HNOF :: Volume #6

#518: Ten law seal

On Jade Capital Mountain, Lin Feng prohibited that path Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire Magic Force, in the heart to say with a smile: Therefore , I must thank you to give a present, buys one and gets one free, besides Black Heaven Calamity Flame, but also delivers me Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm Fist Seal.” 玉京山上,林锋封禁了那道大日琉璃净火法力,心中笑道:“所以说,我要感谢你送礼啊,买一送一,除了玄天劫焰外,还多送我大日如来神掌拳印。” but, after Lin Feng Divine Consciousness sweeps, slightly stares: Mahākāśyapa Imprint, Subhuti Imprint and Ananda Imprint... This what at sixes and sevens?” 不过,当林锋神识扫过后,不禁微微一愣:“摩诃迦叶印须菩提印阿难陀印…这什么乱七八糟的?” Although does not have genuinely to experience Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm Fist Seal, but this military Dao Divinity Tongwei shakes Heavens, the reputation broadcasts, Great Thousand World is known to everybody. 虽然没有真正见识过大日如来神掌拳印,但这门武道神通威震诸天,名声远播,大千世界无人不知。 Although Ten Forms Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm Imprints has been lost, but the reputation is renown. 十式大日如来神掌拳印虽然都已失传,但名头是举世皆知的。 Ten ** seal respectively is Fundamental Imprint, Great Thousand Imprint, Measureless Imprint, Idol-less Imprint and bodhi seal, Maha Imprint, Colored Resolution Imprint, Wisdom Fist Imprint, Defining Buddhist Imprint and Vajra Unrestrained Boundary Imprint. 十**印分别为根本印大千印无量印无相印、菩提印、摩诃印色究竟印智拳印法界定印金刚界自在印 And Maha Imprint and bodhi seal, calls such a name, but is not the abbreviation of Mahākāśyapa Imprint and Subhuti Imprint. 其中摩诃印与菩提印,就是叫这么个名字,而不是摩诃迦叶印须菩提印的简称。 „Speaking of Mahākāśyapa and Subhuti...” Lin Feng in the heart thinking: In the Buddhism ancient book record, seems the characters in Buddhism Founder ten Big Disciple, Ananda is also so.” “说到摩诃迦叶须菩提…”林锋心中思索:“在佛门典籍记载中,似乎是佛祖大弟子中的人物,阿难陀也是如此。” The ancient people hand down, the Ancient time, the Great Desolation change, Buddhism Founder attain Buddhahood immediately, open altar to teach the law, establishes Buddhism. 故老相传,上古时代,洪荒变迁,佛祖立地成佛,开坛说法,创立佛门 Listens to the person of Buddhism Founder view not to count, the most outstanding ten people, are called Buddhism Founder under tutelage ten Big Disciple. 佛祖说法之人不可计数,其中最杰出的十个人,被称为佛祖座下大弟子 Ten Big Disciple comprehend Dharma Grand Dao, comprehend Annihilation to be free and easy together, the Śūnyatā virtual environment, Ultimate Reality my conscience, proves Domain that Five Aggregates all empties, these ten people are Mahākāśyapa, Maudgalyāyana, Maitrāyaṇīputra, Subhuti, Śāriputra, Rāhula, Ananda, Upāli, Aniruddha and Kātyāyana. 大弟子一起参悟佛法大道,领悟寂灭洒脱,空性灵境,见真我本心,证五蕴皆空的意境,这十人便是摩诃迦叶目犍连富楼那须菩提舍利弗罗睺罗阿难陀优婆离阿尼律陀迦旃延 Buddhism Founder only in the heart, in the heart has Buddha, everybody all may achieve Buddhahood. Therefore in in the past Great Thunderclap Temple not Consecrate Buddhism Founder oneself image of Buddha, only Consecrate these ten people of Golden Body Dharma Idol. 佛祖在心中,心中有佛,人人皆可成佛。所以昔年大雷音寺内不供奉佛祖自己的佛像,只供奉这十人的金身法相 More than 4000 years ago. Nether Sovereign Tian Hai hits to collapse half Great Thunderclap Temple, causing ten Big Disciple Golden Body dissipations not to have the trace. 4000多年前。幽皇天海打塌半个大雷音寺,导致十大弟子金身也散逸无踪。 Besides ten big Golden Body. In the past that War between Two Worlds, some Great Thunderclap Temple also many losses, if not so, later Buddhism-extinguishing War, Buddhism-extinguishing Allied Armies were not necessarily able to destroy completely Great Thunderclap Temple smoothly. 