HNOF :: Volume #5

#497: Plan of Luo Qingwu

Golden Core Intermediate Stage Cultivator wants to further promote Golden Core Late Stage, needs to cross Yin Wind Calamity. 金丹中期修士想要更进一步晋升金丹后期,需要渡过阴风之劫 Cultivator crossing the Tribulation directs the Spiritual Qi rebellion that gathers, transform into Yin Wind, hundred meets the hole to blow since the top of the head directly, the soul flies in a flash Beyond the Heavens, cannot resist, Divine Soul blows the floating dust at the scene. 修士渡劫引聚的灵气暴动,化为阴风,直接从头顶百会穴吹起,转瞬之间魂飞天外,抵挡不住,神魂当场吹成浮尘。 Yin Fire Calamity, must burn down the impurity in Golden Core, but Yin Wind Calamity, then polishes the slight defect of Golden Core surface. 阴火之劫,是要烧去金丹中的杂质,而阴风之劫,则是打磨金丹表面的瑕疵。 After these two checkpoints, Cultivator Golden Core can achieve complete leakless Cultivation Realm, is Nascent Soul Formation prepares. 经过这两道关卡,修士金丹才能达到圆满无漏境界,为结婴做准备。 Zhu Yi then starts to challenge Yin Wind Calamity at this moment, launches the impact on Golden Core Late Stage Cultivation Realm. 朱易此刻便开始挑战阴风之劫,向金丹后期境界发起冲击。 This is anybody hides the one path ridge that but goes, each Cultivator wants to promote Golden Core Late Stage, has wanted this pass/test. 这是任何人都躲不过去的一道坎,每个修士想要晋升金丹后期,都要过这一关。 even if is Lin Feng because initially the System Reward direct promotion, Yin Wind Calamity should cross or to cross, however he accumulates richly, Dao Technique is profound, therefore Yin Wind Calamity does not have the create anything danger. 就算林锋当初因为系统奖励直接升级,阴风之劫该渡还是要渡,只不过他积累丰厚,道法精深,所以阴风之劫没有造成什么危险。 But at present Zhu Yi crossing the Tribulation, Lin Feng observed, nod, knows secretly Zhu Yi has wanted this pass/test, so long as doesn't come out big surprise, does not have any difficulty. 而眼下朱易渡劫,林锋观察了一下,暗自点头,知道朱易要过此关,只要不出大的意外,也没什么难度。 This was the advantage of being well-prepared, many Golden Core Intermediate Stage Cultivator, feared Yin Wind Calamity like the tiger, was hesitant to advance, does not dare to attempt completely. 这就是厚积薄发的好处了,很多金丹中期修士,畏阴风之劫如虎,裹足不前,完全不敢尝试。 But resembles Zhu Yi their such in the heart confident people, the mentality is very gentle, withstands Yin Wind to fill the top tranquilly, is helped oneself polish Golden Core by Yin Wind. 而似朱易他们这样心中有底的人,心态就很平和,平静承受阴风灌顶,由阴风帮助自己打磨金丹 Saw Zhu Yi cultivate not to have what issue, Lin Feng to take back the vision, his slightly has thought that caught the eye Void of distant place to Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land to look, line of sight as if transcends layer upon layer Space, on fall on Jade Capital Mountain Disciple Exquisite Residence there. 朱易这边修练没有什么问题,林锋就收回了目光,他稍微思索了一下,抬眼向玄天宙光洞天中远方的虚空望去,视线仿佛穿越重重空间,落在玉京山弟子精舍那里。 Although the beforehand numerous Junior disciple dismisses returns to the room respectively, but must have some people of in groups of 2 and 3 still gather, still jubilantly discussed the beforehand witness. Heroic feelings that Lin Feng and a Mount Shu war, able to move unhindered looks disdainfully. 虽然之前一众晚辈弟子解散各自回房,但也少不得有人三三两两仍然聚集在一起,仍然兴高采烈讨论之前目睹。林锋蜀山一战,纵横睥睨的豪情。 Various foundations. Must hit slowly is.” Lin Feng takes out a superficial reappearing elegant cloud pattern the pure white stone, stone Spiritual Qi overflows. And implication faintly recognizable Strength Domain, as if there is overlapping Space accumulation. “各种基础。都要慢慢打好才是。”林锋取出一块表面浮现飘逸云纹的纯白石块,石块灵气四溢。