HNOF :: Volume #6

#510: Energy where?

Hears the Wu Tree Sovereign name, Xiao Yan looks subconsciously to Lin Feng, after cramming ferociously to a certain extent, he now had many understanding regarding Phoenix Clan and Divine Parasol Tree. 听到梧树皇的名字,萧焱下意识看向林锋,经过一定程度上的恶补,他现在对于凤凰族梧桐神木已经有了较多的了解。 Naturally, these two big Monster Race were consistent, exchanges with the outside are also few, the valuable information are not many. 当然了,这两大妖族一贯神秘,与外界交流又少,有价值的情报并不多。 But even if so, Wu Tree Sovereign given name Xiao Yan also heard, because that is Divine Parasol Tree Monster Race contemporary Patriarch, already achieved Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm Monster Race Expert, is the vegetation monster, the life is very prolonged, does not know that has lived many years. 但即便如此,梧树皇的大名萧焱也有所耳闻,因为那是梧桐神木妖族的当代族长,早已达到星魂合一境界妖族强者,身为草木化妖,寿命无比绵长,不知活过了多少个岁月。 generally speaking, in Heaven Desolate Land, Monster Race Saint Sovereign of only myriad monsters bow head recognition, will call the sovereign, such as in the past last generation of Monster Race Saint Sovereign Tian Hai Nether, are honoured as Nether Sovereign. 一般来说,在天荒广陆,只有万妖俯首公认的妖族圣皇,才会称皇,如昔年最后一代妖族圣皇天海幽都,便被尊称为幽皇 Golden Peng Great Saint says Peng Sovereign, is his drive to the oneself, has manifested the his great ambition and confidence, although his subordinates influence scenery, since, but other formidable Monster Race did not acknowledge that Sky Demon Great Saint Junior Brother Sky Wolf Great Saint face to face had ridiculed Golden Peng Great Saint. 金鹏大圣自称鹏皇,是他对自己的激励,体现了他的雄心与信心,虽然他麾下势力景从,但其他强大妖族是不承认的,天魅大圣师弟天狼大圣就曾经当面讥讽过金鹏大圣 The Wu Tree Sovereign situation and Golden Peng Great Saint are different, this title is mainly in Parasol Tree Clan and Phoenix Clan one polite expression and polite name of use, Divine Parasol Tree lives in seclusion compared with Phoenix Clan even more, Wu Tree Sovereign had over ten thousand years of not previously to leave Parasol Tree Forest. 梧树皇的情形与金鹏大圣不同,这个称号主要是梧桐族凤凰族内部使用的一种敬语和尊称,梧桐神木凤凰一族还要深居简出,梧树皇更是已经有上万年不曾离开梧桐林 The strength is high enough, the seniority in relationships is also old enough, is in the ordinary day the low key, has not gone on a punitive expedition against the Monster Realm ambition and aggressiveness, therefore many Monster Race have tacitly approved in secret also this name, does not go is earnest, somewhat relations quite intimate Monster Race with Parasol Tree Clan and Phoenix Clan, but also with such will call together. 实力足够高,辈份也足够老,可是平日里低调,没有征伐妖界的野心和侵略性,所以很多妖族私下里也就默认了这个称呼,不去较真,有些同梧桐族凤凰族关系较为亲近的妖族,还会跟着一起这么称呼。 Listened to Fei Ye and Mo Yu introduced simply that Lin Feng and Xiao Yan knew, Wu Tree Sovereign naturally also had to accompany the mutual promotion tung companion past, but suffers a disaster fallen ten thousand years ago. Wu Tree Sovereign can only preserve her core of wood. 听了飞烨墨玉的简单介绍,林锋萧焱得知,梧树皇昔日自然也有相伴相生的桐树伴侣,但在万年前遭劫陨落梧树皇只能保住她的木心。 Ten thousand years ago, Ancient Kunpeng Great Saint Hai Qiong Kunpeng borrows Parasol Tree Core. Actually unexpectedly together with core of wood together fallen in Divine Great Land, Parasol Tree Core had not returned to Wu Tree Sovereign on hand. 万年前,上古鲲鹏大圣海穹鲲鹏借走梧桐木心。