HNOF :: Volume #6

#511: Bold

When to today, pure Yu Family or Shi Family, in Lin Feng front is not opponent. 时至今日,单纯的于氏家族或者石氏家族,在林锋面前都已经不是对手了。 Even said coarse, two bind together, an insufficient Lin Feng hand punches. 甚至说的难听一点,两家绑在一起,都不够林锋一只手揍的。 Reason that is keeping them, firstly is Lin Feng does not have the thoughts to Great Qin Dynasty, when the spear|gun causes, secondly looks at a Supreme Void Temple several points of face. 之所以留着他们,一来林锋没心思给大秦皇朝当枪使,二来是看太虚观几分面子。 Naturally, the most important reason is, even if Lin Feng does not go manages them, in the future growth up Shi Tianhao also naturally can bump into with them. 当然,最重要的原因是,就算林锋不去管他们,日后成长起来石天昊自然会和他们碰上。 Therefore the change of Shi Family and Yu Family, making Lin Feng feel several points of interest: „Do these two family members, want to do?” 所以石氏家族于氏家族的异动,让林锋感到几分有趣:“这两家人,想干什么?” Still in the consideration, Lin Feng in the heart suddenly slightly moves, keeps Xiao Yan Magic Force Divine Consciousness through oneself, discovered that to Xiao Yan one line of mountain, had been intercepted by other person unexpectedly in the halfway. 还在思量间,林锋心中忽然微微一动,通过自己留在萧焱身上的法力神识,发现已经离山的萧焱一行,竟然被别的人拦截在半路上了。 Between Heaven Desolate Land and Divine Great Land, as Great Thousand World Two Extremes, Domain Strength are too strong, is Divine Origin Expert is unable direct splits open space to pass through. 天荒广陆神州浩土之间,作为大千世界两极,界域之力太强,便是元神强者也无法直接破开虚空通行。 Like beforehand Golden Crow Great Saint the law of receiving and instructing, as well as Kunpeng Great Saint the law of blood sacrifice, although among can direct link Two Worlds, but actually must pay the extremely huge price, situation in as a last resort, will clench teeth to use one time. 像之前金乌大圣的接引之法,以及鲲鹏大圣的血祭之法,虽然可以直接往来两界之间,但却要付出极为巨大的代价,万不得已的情况下,才会咬牙使用一次。 Therefore after Xiao Yan and the others had gotten down Jade Capital Mountain, goes south, transfers Void under the leadership of Fei Ye rapidly, goes in Divine Great Land south, with the Domain crack that Heaven Desolate Land connects. 所以萧焱等人下了玉京山后,就一路南下,在飞烨的带领下飞速挪移虚空,前往地处神州浩土南方,同天荒广陆连接的界域裂缝。 Here is Human Race and Monster Race intercourse Two Worlds inherent channel, is most front that two clans usually in encounter, although at present has not erupted into the major war, but the middle-and-small conflict is unceasing, has Human Race Cultivator to intrude Heaven Desolate Land to hunt and kill Monster Race frequently, similarly also has tyrannical Monster Race to rush to Divine Great Land is calamity Mortal World. 这里是人族妖族往来两界的固有通道,同时也是两族平日里交锋的最前沿,眼下虽然没有爆发大规模战争,但中小型冲突不断,经常有人族修士闯入天荒广陆猎杀妖族,同样也有强横妖族冲到神州浩土为祸人间 Before this Fei Ye and Mo Yu arrive at Divine Great Land. Also passes here. 此前飞烨墨玉来到神州浩土。也是通过这里。 The group are turning toward the Two Worlds crack to hurry, just left the Kunlun Mountain range range. Suddenly in Space raises fierce Magic Force fluctuation. 一行人正向着两界裂缝赶去,刚刚出了昆仑山脉的范围。突然空间中掀起一阵剧烈的法力波动 Fei Ye, Xiao Yan and Mo Yu three people are the brow micro wrinkles, sees before one's eyes black light to flash. Spreads top of the sky to curl toward them. 飞烨萧焱墨玉三人都是眉头微皱,就见眼前黑光闪动。铺天盖地向着他们卷来。 In that black light, faintly the war cry that spreads the fearful heart and soul, as if mighty force in able to move unhindered howls, war cries Heaven-shaking. 在那黑光中,隐隐传出慑人心魄的喊杀声,仿佛千军万马在其中纵横呼啸,杀声震天 But above that as if battlefield similar strong bloody Qi, one path suppression all great Will, expensive has not been possible saying that such as the destiny turns over, to rule all sea. 