HNOF :: Volume #6

#507: Phoenix visits

Is feeling the change of Parasol Tree Core, realized the Life sign is getting more and more intense, the self-awareness is getting more and more clear, Xiao Yan raises the head looks to Lin Feng: Master, this can Parasol Tree Core melt the monster?” 感受着梧桐木心的变化,察觉其中生命迹象越来越强烈,自我意识越来越清晰,萧焱抬头看向林锋:“师父,这梧桐木心要化妖了吗?” Lin Feng engrossing looks at Parasol Tree Core, shakes the head: This just core of wood, is not complete Divine Parasol Tree, the part of but from extremely formidable Divine Parasol Tree stripping.” 林锋饶有兴趣看着梧桐木心,摇摇头:“这只是木心,并非完整的梧桐神木,而是从一株极为强大梧桐神木上剥离出来的一部分。” After the acquired practice, has potential transform into Monster Race, but does not melt the monster now, although also has the self-awareness, is one brand-new Life, may not be Monster Race, if must say, belongs to Strange Spirit is, is similar to Heavenly Auspicious Baby such existence.” “经过后天修炼,有潜力化为妖族,但现在并不是化妖,虽然也有自我意识,也是一个全新的生命,可并不是妖族,如果一定要说的话,属于精怪之属,类似于天吉娃娃那样的存在。” Xiao Yan is looking at carefully Parasol Tree Core, muttered said: This thing, feels good formidable.” 萧焱端详着梧桐木心,喃喃说道:“这东西,感觉好强大。” good, although is very immature, but Strength Domain is good, the potential is extremely high.” Lin Feng nodded, has smiled up suddenly: Little Yan, your this with setting on eggs did not have what difference, you hatched the one very good treasure.” 不错,虽然还很稚嫩,但力量意境不俗,潜力更是极高。”林锋点了点头,突然笑了起来:“小焱子,你这跟孵蛋没有什么差别了,你孵出了一个很不错的宝贝呢。” Xiao Yan complexion broke down immediately, not knowing whether to laugh or cry looks at Lin Feng: Master, this must really be an egg, I have recognized, a section of blockhead, what do I hatch?” 萧焱脸色顿时垮了下来,哭笑不得的看着林锋:“师父啊,这要真是个蛋,那我都认了,一截木头,我孵什么呀?” Master and disciple two people chatted, while the looks at Parasol Tree Core semblance ray thorough got down dimly, as if turned into section of hard coke. But next moment, on black Parasol Tree Core erupts the dazzling red light suddenly, in the red light one small person's shadow appears. 师徒二人一边闲聊,一边看着梧桐木心外表光芒彻底黯淡下去,仿佛变成一截焦炭。而下一刻,黑黢黢的梧桐木心上骤然爆发出耀眼红光,红光中一个小小的人影儿浮现出来。 Lin Feng two people fixes the eyes on to look that sees only that is the one powder carves the female baby of jade calligraphy stroke, seems also on two and three years old size, the chubby small hand gathering mouth, holds a powdery white finger, two big eye sparkling straight extensions. 林锋两人定睛看去,只见那是一个粉雕玉啄的女娃娃,看上去也就两、三岁大小,胖乎乎的小手凑到嘴边,含着一根粉白的手指,两只大眼睛乌溜溜直转。 The young doll sees Xiao Yan, black and white was distinct, in the big eye of bright spirit fluctuation is shining. Shows the joyful intimate brilliance, opens the arm to throw the arrived Xiao Yan bosom directly. 小女娃看见萧焱,本就黑白分明,明亮灵动的大眼睛中更是熠熠生辉。透出喜悦亲近的光彩,直接张开手臂扑到了萧焱怀里。 Actually very adorable baby.” Xiao Yan smiles Heh Heh grasps her hastily, may also doesn't wait for him have responded that the one clear child's voice makes him fall into petrifaction immediately. “倒是个挺可爱的小娃娃。”萧焱呵呵的连忙抱住她,可还不等他有更多反应,一个清脆的童声顿时让他陷入石化之中。 Father!” “爹!” The sound is clear, neat. Has not hesitated. But actually looks like flat land thunder sounds, shakes Xiao Yan to shake, almost falls the ground the young doll. Profound Gate Eldest Disciple that is always fearless, is looking at each other with the young doll of oneself bosom dumbfoundedly. 