HNOF :: Volume #6

#514: Is dormant the later eruption

Some of my truly a lot do not understand.” The Xiao Yan peak had shrugged the arm: For example, I do not understand you to have what energy can to be so extremely arrogant, talk too much to ask one, you crazily become this, perhaps does not remember that what oneself was surnamed?” “我确实有很多事情不懂。”萧焱耸了耸了肩膀:“比方说,我就不懂你有何底气可以如此狂妄,多嘴问一句,你狂成这样,恐怕都不记得自己姓什么了吧?” The Xiao Yan line of sight sizes up Marquis of Jing Huan up and down, vision is very impolite: Should the eternal truth hearsay not say, are you Zhou Emperor Liang Pan illegitimate child? even if you are his illegitimate child, causes such big trouble to Great Zhou Dynasty, Liang Pan impossible is also protecting you.” 萧焱视线上下打量景桓侯,目光很不客气:“该不会真如传闻所言,你是周帝梁盘的私生子吧?就算你是他私生子,给大周皇朝惹这么大的祸,梁盘不可能护着你。” The Marquis of Jing Huan youth is successful, obtained seals to enjoy extremely heavy, even was bestowed the bright yellow clothing clothing especially, is almost equal to Imperial Clan, Great Zhou Dynasty some censures, even some people passed on a message he are the Zhou Emperor Liang Pan illegitimate children. 景桓侯少年得志,所得封赏太过厚重,甚至被特赐明黄服饰穿戴,几乎等同皇族,大周皇朝内部都有许多非议,以至于甚至有人传言他是周帝梁盘的私生子。 Liang Pan in person shows neither approval nor disapproval, Marquis of Jing Huan this party concerned also never responded. 梁盘本人对此不置可否,景桓侯这个当事者也从不回应。 Xiao Yan looks at he: Then is Great Zhou Crown Prince Liang Yuan for no reason provoke first, provokes Phoenix Clan, is the big crime error, light, then discards the position of Crown Prince, heavy even more has punishes.” 萧焱看着他:“便是大周太子梁元无故启衅,招惹凤凰族,也是大罪过失,轻则废掉太子之位,重则还要有更多处罚。” Marquis of Jing Huan side two big Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator and other Nascent Soul Realm Expert, are very been uncomfortable, complexion that the Xiao Yan's vision sizes up bad is staring at him, strong killing nature hostility spreads, frightening. 景桓侯身边的两大元婴后期修士和其他元婴期强者,都被萧焱的目光打量的很不舒服,都脸色不善的盯着他,浓重杀性戾气扩散开来,令人胆颤心惊。 Marquis of Jing Huan in person actually does not lose one's temper, said calmly: Therefore This Marquis said that a lot, you do not understand.” 景桓侯本人却并不动怒,平静说道:“所以本侯才说,很多事情,你不懂。” Xiao Yan, under Profound Gate's Master's tutelage Sect Master Big Disciple, the Great Qin Dynasty Wuzhou City Xiao family family background, properly speaking the age is 19 years old, but cultivate of should in accelerating Time Celestials Dwelling, therefore age already over 20.” 萧焱,玄门之主座下掌门大弟子,大秦皇朝乌州城萧氏家族出身,按理说年龄是19岁,但应该在加速时间洞天修练过,所以年龄已经超过20。” One year ago on Flowing Light Sword Sect Mountain Gate Passing Clouds Peak, by Golden Core Initial Stage cultivation base and a Great Qin Dynasty Crown Prince Shi Chongyun war, has True Solar Fire and Hell Evil Fire two big True Fire. Once offered a sacrifice to Mystical Ability that two fires united, destroyed Shi Chongyun Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact. Fights evenly with Shi Chongyun.” “一年前在流光剑宗山门行云峰上,以金丹初期修为大秦皇朝太子石崇云一战,身怀太阳真火幽冥邪煌两大真火。曾经祭出两火合一的神通,摧毁石崇云一件元婴期法器。与石崇云战成平手。” The Marquis of Jing Huan expression is light, is familiar with the Xiao Yan entire life: After this war. Promotes Golden Core Intermediate Stage Cultivation Realm, then vanishes, on Passing Clouds Peak a war is you for the past year last take action.” 景桓侯语气平淡,却对萧焱生平如数家珍:“此战过后。