除了十大金身以外。当年那场两界战争,大雷音寺还有许多损失,若非如此,之后的灭佛之战,灭佛联军未必能那么顺利灭掉大雷音寺 Lin Feng estimates three type Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm Fist Seal that obtains from that middle-aged monk place, in the heart was knowing how things stand gradually: so that's how it is, in this person of hand does not have the genuinely Vairocana Scripture general outline, has not learned Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm.” 林锋揣摩着从那中年僧人处得到的三式大日如来神掌拳印,心中渐渐有了数:“原来如此,此人手中也没有真正大日如来经总纲,没有学到大日如来神掌。” Perhaps this is his oneself looks for Under the Heavens, looks Mahākāśyapa, Subhuti and Ananda that three people of Golden Body Dharma Idol arrived loses. Then closes right up against estimates the Dharma truth, oneself deduced three type Divine Palm method seal.” “这恐怕是他自己寻访天下,找到了遗失的摩诃迦叶须菩提阿难陀三人的金身法相。然后靠着揣摩其中佛法道理,自己推演出了三式神掌法印。” Lin Feng careful sensation Mahākāśyapa Imprint, Subhuti Imprint, Strength Domain of Ananda Imprint three type law seal: Specious, actually Lineage succeeds one another, can said that is new Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm, can said that is false Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm.” 林锋仔细感知摩诃迦叶印,须菩提印,阿难陀印三式法印的力量意境:“似是而非,却又一脉相承,可以说是新大日如来神掌,也可以说是假大日如来神掌。” however, in Lin Feng will lack after oneself on hand alone the general outline Vairocana Scripture compares, or can determination. These three types by the Buddhism Founder disciple Golden Body deduction law seal that but results, or in the might is inferior to name brand Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm. 只不过,在林锋将之与自己手头独缺总纲的大日如来经对照一番后,还是可以确定。这三式由佛祖弟子金身推演而得的法印,在威力上还是不如正牌大日如来神掌 But no matter what, this person of relying on one's own power reappears this Mystical Ability to give up study with complete Vairocana Scripture disposition Will and cultivation base wisdom, is worth commending.” “但不管怎么说,这人凭一己之力再现这门神通绝学和完整大日如来经的心性意志修为智慧,都值得褒扬。” At this moment what Lin Feng is interested is. Can oneself act according to these three type law seal, deduces genuinely Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm? 林锋此刻感兴趣的是。自己能不能根据这三式法印,推演出真正大日如来神掌 When the time comes gives a try with the book collection pavilion.” Lin Feng smiles, the line of sight changes other one side. In there, transform into primary form Hu Yanyan also in static cultivate. Does not know beforehand what happened quite the same as. “到时候用藏书阁试试看吧。”林锋一笑,视线转向另外一边。在那里,化为原形的狐焰焰还在静静修练。浑然不知道之前发生了什么 But Sound Transmission Crystal Stone that at this time, Lin Feng grasped on hand had the response. The origin is actually Heaven Desolate Land Fox Clan Lord, Heavenly Fox Nine-Tail Great Saint. 而这时,林锋手头掌握的一枚传音晶石起了反应。来源却是天荒广陆狐族之主,天狐九尾大圣 Lin Feng put through sound transmission, the one straight stiff sound has transmitted: Sect Master Lin, the beforehand matter has not done right by, old body here apologized to you.” 林锋接通了传音,一个平直呆板的声音传来:“林宗主,之前的事情对不住了,老身这里向你道歉。” Daughter Yanyan all does not know the circumstances of the matter, but also looks at the Sect Master Lin can width to pity, the old body wants as apologizing by personally sacrificial refining Yuan Clam Ancient Cortex, but also please kindly accept.” “小女焰焰全不知情,还望林宗主可以宽悯,老身欲以一张亲手祭炼元蜃古皮作为赔礼,还请笑纳。” The Heavenly Fox Great Saint hoodlum, comes up to put the stance actually extremely lowly, and spoke frankly the compensation, requested to forgive. 