其中蕴含飘渺力量意境,仿佛有层层叠叠的空间累积。 precisely Lin Feng Treasure Item that obtains from System, Heavenly Soul Marble, Heaven Primal World top-notch one of the several Treasure Refining materials, may be called the priceless treasures. 正是林锋系统中得到的宝物,天魄云石,天元大世界最顶尖的几种炼器材料之一,堪称无价之宝。 This thing quantity is quite scarce, is from above the Nine Heavens clouds, affects Heaven-defying, naturally, but however contains dense of Space, and has the effect of duplicate Yuan Zhen air/Qi. 此物数量极为稀少,产自九天云霄之上,作用逆天,自然而然蕴含空间之密,并且具备复元振气的效果。 Only needs to join in sacrificial refining Magical Artifact a wee bit. can make this Magical Artifact has shuttle Space ability, if Magical Artifact is damaged, but also can voluntarily absorb Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi slowly repair damage. 只需要在祭炼法器中加入一丁点。就可以让这件法器具有穿梭空间的能力,如果法器受损,还可以自行吸纳天地灵气缓缓修复损伤。 Nascent Soul Realm following cultivation base Cultivator, grasped to refine to melt included Heavenly Soul Marble Magical Artifact, was not only practical, comprehend Void mystery of can before crossing Void Lightning Tribulation then ahead of time, after was oneself, crossed Lightning Tribulation Nascent Soul Formation, has increased many assurances. 元婴期以下修为修士,掌握炼化了含有天魄云石法器,不仅非常实用,更可以在渡虚空雷劫之前便提前参悟虚空奥秘,为自己之后渡雷劫结婴,增添了不少把握。 Lin Feng's Dao Technique, Eight Trigrams All Heavens Grand Dao Scripture. Made the cultivate can very early contact comprehend Space Strength Domain, at this moment had the Heavenly Soul Marble coordination again, was helpful on even more regarding their cultivate, greatly raises the Nascent Soul Formation success ratio. 林锋的道法,八卦诸天大道藏。令修练可以很早接触领悟空间力量意境,此刻再有天魄云石配合,对于他们的修练更加有帮助,大大提高结婴成功率。 Naturally. This point, the Junior disciples are also away from are very far, is Xiao Yan and Zhu Yi their several happen to be useful on the contrary. 当然了。这一点,晚辈弟子们还距离很远,反倒是萧焱朱易他们几个正好能用得上。 Other second generation disciples. Obtains Magical Artifact, many or with the aid of its shuttle Space special effect. The convenience that after enjoying Magical Artifact to be damaged , the automatic repair brings. 其他二代弟子们。得到法器,更多还是借助其穿梭空间的特殊效果。享受法器受损后自动修复带来的便利。 Lin Feng flicks with the finger, on Heavenly Soul Marble, then broke a scrap. The transform into flowing light, then Lin Feng non-stop joins other materials, fuses the Heavenly Soul Marble fragment to perform sacrificial refining. 林锋屈指一弹,天魄云石上便即破碎了一小块。化为流光,然后林锋不停加入其他材料,融合天魄云石碎片加以祭炼 By Lin Feng present cultivation base, the sacrificial refining Magical Treasure words, Magical Artifact is almost not waves, but, quick, in Space then floats its one path white smoke faint mist, floats in the air. 林锋现在的修为,不祭炼法宝的话,法器几乎是挥手而就,很快,空间中便漂浮其一道白烟似的淡淡云气,在空气里漂浮。 In the white mist fall on Lin Feng hand, changes to white fine silks. 白色云气落在林锋手中,化作一段白色绫罗。 This thing, may assign named Cloudy Immortal Silk.” Lin Feng met the thing, slightly has smiled, entire Heavenly Soul Marble disruption formed several big fragment, he took a material from above, refine to turn into several Cloudy Immortal Silk separately. “此物,可命名为云气仙罗。”林锋接了东西,微微一笑,整个天魄云石碎裂成了几片较大的碎块,他又从上面取了一点材料,分别炼化成几段云气仙罗 These Cloudy Immortal Silk, Lin Feng will bestow Xiao Yan and Zhu Yi separately their several Direct Disciple, they did not have Nascent Soul Formation. 