HNOF :: Volume #5

#496: Processes the Yellow Dragon corpse

sacrificial refining Magical Treasure, the good first step, is successful half, later is the pure consumption patience and Time patient and persistent work. 祭炼法宝,良好的第一步,就是成功的一半,之后很多都是单纯耗费耐心与时间的水磨工夫。 Lin Feng receives first Dragon God Heavenly Armor, then sees the front Yellow Dragon corpse, at this moment also remains draconic scales and skeleton, as well as dragon tendon and Dragon Blood. 林锋先将龙神天铠收好,然后就见面前黄龙尸身,此刻还剩一身龙鳞和骨架,以及龙筋龙血 Although Jie Yu just Monster King rank, but he is Armored Scale Black Dragon, the draconic scales value is bigger, under the Magic Force catalytic effect of Yellow Dragon and Flame Dragon, the potential is very high, therefore Lin Feng or has continued to use original black draconic scales finally, but has not used yellow draconic scales. 解臾虽然只是妖王级别,但他是炼甲黑龙,龙鳞价值更大,在黄龙炎龙法力催化作用下,潜力很高,所以林锋最终还是沿用了原先的黑龙鳞,而没有使用黄龙鳞 But this does not represent yellow draconic scales to be useless, after is draconic scales that Yellow Dragon of Immortal Monster Soul rank leaves behind. 但这不代表黄龙鳞无用,毕竟是不灭妖魂级别的黄龙留下的龙鳞 Lin Feng this moment in the heart had the one general idea, therefore also receives up yellow draconic scales first, then flicks with the finger, by Dragon Blood that his Purple Qi Magic Force seals, then flies into Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land. 林锋此刻心中已经有了一个大概的想法,于是先把黄龙鳞也收起来,然后屈指一弹,被他紫气法力封存的龙血,便飞入玄天宙光洞天内。 In there, besides the Lin Feng's three disciples, his oneself Iron Tree Clone also continuously in this closed-door cultivation. 在那里,除了林锋的三个弟子以外,他自己铁树分身也一直在此潜修 Lin Feng delivered yellow Dragon Blood to come, overall irrigation on Iron Tree Clone. 林锋送了黄龙血进来,整体浇灌在铁树分身身上。 The Iron Tree Clone both hands Secret Technique continuous change, own Magic Force revolution arrived pinnacle, absorbs Dragon Blood Essence. 铁树分身双手法诀连续变化,将自身法力运转到了极致,吸收龙血精华 Dragon Clan Blood Essence of Immortal Monster Soul rank, regarding or Nascent Soul Realm Iron Tree Clone, Spirit Power of its implication was extremely really boundless. 不灭妖魂级别的龙族精血,对于还是元婴期铁树分身来说,其蕴含的灵力实在太过磅礴了。 Few Nascent Soul Initial Stage Cultivator can withstands absorption so formidable Blood Essence, Lin Feng this act has the suspicion of spoiling things by excessive enthusiasm. 没几个元婴初期修士可以承受吸收如此强大精血,林锋此举有揠苗助长之嫌。 But this Clone foundation was really too thick, Shala Iron Tree manifested the oneself Heaven and Earth one of the Four Great Spirit Plants formidable potential and bearing capacity when this moment, underwent the irrigation of Yellow Dragon Blood Essence, initial could not somewhat have borne, but more arrived afterward. Instead jumps over is in great spirits. 但他这具分身的根底实在是太厚实了,沙罗铁树在这一刻体现出了自己天地四大灵种之一强大潜力与承受能力,经受黄龙精血的浇灌,初始时还有些受不了,但越到后来。反而越精神奕奕 The Iron Tree Clone whole person soaks in Yellow Dragon Blood Essence, boundless tyrannical. Similar to sky-flooding flood same Monster Strength Spiritual Qi from his all the limbs and bones, each one fine hair hole. In each one acupoints emerges. 铁树分身整个人都浸泡在黄龙精血中,磅礴暴虐。如同滔天洪水一样的妖力灵气从他四肢百骸,每一个汗毛孔。每一个穴窍中涌入。 Under nourishing of Yellow Dragon Blood Essence, the Strength rapid growth of Iron Tree Clone expands. 黄龙精血的滋养下,铁树分身力量飞速增长壮大。 Beside Celestials Dwelling, Lin Feng True Body satisfied nod one's head, has then sent out the one path thought that actually transmits for treating Mr. and Mrs. Jie Yu in Immortal Cave stone chamber. 