HNOF :: Volume #6

#513: The old enemy in legend

Through keeping Xiao Yan Magic Force Divine Consciousness, Lin Feng carefully observed, discovered that Marquis of Jing Huan looks at the Black Phoenix Mo Yu look, seems like looking at Items completely, looks at the one beloved toys. 通过留在萧焱身上的法力神识,林锋仔细观察了一下,发现景桓侯黑凰墨玉的眼神,完全就像是在看一件物品,看一个心爱的玩物。 If traded that Young Master Hong Ye Falling Snow Ye to come, that vision wanted the multi- affections mostly affectionately, simultaneously the self-sensation was good, thought that Mo Yu looked at the his look is also so, even if temporarily were not, in the future will be together for a long time also will prostrate oneself under his [gold/metal] spear|gun, and lived in peace together with his other women. 如果是换了那红叶公子叶飘雪来,那目光多半是要多深情就有多深情,同时自我感觉良好,觉得墨玉他的眼神也是如此,哪怕暂时不是,日后相处久了也会拜倒在他金枪之下,并且与他其余的女人和平相处。 But present Marquis of Jing Huan collects the interest of beautiful woman to want intense many compared with it Falling Snow Ye, but completely is manifestation of acquisitive instinct, the Under the Heavens beautiful woman is similar to each article collection in his mind. 而现在的景桓侯收集美女的兴趣比之叶飘雪要强烈的多,但完全是占有欲的体现,天下美女在他心目中就如同一件件收藏品似的。 He does not open the harem like Falling Snow Ye without brain, just pure greedy and acquisitive instinct, the Under the Heavens good thing I to occupy completely. 他并非像叶飘雪那样无脑开后宫,只是单纯的贪婪和占有欲,天下好东西我都要占尽。 Lin Feng looks at shakes the head: Friend, your this is inappropriate, your this countenance completely is the villain who draws the hatred.” 林锋看着直摇头:“朋友,你这不合适啊,你这副嘴脸完全就是拉仇恨的反派呀。” Like that Shi Tianyi , as if specially gives the old enemy who True Fated Son of Heaven prepares to be the same simply, Xiaoqiang who that type hits undying, each time undying, next time will again jump even more formidable, actually actually but is the circulation may use again, brushes the experience and equipment for the person.” “简直就像那石天毅一样,仿佛是专门给真命天子准备的宿敌一样,那种打不死的小强,每次不死,下次再跳出来的时候更加强大,其实却不过是循环可再利用,供人刷经验和装备啊。” Lin Feng cannot help but feels somewhat funnily: Is it possible that is this Resource Giving Captain in legend? tch tch, just does not know that this is prepares to whom.” 林锋不由得感觉有些好笑:“莫非这就是传说中的运输大队长啧啧,只是不知道这是给谁准备的。” Lin Feng looks at Marquis of Jing Huan at this moment, unexpectedly there is feeling of feeling sorry not to have met sooner. 此刻的林锋看着景桓侯,竟然有了点相见恨晚的感觉。 arrived he this level, Marquis of Jing Huan thing actually could not have a liking for now, disciple several disciples compare to come in handy actually. 到了他现在这个层次,景桓侯身上的东西其实已经不怎么看得上了,倒是门下几个弟子比较合用。 Lin Feng slightly smiles: Several silly kid, looked that you guys whose luck good to spread on this, this is a big gold ore. The renewable resource, may circulate uses again. Can unearth for a long time.” 林锋微微一笑:“几个傻小子们,看你们谁运气好能摊上这位了,这可是个大金矿。可再生资源,可循环再利用。能挖掘好久呢。” The so-called old enemy, specially gives True Fated Son of Heaven to deliver the warm person of good intention simply. 所谓宿敌,简直就是专门给真命天子送温暖的好心人。 Needed Treasure Item Divine Artifact. Looks for the old enemy \; Needed cultivation technique Mystical Ability, looked for old enemy \; Needs to promote Reputation, looks for old enemy... 需要宝物神器了。找宿敌\;需要功法神通了,找宿敌\;需要提升声望了,找宿敌… Even needed girl, can looked for the old enemy. 甚至需要妹纸了,也可以找宿敌。 Poor and blank True Fated Son of Heaven, the old enemy to you guys may make you guys for a while small by some humiliations, but he definitely in the future a lot of times of compensation you guys, you guys can will obtain all resources that you guys needs on the oneself old enemy. 