天狐大圣倒是光棍,一上来就把姿态放得极低,并且直言赔偿,请求原谅。 Yuan Clam Ancient Cortex that in her mouth said that naturally impossible stems from the common clam monster, at least is also achievement Immortal Monster Soul Realm Great Monster leaves behind. 她口中所说的元蜃古皮,自然不可能出自寻常蜃妖,至少也是成就不灭妖魂境界大妖所遗留。 The clam and fox, are skilled in Illusion Technique Monster Race, is Immortal Monster Soul Realm clam monster, after Heavenly Fox Great Saint personally sacrificial refining, extraordinary, deeply has free time again inevitably the nimble imaginary wondrous truth. 蜃与狐,都是精通幻法妖族,本来就是不灭妖魂境界蜃妖的古皮,再经过天狐大圣亲手祭炼,必然不凡,深得空灵变幻的妙谛。 Hu Yanyan refine to melt Black Heaven Calamity Flame, basically ironclad can achievement Immortal Monster Soul, had Black Heaven Calamity Flame in hand, strength even more outstanding extraordinary, the potential was astonishing. 狐焰焰炼化了玄天劫焰,基本上铁定可以成就不灭妖魂,有玄天劫焰在手,实力更加出众不凡,潜力惊人。 Such juniors, being worth the Heavenly Fox Great Saint flower big price redeeming. 这样的子弟,值得天狐大圣花大代价将之赎回去。 Lin Feng has not responded to Heavenly Fox Great Saint, but asked back: Who that is monk?” 林锋却没有回应天狐大圣,而是反问道:“那僧人是谁?” After Heavenly Fox Great Saint silent one next, replied: Old body truly does not know that on the same day that the clergy of young fellow appearance got up my Green Mound Mountain, ravine imaginary is similar to does not have to him the thing, arrives at old body front without consulting anybody.” 天狐大圣沉默了一下后答道:“老身确实不知,当日那少年人模样的僧侣上了我青丘山,山间幻阵对他而言如同无物,径自来到老身面前。” This person of origin becomes a mystery, builds Great Thunderclap Temple direct line Dharma by Monster Race Body, the old body cannot completely understand the his strength, but above me, is actually without a doubt.” “此人来历成谜,以妖族之身修成大雷音寺嫡传佛法,老身也看不透他的实力,但在我之上,却是毫无疑问的。” Lin Feng brow slightly one pressed: Oh, young clergy?” 林锋眉头微微一蹙:“,少年僧侣?” Heavenly Fox Great Saint said: good, he changes to the human form, is a one only young youth.” 天狐大圣说道:“不错,他化作人形,是一个只有十几岁大的少年。” It seems like beforehand that middle-aged monk, is not his in person, just Clone.” Lin Feng pondered over: Buddhism Cultivator sees heart bright, distinguish clearly the real self, may be called Monster Fox Illusion Technique nemesis, can on Green Mound Mountain, pour to be nothing unusual.” “看来之前那个中年僧人,并非他本人,只是一具分身。”林锋思忖:“佛门修士见心明性,明辨真我,堪称妖狐幻法克星,能上得青丘山,倒不足为奇。” „After meeting, this person by Black Heaven Calamity Flame as the exchange, received exchange for daughter Yanyan of old body implementing a plan for him.” Heavenly Fox Great Saint spoke of honestly: „The old body greedy thoughts same place, then consents, but daughter Yanyan truly all does not know the circumstances of the matter, but also asked Sect Master Lin to excuse me.” “见面之后,此人以玄天劫焰作为交换,换取老身的女儿焰焰为他实施一项计划。”天狐大圣坦白说到:“老身贪念一起,便答允下来,但小女焰焰确实全不知情,还请林宗主见谅。” The Lin Feng corners of the mouth show the smiling face of wiping not the easy detection, faint said: this Eminence will not press your daughter, but this matter , to write off in light of this, does not have easy that Heavenly Fox Great Saint you to unite other people to plan this Eminence, this account is not Yuan Clam Ancient Cortex on the can repayment.” 林锋嘴角露出一抹不易察觉的笑容,淡淡说道:“本座不会难为令嫒,但此事若想就此一笔勾销,却没有那么容易,天狐大圣你联合他人算计本座,这笔帐不是一张元蜃古皮可以偿还的。” Heavenly Fox Great Saint calmly said: Sect Master Lin has what request, respects under the instruction.” 