HNOF :: Volume #5

#495: Goal nearly in before one's eyes

Nine Paths colored light stream, pours into to Innate Nine Orifices on Shi Tianhao Golden Core in separately, 1 by 1 corresponds. 九道彩色光流,分别注入到石天昊金丹上的先天九窍之内,一一对应。 These light stream sealed off Shi Tianhao's Golden Core Nine Orifices, but actually completely did not block, just fused temporarily, under Sky-Patching Vine and Kunpeng True Blood function, other massive Spirit Power poured into to Golden Core on together. 这些光流封堵住了石天昊的金丹九窍,但却并不是完全封死,只是暂时融合,在补天藤鲲鹏真血作用下,其他大量的灵力一起被灌注到金丹上。 , Shi Tianhao's Golden Core as if has plated gradually the one Layer membrane, shining, in nine holes sends out bright glow. 渐渐的,石天昊的金丹仿佛镀了一层膜,流光溢彩,九个孔窍中散发出明亮霞光 Lin Feng sees with own eyes the Shi Tianhao situation in purple Flooding Furnace to stabilize gradually, in the heart relaxed: „The first step completes.” 林锋眼见紫色洪炉中的石天昊情况已经渐渐安定下来,心中松了一口气:“第一步完成。” Then needs Little Guy Shi Tianhao oneself to refine absorption these Spirit Power attentively, prepares for the final transformation. 接下来就需要小不点石天昊自己用心炼化吸收这些灵力,为最后的蜕变做准备。 This is a long patient and persistent work, cannot worry, moreover can only be patient by Shi Tianhao oneself refining up. 这将是一场漫长的水磨工夫,丝毫着急不得,而且只能靠石天昊自己耐下心来炼化。 But finally transforms, will arrive along with Yin Wind Calamity together, so long as can crossing the Tribulation succeed, Shi Tianhao's Golden Core not only will achieve the complete leakless region, Magic Force also bring it up a level. 而最后蜕变,将随阴风之劫一起到来,只要能渡劫成功,石天昊的金丹不仅将达到圆满无漏的境地,一身法力也将更上一层楼 These step walked, when then Nascent Soul Formation time, the path will be smoother. 这一步走好了,接下来等到结婴的时候,道路就会顺畅许多。 Regarding Shi Tianhao Nascent Soul Formation, Lin Feng also quite somewhat anticipated that explained according to System, in four Innate Talent potential values, Body Root Innate Talent mainly has an effect before Nascent Soul Realm, especially when Qi Condensation Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm, absolutely is to the Dao Cultivation influence maximum Innate Talent value, does not have one. 对于石天昊结婴,林锋还颇有几分期待呢,按照系统说明,四项天赋潜力数值中,根骨天赋主要在元婴期以前起作用,尤其在练气期筑基期时,绝对是对修道者影响最大的天赋数值,没有之一。 The most essential point when Foundation Establishment Realm, the Body Root height to a great extent will affect Cultivator Spirit Platform and Pill Cauldron grade, but Pill Cauldron grade, will affect directly in the future Core Formation. 最关键一点就是在筑基期时,根骨高低会在很大程度上影响修士灵台丹鼎品级,而丹鼎品级,又将直接影响日后结丹 Tied Golden Core to have Purple Core and Vermilion Core to say fortunately, if Blue Core and Yellow Core, that thoroughly broke the Nascent Soul Formation possibility directly. 金丹结出紫丹朱丹还好说,要是碧丹黄丹,那直接就彻底断了结婴的可能。 After arrived Core Formation. The Body Root influence starts to decline, but regarding Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator. In its cultivate process, the function of Body Root becomes minimal. 到了结丹之后。根骨的影响力开始衰退,而对于元婴期修士来说。在其本身的修练过程中,根骨的作用变得微乎其微。 only one exception. 只有一个例外。 That is Body Root full value is ten heaven pets. full value Body Root, even if arrived Divine Origin Cultivation Realm, takes off ** every embryo, will be influential. 那就是根骨满值为十的上天宠儿。满值根骨,哪怕是到了元神境界,脱去**凡胎,甚至都还会有影响。 Lin Feng quite anticipated, if System has not made up wild stories, perhaps then Shi Tianhao in Nascent Soul Formation, will have the special harvest that other people does not have. 林锋颇为期待,如果系统没有胡诌的话,那么石天昊结婴的时候,恐怕会有其他人所没有的特殊收获。 