声音清脆悦耳,干净利落。没有丝毫犹疑。可是却像平地一声雷响,震得萧焱手一抖,差点把小女娃摔地上。向来天不怕地不怕的玄门大弟子,目瞪口呆和自己怀里的小女娃对视着。 The one big and one small two people, were dumbfounded to take a look at for quite a while, Xiao Yan have rotated the neck that oneself stiffened completely: You... What did you call me a moment ago?” He spoke the sound to be a little ambiguous, as if the tongue has tied the one knot. The young doll is very simple. Resounding and called one: Father!” 一大一小两个人,大眼瞪小眼瞅了半天,萧焱转动了一下自己完全僵住的脖子:“你…你刚才叫我什么?”他说话声音有点含混不清,仿佛舌头打了一个结。小女娃却很干脆。响亮的又叫了一声:“爹!” Xiao Yan has the impulsion that 45 degrees corner/horn squint look at the sky speechless tears kept instantaneously. 萧焱瞬间有了45度角斜眼望天无语泪留的冲动。 Regarding him, this moment before one's eyes even if is standing one Divine Origin Powerhouse, he also dares to cast off the upper arm to rush to hit said again, even if before one's eyes is among Heaven and Earth most dangerous, his brow cannot wrinkle ominously certainly, goes on as if nothing had happened, generous vanguard. 对于他来说,此刻眼前就算站着一个元神大牛,他也敢甩开膀子冲上去打了再说,就算眼前天地间最危险的凶地绝地,他也眉头不会皱一下,谈笑自若,慷慨前行。 But now Xiao Yan does not know really oneself should cry or to smile. 但现在萧焱着实不知道自己是该哭还是该笑。 He may the or young lad body. Did this all of a sudden become the father? 他可还是童子身呢。这就一下子当爹了? After most stunned from the beginning, Xiao Yan understand came actually, Parasol Tree Core before breeding this young doll, is he has had cultivate, by own Magic Force and Southern Bright Hexagram Fire, True Solar Fire and Hell Evil Fire these three big True Fire nourishing. 经过最一开始的错愕之后,萧焱其实就已经明白过来了,梧桐木心在孕育出这个小女娃之前,一直是他持有修练,以自身法力南明离火太阳真火幽冥邪煌这三大真火温养 After Parasol Tree Core gives birth to Spiritual Sense. But naturally however Xiao Yan, when formed parents same existence. 梧桐木心生出灵识之后。自然而然就将萧焱成了父母一样的存在。 On the Xiao Yan face reveals the one ratio to cry also the ugly smiling face, has a mind to correct the young doll, actually sees opposite party correct use one pair fully is intimate with the joyous feelings both eyes looks at he, eye of radiance brightly purely. 萧焱脸上露出一个比哭还难看的笑容,有心纠正小女娃,却见对方正用一对满是亲近喜悦之情的双眼看着他,目光明亮纯粹。 Master?” Xiao Yan smiles bitterly is looking to Lin Feng, Lin Feng said with a smile: Now discovered that originally you are the Teacher disciple king of the children, after Heavenly Auspicious Baby, your behind looked like and wants multi- one small tail.” 师父?”萧焱苦笑着看向林锋,林锋笑道:“现在才发现,原来你才是为师门下的孩子王啊,继天吉娃娃之后,你身后看来又要多一个尾巴了。” This becomes the father happily? Lin Feng at heart quite some not good is thinking, then sees like a small koala hangs the young doll on Xiao Yan neck, is winking a pair of big eye, the line of sight looked to him, vision even more is joyful. 这算不算是喜当爹?林锋心里颇有些无良的想着,然后就见像一头小树袋熊一样挂在萧焱脖子上的小女娃,眨着一对大眼睛,视线向他这边看了过来,目光更加喜悦。 Grandfather!” “爷爷!” In the stone chamber, instantaneous peace, only the remaining young doll delightful end tones of still reverberate in the air. 石室中,瞬间一片安静,只剩下小女娃悦耳的尾音还在空气中回响。 A Lin Feng narrow squeak old blood has not spurted at the scene, some vision delay looks at young dolls. 林锋好险没有一口老血当场喷出来,目光有些呆滞的看着小女娃。 Still remembered on that day running under setting sun, that was the youth that I elapsed... Elapses the peat! Father this did give people become the grandfather?” “还记得那天夕阳下的奔跑,那是我逝去的青春…逝去泥煤啊!