晋升金丹中期境界,然后消失,行云峰上一战是你近一年来最后一次出手。” However your present cultivation base, has achieved Golden Core Late Stage, the winding speed truly is but actually quick, contrasts your beforehand success, your present strength least can defeat Nascent Soul Intermediate Stage Cultivator, can fight to Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator.” “而你现在的修为,已经达到金丹后期,提升速度倒确实很快,对比你之前的战绩,你现在的实力最少可以击败元婴中期修士,对上元婴后期修士也能一战。” Marquis of Jing Huan spoke of here, vision slightly moved: Common criticism. under Profound Gate's Master's tutelage whole families monstruous talent, now looks at you, this word truly not empty.” 景桓侯说到这里,目光微微动了一下:“常有人言。玄门之主座下满门妖孽,现在看着你,此言确实不虚。” Profound Gate's Master, Honourable is outstanding.” Marquis of Jing Huan look tranquilly as before: „But if you think that depending on your oneself, can interferes the This Marquis matter, that was completely mistaken.” 玄门之主,真人杰也。”景桓侯神色平静依旧:“但若你以为凭你自己,可以干涉本侯的事情,那就大错特错了。” This Marquis oneself socializes with this Red Phoenix depending on Ancient Emperor Blade, can delay is very long, but your God-Slaying Golem to This Marquis, can support long Time?” 本侯自己古帝刀与这赤凤周旋,也能拖延很久,但你对上本侯斩神傀儡,又能支持多长时间?” That said. But looks at his relaxed manner, no matter Xiao Yan or Fei Ye and Mo Yu, can see him besides Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag, Ancient Emperor Blade and God-Slaying Golem, definitely also has other trump card. 话是这么说。但看他那轻松的态度,不管是萧焱还是飞烨墨玉,都能看出他除了不灭皇旗古帝刀斩神傀儡外,肯定还有别的底牌 This let person careful thoughts, extreme fear. Treasure Item of three Divine Origin ranks, unexpectedly is also not the complete strength of this person. 这就让人细思极恐了。三件元神级别的宝物,竟然还不是此人的全部实力。 Or exchanges also can.” Marquis of Jing Huan spoke with confidence: This Marquis also wants to try Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Dao Technique Mystical Ability, has what originality.” “或者对换一下也可以。”景桓侯侃侃而谈:“本侯也想试一试玄门天宗道法神通,到底有何独到之处。” Xiao Yan unperturbed fearless. Hey said with a smile: Good, we give a try.” 萧焱夷然无惧。嘿嘿笑道:“好啊,那咱们就来试试看呗。” His both hands gather. The shining flame gush out comes out immediately, is similar to one small Sun raises in Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag internal Celestials Dwelling slowly. 他双手一合。金灿灿的火焰顿时喷薄出来,如同一个小型太阳不灭皇旗的内部洞天里冉冉升起。 Only uses True Solar Fire? Useless. This Marquis does not have Ancient Emperor Blade in hand, with you same is Golden Core Late Stage, you only use True Fire are not This Marquis opponent, let alone This Marquis now Nascent Soul does Late Stage, grasp Ancient Emperor Blade?” “只用太阳真火?没用的。本侯没有古帝刀在手,跟你一样是金丹后期,你只用一种真火都不是本侯对手,更何况本侯现在元婴后期,手持古帝刀?” In the Marquis of Jing Huan speaking voice, personal appearance flashes, is blocked Fei Ye by God-Slaying Golem suddenly temporarily, oneself suddenly, before rushed to the Xiao Yan body. 景桓侯说话声中,身形突然一闪,由斩神傀儡暂时挡住飞烨,自己忽地一下,已经冲到萧焱身前。 The Martial Dao Cultivator Fleshly Body vitality erupts, unifies Space shuttle Strength, the short distance preying sprint speed is faster than the lightning. 武道修士肉身气血爆发,结合空间穿梭之力,近距离搏杀冲刺速度比闪电都快。 Supreme Sovereign Law Book, Tyrant Sovereign Decree!” 太皇法书,霸皇令!” Marquis of Jing Huan right hand grabs Ancient Emperor Blade not to use, the backhand receives the back in behind, the left hand five fingers opens, covering the sky and blocking the Sun same turned toward the Xiao Yan overhead to rumble. 景桓侯右手抓着古帝刀并没有使用,反手收刀背在身后,左手则五指张开,遮天蔽日一样向着萧焱当头轰了下来。