HNOF :: Volume #5

#499: In abundance promotion

Xiao Yan sits cross-legged to sit, revolves unceasingly own Dao Technique, his body emerges flame flashing non-stop. 萧焱盘膝而坐,不断运转自身道法,他身上涌现火光闪烁不停 The dark royal purple flame, is Hell Evil Fire 幽暗的蓝紫色火焰,是幽冥邪煌 Similar to the point same radiant pure gold, is True Solar Fire. 如同针芒一样的璀璨纯金,是太阳真火 Flashes the red blue two color rays golden color flame, is Southern Bright Hexagram Fire. 闪动红蓝两色光芒的金色火焰,是南明离火 Three big True Fire flames appear on Xiao Yan alternately, start once again. 三大真火的火光在萧焱身上交替出现,周而复始。 Since reason that in his acceptor True Fire rebels, recently, has been calming the mind closed-door cultivation, actually lost the foundation not steady flaw to make up oneself went fearlessly ahead. 他受体内真火作乱的缘故,这些日子以来,一直都在静心潜修,将自己原先勇猛精进却失之根基不稳的缺陷加以弥补。 As if new liquor is the same after the aging, the wine is no longer violent, but actually even more mellow heavy. 就仿佛新酒经过陈酿一样,酒香不再猛烈,但却愈发香醇厚重 This regarding Xiao Yan, actually is also rare disciplining, lets crossing Yin Wind Calamity that this moment can is shocking but not dangerous. 这对于萧焱来说,其实也是一番不可多得的磨练,让他此刻可以有惊无险的渡过阴风之劫 In situation that in three big True Fire peaceful do not rebel, Xiao Yan is the same to Zhu Yi, very smooth crossing the Tribulation success , to promote Golden Core Late Stage Cultivation Realm. 在三大真火安静不作乱的情况下,萧焱朱易一样,很顺利的渡劫成功,晋升金丹后期境界 Behind Xiao Yan, the flame wing launches once more, actually no longer is originally [gold/metal] purple two wings, but total six flame wings, are divided into three pairs, the symmetry launches. 萧焱背后,火焰羽翼再次展开,却不再是原先一金一紫两只羽翼,而是共计六片火焰羽翼,分成三对,对称展开。 A shoulder pair of flame wing, is royal purple Hell Evil Fire transformed into, a back of the body both sides pair of pure gold flame wing, is True Solar Fire condenses, then launches toward the two sides in the under waist place third pair of wing, east golden color Flaming Mountain the red blue two color rays, are Southern Bright Hexagram Fire transformed into. 肩头一对火焰羽翼,是蓝紫色幽冥邪煌所化,后心两侧一对纯金火焰羽翼,则是太阳真火凝聚,然后在下方后腰处第三对羽翼向着两边展开,金色火焰山红蓝两色光芒,是南明离火所化 The wild Strength feeling expands, give people by incomparable formidable, far ultra current Cultivation Realm deterrent force. 狂暴的力量感扩张开来,给人以无比强悍,远超当前境界的威慑力。 Long time, beginning Xiao Yan walk merit finished, opens the eye, said with a smile happily: Master, I succeeded!” 良久之后,萧焱初步行功完毕,睁开眼睛,开心笑道:“师父,我成功了!” Lin Feng also nod one's head: Is very good, the beforehand painstaking effort has not wasted.” 林锋点点头:“很好,之前的苦功没有白费。” Under six flame wings serve as contrast. The Xiao Yan's body just likes Divine Mansion, on the face shows a gratified smiling face. non-stop of pleased air/Qi in his chest surges, cannot bear roar towards the sky! 六片火焰羽翼衬托下。萧焱的身躯恍若神邸,脸上露出一丝欣慰的笑容。一股快意之气在他胸膛中不停激荡,忍不住仰天长啸! Similar to the tiger's roar wooded mountain. The laughter Heaven-shaking cloud penetration, Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land inside Space as if becomes even more bright up! 如同虎啸山林。笑声震天穿云,玄天宙光洞天内的空间都仿佛变得更加明亮起来 Outside Shi Tianhao that except that still sits shut up in Buddhist or Daoist meditation in purple Flooding Furnace, distant place oneself cultivate Zhu Yi and Yue Hongyan vision looked, in unison said: Congratulations Eldest Senior Brother!” 