老子这就给人当爷爷了?” The Lin Feng moral nature forced smile, looked at Xiao Yan an eye, Master and disciple two has become the father on such one happily, one works as the master happily. 林锋心底苦笑,看了萧焱一眼,师徒俩就这样一个喜当爹,一个喜当爷了。 From fundamental, is in Lin Feng Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture opens Heaven and Earth Good Fortune great Strength Domain, has expedited the change of Parasol Tree Core. 根本上来说,是林锋四象开天书中开辟天地造化的宏大力量意境,催生了梧桐木心的变化。 Xiao Yan is also a face forced smile, is hugging the young doll, coaxes her saying: Called the adoptive father, was the adoptive father, was not the father.” 萧焱也是一脸苦笑,抱着小女娃,哄着她说道:“叫干爹,是干爹,不是爹。” The young doll a finger including in the mouth, doubts looks at Xiao Yan, don't understand obviously is a father, why suddenly changes the formed adoptive father. 小女娃把一根手指含在嘴里,疑惑的看着萧焱,不明白明明是爹,为什么突然变成了干爹。 Lin Feng did not know whether to laugh or cry, has tidied up the mood, asked: „Do you name?” 林锋也是哭笑不得,收拾了一下心情,问道:“你叫什么名字?” Others called Tong'er.” The young doll replied in a baby voice, Lin Feng nodded, had the hearsay, like Phoenix, Feng for the males, Huang for the females was the same, Wutong was also the union of wu and tung oil tree, Wu is the male Tree, Tong is the female tree, same length and same age, same life and same death. “人家叫桐儿。”小女娃奶声奶气地答道,林锋点了点头,有传闻,就像凤凰中,凤为雄,凰为雌一样,梧桐也是梧与桐的结合,梧是雄树,桐是雌树,同长同老,同生同死 Lin Feng looks at she, tranquil saying: Um, starting today, you called Xiao Tong.” 林锋看着她,平静的说道:“嗯,从今天起,你就叫萧桐了。” The young doll makes an effort nod one's head, resounding complying said: Um!” 小女娃用力点点头,响亮的答应道:“嗯!” Xiao Yan in great surprise, said hastily: „It is not Xiao Tong, yes... Is Lin Tong, Lin Tong!” 萧焱大惊,连忙说道:“不是萧桐,是…是林桐,林桐!” He painstakingly face turn the head and looks to Lin Feng: Master, this time you may probably show mercy, otherwise I could not explain to Zhen'er that side, which Parasol Tree essence if makes her misunderstand me with have the connection, finally had such a kid, my whole body is the mouth does not talk clearly.” 他苦着脸转头看向林锋:“师父啊,这次您可真要手下留情,否则我跟真儿那边解释不清了,万一要是让她误会我和哪个梧桐树精有瓜葛,结果有了这么个小家伙,我浑身是嘴都说不清啊。” Lin Feng said with a smile: All right, spoke frankly is the name that Teacher gave was good, this being unjustly discredited, Teacher gave you to carry.” 林锋笑道:“没事,直说是为师取的名字就行了,这个黑锅,为师给你背。” Xiao Yan heard this looked at Lin Feng an eye, the facial expression is indifferent to fame or gain, a purple clothes, the end correct path appearance solemn, is a teacher by worthy example. 萧焱闻言看了林锋一眼,神情恬淡,一袭紫衣,端的是道貌岸然,为人师表。 Said, wants Zhen'er to be willing to believe is good.” The Xiao Yan whole face forced smile, pitiful looks at Lin Feng, Lin Feng shakes the head with a smile, no longer continues to crack a joke with him, but is the vision is carefully examining also in Xiao Yan bosom small Lin Tong. “说了,也要真儿肯信才行啊。”萧焱满脸苦笑,可怜巴巴的看着林锋,林锋笑着摇摇头,不再继续跟他开玩笑,而是目光审视着还在萧焱怀里的小林桐 The Lin Feng heart said: This kid, growth up, will be very serious.” 林锋心道:“这个小家伙,成长起来,会很不得了呢。” The Master and disciple two people led young doll to enter Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land. In Celestials Dwelling Heavenly Auspicious Baby still in whistling greatly rests, after but when small Lin Tong approaches, the his snoring sound stops, stands up from failure to sit up, somewhat blurry rubs the oneself eye. 