HNOF :: Volume #6

#505: Affects all parties

Keeps my Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, so long as the you guys management dedicates, not loyal to 2 sides, the achievement Immortal Monster Soul opportunity will be much more than you guys oneself cultivate.” “留在我玄门天宗,只要你们办事尽心,忠心不二,成就不灭妖魂的机会将远远大于你们自己修练。” Lin Feng this last few words, making Nine Talon Eagle King and North Sea Whale King psychological defense line thorough are lax. 林锋这最后一句话,让九爪雕王北海鲸王的心理防线彻底松懈下来。 Left the imprisonment of Lin Feng Magic Force transformed into All-Heaven Boundary World, places on Jade Capital Mountain, feeling abundant Spiritual Qi, two monsters both know that Lin Feng said not empty, here cultivate environment, must by far in Northern Extreme Ice Sea that they occupied past. 离了林锋法力所化诸天小世界的禁锢,身处玉京山上,感受其中充沛灵气,两妖都知道林锋所言不虚,这里的修练环境,要远胜于他们昔日所居的北极冰海 If can obtain Lin Feng to direct Dao Technique again, that cultivate up is twice the result with half the effort. 若是再能得到林锋指点道法,那修练起来就更事半功倍。 Lin Feng has shone brilliant yellow draconic scales conveniently, raises the harvest of arrived Jie Yu unintentionally, immediately lets Nine Talon Eagle King and North Sea Whale King even more is willing to submit. 林锋随手亮了亮黄龙鳞,又有意无意提到了解臾的收获,顿时让九爪雕王北海鲸王更加甘愿臣服。 Under one of the using both persuasion and threats strikes, two Great Monster after the long Time innermost feelings fight, prostrates oneself in Lin Feng front one after another: I and others was willing to do obeisance in Sect Master disciple, whatever whips on, does not have two hearts certainly, but also looks at Sect Master to direct Grand Dao.” 软硬兼施的一番敲打下,两名大妖在长时间内心战斗后,相继在林锋面前拜倒:“我等愿拜在宗主门下,任凭驱策,绝无二心,还望宗主指点大道。” Lin Feng slightly smiles, separately supposes restrictions on two people Divine Soul and Nascent Monster, will not limit two monster display strengths, so long as he wants, two monsters were live are die are immediately involuntary. 林锋微微一笑,分别在两人神魂妖婴上设下禁制,不会局限两妖发挥实力,但只要他愿意,两妖是生是死顿时就身不由己了。 Lin Feng called Nine Talon Eagle King to go forward: You are feather become a Monster cultivate, flies the escaping speed to be quicker, this time is then delivered this Eminence disciple Zhu Yi to take the civil service exam by you.” 林锋叫了九爪雕王上前:“你是禽类成妖修练,飞遁速度更快,这次便由你送本座弟子朱易赶考。” Nine Talon Eagle King facing the Lin Feng tranquil vision, replied imposingly: Respectfully follows Sect Master to command, Jiu Zhua with all one's heart attended certainly to official duties, escorts the Sect Master disciple.” 九爪雕王面对林锋平静的目光,凛然答道:“谨遵宗主谕令,九爪一定尽心办差,护送宗主弟子。” His manner is clever , to continue saying: On the Jiu Zhua road will obey the instruction conduct of Fellow Daoist Zhu Yi completely, asking Sect Master to feel relieved.” 他为人乖觉,继续说道:“九爪路上会全部听从朱易道友的指示行事,请宗主放心。” This is then best.” Lin Feng nod one's head: You handle matters with all one's heart, this Eminence will not treat unjustly you.” “这便最好。”林锋点点头:“你尽心办事,本座也不会亏待了你。” Lin Feng turn the head and looks to another side North Sea Whale King: On this Eminence this Immortal Mountain, although has fine stone chamber Immortal Cave, but wants to come your instinct happy water. Fears cannot get used to living, but does not need to be worried.” 林锋转头看向另一边北海鲸王:“本座这座仙山上虽有优良石室洞府,但想来你天性喜水。怕是住不惯,不过无需担心。” His both palms gently racket. Infinite Purple Qi floats in the midair, non-stop in Void outside Jade Capital Mountain mountain massif surges. Changes to a piece of water glare instantaneously. 