一穷二白的真命天子们,宿敌对你们来说或许会让你们一时小小的受些屈辱,但他必然会在日后千百倍的补偿你们,你们可以自己的宿敌身上得到你们需要的一切资源。 Steps on the one old enemy to go forward, is absolutely more laborious than oneself uses all might comes to must diligently more relaxed. 踩着一个宿敌前进,绝对比自己辛苦摸爬滚打努力来得要轻松许多。 Therefore, you guys must treasure and cherish the hard-won old enemy. Their can make you guys little struggles for many years. 所以,你们要珍惜和爱护来之不易的宿敌啊。他们可以让你们少奋斗好多年。 It is not knowing with Marquis of Jing Huan naturally that Fei Ye confronts that he changed the formed Disciple cash machine in the Lin Feng mind. 正与飞烨对峙的景桓侯自然不知道,他在林锋心目中已经变成了门下弟子的提款机。 Marquis of Jing Huan blade in hand at this moment, the imposing manner even more is also different, although not completed Divine Origin, in the hand this handle Ancient Emperor Blade is unable to play the complete might like Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag, but the power and influence is also astonishing. 此刻的景桓侯一刀在手,气势又更加不同,虽然未成元神,手中这柄古帝刀就像不灭皇旗一样无法发挥出全部威力,但也威势惊人。 The knife point , the group enemy flinches, Sovereign completely reveals dignifiedly, as if has a ruling Under the Heavens imposing manner. 刀锋所向,群敌辟易,皇者威严尽显,仿佛带有一股裁决天下的气势。 All enemies. Only can obediently submit, bow head suffers extreme penalty. 一切敌人。都只能乖乖臣服,俯首伏诛。 Marquis of Jing Huan top of the head pure light surges, the one path majestic air column rising typhoon is upward, enters the heaven. As if the rocket was the same, has filled Martial Dao Expert vitality Will. 景桓侯头顶清光涌动,一道雄壮气柱扶摇向上,直入苍天。仿佛狼烟一样,充满了武道强者的气血意志 In the essence rocket, has war cries Heaven-shaking faintly. Infinite weapons appears, as if Mind Will of myriad soldier were held in the arrived rocket by together in addition. The air/Qi clashes the bullfight, Gods and Ghosts is all startled. 精气狼烟之中,隐隐有杀声震天。无穷兵甲在其中浮现,仿佛万千战士的精神意志都被一起加持到了狼烟中。气冲斗牛,神鬼皆惊。 next moment. The essence rocket takes back Marquis of Jing Huan within the body completely, in a Marquis of Jing Huan pair of eye has golden light and blood light faintly flashes together, in the hand Ancient Emperor Blade blade strike leaves, Void extinguishes immediately broken, the one path golden color ray cuts toward Fei Ye. 下一刻。精气狼烟全部收回景桓侯体内,景桓侯一对眼睛中隐隐有金光和血光一起闪动,手中古帝刀刀劈出,虚空顿时碎灭,一道金色光线朝着飞烨斩去。 If ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) light billows, Fei Ye will not watch, but this one path ray in broken bits, makes his slightly knit the brows, does not dare to make it moisten the body easily. 若是万丈光澜,飞烨都不会看在眼里,但这一道细碎的光线,却让他微微皱眉,不敢轻易使之沾身。 Marquis of Jing Huan starts arrived pinnacle own military Dao Divinity, actuates Ancient Emperor Blade this Magical Treasure, although is unable to display Magical Treasure completely Strength, but had impressively has injured the Divine Origin rank Expert might. 景桓侯将自身武道神通发动到了极致,驱动起古帝刀这件法宝,虽然无法发挥法宝全部力量,但赫然已经有了伤害元神级别强者的威力。 Time, Marquis of Jing Huan and God-Slaying Golem collaborate besieging Red Phoenix Fei Ye, both sides fight unexpectedly evenly. 时间,景桓侯斩神傀儡联手围攻赤凤飞烨,双方竟然战成平手。 The strict sense, besides Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag and Ancient Emperor Blade, this God-Slaying Golem is a strength is not inferior in the Magical Treasure weapon. 严格意义上来说,除了不灭皇旗古帝刀以外,这斩神傀儡也是一件战力不逊色于法宝的强力武器。 Marquis of Jing Huan Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator, the so rich family property, even if is many Divine Origin big shots does not have, simultaneously these Treasure Item also make him can speak the last words Divine Origin Expert Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator few. 