师徒二人带着小女娃进了玄天宙光洞天洞天天吉娃娃还在呼呼大睡,但等到小林桐靠近之后,他的呼噜声嘎然而止,翻身坐起,有些迷糊的揉揉自己眼睛。 Looking that putty earthly yellow Fat baby has a drowsy look to small Lin Tong. The sleepiness in eye vanishes gradually. Always pays no attention to the person, only recognizes True Fire Heavenly Auspicious Baby, in the vision presents the pleasantly surprised color. Eyah called up. 一身泥土黄胖娃娃睡眼惺忪的望向小林桐。眼睛中的睡意渐渐消失。向来不理人,只认真火天吉娃娃,目光中出现惊喜之色。咿咿呀呀叫了起来 Lin Tong curious looks at he, Xiao Yan places the underground, young doll her is stepping two small short legs, runs up to Heavenly Auspicious Baby side, two chubby small hands draw in the same place. Immediately the red light and yellow light interweave flashing. 林桐好奇的看着他,萧焱把她放在地下,小女娃迈着两条小短腿,跑到天吉娃娃身边,两只胖乎乎的小手拉在一起。顿时红光与黄光交织闪烁 In situation that two color rays enhance one another's beauty, Lin Feng and Xiao Yan can feel clearly that their respective Spirit Power present the growth conditions. 两色光芒交相辉映的情况下,林锋萧焱都能清楚感觉到,他们各自的灵力都呈现增长状态。 Two babies both light up with pleasure, Lin Tong eyah was also calling like Heavenly Auspicious Baby, they as if can understand the opposite party to say anything, appeared incomparably happy, happy. 两个小娃娃都喜笑颜开,林桐也像天吉娃娃那样咿咿呀呀叫着,他们彼此之间似乎都能听懂对方在说什么,显得无比欢愉,开心不已。 Xiao Yan looks at this. tch tch commended: Tong'er is Parasol Tree Core transformed into, Divine Parasol Tree already has the formidable Life strength, contained abundant and blazing fire spirit Strength, Heavenly Auspicious Baby happen to most loves Fire Attribute Spiritual Qi, in Parasol Tree Core, although does not have 7 Great True Fires. But the fire spirit Strength quality is extremely also high.” 萧焱看着这一幕。啧啧称赞:“桐儿梧桐木心所化,梧桐神木既拥有强大生命力,也蕴含了充沛而又炽烈的火灵之力,天吉娃娃正好最爱火属性灵气,梧桐木心中虽然没有七大真火。但火灵之力品质也极高。” Heavenly Auspicious Baby is Heavenly Auspicious Spirit Soil transformed into, the top soil of precisely breeding plant spirit tree, can nourishes Tong'er, Ha Ha, they actually just right supplementary.” 天吉娃娃天吉灵壤所化,正是孕育植物灵树的顶尖土壤,也可以滋养桐儿,哈哈,他们两个倒是正好互补啊。” The Lin Feng looks at under foot hand in hand, jumps around two kids who he and Xiao Yan turn circle to run together, on the face also shows the smiling face: They, pour just right can to be a pair of playmate.” 林锋看着脚下手牵着手,一起蹦蹦跳跳绕着他和萧焱转圈跑的两个小家伙,脸上也露出笑容:“他们两个,倒正好可以做一对玩伴。” His turn the head and looks to Xiao Yan, said with a smile: Later, except for Heavenly Auspicious Baby, Tong'er then also turned over to you to look.” 转头看向萧焱,笑道:“以后,除了天吉娃娃,桐儿便也归你照料了。” Facial expression that a Xiao Yan face accepts fate, but nod: Already knows that Master you will tell like this.” 萧焱一脸认命的神情,无奈点头:“早就知道师父你会这样吩咐了。” Later days, Xiao Yan besides oneself cultivate and concocting pills, were then many a work, that looks after two children. 之后一段日子,萧焱除了自己修练炼丹之外,便又多了一项工作,那就是照看两个孩子。 , Very easy made greasy small Lin Tong and Heavenly Auspicious Baby on the 1st on oneself gets down, Xiao Yan gawked suddenly, after pulling out Sound Transmission Crystal Stone crumb, the opposite broadcasts the Sky Trade Pavilion Song Fu sound: Fellow Daoist Xiao?” 