双掌轻轻一拍。无穷紫气浮到半空之中,在玉京山山体外的虚空不停涌动。瞬间化作一片水光。 North Sea Whale King carefully looked that piece of water glare seems like not big, the only mu is this big small, as if one pond. 北海鲸王仔细一看,那片水光看似不大,只有亩许大小,仿佛一个池塘。 But was compressed actually actually Space, looks not in a big way from the outside, but inside is broad is similar to ocean sea similar, enormous and powerful, is difficult to seek the boundary. 但其实却是被压缩了空间,从外部看不大,但内里广阔得如同汪洋大海一般,浩浩荡荡,难寻边际。 North Sea Whale King turns toward Lin Feng to hold the fist in the other hand hastily: Many thanks Sect Master takes pity on.” 北海鲸王连忙向着林锋一抱拳:“多谢宗主垂怜。” Lin Feng said with a smile: oneself arranges your new home.” The North Sea Whale King diving posture, falls into the water glare. The body turns, changed to an incomparably giant whale, floats on the water surface like the isle land. 林锋笑道:“自己去布置你的新家吧。”北海鲸王飞身而起,落入水光之中。身子一翻,已经化作一条无比巨大的鲸鱼,浮在水面上就像小岛陆地一样。 Places in the water, he discovered pleasantly surprised that the water temperature in this sea area is very low, other people will feel extreme cold bone-chilling, but makes him very comfortable, is similar to the Northern Extreme Ice Sea environment that he moved past unexpectedly. 身处水中,他惊喜发现,这片海域中的水温很低,其他人会感到极寒刺骨,但却让他非常舒服,竟然是跟他昔日活动的北极冰海环境相类似。 This is Sect Master is intentional...” Thinks of here, North Sea Whale King sighed the one breath darkly: Oh!” “这是宗主有意为之…”想到这里,北海鲸王暗叹一口气:“唉!” Nine Talon Eagle King looks in the one side covets. Lin Feng faint has swept his an eye: Gets down the preparation, in these days, you guys then must start.” 九爪雕王在一旁看得眼热。林锋淡淡扫了他一眼:“下去准备吧,就在这几天,你们便要启程。” Yes, Sect Master.” Nine Talon Eagle King takes orders respectfully. “是,宗主。”九爪雕王恭敬听命。 After several day. Zhu Yi then prepared set out, Lin Feng has pulled Nine Talon Eagle King , this monster changed to a hypogastric to live nine claws in the Jade Capital Mountain top. The wings opens the covering the sky and blocking the Sun golden color great vulture. 几日后。朱易便准备出发,林锋牵了九爪雕王,此妖在玉京山顶化作一头腹下生有九只脚爪。双翼张开遮天蔽日金色巨雕。 Zhu Yi knows that this is Lin Feng for Mount that he prepares, on the face also shows the smiling face specially: Thanks Master.” 朱易已经知道这是林锋专门为他备下的坐骑,脸上也都露出笑容:“谢谢师父。” Lin Feng will restrict Nine Talon Eagle King restrictions to pass to Zhu Yi. Facilitates his positive governing Nine Talon Eagle King , then extend the hand finger gently in Zhu Yi forehead. Zhu Yi felt immediately mysterious Strength Aura buries in the oneself Sea of Consciousness deep place. 林锋将制约九爪雕王禁制传给了朱易。方便他直接控制九爪雕王,然后又伸出手指轻轻在朱易眉心处一点。朱易顿时感觉一股玄而又玄的力量气息埋于自己识海深处。 When this Aura existence silk not at all affects Zhu Yi oneself cultivate and with person Fighting Technique transfers Magic Force, although the Zhu Yi can clear sensation to its exists, but not to Zhu Yi's individual motion create any influence. 这股气息的存在丝毫不影响朱易自己修练和与人斗法时调动法力,虽然朱易可以清楚感知到其存在,但不会对朱易的个人行动造成任何影响。 Lin Feng said: That is Teacher Mystical Ability Dharma Body, buries in your Divine Soul, the power treats as guard, provides against contingencies, usually not to your create any influence, will not interfere your own motion, only has, when your was threatened fatally, just now will play the role.” 