HNOF :: Volume #6

#517: Peerless monster monk, four directions Tatha­gata

Flaming Magic Force of this moment hideaway in Black Heaven Calamity Flame, impressively is Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire that Buddhism Magic Force builds, one type does not have the flaw purely, flame color transparency Buddha Fire, although does not enter Heaven and Earth 7 Great True Fires, but quality above Buddhism Fury Flames of Acala.() 此刻隐藏于玄天劫焰中的火焰状法力,赫然是佛门法力修成的大日琉璃净火,一种纯净无瑕,火焰颜色完全透明的佛火,虽然不入天地七大真火之列,但品质更在佛门不动明王怒火之上。() generally speaking, wants to control the Black Heaven Calamity Flame person, thornily the issue of not best solution, is refining up Black Heaven Calamity Flame definitely to use own Magic Force, but you use own Magic Force to refine, can actually by Black Heaven Calamity Flame Devouring. 一般来说,想要掌控玄天劫焰的人,最棘手最不好解决的问题,就是炼化玄天劫焰必然要用到自身法力,可你用自身法力炼化,却会被玄天劫焰吞噬 Refining up is not successful, Magic Force has instead made the Black Heaven Calamity Flame fuel, lets Black Heaven Calamity Flame even more formidable, therefore even more is also hard to refine, fell into the one endless loop, therefore the throughout the ages thousands of years, can control the person of Black Heaven Calamity Flame to be quite scarce. 炼化不成功,法力反而做了玄天劫焰的燃料,让玄天劫焰越发强大,于是也就越发难以炼化,陷入了一个死循环中,所以古往今来千万年,能掌控玄天劫焰之人极为稀少。 But Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire, the itself might is not strong, has the one characteristics, defends oneself, does not vacillate, Buddha distinguish clearly the real self, comfortable Immortal True Meaning, therefore was built up certainly difficultly. 大日琉璃净火,本身威力并不强,却有一个特点,就是稳守自身,绝不动摇,有一种佛陀明辨真我,自在不朽真意,所以绝难被人炼化。 Black Heaven Calamity Flame Devouring Myriad Things expands oneself body, as long as the matter always has the exception, Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire is unusual several Black Heaven Calamity Flame is unable the Devouring thing. 玄天劫焰吞噬万物壮大己身,但凡事总有例外,大日琉璃净火就是少有的几种玄天劫焰无法吞噬的东西。 The destructive power to the outside cannot compare Black Heaven Calamity Flame, but Black Heaven Calamity Flame on can't beat it. 对外界的破坏力比不得玄天劫焰,但玄天劫焰偏就奈何不得它。 Hu Yanyan is arrived Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire, can therefore subdue to catch Black Heaven Calamity Flame. 狐焰焰便是得到了大日琉璃净火,所以才能收服捕获玄天劫焰 But the issue is, this Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire is Vairocana Scripture, but Vairocana Scripture has been lost for many years, who cultivates formed this fire, why can also give Hu Yanyan? 但问题在于,这大日琉璃净火大日如来经所出,而大日如来经已经失传多年了,谁修成了此火,又为什么要送给狐焰焰 Has traded other people, but also looks at the doesn't come out clue, but Lin Feng has unabridged book Vairocana Scripture besides general outline on hand, so long as he wants, his oneself can cultivate Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire. Therefore he determined very much clearly that Hu Yanyan Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire has the issue. 换了其他人,还看不出端倪,但林锋手头却有除了总纲以外的全本大日如来经,只要他愿意,他自己就能修出大日琉璃净火。所以他很清楚的确定,狐焰焰大日琉璃净火有问题。 Improves from now on edition after somebody. 是经过某人改良过后的版本。 And integrated Monster Race cultivate Technique unexpectedly. But fuses after Dharma has not actually been out of sorts. 其中竟然融入了妖族修练法门。可是与佛法融合后却没有丝毫违和。 To achieve this point, at least must satisfy two conditions. First, ameliorator own cultivation base Cultivation Realm is extremely high, its two, this person cultivates Technique and Buddhism Secret Technique cultivate arrived very profound situation Monster Race. 