HNOF :: Volume #5

#493: Filling people with enthusiasm

Yang Qing was returned to Jade Capital Mountain, Lin Feng's True Body is in waiting for him. 杨清被送回玉京山上,林锋的本尊正在等他 Master, Third Senior Brother he...” Yang Qing appears heavyhearted, Lin Feng calmly said: Thorough Void Battlefield, this is not only your Third Senior Brother inexorable fate, similarly is also a his chance.” 师父,三师兄他…”杨清显得忧心忡忡,林锋静静说道:“深入虚空战场,这既是你三师兄的一场劫数,同样也是他的一场机缘。” Yang Qing sucks in cold air, the Void Battlefield danger, he has heard, in entire Heaven Primal World ominous illustrious. 杨清倒抽一口凉气,虚空战场的危险,他是听说过的,在整个天元大世界都凶名赫赫。 Lin Feng said: Is the insurance eventuality, Teacher has also sent in Void Battlefield oneself Clone.” 林锋说道:“为保万一,为师也已经将自己的一具分身送入虚空战场。” Yang Qing listened, nod, Lin Feng then said again and again: Now, after detailed says with Teacher the matter.” 杨清听了,连连点头,林锋接着说道:“现在,把事情经过详细同为师说一遍。” Yes, Master.” Yang Qing several days ago, he and Wang Lin discovered that has Devil Path Cultivator to rebel to start, has spoken of the opposite party to kill to visit today suddenly. “是,师父。”杨清从十几天前,他和汪林发现有魔道修士作乱开始,一直说到今天对方突然杀上门来。 Wang Lin risking one's life saved the oneself parental members of the same family, but the World wall bonded surprise to burst, including that Nascent Soul Old Monster, everybody was involved in the Void turbulent flow together. 汪林拼死救下了自己的父母亲族,但世界壁障意外破裂,连同那元婴老怪在内,大家一起被卷入了虚空乱流之中。 Yang Qing originally not by Void crack inspiration, but to save others, has to brace oneself. 杨清本来没有被虚空裂缝吸入,但为了救人,只好硬着头皮冲进去。 Wang Lin pesters in that Old Monster together, Yang Qing to save Wang Lin's parents clansman, lost help Wang Lin's opportunity. 汪林同那老怪纠缠在一起,杨清为了救起汪林的父母族人,以至于失去了援助汪林的机会。 His in person is also actually unable to defend oneself, can only support by that Nascent Soul Realm Magical Artifact reluctantly, if not Lin Feng rushes promptly, Yang Qing also wants ominous multiple luck to be few. 本人其实也自身难保,只能凭借那件元婴期法器勉强支撑,若非林锋及时赶到,杨清也要凶多吉少。 I... I really did not have the means to help Third Senior Brother at that time, sorry, Master...” Lowering the head of Yang Qing loses, Lin Feng looks at he, slightly shakes the head: No, you do was good enough.” “我…我当时实在没有办法帮到三师兄,对不起,师父…”杨清失落的低下头,林锋看着他,微微摇头:“不,你做的已经足够好了。” Little Lin if at this time here, will thank the choice that you made at that time.” 小林子此时若在这里,也会感谢你当时做出的选择。” Obtains the Lin Feng's praise and comforts, Yang Qing felt better at heart. But still felt that is hard to get over an emotion: If my cultivation base, can perhaps add on Third Senior Brother busy...” 得到林锋的表扬和安慰,杨清心里好过了些。但仍然感到难以释怀:“若是我修为更强一些,或许就能更多帮上三师兄的忙…” The Lin Feng vision has swept Yang Qing an eye. nod one's head: good, success breakthrough bottleneck. Congealing vertical Pill Cauldron.” 林锋目光扫了杨清一眼点点头:“不错,成功突破瓶颈。凝立丹鼎了。” Initially told that Yang Qing sought Wang Lin, was hopes that Yang Qing along with Wang Lin cultivation, realized mental state that together returned to original condition lightly, eased the oversized pressure. 当初吩咐杨清去寻汪林,就是希望杨清汪林一起修行,体会平淡归真的心境,缓解过大的心理压力。 mental state is relaxed, Yang Qing cultivate naturally is successful, bridges over the beforehand bottleneck with ease, congealing vertical Pill Cauldron , to promote Foundation Establishment Late Stage. 心境轻松,杨清修练自然水到渠成,轻松跨过之前的瓶颈,凝立丹鼎,晋升筑基后期 Under the Lin Feng's Divine Consciousness inspection, sees above Yang Qing Spirit Platform. Is setting up purple Pill Cauldron impressively, this is his cultivate Eight Trigrams All Heavens Grand Dao Scripture result, but above purple Pill Cauldron, is a noticeable phenomenon. 