HNOF :: Volume #6

#506: Changed destiny path

The Chu Yang eye is looking at Great Zhou Dynasty Crown Prince Young Teacher Chen Yu mansion, the vision is somewhat lost. 褚阳眼睛望着大周皇朝太子少师陈昱府邸,目光有些出神。 He always felt that there as if has any thing to attract him, made his palpitation, so long as if has missed, oneself will harbor regret is life-long same. 他总感觉那里似乎有什么东西在吸引他,令他心悸,仿佛只要错过了,自己就会抱憾终生一样。 In beside him, Golden Core Realm Cultivator of middle-aged scholar appearance, named Liu Bin, the precisely Fourth Prince Liang Qian trusted friend staff, about in Time is together with Chu Yang in this year, knows that this youngster has the place of extraordinary, but also frequently such bewildered being distracted. 他身旁,中年文士模样的金丹期修士,名为刘斌,正是四皇子梁乾的心腹幕僚,这一年左右时间中同褚阳相处,知道这个年轻人颇有不凡之处,但也经常会这样莫名其妙的走神。 Liu Bin said: Chen Yu, although does not repair Dao Technique, but the reputation is good, the talent is splendid, to Crown Prince, is one big helps without doubt.” 刘斌说道:“陈昱虽然不修道法,但官声良好,才干出色,对太子来说,无疑是一大臂助。” Chu Yang recovers, nodded: good, truly so.” 褚阳回过神来,点了点头:“不错,确实如此。” You are responsible for the thing in intelligence report, what's wrong, thought that what Chen Yu does have not to suit?” Liu Bin also turned head to look at Chen Yu mansion an eye, said: What handle or looks for arrived his?” “你负责谍报方面的东西,怎么,是觉得陈昱有什么不对劲?”刘斌也回头看了陈昱府邸一眼,说道:“或者找到了他的什么把柄?” The Chu Yang intuition felt, oneself palpitation reason, because of Chen Yu in person, but in his mind that feels partly visible, intermittent, making him somewhat unable to feel the brains. 褚阳直觉感到,自己心悸的原因,并非是因为陈昱本人,但他心中那感觉若隐若现,时有时无,让他也有些摸不着头脑。 If removes this person, easy as pie, but in emperor there, fears is cannot be justified, instead has violated the taboo, works just the opposite.” Chu Yang makes the best of a bad situation, replying of being without turning a hair: Currently speaking, on Chen Yu did not have what flaw can make I to grasp, but the information that from transmitted recently looked that he and Crown Prince somewhat becomes estranged, before not having, is so intimate.” „The reason was still not transparent, but I will pay attention to this aspect, Chen Yu no matter, or has departed from Crown Prince but actually, to four your highness is the good deeds.” “若要除掉此人,易如反掌,但在皇上那里,怕是说不过去,反而犯了忌讳,适得其反。”褚阳将错就错,面不改色的答道:“从目前来看,陈昱身上还没有什么破绽可以让我抓,不过从最近传来的情报看,他和太子有些疏远,没有之前那么亲密。”“其中原因尚不明了,但我会注意这方面,陈昱不管是倒了,还是背离太子,对四殿下来说都是好事。” Liu Bin said: Truly so, in addition, the increasing number of people started to favor four your highness.” 刘斌说道:“确实如此,此外,越来越多的人开始看好四殿下了。” Before Fourth Prince Liang Qian, visits Kunlun Mountains and Mount Shu completely achieves the mission, the management is efficient. Obtains the Zhou Emperor Liang Pan appreciation, even arrived Zhou King Title. 四皇子梁乾之前出访昆仑山蜀山都圆满达成使命,办事得力。获得周帝梁盘赞赏,甚至得到了周王封号 Regarding Great Zhou Dynasty, the week is dynasty name, does not seal easily, always before only designates Crown Prince. Will seal the one imperial prince is Zhou King. similar was regarded as the vertical Chu's preview. 对于大周皇朝来说,周是国号,轻易不封,向来只有选定太子前。才会封一个皇子为周王一般都被看作立储的预演。 When Zhou Emperor Liang Pan in person or imperial prince, before present Great Zhou Crown Prince Liang Yuan establishes secure position, once was labeled as Zhou King. 