HNOF :: Volume #5

#498: Calm not uprise

Jun Zining curious looks at Luo Qingwu: „Does discovery matter, what discover?” The words just an exit / to speak, Jun Zining suddenly slightly had gawked, eye of Aura attended to all around: This is Chen Yu mansion, Chen Yu is in Great Zhou Dynasty Crown Prince Young Teacher... Crown Prince... Can't?” 君紫凝好奇的看着洛轻舞:“发现事情,发现什么?”话刚一出口,君紫凝突然微微愣了一下,目光环顾四周:“这是陈昱府邸,陈昱大周皇朝官拜太子少师太子…不会吧?” Luo Qingwu lowered the sound saying: Heard is because, Senior Lin disciple Zhu Yi Dao Brother, followed near Great Zhou Dynasty Fourth Prince, making Great Zhou Crown Prince very discontented.” 洛轻舞压低了声音说道:“听说是因为,林前辈的弟子朱易道兄,跟大周皇朝四皇子走得近了,让大周太子很不满呢。” Jun Zining complexion was more dignified: Little Wu, how do you know?” 君紫凝脸色凝重了一些:“小舞,你是怎么知道的?” Luo Qingwu replied: „The little grandson of Sir Chen, couple of days ago Elder Sister Zi Ning you also had seen, but before you have not come, at a garden party, he drank with several other respected family juniors, abandon all restraint, in the spoken language proposed arrived several.” 洛轻舞答道:“陈大人的小孙子,前两天紫凝姐你也见过了,不过在你还没来之前,一次游园会上,他和其他几个大家族子弟都喝多了,放浪形骸,言语中提到了几句。” Some people questioned him, he said that was listens to his grandfather Sir Chen saying that afterward after becoming sober, actually anything does not recognize.” “有人质疑他,他说是听他爷爷陈大人说的,后来酒醒后,却又什么都不认了。” Jun Zining hesitates saying: Heard Chen Yu, although does not have many Dao Technique cultivation base, but is actually the Great Zhou Crown Prince trusted friend, he always extremely loves this little grandson, perhaps the news is somewhat credible, but according to the truth, this deliberation hall important matter, his should will not reveal to the Junior descendants knows.” 君紫凝沉吟道:“听说陈昱虽然没多少道法修为,但却是大周太子的心腹,他向来极为宠爱他这个小孙子,或许消息有几分可信,但按道理来说,这种朝堂大事,他应该不会露给晚辈子孙知道。” „The Chen Yu official circle ups and downs for many years, should will not violate this type preliminarily wrong, meets will not be through this way, reveals the false news to give you intentionally?” 陈昱宦海沉浮多年,应该不会犯这种低级错误,会不会是通过这个方式,故意露假消息给你啊?” Luo Qingwu has leaned the small head: Also has the possibility.” 洛轻舞侧了侧小脑袋:“也有可能啊。” She and Luo Chi have the contact in Kunlun Mountains and Lin Feng, the Luo Family person is knows that news difficult insurance not to disclose. 她和洛池昆仑山林锋有过接触,洛家人是知道的,消息难保不会走漏。 Perhaps then some people want through this channel, deliberately lets in fresh air to Lin Feng, news True and False was not good to determine. 或许便有人想要通过这个渠道,故意放风给林锋,消息真假就不好确定了。 but also very difficult lecture. Every so often divulged a secret, often because of some looks as if very strange matters. But that is real, is stranger than the novel discussed that listens to up even more to be odd.” Jun Zining young Sir same saying of: First is not anxious. A our be careful point , to continue to nose to observe first, clarified the situation to make the decision again.” 不过很难讲。很多时候泄密,往往就是因为一些看起来很离奇的事情。但偏偏那就是真实的,比小说怪谈听起来还要离谱。”君紫凝小大人一样的说道:“先不急。咱们小心一点,先继续查探观察一下,摸清楚情况了再做决定。” Um!” Luo Qingwu nod one's head: Little Wu also like this thinks that calm not uprise, there is this news, no matter True and False, definitely some people destroy the idea in the back.” “嗯!”