林锋的神识检查之下,就见杨清灵台之上。赫然立着一尊紫色丹鼎,这是他修练八卦诸天大道藏的结果,而在紫色丹鼎上方,则是一片引人注目的异象。 One green, [gold/metal] two colors, compose one to be approximate in the design of Supreme Ultimate Diagram appearance, non-stop circle. 一绿,一金两种颜色,组成一个近似于太极图模样的图案,不停盘旋。 Green Spirit Power source is True Lunar Water, but golden color Spirit Power, then originates from True Solar Fire! 绿色灵力源泉太阴真水,而金色灵力,则来源于太阳真火 Greater Yin and Sun. one yin one yang Two Extremes Strength, interweaves perfectly, and to be entirely different, achieves the one absolute balance. 太阴太阳一阴一阳两极力量,完美交织,而又泾渭分明,达到一个绝对的平衡。 This is Yang Qing Body Root Innate Talent reaches as high as nine points reasons. This person does not have a Yin-Yang perfect balance physique surely, agrees without consultation the Grand Dao Innate highest good, Yin and Yang Mutual Aid. Quite the same as as if made by Heaven. 这就是杨清根骨天赋高达九点的原因。此人是千万中无一的阴阳完美平衡体质,暗合大道先天至理,阴阳相济。浑然天成 Heavenly Lake Sect's Song Qingyuan and Dao Yuting, one is in Original Yang True Yin is excessively abundant. one is in Original Yin True Yang is excessively abundant, but has not achieved perfect Yin and Yang Mutual Aid. Has a little deviation, but two people Innate Talent was quite outstanding, was regarded the treasure to be the same by Heavenly Lake Sect. 天池宗的宋庆元刀玉婷,一个元阳真阴过盛。一个元阴真阳过盛,但都没有达到完美的阴阳相济。都有那么一点偏差,但两人天赋已经极为出众,被天池宗当成宝贝一样。 Reason that Cao Wei and Heavenly Lake Sect intend to match Dao Companion these two people, is hopes after their two people unifies, thus achieves perfect Yin-Yang to blend. 曹伟天池宗之所以有意将这二人配成道侣,就是希望他们两人结合后,从而达到完美的阴阳交融。 But Yang Qing is actually the perfect Yin-Yang balance, and is Innate formed, even better. 杨清却是完美无瑕的阴阳平衡,并且是先天所成,更胜一筹。 His such Body Root physique, no matter cultivate what Dao Technique, will be twice the result with half the effort, if Heavenly Lake Sect's Extreme North Flame Mysterious Secret Art that is in itself the Yin-Yang altogether Jinan, Two Extremes opposition fusion type Dao Technique, that has the exceptional superiority. 他这样的根骨体质,不管是修练什么样的道法,都会事半功倍,若是天池宗的北极炎阳玄诀那种本身就是阴阳共济,两极对立融合类型的道法,那更是有得天独厚的优势。 not at all exaggeration said that the Yang Qing physique, was cultivate Extreme North Flame Mysterious Secret Art this kind of Dao Technique most perfect silkworm embryo, did not have one. 毫不夸张的讲,杨清的体质,是修练北极炎阳玄诀这一类道法最完美的胚子,没有之一。 If he does obeisance in Heavenly Lake Sect disciple, that Song Qingyuan and Dao Yuting status must decline immediately first-grade, stares on helplessly looks at he becomes Heavenly Lake Sect most is favored, potential seedling that attaches great importance. 他若是拜在天池宗门下,那宋庆元刀玉婷的地位立刻要下调一等,干瞪眼看着他成为天池宗最受宠,最重视的潜力苗子。 After all, in the entire Heavenly Lake Sect history, such Innate Talent disciple also few, becoming a useful adult, is the history book leaves a good name, is Heavenly Lake Sect brings huge leap the character of leader many colleagues rank. 毕竟,在整个天池宗历史上,这样天赋的弟子也没有几个,成材者,无不是史书留名,为天池宗带来巨大飞跃的领袖群伦级别的人物。 Lin Feng after discovering this point, then considered the issue that arrived teaches students in accordance with their aptitude, Yang Qing has True Lunar Water, and by True Lunar Comprehension Dao Technique Foundation Establishment, even sets up Spirit Platform, although afterward transferred Eight Trigrams All Heavens Grand Dao Scripture, but was still very proper regarding the understanding of True Lunar Comprehension Dao Technique. 