除了还在紫色洪炉中坐关的石天昊以外,远处自己修练朱易岳红炎目光都望了过来,齐声说道:“恭喜大师兄!” On the two people face shows the smiling face, since encounters post-disaster of True Fire, Xiao Yan becomes with them remembers that the disparity is very big, although heroic as before, but is bringing heavy being depressed, deeply buries the point. Always has the scruples, buries in moral nature. 两人脸上都露出笑容,自从遭遇真火之灾后,萧焱变得和他们记忆中差距很大,虽然豪迈依旧,但身上却带着沉重的暮气,将锋芒深深掩埋。总有顾忌,埋在心底。 Similar to tiger on the plains similar, awe-inspiring no longer. 如同虎落平原一般,雄风不再。 But at present, this fierce tiger, works loose the shackles finally, again returns to the oneself territory, oneself World, again becomes that arrogant eating delicacies wooded mountain Monarch! 而眼下,这头猛虎,终于挣脱牢笼,重新回到自己的领地,自己世界,重新成为那傲啸山林的帝王 This is they remembers that during Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Big Disciple, the natural disposition is resolute. Fierce brave fearless, when Sect is threaten the provocation, forever is the person who First stands. 这才是他们记忆之中的玄门天宗大弟子,生性刚毅不屈。悍勇无畏,在师门受到挑衅和威胁时,永远是第一个站出来的人。 Xiao Yan is promoted Golden Core Late Stage to succeed, Lin Feng also teaches Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture Dao Technique to him similarly. 萧焱晋级金丹后期成功,林锋同样也把四象开天书道法传授给他。 Lin Feng catches the eye to look by Great Sun Flame Sovereign is held in purple Flooding Furnace of palm place: Um. So firstly, only remaining Little Guy one.” 林锋抬眼望了望被大日炎皇托在掌心处的紫色洪炉:“嗯。如此一来,就只剩下小不点一个了。” Various Shi Tianhao absorb Treasure Item Essence, making Golden Core transform. Was the one very long process, but wants on right track. The behind patience waits for then. 石天昊吸纳各种宝物精华,令金丹蜕变。是一个很漫长的过程,不过只要上了正轨。后面耐心等待即可。 Lin Feng left Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land, will branch out some Mind to take care of Shi Tianhao. Therefore is not worried had mistake. 林锋出了玄天宙光洞天,也会分出部分精神看顾石天昊。所以不担心其中出了差错。 Xiao Yan, Zhu Yi and Yue Hongyan three people after Time closed-door cultivation, returns to respective Immortal Cave in abundance, has the oneself apprentice to need to teach there them. 萧焱朱易岳红炎三人在一段时间潜修之后,也纷纷返回各自洞府,在那里他们还有自己的入室弟子需要教导。 Meanwhile, three people must the arrived Heavenly Soul Marble fragment and Cloudy Immortal Silk refinement Technique. 同时,三人都得到了天魄云石碎片与云气仙罗的炼制法门 Xiao Yan this chapter was felt proud and elated thoroughly, was not only promoted Golden Core Late Stage Cultivation Realm finally, got rid of the pain of True Fire rebelling, even if sacrificial refining Cloudy Immortal Silk, he was also handiest, the speed was fastest, the quality was best. 萧焱这回算是彻底扬眉吐气了,不仅仅是终于晋级金丹后期境界,摆脱真火作乱之苦,就算祭炼云气仙罗,他也最为得心应手,速度最快,质量最好。 Lin Feng watches all, shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not to: Said fairly that in all people, Little Yi Treasure Refining Innate Talent is highest, but cannot support Little Yan to have cheating.” 林锋把一切都看在眼里,不由摇头失笑:“公平地说,所有人里,小易炼器天赋是最高的,但架不住小焱子有作弊器啊。” After being promoted Golden Core Late Stage, within the body three big True Fire, the Xiao Yan can freely control, is not only beforehand Hell Evil Fire and True Solar Fire, included him afterward to obtain, making him be bogged down in difficulties Southern Bright Hexagram Fire. 