HNOF :: Volume #5

#500: Flowing Light Sword Sect visits

Lives in Ordinary Lin's Home, is looking at the distant place Jade Capital Mountain main body, including Wang Lin's parents parents, felt that just likes separates the world. 住在凡林居,望着远方玉京山主体,连汪林的父母双亲,也感觉恍如隔世。 one purple clothes young girl arrives at their side, offers Fragrant Tea Leaves, slightly says with a smile: This is the spirit tea that on the mountain Medicine Valley produces, calms the nerves to raise the soul, increase and prolong the life, please take your time.” 一个紫衣少女来到他们身边,奉上香茗,微微笑道:“这是山上药谷所产的灵茶,安神养魂,益寿延年,请慢用。” The Wang Family old couple said repeatedly does not dare, they personally saw this before have seemed like the delicate purple clothes young girl under foot create an incident, imperial empty behavior appearance. 汪家老两口连声说不敢,他们之前可是亲眼见过这个看似娇弱的紫衣少女脚下生风,御虚而行的模样。 This purple clothes young girl naturally is Li Xingfei, pay respects to join Profound Gate Heavenly Sect study the Dao more than one year Time, Qi Condensation cultivation base slightly had formed, her before entering Sect this is not the ordinary families daughters, after entering Sect has resided on Jade Capital Mountain, Spiritual Qi raises the person, the makings appearance even more leaves the dust, making the person not dare to be careless and indiscreet. 这紫衣少女自然便是李星扉,拜入玄门天宗学道已经一年多时间,练气修为小有所成,她入门前本也不是平常人家女儿,入门后一直居于玉京山上,灵气养人,气质外貌越发出尘,令人不敢轻忽。 Li Xingfei slightly smiles: Master not in, Xingfei serves 2 Elders by rights ought, if there is any need, please freely tell that is.” 李星扉微微一笑:“师父不在,星扉理当侍奉二老,如有任何需要,请尽管吩咐便是。” After Wang Lin's father hesitant one next, asked: „, The miss, takes the liberty to ask one, my son did Wang Lin, his Immortal Cultivator, what situation go to?” 汪林的父亲犹豫了一下后问道:“呃,姑娘,冒昧问一句,我儿汪林,他修仙,到底达到什么地步了呀?” The Li Xingfei politeness replied: Master's cultivation base, Xingfei is disciple does not dare to guess absurdly, but can affirmed that Master has formed Golden Core, prove the Dao Longevity, the longevity enjoys the millenniums, usually in flies high the flight, controls lightning and fire just and other other people's business.” 李星扉礼貌地答道:“师父的修为,星扉做弟子的不敢妄自揣测,但可以肯定师父已经结成金丹,证道长生,寿享千年,平日里凌空飞行,驾驭雷火只是等闲事。” The old couple has grown immediately up the mouth. 老两口顿时都长大了嘴巴。 Wang Lin had not shown cultivation base in oneself parents front, he occupies in Yu Family on one hand to enjoy the family happiness, on one hand is realized that estimates Dao Technique Domain that returns to original condition lightly, therefore after returning to the hometown, the feeling of give people is the same with the ordinary mortal. 汪林一直都没有在自己父母面前展现修为,他居于家一方面享受天伦之乐,一方面则是体会揣摩平淡归真的道法意境,所以回到家乡后,给人的感觉就和普通凡人一样。 If not for Great Qin Dynasty many give favored treatment, person really very difficult of Wang Lin hometown believes that past that thin and small youth, now real cultivate has. 若不是大秦皇朝诸多优待,汪林家乡的人实在很难相信昔日那个瘦小少年,如今真的修练有成。 Before the distinction, that war. The level contrary to average person was also too high, the instantaneous blown sand walks the stone. Earth-shattering. 分别前那一战。层次相对于普通人来说又太高了,瞬间飞沙走石。天崩地裂。 Is very long regarding Wang Lin and the others, happen Time of a lot. Regarding a ordinary people, is the time of a blink, the Wang Family people have not responded actually that was involved in the Void crack. 对于汪林等人来说很漫长,发生了很多事情的一段时间。对于凡俗中人来说,其实也就是一眨眼的功夫,汪家众人还没有反应过来,就已经被卷入虚空裂缝中。 