林锋在发现这一点后,便考虑到了因材施教的问题,杨清身怀太阴真水,并以太阴真解道法筑基,甚至立起灵台,后来虽然转为八卦诸天大道藏,但对于太阴真解道法的理解仍然很到位。 After Lin Feng deduces Great Sun's Heavenly Fire Dao Scripture, then also has passed to Yang Qing this Dao Technique, then instructs Yang Qing to use My Sect Eight Trigrams All Heavens Grand Dao Scripture as the foundation, on this foundation, simultaneously comprehend Great Sun's Heavenly Fire Dao Scripture and True Lunar Comprehension. 林锋推演出大日天煌道典后,便将这门道法也传给了杨清,然后指导杨清本门八卦诸天大道藏为根基,在这根基上,同时参悟大日天煌道典太阴真解 spirit grass that can come up from Desolate Sea Daoist Assembly, Vermillion Flame Ice Flower, Lin Feng has given Yang Qing, simultaneously Innate Twin Extremities Flower also divided some flower petals to give him, blended for ease of Yang Qing comprehend Ice Fire Yin-Yang the truth of opposition. 荒海法会上得来的灵草,朱焰冰花,林锋给了杨清,同时两极天生花也分了一些花瓣给他,都是为了便于杨清参悟冰火阴阳交融对立的道理。 Dao Technique of two basic oppositions, cultivate up defeated the purpose, but there is a Eight Trigrams All Heavens Grand Dao Scripture scratch coat, Yang Qing oneself is the Yin-Yang completely balanced physique, after passing through closed-door cultivation, finally had the achievement. 两门基本对立的道法,修练起来本来是南辕北辙,但有八卦诸天大道藏打底,杨清自己又是阴阳完全均衡的体质,在经过潜修之后,终于有了成果。 Besides oneself True Lunar Water, True Solar Fire Mystical Ability was also built by Yang Qing, and estimates Principle Domain that the Two Extremes opposition actually Yin-Yang blends, finally the Water and Fire fusion, goes out of the oneself path, congealing vertical Pill Cauldron. 除了原先自己太阴真水外,太阳真火神通也被杨清修成,并且揣摩两极对立却又阴阳交融的道理意境,终于将水火融合,走出自己的道路,凝立丹鼎 Before the disciples estimated to deduce together belong to oneself Dao Technique alone, Yang Qing obtained, named «Yin Yang Dao Law», is the summary and induction of this Principle Domain, in already formed at that time, this moment Yang Qing congealing vertical Pill Cauldron succeeded, further perfect this Dao Technique. 之前众弟子一起揣摩推演独属于自己道法,杨清所得,名为阴阳道典》,便是这种道理意境的总结与归纳,在当时已然成形,此刻杨清凝立丹鼎成功,更进一步完善了这门道法 Sees Lin Feng to test to compare with his cultivation base, Yang Qing said hastily: Disciple certainly will then continue to try hard cultivate, strives for soon Core Formation.” 林锋考较他的修为,杨清连忙说道:“弟子接下来一定会继续努力修练,争取早日结丹。” Listened to Yang Qing saying that Lin Feng smiles nod one's head: good, Little Qing, you is a need like this strength, remembers that Teacher words, you are very strong, is much stronger than your oneself imagination.” 杨清这么说,林锋笑着点点头:“不错,小清子,你就是需要这样一股劲头,记得为师的话,你很强的,比你自己想象中要强得多。” Disciple can have today, all depending on the Master instruction.” Yang Qing serious bows a ritual. “弟子能有今日,全凭师父教诲。”杨清郑重的躬身一礼。 Lin Feng said: Was good, gets down, settles your Third Senior Brother family member, has any matter, may look for Outer Sect Steward Dao Zhiqiang to help you.” 林锋说道:“好了,下去吧,安顿好你三师兄的家人,有什么事情,可找外门管事刀志强帮你。” Little Lin will definitely come back.” Saying of Lin Feng faint: Here has the his parents to be close, has Teacher and you guys, even if under to Underworld. Little Lin will also break all difficult, returns to the world.” 小林子肯定会回来的。”林锋淡淡的说道:“这里有他的父母至亲,有为师你们,哪怕下到地狱小林子也会打破一切险阻,重回人世。” Teacher believes that he is capable of this accomplishing.” 为师相信他有这个能力办到。” Yang Qing makes an effort nod: Yes. The Third Senior Brother manner is tenacious, Will is very strong. The disciples also deeply believed that anything cannot baffle him.” 