HNOF :: Volume #6

#512: Nascent Soul Cultivator, two big Magical Treasure

Sees only that Marquis of Jing Huan forehead both sides temples, as if two real Sun are the same, the vitality exuberant like Mid-day Sun, Lin Feng then can determined that Martial Dao cultivation base of this person in his current Cultivation Realm, has reached the peak. 只见那景桓侯额头两侧的太阳穴,仿佛两个真实太阳一样,气血旺盛如日方中,林锋便可以确定,此人的武道修为在他当前境界,已经达到巅峰。 Before looking like Lin Feng oneself does not have achievement Divine Origin boundary, the War God Clone condition, reaches the arrived Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator Fleshly Body vitality Strength limit. 就像是林锋自己没有成就元神之境前,战神分身的状态,达到了元婴期修士肉身气血之力的极限。 Such Fleshly Body Physique condition, lethality is greatly strengthened, especially this person of Will is firm, the whole body murderous aura flood, is the generation of having fought many battles, actual combat capability even more even more is obviously astonishing, Nascent Soul boundary unusual rival. 这样的肉身体魄状态,杀伤力极强,尤其此人意志坚定,周身杀气满溢,明显是身经百战之辈,实战能力还要更加惊人,元婴之境少有敌手。 In Lin Feng personally has seen in Martial Dao Cultivator, although does not know that Nascent Soul Realm Marquis Profound Principle Zhu Hongwu is any appearance, but wants to come besides Zhu Hongwu, whose did not have can to compete Fleshly Body Strength in Nascent Soul Realm with this Marquis of Jing Huan. 林锋亲眼见过的武道修士中,虽然不知道元婴期玄机侯朱洪武是什么模样,但想来除了朱洪武以外,没谁可以元婴期跟这个景桓侯比拼肉身力量了。 Beirong Royal Court Great Chanyu perhaps can, but is not the full assurance. 北戎王庭大单于或许可以,但也不是十足把握。 Lin Feng basic can concluded, if this person builds Divine Origin, Divine Origin Avatar and Fleshly Body Physique coincides, that is another one Zhu Hongwu, Divine Origin First Level can speaks the last words Divine Origin Second Level Martial Dao Expert. 林锋基本可以断定,此人若是修成元神,元神化身肉身体魄相合,那就是另一个朱洪武,元神一重可以叫板元神二重武道强者 even if is now, Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivation base, this Marquis of Jing Huan facing already achievement Immortal Monster Soul Realm Red Phoenix Fei Ye, appears relaxes extremely. 就算是现在,元婴后期修为,这景桓侯面对已经成就不灭妖魂境界赤凤飞烨,也显得极为放松。 This relaxation, is external manifestation to own strength completely confidence, vigor is very exuberant. His semblance lives a young fellow appearance, seems compared with Xiao Yan even more slightly, approximately and Mo Yu of transform into human form is the same age, the appearance is very handsome, in the both eyes foreheads revealed overbearing makings, the hawk regards to be very suspicious, has been full of the aggressiveness and predacity. 这种放松,是一种对自身实力完全自信的外在体现,一身精气神都无比旺盛。他外表生得一副少年人模样,看上去比萧焱还要小一点,大约和化为人形的墨玉同龄,面相很俊朗,双目眉宇之间流露出一股霸道气质,鹰视狼顾,充满了侵略性和掠夺性。 overbearing, greedy, stubborn, confidence. 霸道,贪婪,桀骜,自信 That person makings, pour to Great Qin Dynasty Crown Prince Shi Chongyun are somewhat similar. Has been short of several moment ducks compared with Shi Chongyun, but were many several points of murderous aura. 其人气质,倒与大秦皇朝太子石崇云有些相似。比石崇云少了几分阴鹜,但却多了几分杀气 This murderous aura not gloomy ominous offense, but is majestic, bright and honest, originates from murdering that this Marquis of Jing Huan many years of series soldier goes on an expedition. 这种杀气并不阴暗凶戾,而是堂堂皇皇,光明正大,来源于这景桓侯多年统兵征战的杀伐。 Inborn Myriad Things. Those who are able occupy it.” Marquis of Jing Huan makes an appearance. First looked at Red Phoenix Fei Ye an eye, then the vision then transfers on arrived Black Phoenix Mo Yu, nodded. Opens the mouth saying: good, is very good, follows This Marquis.” “天生万物。