HNOF :: Volume #6

#515: Some matters, do not allow to yield

Hears the Marquis of Jing Huan words, a Xiao Yan eyebrows porch: Oh? Did the male servant have the new backer?” 听到景桓侯的话,萧焱双眉一轩:“?那厮有了新靠山?” The Marquis of Jing Huan sound in Void resounds at the last minute: That Dual Pupil Shi Tianyi , is in White Cloud Mountain at this moment closed-door cultivation.” 景桓侯的声音最后一刻在虚空中响起:“那重瞳石天毅,此刻正在白云山潜修呢。” Hears the White Cloud Mountain three characters, including Fei Ye and Mo Yu line of sight fall on on Xiao Yan, the Xiao Yan vision somewhat has felt cold, has grasped making a fist gently. 听到白云山三个字,连飞烨墨玉的视线都落在萧焱身上,萧焱目光则有些发冷,轻轻握了握拳。 White Cloud Mountain, in Great Zhou Dynasty and Great Qin Dynasty joint border, is almost the Divine Great Land central zone, Human Race Cultivation World first Dao Cultivation Holy Land, Supreme Void Temple's Mountain Gate is. 白云山,地处大周皇朝大秦皇朝交界处,几乎是神州浩土的中心地带,人族修真界第一修道圣地,太虚观的山门所在。 Supreme Void Temple, Heaven Primal World Human Race first Holy Land, in the past and Great Thunderclap Temple and Mount Shu Sword Sect and called Three Great Holy Lands, Supreme Void Temple was recognition the head of Three Great Holy Lands, Disciple each one startled certainly colorful, the person poured forth outstandingly. 太虚观,天元大世界人族第一圣地,昔年大雷音寺蜀山剑宗并称三大圣地,太虚观是公认的三大圣地之首,门下弟子个个惊才绝艳,人杰辈出。 In all previous and Heaven Desolate Land Monster Race war, Supreme Void Temple is the Human Race leader of not passing on responsibilities. 在历次与天荒广陆妖族大战中,太虚观都是当仁不让的人族领袖。 After war, is Supreme Void Temple is responsible for paying close attention to the Monster Race trend, in Sect the majority of attention places Monster Realm, even if so, dares to have the Supreme Void Temple's idea from nobody. 大战过后,也是太虚观负责密切关注妖族动向,宗门中大部分注意力都放在妖界,但即便如此,从无人敢于去打太虚观的主意。 In the Human Race Cultivation World history, Great Thunderclap Temple and Mount Shu Sword Sect once by the oversized disaster, got Mountain Gate, Great Thunderclap Temple are destroyed Dao Lineage in Buddhism-extinguishing War thoroughly. 人族修真界历史上,大雷音寺蜀山剑宗都曾遭过大劫难,被人打上过山门,大雷音寺更在灭佛一战中彻底被毁了道统 Only has Supreme Void Temple, since the endless years, have made the other people clan influence live doesn't come out completely with the confidence that it resists. 唯有太虚观,无尽岁月以来,完全让其他人族势力生不出与之对抗的信心。 White Cloud Mountain unusual several experience flames of war, happen in Heaven Desolate Land War between Two Worlds, but not like Great Thunderclap Temple was ruined half temple by Nether Sovereign Tian Hai in the past, White Cloud Mountain had not been broken through. 白云山少有几次经历战火,都发生在同天荒广陆两界战争中,但不像大雷音寺当年被幽皇天海毁掉半个寺院,白云山从来没有被攻破过。 In the Human Race Cultivation World long history, Supreme Void Temple has appeared as the pacificator, balances all conflict, preserves Human Race strength Source Qi, by the World as the chess, even together with is Three Great Holy Lands Great Thunderclap Temple and Mount Shu Sword Sect in Supreme Void Temple's plans. 人族修真界的漫长历史上,太虚观一直是作为仲裁者出现,平衡各方争端,保存人族实力元气,以天下为棋,甚至连同为三大圣地大雷音寺蜀山剑宗都在太虚观的算计中。 Not long. Xiao Yan of youth, then hopes that oneself some day can pay respects to join Supreme Void Temple disciple, brings honor to ancestors. 曾几何时。少年时代的萧焱,便希望自己有朝一日可以拜入太虚观门下,光宗耀祖。 Present Xiao Yan naturally already did not have the thoughts in this aspect. But did not express that he does not know Shi Tianyi joins in Supreme Void Temple to mean anything. 眼下的萧焱自然早就没了这方面的心思。但不表示他不知道石天毅投身太虚观意味着什么。 