景桓侯一介元婴期修士,如此丰厚的家底,就算是许多元神大佬也不具备,同时这些宝物也让他成为极少数能叫板元神强者元婴后期修士 Lin Feng looks at he and Fei Ye fights, slowly nod: Just now the that path essence rocket, was Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol that he exercised, however Martial Dao Cultivator Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol was not exterior appears opposes the enemy directly, but united Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol and oneself Fleshly Body, thus further strengthened Fleshly Body Physique Strength.” 林锋看着他与飞烨一战,徐徐点头:“方才那道精气狼烟,便是他练就的天地法相了,只不过武道修士天地法相并非外部显化直接对敌,而是将天地法相自己肉身合一,从而进一步加强肉身体魄力量。” Fei Ye by Marquis of Jing Huan and God-Slaying Golem besieging, the look is quiet: Phoenix Clan is not only my one person.” 飞烨景桓侯斩神傀儡围攻,神色沉静:“凤凰族并非只有一人。” Let alone, even if only my one person, cannot allow you to be wild.” “何况,即便只有一人,也容不得你猖狂。” He raises head clear roar, body transform into one group of golden light, in golden light presents a phoenix gradually, the foxnut and Yan Han, the snake neck, turtle's back and fish tail, in two eyeballs has the Cream-colored flame to flash faintly the caper. 他仰头一声清啸,身体渐渐化为一团金光,金光中出现一只神鸟,鸡头、燕颔、蛇颈、龟背、鱼尾,两只眼珠中隐隐有乳白色火光闪动跳跃。 Was Fei Ye appears oneself primary form True Body impressively, transform into whole body scarlet-red Phoenix, the build was not big, highly only about six chi (0.33 m), but formidable Monster Strength fluctuation expanded launches, directly compelled to draw back Marquis of Jing Huan and God-Slaying Golem together. 赫然是飞烨显现出了自己的原形真身,化为一只通体赤红的凤凰,体型不大,高度只有六尺左右,但强大妖力波动扩展开,直接将景桓侯斩神傀儡一起逼退。 Cream-colored Pure Yang True Fire gush out, was burnt through including Space, Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag internal Celestials Dwelling immediately becomes not steady. 乳白色纯阳真火喷薄而出,连空间都被烧穿,不灭皇旗的内部洞天顿时变得不稳。 Marquis of Jing Huan slightly smiles: Phoenix has Pure Yang True Fire, renown, how doesn't This Marquis possibly prepare?” 景桓侯微微一笑:“凤凰身怀纯阳真火,举世皆知,本侯又怎么可能不做准备?” Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag black in Void, shines six deep green deep fires suddenly, around the air of Green flame combustion, feels the heat degree of not arrive slightly ignition, instead ice-cold bone-chilling. 不灭皇旗黑黢黢的虚空中,突然亮起六朵碧绿冥火,绿色火焰燃烧的空气周围,感觉不到丝毫灼烧的热度,反而冰冷刺骨 Xiao Yan slightly stares, carefully observes, understand comes: „It is not the genuinely flame, but purely precise Yin Qi transformed into?” 萧焱微微一愣,仔细观察一下,明白过来:“并不是真正的火焰,而是纯粹凝炼至极的阴气所化?” Six deep green deep small flames get up, changes to piece of Green Fire Sea instantaneously, proliferates Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag internal Celestials Dwelling. 六朵碧绿冥火亮起,瞬间化作一片绿色火海,遍布不灭皇旗的内部洞天 No matter Fei Ye or Mo Yu, among the looks obviously shows the expression that detests. 不管是飞烨还是墨玉,神色间都明显露出嫌恶的表情。 Marquis of Jing Huan looks at Fei Ye said with a smile: This ** Absolute Yin, may expedite the air/Qi of Pure Yin, although is unable to restrain Pure Yang True Fire, but actually can to a certain extent weakens Pure Yang True Fire, is not only useful to you. Is useful to This Marquis young beautiful woman even more.” 景桓侯看着飞烨笑道:“这**绝阴阵,可催生纯阴之气,虽然无法克制纯阳真火,但却可以在一定程度上削弱纯阳真火,不仅仅对你有用。对本侯的小美人更加有用。” He issues an order: Phoenix of this only Great Saint rank, This Marquis personally copes. you guys seizes that Black Phoenix.” 他一声令下:“这只大圣级别的凤凰,本侯亲自对付。你们将那黑凰擒下。” Except that behind is it raises the robust man of blade, in Void the step one wears middle-aged man of white long gown. Imposing manner grand and imposing, Magic Force fluctuation shocks Void, is Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator. 