杨清用力点头:“是。三师兄为人性格坚韧不拔,意志无比坚强。弟子也深信没什么能难倒他。” The back that Lin Feng looks at Yang Qing departs, long time later sighed. 林锋看着杨清离去的背影,良久之后叹了口气。 Believing Wang Lin can return from Void Battlefield, this is Lin Feng hopes to his, but places in all the faintly recognizable expectation, is not the Lin Feng's attitude, therefore before him, or decided that delivers War God Clone to enter Void Battlefield. 坚信汪林能从虚空战场回归,这是林锋他的期许,但将一切都放在飘渺的期望上,并非林锋的作风,所以他之前还是决定送战神分身进入虚空战场 but, the Void Battlefield inside Space turbulent flow is truly hard to deal with, Lin Feng cultivate Heavenly Dao Virtuous Scripture, contacted Space Strength Domain when Foundation Establishment Realm merely. 不过,虚空战场内的空间乱流确实难缠,林锋修练天道德经,仅仅在筑基期时就已经接触空间力量意境 Is mysterious regarding Space. The Lin Feng's comprehension must in same rank Cultivator, this make him want freely many in Void Battlefield compared with other people by far, where Wang Lin but must seek to lose the fall on battlefield deep place not to know, still difficult layer upon layer. 对于空间奥妙。林锋的领悟要远胜于同级别修士,这让他在虚空战场中比其他人自如许多,但要寻找失落在战场深处不知何方的汪林,仍然困难重重 Shi Tianhao's parents thorough Void Battlefield seeks for his missing grandfather, used Secret Technique to sacrifice cultivation base, among the relation by close Bloodline sought, must hope compared with the average man, but such long Time depart, still lost to view did not have the message. 石天昊的父母深入虚空战场寻找他失踪的祖父,动用秘法牺牲修为,凭借至亲血脉之间的联系寻找,比常人要多出一些希望,但这么长时间去了,仍然杳无音讯。 Also must look again difficultly. Cannot sit waits.” “再困难也要找呀。总不能坐着干等。” Lin Feng shakes the head, from Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree on, sees numerous disciples also in groups of 2 and 3 to stand in the Disciple Exquisite Residence entrance at this moment. 林锋摇摇头,自玄天宝树上下来,就见一众弟子们此刻还三三两两站在弟子精舍门口。 Not is only the numerous second generation disciple, Shi Tianhao and Zhu Yi several people. As well as their Direct Disciple Xu Yunsheng and the others. 不仅仅是一众二代弟子,还有石天昊朱易几人。以及他们的亲传弟子须云生等人。 Great Virtue Dhyana Master that Xiao Yan not in, Lin Feng please recover, bringing Xiao Yan to go to Wuzhou City together. 萧焱不在,林锋请伤愈的大德禅师,带着萧焱一同前往乌州城了。 But before then. He also with Zhu Yi and the others together, witnessed on Jade Capital Mountain live live transmission that Lin Feng passes on. One group of people look satisfy a craving. 而在此之前。他也和朱易等人一起,在玉京山上目睹了林锋传回来的实况直播。一群人看得过瘾至极。 Before Cloud Forest Realm that time, something Lin Feng have pinched the signal. The people look off and on, but this time is the entire journey live transmission, sees with own eyes Lin Feng lifting the heavy as if It were light, Mystical Ability Magic Force hits the Mount Shu Sword Sect numerous big shot to be utterly routed, was broken including Six Lineage Immortal Sky Sword Formation, the people look as if deluded. 之前云林界那次,有些东西林锋掐了信号。众人看得断断续续,而这次则是全程直播,眼见林锋举重若轻,一身神通法力打得蜀山剑宗一众大佬溃不成军,连六脉仙天剑阵都被破了,众人看得如痴如醉。 When Lin Feng has cut Xin Longsheng Immortal Sky Sword Monarch Dharma Body, deducts Lesser Yang and Greater Yin two swords, one group of second generation disciples are in unison cheer up. 等到林锋斩了辛龙生仙天剑君法身,扣下少阳太阴二剑,一群二代弟子更是齐声欢呼起来 Divine Great Land Human Race Cultivation World, stands in most peak position, first under Heaven Sword Dao Holy Land Mount Shu Sword Sect is only hit by own Sect Founder can run away distressedly, looks at this, the numerous Profound Gate Heavenly Sect disciple only feels future unprecedented radiance. 