Original Shi Tianyi behind is only standing Shi Family and Yu Family, regarding Profound Gate Heavenly Sect. Insufficiently looks completely. 原先石天毅身后只站着石氏家族于氏家族,对于玄门天宗来说。完全不够看。 But now Shi Tianyi has climbed up Supreme Void Temple, like from two small junks, directly jumps up simply a rampage Heavens invincible great ship. 但现在石天毅攀上了太虚观,简直就像从两艘小舢板,直接跳上一艘横行诸天的无敌巨舰。 Whom no matter he asks to be backer, justice that past owed, must.” “不管他找谁做靠山,昔日欠下的公道,必须还。” The Lin Feng's sound resounds in Heaven and Earth suddenly, frightens * the whole wide world. 林锋的声音突然在天地间响起,震慑*八荒。 Xiao Yan heard this, has smiled up immediately. 萧焱闻言,顿时笑了起来 his Little Junior Brother Shi Tianhao, with the contradiction between that Dual Pupil Shi Tianyi . Is irreconcilable, no matter who stops, this hatred must be repaid, If the Gods block, then kill the Gods, if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas. 他的小师弟石天昊,同那重瞳石天毅之间的矛盾。是不可调和的,不管是谁阻拦,此仇必报,神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛 Even if Supreme Void Temple, is not good! 哪怕是太虚观,也不行! Some matters, do not allow to yield. 有些事情,绝不容让步。 Shi Tianhao in person will not sell this face, their this crowd of Martial Brothers will not sell this face, his Master Lin Feng cannot. 石天昊本人不会卖这个面子,他们这群师兄弟不会卖这个面子,他师父林锋更不会。 Xiao Yan thinks before more than one year, Lin Feng personally leads him to go to Flowing Light Sword Sect Passing Clouds Peak. Goes to three years of war approximately matter. 萧焱想到一年多以前,林锋亲自带着他前往流光剑宗行云峰。赴三年战约的事情。 Flowing Light Sword Sect naturally is unable to place on a par with Supreme Void Temple, but regarding Lin Feng with Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, the truth is the same. 流光剑宗自然无法与太虚观相提并论,但对于林锋玄门天宗来说,道理都是一样。 Master. Supreme Void Temple's person impossible does not know that Shi Tianyi that male servant and Little Junior Brother dispute, such being the case even more being collector of disciple, will be equal to clarifying to provoke my Profound Gate Heavenly Sect.” Xiao Yan hesitates was saying: This does not conform to their consistent styles, by the Supreme Void Temple's inside story status, even if Shi Tianyi genius, has the potential again, shouldn't be makes them make an exception.” 师父太虚观的不可能不知道那石天毅那厮与小师弟的纷争,既然如此还要将之收罗门下,等于是摆明挑衅我玄门天宗。”萧焱沉吟着说道:“这不符合他们一贯的行事风格,以太虚观的底蕴地位,就算石天毅天才,再有潜力,也不应该让他们破例。” Did not mean that Supreme Void Temple will dread to dread Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, but is they have the oneself consistent conduct objective, has implemented the innumerable years. impossible changes for somebody, even if that person is outstanding. Places in historical long river, is unable to place on a par with Supreme Void Temple itself. 并不是说太虚观会忌惮畏惧玄门天宗,而是他们有自己的一贯行事宗旨,已经贯彻无数岁月。不可能为了某个人而更改,哪怕那个人再出众。放在历史长河中,也无法跟太虚观本身相提并论。 Lin Feng sits well on Jade Capital Mountain. Gives Xiao Yan through Magic Force sound transmission: Supreme Void Temple is divided into the conservative faction and radical faction, although the conservative faction has managed a household, but the strength of radical faction is not weak, in continuously positive layout.” 林锋端坐玉京山上。通过法力传音萧焱:“太虚观内部分为保守派和激进派,虽然一直都是保守派当家,但激进派的实力并不弱,也在一直积极布局。” Before Pang Jie silent handed over the Dao Sect World Traveler position, radical faction hereafter also ceasing all activities unusual sound, but how did they possibly really content with the status quo?” Lin Feng faint said: Radical faction wants Supreme Void Temple Dominate Heavens, makes humanity ruler, naturally can think accepts the Under the Heavens person with outstanding ability broadly.” “之前庞杰无声无息将道门天下行走的位置交出来,激进派此后也偃旗息鼓少有动静,可他们怎么可能真的安于现状?”