林锋说道:“那是为师的一具神通法身,埋于你神魂之中,权当作护身之用,以防万一,平时不会对你造成任何影响,也不会干涉你自身行动,唯有当你受到致命威胁时,方才会发挥作用。” Zhu Yi nod one's head: Disciple understand, thanks Master.” 朱易点点头:“弟子明白,谢谢师父。” Lin Feng was not worried that Zhu Yi had the his Dharma Body self-defense, will have the meaning of idleness, Zhu Yi firm disposition Will, even if facing the dangerous situation, first thinks also overcomes the enemy depending on oneself Strength, but will not rely on Lin Feng to give his this charm amulet. 林锋不担心朱易有了他的法身防身,会有懈怠之意,朱易坚定的心性意志,即便是面对险境,首先想到的也是凭自己力量克敌制胜,而不会依赖林锋他的这道护身符。 Let alone, Lin Feng fully believes that Zhu Yi their such True Fated Son of Heaven, extremely assign hardly, a narrow escape also but is the embellishment on magnificent path, turning danger into safety is the natural matter. 更何况,林锋充分相信朱易他们这样的真命天子们,都极为命硬,九死一生也不过是辉煌道路上的点缀而已,化险为夷是理所当然的事情。 In the but world the matter, does not fear 10,000, fears the eventuality, therefore Lin Feng or delivered Mystical Ability Dharma Body to give Zhu Yi. 不过世上之事,不怕10000,就怕万一,所以林锋还是送了一具神通法身朱易 Zhu Yi mounts the back of Nine Talon Eagle King , turns around to look to other one side, there is the his two big apprentices, Xu Yunsheng and Ying Luozha, except for this also has one purple clothes young girl, actually frequently the Wang Lin apprentice who comes to his here to listen, Li Xingfei. 朱易登上九爪雕王的后背,转身看向另外一边,在那里是他的两大入室弟子,须云生英罗扎,除此以外还有一个紫衣少女,却是经常来他这里听讲的汪林入室弟子,李星扉 Three people turn toward Zhu Yi to salute together respectfully: Wish Master this line of bon voyage.” Wish Second Uncle Master this line of bon voyage.” 三人一起向着朱易恭敬行礼:“祝师父此行一帆风顺。”“祝二师伯此行一帆风顺。” Zhu Yi nod one's head: „When my not in mountain, you guys cultivate, not must idle voluntarily, after I return to the mountain, will test you guys Dao Technique.” 朱易点点头:“我不在山上时,你们自行修练,莫要懈怠,我回山之后,会考验你们道法。” Three people of in unison should be, Zhu Yi also then said: At present you guys cultivation base is low, after cultivation base is higher, I can bring you guys enter the world to gain experience.” 三人齐声应是,朱易又接着说道:“眼下你们修为还低,待修为更高之后,我会带你们入世历练。” Urged the Xu Yunsheng three people, Zhu Yi has approached Lin Feng finally good a ritual: Master, disciple depart.” 叮嘱过须云生三人,朱易最后向林锋行了一礼:“师父,弟子去了。” Lin Feng smile nod, Nine Talon Eagle King of Zhu Yi under foot, the huge golden eagle flies gently immediately, under Lin Feng permits breaks open Space, flies from Jade Capital Mountain, enters Divine Great Land Great Thousand World. 林锋微笑点头,朱易轻轻一点脚下的九爪雕王,巨大金雕当即飞起,在林锋允许下破开空间,飞离玉京山,进入神州浩土大千世界 A Nine Talon Eagle King both wings show, again escaped into Void, flies toward Great Zhou Dynasty Capital City Sky Capital City. 九爪雕王双翅一展,已经重新遁入虚空,向着大周皇朝都城天京城飞去。 After Xu Yunsheng, Ying Luozha and Li Xingfei three people gazes after Zhu Yi to leave, the vision quietly looks to Lin Feng, besides Ying Luozha, other two people somewhat is constrained. 须云生英罗扎李星扉三人目送朱易离开后,目光悄悄望向林锋,除了英罗扎以外,其他两人都有些拘束。 In fact, is fearless Ying Luozha, so the short distance faces Lin Feng, felt that beats a drum at heart. 事实上,便是天不怕地不怕的英罗扎,如此近距离面对林锋,也感到心里打鼓。 Lin Feng has not cared about three disturbed grand-disciple, the his line of sight also looks to the direction that Zhu Yi departs, the heart said: Little Yi this time goes to Sky Capital City, the noise that perhaps makes will not be small.” 