晋级金丹后期后,体内三大真火,萧焱可以自如掌控,不仅仅是之前的幽冥邪煌太阳真火,也包括他后来得到,让他陷入困境的南明离火 Among Heaven and Earth in 7 Great True Fires, Southern Bright Hexagram Fire most suits Treasure Refining and concocting pills True Fire, refines medicinal pill by this fire, or sacrificial refining Magical Artifact, has the twice the result with half the effort effect, not only can accelerates to refine, and can enhance the end product the quality, effect extremely Heaven-defying. 天地七大真火中,南明离火是最适合炼器炼丹真火,以此火炼制丹药,或者祭炼法器,有事半功倍之效,既可以加速炼化,又能提高成品的质量,功效极为逆天 Xiao Yan finally can thoroughly controls Southern Bright Hexagram Fire now, not only makes the his strength rise suddenly , helping him make the great strides in the concocting pills Treasure Refining aspect. 萧焱现在终于可以彻底掌控南明离火,不仅仅让他的实力暴涨,更让他在炼丹炼器方面获得长足进步。 Since this days, Lin Feng collected some medicinal herbs, the material has improved on hand, therefore then simply Talent Supplementing Pill and Marrow Cleansing Pill Pill Recipe, as well as Increasing Spirit Grass, Spirit Spring Marrow Washing Grass and other medicinal herbs altogether gives Xiao Yan. 这段日子以来,林锋又收集了一些药材,手头材料已经完善,于是便索性将天灵补缺丹洗髓丹丹方,以及升灵草灵泉洗髓草药材一并交给萧焱 Xiao Yan has resulted in Southern Bright Hexagram Fire, hand, after looking at the understand two medicinal pill uses itchy, rouses, immediately then runs in Pill Room Heaven-Revolving Golden Pavilion to fiddle with up. 萧焱得了南明离火,也手痒不已,看明白两种丹药的用途后,不禁为之振奋,当即便跑进丹房回天金阁里捣鼓起来 Outside Great Thousand World Time has not passed how long, in Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land the time actually rapidly passed, Lin Feng then felt quickly Celestials Dwelling inside Shi Tianhao will soon receive the merit, starts to get ready to sprint last pass/test, crossed Yin Wind Calamity, achievement Golden Core leakless. 外界大千世界时间没有过去多久,玄天宙光洞天中光阴却已飞速流逝,林锋很快便感觉到洞天内的石天昊即将收功,开始准备冲刺最后一关,渡过阴风之劫,成就金丹无漏 In Purple Qi Flooding Furnace, massive Kunpeng True Blood reduced half, builds also vanished in Sky-Patching Vine of fire hole does not see, countless Spiritual Qi Essence were entered the body by furnace inside Shi Tianhao absorb, his body inside Golden Core this moment shining, is very radiant. 紫气洪炉中,大量的鲲鹏真血已经减少了一半,搭在炉口的补天藤也已经消失不见,数不尽的灵气精华被炉内的石天昊吸纳入体,他体内的金丹此刻熠熠生辉,无比璀璨。 The Golden Core whole was covered by colored glow, turns into one colored light sphere, on this colored light sphere, nine dazzling purple golden color luminous spot non-stop flashes. 金丹整体被彩色霞光覆盖,变成一个彩色的光球,在这彩色光球上,有九个耀眼的紫金色光点不停闪动。 Shi Tianhao top of the head Heaven Gate Yin Wind blows to fall, Yin Wind Calamity formally starts. 石天昊头顶天门阴风吹落,阴风之劫正式开始。 Facing terrifying Yin Wind, Shi Tianhao is unhurriedly, steadily deals, not only does not dread, instead helps oneself Golden Core complete the final transformation using Yin Wind Calamity. 面对恐怖阴风,石天昊不慌不忙,沉着应对,不仅不畏惧,反而利用阴风之劫来帮助自己金丹完成最后的蜕变。 Long time, wild Yin Wind ceases suddenly, shortly afterwards, the endless brilliance erupts from Shi Tianhao within the body. 良久之后,狂暴的阴风突然停息,紧接着,无尽光彩从石天昊体内爆发出来。 First is his Golden Core, then develops his whole person to send out the dazzling brilliance. 