想要做到这一点,至少要满足两个条件。其一,改良者自身修为境界极高,其二,这个人妖族修炼法门佛门法诀修练到了非常高深的地步。 Both are top cultivate Technique, deeply gathers the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao highest good. 本质上来说,两者都是顶尖修练法门,深合天地大道至理。 But so be careful ambush cautiously, no matter how looked that hides malicious intent under a fair countenance. 但如此小心翼翼的潜伏下来,不管怎么看,都是包藏祸心。 If Lin Feng has not estimated by All-Heaven Barrier Boundary Mystical Ability Magic Force carefully, careless receives Black Heaven Calamity Flame. Unavoidably also wants the move. 林锋若是没有凭借诸天界障神通法力仔细揣摩,就那么大大咧咧玄天劫焰收起。难免也要中招。 This makes Lin Feng have to suspect that perhaps Hu Yanyan itself does not know the circumstances of the matter, but she they were picked by Tun Tun and Shi Tianhao, was planned completely. 这让林锋不得不怀疑,狐焰焰本身或许并不知情,但她被吞吞石天昊他们捡回来,完全是被人算计好的。 Tun Tun after on Desolate Sea Daoist Assembly makes an appearance, the person with high aspirations is not difficult to find out her foundation, with the gratitude and grudges between Hei Shui Mysterious Dark and Fox Clan, is not the secret. 吞吞荒海法会上露面后,有心人不难查出她的根底,同黑水玄冥狐族之间的恩怨,也不是隐秘。 Heavenly Fox Great Saint requested that Lin Feng keeps Hu Yanyan on mountain, Lin Feng then realizes several points of strange, but before genuinely inquires about Black Heaven Calamity Flame carefully. Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire hides in is indetectable, Lin Feng cannot finds out foundation, therefore also lets matters drift. 天狐大圣请求林锋狐焰焰在山上,林锋便察觉到几分诡异,但在真正仔细探寻玄天劫焰之前。大日琉璃净火隐藏在里面不易发现,林锋没能摸清其中根底,所以也就听之任之。 Doesn't hate the child wrap not to the wolf?” Lin Feng smiled: Feared that compensated Madame to fold the soldier.” “舍不得孩子套不得狼?”林锋笑了笑:“怕是赔了夫人又折兵吧。” The Lin Feng palm stands, in airborne empty chops. All-Heaven Barrier Boundary Magic Force has the function once more, divides directly Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire in Black Heaven Calamity Flame. 林锋手掌立起,在空中虚砍一下。诸天界障法力再次产生作用,直接将玄天劫焰中的大日琉璃净火分割开来。 Now, actually making us come to see is who to play tricks.” “现在,让我们来看看究竟是谁在捣鬼。” In that transparent flame. Appears gradually the one person's shadow. 在那透明的火光中。渐渐浮现一个人影。 That is one wears Cassock, facial features gentle middle age monk. Whole body Buddha’s radiance is bright, the buddhist image is dignified. But in Buddha’s radiance actually clearly shows Monster Qi. 那是一个身披袈裟,面容平和的中年僧人。周身佛光熠熠,宝相庄严。但佛光中却分明透出一股妖气 The Lin Feng brow selects: Oh? Unexpectedly is one cultivate direct line Dharma Monster Race?” 林锋眉头一挑:“?居然是一个修练嫡传佛法妖族?” The twin engine Magic Force Spiritual Sense contact, that middle-aged monk tranquil same Lin Feng looks at each other, slowly said: Profound Gate's Master, lives up to reputation, this poor monk cherishes actually luckily, was disrespectful.” 双发法力灵识接触,那中年僧人平静的同林锋对视,缓缓说道:“玄门之主,名不虚传,倒是贫僧心怀侥幸,失礼了。” Lin Feng is staring at him, said slowly: „More than 4000 years ago, Great Thunderclap Temple Vairocana Scripture is then lost, your cultivate has, was Vairocana Scripture in the past falls to the enemy in Heaven Desolate Land, or said that you once did study Dharma in Great Thunderclap Temple?” 林锋盯着他,徐徐说道:“4000多年前,大雷音寺大日如来经便告失传,你却修练有成,是大日如来经昔年失陷在天荒广陆了,还是说你曾经在大雷音寺修习佛法?” Middle-aged monk both palms about ten said: „When next time meeting again/goodbye, spoke in detail with Profound Gate's Master again.” 