛一亮:“这是…玄天劫焰?” Lin Feng said with a smile: good, precisely does Black Heaven Calamity Flame, how, come?” 林锋笑道:“不错,正是玄天劫焰,如何,来一点?” Xiao Yan opened mouth, good after long time, shan however said with a smile: Late again said that late again said.” 萧焱张了张嘴,好半晌后才讪然笑道:“迟些再说,迟些再说。” Lin Feng shakes the head, stern said: Cannot be too late, when your Nascent Soul Formation, must use.” 林锋摇摇头,正色说道:“不能太迟,在你结婴的时候,就要用到。” Xiao Yan heard this, has gawked immediately: Master, my not too understand.” 萧焱闻言,顿时愣了一下:“师父,我不太明白。” Lin Feng slightly smiles: It is no bother, when the time comes your naturally meets understand, does not need to be worried to be too many, Teacher will plan for you, before then, you estimate Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture Dao Technique attentively are.” 林锋微微一笑:“无妨,到时候你自然明白的,不用担心太多,为师会为你筹谋,在此之前,你用心揣摩四象开天书道法便是。” Xiao Yan hears here, on the face shows expression looking pensive, nod said: Yes, Master, the disciple will be attentive comprehend Dao Technique.” 萧焱听到这里,脸上露出若有所思的表情,点头说道:“是,师父,弟子会用心参悟道法。” Chatted the proper business, Xiao Yan awoke suddenly: Was right, Master, Black Heaven Calamity Flame we have succeeded in obtaining, that Hu Yanyan how?” 聊完了正事,萧焱突然一醒:“对了,师父,玄天劫焰咱们已经到手,那狐焰焰如何了?” Lin Feng turns the head to take a look at him: What's wrong, did you also really have a liking for others?” 林锋转头瞅他:“怎么,你还真看上人家了?” Xiao Yan twitched his lips: Where depart you said that my just is curious, if she refine to melt Black Heaven Calamity Flame successfully, feared that was away from Immortal Monster Soul Cultivation Realm not to be far.” 萧焱撇撇嘴:“您说哪里去了,我只是感到好奇,她若是成功炼化了玄天劫焰,怕是距离不灭妖魂境界就不远了吧。” Truly so, but whether can become, even more looks at her oneself.” Lin Feng faint said: She returned to Heaven Desolate Land along with Heavenly Fox Great Saint.” “确实如此,不过是否真的能成,还要看她自己。”林锋淡淡说道:“她已经随天狐大圣天荒广陆了。” On the Xiao Yan face shows facial expression that relaxed, his 2nd Heavenly Layer day eventually ended. 萧焱脸上露出松了一口气的神情,他二重天的日子终于结束了。 Lin Feng asked with a smile: „After you guys leaves to go to Heaven Desolate Land, Teacher broke your Magic Force Divine Consciousness sense, after you guys arrived Parasol Tree Forest, is any process, mentioned listens to Teacher.” 林锋笑着问道:“你们动身前往天荒广陆后,为师就断了你身上的法力神识感应,你们到了梧桐林以后,是个什么经过,说来给为师听听。” Although he left behind the Magic Force mark and Mystical Ability Dharma Body in Xiao Yan, Zhu Yi and the others, but that is to protect the oneself disciple security, only when they meet troublesome, Lin Feng will branch out oneself Divine Sense to examine the situation. 他虽然在萧焱朱易等人身上留下法力印记和神通法身,但那是为了保护自己的弟子安全,只有在他们遇到麻烦的时候,林锋才会分出自己神念查看一下情况。 Usually they make anything, Lin Feng completely does not manage. 平时他们做什么,林锋都是完全不管的。 After Xiao Yan immediately Marquis of Jing Huan leaves, he and Lin Tong along with Fei Ye together goes to the Heaven Desolate Land approximate process to tell Lin Feng. 萧焱当即将景桓侯离开以后,他和林桐飞烨一起前往天荒广陆的大致经过告诉林锋 The concrete process does not have any special place but actually, Phoenix Clan and Parasol Tree Clan moral behavior will be very strong, owes the Lin Feng's favour then to find the way to return. 具体经过倒没有什么特别之处,凤凰族梧桐族的人品都很坚挺,欠了林锋的人情便会想办法归还。 Although Pure Yang True Fire is quite precious, but Xiao Yan or has not spent any time then to achieve wishes. 虽然纯阳真火极为宝贵,但萧焱还是没费什么功夫便如愿以偿。 Wu Tree Sovereign had been waiting for the arrival of Lin Tong, Lin Tong just arrived, then the ceremony starts, through the ceremony, Wu Tree Sovereign effectively treats the oneself aging stubborn illness, but Lin Tong accepted nearly baptism ceremony, benefits. 梧树皇一直在等待林桐的到来,林桐刚一到,仪式便即开启,通过仪式,梧树皇有效治疗自己的陈年顽疾,而林桐则接受了一场近乎洗礼般的仪式,获益匪浅。 but, the Wu Tree Sovereign injury has not rooted out, just was controlled temporarily.” Xiao Yan said: According to the view of Phoenix Clan and Parasol Tree Clan, after separating Time, but also needs again to carry on the incantation ritual type, but this Time gap is very long, time, at least can insists millennium Time.” 