而在那仿佛战阵一般的浓重血腥气之上,还有一道镇压一切的宏大意志,贵不可言,如天命所归,君临四海。 Both unify, as if one is invincible. Goes on a punitive expedition against the Under the Heavens ruler, is commanding oneself subordinates not loyal to 2 sides, brave, just likes the steel and iron mighty current same army appears in Xiao Yan and the others front. 两者结合,就仿佛一个战无不胜。征伐天下的帝皇,统帅着自己麾下忠心不二,骁勇善战,犹如钢铁洪流一样的大军出现在萧焱等人面前 This black light instantaneous covering the sky and blocking the Sun, must Xiao Yan their cling, the Fei Ye look be together tranquil, Monster Strength moves, is bringing Xiao Yan, Mo Yu and a Lin Tong launching draws back, must shunt black light. 黑光瞬间遮天蔽日,要将萧焱他们一起卷住,飞烨神色平静,妖力一动,带着萧焱墨玉林桐一起飞退,要躲开黑光 Who knows black light in the process however to reappear the one pale golden color person's shadow. Completely comprised of Light Avatar Magic Force, wears coiled dragon Golden Armor, wears Golden Helmet, in the appearance full is Sovereign is dignified. Monarch that as if the royal cart drafts. 谁知黑光中突然浮现一个金色人影。完全由光影法力组成,身着蟠龙金甲,头戴金盔,面目中满是皇者威严。仿佛御驾亲征的帝王 This pale golden color person's shadow appearance, black light soars, still they captured Fei Ye and Xiao Yan in the middle. 这个淡金色人影一出现,黑光飞涨,仍然把飞烨萧焱他们兜在中间。 manifestation grade Magical Treasure?” Fei Ye slightly raises the eyebrow. Stares at that to condense own physique, Magical Treasure Original Spirit of Golden Armor Monarch appearance: what a pity. Your owner does not have achievement Divine Origin boundary, why real don't understand will you be willing its to be built up?” 化生级数法宝?”飞烨微微扬眉。盯着那已经凝聚出自身形体,金甲帝王模样的法宝元灵:“可惜。你的拥有者却没有成就元神之境,真不明白你为什么会甘愿被其炼化?” That pale golden person's shadow starts talking. The sound is similar to the rolling thunder same spreads, has the prestige near Under the Heavens potential: This you do not need to know, Phoenix.” 淡金人影开口说话。声音如同滚雷一样扩散开来,颇有威临天下之势:“这你不需要知道,凤凰。” The Fei Ye look seemed was still very indifferent, heard those words nod: Truly does not need to know that wastes Time.” 飞烨神色看上去仍很淡然,闻言点点头:“确实没必要知道,浪费时间而已。” Saying, his whole body Monster Strength was welling up crazily, the both wings inspired, the hurricane as if Splitting the Heaven sharp knife blade that raised, swept away in black light. 说着,他全身妖力狂涌,双翅一振,掀起的飓风仿佛开天利刃,在黑光中横扫开来。 Magical Treasure Original Spirit of Monarch appearance is unhurriedly, controls black light, non-stop turns over, as if the battlefield change is the same, mighty force war cries Heaven-shaking, dispels the Fei Ye offensive, that heaven shaking murderous aura and war intent, makes instinct gentle Phoenix frown. 帝王模样的法宝元灵不慌不忙,驾驭黑光,不停翻转,仿佛战阵变化一样,千军万马杀声震天,将飞烨的攻势消解,那惊天杀气与战意,更让天性平和的凤凰皱起了眉头。 As if myriad full of vigor military, vitality Will collects the arrived same place completely, condenses formidable Will that Gods and Ghosts is all startled, extremely firm and fierce. 仿佛万千血气方刚的武者,气血意志全部汇集到了一起,凝聚成一股神鬼皆惊的强大意志,至刚至阳 Incomparable fierceness, but also incomparable frantic, surely the army only gives loyalty to oneself Sovereign, Sovereign sword tip refers, even if the front is mountain of sword Fire Sea, all over the sky Gods and Buddhas, dares not at all hesitant attacks, dies. 无比的勇猛,但同时也无比的狂热,千万大军只效忠于自己皇者,皇者剑锋所指,哪怕前方是刀山火海,满天神佛,也敢毫不犹豫的攻上去,至死方休。 