一日,好不容易才让腻在自己身上的小林桐天吉娃娃下来,萧焱忽然一愣,掏出一枚传音晶石捏碎后,对面传来天贸阁宋浮的声音:“萧道友?” The Xiao Yan success promotes Golden Core Late Stage, subdues three big True Fire, had ended the oneself closing up profession, is under Lin Feng's tutelage Sect Master Big Disciple he, then received Zhu Yi on hand with the shoulder pole that the outside exchanges. 萧焱成功晋升金丹后期,收服三大真火,结束了自己的闭关生涯,身为林锋座下掌门大弟子的他,便接过了朱易手头与外界交流的担子。 The Song Fu sound is very polite, although he is Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator, but Nascent Soul Formation, Song Fu does not have slightly the careless and indiscreet place. 宋浮的声音很客气,虽然他是元婴期修士,而萧焱尚未结婴,宋浮也没有丝毫轻忽之处。 Fellow Daoist Xiao, some people go through many places to hold arrived here, wanting the mountaineering to visit Sect Master Lin, but also asked you to report.” 萧道友,有人辗转托到了我这里,想要登山拜会林宗主,还请你能代为禀告。” Listens to the sound concealment of Song Fu to be serious, Xiao Yan slightly frowns, does not interrupt the communication, then seeks Lin Feng directly, meets after Lin Feng, opens the mouth to continue to ask: May I ask Manager Song, who the opposite party is, can climb mountains because of what?” 听出宋浮的声音隐含郑重,萧焱微微蹙眉,也不中断通讯,直接便去寻林锋,和林锋见面后,才开口继续问道:“敢问宋管事,对方是什么人,因何事要上山?” After Song Fu sound slightly paused, replied: Comes from Heaven Desolate Land Phoenix Clan, two Phoenix Clan Expert, already achievement Immortal Monster Soul Cultivation Realm.” 宋浮的声音稍微顿了顿后答道:“是来自天荒广陆凤凰一族,两位凤凰族强者,其中一位已经成就不灭妖魂境界。” Hears here, Lin Feng and Xiao Yan's vision simultaneously looks down to happy Lin Tong that just and Heavenly Auspicious Baby plays. 听到这里,林锋萧焱的目光同时低头看向正和天吉娃娃玩的开心的林桐 To know with the knee that the opposite party comes to anything. 用膝盖想都知道,对方是冲着什么来的。 Before after Phoenix Clan assisted Kunpeng to make a connection with Ten Thousand Year Profound Ice, oneself also together enters Kunpeng Treasure Trove, the goal wants to come for this Parasol Tree Core. 之前凤凰族协助鲲鹏打通万载玄冰后,自身也一同进入鲲鹏秘藏,目标想来就是为了这梧桐木心 just what a pity afterward Ancient Kunpeng resurrected by Lin Feng is blocked, the Ancient Kunpeng remains divide into two, entered Treasure Trove monster phoenix Mo Yu to be kept in Hei Yu that 50% statures along with Hei Yu Kunpeng together, Parasol Tree Core kept Lin Feng. 只是可惜后来上古鲲鹏复活被林锋所阻,上古鲲鹏的遗骸更一分为二,随黑羽鲲鹏一起进入秘藏的妖凰墨玉被留在了黑羽那一半身躯里,梧桐木心却留在了林锋这边。 ancient has to plant the tung oil tree to direct the view of phoenix, Phoenix Clan is arrogant, non- Wutong does not roost, both are almost the associated relations. 古有栽桐引凤的说法,凤凰族性情高傲,非梧桐不栖,两者几乎是伴生关系。 This time visits on own initiative, inevitably also for Parasol Tree Core, although does not know that actually the opposite party why seeks for this thing, but since they do not hesitate thorough Divine Great Land Human Race World, sees the heart of opposite party win on can. 这次主动登门,必然也是为了梧桐木心,虽然不知道对方究竟是出于什么原因寻找此物,但从他们不惜深入神州浩土人族世界,就可以看出对方志在必得之心。 Xiao Yan looks to Lin Feng, Lin Feng faint smiles: Makes them come.” 萧焱望向林锋,林锋淡淡一笑:“让他们来吧。” At the same time was saying, a hand stroke, front Void splits the slit, boundless Purple Qi across remote Space, arrives at Divine Great Land Great Thousand World directly, arrives at outside Sand Region City. 一边说着,手一划,面前虚空裂开缝隙,茫茫紫气穿过遥远空间,直接降临神州浩土大千世界,来到沙洲城外。
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