HNOF :: Volume #13

#1222: Lin Feng fights Nether!

In Void, Huan Ri Nether received Nether Profound Magnificence, has turned around, Lin Feng that static looks at Jade Capital Mountain top. 虚空之中,幻日幽都收了幽都玄华,转过身来,静静看着玉京山顶的林锋 His faint said: Profound Gate's Master? We were really quick meeting again in person.” 淡淡说道:“玄门之主?我们果然很快再见面了。” Lin Feng also looks at Huan Ri Nether, corners of the mouth bring back wipe the smile: Nether. 12. Huan Ri.” 林锋看着幻日幽都,嘴角勾起一抹微笑:“幽都.十二.幻日。” Huan Ri Nether said: You appear here, does that mean Spirit Abyss Mountain that side, Primordial Demon Ape Clan can leaves again? Primordial Demon Ape Clan present is Clan Lord, Xuan Gang Heavenly Connection?” 幻日幽都说道:“你出现在这里,那意味着灵渊山那边,太古魔猿一族可以重出了?太古魔猿一族现在的族主,是玄罡通天吗?” He was saying at the same time, the vision becomes quiet, seems is contacting with any person. 他一边说着,目光变得沉静,似乎是在和什么人联系。 But quick, the Huan Ri Nether vision flashed on slightly, in both eyes has revealed the slightly surprise the mood, the line of sight looks once more to Lin Feng, again takes a look at him. 但很快,幻日幽都的目光就微微闪动了一下,双目中流露出微微诧异的情绪,视线再次望向林锋,重新打量他。 You occupy the there is so method, although the person leaves, but can also be stranded Primordial Demon Ape Clan in Spirit Abyss Mountain, is really unexpected, I as if or had belittled you before.” Huan Ri Nether is gazing at Lin Feng, look is serious, looks at Lin Feng: I have as if made the mistake the decision, the Supreme Void Temple's Master strength and Clear Sky Mirror am detained Profound Sea, White Cloud Mountain but one empty shell, is defending they Mountain Gate also somewhat Strength, but must go out, does not have anything to be good to care.” “你居然有如此手段,人虽离开,还能将太古魔猿一族困在灵渊山,实在出人预料,我之前似乎还是小觑了你。”幻日幽都注视着林锋,神色郑重认真,看着林锋:“我似乎做错了决定,太虚观主力和昊天镜滞留玄海,白云山不过一个空壳子,守着他们自家山门还有几分力量,但要外出,却没什么好在意的。” On the contrary is you, where no matter, has to make Strength that one attaches great importance.” “反倒是你,不管在什么地方,都有令人重视的力量。” I go directly Spirit Abyss Mountain, has solved you with Primordial Demon Ape Clan first, then slowly processes other, the matter wants to come to meet even more to go smoothly.” “我直接前去灵渊山,和太古魔猿一族先将你解决了,然后再慢慢处理其他,事情想来会更加顺遂。” The Huan Ri Nether expression is light, but explodes not without reason obviously. 幻日幽都语气平淡,但显然是有感而发。 And although reveals the mood that the regret regrets, seems reviewing the oneself decision error. confidence of but implication, any one person can hear, even if knew Lin Feng Heaven Severing Sealed Boundary strange overbearing. The Huan Ri Nether also just surprise subsequently attaches great importance, but has not dreaded the meaning. 其中虽然流露出遗憾惋惜的情绪,似乎在检讨自己决策失误。不过其中蕴含的自信,任何一个人都听得出来,哪怕知道了林锋截天封界诡异霸道幻日幽都只是诧异继而重视,但没有丝毫忌惮之意。 Lin Feng static looks at Huan Ri Nether, front this Nether Clan present age Clan Lord, obviously is one extremely practical Expert, while having formidable Strength, does not fear in further expands the oneself superiority through other ways, thus strives for the final victory potential. 林锋静静看着幻日幽都,面前这位幽都一族当代族主,显然是一个极为务实的强者,在拥有强大力量的同时,不惮于通过其他方式进一步扩大自己的优势,从而争取最后的胜势。 Truth that but he understands strange obviously coincide. When the situation stems from him to be unexpected, needs to put together the hard strength completely time. This monster did not mind that meets the tough head-on with toughness completely depending on the strength, is sporty. 