能者居之。”景桓侯一露面。先看了赤凤飞烨一眼,然后目光便转到了黑凰墨玉身上,点了点头。开口说道:“不错,很好,跟本侯走吧。” The his sound does not contain slight murderous aura actually, instead some fresh air/Qi, listening to up to be quite delightful. 他的声音倒是不含丝毫杀气,反而有些清新之气,听起来颇为悦耳。 The expression in just words. Actually is similar to an irresistible order, as if the his words, order, is the military order, any person who hears the his words, must comply with, in the subconscious of person. first responded that obeys this words. 只是话语中的语气。却如同一股让人不可抗拒的命令,似乎他的话语,就是命令,就是军令,凡是听到他的话的人,都必须要遵从,人的潜意识里面。第一反应,就是听从这个话。 Lin Feng on Jade Capital Mountain, Xiao Yan of scene, hearing him saying that in the heart silent has smiled up: This male servant. Also really suffices crazily.” Fei Ye and Mo Yu laughable doesn't come out comes, two people look quiet looks at Marquis of Jing Huan, the Mo Yu desolate start to talk said: Day, if makes it perish, must make its crazy first, Marquis of Jing Huan, you to perishing are not far.” 玉京山上的林锋,现场的萧焱,听见他这么说,心中都无声的笑了起来:“这厮。还真是够狂的啊。”飞烨墨玉可笑不出来,两人都神色沉静的看着景桓侯,墨玉冷淡开口说道:“天要是使其灭亡,必先使其疯狂,景桓侯,你离灭亡不远了。” Replying of Marquis of Jing Huan doesn't care: Will perish, merely is because also insufficient formidable.” 景桓侯不在意的答道:“会灭亡,仅仅是因为还不够强大罢了。” Fei Ye faint looks at he: You thought that oneself enough formidable, does formidable to letting your can make the so absurd extremely arrogant matter?” 飞烨淡淡看着他:“你觉得自己足够强大,强大到让你可以做出如此荒谬狂妄的事情?” Marquis of Jing Huan smiles, said calmly: Fei Ye Red Phoenix, the Red Phoenix clan in Phoenix Clan, the age 5000 years old, Immortal Monster Soul first heavy Cultivation Realm, has Phoenix Clan unique Pure Yang True Fire, usually is responsible for the foreign exchange of Phoenix Clan frequently, in Phoenix Clan of Great Saint rank, is makes an appearance many.” 景桓侯一笑,平静说道:“飞烨赤凤,凤凰一族中的赤凤族,年龄5000岁有余,不灭妖魂第一境界,掌有凤凰族特有的纯阳真火,平日里经常负责凤凰族的对外交流,在大圣级别的凤凰族中,算是露面最多的。” If said the actual combat experience, the should in peer is also richest, but last time fights the person, must trace for more than 800 years ago.” “若说实战经验,在同辈中应该也是最丰富的,但最后一次跟人动手,要追溯到800多年以前。” He is nitpicking on words clearly, the sound is loud and clear, speech neither anxious nor slow, well-organized distinct. 他咬字清晰,声音洪亮,说话不急不徐,条理清楚分明。 This Marquis leads troops for many years, fully realizes the importance of military situation intelligence report, although Phoenix Clan lives in seclusion, wants to collect the information to be quite difficult, but exactly you are Great Saint that in Phoenix Clan most often goes out, therefore your information are actually most.” 本侯带兵多年,深知军情谍报的重要性,虽然凤凰一族深居简出,想要收集情报比较困难,但恰好你是凤凰族中最常外出的大圣,所以你的情报倒是最多。” Marquis of Jing Huan calmly stands under Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag, the manner as before, seemed chatting with Fei Ye with ease. 景桓侯静静站在不灭皇旗之下,神态轻松依旧,仿佛在和飞烨闲谈。 He lifts handles gently caresses the Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag flagpole: This Marquis this Magical Treasure, named Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag, with emphasis two \; first, sovereign, its two are inextinguishable, although Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag murders is also quite sharp, but actually is also not its strongest point.” 