洞天之外,林锋本尊满意的点点头,接着发出了一道意念,却是传递给待在洞府石室中的解臾夫妇。 Jie Yu and White Light couple arrive at Lin Feng front together, the Jie Yu look is somewhat disturbed, although his wife White Light the expression is calm, but eyes flashes moves, is somewhat restless. 解臾白光夫妻二人一同来到林锋面前,解臾神色有些忐忑,他妻子白光虽然表情镇定,但目光闪动间,也有些不安。 Before Lin Feng refined the Dragon God Heavenly Armor sound. Their feelings arrived, the Jie Yu husband and wife is pure blood Dragon Clan, was most sensitive regarding Dragon Clan Aura, let alone before that yellow Longsheng, builds Immortal Monster Soul boundary, even though the body dies, dragon power is not loose. 之前林锋炼制龙神天铠时的动静。他们都感触到了,解臾夫妻身为纯血龙族,对于龙族气息本就最为敏感,何况那条黄龙生前还修成不灭妖魂之境,纵使身死,龙威不散。 Husband and wife two people somewhat is at this moment disturbed, does not know that Lin Feng asked them to come for anything. 夫妻两人此刻都有些忐忑,不知林锋叫他们来是为了什么。 Lin Feng intention moving place, complete Yellow Dragon Dragon Bones flutters arrived Jie Yu husband and wife front, calmly said: Jie Yu. Since you some days on the this Eminence mountain, the management have also calculated to dedicate, all these this Eminence watch.” 林锋心念动处,一副完整的黄龙龙骨到了解臾夫妻面前,静静说道:“解臾。你在本座山上也有些日子了,一直以来,办事也算尽心,这一切本座都看在眼里。” Jie Yu said hurriedly does not dare. Lin Feng then said: This Dragon Bones, is Great Qin Dynasty gives this Eminence's, this Eminence grants you now. How to handle, your oneself decided.” 解臾连道不敢。林锋接着说道:“这副龙骨,是大秦皇朝送给本座的,本座现在赐予你。如何处置,你自己决定好了。” Jie Yu one dull. Spiritual Sense investigates Dragon Bones, that spreads the top of the sky place dragon power to make him realize that immediately this is a Dragon King skeleton of in the past achievement Immortal Monster Soul Realm. 解臾一呆。灵识探查龙骨,那铺天盖地的龙威立刻让他意识到这是一幅昔年成就不灭妖魂境界龙王骸骨。 The happiness comes is too sudden. Jie Yu Time dumbfounded unexpectedly. 幸福来的太突然。解臾竟然一时间呆住了。 Although with the oneself not same race Yellow Dragon remains, but also can refining up obtains Strength, making own cultivation base progress by leaps and bounds. 虽然是与自己同族黄龙遗骨,但也可以炼化获得其中力量,让自身修为突飞猛进。 After Jie Yu recovers, is overjoyed: thanked Sect Master!” 解臾回过神来后,大喜过望:“谢过宗主!” His paused for a moment, hesitates is looking to Lin Feng, looked at side wife White Light. 稍微顿了一下,犹豫着看向林锋,又看了看身边的妻子白光 Lin Feng faint smiles: Thing bestowed you, how to handle, your oneself decided that was oneself refining up, or made a gift of what one has received as a gift other people, this Eminence does not go managed you.” 林锋淡淡一笑:“东西赐给你了,如何处置,你自己决定,是自己炼化,还是转赠他人,本座不去管你。” On the Jie Yu face the happy expression is stronger, White Light looks to husband's vision full is gentle, but has not said anything, just and Jie Yu expressed gratitude to Lin Feng together. 解臾脸上喜色更浓,白光看向丈夫的目光中满是温柔,不过没有多说什么,只是解臾一起向林锋道谢。 Returns to the Immortal Cave stone chamber, Jie Yu to offer valuable advice takes out the Yellow Dragon skeleton equally, says with a smile: Wife, you fast will build up, when the time comes let alone Monster King Intermediate Stage, had feared that is links Monster King Late Stage also to get it done in one action, in the future achievement Immortal Monster Soul, is ninety percent sure.” 