先是他的金丹,然后发展到他整个人都散发出耀眼光彩。 Around the body surplus Kunpeng True Blood non-stop shakes, was inhaled Shi Tianhao within the body by this moment continuously, the his body as if turns into the one giant abyss, greedy Devouring surrounding all Spiritual Qi and Treasure Item. 身体周围剩余的鲲鹏真血不停震荡,被这一刻被源源不断吸入石天昊体内,他的身体仿佛变成一个巨大的深渊,贪婪吞噬周围一切灵气宝物 Void is vibrating, only Lin Feng Magic Force transformed into purple Flooding Furnace still stabilized invariably, spouts lines after lines glow from the fire hole, straight into the clouds in the sky, in the ray, whether there is to perform mark Diagram to flash densely covered. 虚空都在震动着,只有林锋法力所化紫色洪炉仍然稳定不变,自炉口喷出道道霞光,直冲云天,光芒中,有无尽符号图纹密布闪动。 In the drying furnace, is awakening like Innate Supreme, the air/Qi swallows the whole wide world, only I alone revere, the ray submerges Heaven and Earth. 烘炉中,就像有一位先天至尊正在觉醒,气吞八荒,惟我独尊,光芒淹没天地 The slowly of Shi Tianhao's body from the drying furnace raises, the whole body flesh is perfect, the body surface engraved the brand mark innumerable writing talisman seal, next moment, these writing talisman seal received the his body along with the infinite ray together. 石天昊的身体从烘炉中缓缓升起,通体肌肤完美无瑕,体表镌刻烙印了无数文字符印,下一刻,这些文字符印随着无穷光芒一起收入他的身躯。 In his within the body, purple light flashes, perfect leakless, without the slightest defect Golden Core turning round non-stop rotation, myriad divine light together Take in. 在他体内,一枚紫光闪动,完满无漏,没有丝毫瑕疵的金丹正在滴溜溜不停转动,将万千神光一起收纳 Nine holes that on original Golden Core Innate lives, vanished at this moment do not see, Golden Core is thorough. 原先金丹先天所生的九个孔窍,此刻都已经消失不见,一颗金丹彻底圆满。 Now Shi Tianhao's Golden Core, although no longer Innate Nine Orifices turnover huge Spiritual Qi like before, but actually also strange spirit fluctuation. 现在石天昊的金丹,虽然不再像之前那样先天九窍吞吐庞大灵气,但却也奇异灵动 Golden Core as if transparent amber crystal clear similar, in Golden Core, one path radiant divine light non-stop circles flowing, in that divine light as if contained all things Myriad Things, the mystery of Great Desolation change. 金丹仿佛透明的琥珀琉璃一般,在金丹内,一道璀璨至极的神光不停盘旋流动,那神光中仿佛蕴含了万事万物,洪荒变迁的奥秘。 When divine light flowing non-stop, Shi Tianhao Golden Core absorb Spiritual Qi also non-stop, regarding the Spiritual Qi turnover, instead compared with former Innate Nine Orifices even more terrifying, moreover is very coherent, cannot refine desirably, divine light one revolves, Spiritual Qi was then transferred transform into vigorous Magic Force. 神光流动不停,石天昊金丹吸纳灵气不停,对于灵气的吞吐,反而比之前先天九窍更加恐怖,而且无比连贯,不许刻意炼化,神光一个旋转,灵气便被转化为雄浑法力 Lin Feng watches all these, on face shows the smiling face: Has succeeded, really compares to beforehand Nine Orifices Golden Core even better.” 林锋把这一切都看在眼里,脸上露出笑容:“成功了,果然比起之前的九窍金丹更胜一筹。” Has carried on beyond the promotion in the Nine Orifices Golden Core inherent merit, but also the magical things, but manifests now not obviously, after kid Nascent Soul Formation, perhaps meets genuinely to reveal towering of oneself.” “在九窍金丹的固有优点上进行了提升之外,还更有一番神奇之处,不过现在体现不明显,等到小家伙结婴之后,恐怕才会真正露出自己的峥嵘。” Purple Qi Flooding Furnace dissipates, Shi Tianhao stands on the palm of Great Sun Flame Sovereign, smiles raises the head to look to Void: Master!” 