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! 嗡!嗡!嗡! Space sends out intermittent suddenly Xiang, Xiao Yan discovers around the oneself body the surrounding area several li (0.5km) in Void air as if all of a sudden to be found time impressively, Space collapses toward oneself non-stop, must push him in the middle, presses the muddy flesh. 空间发出阵阵暴响,萧焱赫然发现自己身体周围方圆数里虚空中的空气都仿佛被一下子抽空,空间向着自己不停坍塌,要将他挤在中间,压成肉泥。 A Marquis of Jing Huan palm presses, is similar to the ruler is dignified, the overbearing law, issues an order, Heaven and Earth scenery since. 景桓侯一掌压下来,就如同帝皇威严,霸道法令,一声令下,天地景从。 The this move Tyrant Sovereign Decree power and influence, by military Dao Divinity, simulated Heaven and Earth Annihilation terrifying Strength unexpectedly. 这一式霸皇令的威势,竟然以武道神通,模拟出了天地寂灭般的恐怖力量 Xiao Yan has not experienced personally the fight with Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator, but he listens to Zhu Yi and other Martial Brothers to raise Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor, reveals the Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol formidable battle efficiency. 萧焱没有亲身经历过同元婴后期修士的战斗,但他听朱易师兄弟们提过元婴后期老祖,亮出天地法相强大战斗力。 just actually not this moment Marquis of Jing Huan Fleshly Body and Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol coincide, this move Tyrant Sovereign Decree comes formidable. 只是却都没有此刻景桓侯肉身天地法相相合,这一式霸皇令来得强大 A Marquis of Jing Huan solely such palm, breaks to pieces most Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol on the can racket! 景桓侯单单这么一掌,就可以拍碎大多数元婴后期修士天地法相 Does not depend on Divine Origin Magical Treasure, depends on his oneself cultivation base, he can sweep away Nascent Soul Realm, unusual person enemy. 不靠元神法宝,就凭他自己一身修为,他都能横扫元婴期,少有人敌。 Ha, comes well!” Xiao Yan sneers, palm center golden light is shining, as if myriad points crowd around in together True Solar Fire, suddenly has the change. “哈,来得好!”萧焱冷笑一声,手掌中心金光灿灿,仿佛万千针芒簇拥在一起的太阳真火中,突然生出变化。 one path with is golden color, but actually flashes the red blue two color rays flame to shine suddenly in Xiao Yan in the palm of the hand. 一道同为金色,但是却闪动红蓝二色光芒的火焰忽地在萧焱掌心中亮起。 In the Xiao Yan's both eyes pupil, flashes suddenly respectively two flames, in the left eye is purely golden color, the flame is similar to a point, dazzling eye-catching, the right eye is in golden light the flood red blue two colors, enhances one another's beauty. 萧焱的双眼瞳孔中,突然分别闪动两蓬火光,左眼中是纯粹金色,火光如同针芒,刺眼夺目,右眼则是金光中泛红蓝二色,交相辉映。 His own Magic Force revolves pinnacle, the both hands ten fingers puts on the leaf to pick flowers to rock flexible, path after path Secret Technique was infiltrated in True Fire of palm by him instantaneously. 他自身法力运转到极致,双手十根手指穿叶摘花般灵活晃动,一道又一道法诀在瞬间被他打入掌心的真火中。 An incomparable terrifying imposing manner sends out, that is combustion Destruction all, Heaven and Earth Good Fortune also transform into ashes formidable Strength Domain. 一股无比恐怖的气势散发开来,那是燃烧毁灭一切,将天地造化化为灰烬的强大力量意境 Firmament Fire Lotus!” Xiao Yan deeply inspires, both palms gathers suddenly, the wild flame is peaceful, congeals a golden color base of lotus flower of only palm of the hand size, the base of lotus flower center, the red blue two color ray transform into stamens and pistils drags gently. 苍穹火莲!”萧焱深吸一口气,双掌猛然一合,狂暴的火焰安静下来,凝结成一朵只有巴掌大小的金色莲座,莲座中央,红蓝二色光芒化为花蕊轻轻摇曳。 