中年僧人双掌合十说道:“下次再见时,再与玄门之主详谈吧。” At the same time was saying, the his personal appearance starts to vanish unexpectedly gradually, transparent Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire, fire intensity also starts becomes weak, must extinguish shortly. 一边说着,他的身形竟然开始渐渐消失,透明的大日琉璃净火,火势也开始变得微弱,眼看就要熄灭。 Lin Feng said indifferently: Now wants to walk, late.” 林锋淡然说道:“现在想走,迟了。” All-Heaven Barrier Boundary suddenly changes, Domain Strength, changes to Formless giant hand, entire acts bashful directly Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire, blocks the step of its evacuation forcefully. 诸天界障猛然一变,界域封断之力,化作无形巨手,直接将大日琉璃净火整个拿捏住,强行阻断其撤离的步伐。 That middle-aged monk not many idle talk, are sat cross-legged to sit, at this time stood up suddenly, has been striking a fist to Lin Feng distantly. 那中年僧人也不多废话,本来是盘膝而坐,这时忽地站起身来,对着林锋遥遥击出了一拳。 This boxing leaves, immediately a conceitedness, I make ruler Domain to reveal, frightens Heaven and Earth, in precisely Great Thunderclap Temple Paramount ancient book Five Dhyani Buddha Scriptures, fights Magic Force to measure strongest Vairocana Scripture Strength Domain. 这一拳击出,顿时一股唯我独尊,我做主宰意境流露出来,震慑天地,正是大雷音寺至高典籍五方如来经中,斗法力最强大日如来经力量意境 Buddhism actual combat strongest Fighting Technique Mystical Ability, is the Vairocana Scripture general outline, Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm Fist Seal! 佛门实战最强斗法神通,同时也是大日如来经的总纲,大日如来神掌拳印 As if Vairocana falls the descend to Earth world, talks straight and frankly, said the space underground, conceited! 仿佛大日如来临尘世,指天画地,说天上地下,唯我独尊! Divine Great Land Human Race Dao Cultivation, strongest military Dao Divinity! 神州浩土人族修道界,最强道神通! A boxing leaves, crushes the Heaven and Earth power and influence, relies on the explosive force in the flash unexpectedly, almost Lin Feng's All-Heaven Grand Capture shake open! 一拳击出,粉碎天地的威势,竟然在一瞬间凭借爆发力,差点将林锋的诸天大擒拿震开 Lin Feng eye slightly one bright: Comes well!” 林锋眼睛微微一亮:“来得好!” In All-Heaven Barrier Boundary Domain Strength, the one imposing manner grand and imposing earthly yellow photograph appears the personal appearance, both hands tie seal, Heaven Supporting Seal ** strength suppression gets down, immediately suppresses that middle-aged monk. 诸天界障界域之力中,一个气势沉雄土黄人像现出身形,双手结印,承天印的强**力镇压下来,顿时将那中年僧人压住。 Although Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm is strong, how this middle-aged monk just Dao Technique strength Divine Sense to condense, is not including Mystical Ability Dharma Body, facing Lin Feng suppression Ten Earths, load bearing Nine Heavens law seal , can only obediently by suppression, not can be moved. 大日如来神掌虽强,奈何这中年僧人只是道法神念凝聚,连神通法身都算不上,面对林锋镇压十地,承载九天的法印,也只能乖乖镇压,动弹不得。 Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire extinguishes thoroughly, is actually not the opposite party successfully flees, but was prohibited thoroughly by Lin Feng. 大日琉璃净火彻底熄灭,却不是对方成功遁走,而是被林锋彻底封禁住了。 The middle-aged monk expression is calm, Divine Consciousness belongs to Annihilation, the last point of thought is flashing: Profound Gate's Master... We... Quick... meeting again/goodbye...” 中年僧人表情平静,神识归于寂灭,最后一分意念闪动着:“玄门之主…我们…很快…再见…” Monster Realm Heaven Desolate Land, above a piece of wilderness, one wears monk of grey clothes to walk gradually. 妖界天荒广陆,一片荒原之上,一个身穿灰衣的僧人正在缓步行走。 