周帝梁盘本人还是皇子时,现在的大周太子梁元确立储位之前,都曾经被封为周王 But now Liang Yuan fortunately good sitting on the crown prince Crown Prince seat. Fourth Prince Liang Qian was actually sealed Zhou King, this matter is no different in the Great Zhou Dynasty deliberation hall triggers a fierce earthquake. 可是现在梁元还好好的坐在东宫太子位子上。四皇子梁乾却被封了周王,此事在大周皇朝的朝堂上无异于引发一场剧烈地震。 The Zhou Emperor Liang Pan thoughts, make the his officials rack brains to think, conjecture the meaning that in his each one movement hides. 周帝梁盘的心思,着实让他的臣子们绞尽脑汁去思索,猜度他的一个动作中隐藏的含意。 Has to think that Crown Prince Liang Yuan secure position is not steady, has to think that Zhou Emperor Liang Pan just probes slightly. All sorts of guesses, to mention just a few. 有认为太子梁元储位不稳的,有认为周帝梁盘只是略加试探的。种种猜测,不一而足。 Minister numerous are extreme consideration, Liang Pan are also quite strong regarding the control strength of Great Zhou Dynasty deliberation hall, most people or holds troops, observes calmly the present situation. But also had the small number of people thoughts to be flexible, started to close up toward Fourth Prince Liang Qian. 一众大臣们也是煞费思量,梁盘对于大周皇朝朝堂的掌控力相当强,大多数人都还是按兵不动,静观现状。但也有少数人心思活泛了,开始朝着四皇子梁乾靠拢。 Liu Bin changed the topic: Zhu Yi previous time comes in a hurry to walk in a hurry, has the short conversation with four your highness also just. This time he tests the fall examinations, the fall examinations later quick are Imperial Court Examination, he must stay long Time in Sky Capital City inevitably.” 刘斌将话题转了回来:“朱易上次匆匆来又匆匆走,与四殿下也只是有过短暂交谈。这次他来考秋闱,秋闱之后很快便是殿试,他势必要在天京城停留较长时间。” Chu Yang nod one's head: This really is contacts the Zhu Yi's good opportunity, but must pay attention to the discretion is, Profound Gate Heavenly Sect after is the foreign aid. Walks too nearly, will perhaps make that in Imperial City sits not happy.” 褚阳点点头:“这确实是接触朱易的良机,但也要注意分寸才是,玄门天宗毕竟是外援。走得太近,恐怕会让皇城里坐着的那位不高兴。” two people looks at each other an eye, slightly sighed, no one has thought that Profound Gate Heavenly Sect so was unexpectedly strong, suffered a loss in Lin Feng front including Mount Shu Sword Sect, promoted along with the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect influence rapidly, Fourth Prince Liang Qian was not on the contrary good again and Profound Gate Heavenly Sect walks near. 两人对视一眼,都微微叹了口气,谁也没有想到玄门天宗竟然如此强势,连蜀山剑宗都在林锋面前吃了大亏,随着玄门天宗影响力飞速提升,四皇子梁乾反倒不好再和玄门天宗走得太近了。 But the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect strength is stronger, is the noticeable strong help, the distance grasps, the discretion acts bashful, really tests the matter of person very much. 玄门天宗实力越强,便越是不可忽视的强援,其中距离掌握,分寸拿捏,实在是很考验人的一件事。 Remembers Lin Feng, Chu Yang even more thinks at heart heavy. 想起林锋,褚阳心里越发觉得沉重。 In Kunlun Mountain range, he forewarns successfully, had discovered the clues of assassination action, this result makes him stand firm in the Liang Qian subordinates thoroughly. 昆仑山脉中,他成功预警,发现了暗杀行动的蛛丝马迹,这份成绩让他在梁乾麾下彻底站稳脚跟。 But does not know that is the opposite party is excessively discrete, the or oneself memory presented the large scale deviation, the assassination action has not launched as scheduled, the opposite party easily gave up unexpectedly. 但也不知是对方过分谨慎,还是自己的记忆出现了大幅度偏差,暗杀行动并没有如期展开,对方竟然轻易放弃了。 