Naturally, wanted Nascent Soul Formation, first Golden Core leakless this road. Must walk, cannot accommodate the least bit accident. 当然了,想要结婴,首先金丹无漏这一步路。必须要走好,容不得半点闪失。 Shi Tianhao refining up various Treasure Item in fuse with Kunpeng True Blood, is in itself one consumes the Magic Force process very much, even if his Magic Force vigorous degree by far average man, if long Time continues, will have the exhausted time. 石天昊炼化融于鲲鹏真血中的各种宝物,本身是一个很耗费法力的过程,即便他法力雄浑程度远胜常人,如果长时间持续下去,也会有精疲力竭的时候。 But belongs to his that Cloud Forest Tree alone, then can provides sufficient Spiritual Qi Magic Force for him. 但独属于他的那株云林树,则可以为他提供充足的灵气法力 While this opportunity, Shi Tianhao can are also more absorbs the Cloud Forest Tree essence quickly, is usually higher compared with the efficiency. 趁着这个机会,石天昊可以更多更快吸收云林树精气,比起平时效率更高。 Had the sufficient Spirit Power support. Let Shi Tianhao Mystical Ability Magic Force progress by leaps and bounds, is away from Yin Wind Calamity, Golden Core Late Stage is also getting more and more near. 有了充足的灵力支撑。让石天昊一身神通法力突飞猛进,距离阴风之劫,金丹后期也越来越近。 Saw Shi Tianhao that side to stabilize, Lin Feng turn the head and looks to Zhu Yi and Yue Hongyan. two people also in all one's heart cultivate. 石天昊那边稳定了下来,林锋转头看向朱易岳红炎两人也都在尽心修练 After Lin Feng observed the two people situation, in the heart knew how things stand gradually. 林锋观察了一下两人的情况后,心中渐渐有了数。 The Zhu Yi's psychology is stable, state of mind is steady. Grand Dao achieves mastery through a comprehensive study, even oneself entered was unable in the condition of non- reading. 朱易的心理状态非常安定,心绪平稳。大道融会贯通,甚至自己进入了无法无念的状态中。 It is not able not to read. This is person of long-awaited cultivate condition each one Dao Cultivation, thought piece of Primordial Chaos. Conforms to the Innate primitive Grand Dao true meaning. 无法无念。这是每一个修道之人都梦寐以求的修练状态,意念一片混沌。最符合先天原始的大道真谛。 In this condition, Cultivator, no matter cultivate Dao Technique, or comprehend Mystical Ability Magical Technique, will be twice the result with half the effort, plays ten thousand li in a day the cultivate effect. 在这个状态下,修士不管是修练道法,还是参悟神通法术,都将事半功倍,起到一日千里的修练效果。 Most Cultivator, its life is unable to enter finally is unable not to read the condition, even many Divine Origin Expert do not have such experience. 绝大多数修士,终其一生都无法进入无法无念状态,甚至很多元神强者都没有过这样的体验。 Zhu Yi cultivate, this is also his first time enters is unable the condition of non- reading. 朱易修练,这也是他第一次进入无法无念的状态。 Um, it seems like Little Yi this accumulation was quite truly deep.” Lin Feng nod one's head, turn the head and looks to another side Yue Hongyan, there, Yue Hongyan also calmly sits shut up in Buddhist or Daoist meditation, starts to initiate the sprint to Golden Core Realm. “嗯,看来小易这次积累确实极为深厚了。”林锋点点头,转头看向另一边岳红炎,在那里,岳红炎也正静静坐关,开始向金丹期发起冲刺。 Generally speaking, Yue Hongyan cultivate is also very smooth, but, she has not entered is unable non- reading Cultivation Realm, just normal cultivate. 总体来说,岳红炎修练也很顺畅,不过,她并没有进入无法无念的境界,只是正常修练 Lin Feng takes out a small emerald green jade pendant, then has built one small seal Space with own Magic Force, has installed Yue Hongyan. 林锋取出一枚小小的翠绿玉佩,然后用自身法力营造了一个小型的封闭空间,将岳红炎装了进去。 Yue Hongyan was alarmed: Master?” 岳红炎被惊动:“师父?” Just an start to talk, her nose caught one lightly to the almost unobservable fragrance. 刚一开口,她鼻子已经捕捉到一股清淡到几乎难以察觉的香气。 Lin Feng said with a smile: Attentive cultivate, not must waste the Teacher state of mind to be static, is unable not to read boundary, is extremely precious.” 