HNOF :: Volume #5

#494: Plan for a long time

After Lin Feng receives Jun Zining sound transmission, with own Magic Force communicate, the opposite broadcasts the Jun Zining sound: Senior, Junior Jun Zining disturbed.” 林锋接到君紫凝传音后,用自身法力沟通,对面就传来君紫凝的声音:“前辈,晚辈君紫凝打扰了。” It is no bother.” Lin Feng replied: Has any matter, spoke frankly then.” 无妨。”林锋答道:“有什么事情,直言即可。” Jun Zining slightly has lowered the oneself sound: Senior, I found Little Wu, our present temporary reside Great Zhou Dynasty Crown Prince Young Teacher Chen Yu Chen Da.” 君紫凝微微压低了自己的声音:“前辈,我找到小舞了,我们现在暂居大周皇朝太子少师陈昱陈大人家。” Her some shan saying however: Little Wu... She got sick, now recuperation, after she gets better, Junior wants to lead her to return to the mountain to seek medical help, but also looks at Senior to take pity on.” 她有些讪然的说道:“小舞…她病了,现在正休养,待她病好之后,晚辈想带她回山求医,还望前辈垂怜。” Lin Feng slightly smiles, Jun Zining said that speaks insincerely obviously, is giving her little sisters to cover, Luo Qingwu that Little Loli, bores tip of cows horn, looks like has not made a turn at heart. 林锋微微一笑,君紫凝这么说,明显言不由衷,是在给她的小姐妹打掩护呢,洛轻舞那个小萝莉,钻牛角尖,心里看来还没有转过弯来呢。 „In the fall of this year, this Eminence disciple Zhu Yi will go to Great Zhou Dynasty Sky Capital City to test Imperial Civil Service Examination.” Lin Feng faint said: When the time comes you guys from seeks him is.” “今年秋天,本座弟子朱易将赴大周皇朝天京城会试。”林锋淡淡说道:“到时候你们自去寻他便是。” Jun Zining said hastily: thanked Senior, Junior is compliant.” 君紫凝连忙说道:“谢过前辈,晚辈遵命。” Ridiculing that she hesitant, Tun Tun has spat said: Senior, in this days, if my family member seeks me, but also asked you not to disclose that they knew where I, definitely also found Little Wu, will deliver when the time comes perhaps Little Wu to return to Luo Family, Little Wu... She has not wanted to go back now.” 她犹豫了一下,吞吞吐吐的讪笑道:“前辈,这段日子里,要是我家里人去寻我,还请您莫要透露啊,他们知道了我在哪里,肯定也就找到小舞了,到时候说不定会送小舞洛家,小舞…她现在还不想回去。” Has words she, although has not said that but in spoken language not meaning completely, Lin Feng naturally understand. 有句话她虽然没说出口,但言语中未尽之意,林锋自然明白 This young miss, does not want to go home. 这小姑娘,也不想回家。 but Jun Zining has considered thoroughly obviously, when Kunpeng Treasure Trove, although Purple Firmament Dao Dao Venerable Blue Thunder recognizes her, but also just approximately understood that situation, knows that after is not the Jun Family person relates on own initiative is on good terms Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, then also no longer pays attention. 不过君紫凝明显多虑了,鲲鹏秘藏时,紫霄道蓝霆道尊虽然认出她,但也只是大致了解一下情况,知道并非君家人主动联系交好玄门天宗后,便也不再留心。 Although Primal Heaven Ancient Realm Jun Family worries. But cannot found Jun Zining continuously, they know actually Jun Zining and Luo Qingwu are bosom friend. Therefore relates with Luo Family, but Luo Qingwu and her six grandfather Luo Chi keep the promise. For the Jun Zining conservative secret. 元天古界君氏家族虽然着急。但一直都没能找到君紫凝,他们倒是知道君紫凝洛轻舞闺蜜。所以同洛氏家族联系,但洛轻舞和她六爷爷洛池都信守诺言。为君紫凝保守秘密。 just disclosed that Jun Zining is now safe, is nonhazardous, but keeps one's mouth shut to the concrete whereabouts throughout. 只是透露君紫凝现在安全无恙,并无危险,但对具体下落始终守口如瓶。 Lin Feng said lightly: this Eminence has said that you keep on the mountain It is no bother, but if your family comes the person, or some Purple Firmament Dao people meet you, this Eminence will not stop.” 