林锋没有在意三个忐忑的徒孙,他的视线也望向朱易离去的方向,心道:“小易这次前往天京城,恐怕闹出的动静不会小啊。” Has Nine Talon Eagle King , when Mount rides instead of walking. Zhu Yi then arrived in the Great Zhou Dynasty area quickly, but almost in first Time that he arrives. All influence then or quick or slow arrived this news. 九爪雕王坐骑代步。朱易很快便抵达了大周皇朝疆域内,而几乎在他到达的第一时间。各方势力便都或快或慢得到了这个消息。 At this moment, is not only Lin Feng. In Profound Gate Heavenly Sect every action and every movement of several important personages, start to affect more and more person. 此时此刻,不仅仅是林锋玄门天宗内几个重要人物的一举一动,都开始牵动越来越多人的神经。 Person who Zhou Emperor Liang Pan receives message without a doubt most quickly, he sits on imperial palace main hall inside Dragon Throne, the static looks at before one's eyes writing desk, has not spoken. 周帝梁盘毫无疑问是最快收到消息的人,他坐在皇宫大殿内的龙椅上,静静看着眼前的书案,没有说话。 Imperial Palace manager Mei Wulang peaceful and respectful and submissive standing under. 大内总管梅无浪安静而又恭顺的站在下方。 After Liang Pan ponder moment, slowly opens the mouth saying: Wulang, officially informed Hongwu one, at present is also not the time.” 梁盘沉思片刻后,缓缓开口说道:“无浪,知会洪武一声,眼下还不是时候。” Mei Wulang respectful replying: Servants obeys the Emperor's decree.” His slightly hesitant, be careful cautiously looked to Zhou Emperor Liang Pan: His Majesty. Regarding Marquis Profound Principle child Zhu Yi, needs the servants 0.1 points he?” 梅无浪恭敬的答道:“奴婢遵旨。”他稍微犹豫了一下,小心翼翼看向周帝梁盘:“陛下。对于玄机侯之子朱易,需要奴婢0.1点他吗?” Liang Pan smiled: Does not need, that is also a smart person, I believe that he knows any matter can be done, any matter is undoable.” 梁盘笑了笑:“不需要,那也是个聪明人,朕相信他知道什么事情能做,什么事情不能做。” He sighed one lightly: what a pity, this this should is my Great Zhou talented person, but, finally decline to Supreme Void Temple.” 他轻叹了一声:“可惜,这本也应该是我大周的人才啊,不过,总算没落到太虚观手里去。” After Mei Wulang draws back next, when main hall only remaining Zhou Emperor Liang Pan one person. A even more almost micro inaudible sigh resounds low and deep once more: Perhaps, might as well falls to the Supreme Void Temple control in...” 梅无浪退下后,大殿中只剩下周帝梁盘一人时。一声更加低沉几乎微不可闻的叹息再次响起:“或许,还不如落到太虚观掌控中…” Liang Pan instruction from superior that after receiving Mei Wulang transmits, after Marquis Profound Principle's Mansion, in the dwelling main room great hall, Marquis Profound Principle Zhu Hongwu calmly sits on the chair. The ponder did not speak. 在接到梅无浪传来的梁盘口谕之后,玄机侯府后宅主屋大堂内,玄机侯朱洪武静静坐在椅子上。沉思不语。 Under him on the first seat, sits one to wear a shallow Green gold thread feather robe, the silver temples stands tall and erect. The head inserts the pure gold to hollow out the woman of peacock hairpin, seems thirty allow not arrive is 40 years old age. The bearing is elegant. 在他下首座位上,坐着一个穿着一身浅绿色金线羽衣,云鬓高耸。头插赤金镂空孔雀簪的女人,看上去三十不到40岁年纪。气度雍容华贵。 Hongwu, the son of that woman must come back.” This female is the Marquis Profound Principle Zhu Hongwu wife. Madame Shao, does not seem any cultivation base in the body, is an ordinary earthliness female, but steadily has actually occupied Marquis Profound Principle's Mansion the position of hall big woman. 洪武,那个女人的儿子要回来了。”这女子便是玄机侯朱洪武的正妻。邵夫人,看上去没有任何修为在身,就是一介普普通通的俗世女子,但却稳稳占了玄机侯府的正堂大妇之位。 Previous time he comes in a hurry, walks in a hurry, has not raised any storm, but this time, must come back.” Madame Shao calmly said: I listened to the person saying that his present Dao Technique cultivation base, entire Marquis Mansion high and low, nobody besides you can trig him.” “上次他匆匆来,匆匆走,没掀起任何风浪,但他这次,是真的要回来了。”