Later had been installed with Jade Talisman by Yang Qing, did not understand the outside matter that can only wait for anxious, when they are delivered from oppression, already on Jade Capital Mountain. 之后被杨清玉符装了,对于外界事情更不了解,只能焦虑等待,当他们重见天日的时候,已经在玉京山上了。 After Li Xingfei accompanied the old couple to sit a while, then said goodbye to leave. She understands the politeness very much, left the room, in the arrived courtyard has not launched the movement, after having left the yard, launched the movement, was similar to a bird goes quickly far. 李星扉陪老两口坐了一会儿后,便即告辞离开。她很懂礼貌,出了屋子,到了院子里也不展开身法,一直出了小院以后,才展开身法,如同一只飞鸟般很快去远。 Has other Wang Family person looks at Li Xingfei, the vision is complex, they know at this moment that this in their opinion is similar to day of lovable girl beautiful young girl. In fact is actually the Wang Lin's apprentice. 有其他汪家看着李星扉,都目光复杂,他们此刻都已经知道,这个在他们看来如同天之娇女般的秀丽少女。实际上却是汪林的徒弟。 In the room, Wang Lin's mother also non-stop sighed: Such handsome miss, I formerly was also thinking, if can be the wife to the son. That is really the ancestor eight lifetime does good deeds, who knows unexpectedly is such one result, this accumulated the eighty lifetime simply. virtue of 800 lifetime!” 屋子里,汪林的母亲也不停叹气:“这么俊的姑娘,我先前还想着,要是能给儿子做媳妇。那真是祖上八辈子积德,但谁知竟然是这么一个结果,这简直是积了八十辈子。800辈子的德啊!” In her opposite, the Wang Lin's father patted her saying: Now only hopes. That brat can a bit faster come back.” 在她对面,汪林的父亲拍了拍她说道:“现在只希望。那小子能快点回来。” In order to avoid them was worried that Yang Qing does not dare to fall to the enemy Wang Lin at the Void Battlefield matter considers truthfully. Only can in other words, Wang Lin be the chasing enemy, revenges depart for the victim. 为了避免他们担心,杨清不敢把汪林失陷在虚空战场的事情如实相告。只能反过来说,汪林追杀敌人,为死难者报仇去了 Wang Lin's mother at this moment again and again nod: Yes, yes, I do not expect its his, only hopes that the son can come back safely.” 汪林的母亲此刻连连点头:“是啊,是啊,我也不奢望其他的,只希望儿子能平安回来。” Li Xingfei leaves the dwelling of Wang Family person, has not returned to the oneself log cabin, but temporarily leaves Ordinary Lin's Home, goes to Zhu Yi's Trigram-Heaven Palace. 李星扉离开汪家人的住处,没有返回自己的木屋,而是暂时离开凡林居,前往朱易的乾天殿 On the Wang Lin not in mountain, Li Xingfei cultivate Dao Technique had difficultly has then consulted Zhu Yi, Xiao Yan and the others, Zhu Yi they will not hide contraband, answered questions to dispel doubt with all one's heart. 汪林不在山上,李星扉修练道法有了疑难便去请教朱易萧焱等人,朱易他们也都不会藏私,尽心为之答疑解惑。 Looked back to forget Ordinary Lin's Home an eye, Li Xingfei sighed gently, the vision was somewhat complex, since she did obeisance Wang Lin Teacher, oneself this Master besides most guidance from the beginning, has left the mountain to go out, more than half a year did not see the person. 回首忘了凡林居一眼,李星扉轻轻叹了口气,目光有些复杂,自从她拜汪林为师后,自家这位师父除了最一开始的教导外,就一直离山外出,大半年来都不见人。 Her present cultivate, with doing obeisance in Zhu Yi disciple, quickly did not have anything to distinguish actually. 她现在的修练,跟拜在朱易门下,其实都快没什么区别了。 The but Profound Gate Heavenly Sect atmosphere is very good, under Lin Feng's tutelage six Big Disciple relate harmoniously, the Junior disciple, although there is small group, but also is overall good, somewhat lives in a strange or foreign place the person on mountain, after the contact , is also very friendly. 不过玄门天宗的氛围很好,林锋座下大弟子关系和睦,晚辈弟子彼此间虽然有小圈子,但整体而言也非常良好,有些客居在山上的人,接触之后也都很友好。 Naturally, has had some exceptions. 当然了,也有例外。 