洛轻舞点点头:“小舞也是这样想的,无风不起浪,既然有这种消息,不管真假,肯定是有人在背后打坏主意。” Jun Zining said: The focus of the matter you said that that Zhu Yi Dao Brother, wants personally to come Sky Capital City in the fall of this year quickly. When the time comes our can looks for him, he could completely understand the truth.” 君紫凝说道:“你说的这件事情的焦点人物,那位朱易道兄,今年秋天很快就要亲自天京城了。到时候咱们可以去找他,他或许能看透事情真相。” Luo Qingwu is somewhat lost, feels oneself within the body to fall into quietly, borders on shatter Heavenly Yin Gathering Spiritual Bead, although about to disrupts, but by a vitality anchorage, not being had genuinely to abandon. 洛轻舞有些出神,感受着自己体内陷入沉寂,濒临破碎的天蕴阴灵珠,虽然行将碎裂,但却被一股生机定住,没有真正废弃。 That vitality, Spirit Power Essence transformed into of precisely Lin Feng Innate Twin Extremities Flower flower petal. 那股生机,正是林锋两极天生花花瓣的灵力精华所化 Uncle Lin...” The red clothed Little Loli both legs roll up the front, the arm surround. Is looking at the sky dull. “林叔叔…”红衣小萝莉双腿蜷缩到胸前,手臂环抱。呆呆望着天空。 ...... …… The leading character who same Time, in two young miss conversations mentioned, the Lin Feng Master and disciple two people in Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land, Lin Feng is saying with a smile: This thing your can ponders over.” 同一时间,两个小姑娘交谈中提到的主人公,林锋师徒二人正在玄天宙光洞天里,林锋笑道:“这东西你可以琢磨一下。” Saying. Lin Feng has given Zhu Yi Cloudy Immortal Silk and Heavenly Soul Marble fragment together. 说着。林锋云气仙罗天魄云石碎片一起给了朱易 Zhu Yi received the hand, Magic Force sweeps, immediately discovered extraordinary. Catches the eye to look to Lin Feng, the Lin Feng smile did not speak. 朱易接过手,法力一扫,顿时发现其中不凡。抬眼看向林锋,林锋微笑不语。 This thing. Seriously precious.” Zhu Yi receives together Cloudy Immortal Silk and Heavenly Soul Marble fragment, regarding him at present. Although the value is not big, but Zhu Yi brain slightly one wants on understand, after Heavenly Soul Marble sacrificial refining to become Duotiao Cloudy Immortal Silk, apportions Disciple, the use is huge. “这东西。当真宝贵。”朱易云气仙罗天魄云石碎片一起收好,对于他眼下来说。虽然价值不大,但朱易脑子稍微一想就明白,将天魄云石祭炼成多条云气仙罗后,分给门下弟子,用处巨大。 Zhu Yi oneself estimates Dao Technique and Cloudy Immortal Silk, Lin Feng puts other arrived three people the attention. 朱易自己下去揣摩道法云气仙罗,林锋则把注意力放到了其他三人身上。 Little Guy Shi Tianhao still placed in purple Flooding Furnace, static succinct polish own Golden Core and Magic Force. 小不点石天昊仍然身处紫色洪炉之中,静静洗练打磨自身金丹法力 In the drying furnace various wonderful rare and precious treasure gather together, wants Strength will build up, needs the one very long time. 烘炉内各种奇珍异宝荟萃,想要将其中力量炼化,需要一个很漫长的功夫。 Shi Tianhao has the patience on a cultivate way very much, is not irritable, little refining up patching oneself Golden Core, gradually moves toward successfully, to welcome final the transformation is making the preparation. 石天昊修练一途上很有耐心,不急不躁,一点点的炼化修补自己金丹,同时也一步步走向成功,为迎来最终的蜕变做着准备。 Xiao Yan similarly so, although Magic Force already enough pure, but he does not have to challenge Yin Wind Calamity blindly, attacks Golden Core Late Stage Cultivation Realm. 萧焱同样如此,虽然一身法力已经足够精纯,但他没有盲目去挑战阴风之劫,冲击金丹后期境界 Since this Time, his be careful cautiously, has further adjusted the balances of oneself within the body three big True Fire, senses Strength Domain in Parasol Tree Core. 