This clergy seems very young, a just one young youth, handsome extraordinary, the five senses are delicate. Wears one already the somewhat tattered buddhist monk's robes, is red the both feet to step on the unpolished rice ground. 这个僧侣看上去非常年轻,只是一个十几岁大的少年,俊美不凡,五官清秀。身穿一件已经有些破烂的僧衣,赤着双脚踩在粗粝的地面上。 The young clergy stops the footsteps. raises the head look at the sky, in the sky five groups of Light Avatar flash. In five monk from the ray go out gradually, four people establish separately east , south , west and north 4 sides, finally one person resides in the young clergy top of the head above central location. 少年僧侣停下脚步。抬头望天,天空中五团光影闪动。自光芒中五个僧人缓步走出,其中四人分立东西南北四方,最后一人则居于少年僧侣头顶正上方中央位置。 Resides in the 4 sides four monks, the whole body high and low is Buddha’s radiance covers, those who are in the East is the one look is tranquil, is not angry non- angry skinny monk, the skin color becomes dark, is thin is similar to the skin and bones is the same. 居于四方的四个和尚,周身上下都为佛光所笼罩,处于东方的是一个神色平静,无嗔无怒的枯瘦僧人,肤色发黑,瘦得如同皮包骨一样。 But is spatial in this skinny monk on top, Buddha’s radiance projects. Unifies giant ancient in the Eastern sky, the whole body pure gold, the body Pan-Blue camp light. 但在这枯瘦僧人顶上空,佛光投射。在东方天空凝聚成一尊巨大古佛,通体纯金,身泛蓝光。 Ancient sits , is being lifted by eight elephants on throne, holds the diamond to poke and bell, the precisely Akshobhya Tathagata image. 古佛坐在由八只大象抬着的宝座上,持金刚杵与铃,正是不动如来的形象。 But situated in the West is the one old monk, the age is large, on the face the gully able to move unhindered, two white eyebrows long dangle, including some stature rickets. 而位于西方的则是一个老僧,年龄颇大,脸上沟壑纵横,两条白眉长长垂下,连身材都有些佝偻。 Old monk on top spatial Buddha’s radiance projects. Condenses a giant Buddha in the Western sky similarly, the body similarly is golden color, the body sends out the ray is the red. 老僧头顶上佛光投射。在西方天空同样凝聚成一尊巨大佛陀,身体同样是金色,身上散发光芒则是红色。 Buddha sits on the lotus flower and full moon, its below throne is being lifted by eight peacocks. right hand holds the lotus, left hand holds bell, is actually the Amitabha Tathagata image. 佛陀坐在莲花与满月轮上,其下的宝座由八只孔雀抬着。右手持莲,左手持铃,却是无量光如来的形象。 Establishes separately by the north and south. Then is two youth monk, one unemotionally. one is with smile on the face, their top of the head also has Buddha’s radiance to project. Condenses two Buddha respectively. 分立南北两侧的。则是两个青年僧人,一个面无表情。一个则面带微笑,他们头顶也有佛光射出。分别凝聚成两尊佛陀。 In the southern sky is sits Buddha on lotus flower, before the lotus flower , the useful eight horses is lifting the moon and throne, Buddha right hand holds the pleasant bead, left hand holds the bell, is Ratnasambhava Tathagata in five side Tatha­gata. 南方天空上是一尊坐在莲花上的佛陀,莲花前有用八匹马抬着的月轮及宝座,佛陀右手持如意珠,左手持铃,乃是五方如来中的宝生如来 In the northern sky Buddha’s radiance condenses the Amoghasiddhi Tatha­gata image, right hand holds Double Vajra, left hand holds the bell, the throne is lifting by person long horn Sangsang Bird. 北方天空中佛光则凝聚成不空成就如来的形象,右手双金刚,左手持铃,宝座由人身长角桑桑鸟抬着。 4 sides Tatha­gata surrounds and protects the center together, the central place is setting up one middle age monk, precisely just now that monk that Lin Feng deals with. 四方如来共同拱卫中央,中央处立着一个中年僧人,正是方才跟林锋打交道的那名僧人 Although he in person Dharma Idol is dignified, whole body is Buddha’s radiance covers, but in five people only has the his top of the head, Buddha’s radiance has not condensed the Buddha image. 他虽然本人法相庄严,周身为佛光笼罩,但五人中唯有他的头顶,佛光没有凝聚成佛陀形象。 Wears the grey clothes, the handsome extraordinary young clergy stands on the wilderness, the five clergies in raises the head smile looks at top of the head: It seems like, has to lose.” 