这几段云气仙罗,林锋会分别赐给萧焱朱易他们几个亲传弟子,他们还都没有结婴 Heavenly Soul Marble that breaks to pieces, Lin Feng oneself will retain a fragment, remaining also separately will bestow Xiao Yan they, then goes to sacrificial refining Cloudy Immortal Silk by their oneself, passes to their Sect's Disciples again separately. 碎开的天魄云石,林锋自己会保留一块碎片,剩下的也都会分别赐给萧焱他们,然后由他们自己祭炼云气仙罗,再分别传给他们的门人弟子 Disciple who has not reached highest knowledge, can depending on the performance fit and unfit quality, obtains the reward. 没有登堂入室的弟子,也可以凭表现优劣,获得奖励。 Junior disciples present cultivation base is low, after waiting for him cultivation base gradually high up, this Cloudy Immortal Silk can play the role, the long journey rides instead of walking, with person Fighting Technique, is Divine Weapon. 晚辈弟子们如今修为还低,等他修为渐渐高起来以后,这云气仙罗就能发挥作用,远行代步,与人斗法,都是利器 Cloudy Immortal Silk sacrificial refining Technique, after changing Divine Sense infiltrates in several end products, Lin Feng temporarily the matter has put. 云气仙罗祭炼法门,化作神念打入几个成品中后,林锋就暂时将事情放了下来。 But at this time, Zhu Yi's cultivate also approached completely. 而在这时,朱易的修练也已经接近圆满。 Within the body Yin Wind suddenly in instantaneous static, violent Yin Wind changed naturally Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi as one desires, Time and process that has not transited completely, during was towering actually to reveal natural meaning, as if the Heaven and Earth highest good, should so, all again naturally but. 体内阴风突然在瞬间静止下来,暴烈阴风变回了自然随心的天地灵气,完全没有过渡的时间与过程,突兀之中却流露出一份理所当然的意味,仿佛天地至理,本该如此,一切再自然不过 Flashes purple radiance Golden Core, clear smooth, semblance not slightly pits slight defect, still complete leakless. 一枚闪动紫色光辉金丹,圆润光滑,外表没有丝毫坑洼瑕疵,依然圆满无漏 Zhu Yi's this Golden Core, half black half white, is actually in perfect harmony, seems like the unified whole, is black and white two chromatic polarization unfortunately to be entirely different. 朱易的这枚金丹,半黑半白,却水乳交融,看似浑然一体,可是黑白两色偏偏又泾渭分明 In Golden Core, the light and dark two Strength are very balanced, interwine, the promote each other, as if there is infinite growth to be possible. 金丹之中,光与暗两种力量无比均衡,交织在一起,互相促进,仿佛有无限的增长可能。 Long time, Zhu Yi within the body Aura fluctuation thoroughly returns to normal, he opens eyes, looks at front Lin Feng: Master.” 良久之后,朱易体内气息波动彻底恢复平静,他睁开眼来,看着面前林锋:“师父。” Lin Feng slightly smiled, puts out a hand to select in his forehead, was actually Dao Technique scripture, spread to Zhu Yi Sea of Consciousness. 林锋微微一笑,伸手在他眉心点了点,却是一篇道法经文,传入朱易识海之内。 „The Heavenly Dao Virtuous Scripture second chapter, Four Forms Chapter, Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture!” 天道德经第二篇章,四象篇,四象开天书!” This this is Zhu Yi and other Direct Disciple when promoting Golden Core Late Stage, is Nascent Soul Formation prepares, Lin Feng will pass to their Dao Technique, Zhu Yi now breakthrough succeeds, Lin Feng naturally must pass to him. 本就是朱易亲传弟子在晋升金丹后期之后,为结婴做准备时,林锋将会传给他们的道法,朱易现在突破成功,林锋自然要传给他。 Zhu Yi Mind inspires, but whole body Magic Force naturally however defers to Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture Technique revolution up. 朱易精神一振,周身法力自然而然按照四象开天书法门运转起来 Primordial Chaos was shattered, develops Earth, Water, Fire and Wind changes, again stabilizes, subsequently heaven splitting earth shattering, World birth. 混沌破碎,演地、水、火、风之变,重新安定下来,继而开天辟地,世界诞生。 Lin Feng static looks at his cultivate, sees around the Zhu Yi body to raise piece of Mist, surging forward, in Mist has Light Avatar to flash indistinctly. 