林锋淡淡说道:“激进派想要太虚观统御诸天,做人道主宰,自然会想着广纳天下英才。” Supreme Void Temple own disciples Innate Talent is outstanding, but genius always does not consider too little, especially looks like Shi Tianyi this type talented person who may be called the shaking the old and illuminating the new rank.” 太虚观自身弟子都天赋出众,但天才总是不嫌少的,尤其像石天毅这种堪称震古烁今级别的人才。” Lin Feng chuckle: Little Yan, you think that Marquis of Jing Huan told us this news, what good intention has settled?” 林锋轻笑了一声:“小焱子,你以为那景桓侯告诉咱们这个消息,是安了什么好心?” Xiao Yan awakes: Master, you said that this Marquis of Jing Huan is also one of the Supreme Void Temple radical faction in secret absorb training objects?” 萧焱一醒:“师父,你是说,这景桓侯也是太虚观激进派暗中吸纳培养的对象之一?” good, precisely so.” Lin Feng tranquil saying: He disclosed that the rumor to us, nothing but wants taking advantage of my Profound Gate Heavenly Sect hand, competes opponent except one.” 不错,正是如此。”林锋平静的说道:“他透露风声给咱们,无非是想要借我玄门天宗之手,除去一个竞争对手罢了。” Xiao Yan grinning: „Side but, Master, this fellow was crazy a little does not have, the feeling brain was muddled.” 萧焱咧了咧嘴:“不过,师父,这家伙狂得有点没边了,感觉脑子都糊涂啦。” even if is Supreme Void Temple, won't be glad to provoke Phoenix Clan? This advances Monster Race that side Phoenix Clan forcefully, when the time comes adds the one powerful enemy in War between Two Worlds.” 就算太虚观,也不会乐意招惹凤凰族吧?这是强行把凤凰族推到妖族那边,到时候在两界战争的时候平添一个强敌呀。” The Lin Feng corners of the mouth bring back wipe the happy expression: Two possibilities, either he has something else planned, either he is an idiot.” 林锋嘴角勾起一抹笑意:“两个可能,要么他别有所图,要么他是白痴。” Xiao Yan smacks the lips, said: Master, you, if said that definitely was the former, but said honestly that this fellow, how I saw, was the possibility of idiot is bigger.” 萧焱咂咂嘴,说道:“师父,您要是这么说,那肯定是前者了,但坦白说,这个家伙,我怎么看,都是白痴的可能性更大一些。” Lin Feng has smiled up: Actually immaterial, if has something else planned, he definitely will then have further acts, you guys waited on can.” 林锋笑了起来:“其实无关紧要,如果是别有所图,那他接下来肯定会有进一步动作,你们拭目以待就可以了。” Xiao Yan has his Mystical Ability Dharma Body along, to leave behind Marquis of Jing Huan is not a difficult matter, but this type may the gold ore of cyclic utilization, Lin Feng or decide that leaves the oneself disciple to squeeze slowly. 萧焱随身有他的神通法身,若想留下景桓侯并非难事,不过这种可循环利用的金矿,林锋还是决定留给自己的弟子慢慢压榨。 Regarding present Lin Feng, the Marquis of Jing Huan really is immaterial character, does he compare to be interested Marquis of Jing Huan behind also to have the station other person? 对于眼下的林锋来说,景桓侯确实是无关紧要的人物,他比较感兴趣景桓侯身后还有没有站着别的人? You continue to escort Tong'er to go to Heaven Desolate Land, later comes back her safe belt.” “你继续护送桐儿天荒广陆,之后把她平安带回来。” Xiao Yan complied with one is, immediately continued to set out toward Heaven Desolate Land along with Fei Ye and Mo Yu together, then had its his Phoenix to welcome quickly, actually after received Fei Ye Phoenix wept blood to give the message, to catch up with support. 萧焱应了一声“是”,当即随飞烨墨玉一起继续向着天荒广陆进发,很快便有其他的凤凰迎了上来,却是接到飞烨凤凰泣血传递消息后赶来接应的。 Immortal Monster Soul Second Level, Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Phoenix Great Saint leads, other people is also water builds Immortal Monster Soul Great Monster . 一位不灭妖魂二重,原始真灵境界凤凰大圣带队,其他人也是一水修成不灭妖魂大妖 So many Monster Race Great Saint enter Divine Great Land, even if is Phoenix. Also has aroused the interest of Human Race Cultivation World. 