林锋平淡说道:“本座说过,你留在山上无妨,但若是你家族来人,或者紫霄道有人来接你,本座不会阻拦。” Opposite Jun Zining said with a smile embarrasedly: Put to trouble to Senior.” 对面的君紫凝讪讪笑道:“给前辈添麻烦了。” Interrupted with conversation between Jun Zining, Lin Feng shook the head to laugh in spite of trying not, put one side this matter temporarily. 中断了同君紫凝之间的通话,林锋摇头失笑,将此事暂时放到一边。 He looks to Zhu Yi. slightly said with a smile: Little Yi, your spring test pass brillantly Jieyuan, in the fall of this year, you must go to Sky Capital City to test Imperial Civil Service Examination again.” 他看向朱易微微笑道:“小易,你春天的考试高中解元,今年秋天,你就要再赴天京城会试了。” Zhu Yi nod one's head: Just like Master said.” 朱易点点头:“正如师父所说。” Shi Tianhao said with a smile in the one side: Second Senior Brother, I listened to the person saying that the scholar tested the imperial civil service examination, Roll of Honor was the glory, had three goals is the glory in glory, your this time has had confidence.” 石天昊在一旁笑道:“二师兄,我听人说,读书人考科举,金榜题名是荣耀,连中三元更是荣耀中的荣耀,你这次有没有把握啊。” Zhu Yi smiles: I have confidence pass brillantly. But whether wins on Imperial Civil Service Examination and Imperial Court Examination continuously, this did not say, must look at the taking volume standard and Zhou Emperor Liang Pan that thoughts Imperial Civil Service Examination presided at an examination, but in my heart truth understand. Starts writing such as brightly, writes article is the affirmation.” 朱易一笑:“我有信心高中。但能否在会试殿试上连续夺魁,这个不好说,要看会试主考的取卷标准和周帝梁盘的心思,不过我心中道理明白。下笔如有神,写出好文章是肯定的。” Here, he looked to Lin Feng. Stern said: Master, the disciple preparation closes up Time. Before the fall examinations, strove to cross Yin Wind Calamity. Promotes Golden Core Late Stage.” 说到这里,他望向林锋。正色说道:“师父,弟子准备闭关一段时间。在秋闱之前,争取渡过阴风之劫。晋升金丹后期。” The Lin Feng look is tranquil: „Did you consider?” 林锋神色平静:“你考虑好了?” In several Big Disciple, Zhu Yi cultivate is steady, seems like does not show one's self, actually a one footprint walks steadily, is well-prepared, the accumulation is rich. 大弟子中,朱易修练平稳有序,看似不显山露水,其实一步一个脚印走得最稳,厚积薄发,积累丰富。 Although just crossed Yin Fire Calamity to be promoted Golden Core Intermediate Stage on last year Desolate Sea Daoist Assembly, but since Zhu Yi this Time static closed-door cultivation, regarding the comprehension of Dao Technique Mystical Ability, even more has striven. 虽然在去年的荒海法会上刚刚渡过阴火之劫晋级金丹中期,但朱易这段时间以来一直静静潜修,对于道法神通的领悟,越发精进。 Creates Eight Trigrams Amplifying Saint Gold Chapter, further comprehends the exquisiteness of Profound Gate Heavenly Sect My Sect Dao Technique, 创作八卦衍圣金章,进一步领悟玄门天宗本门道法的精妙, After Lin Feng obtains the complete Ming Du skeleton, summarizes the comprehend Darkness Strength essence already, has passed afterward also to Zhu Yi, in addition beforehand Immeasurable Light Tathagata Scripture Light True Meaning, lets the Zhu Yi's Dao Technique cultivation base non-stop progress. 林锋得到完整冥独骸骨之后,总结参悟其中黑暗力量精髓已经,事后也传给了朱易,加上之前无量光如来经光明真意,让朱易的道法修为不停进步。 In addition also has the Cloud Forest Tree massive essence to take the Matter foundation, lets the Zhu Yi's cultivation base ten thousand li in a day progress. 此外还有云林树海量精气作为物质基础,让朱易的修为一日千里般的进步。 