In the Chu Yang memory, initiates Great Zhou Dynasty and blasting fuses of Mount Shu Sword Sect two big super influence collisions, Kunlun Mountains assassination such average faint, vanished without the trace. 褚阳记忆中,引发大周皇朝蜀山剑宗两大超级势力碰撞的导火索,昆仑山刺杀事件就这么平平淡淡,消失无踪了。 In fact, no matter Chu Yang or Liang Qian, Liu Bin and the others, although consciousness existence of arrived assassination, but all manpower worry at heart, has not grasped can to get through this difficult time safely. 事实上,不管是褚阳还是梁乾刘斌等人,虽然意识到了刺杀行动的存在,但所有人手心里都捏了一把冷汗,并没有把握可以平安渡过此次难关。 Liu Bin had remonstrated at that time Liang Qian for the security concern, cancels the visit simply, went home directly. 刘斌当时已经劝谏梁乾为了安全考虑,索性取消出访,直接打道回府了。 Finally, original Wind and Rain wants, actually very much quick change uneventfully, the Liang Qian success visits Profound Gate Heavenly Sect and Mount Shu Sword Sect, then safe and sound return Great Zhou Dynasty, was awarded by Zhou Emperor Liang Pan. 结果,本来风雨欲来,却很快变得风平浪静,梁乾成功出访玄门天宗蜀山剑宗,然后安然无恙的返回大周皇朝,受到周帝梁盘褒奖。 Between Great Zhou Dynasty and Mount Shu Sword Sect, lives in peace with each other similarly, the meeting of Sky Ridge Peak, Mount Shu Sword Sect runs to smash the gathering place actually, instead and between Lin Feng happen the conflict, had been hit the rout to turn over to finally. 大周皇朝蜀山剑宗之间,也同样相安无事,倒是天辙峰之会,蜀山剑宗跑去踢场子,反而跟林锋之间发生了冲突,最后被打得大败而归。 But all these with Liang Qian, with Chu Yang, with Beyond the Heaven Mountain not any relations. 但这一切都跟梁乾,跟褚阳,跟天外山没有任何关系。 Liang Qian treating safely in Sky Capital City Zhou King that when he draws a charge freshly, Beyond the Heaven Mountain safe and sound, has not become the sacrificial victims of two big super influence collisions. 梁乾安然的待在天京城里当他新鲜出炉的周王,天外山安然无恙,并没有成为两大超级势力碰撞的牺牲品。 If all also defer to Chu Yang that seems real to be imaginary, actually cannot distinguish clearly is in the dreamland or real Future memory the path development, this moment Beyond the Heaven Mountain early because of being involved in assassination, but destruction. 如果一切还按照褚阳那个似真似幻,分不清究竟是梦境还是真实未来的记忆中轨迹发展的话,此刻天外山早已经因为卷入刺杀事件而覆灭了。 Chu Yang in the heart feels joyful, but somewhat is also terrified, because the real World's development, was completely different from the his memory. 褚阳心中对此感到喜悦,但也有些惶恐,因为真实世界的事态发展,已经与他的记忆完全不同了。 If said that is because oneself knew in advance ahead of time Future will change the situation advancement, Chu Yang will also feel gratified, but the change of this moment matter, too much has not actually been connected with oneself, at least the oneself effort was not a primary factor, this made Chu Yang have to feel in a terrified way. 若说是因为自己提前预知未来而改变了事态进程,褚阳还会感到欣慰,但此刻事情的变化,却与自己没有太多关联,至少自己的努力并非主要因素,这就让褚阳不得不感到惶恐了。 Never exists like Lin Feng in the his memory, this makes Chu Yang start to suspect gradually, is it possible that real just one pure dreamland? 就像林锋从来不存在于他的记忆中一样,这让褚阳渐渐开始怀疑,莫非那真的只是一个单纯的梦境? From Kunlun Mountains and Mount Shu after Liang Qian returns to Sky Capital City together, the Chu Yang nerve was still tying tight, prevents Wu Qingrou and Great Qin Dynasty also has the next movement, but the final outcome showed that but is in vain anxious. 昆仑山蜀山梁乾一起返回天京城后,褚阳的神经仍然紧绷着,防止伍轻柔大秦皇朝还有下一步动作,但最终结果证明,不过是白白紧张。 