但他显然深谙奇正相合的道理。当局势出乎他意料之外,需要完全拼硬实力的时候。此妖也完全不介意凭实力硬碰硬,底气十足。 Lin Feng chuckle: „The name of Nether, this Eminence was also the greeting on first meeting, today sees vivid finally. Live Nether.” 林锋轻笑一声:“幽都之名,本座也是久仰了,今天总算见到一头有血有肉。活的幽都。” At the same time was saying, Lin Feng sat in the Jade Capital Mountain summit simply, then the palm strikes gently above the summit rock, said with a smile: Is long, is long, is long!” 一边说着,林锋索性在玉京山山顶坐了下来,然后手掌轻轻拍击在山顶山石之上,笑道:“长,长,长!” Thousand zhang (3.33 m) high Jade Capital Mountain, becomes flooded Heaven and Earth instantaneously, is majestically located the six directions whole wide world. 原本千丈高的玉京山,瞬间变得充斥天地,雄踞六合八荒。 Then is making one lose the sense of distance endless in Void, can feel this majestic Immortal Mountain hugeness and constriction at this moment. 便是在令人失去距离感的无尽虚空中,也能感到这巍峨仙山此刻的巨大和压迫感。 Jade Capital Mountain top. Crystal wall that as if Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree sends out bonds radiance, with the Primordial Chaos dim brilliance that Jade Capital Mountain oneself sends out, then integrates around the mountain massif in enormous and powerful Heaven-revolving Purple Qi. 玉京山顶。玄天宝树散发出的仿佛水晶壁障似的光辉,与玉京山自身散发出的混沌朦胧之光彩,然后一齐融入山体周围浩荡的周天紫气内。 Around White Jade Celestial Mountain. Immediately presents jade color auspicious cloud, will put in order Jade Capital Mountain to cover. 白玉仙山周围。顿时呈现出玉石般色泽祥云,将整座玉京山笼罩其中。 next moment, Jade Capital Mountain then turns toward Nether Clan audiences Expert! 下一刻,玉京山便向着幽都一族强者袭来! Except that Huan Ri Nether calls a halt, turns around facing Jade Capital Mountain outside, Kong Yuan Nether, Qing Luan Nether and Jing Yan Nether three Nether Great Monster , although curiously is also paying attention to Lin Feng. But under the hand does not have any slowing down, wild Monster Strength still attack to Supreme Void Temple people. 除了幻日幽都停手,转身面对玉京山以外,空原幽都青峦幽都景炎幽都三头幽都大妖,虽然也好奇的关注着林锋这边。但手底下却没有任何放缓,狂暴的妖力仍然攻向太虚观众人。 Profound One Dao Venerable, Supreme Void Sanctuary and Yan Nanlai just now were shaken and Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower are separated. Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower of that giant light group appearance, again falls Great Thousand World Divine Great Land immediately, gradually changes the White Cloud Mountain appearance. 玄一道尊太虚圣殿雁南来方才被震得和九重天阙脱离。那巨大光团模样的太虚九重天阙,当即重新落回大千世界神州浩土,渐渐变回白云山的模样。 But Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation was shaken similarly fiercely, besides Kuang Heng and Qingning Dao Venerable, Fu Yunkong and Lin Daohan four people, other Supreme Void Temple Cultivator Divine Origin is damaged, Great Formation revolves Time becomes the incomparable detention. 太上虚空阴阳大阵同样受到剧烈震荡,除了匡恒青宁道尊傅云空林道寒四人以外,其他太虚观修士元神受创,大阵运转一时间变得无比滞涩。 numerous Nether Expert does not give the opportunity of Supreme Void Temple respite, distinguishes attack to Profound One Dao Venerable and the others, keeping them from setting up Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower again. 一众幽都强者不给太虚观喘息之机,分别攻向玄一道尊等人,让他们无法重立太虚九重天阙 The aspect falls into the tangled warfare instantaneously. 局面瞬间陷入混战之中。 