回到洞府石室,解臾献宝一样把黄龙骸骨取出,笑道:“娘子,你速速将之炼化,到时候别说妖王中期了,怕是连妖王后期也能一蹴而就,日后成就不灭妖魂,也是十拿九稳。” White Light shakes the head: Husband, because you were a Profound Gate Heavenly Sect people , the management dedicated, Sect Master Lin bestowed this Dragon Bones to you, how although spoke to handle may decide by your oneself, but I live in a strange or foreign place here after all, you gave me not to be inappropriate.” 白光摇摇头:“相公,因为你是玄门天宗中人了,又办事尽心,林宗主才赐下这副龙骨给你,虽然明言如何处置可由你自己决定,但我毕竟是客居这里,你给我不合适的。” Jie Yu also treated said again that White Light lifted the hand to block from the his mouth: Husband, this is your chance, I do not hope that you give my, compared with my oneself, I hope that can see you to promote strength cultivation base.” 解臾还待再说,白光抬手遮住他的嘴:“相公,这是你的机缘,我不希望你让给我的,相较于自己,我更希望能看到你提升实力修为。” Jie Yu smiles bitterly: Your Innate Talent was better than me, has given you, this thing was not the waste, I did not improperly belittle oneself, I refine to melt this Dragon Bones, definitely can immediately promotes Monster King Intermediate Stage, in the future will attack the Monster King Late Stage path to be also smoother.” 解臾苦笑一声:“你的天赋比我好,给了你,这东西才不算浪费,我不妄自菲薄,我炼化了这副龙骨,肯定可以立刻晋升妖王中期,日后冲击妖王后期的道路也平坦许多。” But whether achievement Immortal Monster Soul, was still the unknown.” “但能否成就不灭妖魂,仍然是未知数。” White Light slightly said with a smile: I believe your certain energy, but also remembers that on the day of gets married? You have said that will happen one day you must bring my bright and honest to have a good swim Dragon Pool, making other people be speechless.” 白光微微笑道:“我相信你一定能的,还记得成婚那天吗?你说过,终有一天你要带着我光明正大畅游龙池,让其他人都无话可说。” Jie Yu raises the head is looking at top the stone chamber, muttered said: I remember that I remember really...” 解臾抬头望着石室顶部,喃喃说道:“我记得,我真的记得…” This to Dragon Clan husband's and wife's private words, Lin Feng has not planned to listen, after yellow Dragon Bones bestows Jie Yu, how they use, Lin Feng truly will not go to manage. 这对龙族夫妻的私密话,林锋没打算听,黄龙骨赐给解臾以后他们怎么用,林锋确实也不会去管。 Naturally, Lin Feng has bestowed Dragon Bones, original intention or hopes to promote the Jie Yu strength, old Black Dragon now is getting stronger and stronger to the Profound Gate Heavenly Sect sense of belonging, strength promotion, beneficial harmless. 当然了,林锋赐下龙骨,本意还是希望提升解臾的实力,老黑龙现在对玄门天宗的归属感越来越强,实力提升,有益无害。 Regarding whether will waste the resources, that but actually unlikely, Armored Scale Black Dragon, is actually in Primordial Heavenly Dragon many tribal groups, potential and stamina quite formidable one race, Cultivation Realm cultivation base is higher, the strength appears formidable on exceed in Dragon Clan of same rank. 至于说是否会浪费资源,那倒不至于,炼甲黑龙,其实是太古天龙诸多族群中,潜力和后劲都极为强大一个种族,境界修为越高,实力在同级别的龙族中就越显得强大 The however Black Dragon Clan cultivate difficulty is big, the quantity is also quite scarce, therefore unusual achievement Immortal Monster Soul Realm Armored Scale Black Dragon present world. 只不过黑龙一族修练难度大,数量也较为稀少,所以少有成就不灭妖魂境界炼甲黑龙现世。 Said fairly and just that Jie Yu Innate Talent is too not high in Dragon Clan, at least has not resulted in his wife compares, but is actually not low, on medium level, these years, because the pressure is oversized, actually has not obtained to have the result. 公允的说,解臾天赋龙族中不算太高,至少跟他媳妇没得比,但其实也不低,中等偏上水平,这些年因为心理压力过大,其实是没有取得应有成绩的。 Cultivates with emphasis, old Black Dragon also greatly has potential. 重点栽培一下,老黑龙还大有潜力可挖。 