他抬手轻抚不灭皇旗的旗杆:“本侯这件法宝,名为不灭皇旗,重点有两个,其一是‘皇’,其二则是‘不灭’,不灭皇旗虽然杀伐也极为犀利,但却还不是它最强一点。” Along with the Marquis of Jing Huan words, Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag had the change suddenly, the flag surface fluttered in the breeze, transform into sky-filling black light, shortly Fei Ye, Xiao Yan and Mo Yu engulf, black light changes to one ** Space, has separated Xiao Yan they with outside World's relation, self-made Heaven and Earth. 随着景桓侯的话语,不灭皇旗突然起了变化,旗面迎风招展,化为漫天黑光,顷刻间将飞烨萧焱墨玉吞没,黑光化作一个**空间,隔断了萧焱他们和外面世界的联系,自成天地 The Xiao Yan look is motionless, feels Strength Domain in black light carefully, in the discovery reveals mighty force to surround and protect the flavor of ruler. 萧焱神色不动,仔细感受黑光中的力量意境,就发现里面流露出一股千军万马拱卫帝皇的味道。 Whatever enemy incomparable formidable, to earth-shattering, must protect oneself Strength Domain of monarchy security. 任凭敌人无比强大,任凭天崩地裂,也要保护自己的君主安全的力量意境 Then surrounded and protected Sovereign, awe-inspiring does not reduce, is Sovereign is dignifiedly unshakable, Eternal inextinguishable, must make all ages Monarch authority Will. 而那被拱卫的皇者,也雄风不减,是一种皇者威严不容动摇,永恒不灭,要做万世帝王的权威意志 Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag like Great Qin Anliang King Shi Zongyue Hidden Dragon Pot, is the interior opens small Celestials Dwelling Magical Treasure, moreover this small Celestials Dwelling is stabler than Hidden Dragon Pot internal Space even more, even more formidable, is hard to be broken through. 不灭皇旗就像大秦安良王石宗岳藏龙壶一样,也是内部开辟小洞天法宝,而且这小洞天藏龙壶的内部空间更加稳固,更加强大,难以被攻破。 Just like Marquis of Jing Huan said that although this treasure murdered sharply, but a strongest point actually lay in internal Celestials Dwelling, Magical Treasure master oneself placed oneself in Celestials Dwelling, may guarantee the security, if swept enemy, was best Technique of trapped|sleepy enemy, letting the powerful enemy is unable to withdraw. 正如景桓侯所言,此宝虽然杀伐犀利,但最强一点其实在于内部洞天,法宝主人自己置身洞天内,可保安全,若是卷了敌人,则是困敌的最佳法门,让强敌无法脱身。 The Fei Ye eyelid does not lift, tranquil nod: Truly extraordinary, but what a pity your own cultivation base is too low, is unable to display the genuinely might, the careless and wasteful use of nature's products, cannot surround my.” 飞烨眼皮都不抬一下,平静点头:“确实不凡,但可惜你自身修为太低,无法发挥其中真正威力,暴殄天物而已,困不住我的。” If this is your depending on, I can only think that you were insane.” “若这就是你的倚仗,那我只能认为你疯了。” Marquis of Jing Huan at a moderate pace saying: This can not is used to be stranded your, when this is to prevent This Marquis with you fight, the This Marquis young beautiful woman seizes the chance.” 景桓侯不紧不慢的说道:“这可不是用来困你的,这是为了防止本侯与你交手时,本侯的小美人趁机走了。” Sees with own eyes him to say a word frivolously, Mo Yu complexion is getting more and more cold. 眼见他言语轻佻,墨玉脸色越来越寒。 Marquis of Jing Huan sees that slightly smiles: Does not need to take offense, you will meet in the future understand, resembles you so outstanding female, only should be a match a This Marquis this more outstanding man, just now unlikely a pearl before swine.” 景桓侯见状,微微一笑:“无需动气,日后你自会明白,似你这般优秀的女子,只应般配本侯这样更优秀的男子,方才不至于明珠暗投。” His turn the head and looks to Fei Ye: As for Your Excellency, This Marquis has thing greeting.” His palm turns, one path black light flashes through, before fall on body, transform into one big Giant, the whole body joint is thick, is full of the metal sense of reality. 转头看向飞烨:“至于阁下,本侯另有东西招呼。”他手掌一翻,一道乌光闪过,落在身前,化为一个高大的巨人,浑身骨节粗大,充满金属质感。 Giant unemotionally, the good-for-nothing is the same, flesh becomes iron black, under muscle stick out, feels on can depending on the visual observation terrifying explosive Strength. 