林锋笑道:“用心修练,莫要浪费了为师的清神静香,无法无念之境,可是极为宝贵的。” Quick, Yue Hongyan discovered that if oneself has the resistance with total concentration, then this fragrance does not affect to her, once oneself lets loose the alert, under the function of fragrance, the brains gradually falls into an ignorant condition. 很快,岳红炎就发现,若是自己聚精会神心存抗拒,那么这股香气对她毫无影响,而一旦自己放开戒备,在香气的作用下,头脑就渐渐陷入一种懵懵懂懂的状态。 Beginning of the Universe, Primordial Chaos initial. 天地初开,混沌初始。 The parent substance breeding baby, conforms to this Primordial Universe condition, the Yue Hongyan present feeling changed on as if oneself the baby time, in the mind was empty, resembles to awake. 母体孕育婴儿,最是符合这种混沌初开的状态,岳红炎现在的感觉就仿佛自己变回了婴儿时期,脑海中空空荡荡,似醒非醒。 This is not then able not to read... Master...” Yue Hongyan stabilizes immediately, all distracting thoughts were thrown into outside the Nine Firmaments cloud, starts earnest cultivate. “这便是无法无念…师父…”岳红炎立刻安定下来,一切杂念都被抛到九霄云外,开始认真修练 The Lin Feng sensation, had discovered that after Yue Hongyan enters is unable not to read boundary, Dao Technique cultivate efficiency really bring it up a level. 林锋感知了一下,就发现岳红炎进入无法无念之境后,道法修练的效率果然更上一层楼 what a pity feels clearly that regarding the Dao Technique comprehension, her even more straightens out, in those days in could spend it is difficult, at this moment goes easily and freely, melts with ease, but subtle point that some that some times can comprehend usually not previously notes, at this moment also suddenly mystery of understood hideaway. 可惜清楚感觉到,对于道法领悟,她更加开窍,往日里可能要费些功夫才能领悟的碍难,此刻如履平地,轻松化解,而一些平时不曾注意到的细微之处,此刻也突然明白了其中隐藏的奥妙。 Lin Feng satisfied nod one's head: Um, effect good.” 林锋满意的点点头:“嗯,效果不错。” Urges fragrance that sends using Mood Calming Jade, in Space that in Lin Feng Magic Force builds fills the air, Lin Feng has found quickly out trend. 利用清神静玉催发出来的香气,是在林锋法力营造的空间中弥漫,林锋很快就摸清楚了其中动向。 Fragrance total quantity is limited, the Space oversized words, the fragrance will become thin, thinks that the effect will also reduce.” Lin Feng in the heart understands: Disposable can only be for a few individual uses , to continue Time... According to the present situation, probably is at about ten days.” “香气总量有限,空间过大的话,香气就会变得稀薄,想必作用效果也会降低。”林锋心中明了:“一次性只能供少数几个人使用,持续时间…按眼下情况来看,大约在十天左右吧。” Ten days of Time, said that was long, said was short, regarding Dao Cultivation, every so often, one time closed up must make the unit of measurement at the year, some Divine Origin Powerhouse, closed up the millenniums not to be strange. 十天的时间,说长不长,说短不短,对于修道者来说,很多时候,一次闭关都要以年来做计算单位,有些元神大能,闭关千年也不稀奇。 Ten days of Time relative Cultivator long cultivation, how long is really not. 十天时间相对修真者漫长的修行来说,实在算不上有多长。 But if can play the crucial role, helping Cultivator eradicate the bottleneck in oneself cultivate process. That these ten days of times, can go against sufficiently ten years and hundred years. 但如果能起到关键作用,帮助修士破除自己修练过程中的瓶颈。那这十天功夫,足以顶得上十年、百年。 Lin Feng is thinking over Mood Calming Jade in hand: „Like Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl. After having used one time, will enter the dormant period. The Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl dormant period is seven days, actually does not know that this thing the dormant period is how long?” 林锋掂量着手中的清神静玉:“跟天蜃金珠一样。用过一次以后,会进入休眠期。天蜃金珠的休眠期是七天,却不知道这东西的休眠期是多久?” Saw cultivate of three disciples to get up right track, and in short Time will not have the momentous change, Lin Feng then first one step left Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land. 