Before on his cultivate issue, Lin Feng and between him had communicate, Zhu Yi had crossed the Yin Wind Calamity capital, but whether crossing the Tribulation attacked Golden Core Late Stage Cultivation Realm, Zhu Yi somewhat hesitated. 之前就他修练的问题,林锋和他之间有过沟通,朱易已经有了渡阴风之劫的资本,但是否渡劫冲击金丹后期境界,朱易有些犹豫。 After his original intention is the hope in this year's fall examinations take a test, own Mind Will once more obtains succinct, then crosses Yin Wind Calamity. 他本意是希望在今年秋闱考试过后,自身精神意志再次得到洗练,然后再去渡阴风之劫 but now, Zhu Yi changed idea. 不过现在,朱易改变了想法。 looks at Lin Feng, Zhu Yi replied: Disciple considered, was not the rash conduct, but was the disciple self-examines has been well prepared, did not need too to consider the worry, said behavior, complied with naturally, gathered cultivate Path.” 看着林锋,朱易答道:“弟子考虑好了,并非莽撞行事,而是弟子自问已经做好一切准备,无需有太多思量顾虑,直道而行,顺应自然,更合修练之道。” Shi Tianhao opened mouth, thinks that oneself that broke nine large hole Golden Core, immediately feels some toothaches. 石天昊张了张嘴,想到自己那个破了九个大洞金丹,顿时感觉有些牙疼。 His Golden Core Innate Nine Orifices, turnover Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, simultaneously meets naturally, but however in the impurity Golden Core discharges, therefore crossing beforehand Yin Fire Calamity is easy as pie, but following Yin Wind Calamity may somewhat be awkward. 金丹先天九窍,吞吐天地灵气,同时会自然而然将金丹内杂质排出,所以渡之前的阴火之劫易如反掌,但接下来的阴风之劫可就有些尴尬了。 Lin Feng smiled to look at his an eye: silly kid, your accumulation also already enough thick, as for your Golden Core issue, there is a very big probability solution, after preparing, can attacked Golden Core Late Stage Cultivation Realm.” 林锋笑看了他一眼:“傻小子,你的积累也已经足够厚实,至于你金丹的问题,也有很大几率解决,准备好了之后,也可以冲击金丹后期境界了。” Shi Tianhao has smiled up: even more thanked that Cloud Forest Tree.” 石天昊笑了起来:“还要感谢那株云林树。” The Yue Hongyan pursing the lips lip, in a pair of scarlet-red pupil as if there is flame to beat: Master, the disciple wants to challenge Core Formation.” 岳红炎抿了抿嘴唇,一对赤红的眸子中仿佛有火光跳动:“师父,弟子想挑战结丹。” Her cultivation base strives swiftly and violently, before this to guarantee the foundation is reliable, therefore blindly has not attacked Golden Core Realm, is excessively irritable, likely presents the deviation. 她的修为精进迅猛,此前为了确保根基牢固,所以才没有盲目冲击金丹期,过分急躁,很可能出现偏差。 Ties Golden Core, if ties doesn't come out Purple Core, then to the future cultivate create serious restriction. 金丹若是结不出紫丹,那对日后的修练就会造成严重的制约。 Now after long Time peaceful mind closed-door cultivation, Yue Hongyan Dao Technique foundation even more heavy, had enough assurance. 现在经过长时间的静心潜修后,岳红炎道法根底越发厚重,已经有了足够的把握。 Conditions truly were ripe, goes about something with a free hand freely, then in this days, Teacher will keep on the mountain, is you guys Protector.” Lin Feng nod said with a smile: But the checkpoint on cultivate, mainly also depends on you guys oneself to overcome.” “时机确实都已经成熟,尽管放手去做,接下来这段日子里,为师都会留在山上,为你们护法。”林锋点头笑道:“但修练上的关卡,主要还靠你们自己克服。” Zhu Yi, Shi Tianhao and Yue Hongyan three people of simultaneously bow a ritual: Respectfully follows the Master instruction.” 朱易石天昊岳红炎三人齐齐躬身一礼:“谨遵师父教诲。” Three people enter in Mysterious Heaven Cosmic Light Heavenly Land together, Zhu Yi and Yue Hongyan routinely, oneself launches cultivate then. 三人一起进入玄天宙光洞天之中,朱易岳红炎按部就班,自己展开修练即可。 