巨人面无表情,行尸走肉一样,肌肤成铁黑色,底下肌肉一块块隆起,光凭肉眼观察就可以感受到其中恐怖的爆炸性力量 Is flashing from top to bottom the dazzling red light. Intense flame Yang Qi heads on, vitality, completely not inferior Divine Origin First Level Realm Martial Dao Cultivator. 浑身上下闪动着耀眼的红光。强烈的火焰阳气扑面而来,气血之强,完全不逊色元神一重境界武道修士 On the Fei Ye face shows the surprise facial expression: Unexpectedly is Ancient Human Race Cultivation Sect, the Puppet Dao ultimate masterpiece, God-Slaying Golem?” 飞烨脸上露出意外的神情:“竟然是上古人族修真宗门,傀儡道的终极杰作,斩神傀儡?” Regarding the recent happen matter. How the Phoenix Clan news is not quick. But many Ancient secrets actually know it to well, Fei Ye an eye recognizes before one's eyes this Giant is the flesh and blood puppet that is refined by Human Race Cultivator Magic Force. 对于近期发生的事情。凤凰一族消息不如何灵通。但许多上古秘闻却知之甚详,飞烨一眼就认出眼前这个巨人是一具由人族修士法力炼制出来的血肉傀儡。 Moreover or has the Divine Origin Cultivation Realm Strength puppet, from Ancient Human Race Dao Cultivation Sect Puppet Dao. 而且还是一具拥有元神境界力量的傀儡,源自上古人族修道宗门傀儡道 Puppet Dao is Devil Path Sect. in the past once able to move unhindered for a while, swollen with arrogance, ferocious, how in the gate Cultivator own strength is not high, but refines the formidable puppet to go on an expedition as the weapon. 傀儡道魔道宗门昔年曾经纵横一时,气焰嚣张,穷凶极恶,门中修士自身实力不如何高,但偏偏都炼制有强大的傀儡作为武器征战。 Puppet Dao disciple. Not only there is Nascent Soul Realm and puppet of Golden Core Realm strength, even also has the puppet of Divine Origin time Strength level. 傀儡道门下。不仅有元婴期金丹期实力的傀儡,甚至还有元神力量层次的傀儡。 This Sect is extremely bad in Ancient time reputation, because of their Secret Technique refinement puppet, with other Cultivator Fleshly Body sacrificial refining. 这个宗门上古时期名声极坏,因为他们秘法炼制傀儡,是拿其他修士肉身祭炼 Resembles the God-Slaying Golem that Marquis of Jing Huan puts out now, is in the past Puppet Dao Powerhouse, refines the formed puppet another one Divine Origin boundary Martial Dao Expert. 景桓侯现在拿出的这具斩神傀儡,就是昔年傀儡道大能,将另一个元神之境武道强者炼制成了傀儡。 So violates the public anger act, naturally is rally togethered to attack. Therefore Puppet Dao then annihilates quickly in historical long river, but has also left behind one of the dark ink serious wound in the Human Race Cultivation World history, is Heaven Desolate Land Monster Race World also has hearing. 如此犯众怒的行径,自然被群起而攻之。所以傀儡道很快便湮灭在历史长河中,但也在人族修真界历史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,便是天荒广陆妖族世界也多有耳闻。 Marquis of Jing Huan nodded: „When this is This Marquis explores a vestige, non- intent discovery, but also is easy-to-use. can is used to call Your Excellency.” 景桓侯点了点头:“这是本侯探索一处遗迹时,无意中发现的,还算好用。正可以用来招呼阁下。” His voice has not fallen, God-Slaying Golem ran out, wild Aura wreaks havoc, kills to Fei Ye. 他话音未落,斩神傀儡已经冲出,狂暴气息肆虐,杀向飞烨 This puppet named God-slaying, is takes Behead Divine Origin idea, the given name extremely arrogantly, but Strength truly formidable, retained that Divine Origin Expert cultivation base not saying that also became fierce does not fear, did not fear the damage. 此傀儡名为斩神,就是取斩杀元神意思,名号狂妄之极,但力量确实强悍,保留了那元神强者生前修为不说,也变得悍不畏死,不惧损伤。 Roar!” “吼!” God-Slaying Golem wild roar, the explosion sound wave almost rips open the Fei Ye guard Monster Strength barrier. 斩神傀儡声狂吼,爆炸般的声波就几乎将飞烨的护身妖力屏障撕开。 The Fei Ye look is quiet, face upwards to send out clear phoenix cry, boundless Monster Strength sends out, changes to the infinite hurricane, clashes with God-Slaying Golem in the same place. 飞烨神色沉静,仰天发出一声清脆凤鸣,磅礴妖力散发开来,化作无穷飓风,与斩神傀儡对撞在一起。 