林锋静静看着修练,就见朱易身体周围升起一片氤氲,汹涌澎湃,氤氲之中隐约有光影闪动。 Carefully looks. Sees one Light Avatar is even more clear, the personal appearance is huge. The elk body, Dragon's Tail and draconic scales, Aura is temperate. Whole body auspicious cloud, impressively is a Qilin appearance. 仔细看去。就见其中一个光影越发清晰,身形庞大。麋身、龙尾、龙鳞,气息温和。满身祥云,赫然是一头麒麟的模样。 Besides this Qilin Light Avatar, fluctuate of three Light Avatar in the Mist mist, must congeal the forming. 除了这头麒麟光影以外,还有三个光影氤氲雾气中起起伏伏,要凝结成形。 Lin Feng sees that on the face shows smiling face, through Eight Trigrams All Heavens Grand Dao Scripture, he knows that oneself several disciples, cultivate Dao Technique will have the comprehension respectively. 林锋见状,脸上露出笑容,通过八卦诸天大道藏,他已经知道,自己的几名弟子,修练道法会各有领悟。 Especially Xiao Yan, Zhu Yi, Wang Lin and Shi Tianhao their four people. Regarding the comprehension of Dao Technique, will take more individual marks. 尤其是萧焱朱易汪林石天昊他们四人。对于道法的领悟,会带上更多的个人印记。 How many True Fated Son of Heaven major characteristics is this perhaps also their? 这或许也算是他们几个真命天子的一大特点? Now Zhu Yi cultivate Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture, based on Dao Technique, integrated understanding of oneself obviously to Grand Dao True Meaning, unconventional. 现在朱易修练四象开天书,显然就在道法的基础上,融入了自己大道真意的理解,别出心裁。 „Is Little Yi, Four Spirits?” Lin Feng looked at that four Light Avatar an eye, slightly nod, these Light Avatar did not mean that Zhu Yi has carried on the reorganization Dao Technique, but is he regarding individual understanding of Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture Domain. Gradually derivation, transform into actual external image. 小易的,是四灵吧?”林锋看了那四个光影一眼,微微点头,这些光影并不是说朱易道法进行了改编,而是他对于四象开天书意境的个人理解。渐渐衍生,化为实际外在的形象。 Belongs is reposing, numerous is precise. 属于是一种寄托,一众凝炼。 After similar Divine Origin Cultivator top Mystical Ability cultivates arrived Great Perfection Realm, is precise Mystical Ability Dharma Body. 类似元神修士一门顶尖神通修炼到了大圆满境界后,凝炼出神通法身 Zhu Yi not completed Divine Origin. Congeals these Light Avatar, naturally does not have Mystical Ability Dharma Body that formidable, but the nature is close. 朱易未成元神。凝结这些光影,自然没有神通法身那么强大,但性质接近。 Four Light Avatar. Finally only Qilin Light Avatar forms completely, other three also slurred. Light Avatar sinks to the Mist light fog together, the mist takes back Zhu Yi within the body. After Zhu Yi receives the merit, stands up bows a ritual toward Lin Feng: Master.” 四个光影。最终只有麒麟光影完全成形,其他三个还模糊不清。光影一起沉入氤氲光雾中,雾气收回朱易体内。朱易收功后,站起身向着林锋躬身一礼:“师父。” Lin Feng nod said with a smile: Little Yi, is very good, confident, is well-prepared, the average man fear such as Yin Wind Calamity of tiger, you go easily and freely.” 林锋点头笑道:“小易,很好,胸有成竹,厚积薄发,常人畏之如虎的阴风之劫,你如履平地。” Zhu Yi said: even more many thanks Master's direction.” 朱易说道:“还要多谢师父的指点。” He, slightly has frowned: Master, Four Forms Heaven Opening Scripture of your new biography, after the disciple reads, profits infinitely, but also some places, ponder over airtight.” 他顿了顿,微微蹙眉:“师父,您新传的四象开天书,弟子研读之后,受益无穷,但也有些许地方,琢磨不透。” It is no bother.” Lin Feng replied: Is this pondering over airtight place, more is worth estimating carefully.” 无妨。”林锋答道:“越是这种琢磨不透的地方,越是值得你细细揣摩。” Zhu Yi again and again nod: precisely this truth.” 