Is thinking, Lin Feng then felt that Xiao Yan and Great Virtue Dhyana Master returned to the mountain to come together. 正在思索间,林锋便感到萧焱大德禅师一起回山来了。 Wuzhou Xiao Family, what Xiao Yan most is in suspense is his grandfather, but Old Master Xiao is Lord, impossible abandons the family person, the one person alone with Xiao Yan up Jade Capital Mountain. 乌州萧家,萧焱最放心不下的是他爷爷,而萧老爷子身为一家之主,不可能扔下一大家子人,孤身跟萧焱起来玉京山 but, Old Master Xiao is worldly, knows Profound Gate Heavenly Sect and collisions between Mount Shu Sword Sect two colossi, so long as the small complementary waves destroy Xiao Family on can, although feels to hate to leave one's native land, but for does not make Xiao Yan difficult to do, his or decided that follows Xiao Yan together, but he hopes that Xiao Yan can shelter the entire Xiao family. 不过,萧老爷子人情练达,知道玄门天宗蜀山剑宗两个庞然大物之间的碰撞,只要一点小小余波就可以摧毁萧家,所以虽然感到故土难离,但为了不让萧焱难做,他还是决定跟萧焱一起走,不过他希望萧焱能庇护整个萧氏家族。 Xiao Yan now regarding the favour well-beings of past clansman, already looked pale, regarding is willing to leave the Wuzhou City person, manner that gives to admit. 萧焱如今对于往日族人的人情冷暖,也早已看淡,对于愿意离开乌州城的人,都予以接纳的态度。 By Xiao Yan the status, behind the attraction of Profound Gate Heavenly Sect influence with him, most Xiao Family people are willing to follow now. 萧焱如今地位,和他背后玄门天宗势力的吸引,大多数萧家人都愿意追随。 Some but also people, cling to now Xiao Family in a Wuzhou City alone big glory, here the Xiao Family powerful and firmly based, the branches and leaves extend to Wuzhou City each one corner, is almost existence of local despot similar, gives precedence out of courtesy three points including the Wuzhou City hosts to Xiao Family. 不过还有部分人,贪恋现在萧家乌州城一家独大的荣耀,在这里萧家树大根深,枝叶延伸到乌州城一个角落,几乎已经是土皇帝一般的存在,连乌州城主都对萧家礼让三分。 If moves Profound Gate Heavenly Sect and under the Xiao Yan eyelid, conduct will be unavoidably many many scruples, might as well in Wuzhou City, actually can come the ramble to be merry with the aid of Xiao Yan potential like this. 若是搬去玄门天宗萧焱眼皮底下,行事难免会多了许多顾忌,远不如这样远在乌州城,却又可以借助萧焱之势来得逍遥快活。 Some person also in the heart chuckle to oneself, Xiao Patriarch leaves Wuzhou along with Xiao Yan together, did not have the his control, their can even more is unscrupulous. 有些人还心中窃喜,萧老族长萧焱一起离开乌州,没了他的管制,他们可以更加肆无忌惮。 Xiao Yan and Old Master Xiao all watch to these, Old Master Xiao in the heart sighed, Xiao Yan was the indifferent manner, therefore two people then only brought to be willing to follow their clansmen to return to Kunlun Mountains together. 萧焱萧老爷子对这些全都看在眼里,萧老爷子心中叹息,萧焱则是无所谓的态度,于是两人便只带着愿意追随他们的族人一同返回昆仑山 The bonus is so , many people, the big enterprise has lots of assets, Old Master Xiao consider long time, does not want to put to trouble to Xiao Yan, finally refused Xiao Yan to propose repeatedly they went to the decision of Burning Heaven Cliff, but led clansmen depart Sand Region City to settle down. 饶是如此,也有不少人,家大业大,萧老爷子思虑良久,不想给萧焱添麻烦,最终拒绝了萧焱一再提议他们前往焚天崖的决定,而是带领族人们去了沙洲城安家落户。 Xiao Yan did not earnestly advise the fruit , can only but complied, was good compares to Wuzhou because of Sand Region, was near were too many, moreover in Profound Gate Heavenly Sect influence radiation range. 萧焱苦劝不果,也只能无奈答应下来,好在沙洲比起乌州,实在是近了太多,而且在玄门天宗势力辐射范围内。 