Wu Qingrou as if completely gave up originally by Mount Shu Sword Sect and Great Zhou Dynasty mutually restrictive plan. 伍轻柔似乎完全放弃了原先以蜀山剑宗大周皇朝相互制约的计划。 After Chu Yang summarizes various aspect information carefully, pondered over several points of flavor gradually. 褚阳仔细总结各方面情报后,渐渐琢磨出了几分味道。 Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, has substituted for Great Zhou Dynasty, becomes Mount Shu Sword Sect opponent! 玄门天宗,取代了大周皇朝,成为蜀山剑宗对手 Chu Yang at this moment, has mixed feelings without doubt, he attempts using oneself is prescient to change oneself with the Beyond the Heaven Mountain destiny, finally the destiny changed, but urges all these happen people is actually not oneself. 此刻的褚阳,心情无疑是复杂的,他试图利用自己的先知先觉来改变自身与天外山的命运,结果命运真的改变了,可是促使这一切发生的人却不是自己 Even, controls the situation, person who changes situation, the level is too high is too far, Chu Yang somewhat cannot completely understand among them gambling. 甚至,掌控局势,改变局势的人,所处的层面太高太远,以至于褚阳都有些看不透他们之间的博弈。 No matter what, Beyond the Heaven Mountain and Master, will not have the matter, this is good, this is good.” Chu Yang deeply inspired: Except for this, let only have Qingwu that I missed... Qingwu!” “不管怎么说,天外山师父,不会有事了,这就好,这就好。”褚阳深吸了一口气:“除此以外,让我挂念的就唯有轻舞了…轻舞!” Chu Yang in the mind the miraculous glow flashes through suddenly, once more started with Liu Bin walks forward, at this moment stops the footsteps fiercely, turns head to look to Chen Yu mansion. 褚阳脑海中突然又灵光闪过,本来都已经同刘斌再次起步向前走,此刻猛地停下脚步,回头望向陈昱府邸 Is it possible that Qingwu there?” Although thinks somewhat incredible, but Chu Yang only felt at this moment palpitation of oneself moral nature is getting more and more intense. “莫非,轻舞在那里?”虽然觉得有些荒诞,但褚阳此刻只感觉自己心底的悸动越来越强烈。 After he is gradually quiet, Chu Yang suddenly felt that the oneself body somewhat feels cold. 当他渐渐平静下来后,褚阳又忽然感觉自己身体有些发冷。 The assassination strange change, floats the his mind once more: „Can this time, have with me remembers the completely different changes?” 刺杀事件的诡异变化,再次浮上他的脑海:“这一次,会不会又有与我记忆完全不同的变化?” ...... …… On Jade Capital Mountain, Lin Feng calmly sits cross-legged to sit on Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree, estimates Dao Technique, sacrificial refining Magical Treasure. 玉京山上,林锋静静盘膝坐在玄天宝树上,揣摩道法,祭炼法宝 He has not known that oneself has a bright future to one, five emphases and four beauties outstanding youth has the depart greatest puzzle. 他还不知道自己一个前途远大,五讲四美优秀青年去了莫大的困扰。 Lin Feng at this moment cared oneself Magical Treasure, after long time, his slowly received Magic Force, shook the head: Magical Treasure this thing, with up is happy, but sacrificial refining may really be the matter of time-consuming hard sledding.” 此刻的林锋更关心自己法宝,良久之后,他缓缓收了法力,摇了摇头:“法宝这东西,用起来是痛快,但祭炼可真是个费时费力的事情。” Changes magically Magical Treasure Spiritual Sense, and carries on refining up initially, compared with testing Cultivator cultivation base, but if changes magically successfully, itself does not need too long Time. 点化法宝灵识,并进行初步炼化,比较考验修士修为,但如果点化成功,本身并不需要太长的时间 The just later sacrificial refining time-consuming hard sledding, wants the completely entire merit, needs massive Time and energy. 只是之后的祭炼费时费力,想要尽全功,需要大量的时间与精力。 