见三名弟子的修练都上了正轨,并且短时间内不会有大变动,林锋便先一步出了玄天宙光洞天 He sits on the trunk and branches of Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree, the palm turns, one group of Purple Qi appear, in Purple Qi, deposits the Primordial Heavenly Dragon corpse who this Qin Emperor Shi Yu gives. 他坐在玄天宝树的枝干上,手掌一翻,一团紫气浮现,在紫气中,存放这秦帝石羽所给的太古天龙尸身。 Even if fallen, the corpse has also sent out boundless Strength. The length receives and instructs thousand zhang (3.33 m), is quite magnificent, the whole body high and low even also proliferates dragon power auspicious cloud. 即便已经陨落,尸身也散发出磅礴力量。长度接引千丈,极为壮观,周身上下甚至还遍布龙威祥云 Lin Feng revealed oneself Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor, before the armor, was dismantled by him, torn to pieces. 林锋又亮出自己炎龙天铠,铠甲之前被他拆解,支离破碎。 The one strike palm, Lin Feng's Magic Force changes to the flowing light gently, integrates in that Primordial Heavenly Dragon corpse. 轻轻一击掌,林锋的法力化作流光,融入那太古天龙尸身之中。 The Heavenly Dragon corpse is quite firm, Lin Feng does not want to destroy, but must carry on to refine. Therefore has the patience, bit by bit separates sacrificial refining Dragon Body. 天龙尸身极为坚固,林锋不欲破坏,而是要进行炼化。所以非常有耐心,一点一点分离祭炼龙身 This dragon, belonged to Yellow Dragon Clan in Primordial Heavenly Dragon Clan, Yellow Dragon. Not Armored Scale Black Dragon Fleshly Body Physique formidable, not like White Jade Dragon same may in the Reality and Illusion two interaction changes, but Yellow Dragon Clan Expert. Actually are more than Armored Scale Black Dragon and White Jade Dragon. 这条龙,生前属于太古天龙一族中的黄龙族,黄龙。不似炼甲黑龙肉身体魄强大,也不像白玉龙一样可于虚实两相间变化,但黄龙族所出强者。却比炼甲黑龙白玉龙更多。 Yellow Dragon Innate Talent Bloodline Mystical Ability, lies in the Monster Strength total quantity is vigorous. heavy such as the earth of central fifth heavenly stem oneself, imitates, if earth similar. It seems like average not wonderful, actually extremely formidable. 黄龙天赋血脉神通,在于妖力总量雄浑无比。厚重如中央戊己之土,仿若大地一般。看似平平无奇,其实极为强大 heavy of Yellow Dragon Monster Strength, is similar to Human Race Cultivator cultivate Universe Origin True Water Mystical Ability is then same, with Cultivation Realm Cultivator, simple ratio Magic Force total quantity, unusual person. 黄龙妖力厚重,便如同人族修士修练混元真水神通一样,同境界修士中,单比法力总量,少有人及。 After Lin Feng thinking, has not refined oneself Clone this Yellow Dragon corpse, but is decomposes, withdraws Dragon Flesh Monster Strength Essence, again sacrificial refining Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor. 林锋思索之后,没有将这条黄龙的尸身炼制成自己分身,而是加以分解,提取龙肉妖力精华,重新祭炼炎龙天铠 This time, Lin Feng must become oneself Magical Treasure Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor thorough sacrificial refining. 这一次,林锋是要把炎龙天铠彻底祭炼自己法宝 Enormous and powerful dragon's roar non-stop resounds, intermittent dragon power spreads, Yellow Dragon Dragon Body by Lin Feng and Armored Scale Black Dragon draconic scales, the eye pupil sacrificial refining fusion of Flame Dragon, supplements with the Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree branches and leaves and Dragon Tendon Rope together, changes from gradually is an armor. 浩荡龙吟不停响起,阵阵龙威散布开来,黄龙龙身林锋炼甲黑龙龙鳞,炎龙的眼瞳一起祭炼融合,辅以玄天宝树的枝叶和龙筋索,渐渐化形为一件铠甲。 The Lin Feng both hands Secret Technique non-stop transformation, path after path Magic Force poured into the armor by him. 林锋双手法诀不停变换,一道又一道法力被他注入铠甲之中。 