这段时间以来,他都一直小心翼翼,进一步调整自己体内三大真火的平衡,感悟梧桐木心中的力量意境 The mill knife does not harm the chopping firewood merit, now prepares, later will cross Yin Wind Calamity steadily many. 磨刀不误砍柴功,现在多做准备,之后渡阴风之劫就会平稳不少。 Otherwise if when Yin Wind Calamity, True Fire rebels suddenly, beset with difficulties both at home and abroad , the wind fire occurred simultaneously, Xiao Yan even has the direct fallen danger. 否则若在阴风之劫时,真火突然作乱,内外交困之下,风火交加,萧焱甚至有直接陨落的危险。 True Fire rebels, Lin Feng can helps him suppress, but anybody crosses Yin Wind Calamity, can only oneself diligently, others be cannot help. 真火作乱,林锋可以帮他压制,但任何人渡阴风之劫,都只能自己努力,别人是帮不上忙的。 If went wrong, Lin Feng could guarantee his life, but Xiao Yan own Source Qi damages severely is the affirmation. 万一出了乱子,林锋或许能保下他一条命,但萧焱自身元气大伤是肯定的。 From the Xiao Yan's disposition, went fearlessly ahead, wants him to see with own eyes bottleneck breakthrough all along now in the front, actually even more bears the temper to come Xu slowly plan it, some significance, is one time whets. 萧焱的性格来说,一贯勇猛精进,现在要他眼见瓶颈突破就在前方,却还要耐下性子来徐徐图之,某种意义上来说,也算是一次磨砺。 Yue Hongyan, all are ready actually, started Core Formation, launches the impact toward Golden Core boundary. 倒是岳红炎这边,一切准备就绪,已经开始结丹,向着金丹之境发起冲击。 At this moment, in Yue Hongyan Qi Sea, towers purple light to be bright, top layer combustion flaming flame black Ninth Layer Spirit Platform. 此刻,岳红炎气海之中,耸立着一座紫光熠熠,顶层燃烧熊熊火焰的黑色九层灵台 Above Spirit Platform, is setting up Pill Cauldron, in Pill Cauldron, Seamless Astral Fiend non-stop gush out, bottom of Pill Cauldron, blamed Boundless Raging Fire surrounding, the cauldron body was carving the innumerable engraved inscriptions, was actually the All Heavens and Myriad Realms infinite truth. 灵台之上,立着一口丹鼎,丹鼎中,无间罡煞不停喷薄而出,丹鼎底部,责备无尽烈火包围,鼎身上镂刻着无数铭文,却是诸天万界的无穷道理。 In Pill Cauldron, Golden Core phantom, the non-stop ups and downs in Seamless Astral Fiend, massive Spiritual Qi non-stop emerges. 就在丹鼎内部,一枚金丹虚影,在无间罡煞不停沉浮,海量灵气不停涌入其中。 closed eyes cultivate Yue Hongyan has opened the eye suddenly, in scarlet-red both pupils, the flame flashes, dazzling. 一直闭目修练岳红炎突然睁开眼睛,赤红的双瞳之中,火光闪动,耀眼至极。 Her Golden Core thorough formation, no longer is illusory Light Avatar, but is the congealment is the entity, changes to flashing purple light, turning round non-stop revolving radiant Golden Core. 她的金丹彻底成型,不再是虚幻光影,而是凝结为实体,化作一枚闪动紫光,滴溜溜不停旋转的璀璨金丹 Golden Core boundary, sees micro Longevity! 金丹之境,见微长生 Not is only the large scale promotion on Magic Force, the naturally life grows to of millennium, has many Time to go to cultivate, inquires about the Heaven and Earth highest good, in society Grand Dao. 不仅仅是法力上的大幅度提升,自然寿命更增长到千年之久,有更多的时间修练,探寻天地至理,世间大道 The Lin Feng disciple fifth Golden Core Realm disciple is born, Yue Hongyan stands up, prostrates oneself toward Lin Feng: Master!” 林锋门下第五个金丹期弟子诞生,岳红炎站起身来,向着林锋拜倒:“师父!” nourishing Golden Core, the beginning of Grand Dao, the future path is very well long.” Lin Feng smiles Heh Heh held up Yue Hongyan, high and low sizes up her several eyes, said with a smile: you guys everyone, no matter who forms Golden Core, Teacher will bestow next Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact, your naturally is no exception.” “好好温养金丹,大道之始,今后的道路还很长呢。”林锋呵呵的将岳红炎扶了起来,上下打量她几眼,笑道:“你们每个人,不管是谁结成金丹,为师都会赐下一件元婴期法器,你自然也不例外。” Yue Hongyan eye one bright, as if thinks arrived anything. 