Lin Feng climbs mountains not to mind regarding the Xiao Family person but actually actually that anti- precisely lives on Burning Heaven Cliff, moreover all contact with the outside hides the truth from the but Lin Feng's informer, if some people want to buy to be in cahoots, Lin Feng can also discover. 林锋对于萧家人上山其实倒并不介意,反正是居住在焚天崖上,而且一切与外界的联络都瞒不过林锋的耳目,若有人想要收买串通,林锋也能发现。 Therefore he does not care but actually, after Xiao Yan and Great Virtue Dhyana Master comes his front to report after carrying out orders, Lin Feng has left behind Xiao Yan. 所以他对此倒并不是太在意,萧焱大德禅师来他面前复命后,林锋留下了萧焱 closed-door cultivation since this Time, Xiao Yan within the body True Fire has tended to be steady, but own Magic Force also whets arrives, had has attacked the Golden Core Late Stage possibility, when the only issue is crossing the Tribulation, must guard that True Fire rebels once more. 经过这段时间以来的潜修,萧焱体内真火渐趋平稳,而自身法力也磨砺到位,已经有了冲击金丹后期的可能,唯一的问题是渡劫之时,要谨防真火再次作乱。 The Lin Feng finger light shell, one luminous spot fall on Xiao Yan front, the luminous spot increases, is actually a section of scarlet red blockhead, one foot is long, the blockhead center has the flame to flash faintly, as if the biological breath is the same, one light and one dark, interlocks unceasingly. 林锋手指轻弹,一个光点落在萧焱面前,光点变大,却是一截赤红色的木头,一尺来长,木头中心处隐隐有火光闪动,仿佛生物呼吸一样,一明一暗,不断交错。 Xiao Yan eye one bright: Is Parasol Tree Core.” In Cloud Forest Realm, he once depended on this thing help, selects Cloud Forest Tree. 萧焱眼睛一亮:“是梧桐木心。”在云林界里,他曾凭此物帮忙,拔取云林树 Lin Feng nod said with a smile: good, is just about this treasure to help your arm Strength now, crossed Yin Wind Calamity, achievement Golden Core Late Stage cultivation base.” 林锋点头笑道:“不错,现在正要此宝助你一臂之力,渡过阴风之劫,成就金丹后期修为。” Comes along with Teacher.” When Lin Feng flies first, again enters in Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land, Xiao Yan hastily follows. “随为师来。”林锋当先飞起,重新进入玄天宙光洞天内,萧焱则连忙跟上。 Zhu Yi, Shi Tianhao and Yue Hongyan three people still in respective closed-door cultivation, Lin Feng bring Xiao Yan to bring in Celestials Dwelling under at this moment small Precious Tree, gives him Parasol Tree Core. 朱易石天昊岳红炎三人此刻都还在各自潜修,林锋带着萧焱带来洞天内小型宝树下方,将梧桐木心交给他。 Xiao Yan feels in Parasol Tree Core blazing not to be burningly painful, hidden has the warmth of noble and pure classically elegant meaning, felt gradually oneself mental state even more is steady. 萧焱感受着梧桐木心内炽热却不灼痛,隐有高洁古雅之意的温暖,渐渐感觉自己心境更加平稳。 The flame that a boundless and primitive exuberant Life strength, as if never will extinguish surges in Parasol Tree Core. 一股磅礴而原始的旺盛生命力,仿佛永不熄灭的火焰在梧桐木心中涌动。 Xiao Yan sits cross-legged to sit, before the Parasol Tree Core end puts the body, he do not build up it, but with the aid of exuberant temperate, is noble and pure proud fire spirit Strength Domain , helping in the oneself blended body three big True Fire. 萧焱盘膝而坐,梧桐木心端放身前,他并不是要将之炼化,而是借助其中旺盛温和,却又高洁傲岸的火灵力量意境,来帮助自己融合体内三大真火 Xiao Yan slowly closes the eye, the mind completely immerses in Dao Technique cultivate gradually. 萧焱缓缓闭上眼睛,心神渐渐完全沉浸在道法修练中。 Lin Feng calmly stands in Celestials Dwelling, is observing the trend of oneself four disciples. 林锋则静静站在洞天里,观察着自己四个弟子的动态。 Suddenly, he feels clearly that one path Yin Wind circles in the Zhu Yi top of the head. 突然,他清楚感觉到,一道阴风朱易头顶盘旋。 Golden Core Intermediate Stage promotes Golden Core Late Stage, Yin Wind Calamity. 金丹中期晋升金丹后期,阴风之劫
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