Has idea.” On Magic Force Divine Consciousness through Xiao Yan witnessed that all these Lin Feng came the interest, first did not say Xiao Yan and Mo Yu cultivation base, Fei Ye builds Immortal Monster Soul Red Phoenix, although natural disposition not combative, but Monster Strength Mystical Ability is outstanding in same rank Monster Race Great Saint, has Phoenix Clan unique Pure Yang True Fire, the strength is outstanding. “有意思。”通过萧焱身上法力神识目睹这一切的林锋来了兴趣,先不说萧焱墨玉修为,飞烨可是修成不灭妖魂赤凤,虽然生性不好斗,但一身妖力神通在同级别妖族大圣中非常出众,更身怀凤凰一族特有的纯阳真火,战力超群。 What is more important, besides their own strengths, Fei Ye and Mo Yu behind is standing Phoenix Clan. 更重要的是,除了他们自身实力外,飞烨墨玉身后更站着凤凰一族 To Fang Ming knows that Fei Ye and Mo Yu status, still dares to block the way, this confidence is or crazy, is really worth awarding. 对方明知道飞烨墨玉的身份,仍然敢拦路,这份自信或者说疯狂,实在值得褒奖。 just this person of cultivation base somewhat is actually unexpected, Lin Feng is the same with Fei Ye, saw that this Magical Treasure master actually did not have achievement Divine Origin. 只是这人修为却有些出人预料,林锋飞烨一样,都看出这件法宝的主人竟然还没有成就元神 not completed Divine Origin, can has manifestation grade Magical Treasure, this matter is really rare. 未成元神,却可以拥有一件化生级数法宝,这种事情着实少见。 Initial Supreme Void Temple World Traveler Pang Jie, the Nascent Soul Late Stage strength, the status was high enough, the background sufficed the depth, but before him, valuable Six Form Sword along, just Spirit Gestation grade Magical Treasure. 当初的太虚观天下行走庞杰,元婴后期实力,身份够高,背景够深,但他之前随身之宝六形剑,也只是孕灵级数法宝 Although Six Form Sword has reached the Spirit Gestation peak, the strength is also quite good, but Magical Treasure Original Spirit cannot condenses the oneself physique. 六形剑虽然已经达到孕灵巅峰,实力也颇为不俗,但法宝元灵到底没能凝聚出自己的形体。 At this moment intercepts Fei Ye and Xiao Yan their people, not completed Divine Origin actually has manifestation grade Magical Treasure, the family property is really thick, oneself sacrificial refining is impossible, either is others gives his, either is his chance Heaven-defying obtains the predecessor to lose the treasure. 此刻拦截飞烨萧焱他们的人,未成元神却竟然拥有一件化生级数法宝,家底着实厚实,自己祭炼不可能的,要么是别人给他的,要么就是他机缘逆天得到前人遗宝。 Fei Ye Monster Strength stirs, offensive even more formidable, his opponent, although is manifestation grade Magical Treasure, but user not arrive Divine Origin Second Level Void Return boundary, is not then able effectively to play its might, facing Immortal Monster Soul First Level Cultivation Realm Fei Ye, Time instead gradually falls toward unexpectedly leeward. 飞烨妖力鼓荡,攻势更加强悍,他的对手虽然是化生级数法宝,但使用者不到元神二重返虚之境,便无法有效发挥其威力,以至于面对不灭妖魂一重境界飞烨,一时间竟反而渐渐落往下风。 But this treasure extraordinary, only depends on own Magic Force Mystical Ability after all, with Phoenix Clan Fei Ye Fighting Technique, can support. 此宝毕竟不凡,仅凭自身法力神通,与凤凰族飞烨斗法,也能支撑。 In black light, revealed gradually that Magical Treasure real appearance, is actually a black flag, in the flag surface is embroidering one greatly sovereign character, flutters in the breeze, the imposing manner is astonishing. 黑光中,渐渐显露出那法宝的真实模样,却是一面黑色大旗,旗面上绣着一个巨大的“皇”字,迎风招展,气势惊人。 Fei Ye and Mo Yu usually easily doesn't come out Parasol Tree Forest, the outside understood that is also quite limited, the related Heaven Desolate Land news is quick. Quite is unenlightened regarding Divine Great Land here news. 飞烨墨玉平时轻易不出梧桐林,对于外界了解也较为有限,有关天荒广陆的消息还算灵通。对于神州浩土这边的消息就较为闭塞。 On the contrary is Xiao Yan after accepting the foreign liaison work of Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, has gotten down a time depart solution regarding all influence of Divine Great Land Human Race Dao Cultivation. 反倒是萧焱在接受玄门天宗的对外联络工作后,对于神州浩土人族修道界的各方势力下过一番功夫去了解。 