邵夫人静静说道:“我听人说了,他现在的道法修为,整个侯府上下,除了你以外无人能制住他了。” Madame Shao puts out the one breath gently: „His coming back, feared that is not simple, has the rumor, he and Fourth Prince does, very nearly walks.” 邵夫人轻轻吐出一口气:“他这次回来,怕是不简单呢,有传言,他和四皇子乾,走得很近。” Zhu Hongwu at this time static opening the mouth: Crown Prince is legitimate, fundamental of country, waste long stands young, no end of trouble for the future, His Majesty at heart clear very much, Fourth Prince does not have the opportunity, anybody mixes in the mire that snatches the throne, will not have the good end.” 朱洪武这时静静的开口了:“太子为正统,国之根本,废长立幼,后患无穷,陛下心里清楚的很,四皇子没机会的,任何人掺和进夺嫡的泥潭中,都不会有好下场。” Zhu Yi, if mixes, that is he goes looking for trouble.” Zhu Hongwu said: Relax, he cannot turn any storm, I know in heart.” 朱易若是掺和进来,那是他自找麻烦。”朱洪武说道:“放心,他翻不起什么风浪,我心里有数。” The Madame Shao lip moves, almost squeezes out a few words from gap between teeth: I hear his Master...” 邵夫人嘴唇动了动,几乎从牙缝中挤出一句话:“我听说他的师父…” Zhu Hongwu lifted the hand to break her: No matter my Great Zhou, the or opposite party, has not arrived at genuinely raises the big storm the time now, the genuinely great storms raise up, the immaterial boat will submerge in first Time.” 朱洪武抬手打断了她:“不管是我大周,还是对方,现在都还没有到真正掀起大风浪的时候,真正的大风大浪掀起来,无关紧要的小船会在第一时间沉没。” When the time comes, I can personally attend to that disobedient disobedient son, you get down, I must start cultivate.” “到时候,我会亲自料理那忤逆子,你下去吧,我要开始修练了。” Madame Shao nodded: These many years, you are forever confident, does not have the oversight, since you said that I did not disturb you, your relieved cultivate.” 邵夫人点了点头:“这么多年,你永远成竹在胸,从无疏漏,既然你这么说,我不打扰你了,你安心修练。” She left the great hall, in the foreheads has flashed through haze: In the past Hongwu had the matter of decision, I can always feel relieved, but this time, could not at heart be peaceful throughout, felt that must make the trouble.” 她出了大堂,眉宇间闪过一丝阴霾:“以往洪武有了决定的事情,我总是能感到安心,但这一次,心里始终安生不了,感觉要闹出乱子来。” Zhu Yi goes to Sky Capital City to take the fall examinations test, has affected more than one two people, at this moment, in Sky Capital City, then has two people to stroll on the street, seems like careless, was actually talking through Magic Force sound transmission. 朱易天京城参加秋闱考试,牵动了不止一两人的神经,此刻,天京城内,便有两人在街道上漫步,看似漫不经心,其实却通过法力传音交谈着。 two people one middle-aged scholar, the one fine-looking youth, that Golden Core Realm adviser of precisely Great Zhou Fourth Prince Liang Qian subordinates, as well as that has casual acquaintance Beyond the Heaven Mountain disciple Chu Yang with Lin Feng. 两人一个中年文士,一个英挺少年,正是大周四皇子梁乾麾下的那名金丹期谋士,以及那个同林锋有过一面之缘的天外山弟子褚阳 Zhu Yi previous time comes in a hurry, walks in a hurry, not having the opportunity with him contacts, this time he tests the fall examinations, is the one golden opportunity.” middle-aged scholar said with Chu Yang with Magic Force sound transmission that actually sees Chu Yang somewhat to be distracted. 朱易上次匆匆来,匆匆走,没有机会与他进行更多接触,这一次他考秋闱,是一个大好机会。”中年文士法力传音褚阳说道,却见褚阳有些走神。 Chu Yang walks, while looks back to look sidewise rear area: „Will there, why make me have a feeling of palpitation?” 褚阳一边走,一边回首望向侧后方:“那里,为什么会让我有一种心悸的感觉?” Causes that direction that he pays attention, precisely Great Zhou Dynasty Crown Prince Young Teacher Chen Yu mansion. 引起他注意的那个方向,正是大周皇朝太子少师陈昱府邸
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