身着灰衣,俊美不凡的少年僧侣站在荒原上,抬头微笑看着头顶的五名僧侣:“看来,有得有失啊。” First said situated in central middle-aged monk: Profound Gate's Master lives up to reputation, not only has discovered Vairocana Glazed Purifying Fire, prohibiting, this poor monk is unable to take back the Buddha strength, he has the possibility therefore to obtain Vairocana Buddha's Divine Palm Fist Seal very much.” 位于中央的中年僧人首先说道:“玄门之主名不虚传,不仅发现了大日琉璃净火,更将之封禁,贫僧无法收回佛力,他很有可能因此获得大日如来神掌拳印。” Although only three type Fist Seal, but after all in fall on his hand.” “虽然只有三式拳印,但终归落在他手里。” Grey clothes young clergy slightly smiles: just three type Fist Seal, pour to return It is no bother, original Vairocana Scripture is incomplete, therefore you are unable to condense Vairocana Dharma Body.” 灰衣少年僧侣微微一笑:“只是三式拳印,倒还无妨,本来大日如来经就是残缺不全的,所以你才迟迟无法凝聚大日如来法体。” If the Profound Gate's Master can help complements, that is the boundless beneficence, this poor monk wishes for earnestly.” “若是玄门之主可以帮忙补全,那可是功德无量,贫僧求之不得。” His raises the head looks to being located in southern youth monk: Your that side?” 抬头看向位于南方的青年僧人:“你那边呢?” Said with a smile situated in southern youth monk: Performs is grasping, although there is some unexpected, Profound Gate's Master will return Parasol Tree Core unexpectedly, but his Big Disciple Xiao Yan also together goes to Parasol Tree Forest with that two Phoenix, perhaps for Phoenix Clan Pure Yang True Fire?” 位于南方的青年僧人笑道:“尽在掌握,虽然有些出乎预料,玄门之主竟然会归还梧桐木心,不过他的大弟子萧焱也同那两头凤凰一起前往梧桐林,或许是为了凤凰族纯阳真火?” Grey clothes young clergy slightly shakes the head: Also had the possibility to leave other changes.” 灰衣少年僧侣微微摇头:“也有可能出了些别的变化。” Middle-aged monk situated in central sky, looks Ratnasambhava Tathagata youth monk to appears, knits the brows saying: „Will you select such one collaborator? Accomplishes insufficient, messes things up, conceited not to know the immensity of Heaven and Earth, this poor monk, if you, a finger twists him.” 位于中央天空的中年僧人,看向显化南方宝生如来的青年僧人,皱眉说道:“你怎么会挑了这样一个合作者?成事不足,败事有余,狂妄自大不知天高地厚,贫僧若是你,一指头捻死他。” Youth monk smiles saying of Heh Heh: Courteous is spatial, extremely arrogant is also spatial, is empty mind and empty self, why must offended?” 青年僧人呵呵的说道:“谦恭是空,狂妄也是空,看空是空,何须介怀?” Opens the mouth situated in Eastern skinny monk suddenly: big sun, you moved are angry to read.” 位于东方的枯瘦僧人突然开口:“大日,你动嗔念了。” Central middle-aged monk calmly said: This poor monk cultivation truly returns not arrive.” 中央的中年僧人静静说道:“贫僧修行确实还不到。” First did not discuss, we have the matter to do.” Grey clothes young clergy smiles the racket bald of oneself, the sky lived apart 4 sides central five monk to fall, Buddha’s radiance income within the body, on the contrary was their oneself body gradually transform into Light Avatar. “先不讨论啦,我们还有事情要做。”灰衣少年僧侣笑着拍拍自己的光头,上空分居四方中央的五个僧人全都落了下来,佛光收入体内,反倒是他们自己的身体渐渐化为光影 Five person's shadows, move toward the grey clothes young clergy together, unites with his in person. 五个人影,一起走向灰衣少年僧侣,同他本人合一。 Finally, on the wilderness then only remaining young clergy one person, before situated in Buddha and five monk of 4 sides sky, as if always not previously have appeared. 最后,荒原上便只剩下少年僧侣一人,之前位居四方天空的佛陀和五个僧人,都仿佛从来不曾出现过。 Time is getting more and more urgent.” Grey clothes young clergy slightly smiles , to continue, walks on the wilderness gradually. 时间越来越紧迫啦。”灰衣少年僧侣微微一笑,继续前行,一步一步在荒原上行走。
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