不过,梧树皇的伤势并没有断根,只是暂时被控制。”萧焱说道:“按照凤凰族梧桐族的说法,隔上一段时间之后,还需要重新进行咒法仪式,不过这个时间间隔很长,一次施法,至少可以坚持千年时间。” Lin Tong , before is Parasol Tree Core, falls to the enemy in Kunpeng Treasure Trove, in several thousand years of Time Wu Tree Sovereign then bears the pain by own cultivation base. 林桐,也就是梧桐木心之前失陷在鲲鹏秘藏中,数千年时间梧树皇便是靠自身修为忍受痛苦。 After Lin Feng hear, has not spoken, but has hesitated the moment: These millennium Time, should is Wu Tree Sovereign puts worries aside and builds up one's health, in situation that no longer the time and person begin, can insist millennium above...” 林锋听后,没有说话,而是沉吟了片刻:“这千年时间,应该梧树皇安心静养,不再次与人动手的情况下,才能坚持千年以上…” If with same rank Expert Fighting Technique, that can insist that long Time said on very difficult. 若是与同级别强者斗法,那能坚持多长时间很难说了。 Lin Feng asked: Knows that what reason Wu Tree Sovereign because of being injured?” 林锋问道:“知不知道,梧树皇是因为什么原因而受伤的?” Xiao Yan shakes the head, is somewhat worried: Disciple is also very curious, but there person rumor is very strict, the disciple inquires not arrive.” 萧焱摇摇头,有些苦恼:“弟子也很好奇,但无奈那里的人口风都很严,弟子打探不到。” but, looks at the response of Phoenix Clan and Parasol Tree Clan, mentioned when Wu Tree Sovereign injury, is very awkward, therefore the disciple speculated that should is not the disaster, rather **!” 不过,看凤凰族梧桐族的反应,提到梧树皇的伤势时,都很尴尬,所以弟子推测,应该不是天灾,而是**!” Lin Feng slowly nod, so-called **, to put it bluntly was injured. 林锋徐徐点头,所谓**,说白了就是被人打伤的。 just does not know that is whose such aggressive? Perhaps Wu Tree Sovereign Dao Cultivation, the Time unit must calculate with for ten thousand years, already was Immortal Monster Soul Third Level, Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm unparalleled Great Monster , although the temper was gentle, but Strength was greatly strengthened. 只是不知道是谁这么凶悍梧树皇修道,时间单位恐怕要用万年来计算,早已是不灭妖魂第三重,星魂合一境界的盖世大妖,虽然性子平和,但力量极强。 even if was Wu Tree Sovereign takes oneself injured for price strike to kill the opposite party, that this injured his person also extremely formidable. 就算梧树皇自己受伤为代价击杀了对方,那这个伤他之人也极为强悍了。 If Wu Tree Sovereign suffers a loss is bigger, that is almost the shocking matter. 如果是梧树皇吃亏更大,那几乎是骇人听闻的事情。 Lin Feng and Xiao Yan were chatting, suddenly in the heart moved, turns the head to look to another side that there Void split a slit, Kang Nanhua from there goes out. 林锋萧焱正聊着,突然心中一动,转头向另一边看去,那里的虚空裂开一条缝隙,康南华从中走出。 Nanhua, what matter?” Lin Feng sees the Kang Nanhua look to be dignified, immediately opens the mouth to ask. 南华,什么事?”林锋康南华神色凝重,当即开口问道。 Kang Nanhua replied: Sect Master, just received the message, before Shi Family and Yu Family, has large quantities of Expert to send out, to intercept the Tianhao parents!” 康南华答道:“宗主,刚刚收到消息,石氏家族于氏家族之前有大批强者出动,截杀天昊的父母!” Lin Feng eye slightly narrows the eyes: „The Tianhao parents, did they come out from Void Battlefield?” 林锋眼睛微微一眯:“天昊的父母,他们从虚空战场出来了?” Kang Nanhua nod one's head: They come out from Void Battlefield, in the person of being intimate with the family relates, tries to inquire the Tianhao news, finally divulged a secret, in Shi Family with the person of their being intimate with was detained the imprisonment.” 康南华点点头:“他们从虚空战场出来,同家族中亲近之人联系,试图打探天昊的消息,结果走漏了风声,石氏家族中与他们亲近之人被看押禁锢。” „Then is Shi Family and Yu Family two large quantities of Nascent Soul Ancestor sends out, to surround and capture the Tianhao parents.” “然后便是石氏家族于氏家族两家大批元婴老祖出动,想要围捕天昊的父母。” Kang Nanhua deeply inspires, fast said: They are overwhelmed by sheer numbers, are forced again to return the Void Battlefield avoidance, this enters depart all of a sudden, wanted to come out more difficult again.” 康南华深吸一口气,飞快说道:“他们夫妻二人寡不敌众,被迫重新退回虚空战场躲避,这一下子进去了,想要再出来就更困难了。” Moreover, it is said the Tianhao mother is seriously injured, at present Life and Death is difficult to predict...” “而且,据说天昊的母亲身受重伤,眼下生死未卜…”
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