Lin Feng only need help to take care in the one side then, but the Little Guy Shi Tianhao's situation is more special, crosses Yin Wind Calamity, causes own Golden Core complete leakless, regarding Shi Tianhao's Innate Nine Orifices Golden Core, were more than other people it is difficult. 林锋只需在一旁帮忙看顾即可,而小不点石天昊的情况则要特殊许多,渡阴风之劫,使自身金丹圆满无漏,对于石天昊的先天九窍金丹来说,比旁人多了碍难。 Tianhao, be careful cares, concentrates Mind.” A Lin Feng both palms racket, a Dao Technique strength departs gently, a transform into purple furnace in air. 天昊,小心在意,集中精神。”林锋双掌轻轻一拍,一道法力飞出,在空气中化为一座紫色熔炉。 His forehead appears the Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark, departs the flaming golden color raging fire from Supreme Ultimate Diagram, congeals Great Sun Flame Sovereign Dharma Body. 他眉心处浮现太极图纹,自太极图中飞出熊熊金色烈火,凝结成大日炎皇法身 Reaches as high as more than 200 zhang (3.33 m) Great Sun Flame Sovereign Dharma Body in Void plates gets up to sit, both hands tie the seal end to put before the abdomen, the purple furnace flies, fall on Great Sun Flame Sovereign double on hand. 高达200多丈的大日炎皇法身在虚空中盘起而坐,双手结印端放于腹前,紫色熔炉飞起,落在大日炎皇手上 Lin Feng flicks with the finger, the massive blue blood appear, fall in the arrived purple furnace. 林锋屈指一弹,大量碧蓝色的血液出现,落到了紫色熔炉中。 That completely is purest Kunpeng True Blood, moreover is very precise, contained extremely formidable Strength, is far from Kunpeng Bloodline that past Patriarch Kun Yue had may compare, but was Lin Feng from the precious valuable blood of Ancient Kunpeng remains. 那全部都是最纯正的鲲鹏真血,而且无比凝炼,蕴含了极为强大力量,绝非昔日昆月祖师拥有的鲲鹏血脉可比,而是林锋得自上古鲲鹏遗骸的珍贵宝血。 in the past Immortal Monster Soul Third Level Cultivation Realm, Astral Soul Union Blood Essence agglutination of unparalleled Great Monster . 昔年不灭妖魂第三重境界,星魂合一的盖世大妖精血凝集。 This deep blue Blood Essence falls into the purple furnace, immediately thunders up, one Light Avatar ups and downs, sinks, but is the fish, floats, is the Péng. 这碧蓝精血落入紫色熔炉中,顿时轰鸣起来,一个光影在其中沉浮,沉而为鱼,浮则为鹏。 Lin Feng waves, is one path golden color Blood Essence pours into the purple furnace, before that is, Pillar Dragon's Blood that Desolate Sea Daoist Assembly can come up. 林锋挥手间,又是一道金色精血注入紫色熔炉里,那是之前荒海法会上得来的蟠龙之血 Except for Pillar Dragon's Blood, Thunder Dragon Bones and Feilian King's Claws and Fangs together were also invested by Lin Feng, immediately the Wind and Thunder writings, non-stop surges. 除了蟠龙之血,雷龙骸骨飞廉王爪牙也被林锋一起投入其中,顿时风雷大作,不停激荡。 Tianhao!” Lin Feng light shouts, Little Guy Shi Tianhao replied accordingly: Yes, Master!” Immediately the diving posture, from the sky has drawn the one path arc, plunges into purple Flooding Furnace. 天昊!”林锋喝一声,小不点石天昊应声答道:“是,师父!”当即飞身而起,在空中划过一道弧线,跳入紫色洪炉内。 Under Wind and Thunder surges Kunpeng True Blood to start the non-stop succinct Shi Tianhao's body, is as for his Magic Force, even is Divine Soul. 风雷激荡下的鲲鹏真血开始不停洗练石天昊的躯体,乃至于他的法力,甚至是神魂 His within the body Innate Nine Orifices Golden Core, massive turnover Source Qi, inducts in which Kunpeng True Blood together. 他体内先天九窍金丹,一起海量吞吐元气,将鲲鹏真血导入其中。 Lin Feng spreads out the palm, the palm place above hikes up Seventh Metal Water Flowing Stone, Heavenly Lake Cinnabar Crystal and Sun Essence Stone and other thing flutters together, all invests purple Flooding Furnace. 林锋摊开手掌,掌心上方飘起庚金流水石天衡朱砂日阳精石等物一起翻飞,全部投入紫色洪炉 In these Treasure Item fuse with Kunpeng True Blood, transform into point Soul Essence, then together was entered the body along with Kunpeng True Blood by Shi Tianhao absorb. 