除了身后为其提刀的壮汉,虚空中又步出一个身着白色长袍的中年男子。气势沉雄,一身法力波动震撼虚空,也是元婴后期修士 white robe man side, wears terse military of armor with one crowd, is Nascent Soul Realm Expert, a vitality is majestic, Will faith formidable, the whole body murderous aura full, is the person of having fought many battles. 白袍男子身旁,跟着一群身着铠甲的精悍武者,也都是元婴期强者,一身气血雄壮,意志信念强大,浑身杀气充盈,全是身经百战之人。 Plan of Marquis of Jing Huan. Is oneself and Fei Ye to war, is led by two Nascent Soul Late Stage Ancestor, numerous under captures Mo Yu. 景桓侯的打算。就是自己飞烨对战,然后由两个元婴后期老祖带队,一众手下擒拿墨玉 Mo Yu is Monster King Late Stage cultivation base, is Phoenix, the strength is outstanding, there is Pure Yang True Fire in the body, commonplace Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator fundamental is not opponent. 墨玉妖王后期修为,身为凤凰,实力超群,又有纯阳真火在身,等闲元婴后期修士根本不是对手 But Marquis of Jing Huan sieges by Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag first, then by ** Absolute Yin restricts the Pure Yang True Fire might, matches by one crowd of Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator besieging that two Nascent Soul Late Stage Expert lead. Such lineup, poses the threat to Mo Yu sufficiently. 景桓侯先以不灭皇旗围困,然后再以**绝阴阵制约纯阳真火威力,配以两个元婴后期强者带队的一群元婴期修士围攻。这样的阵容,足以对墨玉产生威胁。 Especially Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator of his subordinates, extraordinary, actual battle efficiency formidable. Is with the outstanding person in Cultivation Realm. 尤其是他麾下的元婴期修士,也都不凡,实际战斗力强大。都是同境界中的佼佼者。 Fei Ye of appears Phoenix primary form calmly is staring at Marquis of Jing Huan, suddenly sends out long cry once more, in the songs and calls. Around the eye socket seeps out the bloodstain unexpectedly gradually. 显化凤凰原形的飞烨静静盯着景桓侯,突然再次发出一声长鸣,鸣叫声中。眼眶周围竟然渐渐渗出血迹。 Phoenix weeps blood! 凤凰泣血! Fei Ye the phoenix cry, impressively transcends Space blockade of Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag. Gives the Divine Sense information, more direct transcends endless Void. Arrives in Heaven Desolate Land Parasol Tree Forest. 飞烨的这一声凤鸣,赫然穿越不灭皇旗空间封锁。将神念信息一路传递出去,更直接穿越无尽虚空。抵达天荒广陆梧桐林 Marquis of Jing Huan sees this, nod one's head: „Is this Phoenix weeps blood? Really extraordinary, including Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag Celestials Dwelling can transcends.” 景桓侯看见这一幕,点点头:“这就是凤凰泣血吧?果然不凡,连不灭皇旗洞天可以穿越。” He is not startled, said indifferently: Your Parasol Tree Forest same race should received your signalling, and leaves to catch up to here, but this also within the This Marquis expectation, your clansman comes similarly needs Time, but before then, This Marquis led the beautiful woman to leave.” 他并不惊慌,淡然说道:“你梧桐林同族应该已经接到你的传信,并且动身向这里赶来,但这同样也在本侯预料之内,你的族人过来是需要时间的,而在此之前,本侯已经带了美人离开。” Your effort, meaningless.” “你的努力,毫无意义。” Fei Ye said: You think that you can escape?” 飞烨说道:“你以为你逃得掉?” Marquis of Jing Huan doesn't care smiles: Your Phoenix Clan leans clan Strength completely to leave, This Marquis truly is incapable of resisting now, but some naturally person of can achieve, when This Marquis achievement Divine Origin, will always have in the future the horse to tread Parasol Tree Forest that day.” 景桓侯不在意的一笑:“你凤凰族倾族之力尽出,本侯现在确实无力抵挡,但自然有人可以做到,等到本侯日后成就元神,总有马踏梧桐林的那一天。” Like the present, This Marquis has not thought must kill you today, so long as constrained your then can, This Marquis subordinates naturally will capture the beautiful woman, waits for This Marquis achievement Divine Origin boundary, killed you, if killed the chicken.” “就像现在,本侯从没想过要在今天杀你,只要拖住你便可以了,本侯麾下自然会将美人擒拿,等本侯成就元神之境,杀你如杀鸡。” The incomparably extremely arrogant words, tell in his mouth, actually appears usually, as if natural matter. 