True Fire Fusion form flame lotus flower, has achieved Golden Core Late Stage Cultivation Realm Xiao Yan, this fusion is more relaxed than on Passing Clouds Peak it on the same day, even more is smooth, even more is quick, almost only in instantaneously ends formed this incomparable terrifying Magical Technique Mystical Ability. 真火融合而成火焰莲花,已经达到金丹后期境界萧焱,这一次融合比之当日在行云峰上要轻松许多,更加顺利,也更加快捷,几乎只在瞬间就完成了这个无比恐怖法术神通 His been dormant is too long, today must erupt thoroughly, announced to entire Under the Heavens that once moved Divine Land Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Big Disciple, official return! 他已经蛰伏的太久,今天就要彻底爆发,向全天下宣告,那个曾经名动神州玄门天宗大弟子,正式回归! Meanwhile, Marquis of Jing Huan Tyrant Sovereign Decree was in charge also to rumble. 与此同时,景桓侯霸皇令掌印也已经轰了下来。 Xiao Yan not at all hesitant to golden color Firmament Fire Lotus welcome on hand to Marquis of Jing Huan Tyrant Sovereign Decree, in roaring sound, black light World endomorphism bright. 萧焱毫不犹豫以手头金色苍穹火莲迎向景桓侯霸皇令,轰鸣声中,黑光世界内变得一片明亮。 next moment, in Void by endless Fire Sea engulf, took a broad view at to look, is the golden color flame, limitless. 下一刻,虚空中就被无尽火海吞没,放眼望去,全是金色火焰,无边无际。 Including Fei Ye of Great Saint rank for it surprised, Monster King Late Stage Mo Yu and Marquis of Jing Huan subordinates two Nascent Soul Late Stage Expert feels the heart startled, Marquis of Jing Huan did not say that Firmament Fire Lotus really terrifying after Xiao Yan two big True Fire Fusion. 大圣级别的飞烨都为之侧目,妖王后期墨玉景桓侯麾下两名元婴后期强者更是感到心惊,景桓侯就不说了,萧焱两大真火融合后的苍穹火莲着实恐怖 So the might, common Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator must be scared, this is can destroy their Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol, even strike to kill their Strength. 如此威力,寻常的元婴后期修士要为之胆寒,这是能摧毁他们的天地法相,甚至击杀他们的力量 golden color Fire Sea is enormous and powerful, red blue two color radiance dance in the air. 金色火海浩浩荡荡,还有红蓝二色光辉飞舞。 The Fire Sea center, Xiao Yan is similar to flame Monarch, stands proudly, the just his look slightly dignified several points, the vision stares at the distant place to place Marquis of Jing Huan in Fire Sea similarly. 火海中央,萧焱如同火焰帝王,傲然而立,只是他的神色微微凝重几分,目光盯着远方同样身处火海中的景桓侯 In Marquis of Jing Huan also stand on Fire Sea, turns a blind eye to the side raging fire. 景桓侯立于火海中,对身旁烈火视若无睹。 The Xiao Yan heart said: This person formidable, Great Qin Crown Prince Shi Chongyun even if cultivate arrived Nascent Soul Late Stage, meets my Firmament Fire Lotus, is not necessarily able to withstand, this person spells by the body of Fleshly Body hardly, truly has real skill.” 萧焱心道:“此人着实强悍,大秦太子石崇云就算修练到了元婴后期,接我一下苍穹火莲,都未必能承受住,此人以肉身之躯硬拼,确实有两下子。” So the might, steadily won similar Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator.” Since contrary to Xiao Yan, Marquis of Jing Huan complexion even more has been dignified, comes, on the face first time shows the surprise facial expression: Two True Fire that you fused a moment ago, one type is True Solar Fire will not have the mistake, is the second type...” “如此威力,已经稳胜一般元婴后期修士了。”相对于萧焱,景桓侯脸色更加凝重,现身以来,脸上第一次露出意外神情:“你刚才融合的两种真火,一种是太阳真火不会有错,可是第二种…” well, golden color, flashes the red blue ray, that is Southern Bright Hexagram Fire, you really have Southern Bright Hexagram Fire, besides True Solar Fire and Southern Bright Hexagram Fire, you also has Hell Evil Fire.” Marquis of Jing Huan eyes flashes moves, opens the mouth saying: You do not have two big True Fire, do you actually simultaneously have three big True Fire?” 