天狐大圣静静说道:“林宗主有何要求,敬请示下。” Lin Feng tranquil saying: Heavenly Fox Great Saint , if there is leisure, may come to a this Eminence Jade Capital Mountain to chat.” 林锋平静的说道:“天狐大圣若有闲暇,可来本座玉京山一叙。” Heavenly Fox Great Saint comes quickly, permits after Lin Feng, after on Jade Capital Mountain. Sees arrived Lin Feng in the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect main hall Heavens palace. 天狐大圣来得很快,经过林锋允许,上了玉京山后。在玄门天宗正殿诸天殿内见到了林锋 Her transform into human form, the appearance is the one appearance extremely ordinary middle age female. just made one seem the feeling is amiable, even though the five senses appearance were ordinary. Also different kind aesthetic sense, moreover is quite worth looking, looked a lot, instead the feeling was not so ordinary. 化为人形,样子是一个外貌极为平凡的中年女子。只是令人看上去感觉随和可亲,纵使五官容颜平凡。也有一种别样美感,而且极为耐看,看得多了,反而感觉不那么普通。 But Lin Feng actually knows that this is the shape of Heavenly Fox Great Saint transforming, but when is not her naturally changes to the person appearance, but this is unimportant. 林锋却知道,这是天狐大圣幻化之形,而不是她本身自然化作人身时的模样,不过这并不重要。 Lin Feng spoke a few words, during opposite Heavenly Fox Great Saint falls into to be silent suddenly. 林锋说了一句话,对面的天狐大圣陡然陷入沉默之中。 In the main hall a deathly stillness, Lin Feng sits on the seat of honor. The manner is relaxed, does not worry, calmly waits for the answer of Heavenly Fox Great Saint. 大殿中一片死寂,林锋坐在主座上。神态轻松,也不着急,静静等待天狐大圣的答复。 Long time, Heavenly Fox Great Saint slowly opens the mouth to say finally: „The request of Sect Master Lin, old body complied.” 良久之后,天狐大圣终于缓缓开口说道:“林宗主的要求,老身答应了。” Lin Feng slightly smiles: Already so, Heavenly Fox Great Saint can leads your daughter to return to depart.” 林锋微微一笑:“既如此,天狐大圣可以带令嫒回去了。” Heavenly Fox Great Saint heaved a deep sigh, bringing also somewhat ignorant Hu Yanyan to leave the mountain. 天狐大圣长叹一声,带了还有些懵懂的狐焰焰离山。 Hu Yanyan sized up, mountain on top had not seen anybody, her line of sight looked to distant place Cloud Bridge is connected. Ignites the flaming fire the precipice, in the heart floats off unexpectedly the one Layer faint complex taste. 狐焰焰四下打量了一下,山顶上没有见到任何人,她的视线望向远方云桥相连。燃起熊熊大火的山岩,心中竟然浮起一层淡淡的复杂滋味。 Lin Feng gazed after Heavenly Fox Great Saint and Hu Yanyan mother and daughter leaves Jade Capital Mountain, the chuckle: traitor monk, planned the talented person to leave behind that a thing. You think that such considers as finished?” 林锋目送天狐大圣狐焰焰母女二人离开玉京山,轻笑了一声:“贼和尚,算计了人才留下那么点东西。你以为就这么算了?” but was first round finished, our games just started.” 不过第一回合结束罢了,咱俩的游戏才刚刚开始。” The Hu Yanyan matter, has not raised slightly the storm on Jade Capital Mountain. Until Tun Tun quietly traces the Hu Yanyan stone chamber to look for trouble, discovered that the red fox left Jade Capital Mountain unexpectedly. 狐焰焰的事情,没有在玉京山上掀起丝毫风浪。直到吞吞又悄悄摸摸去狐焰焰的石室想要找麻烦,才发现火狐居然已经离开了玉京山 This arrangement of doing has done. Lin Feng does not fear Heavenly Fox Great Saint to renege on a promise, after mother and daughter leave the mountain. Lin Feng then no longer pays attention , to continue to put arrived sacrificial refining oneself Magical Treasure thoughts, estimates own Dao Technique to come up. 该做的布置都已经做了。林锋也不怕天狐大圣反悔,在她们母女二人离山后。林锋便不再关注,将心思继续放到了祭炼自己法宝,揣摩自身道法上来。 Time fast passes, on Jade Capital Mountain all such as was the same in the past, Shi Tianhao was still closing up cultivate, but Yue Hongyan and Yang Qing also respectively study hard, numerous second generation disciples also in diligently cultivate. 