却不料连同木心一起陨落神州浩土,以至于梧桐木心一直没有回到梧树皇手上 Wu Tree Sovereign has achieved Immortal Monster Soul Third Level. Astral Soul Union Cultivation Realm, is equal to the Human Race Divine Origin Third Level Dao Fusion level, nearly in self-made World, basically already got rid of Wutong same life and same death race instinct. 梧树皇已经达到不灭妖魂第三重星魂合一境界,相当于人族元神三重合道的层次,近乎于自成世界,基本上已经摆脱了梧桐同生同死的种族天性。 Even if no companion tung, these over ten thousand years of years his also one person walked. 所以即便没有伴侣桐树,这上万年岁月他也一个人走了过来。 Lin Feng calmly is listening, the vision looks straight ahead Fei Ye, has not spoken, but was equal to that silent asked. 林锋静静听着,目光直视飞烨,没有说话,但等于无声发问。 Since Wu Tree Sovereign does not need Parasol Tree Core also to survive, what he anxiously is looking for Tong'er to make now? 既然梧树皇不需要梧桐木心也能存活,那他现在急着找桐儿做什么? Fei Ye and Mo Yu look at each other an eye. On the face reveals several points of hesitant look, Mo Yu wants to open the mouth, Fei Ye shakes the head to her: „, or me.” 飞烨墨玉对视一眼。脸上都流露出几分犹豫神色,墨玉想要开口,飞烨冲她摇摇头:“罢了,还是我来说吧。” His turn the head and looks to Lin Feng Master and disciple two people, looks to Lin Tong, said slowly: This matter is my Phoenix Clan and Parasol Tree Clan shame, the unusual person knows, therefore Venerable Master and disciple not to meet clearly.” 转头看向林锋师徒二人,也看向林桐,徐徐说道:“此事是我凤凰族梧桐族的耻辱,少有人知,所以尊师徒才会不清楚。” Wu Tree Sovereign His Majesty several thousand years ago once by an inexorable fate, Source Qi damages severely. although have not fallen, but injury tangled up since, is hard to cure thoroughly, wants to contain the injury temporarily. Needs to leave source tung core of wood to use the ancient incantation law with him.” 梧树皇陛下在数千年前曾经遭了一场劫数,以至于元气大伤。虽未陨落,但伤势缠绵至今,难以彻底治愈,想要暂时遏制伤势。需要跟他同出一源的桐树木心施展古老咒法。” After Lin Feng has hesitated one next, opens the mouth to ask: „After, will Tong'er be what kind of?” 林锋沉吟了一下后,开口问道:“施法之后,桐儿会怎样?” Two Phoenix simultaneously corrected look. Fei Ye replied seriously: Will not have any harm, instead will obtain Wu Tree Sovereign Strength to change magically. Causes its spirituality and Magic Force bring it up a level.” 两只凤凰同时端正了神色。飞烨郑重答道:“不会有任何损害,反而会得到梧树皇力量点化。使其灵性法力更上一层楼。” Phoenix Clan always one is one \; second, two. Never the lies deceive, is Heaven Primal World is indisputable, the prestige is highest most has the community of safeguard. 凤凰族向来一是一,二是二。从不虚言诓骗,是天元大世界无可争议,信誉最高最有保障的群体。 After Lin Feng hear, slightly nod, Xiao Yan sound transmission asked to him on the quiet: Master, was Tong'er can is in the past the reincarnation of that tung? Like this calculates up, she with that Wu Tree Sovereign...” 林锋听后,微微点头,萧焱悄悄传音给他问道:“师父,桐儿是不是可以算是当年那株桐树的转世啊?这样算起来,她和那梧树皇岂不是…” After old bull eats tender grass several character Xiao Yan to slide to the mouth, swallowed back, has not said. 老牛吃嫩草几个字萧焱溜到嘴边后又咽了回去,没有说出口。 Tong'er is Strange Spirit, cannot be regarded Tree Monster Rebirth, is not including Clone, but is not the Bloodline descendant, if must say, is similar to truth inheritance Master and disciple.” Lin Feng faint said: What she inherits after was past that tung become a Monster, cultivate obtained truth Strength Domain.” 桐儿精怪,算不得树妖重生,连分身都算不上,但也不算血脉后代,如果真要说的话,类似于道理传承的师徒。”