唔,金色,闪动红蓝光芒,那是南明离火,你竟然还有南明离火,除了太阳真火南明离火,你还有幽冥邪煌。”景桓侯目光闪动,开口说道:“你不是身怀两大真火,你竟然同时拥有三大真火?” Such remarks, the people are all startled, simultaneously by shocking the vision looks to Xiao Yan. 此言一出,众人皆惊,同时以震惊目光望向萧焱 Compels to draw back God-Slaying Golem including Fei Ye, suspends fighting, the line of sight looks to Xiao Yan: „Does this child actually simultaneously have three big True Fire?” 飞烨都逼退斩神傀儡,暂停战斗,视线望向萧焱:“此子竟然同时身怀三大真火?” Xiao Yan faint smiles, has not spoken, is equal to tacitly approving. 萧焱淡淡一笑,没有说话,等于默认。 In Space Time is suddenly peaceful, no matter Marquis of Jing Huan or Fei Ye, or Mo Yu and the others, this moment in the heart floats off the one same issue. 空间中一时间突然安静下来,不管是景桓侯还是飞烨,又或者墨玉等人,此刻心中都浮起一个相同的问题。 Xiao Yan , he since can fuses two big True Fire Strength, that his Firmament Fire Lotus, can simultaneous integration three True Fire? 萧焱,他既然可以融合两大真火力量,那他的苍穹火莲,能不能同时融合三种真火 Two big True Fire Fusion had such might, if three big True Fire simultaneously do melt? 两大真火融合已经有如此威力,那如果三大真火同时相融呢? That may will not be simple two add is equal to three, when the time comes will expedite how terrifying Strength? 那可不会是简单的二加一等于三,到时候会催生出多么恐怖力量 The Marquis of Jing Huan vision walked one between Xiao Yan and Fei Ye back and forth: Must cope with this Xiao Yan, must stimulate to movement Ancient Emperor Blade, but that Red Phoenix pressure reduced, depending on God-Slaying Golem can't beat he.” 景桓侯目光在萧焱飞烨之间走了一个来回:“要对付这萧焱,必须催动古帝刀,但那头赤凤的压力就减轻了,光凭一具斩神傀儡奈何不得他。” Simultaneously copes with this two people, I also need to use many trump card, now I am not suitable expose too many.” Marquis of Jing Huan in the heart wants saying: Moreover on Time without enough time, other Phoenix must support quickly.” “同时对付这两人,我还需要动用更多底牌,现在我还不宜暴露太多。”景桓侯心中想道:“而且时间上会来不及,其他凤凰很快就要支援过来。” one's thoughts arrived to this, Marquis of Jing Huan wields, Ancient Emperor Blade again has sheathed, before one's eyes black light flashes, received Mystical Ability including Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag, together let out Xiao Yan, Fei Ye and Mo Yu. 一念至此,景桓侯手一挥,古帝刀已经重新入鞘,眼前黑光闪动间,连不灭皇旗也收了神通,将萧焱飞烨墨玉又一起放了出去。 Then Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag flutters in the breeze, direct swept Marquis of Jing Huan and numerous under fly to escape, goes ahead unexpectedly, silk not at all is loathsome. 然后不灭皇旗迎风招展,直接卷了景桓侯一众手下飞遁,竟然是说走就走,丝毫不拖泥带水。 Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, lives up to reputation.” The Marquis of Jing Huan sound reverberates in Heaven and Earth: but this Black Phoenix, This Marquis always has in the opportunity income room, pours not anxiously today.” 玄门天宗,名不虚传。”景桓侯的声音在天地间回响:“不过这头黑凰,本侯总有机会收入房中的,倒也不急在今天。” Xiao Yan, you went bad the This Marquis good deed, This Marquis will ask you to do accounts in the future.” 萧焱,你坏了本侯的好事,本侯日后会找你算账。” but, you have the time to mind others'business, would rather thinks that your Profound Gate Heavenly Sect oneself outlet, This Marquis then reminded your one, your Junior Brother Shi Tianhao's enemy, that Dual Pupil Shi Tianyi , his back was standing person, already was not trivial Shi Family and Yu Family.” 不过,你有功夫管闲事,倒不如多想想你玄门天宗自己的出路,本侯便多提醒你一句,你师弟石天昊的对头,那个重瞳石天毅,他背后站着的人,早已不是区区石氏家族于氏家族了。”
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