Huan Ri Nether looks at Lin Feng and Jade Capital Mountain, a claw grasps immediately, on the hand claw the silver white hair changes to the sky-filling silver light in Void sparkle. 幻日幽都看着林锋玉京山,当即一爪抓去,手爪上银白毛发化作漫天银光在虚空中闪耀。 Around that silver light, is covering a purple halo, is engraving lines after lines black light mark Talisman, reveals to shake Heaven and Earth formidable Strength. 在那银光周围,笼罩着一圈紫色光晕,镌刻着道道黑色光纹符箓,流露出撼动天地强大力量 Silver radiance is the skeleton vein, purple radiance changes to the flesh and blood, the surface covers the dense and numerous black light mark, forms a great big hand claw together, grasps outside Jade Capital Mountain, above jade similar color auspicious cloud. 银色光辉为骨骼筋络,紫色光辉化作血肉,表面覆盖密密麻麻的黑色光纹,一起形成一只巨大手爪,抓在玉京山外,玉石一般色泽祥云之上。 The Lin Feng facial expression is invariable, Supreme Ultimate Diagram mark non-stop on forehead revolves, Supreme Ultimate Diagram deep place, True Spirit Divine Mark shining. 林锋神情不变,额头上的太极图不停旋转,太极图深处,一枚真灵神纹熠熠生辉 In his both eyes, two pupils all have indistinct brilliance to depart, each Dao Light splendor changes to one Supreme Ultimate Diagram, black and white blends, Yin and Yang Mutual Aid, rapid rotation in Jade Capital Mountain surrounding Void, shining. 在他双目之中,两眼瞳孔皆有缥缈的光华飞出,每道光华都化作一个太极图,黑白交融,阴阳相济,在玉京山周围的虚空里飞速转动,熠熠生辉 Each Supreme Ultimate Diagram center, as if there is one form to sit well, both hands form law seal. 每一幅太极图的中央,仿佛都有一个身影端坐,双手结成法印。 But in these form top of the heads, has the radiance sparkle, congeals one after another Immortal Mountain appearance. 而在这些身影头顶,又都有光辉闪耀,凝结成一座又一座仙山的模样。 Numerous Supreme Ultimate Diagram, numerous forms, numerous Immortal Mountain, numerous Secret Technique vibrate together, then simultaneously ejects a palm toward Cosmic World Star River distantly, drinks with one voice greatly: Ji! 众多太极图,众多身影,众多仙山,众多法诀一起震动,然后齐齐向着宇宙星河遥遥击出一掌,异口同声大喝:“疾! Big Dipper Turning Universe Mystical Ability Technique Strength starts, turbulent star axle Heavenly River, as if must make trillion stars change course together, crashes together. 斗转乾坤神通法门力量发动,动荡星轨天河,仿佛要令亿万星辰一起改道,一起坠落。 That terrifying boundless mighty force feeds back in addition to hold above Jade Capital Mountain, prevents great big hand claw that Huan Ri Nether grasps. 恐怖至极的无边伟力反馈加持在玉京山之上,阻挡住幻日幽都抓过来的巨大手爪。 Meanwhile, a small luminous spot of grain of another grain of as if dust also scatters around Jade Capital Mountain, each small luminous spot, distinguishes on fall on Supreme Ultimate Diagram. 与此同时,一粒又一粒仿佛尘埃似的小光点也在玉京山周围散落,每个小光点,都分别落在一副太极图上。 These luminous spots launch loudly, from there bursts out the mustard seed in full boundless Strength. 那些光点轰然展开,从中迸发出化芥子于须弥的磅礴力量 49 luminous spots, then change to 49 side World, the huge Strength also together in addition holds on Jade Capital Mountain. 49个光点,便化作49方世界,庞大的力量也一起加持在玉京山上。 Huan Ri Nether vision flashes: Your this Mystical Ability Technique, is quite strange!” 幻日幽都目光一闪:“你这个神通法门,好生古怪!” Lin Feng faint smiles, had not replied that True Body sits well in the Jade Capital Mountain summit, both hands applauds gently, more and more boundless Strength non-stop is shaking distant boundless Darkness Void. 林锋淡淡一笑,没有回答,本尊端坐于玉京山山顶,双手轻轻击掌,越来越磅礴的力量不停震荡着遥遥无边的黑暗虚空 Band of light in Void shine, by empty is changed the reality, the connection connects on Jade Capital Mountain. As if Great Thousand World suppression gets down together, making in the Huan Ri Nether feeling hand sink suddenly. 