神州浩土人族修真世界,站在最巅峰位置,天下第一剑道圣地蜀山剑宗被自家祖师打得只能狼狈而逃,看着这一幕,一众玄门天宗弟子只感觉前途前所未有的光明 This war, Lin Feng not only promotes the World range Reputation, has roused further oneself Sect internal will of the people, the enhancement cohesive force and sense of honor. 这一战,林锋不仅仅提升世界范围的声望,更进一步振奋了自己宗门内部的人心,增强凝聚力与荣誉感。 Even if after the war ended, they are not willing to diverge for a very long time, gather, chatted jubilantly. 即便大战结束后,他们也久久不愿散去,聚集在一起,聊得兴高采烈。 Until Yang Qing returns to the mountain, must go to Ordinary Lin's Home, in order to the politeness, sought Wang Lin disciple Li Xingfei to guide, the people gave Yang Qing to salute upon meeting together, this gradually was tranquil. 直到杨清回山,要前往凡林居,礼貌起见,寻了汪林弟子李星扉带路,众人一起给杨清见礼,这才渐渐平静下来。 Yang Qing after Magic Force sound transmission simple declaration, Zhu Yi and the others look at each other in blank dismay, on the face the reappearing worried look, particularly Shi Tianhao, think that the oneself family member also falls to the enemy in Void Battlefield, is heavyhearted. 杨清通过法力传音简单说明情况后,朱易等人面面相觑,脸上都浮现忧色,尤其是石天昊,想到自己的亲人也失陷在虚空战场里,更是忧心忡忡。 After arranging the disciples diverged, Zhu Yi several people of up pays respect to Lin Feng. 安排了众弟子散去后,朱易几人一起来拜见林锋 After knowing Lin Feng has sent in Void Battlefield oneself War God Clone, Zhu Yi, Shi Tianhao and the others slightly relaxed. 在得知林锋已经将自己战神分身送入虚空战场后,朱易石天昊等人都微微松了一口气。 Lin Feng looks at Little Guy Shi Tianhao, said slowly: This time enters Void Battlefield, since to seek for Little Lin, to look for Tianhao your parents and grandfather.” 林锋看着小不点石天昊,徐徐说道:“此次进入虚空战场,既是为了寻找小林子,也是为了寻访天昊你的父母和祖父。” On the Shi Tianhao face the expression did not have the past to be laughing and playing, bowed toward Lin Feng seriously a ritual: Disciple thanked Master.” 石天昊脸上表情没了往日嬉笑,郑重向着林锋躬身一礼:“弟子谢过师父。” Their several people of not like these second generation disciple same just feel to rouse purely, witnessed that Lin Feng sends the invincible might greatly, they joyfully simultaneously, feels arrived several partial pressures. 他们几人却不像那些二代弟子一样只是单纯感到振奋,目睹林锋大发神威,他们欣喜同时,也感到了几分压力。 Present Profound Gate Heavenly Sect, main or by the Lin Feng one person support, has to do with Divine Origin rank Expert, most matters want Lin Feng to experience to kiss are. 如今的玄门天宗,主要还是林锋一人支撑,与元神级别强者打交道,多数事情都要林锋亲历亲为。 Zhu Yi and the others this time cultivation base, but also being insufficient stands to haunch the facade. 朱易等人此时的修为,还不足以站出来撑起门面。 Mount Shu Sect Master Xin Longsheng, that competently lets Master his take action person, if our several people can formidable up, facing these Mount Shu Elder, why must exhausted Master?” Shi Tianhao, Zhu Yi and Yue Hongyan look at each other an eye mutually, sees in the vision of opposite party to flash the same appearance: I and others needed even more diligently, enhances cultivation base, side can is Master shares sorrow.” 蜀山宗主辛龙生,那才是够资格让师父他老人家出手的人,若是我们几人能强大起来,面对那些蜀山长老,何须劳烦师父?”石天昊朱易岳红炎相互对视一眼,就见对方的目光中都闪动相同的神采:“我等需要更加努力,提高修为,方可以师父分忧。” Lin Feng watches all these, naturally knows their idea, in the heart also feels pleased. 林锋把这一切看在眼里,自然知道他们想法,心中也感到快慰。 At this moment, his Sound Transmission Crystal Stone disrupts suddenly, Lin Feng Magic Force sweeps, before discovering the origin is, looks for Luo Qingwu young miss Jun Zining to Great Zhou Dynasty. 就在这时,他的一枚传音晶石突然碎裂,林锋法力一扫,发现来源是之前去往大周皇朝寻访洛轻舞的小姑娘君紫凝
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