无比狂妄的话语,在他口中娓娓道来,却显得平常至极,仿佛理所当然的事情。 Has stood in Xiao Yan that the one side has not spoken, at this time one smiled to make noise. 一直站在一旁没有说话的萧焱,这时噗哧一下笑出声来。 Said dexterously, probably Great Zhou Dynasty will certainly carry this to be unjustly discredited to be the same to you, big trouble that your this time brings, might be called extreme, only after fearing Zhou Emperor Liang Pan knows, mostly you will throw to give Phoenix Clan handling?” “说得轻巧,好像大周皇朝一定会给你背这个黑锅一样,你这次闯下的大祸,堪称泼天了,只怕周帝梁盘知道以后,多半会把你扔出去交给凤凰族处置吧?” Marquis of Jing Huan the line of sight looked at this time to Xiao Yan, faint said: This Marquis already saw you, are you Profound Gate Heavenly Sect disciple? Looks at the attire appearance and appearance appearance, your is should Xiao Yan?” 景桓侯这时视线看向萧焱,淡淡说道:“本侯早就看见你了,你是玄门天宗弟子吧?看衣着打扮和外貌长相,你应该萧焱?” Xiao Yan hey however smiles: Eye is very but actually poisonous.” 萧焱嘿然一笑:“眼睛倒挺毒。” Marquis of Jing Huan said: This Marquis knew that has Phoenix to enter Divine Great Land, seeks an interview Profound Gate's Master, and can succeed on Jade Capital Mountain, after day of Time descends the mountain, starts to return to Heaven Desolate Land, before actually does not know that you have accompanying.” 景桓侯说道:“本侯得知有凤凰进入神州浩土,求见玄门之主,并且得以成功上了玉京山,一天的时间后下山,启程返回天荒广陆,之前却不知道你也有随行。” Why you travel together with Phoenix, This Marquis does not know, so long as but you do not obstruct the This Marquis matter, will sell the Profound Gate's Master one face, This Marquis will not press you, this matter finished, naturally will put you to leave Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag Celestials Dwelling.” “你因何与凤凰同行,本侯不知,不过只要你不碍本侯的事情,卖玄门之主一个面子,本侯也不会难为你,此间事了,自然会放你出不灭皇旗洞天。” Xiao Yan desolate smiling of: speaking like this, my also should thank you?” 萧焱冷淡的笑了笑:“如此说来,我还应该谢谢你?” Your is it possible that does even more help Phoenix be inadequate?” Marquis of Jing Huan language fast as before light, the one character one character bites extremely clearly: My class, his heart cannot different, between my Human Race and Monster Race opposed, Monster Race massacres humanity, This Marquis captures and kills Monster Race, perfectly justified.” “你莫非还要帮助凤凰不成?”景桓侯语速依旧平淡,一个一个字咬得极为清晰:“非我族类,其心必异,我人族妖族之间本就对立,妖族残杀人类,本侯捕杀妖族,天经地义。” Profound Gate's Master also calculates that my Human Race Giant Influence, you are the his disciple, is it possible that can act in collusion with Monster Race?” 玄门之主也算我人族巨擘,你身为他的弟子,莫非要和妖族沆瀣一气?” Xiao Yan shrugs the arm, smiles saying: Be not pinning big hat anxiously, Supreme Void Temple has most been vigilant to Monster Race, did not see them to provoke Phoenix Clan, because by no means they bullied the weak and feared the strong, because Phoenix Clan shunned the world doesn't come out, did not participate War between Two Worlds.” 萧焱耸了耸肩膀,哂笑道:“别急着扣大帽子,太虚观算是对妖族最警惕了,也不见他们去招惹凤凰族,并非因为他们欺软怕硬,而是因为凤凰族避世不出,连两界战争都不参加。” You have the conflict with other Monster Race, Great Zhou Dynasty may support you, but you provoke Phoenix Clan, will not involve the huge influences of two clan disputes to deliver to hostile a side to go one stiffly, you think that Great Zhou Dynasty will also be protecting you?” “你跟别的妖族起冲突,大周皇朝或许会支持你,但你招惹凤凰族,将一个原本不会介入两族纷争的庞大势力硬生生送到敌对一方去,你以为大周皇朝还会护着你?” Marquis of Jing Huan looks at Xiao Yan, smiles suddenly: A lot, you do not understand.” 景桓侯看着萧焱,突然一笑:“很多事情,你不懂。”
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