林锋淡淡说道:“她继承的是昔日那株桐树成妖修练所得的道理力量意境。” Is based on this and you changed magically Spiritual Sense by Teacher, then she refine to melt Parasol Tree Core transform into own part originally, mentioned reluctantly, can was Parasol Tree Clan one.” “以此为基础被为师和你点化开了灵识,然后她炼化了原本的梧桐木心化为自身一部分,勉强说来,也可以算是梧桐族的一员。” Lin Feng after Xiao Yan finish speaking, looks to Fei Ye and Mo Yu two people, the look tranquil start to talk said: this Eminence, although has not sought a meeting with the Wu Tree Sovereign element, but also calculates the spiritual bond for a long time, he by inexorable fate, because Tong'er falls to the enemy in the Hai Qiong Kunpeng abdomen, this suffers distress for several thousand years.” 林锋萧焱说完后,看向飞烨墨玉二人,神色平静开口说道:“本座虽然与梧树皇素未谋面,但也算神交已久,他遭了劫数,因为桐儿失陷于海穹鲲鹏腹中,这才受难数千年。” Now Tong'er is delivered from oppression, explained that Wu Tree Sovereign the inexorable fate was the time appears transfers.” “现在桐儿重见天日,说明梧树皇的这场劫数是时候出现转机了。” Listened to Lin Feng saying that Fei Ye and in the Mo Yu vision revealed the happy expression, Fei Ye has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest toward Lin Feng: „The Profound Gate's Master esteemed friendship, my clan and Parasol Tree Clan are deeply grateful.” 林锋这么说,飞烨墨玉目光中都露出喜色,飞烨向着林锋拱了拱手:“玄门之主高义,我族和梧桐族都感激不尽。” Lin Feng beckoned with the hand: But the words must speak of front, you guys must guarantee that the Tong'er security, solved the Wu Tree Sovereign inexorable fate, this Eminence requested she safe well returning mountain.” 林锋摆了摆手:“但话要说到前面,你们必须保证桐儿的安全,解了梧树皇的劫数,本座要求她平安无恙的回山。” Although the Lin Feng look is gentle, but Fei Ye and Mo Yu in the heart is imposing, two Phoenix together slowly nod: So, Profound Gate's Master completely may feel relieved by rights ought.” 虽然林锋神色平和,但飞烨墨玉心中凛然,两只凤凰一起徐徐点头:“理当如此,玄门之主尽可放心。” Xiao Yan exchanged up at this time with small Lin Tong, the kid was from the beginning big eye to wink winks, even has covered the one Layer mist, pitiful asking: Grandfather and didn't father want Tong'er?” 萧焱在这时同小林桐交流起来,小家伙一开始大眼睛眨呀眨,甚至蒙上了一层雾气,可怜巴巴的问道:“爷爷和爹爹不要桐儿了吗?” Silly thing.” Xiao Yan has rubbed her small head: „Didn't adoptive father possibly want you? This time you go to Parasol Tree Forest, to save others, after the matter ended, naturally can return to the mountain and adoptive father also has the grandfather to reunite.” “傻丫头。”萧焱揉了揉她的小脑瓜:“干爹怎么可能不要你了?这次你去梧桐林,是为了救人的,事情结束后,自然就能回山和干爹还有爷爷团聚。” The young misses are sucking in the oneself finger, asking of speaking in an infantile tone of voice: Life-saving?” 小姑娘吮吸着自己的手指头,奶声奶气的问道:“救人吗?” After she thinks carefully, set the one request: „The grandfather and can the father go with me?” 她仔细想了想后,提出一个要求:“那爷爷和爹爹能不能和我一起去?” Fei Ye and Mo Yu look at each other an eye, on the Mo Yu face reveal the embarrassment, Parasol Tree Forest have sealed up for many years, throughout does not have bystander can to visit. 飞烨墨玉对视一眼,墨玉脸上露出难色,梧桐林已经封闭多年,始终没有外人可以踏足。 can.” Fei Ye slightly has hesitated, then decidedly said: „The Profound Gate's Master esteemed friendship, extends the aid to our two clans , helping Wu Tree Sovereign His Majesty therapy, this is my Phoenix Clan and Parasol Tree Clan friend, is willing to visit to arrive, my Parasol Tree Forest you honor my humble home, welcomes a guest to welcome by rights ought.” 