After seeing clearly that flag. A Xiao Yan eyebrows porch: Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag?” 看清楚那面大旗后。萧焱双眉一轩:“不灭皇旗?” not completed Divine Origin, has Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag this manifestation grade Magical Treasure. The status of opposite party, Xiao Yan has clear understanding at heart. 未成元神,却拥有不灭皇旗这件化生级数法宝。对方的身份,萧焱已经了然于胸 Great Zhou Dynasty younger generation first Expert, Marquis of Jing Huan. 大周皇朝年轻一代第一强者,景桓侯 This is the promising youth who Great Zhou Dynasty is second to none, the youth rises, is Great Zhou Dynasty opens up territory to expand the earth to establish the illustrious military exploits, therefore the youth confers nobility upon, directing Under the Heavens to focus attention on. 这是大周皇朝首屈一指的后起之秀,少年崛起,为大周皇朝开疆扩土立下赫赫战功,所以少年封侯,引天下瞩目。 Then achieves Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivation base young, is away from the Divine Origin boundary only one pace, Innate Talent high is well-known in entire Heaven Primal World. On cultivate one path, must lower his head including Great Zhou Dynasty Crown Prince Liang Yuan. 年纪轻轻便达到元婴后期修为,距离元神之境只有一步之遥,天赋之高在整个天元大世界都闻名遐迩。在修练一道上,连大周皇朝太子梁元都要低他一头。 Universally acknowledged that in this Marquis of Jing Huan front, the genius just mediocre person in peer. 举世公认,在这位景桓侯面前,同辈人中的天才只是庸才。 After he rises, Great Zhou and between the Great Qin two big dynasties, in the later generation juniors, Great Qin was pressed can't raise the head by Great Zhou completely, prominence until Dual Pupil Shi Tianyi , has has been able with the character who Great Zhou Marquis of Jing Huan met as an equal. 在他崛起之后,大周大秦两大皇朝间,后辈子弟里,大秦大周压得完全抬不起头来,直到重瞳石天毅声名鹊起,才算是有了能跟大周景桓侯分庭抗礼的人物。 But what this Marquis of Jing Huan most makes competitor desperate is. This person besides Innate Talent astonishing, big destiny, big Blessing, big opportunity. 而这位景桓侯最让竞争者绝望的是。此人除了天赋惊人外,还有大气运,大福源,大机遇。 not completed Divine Origin. Then has manifestation grade Magical Treasure Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag along, except for this also has infinite Treasure Item, some subordinates numerous Expert follows. 未成元神。便有化生级数法宝不灭皇旗随身,除此以外还有无穷宝物,麾下更有众多强者追随。 This person does not have to pass through the setback. But after his each time setback, actually can rapidly once more rises. And becomes even more formidable, the cultivation base promotion did not say. Also can obtain better Treasure Item. 此人并非没有经过挫折。但他每次挫折之后,却可以飞速再次崛起。并且变得更加强大,修为提升不说。还能获得更好的宝物 but this person besides Dao Cultivation Innate Talent, the matter that person knows a widely, is likes being collector of various Under the Heavens type beautiful women. 不过此人除了修道天赋以外,还有一项广为人知的事情,就是喜欢收罗天下各式美女。 Not is only Human Race, even if is the Monster Race beautiful woman, his not let off. 不仅仅是人族,就算妖族美女,他也不放过 If under throughout the world wants to find one beautiful woman most places, is not the Zhou Emperor Liang Pan imperial palace, is not the Qin Emperor Shi Yu imperial palace, but is this Marquis of Jing Huan private residence. 普天之下若想找一个美女最多的地方,不是周帝梁盘的皇宫,也不是秦帝石羽的皇宫,而是这景桓侯的私宅。 The Xiao Yan brain transferred the revolutions, told Fei Ye and Mo Yu oneself about the matter that Marquis of Jing Huan knew, on faces of two Phoenix immediately reappearing angry look. 萧焱脑子转了转,将自己关于景桓侯所知的事情告诉了飞烨墨玉,两只凤凰的脸上顿时都浮现怒色。 