Lin Feng is thinking, suddenly in the heart moves, raises the head looks to the Xiao Yan's Burning Heaven Cliff direction: This feeling, as if has any thing to be bred the birth to be the same.” 林锋正思索间,突然心中一动,抬头望向萧焱的焚天崖方向:“这种感觉,似乎有什么东西正在被孕育诞生一样。” shortly afterwards then hears Xiao Yan somewhat anxious Magic Force sound transmission: Master, this Parasol Tree Core situation does not suit!” 紧接着便听到萧焱有些焦急的法力传音:“师父,这梧桐木心的情况不对劲啊!” Lin Feng frowns gently, next moment arrived in Burning Heaven Cliff, arrived Xiao Yan front, sees the oneself Big Disciple look to be dignified, sits cross-legged to sit. 林锋轻轻蹙眉,下一刻已经来到焚天崖内,到了萧焱面前,就见自己大弟子正神色凝重,盘膝而坐。 His both hands are holding a section of ruler the scarlet red blockhead of length, precisely Parasol Tree Core. 他双手捧着一截尺许长短的赤红色木头,正是梧桐木心 Parasol Tree Core color at this moment is gloomy, some slightly become dark, not like ordinary such is dynamic. 此刻的梧桐木心色泽暗淡,有些微微发黑,也不像平常那样热力四射。 But no matter Lin Feng or Xiao Yan, can feel clearly that Parasol Tree Core is not the lost vigor, on the contrary, is its all Spiritual Qi turns toward the center to gather, as if breeds one primitive Cosmic World there, likely is one newborn Life. 但不管是林锋还是萧焱,都能清楚感觉到,梧桐木心并不是失去了活力,相反,是它所有的灵气都向着中心处聚拢,在那里仿佛孕育一个原始宇宙,又像是一个初生的生命 Lin Feng tch tch expressed admiration at heart: Obtains this thing most from the beginning time, is unable to inquire into the secret of deep level, but also is thinking, should needs its his Divine Parasol Tree, or is Phoenix Bloodline.” 林锋心里啧啧称奇:“最一开始得到这东西的时候,无法探究其中深层次的秘密,还在想着,应该是需要其他的梧桐神木,又或者是凤凰血脉。” A Lin Feng brain slightly revolution, why knows Parasol Tree Core to be able the happen change. 林锋脑子稍微一转,就知道梧桐木心为什么会发生变化。 Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique. 元始开天妙术 After this is Lin Feng achievement Divine Origin boundary , the Mystical Ability ingenious method of comprehending, contained the Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture peak essence, Lin Feng comprehend heaven splitting earth shattering Grand Dao, therefore has the birth of Primordial Heaven Unlocking Technique. 这是林锋成就元神之境后才领悟的神通妙法,蕴含了四象开天书的巅峰精髓,林锋参悟开天辟地大道,所以才有元始开天妙术的诞生。 After comprehending this heavy Strength Domain, Lin Feng once had also held appreciatively Parasol Tree Core, initially did not have what change, Strength Domain that but that heaven splitting earth shattering, Good Fortune inaugurates actually affected arrived Parasol Tree Core, making it start to transform slowly, the however later thing has given Xiao Yan to assist cultivate, Lin Feng then again not to care. 领悟这重力量意境后,林锋也曾把玩过梧桐木心,当初没有什么变化,但其实那开天辟地,造化初开的力量意境已经影响到了梧桐木心,使之慢慢开始蜕变,只不过之后东西一直交给萧焱辅助修练,林锋便没有再放在心上。 Xiao Yan has resulted in Lin Feng's Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture, although not like Lin Feng same comprehends the wonder of heaven splitting earth shattering, but Dao Technique Lineage succeeds one another, three big True Fire in the body, accompany cultivate with Parasol Tree Core day and night, then further stimulated changes. 萧焱得了林锋的四象开天书,虽然不像林锋一样领悟开天辟地之妙,但道法一脉相承,又有三大真火在身,与梧桐木心日夜相伴修练,便更进一步激发了其中变化。 After breeding of long Time, Parasol Tree Core must start the final evolution finally. 经过长时间的孕育,梧桐木心终于要开始最后的演变。
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