可以。”飞烨稍微沉吟了一下,便断然说道:“玄门之主高义,对我们两族伸出援手,助梧树皇陛下疗伤,本就是凤凰族梧桐族的朋友,肯登门驾临,我梧桐林蓬荜生辉,理当扫榻相迎。” Although Fei Ye achievement Immortal Monster Soul boundary, but by him in the Phoenix Clan inside status, but also is not enough to make the so important decision. 飞烨虽然成就不灭妖魂之境,但以他在凤凰族内的地位,还不足以做出如此重要决定。 just by Phoenix Clan and Parasol Tree Clan habit, this is also one not in the decision that in the clansman causes anything to dispute. 只是凤凰族梧桐族的习性,这也算是一个不会在族人中引起什么争议的决定。 Is full of gratitude, is Phoenix Clan one of the big moral characters. 知恩图报,也是凤凰族的一大品性之一。 Lin Feng faint said: Parasol Tree Forest, this Eminence also desires something greatly, the but recent trivial matters are encumbered, did not have the leisure.” 林锋淡淡说道:“梧桐林,本座也心向往之,不过最近俗务缠身,却没有闲暇了。” His sound transmission gives Xiao Yan: Little Yan, your matter on hand first puts, goes to Heaven Desolate Land Parasol Tree Forest one time, how should do, doesn't need Teacher to teach you?” 传音萧焱:“小焱子,你手头的事情都先放放,前往天荒广陆梧桐林一次,该怎么做,不用为师教你吧?” Xiao Yan thought that in vision has flashed through several points of Enlightenment, in the surface does not reveal slightly the demeanor, but said with a smile with Lin Feng in secret: Asked Master to feel relieved how disciple understand should do and ensure completed Quest.” 萧焱思索了一下,目光中闪过几分明悟,表面上不露丝毫声色,但私底下跟林锋笑道:“请师父放心,弟子明白该怎么做,保证完成任务。” Lin Feng slightly smiles, opens the mouth saying: this Eminence Big Disciple Xiao Yan, will walk on behalf of this Eminence this.” 林锋微微一笑,开口说道:“本座大弟子萧焱,将会代表本座走这一趟。” Xiao Yan immediately nodded, holds the fist in the other hand toward Fei Ye and Mo Yu: Thank your for your hospitality.” 萧焱当即点了点头,向着飞烨墨玉一抱拳:“叨扰了。” Fei Ye and Mo Yu austere allow to return salute together: Was polite, should be we expresses gratitude is right.” 飞烨墨玉一起肃容还礼:“客气了,该是我们道谢才对。” Had determined the Xiao Yan colleague, small Lin Tong then did not have the opinion, although sees Fei Ye and Mo Yu approaches, the or subconsciousness shrinks toward Xiao Yan behind, but looked before their vision finally not like, looked slave trader is so watchful, making two Phoenix not know whether to laugh or cry. 确定了萧焱同行,小林桐便也没了意见,虽然看见飞烨墨玉靠近,还是下意识往萧焱身后缩,但看他们的目光总算不像之前看人贩子似的那么戒惧,让两只凤凰哭笑不得。 No matter Fei Ye or Mo Yu, at this moment burning with impatience, wishes one could to bring Lin Tong to return to Heaven Desolate Land immediately. 不管是飞烨还是墨玉,此刻都心急如焚,恨不得立刻带着林桐返回天荒广陆 Since has decided to help, Lin Feng Master and disciple then does not act bashful them, after Xiao Yan arranges the oneself on hand on matter as soon as possible, is bringing immediately then small Lin Tong, with Fei Ye and Mo Yu together set out. 既然已经决定帮忙,林锋师徒便也不拿捏他们,萧焱尽快安排好自己手头上的事情后,立刻便带着小林桐,和飞烨墨玉一起出发 After Lin Feng gazes after Xiao Yan and the others left, oneself calmly stands on the trunk and branches of Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree ponders, after the moment, he opens the mouth to ask: „Does Nanhua, what matter have?” 林锋目送萧焱等人离开后,自己静静站在玄天宝树的枝干上沉思,片刻后,他开口问道:“南华,有什么事吗?” one white clothing youth splits open space, arrives at Lin Feng behind, precisely Sect Protector Kang Nanhua, his look quiet replying: Sect Master, obtains the news, recently Great Qin Dynasty Shi Family and Yu Family were very not tranquil, both sides communicated suddenly become close up.” 