Li Xingfei brow gently pressed, looks person who the an eye distant place front surface walked, that is one compared with her age at the worst many youth, the appearance is dark and thin, is very tall, has regular facial features finely-looking, both eyes is fiery. 李星扉眉头轻轻蹙了一下,看了一眼远处迎面走来的人,那是一个比她年纪大不了多少的少年,模样黑瘦,个子很高,五官端正英挺,双目炯炯有神。 This person of age seems but about 17 years old, but the expression is mechanical, meticulous, making him appear quite experienced. 此人年纪看上去不过17岁左右,但是表情刻板,一丝不苟,让他显得颇为老成。 Li Xingfei knows that his named Li Yuanfang, is not a Profound Gate Heavenly Sect people, but lives in a strange or foreign place in this, but is not quite good to this person of impression. 李星扉知道他名叫李元放,并非玄门天宗中人,而是客居于此,但对此人观感并不太好。 She and Xu Yunsheng, Ying Luozha and the others had one time to gather together exchanges Dao Technique, this Li Yuanfang passed by chance, listening to them to discuss, endures not to speak, but pair of eyebrow not at all conceals wrinkled up. 她和须云生英罗扎等人有一次聚在一起交流道法,这李元放碰巧路过,听他们谈论,忍着没有说话,但一对眉毛毫不掩饰的皱了起来 Although Li Yuanfang does not have to study Eight Trigrams All Heavens Grand Dao Scripture officially, but his in any case Foundation Establishment, occasionally had usually received the Lin Feng's direction, regarding was still in Qi Condensation middle and lower level level Li Xingfei and the others the fault of Dao Technique understanding, or can look. 李元放虽然没有正式学过八卦诸天大道藏,但他好歹已经筑基,平时偶尔受过林锋的指点,对于尚处于练气中下层水平的李星扉等人道法理解的错处,还是能看出来的。 Xiao Yan disciple Little Fatty Yan Wuwei notes the Li Yuanfang facial expression, discontented statement questioned, after Li Yuanfang silent one next, immediately had pointed out they discussed the place of oversight. 萧焱门下小胖子言无畏注意到李元放的神情,不满的提出质疑,李元放沉默一下之后,当即指出了他们讨论中的疏漏之处。 After Li Xingfei and the others seriously have thought that also had discovered the issue is, but the My Sect disciple internal discussion, the one bystander directs, lets Ying Luozha and Xiao Yan disciple Little Fatty quite refuses to accept, even if Li Yuanfang Foundation Establishment, or argued up with Li Yuanfang. 李星扉等人认真思索过之后,也发现了问题所在,但本门弟子内部讨论,一个外人来指指点点,让英罗扎萧焱门下小胖子都颇为不服,哪怕李元放已经筑基,还是李元放争论起来 They refer to the classics, all from simplified version Daoist Scripture, Master Yi Eight Trigrams Daoist Scripture collects, although simplifies the version, but many truth Lineage succeed one another. 他们引经据典,全是来自简化版道藏,易子八卦道藏集注,虽然是简化版的,但许多道理一脉相承。 Li Yuanfang Dao Technique study from Ancestor River Chart , by Enter the Dao, although is also very exquisite vastly, but compared to Ying Luozha and the others to study is also insufficient. 李元放道法学自河图老祖,以阵入道,虽然也很精妙广博,但比起英罗扎等人所学却又不足了。 But his cultivation base is high, Perception is also strong, in process that in debated with Ying Luozha and the others, regarding Dao Technique understood that then has striven, finally Xu Yunsheng, Li Xingfei and the others join the regiment, together was defeated. 但他毕竟修为较高,悟性也强,就在同英罗扎等人辩论的过程中,对于道法理解便有所精进,最后须云生李星扉等人都纷纷加入战团,也都一起败下阵来。 The matter had afterward alarmed Zhu Yi, after Zhu Yi arrived, several words have subdued Li Yuanfang in the Dao Technique understanding. 事情后来惊动了朱易,朱易到了以后,几句话在道法理解上折服了李元放 When looks at Li Yuanfang earnest expressed gratitude toward Zhu Yi, thank it advised, Li Xingfei and the others Time somewhat is speechless. Then makes understand, Li Yuanfang does not find fault intentionally the provocation. But is the instinct so, in the eye does not rub the sand. In addition complete unfeeling. 