朱易连连点头:“正是这个道理。” Lin Feng said: Then, your attentive nourishing, when prepares you while convenient autumn the test,” 林锋说道:“接下来,你用心温养吧,也顺便准备你秋天时的考试,” Was right, Little Yi, your this taking the civil service exam, if Jun Zining that small girl has the person to throw, you while convenient led them to return to the mountain to be good together.” “对了,小易,你这次赶考,若是君紫凝那小丫头带人来投,你就顺便带她们一起回山好了。” A Zhu Yi eyebrows gently porch: That, if they haven't come? Needs the disciple to seek them?” 朱易双眉轻轻一轩:“那么,要是她们没来呢?需要弟子去寻她们吗?” If they seek help from you with the arrived danger, that put out a hand to help It is no bother.” Lin Feng faint said: If not so, cannot care.” “若是她们遇到了危险向你求助,那伸把手帮助一下无妨。”林锋淡淡说道:“如若不然,也不需太在意。” Lin Feng the mentality gradually happen transformed now, regarding the Innate Talent high talented person, will still want to receive disciple, but cannot obtain. 林锋现在心态已经渐渐发生转变,对于天赋高的人才,仍会想要收入门下,但也不是非得到不可。 ...... …… The Great Zhou Dynasty Sky Capital City east mansion yard, here is Great Zhou current dynasty Crown Prince Young Teacher Chen Yu mansion. 大周皇朝天京城城东一件豪宅大院,这里是大周当朝太子少师陈昱府邸 In a Chen Residence backyard short separation institute, two not big points small girl face-to-face are sitting there are dumbfounded. 陈府后院一件小别院里,两个不大一点的小丫头正面对面坐在那里大眼瞪小眼。 Old point that a black clothing, 12, three years old size, precisely Jun Zining, this moment straight face helpless looks at front young red clothed young girl: Little Wu, what did you make me say well your?” 年纪稍大一点那个,一身青衣,十二、三岁大小,正是君紫凝,她此刻正一脸无奈的看着面前年纪小一些的红衣少女:“小舞啊,你让我说你什么好啊?” red clothed young girl precisely Luo Qingwu, she smiles bitterly was saying: Elder Sister Zi Ning, I know that oneself is wrong.” 红衣少女正是洛轻舞,她苦笑着说道:“紫凝姐,我已经知道自己错啦。” Initial matter, completely was independently deciding of family member, has not related with Senior Lin and Profound Gate Heavenly Sect fundamental, this truth Little Wu already thought understand.” Luo Qingwu is twisting the oneself lower hem corner, said in a soft voice: But because of this, how Little Wu can also seek the Senior Lin help now?” “当初的事情,完全是家里人的自作主张,和林前辈玄门天宗根本没关系,这个道理小舞早就想明白啦。”洛轻舞捻着自己的衣角,轻声说道:“可正因为这样,小舞现在又如何还能去寻林前辈帮忙呢?” Sir Senior Lin are massive, perhaps fundamental will not care this minor matter, but Little Wu cannot have no shame like this.” Small girl both hands have covered the face of oneself, worried calling out: Has vented anger others, even more seeks others for medical treatment, where has that insensitive person!” 林前辈大人大量,或许根本不会将这点小事放在心上,但小舞总不能这样没羞没臊啊。”小丫头双手捂住了自己的脸,苦恼的叫道:“迁怒了人家,还要去寻人家医病,哪有那么厚脸皮的人啊!” Jun Zining sighed: Therefore I said that your this girl so is how gruff, you now have made also a turn, does not admit mistakes sincerely on right, Senior Lin broadminded, will not haggle over with you.” 君紫凝叹了口气:“所以我才说,你这丫头怎么这么倔啊,你现在也转过弯来,去诚心诚意认个错不就是了,林前辈气量宽宏,不会真的跟你计较的。” How do light simple several words admit mistakes suffice?” Luo Qingwu got hold of the small fist to swing swinging: Must handle something, can apologize to Senior Lin!” “光简单几句话认个错怎么够?”洛轻舞握紧小拳头摇了摇:“总要做些事情,才能给林前辈赔礼呀!” A Jun Zining face suspects about sizes up Luo Qingwu: You? What matter can you handle?” 君紫凝一脸怀疑的上下打量洛轻舞:“你?你能做什么事情?” Elder Sister Zi Ning do not visit me with this vision.” The Luo Qingwu small eyeball turning round revolution, said with a smile: I have discovered something.” 紫凝姐你别用这种眼光看我。”洛轻舞小眼珠子滴溜溜一转,笑道:“我发现了些事情呢。”
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