岳红炎眼睛一亮,似乎想到了什么。 Lin Feng smiles: Oh, it seems like your did oneself have the goal? Then, which Magical Artifact had a liking for Teacher?” 林锋一笑:“,看来你自己有目标了?说吧,看上为师哪件法器了?” Yue Hongyan temper straightforward, such one was teased by Lin Feng, although there is some not good idea, but still honest saying: naturally all takes responsibility depending on Master, but Master, if asked that the disciple most wants, or that Golden Crown of Demon and God.” 岳红炎性子直来直去,被林锋这样一打趣,虽然有些不好意思,但还是坦白的说道:“自然全凭师父作主,但师父若问弟子最想要的,还是鬼神金冠。” Lin Feng listened, immediately laughs, the finger has selected the red hair young girl forehead: You you, Teacher really has not misread you.” 林锋听了,顿时哈哈大笑,手指点了点红发少女的额头:“你呀你,为师还真是没看错你。” When Golden Crown of Demon and God, was the past Lin Feng Sand Region City opening the mountain grand ceremony, Great Zhou Dynasty Mei Wulang on behalf of one of congratulatory gifts Zhou Emperor Liang Pan sent, was physical appearance quite good Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact. 鬼神金冠,是昔日林锋沙洲城开山大典时,大周皇朝梅无浪代表周帝梁盘送来的贺礼之一,乃是一件品相相当好的元婴期法器 This Golden Crown of Demon and God by Secret Technique sacrificial refining, contains the might of wonderful peerless, most suits Martial Dao Cultivator, wearing imitates, if Phantom takes possession, will strengthen Fleshly Body Physique vitality Strength large scale. 鬼神金冠秘法祭炼,蕴含神妙无方之威力,最适合武道修士,佩戴者仿若鬼神附体,将大幅度强化肉身体魄的气血之力 In fact, this is also Lin Feng is Yue Hongyan preparation Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact. 事实上,这也本来就是林锋岳红炎预备的元婴期法器 If there is changed others, may think that wears to have family|home country deep hatred Great Zhou Dynasty with oneself Magical Artifact, feels awkward irritable. 若是换了别人,或许会觉得佩戴同自己有家国血仇的大周皇朝所出法器,感到尴尬别扭。 But Yue Hongyan this girl unlikely, this fierce little girl will only think that kills the enemy with Magical Artifact of enemy in turn, even more is handy, even more is roundly. 岳红炎这妮子不会,这悍妞只会觉得,用敌人的法器反过来去杀伤敌人,更加得心应手,更加痛快淋漓。 Yue Hongyan method military Dual Cultivation, but whole, is partial to the Martial Dao Cultivator direction, particularly her fight style close combat preying, arrives at the meat by chance sincerely, therefore Golden Crown of Demon and God is very suitable her Magical Artifact. 岳红炎法武双修,但整体来说,偏向武道修士方向,尤其是她的战斗风格偏好近身搏杀,拳拳到肉,所以鬼神金冠是非常适合她的一件法器 Naturally, this Magical Artifact is Great Zhou Dynasty gives Lin Feng's, Lin Feng hands over had Yue Hongyan that enemy of the nation hates with Great Zhou Dynasty, this matter falls to the Great Zhou Dynasty eye, is a little atypical, a little a slap in the face. 当然了,这件法器大周皇朝送给林锋的,林锋转手给了与大周皇朝有国仇家恨的岳红炎,这事落到大周皇朝眼中,有点不地道,有点打脸了。 But this however will touch the nerve of Great Zhou Dynasty underlings, arrived Lin Feng and Zhou Emperor Liang Pan level, this matter, actually to put it bluntly, is the chip of gambling, acts bashful mutually. 但这只不过会触动大周皇朝底下人的神经,到了林锋周帝梁盘的层次,这种事情,其实说穿了,就是博弈的筹码,互相拿捏罢了。 In the future along with the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect strength continually promotes, after the influence grows day after day, with gambling of Great Zhou Dynasty all-around will also launch. 日后随着玄门天宗实力不断提升,影响力日渐增长后,和大周皇朝的博弈也会全方位展开。 