看着李元放认认真真向着朱易道谢,感谢其指教时,李星扉等人一时间都有些无语。这才弄明白,李元放并不是故意找茬挑衅。而是天性如此,眼里不揉沙子。外加完全不通人情。 The Li Xingfei manner is polite, is cautious in word and deed, the onset and retreat has the evidence, regarding Li Yuanfang such person naturally is the manner that holds to keep at a respectful distance. 李星扉为人温文有礼,谨言慎行,进退有据,对于李元放这样的人自然是抱以敬而远之的态度。 Front surface relative, the Li Xingfei or facial color salutes as usual: Dao Brother Li.” 迎面相对,李星扉还是面色如常行礼:“李道兄。” Li Yuanfang sees that but not because opposite party just Qi Condensation Realm Cultivator has neglected, stops the footsteps, said earnestly: Hello.” 李元放见状,没有因为对方只是练气期修士而有所怠慢,停下脚步,认真说道:“你好。” After Li Yuanfang said goodbye, Li Xingfei curious looks at Li Yuanfang moves toward Jade Capital Mountain top the direction that Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree was at: Is Sect Founder summons him?” 李元放道别后,李星扉好奇的看着李元放走向玉京山玄天宝树所在的方向:“是祖师召见他吗?” Guess of Li Xingfei right. Li Yuanfang really is sees Lin Feng. 李星扉的猜测没错。李元放确实是去见林锋 Before Lin Feng also saw his several times, each time has taught a Formation change of Twin Rites of Life-Death Array Formation to give him, after separating Time , the area-wide student examination compared with his. 之前林锋也见过他几次,每次都传授了一点两仪生灭阵阵法变化给他,隔一段时间后还会考较他一番。 The present did not need Lin Feng to call, after Time arrived, Li Yuanfang will come to his here to report automatically that accepted the Lin Feng's test. 以至于现在都不用林锋叫了,时间到了以后,李元放会自动来他这里报道,接受林锋的考验。 Besides Twin Rites of Life-Death Array Formation, Lin Feng also meets altogether to direct the difficulties on other Li Yuanfang Dao Technique. 除了两仪生灭阵以外,林锋也会一并指点李元放其他道法上的疑难。 Can see Li Xingfei and the others like Li Yuanfang the issue in Dao Technique cultivate, Lin Feng directed his easy. 就像李元放能看出李星扉等人道法修练中的问题一样,林锋指点他就更容易了。 Especially Lin Feng achievement Divine Origin, Heavenly Dao Virtuous Scripture includes Myriad Forms now. can clarifies the outcome Ancestor River Chart that Lineage Dao Technique very much easily. 尤其林锋现在成就元神,天道德经包罗万象。很轻易就可以河图老祖一脉道法弄清楚究竟。 Let alone Li Yuanfang, is Ancestor River Chart , Lin Feng a few words can make he greatly is also inspired, comprehension formerly never understand Dao Technique true meaning. 别说李元放了,就是河图老祖,林锋一句话也可以让他大受启发,领悟先前从未明白过的道法真谛。 Lin Feng then with way of this influencing subtly. Let the Li Yuanfang more and more custom treat the life on Jade Capital Mountain. 林锋便是用这种潜移默化的方式。让李元放越来越习惯待在玉京山上的生活。 The however Li Yuanfang disposition had decided his impossible such was boiled the frog by the Lin Feng lukewarm water, he has not suspected to guess Lin Feng actually, just thought purely. Such non-stop by the Lin Feng kindness direction, did not have the words of understand view. oneself in the heart has the shame. 只不过李元放的性格决定了他不可能就这么被林锋温水煮青蛙,他倒是没有怀疑揣测林锋,只是单纯觉得。这样不停林锋恩惠指点,没有个明白说法的话。自己于心有愧。 Therefore after this time sees Lin Feng, Li Yuanfang is first respectful a ritual: „Since recently. Is indebted the Senior treatment and directs, Junior is deeply grateful, should early leave the mountain to be right, actually seeks after Senior Formation, is thick the facial skin again and again keeps on the mountain, really has defeated/carrying Senior kindness.” 所以这次见到林锋之后,李元放首先便恭敬一礼:“这些日子以来。承蒙前辈救治与指点,晚辈感激不尽,本应早早离山才对,却贪图前辈阵法,厚着脸皮一而再、再而三的留在山上不走,实在有负前辈恩德。” Junior in the heart is guilty, but also asked Senior to punish, any handling, all endured gladly.” 