如此多的妖族大圣进入神州浩土,哪怕全是凤凰。也引起了人族修真界的关注。 That Primordial True Spirit Cultivation Realm Phoenix Great Saint, making the person lead Fei Ye, Xiao Yan and the others, delivers Lin Tong to continue to go to Heaven Desolate Land. His oneself keeps Divine Great Land, waits for Human Race Expert to harness. Asks for an explanation on the Marquis of Jing Huan matter. 原始真灵境界凤凰大圣,让人带着飞烨萧焱等人,送林桐继续前往天荒广陆。他自己则留在神州浩土,坐等人族强者驾到。正要就景桓侯的事情讨个说法。 Which Human Race Expert later is rushes, how both sides also negotiated, Xiao Yan then does not know that Lin Feng and he also no longer paid attention, that was this annoys the matter that this calamity Marquis of Jing Huan oneself worried about bold. 之后是哪家人族强者赶到,双方又是如何交涉,萧焱便不知道了,林锋和他对此也不再关注,那是该色胆包天惹下此祸的景桓侯自己操心的事情。 From a spot several thousand li (0.5km) sky, escapes suddenly one path black light, the ray flashes changes to a flag, the one magnificent attire youth appears the personal appearance. Stands under the flag, treads Void to stand fully, precisely just annoyed Marquis of Jing Huan of dreadful calamity. 距离事发地点数万里的天空中,突然遁出一道黑光,光芒闪动间化作一面大旗,一个华服少年现出身形。站在大旗下方,足踏虚空而立,正是刚刚惹下泼天大祸的景桓侯 His look as before, marches into internal Celestials Dwelling that Inextinguishable Sovereign Flag opens tranquilly, in Celestials Dwelling was divided different Space, Marquis of Jing Huan numerous under respectively is located in different Space, but in another Space, then depositing has other massive commodities. 他神色平静依旧,步入不灭皇旗开辟的内部洞天中,洞天里被分割成不同空间,景桓侯一众手下分别位于不同的空间中,而在另一些空间中,则存放有其他大量物资。 Various Cultivation resources, various Treasure Item, various armor blade soldiers. Various types of spirit pill marvelous medicines, even also has the ordinary wealth. 各种修真资源,各种宝物,各种铠甲刀兵。各种灵丹妙药,甚至还有世俗钱财。 Except for this, one big Space was divided into certain small standards. Each other isolation. 除此以外,一个诺大的空间被分成若干个小格。彼此隔离。 Said that is the small standard, actually each one check is piece of broad Heaven and Earth, the scenery is various, has the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River, has the lone smoke on the desert, has the area north of the Great Wall floating snow, has the pavilions... 说是小格,其实每一个格子都是一片广阔天地,景色各不相同,有江南水乡,有大漠孤烟,有塞北飘雪,有亭台楼阁… Each piece of small Heaven and Earth, has a common ground, in that side small Heaven and Earth. Always has other institute, or luxurious. Brief. 每一片小小的天地,都有个共同点,在那方小天地中。总有一间别院,或豪华。或简约。 Marquis of Jing Huan marches into one small Heaven and Earth, walks into the room in other institute. In the institute has the retinue, in the room has the maidservant, besides these retinues and maidservant, beautiful young girl of one sixteen year old girl, calmly sits before the easel, grasps the paint brush, on drawing paper light. 景桓侯步入其中一个天地,走入别院的房间中。院里有仆从,屋中有侍女,除了这些仆从和侍女之外,还有一个二八年华的美丽少女,正静静坐在画架前,手持画笔,在画纸上轻点。 young girl sees Marquis of Jing Huan to come, on the face shows the smiling face. 少女见到景桓侯进来,脸上露出笑容。 The maidservants very much have the meaningful glance has drawn back, and takes the door, some people said on the quiet: Marquis and small Madame sentiment is really good, in all Madame, is small Madame most is in good graces, marquis each time wants foresight small Madame.” 