not like beforehand Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor, is pieces together Second Level, the front one big protecting heart mirror appearance, is actually hiding not by Vermillion Flame Monster Eye that genuinely sacrificial refining comes out, now this armor, genuinely unified whole. 不像之前的炎龙天铠,是拼凑二重,胸前一个大大的护心镜模样,其实是藏着未被真正祭炼出来的朱焰妖瞳,现在这副铠甲,真正浑然一体。 The armor was the scales, whole body was still jet black, the armor surroundings had two air current non-stop to circle, one path earthly yellow, one path was fiery red, these two air currents distinguished transform into dragon image, sent out roars intermittently. 铠甲仍然是鳞甲,通体漆黑,铠甲周围有两道气流不停盘旋,一道土黄,一道火红,这两道气流分别化为龙影,发出阵阵咆哮。 Under the Lin Feng's Magic Force stimulation, Primordial Heavenly Dragon that seems like two died, at this moment again lived came to be the same. 林锋的法力激发下,倒好像是两条已经死亡的太古天龙,这一刻又重新活了过来一样。 Gather! Lin Feng lowly shouted, both hands Secret Technique unites, yellow red two dragon image pour into the armor together, the scale of armor A+ shivers immediately fiercely up, as if Divine Dragon shakes armor, the prestige is irreversible. 合!林锋一声低喝,双手法诀合一,一黄一红两道龙影一起灌入铠甲之中,铠甲上的鳞片顿时剧烈颤抖起来,仿佛神龙抖甲,威不可挡。 black armor A+ was plated one Layer golden brilliance, but in golden brilliance, the faintly visible dazzling flame beats. 黑色甲上被镀了一层金辉,而在金辉之中,隐约可见耀眼火光跳动。 „It is not just independent Flame Dragon monster pupil sacrificial refining, called Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor again, some were inappropriate.” Lin Feng slightly smiles: From now henceforth, then called Dragon God Heavenly Armor to be good.” “并非只是单独的炎龙妖瞳祭炼,再叫炎龙天铠,有些不合适了。”林锋微微一笑:“从今以后,便叫龙神天铠好了。” Heard this word, Dragon God Heavenly Armor vibrated, revealed Life Aura, one was brand-new, independent Life realized the from there birth. 闻听此言,龙神天铠振动了一下,流露出一股生命气息,一个全新,独立的生命意识从中诞生。 That was Dragon God Heavenly Armor Magical Treasure Original Spirit, just was still at the uncivilized state at this moment, but also needed the Time growth. 那是龙神天铠法宝元灵,只是此刻尚处于蒙昧状态,还需时间成长。 sacrificial refining Magical Treasure is an incomparably long matter, burns is Time, many Magical Treasure sacrificial refining will even need in hundred and thousand of also not necessarily can to succeed. 祭炼法宝是一件无比漫长的事情,烧的就是时间,很多法宝祭炼甚至需要成百上千年也未必可以成功。 Lin Feng now sacrificial refining Dragon God Heavenly Armor, just completes the first step, will have in the future also a long way to go. 林锋现在祭炼龙神天铠,也只是完成第一步,日后还有很长的路要走。 but just now, Lin Feng then can feels Dragon God Heavenly Armor the place of formidable merely, surpassed past Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor. 不过仅仅只是现在,林锋便可以感受到龙神天铠强大之处,远超昔日的炎龙天铠 This makes Lin Feng be satisfied, Flame Dragon Heavenly Armor strict sense just false Magical Treasure, but the strength can actually confuse falsehood with the truth, now Dragon God Heavenly Armor even more formidable, when finishes after thoroughly, Strength will be stronger. 这让林锋感到满意,炎龙天铠严格意义上来说只是一件假法宝,但实力却能以假乱真,如今龙神天铠更加强大,等到彻底完工之后,力量还会更强。 Thinks that the oneself on hand also several good things, Lin Feng to have smiled up: Ha! Now my also can was called the multi- valuable young lad.” 想到自己手上还有几件好东西,林锋不由笑了起来:“哈!如今我也可以被称为多宝童子了。” Lin Feng once had the idea, must after oneself several Direct Disciple achievement Nascent Soul, everyone bestow Magical Treasure, now looks like, the distance achieves the goal already nearly in before one's eyes. 林锋曾经有想法,要在自己几个亲传弟子成就元婴后,每人赐一件法宝,现在看来,距离达成目标已经近在眼前
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