一条条光带在虚空中亮起,由虚变实,连接交汇在玉京山上。仿佛大千世界一起镇压下来,让幻日幽都感觉手中陡然一沉。 Your Dao Technique Mystical Ability, integrated this clan Heavenly Dao Monster Scripture Technique. Also is different.” Huan Ri Nether in both eyes, some massive rays flash before, fill in Void, imitates, if ocean: On you can feel indistinctly Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl and Da Luo Aura, before this in Spirit Sea, another a side person besides Supreme Void Temple, is really you.” “你的道法神通,融入了本族天道妖经法门。却又迥异。”幻日幽都双目中,有大量光芒闪现,弥漫在虚空中,仿若汪洋:“你身上能隐约感到天蜃金珠大罗气息,此前灵海之中,除了太虚观以外的另一方人,果然是你。” Huan Ri Nether another hand claw lifts. in Void wields gently, several Dao Light classes have delimited immediately then. By irresistible potential, splits Void, attacks toward Jade Capital Mountain. 幻日幽都另一只手爪抬起。在虚空中轻轻一挥,立刻便有几道光流划过。以不可阻挡之势,将虚空分裂,向着玉京山攻去。 Lin Feng sees that the heart said: Middle Calamity Tribulation-Facing Stage Nether. appears primary form True Body, is really outstanding.” 林锋见状,心道:“中劫历劫期幽都显化原形真身,果然不同凡响。” His between the eyebrows departs the one small luminous spot, launches loudly, the innumerable Talisman Array marks expand in Space together, transform into giant Array Formation, covers Jade Capital Mountain. 眉心中飞出一个小光点,轰然展开,无数符箓阵纹一起在空间中扩展,化为一座巨型法阵,笼罩玉京山 On Array Formation center then also fall on Jade Capital Mountain, Divine Land Cauldron assumes, the Array Formation extremely fast revolves, changes to immeasurable radiance. in addition holds above jade auspicious cloud, sweeps across toward Huan Ri Nether. 法阵中心便也落在玉京山上,神州鼎坐镇其中,法阵极速运转,化作无量光辉。加持在玉石般的祥云之上,向着幻日幽都席卷。 Lin Feng deeply inspires, the oneself personal appearance also suddenly expands. Is indomitable spirit, as if vault of heaven ruler, the one breath, is Void Storm, stamps stamps the feet, instantly earth-shattering. both eyes opens and closes, such as Sun and Moon takes turn. 林锋深吸一口气,自己的身形也猛然间扩大。顶天立地,仿佛苍穹主宰,呵一口气,便是虚空风暴,跺一跺脚,即刻天崩地裂。双目开阖,则如日月交替。 His right hand pinches Secret Technique. The palm stretches out straight in front of oneself to promote forward, a left hand palm strikes above similarly greatly such as Starry Sky similar Jade Capital Mountain. 右手法诀。手掌向前平伸推出,左手则一掌拍击在同样巨大如星天一般玉京山之上。 black and white two color Good Fortune Divine Light emerge on Jade Capital Mountain immediately, the one after another light group raises on black and white distinct ocean of light, in the light group, resounds innumerable Grand Dao to praise sings the sound, just likes one after another Divine Mansion regains consciousness, opens both eyes, chants together. 黑白二色的造化神光顿时在玉京山上涌现,一个又一个光团在黑白分明的光之海洋上升起,光团中,响起无数大道颂唱声,犹如一个又一个神邸苏醒,睁开双眼,一起咏唱。 Outside Jade Capital Mountain at this moment is similar to the white jade auspicious cloud surface, covers radiance that one Layer black and white interweaves, even more indistinct vast. 玉京山外此刻如同白玉般的祥云表面,也都覆盖上一层黑白交织的光辉,越发缥缈浩瀚。 That terrifying power and influence, making numerous Nether Beast be also startled for it heart. 恐怖的威势,让一众幽都兽们也为之心惊。 Huan Ri Nether sends, as if can cuts Heaven and Earth, destroy Domain light stream, on fall on Jade Capital Mountain, is unable breaks open Jade Capital Mountain defense. 