紫气洪炉消散,石天昊就站在大日炎皇的手掌上,笑着抬头望向虚空:“师父!” The Lin Feng's form appears from in Void, gratified nod: Does is very good.” 林锋的身影从虚空中浮现,欣慰点头:“做的很好。” As the age grows, a Shi Tianhao pair of black and white distinct big eye, not only has not lost Spiritual Qi, instead even more spirit fluctuation, the eyeball turning round revolution, said with a smile: That can Master, complete, does have the reward?” 随着年龄增长,石天昊一对黑白分明的大眼睛,不仅没有失去灵气,反而越发灵动了,眼珠子滴溜溜一转,笑道:“那师父,做得好,有没有奖励呀?” Lin Feng appears in his front, has shot his forehead gently: „After Nascent Soul Formation, must have your, smelly brat, you by escape route also steadily.” 林锋出现在他面前,轻轻弹了他脑门一下:“结婴之后,少不了你的,臭小子,你以后路还长着呢。” Shi Tianhao hee hee smiles, in the mind appears Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture Dao Secret Arts, immediately starts earnest cultivate. 石天昊嘻嘻笑着,脑海中浮现四象开天书道诀,当即开始认真修练 looks at oneself Disciple each one cultivation base promote, Lin Feng also feels joyful. 看着自己门下弟子个个修为提升,林锋也感到欣喜。 Lets his slightly a little worry only fell to the enemy Wang Lin in Void Battlefield, War God Clone still attentively sought in Void Battlefield at this moment, although has not contacted, but obtained the Wang Lin's news from other population, the just substantial progress still did not have. 唯一让他稍微有点担心的就是失陷在虚空战场中的汪林了,战神分身此刻还在虚空战场中用心寻找,虽然没有接触,但却从别的人口中得到过汪林的消息,只是实质性进展依然没有。 Fortunately Wang Lin's Life Lamp had not extinguished, although had Time lamp fire has become extremely weak, as if at any time possibly destroys completely, making Lin Feng fearful and apprehensive, but Wang Lin or has gone against finally successfully. 所幸汪林的本命灯一直没有熄灭,虽然曾经有过一段时间灯火变得极为虚弱,仿佛随时都可能灭掉,让林锋心惊肉跳,但最终汪林还是成功顶了过来。 After Time, lamp fire again becomes exuberant up, explained difficulty that Wang Lin one path has barely escaped. 一段时间后,灯火重新变得旺盛起来,说明汪林挺过了一道险死还生的难关。 In the later day, Lin Feng has not gone out, closed-door cultivation on Jade Capital Mountain, sacrificial refining oneself Magical Treasure. 之后的日子里,林锋没有外出,就在玉京山潜修,同时也祭炼自己法宝 His Sect's Disciples, Xiao Yan and the others also respective cultivate, estimate Dao Technique, disciplines Magical Technique, person who has the apprentice, taught devotedly. 门下众弟子,萧焱等人也各自修练,揣摩道法,磨练法术,有徒弟的人,也悉心教导。 Wang Lin's Ordinary Lin's Home, the scale expanded much, no longer is the simple several log cabins, underwent the extension, at this moment lives in the Wang Lin's parents and parts and he quite intimate clansman. 汪林的凡林居,规模扩大了不少,不再是简单的几件木屋,经过了扩建,此刻住着汪林的父母和部分与他较为亲近的族人。 Until at this moment, them got up Jade Capital Mountain, witnesses on Jade Capital Mountain all sorts of marvelous pictures, is knows that does not reveal the mountain non- dew in the hometown, is actually glad to light Wang Lin to have how the deep background. 直到此刻,他们上了玉京山,目睹玉京山上种种奇妙景象,才算知道在家乡不显山不露水,甘于平淡的汪林究竟有着如何深厚的背景。 Before this, their even if with the Wang Lin goodwill , many are also having with Wang Lin idea that when Junior looks, this moment this thoughts vanish without the trace thoroughly, genuinely understand, Wang Lin with them really completely was two World's people. 在此前,他们就算汪林亲善,也多少还带着点拿汪林晚辈看的意思,此刻这点心思彻底消失无踪,真正明白,本质上,汪林同他们真的完全是两个世界的人了。
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