一个白衣青年破开虚空,来到林锋身后,正是宗门护法康南华,他神色沉静的答道:“宗主,得到消息,最近大秦皇朝石氏家族于氏家族都很不平静,双方来往突然变得密切起来。” Shi Family and Yu Family...” Lin Feng hear Kang Nanhua words, in the heart consideration: „The Great Qin Dynasty aristocratic family clan forces, are headed by 4 Great Families, but Huo Family does not get on well with others very much, other three respected family brothers, become the relations by marriage.” 石家于家…”林锋听完康南华的话语,心中思量:“大秦皇朝的世家宗族势力,便以四大家族为首,但这其中霍氏家族很不合群,其他三大家族则同气连枝,更结为姻亲。” Especially the relations of Shi Family and Yu Family are closest, after that Dual Pupil Shi Tianyi is budding, two walked even more near. 尤其石氏家族于氏家族的关系最为亲密,在那重瞳石天毅崭露头角后,两家走得越发近了。 This is almost the renown matter, Kang Nanhua naturally also knows, but he treats a matter seriously to report to Lin Feng now, obviously that two big aristocratic family recent communications, close of right and wrong similar, have gone to the unusual situation. 这差不多是举世皆知的事情,康南华自然也知道,但他现在郑重其事来向林锋汇报,显然那两大世家最近的来往,是非一般的密切,已经达到反常的地步。 Received Little Guy Shi Tianhao from Lin Feng for that day of disciple starting from, he knows that oneself sooner or later had that day that must bump into with Shi Family and Yu Family, because contradiction between small stone Shi Tianhao and that big stone Shi Tianyi , was completely irreconcilable. 林锋小不点石天昊为徒的那天开始,他就知道自己石氏家族于氏家族之间迟早有要碰上的那一天,因为小石头石天昊和那大石头石天毅之间的矛盾,是完全不可调和的。 Only if Shi Family changes, gives up big stone, otherwise they will be doomed become the background boards on road of small stone destiny. 除非石氏家族改弦更张,放弃大石头,否则他们注定将成为小石头天命之路上的背景板。 If the just Shi Tianhao individual, poured said fortunately, but present Profound Gate Heavenly Sect became one makes Shi Family definitely unable ** colossus that faced, if can steer, Shi Family affirmed that now not at all transferred hesitant. 只是石天昊个人,倒还好说,但现在的玄门天宗已经成为一个石氏家族完全无法**面对的庞然大物,如果现在可以转舵,石氏家族肯定毫不犹豫就转了。 But what a pity, in the past they owe Shi Tianhao's too to be really many are too many, as many loses everything to be able to repay as only. 可惜,昔年他们欠石天昊的实在太多太多,多到只有倾家荡产才能赔得起。 About the result is actually same, Shi Family also can only a [say / way] arrive black, but Yu Family that not to mention. 左右结果其实都是一样,石氏家族也就只能一条道走到黑了,而于氏家族那更不必说了。 Does not raise the issue between big stones and small stones, Yu Family many Nascent Soul Realm Ancestor dies in the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect subordinate successively, about the patriarchal clan half fallen of influence in with the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect collision process, so the hatred, can said that is absolutely irreconcilable. 不提大石头和小石头之间的问题,于氏家族先后多名元婴期老祖死在玄门天宗手下,宗族一半左右的势力在跟玄门天宗的碰撞过程中陨落,如此仇恨,可以说是不共戴天。 Was the pressure that the Great Qin Dynasty cleaning up aristocratic family wealthy and powerful families created forces their even more period, or saying that came in view of me?” Lin Feng in the heart thinking: „If aims at me, their energy where?” “是大秦皇朝清理世家豪族带来的压力迫使他们更加紧密联系,还是说,是针对我这边而来的?”林锋心中思索:“如果是针对我的话,他们底气何在?”
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