这些宝物融于鲲鹏真血中,化为点点精魄,然后随着鲲鹏真血一起被石天昊吸纳入体。 Lin Feng has intercepted section of Sky-Patching Vine, will then put in purple Flooding Furnace, under nourishing of Kunpeng True Blood, this Sky-Patching Vine rapid growth, rattan lower half, complete winding on Shi Tianhao. 林锋截取了一截补天藤,然后将之放入紫色洪炉,在鲲鹏真血的滋养下,这一段补天藤飞速成长,藤条的下半部分,完全缠绕在石天昊身上。 Sky-Patching Vine gradually lost original outward appearance appearance, but is a transform into Green band of light, Spirit Power unceasingly was also built up the absorption by Shi Tianhao. 补天藤渐渐失去了原先外观模样,而是化为一条绿色光带,其中灵力也被石天昊不断炼化吸收。 Before these Spirit Power, crushed the Seventh Metal Water Flowing Stone and other thing of Essence smelt together, subsequently starts to patch Innate Nine Orifices on Golden Core. 这些灵力将之前被粉碎的庚金流水石等物的精华一起熔炼,继而开始修补金丹上的先天九窍 No matter Lin Feng, or Shi Tianhao in person, pays close attention trend. 不管是林锋,还是石天昊本人,都密切关注其中动向。 Their goals do not die of suffocation thoroughly Innate Nine Orifices on Shi Tianhao Golden Core, such firstly, even if succeeds, Shi Tianhao's Golden Core will also belong to mediocrely, although was still great Purple Core, but before compared with, without doubt was backing up. 他们的目标并不是要彻底堵死石天昊金丹上的先天九窍,那样一来,即便成功,石天昊的金丹也会归于平庸,虽然仍是一等一的紫丹,但相较于之前,无疑是一种倒退。 Lin Feng Master and disciple, not only need overcome Golden Core Innate Nine Orifices to tide over the Yin Wind Calamity difficulty, simultaneously even more retains the Shi Tianhao Golden Core formidable special place. 林锋师徒,不仅要克服金丹先天九窍阴风之劫的难关,同时还要保留石天昊金丹强大的特异之处。 Therefore must spend this many times, otherwise Sky-Patching Vine enough used. 所以才要花费这许多功夫,否则一根补天藤就足够用了。 Lin Feng has planned such long Time, must help oneself Little Disciple, Golden Core transforms once more, solves the problem, and bring it up a level. 林锋筹谋了这么长时间,是要助自己小弟子,金丹再次进行蜕变,解决问题,并更上一层楼 Facing the difficulty, does not detour, impossible turns around retreat, but if wants the means to surmount. 面对困难,不是绕路,更不可能掉头后退,而是要想办法超越。 Starts to play role in Sky-Patching Vine Spirit Power, after Kunpeng True Blood is even more active, Lin Feng takes out nine lotus seed of Earthheart Flame Lotus, as well as spirit grass Nine Revolutions Ice Orchid, these two things are Treasure Item that on his Desolate Sea Daoist Assembly and Heavenly Lake Sect Sect Master Cao Wei makes a bet to win. 补天藤灵力开始发挥作用,鲲鹏真血越发活跃之后,林锋又取出地心火莲的九颗莲子,以及灵草九转冰兰,这两件东西都是他荒海法会上和天池宗宗主曹伟打赌赢来的宝物 In that time Lin Feng on the specific goal, the gambling stake wanted these things, then for today. 在那时林锋就目的明确,赌注要这些东西,便是为了今天。 Except for this, derives a rare treasure in Kunpeng Treasure Trove, counter Yin-Yang nine Spirit Treasure jade, these things, had sent in purple Flooding Furnace by Lin Feng completely. 除此以外,还有得自鲲鹏秘藏中的一件秘宝,逆阴阳灵宝玉,这些东西,也全部被林锋送入了紫色洪炉里。 Infinite Spiritual Qi surges together, under Lin Feng's promotes, Shi Tianhao be careful cautiously their Spirit Power integrate within the body completely, after the fusion, changes to Nine Paths colored light stream, enters on his Golden Core Innate Nine Orifices respectively. 无穷灵气一起涌动,在林锋的推动下,石天昊小心翼翼将它们的灵力全部纳入体内,融合之后,化作九道彩色光流,分别进入他金丹先天九窍上。
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