Really then listens to that Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag the spirit start to talk said: Marquis of Jing Huan has said Heaven Desolate Land Phoenix Clan the female is outstanding, early has to ask the heart of phoenix, just not to have the leisure to go to Heaven Desolate Land Parasol Tree Forest.” 果然接下来就听那不灭皇旗的器灵开口说道:“景桓侯一直都说天荒广陆凤凰族所出女子卓尔不群,早有求凰之心,只是一直没有闲暇前往天荒广陆梧桐林。” This time heard that has the Phoenix Clan expensive female to arrive at Divine Great Land, therefore seeks a marriage alliance especially.” “这次闻听有凤凰族贵女来到神州浩土,于是特来求亲。” No matter still Lin Feng on Jade Capital Mountain, or places Xiao Yan of scene, listened to this saying, as if by prior agreement twitched his lips. 不管是还在玉京山上的林锋,还是身处现场的萧焱,听了这话,都不约而同撇撇嘴 This male servant uttered fine words, but where is seeks a marriage alliance, is carries off a girl to be one's wife simply. 这厮说得好听,但哪里是求亲,简直就是抢亲啊。 Lin Feng is somewhat funny: Young fellow, has the idea, I favor you, blocked the way to seize the daughter to snatch on Phoenix Clan to come, does not know really should say you to be bold, or absolutely confidence?” 林锋有些好笑:“小伙子,有想法,我看好你,拦路强抢民女抢到凤凰族头上来了,真不知道该说你胆大包天,还是绝对自信?” Phoenix Clan formidable is renown, this Marquis of Jing Huan dares to block the way to seize, must receive in the his room Mo Yu. 凤凰族强大举世皆知,偏偏这景桓侯就敢拦路强抢,要将墨玉收入他的房中。 So the act, seriously is arrogant and conceited, does not consider any consequence completely, may be called the extremely arrogant arrived extreme, nearly in crazy. 如此行径,当真是目空一切,完全不考虑任何后果,堪称狂妄到了极点,近乎于疯狂。 He as if completely did not consider, in Phoenix Clan Expert are innumerable, in the hearsay Immortal Monster Soul Third Level Cultivation Realm Great Monster incessantly one, has Divine Parasol Tree Clan to be like this intimate such as a hardcore ally of body. 他似乎完全不考虑,凤凰族强者无数,传闻中不灭妖魂第三重境界大妖都不止一个,更有梧桐神木一族这样亲密如一体的铁杆盟友。 Has enraged Phoenix and Wutong two clans, is entire Great Zhou Dynasty must think over the consequence, if both sides make war comprehensively, initiates new War between Two Worlds to have the possibility in light of this. 激怒了凤凰梧桐两族,便是整个大周皇朝都要掂量一下后果,双方如果全面开战,就此引发新一次两界战争都有可能。 But this Marquis of Jing Huan now has done, moreover does incomparable bright and honest, unscrupulous. 但这位景桓侯现在偏就这么干了,而且干得无比光明正大,肆无忌惮。 The bonus is Fei Ye and Mo Yu such self-control, on the face the reappearing scowl, Fei Ye coldly said: Ignorant avid follower, will enable you to perish demented.” 饶是飞烨墨玉这样的涵养,脸上都浮现怒容,飞烨冷冷说道:“无知狂徒,癫狂将使你灭亡。” This Marquis actually does not believe that inborn Myriad Things, those who are able occupy it, moving beautiful woman, similarly so.” 本侯却不那么认为,天生万物,能者居之,动人的美女,同样如此。” At this moment, the person who under Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag suddenly presents the one youth appearance, wears Purple gold magnificent attire, wears the gold crown, the waist regarding a bright yellow waistband, is the thing of imperial family, obviously is the emperor gift of the emperor, otherwise even if is Duke Hou Chuanzhe also disobeys the system, must be impeached, is the crime fruit of lese majeste. 就在这时,不灭皇旗下方突然出现一个少年模样的人,身着紫金华服,头戴金冠,腰间围绕着一条明黄色的腰带,是皇家之物,显然是皇帝御赐的,否则就算是公侯穿着也违制,要受到弹劾,是大不敬的罪果。 his well-proportioned incomparable, the head keeps the one short inch to send, the appearance is handsome, the forehead is full, around two sides temples has the pale golden scarlet to surround, as if two real Sun. 他的身材匀称无比,头上留着一个短寸发,面相俊朗,天庭饱满,两边太阳穴周围有淡金血色环绕,仿佛两个真实的太阳
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