In black light World, the instantaneous transform into storm sea, God-Slaying Golem formidable, places is really similar to Astral Wind has in the similar environment, safe and sound, even relies on own Strength non-stop to tear Astral Wind, approaches Fei Ye. 黑光世界中,瞬间化为风暴海洋,斩神傀儡着实强悍,身处如同罡风一般的环境中,都安然无恙,甚至凭借自身力量不停撕裂罡风,逼近飞烨 just Fei Ye is Phoenix Clan, Innate Talent extraordinary Strength formidable, is quite outstanding in same rank Monster Race, his Monster Strength transformed into tornado, makes God-Slaying Golem be similar to falls into the mire. 只是飞烨身为凤凰一族,天赋异秉力量强大,在同等级妖族中都极为出众,他妖力所化旋风,也让斩神傀儡如同陷入泥潭之中。 The Marquis of Jing Huan look is invariable, in his behind in Void the robust man who takes the one whole body to wear armor, impressively is one Nascent Soul Late Stage Expert, but this robust man does not attack from both sides Fei Ye for take action, just picks up handle including sheath long blade both hands, end to Marquis of Jing Huan body bank. 景桓侯神色不变,在他身后虚空中迈出一个浑身披甲的壮汉,赫然是一个元婴后期强者,但这个壮汉不是为了出手夹攻飞烨,只是将一柄连鞘长刀双手托起,端至景桓侯身畔。 Nascent Soul Late Stage Expert, only matches to raise the blade. 元婴后期强者,只配提刀。 Marquis of Jing Huan pulls out the long blade, the knife pitch-black flashes through the golden color flowing light, ancient wilderness is primitive, actually rules Under the Heavens the air/Qi of Sovereign to send out. 景桓侯抽出长刀,刀身乌黑中闪过金色流光,一股荒古原始,却君临天下皇者之气散发出来。 Huge Strength made Xiao Yan see the eyelid to jump: Has to make a mistake? Unexpectedly is Magical Treasure?” 巨大的力量萧焱见了眼皮直跳:“有没有搞错?居然又是一件法宝?” This handle long blade, impressively is also Magical Treasure, although is inferior to Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag, just Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure, but that is also genuine Magical Treasure, breeds Original Spirit, Strength heaven shaking. 这柄长刀,赫然也是一件法宝,虽然不如不灭皇旗,只是一件孕灵级数法宝,但那也是一件货真价实法宝,孕育元灵,力量惊天 one Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator, not completed Divine Origin, has two Magical Treasure! 一个元婴后期修士,未成元神,身怀两件法宝 Including Phoenix Clan Mo Yu, felt that oneself self-control some are insufficient: These two Magical Treasure do Original Spirit have the problem? How they actually think that will obey in one Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator unexpectedly?” 凤凰族墨玉,都感到自己的涵养有些不够用了:“这两件法宝元灵有毛病吗?他们到底是怎么想的,竟然会服从于一个元婴后期修士?” Lin Feng on Jade Capital Mountain, looks feels interesting, two Magical Treasure, one manifestation grade, one Spirit Gestation grade, he does not pay attention to but actually, but simultaneously appears in one Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator unexpectedly, this somewhat was noticeable. 玉京山上的林锋,也看得感到有趣,两件法宝,一个化生级数,一个孕灵级数,他倒不放在眼里,但居然同时在一个元婴后期修士手里出现,这就有些引人注目了。 Many Divine Origin Cultivation Realm Cultivator, along Magical Treasure, even few people did not have Magical Treasure. 很多元神境界修士,也才有一件随身法宝,甚至个别人都还没有法宝 This Marquis of Jing Huan one Nascent Soul Late Stage Cultivator has monopolized two, moreover after Lin Feng carefully observed one next discovered that these two Magical Treasure also belongs to his in person, although is not his sacrificial refining, but was built up the success by him thoroughly, is not others lends his temporarily. 景桓侯一个元婴后期修士独占了两个,而且林锋仔细观察了一下后发现,这两件法宝还就是属于他本人的,虽然不是他祭炼,但已经被他彻底炼化成功,并非别人暂时借给他的 tch tch, is a little fierce.” Lin Feng smiled: „Is this Young Master Hong Ye of one large size? It is not right, with Young Master Hong Ye also not same...” 啧啧,有点厉害啊。”林锋笑了笑:“这算是一个大号的红叶公子?不对,跟红叶公子还不相同…”
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