时间飞快流逝,玉京山上一切如往常一样,石天昊仍然在闭关修练,而岳红炎杨清也各自用功,一众二代弟子们也都在努力修练 Quick, Xiao Yan is bringing Lin Tong accompanied by two Great Saint Cultivation Realm Phoenix, returned to Jade Capital Mountain. 很快,萧焱带着林桐在两只大圣境界凤凰陪同下,返回了玉京山 One of them is formerly had seen Fei Ye, but another one, is one already achievement Immortal Monster Soul Second Level, Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Phoenix Clan Expert. 其中之一是先前见过的飞烨,而另一个,则是一只已经成就不灭妖魂二重,原始真灵境界凤凰族强者 but he is the same with Fei Ye, is quite courteous in Lin Feng front, on one hand stemming from respect to the Lin Feng strength, but can make arrogant Phoenix rescue, more is because Lin Feng take action helps one another, the persuasion allows Lin Tong to go to Heaven Desolate Land. 不过他和飞烨一样,在林锋面前都颇为有礼,一方面是出于对林锋实力的尊重,但能让高傲的凤凰拯,更多则是因为林锋出手相助,劝说允许林桐前往天荒广陆 Once more after thanked Lin Feng, two Phoenix send out the sincere invitation to Lin Feng, asking him to go to Parasol Tree Forest to be a guest. 再次谢过林锋之后,两只凤凰更向林锋发出诚挚邀请,请他前往梧桐林做客。 Lin Feng complies with a smile, then just chatted with them. 林锋笑着答应下来,接下来便只是跟他们闲谈。 About Phoenix Clan and Marquis of Jing Huan, Great Zhou Dynasty, how among Supreme Void Temple negotiated specifically, processes the beforehand conflict, Lin Feng had not asked. 关于凤凰族景桓侯,大周皇朝,太虚观之间具体如何交涉,处理之前的冲突,林锋并没有多问。 The Fei Ye two people do not have excessively to stay much, said goodbye to leave quickly, Xiao Yan saw a visitor out for Lin Feng. 飞烨二人也没有过多停留,很快告辞离开,萧焱则替林锋送客。 After two Phoenix leave, Lin Feng patted to meet with a smile throws to small Lin Tong that on him don't agree got down: Was good, Tong'er got down.” 两只凤凰离开后,林锋笑着拍了拍一见面就扑到他身上不肯下来的小林桐:“好了,桐儿下来了。” Small Lin Tong called out: Does not want, does not want, Tong'er is good to think the grandfather!” 林桐叫道:“不要,不要,桐儿好想爷爷啊!” Lin Feng is holding Lin Tong, feels her within the body Spirit Power fluctuation change, really compared to even more to be formerly vigorous, even more spirit fluctuation. 林锋抱着林桐,感受她体内灵力波动变化,果然比起先前更加浑厚,也更加灵动 Truly such as Fei Ye they said that ceremony while treating Wu Tree Sovereign, truly was of great help to Lin Tong. 确实如飞烨他们所言,仪式在治疗梧树皇的同时,也确实对林桐大有裨益。 After Xiao Yan that is responsible for seeing a visitor out comes back, the looks at small koala same hangs in Lin Feng Lin Tong, cannot help but hey straight happy. 负责送客的萧焱回来后,看着小树袋熊一样挂在林锋身上的林桐,不由得嘿嘿直乐。 Lin Feng looked at his an eye, then also small Lin Tong of looks at oneself bosom, said with a smile: Tong'er, looks at that side, some people must be jealous.” 林锋看了他一眼,然后又看着自己怀里的小林桐,笑道:“桐儿,看那边,有人要吃醋了。” Small Lin Tong winked big eye, looks to Xiao Yan, after sucking the finger hesitant one next, said: That... That Tong'er later again looks for grandfather.” Was saying slips from Lin Feng, swoops toward Xiao Yan. 林桐眨了眨大眼睛,望向萧焱,吮着手指犹豫了一下后说道:“那…那桐儿待会儿再来找爷爷。”说着从林锋身上出溜下来,向着萧焱飞扑过去。 Father!” “爹爹!” Had said many have spread, is the adoptive father.” Was stealing still happy Xiao Yan to have a headache immediately, has not actually dared to display in small Lin Tong front, hugs the young doll, resigned-looking looks at Lin Feng, said on the quiet: Master, you cannot old like this.” “说过多少遍了,是干爹。”本来还在偷乐的萧焱顿时头疼了,却还不敢在小林桐面前表现出来,抱起小女娃,一脸无奈的看着林锋,悄悄说道:“师父啊,您不能老这样啊。” Lin Feng doesn't care smiles, looks at Xiao Yan asked: How does this line harvest?” 林锋不在意的一笑,看着萧焱问道:“此行收获如何?”
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