侍女们都很有眼色的退了出去,并带上房门,有人悄悄说道:“侯爷和小夫人感情真好,所有夫人中,就属小夫人最得宠,侯爷每次都要先见小夫人。” Never sees the marquis to pass the night in the small Madame room, each time just together spoke leaves.” “可是从来不见侯爷在小夫人房里过夜啊,每次只是一起说说话就离开了。” Yes, is quite strange.” “是啊,好奇怪。” Although they try hard to lower the sound, but do these chew the words of root of the tongue to hide the truth from the Marquis of Jing Huan aural acuity? 虽然她们努力压低声音,可这些嚼舌根的话又怎能瞒过景桓侯的耳力? He sits to the chair on, faint said: Gave your maidservant to trade one to approve.” 他坐到椅子上,淡淡说道:“给你的侍女又要换一批了。” young girl said: Your killing was too heavy, does not need to vent in the senseless person.” 少女说道:“你杀性太重了,没必要在无谓的人身上发泄。” Marquis of Jing Huan put out a hand to knock knocking on the wooden qualitative easel: This appearance do not speak.” 景桓侯伸手在木质的画架上敲了敲:“别这副模样说话。” young girl smiles, closes the eye, the top of the head appears piece of Light Avatar, in Light Avatar spreads the intermittent Buddha sound buddhist to sing unexpectedly, the sandalwood greets the nostrils. 少女一笑,闭上眼睛,头顶浮现出一片光影,光影中竟然传出阵阵佛音梵唱,檀香扑鼻。 In Buddha’s radiance, has the one monk shadow to be faintly visible indistinctly, that monk said with a smile: Spoke with this expression and this poor monk, your present is not very happy.” 佛光中,隐约有一个僧人的影子依稀可见,那僧人笑道:“用这种语气和贫僧说话,你现在的心情很不好啊。” Marquis of Jing Huan replied: Good deed was stirred yellow, mood naturally is not good, you not satisfactory words, can does not cooperate with This Marquis.” 景桓侯答道:“好事被人搅黄了,心情自然不好,你不满意的话,可以不跟本侯合作。” monk slightly smiles, is full of circle to think that the comfortable wisdom, does not have the slight smoke anger, the words that but says are appalling: Also can simply has killed you.” 僧人微微一笑,充满圆觉自在的智慧,不带丝毫烟火气,但说出口的话却令人毛骨悚然:“也可以索性杀了你。” Marquis of Jing Huan replied: In short Time, you look for not arrive compared with a This Marquis better collaborator.” 景桓侯答道:“短时间内,你找不到本侯更好的合作者。” Right that said that this poor monk now anything does not lack, lacks Time.” Replying that monk shows neither approval nor disapproval: but, if you are always this type disposition, your this whole life does not have the hope of achievement Divine Origin, even if Time is anxious, this poor monk also has to consider to change the one collaborator.” “说的对,偏偏贫僧现在什么都不缺,就是缺时间。”僧人不置可否的答道:“不过,如果你始终都是这种心性的话,你这辈子都没有成就元神的希望,即便时间紧张,贫僧也不得不考虑换一个合作者。” After Marquis of Jing Huan silent one next, said slowly: Before was This Marquis made an indiscreet remark, but also asked Grandmaster to excuse me.” 景桓侯沉默了一下后,徐徐说道:“之前是本侯失言了,还请大师见谅。” monk said with a smile: It is no bother, or said that today's matter, process this poor monk looked, looked at that appearance, Profound Gate's Master gives back to Phoenix Clan Parasol Tree Core unexpectedly.” 僧人笑道:“无妨,还是说说今天的事吧,过程贫僧都看了,瞧那模样,玄门之主居然真的把梧桐木心还给凤凰族了。” Marquis of Jing Huan said: Person who Profound Gate Heavenly Sect comes out, strength truly extraordinary, but that Profound Gate's Master yields to the Phoenix Clan pressure unexpectedly, Parasol Tree Core that succeeded in obtaining returns, is really disappointing, thus it can be seen, this person also no more than this.” 景桓侯说道:“玄门天宗出来的人,实力确实不凡,但那玄门之主竟然屈服于凤凰族的压力,将已经到手的梧桐木心送还,着实让人失望,由此可见,此人也不过如此。” Likes playing to plan and balance, unavoidably lost the oneself spirit.” “太喜欢玩算计与平衡,难免失了自己的锐气。” That monk looking pensive: „Do you think?” 僧人若有所思:“你这么认为?” Marquis of Jing Huan replied: good, This Marquis suspected now that he does have the courage, for his disciple Shi Tianhao does go to do against with Supreme Void Temple?” 景桓侯答道:“不错,本侯现在非常怀疑,他有没有勇气为了他那弟子石天昊去跟太虚观对着干?”
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