No matter Zhu Yi or Yue Hongyan, has the complicated relations with Great Zhou Dynasty, day that both sides have to do also steadily. 不管是朱易还是岳红炎,都与大周皇朝有千丝万缕的关系,双方打交道的日子还长着呢。 Therefore Lin Feng also doesn't care, has given Yue Hongyan Golden Crown of Demon and God directly, and helps her to refine this Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact. 所以林锋并不在意,直接就将鬼神金冠给了岳红炎,并助她炼化这件元婴期法器 So long as Direct Disciple Core Formation succeeds, is Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact bestows, so makes the faction, places entire Divine Great Land Human Race Dao Cultivation, was extremely extravagant, made most Sect be jealous dead sufficiently. 亲传弟子只要结丹成功,就是一件元婴期法器赐下,如此做派,放在整个神州浩土人族修道界来看,都是极为阔绰了,足以让大多数宗门眼红到死。 Yue Hongyan forms Golden Core, goes a step further regarding the Dao Technique comprehension and Heaven and Earth Grand Dao cognition, original cultivation Dao Technique, instead had many new experiences and questions, consults Lin Feng while this opportunity hastily. 岳红炎结成金丹,对于道法领悟和天地大道的认知都更进一步,原先修行道法,反而有了许多新的体会与疑问,趁此机会连忙请教林锋 After Lin Feng 1 by 1 explains, Yue Hongyan then oneself continues to estimate Dao Technique, she just Core Formation, but also needs to consolidate Cultivation Realm. 林锋一一解答过后,岳红炎便自己下去继续揣摩道法,她刚刚结丹,还需要巩固境界 Belonged to her Cloudy Immortal Silk and Heavenly Soul Marble fragment, Lin Feng also altogether gives. 属于她的那一份云气仙罗天魄云石碎片,林锋一并给了。 The back that looks at Yue Hongyan departs, in the Lin Feng's vision flashes through wipes take pity on not easy detection, sighed lightly: what a pity.” 看着岳红炎离去的背影,林锋的目光中闪过一抹不易察觉的怜惜,轻叹了一口气:“可惜了。” The Golden Core quality, generally speaking divides Purple Core, Vermilion Core, Blue Core and Yellow Core four heavy, Purple Core is best, Yellow Core is most inferior. 金丹品质,一般来说紫丹朱丹碧丹黄丹四重,紫丹最佳,黄丹最次。 Yue Hongyan forms Purple Core, places any other one influences, is encouraging may celebrate, but Lin Feng or slightly feels regret. 岳红炎结成紫丹,放在其他任何一个势力,都是可喜可贺,但林锋还是微微感到遗憾。 Above Purple Core, if can have phenomenon, that quality higher one Layer. 紫丹之上,若能生出异象,那品质就更高一层 For example Xiao Yan's True Fire Golden Core, Zhu Yi's Light and Darkness Golden Core, Wang Lin's birth and death Golden Core, Shi Tianhao's Nine Orifices Golden Core, is above Purple Core lives the phenomenon, wins Purple Core to plan. 比如萧焱的真火金丹,朱易的光暗金丹,汪林的生灭金丹,石天昊的九窍金丹,都是紫丹之上生异象,更胜紫丹一筹。 But looking back now, is not everybody can form in such best quality goods best quality goods Golden Core, Yue Hongyan cannot succeeds, Yang Qing they? 但现在看来,并不是人人都能结成这样极品中极品的金丹,岳红炎没能成功,杨清他们呢? Although is Lin Feng's Direct Disciple, four Innate Talent potential resultants reach arrived thirty or above, but in the end still has the disparity. 虽然都是林锋的亲传弟子,四项天赋潜力总值都达到了三十以上,但终究还是有差距的。 Lin Feng grinning: Really, is not all people have the energy of Heaven-defying, otherwise True Fated Son of Heaven was also not True Fated Son of Heaven.” 林锋咧了咧嘴:“果然,不是所有的人都有逆天之能,否则真命天子也就不是真命天子了。” Um?” At this moment, Lin Feng in the heart moves suddenly, turn the head and looks to another one direction: „Can Little Yan start to get ready finally to cross Yin Wind Calamity?” “嗯?”就在这时,林锋心中突然一动,转头看向一个方向:“小焱子终于要开始准备渡阴风之劫了吗?”
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