晚辈心中愧疚,还请前辈责罚,任何处置,皆甘之如饴。” His look is very serious, the vision is confident, even somewhat is relaxed, as if unloads the feeling of in the heart shackles. 他神色无比郑重,目光坦然,甚至还有几分轻松,仿佛卸下心中枷锁的感觉。 Lin Feng sees that slightly smiles, beckoned with the hand: Does not need so overly courteous, you are rare exceptional talent, therefore this Eminence slightly indicated that your several, the just minor matter this Eminence, you, calculates a chance reluctantly.” 林锋见状,微微一笑,摆了摆手:“无需如此多礼,你是难得逸才,所以本座稍微点拨你几句而已,于本座来说只是小事,于你来说,勉强算一段机缘。” How the future Dao Cultivation road walks, finally can reach any situation, even more looks at your oneself.” “日后的修道路如何走,最终能走到什么地步,还要看你自己。” Li Yuanfang opened mouth, some words want to say that but has not made finally actually the sound, all along is firm and resolute on the calm face, appears to be terrified the vacant expression. 李元放张了张嘴,有话想说,但最终却没有发出声音,一贯坚毅沉着的脸上,浮现出怔忪茫然的表情。 Lin Feng faint said: this Eminence here, you might as well carefully considers the path that oneself must take in the future.” 林锋淡淡说道:“在本座这里,你不妨细细思量一下自己日后要走的道路。” Li Yuanfang nod, Lin Feng looks at he, intention slightly moves slowly suddenly, Sound Transmission Crystal Stone disrupts on hand. 李元放徐徐点头,林锋看着他,心念突然微微一动,手头一枚传音晶石碎裂。 Another a side of communication, from Flowing Light Sword Sect Sect Master, Sword Venerable Flowing Light. 通讯的另一方,来自流光剑宗宗主,流光剑尊 Sect Master Lin, I with Disciple Tao Yaoyao, visit especially.” The Sword Venerable Flowing Light sound is quiet. 林宗主,我携门下弟子陶夭夭,特来拜会。”流光剑尊的声音平静无波。 After Lin Feng hear, calmly said: Welcome utmost.” His Divine Consciousness sense, a both palms racket, in Void split the one path slit gently, boundless Purple Qi emerges in the slit, transcend through the void, arrives at Great Thousand World. 林锋听后,静静说道:“欢迎之至。”他神识感应了一下,双掌轻轻一拍,虚空中裂开一道缝隙,茫茫紫气涌入缝隙中,穿越虚空,来到大千世界 At this moment, in Kunlun Mountain range on a mountain peak, is standing two people, middle-aged man of one 40 years old of age appearance, the face is like jade pendant adorning a hat, the black hair like the waterfall, by the temple, dangles two to wind the snow white sending silk, in both eyes, performing is the dignity. 此刻,昆仑山脉中一座山峰上,站着两个人,一个40岁年纪模样的中年男子,面如冠玉,黑发如瀑,鬓角两侧,垂下两络雪白的发丝,双目之中,尽是威严。 His behind is standing one white clothing female, lives extremely beautifully, the five senses have a beautiful face, but has the greatly strengthened aggressiveness, although incomparably makes widely known, does not appear overbearing is domineering, in just her vision reveals the obviously combative flavor. 身后站着一个白衣女子,生得极美,五官眉目如画,但具有极强的侵略性,虽然无比张扬,却又不显得霸道跋扈,只是她的目光中流露出很明显好斗的味道。 precisely Sword Venerable Flowing Light and Tao Yaoyao Master and disciple two people. 正是流光剑尊陶夭夭师徒二人。 Sees front Void to split the slit, boundless Purple Qi spreads a path in front, Sword Venerable Flowing Light, when stepped first, Tao Yaoyao follows. 面前虚空裂开缝隙,茫茫紫气面前铺成一条道路,流光剑尊当先迈了上去,陶夭夭紧随其后。 Through the Purple Qi path, two people up to Jade Capital Mountain on. 通过紫气道路,两人起来玉京山上。 The Sword Venerable Flowing Light pupil slightly contraction, sees mountain on top to stand one to wear the purple clothes, the youth who the shell black vigor installs, tranquil holds the fist in the other hand toward him: Profound Gate Heavenly Sect Xiao Yan, welcomed the Sword Venerable Flowing Light method to harness for Master.” 流光剑尊瞳孔微微收缩,就见山顶上站着一个身穿紫衣,外罩黑色劲装的青年,平静的向着他一抱拳:“玄门天宗萧焱,代家师恭迎流光剑尊法驾。”
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