幻日幽都所发,仿佛可以切割天地,破灭界域光流,落在玉京山上,也无法破开玉京山防御 This Nether Great Monster body surface black light mark circulation, the sound of in Void Grand Dao wail is continuous lingering on faintly, the connection gathers on Jade Capital Mountain, that Heaven and Earth Grand Dao appears condenses the form band of light, in the shatter break of non-stop. 这头幽都大妖体表黑色光纹流转不休,虚空中大道哀鸣之声不绝于耳,连接汇聚在玉京山上,那天地大道显化凝聚而成的光带,在不停的破碎断裂。 Huan Ri Nether unemotionally, wild Strength frightens Heavens, although on Jade Capital Mountain all changes were covered under jade auspicious cloud, he looks at not the clear concrete change, but Strength constantly strengthens, his can feels clearly. 幻日幽都面无表情,狂暴的力量震慑诸天,虽然玉京山上一切变化都被掩盖在玉石般的祥云下,他看不真切具体变化,但其中力量不断加强,他可以清楚感觉到。 He responded that then also further strengthens oneself Strength. 他对此的反应,便也是进一步加强自己力量 Presses the giant light claw on Jade Capital Mountain to loosen takes back, then the endless ray gathers suddenly in the same place, forms one light sphere. 压在玉京山上的巨大光爪松开收回,然后无尽光芒突然聚拢在一起,形成一个光球 That light sphere essence for silver white, outer layer pure purple, the surface has the massive black light mark to cover, in Void is rotating turning round. 光球内核为银白,外层纯紫,表面有大量黑色光纹覆盖,在虚空中滴溜溜转动着。 Huan Ri Nether opens mouth suddenly, emits one path silver brilliance, above fall on that light sphere, light sphere blasts open immediately, becomes incomparably dazzling, lines after lines brilliance in Void non-stop flies to shoot. 幻日幽都猛然张嘴,喷吐出一道银色光华,落在光球之上,光球顿时炸裂开来,变得无比耀眼,道道光华在虚空中不停飞射。 Optional Dao Light magnificent, then opens wide Domain, the light sphere disruption, hits surrounding area endless Void directly tattered and torn, borders on shatter. 随意一道光华,便将界域洞开,光球碎裂,直接将方圆无尽虚空打得千疮百孔,濒临破碎。 Domain Strength confuses Void, forms the dazzling ray, spreads toward non-stop in all directions, causes Lin Feng and Huan Ri Nether as if together places oneself in boundless Sea of Light. 界域之力搅乱虚空,形成耀眼光芒,向着四面八方不停蔓延,使得林锋幻日幽都仿佛一起置身于无边光海之中。 Trim Void looks like a mirror, in this moment mirror surface presents the massive cracks. 整片虚空就像是一面镜子,此刻镜面上出现大量裂纹。 Huan Ri Nether urges that one path stream of light that sends, just likes the point is equally sharp dazzlingly, terrifying is unusual, casual one path, as if exceeds among Under the Heavens sharpest Divine Weapon. 幻日幽都所催发的那一道道流光,犹如针芒一样锐利刺眼,却也恐怖非常,随便一道,都仿佛胜过天下间最锋利的神兵利器 Lin Feng's Void Return Dharma Body in this moment as if turn into light, becomes half black half white, then the body and Jade Capital Mountain melt gradually. 林锋的返虚法体在这一刻仿佛光化,变得半黑半白,然后躯体与玉京山渐渐相融。 Heaven Punishment Sword Formation.” Lin Feng's sound in Void resounds, next moment, black Sword Formation of unprecedented ominous offense, then appears in Cosmic World Starry Sky. 诛天剑阵。”林锋的声音在虚空中响起,下一刻,一座前所未有凶戾的黑色剑阵,便出现在宇宙星天之中。 black Light Sword that around the terrifying scarlet air column float is hard to count, giant Sword Formation inspires Heaven and Earth boundless hostility, devastates Myriad Things, entire Heaven and Earth as if changes to handle scarlet Giant Sword, sword tip points to Huan Ri Nether! 恐怖的血色气柱周围悬浮难以计数的黑色光剑,巨型剑阵引动天地无边戾气,摧残万物,整个天地仿佛化作一柄血色巨剑,剑锋直指幻日幽都 Among brilliance flashes, that scarlet Giant Sword surface, flood one Layer jade radiance, but in the sword tip place a little black and white two color divine light non-stop circulations. 光华一闪之间,那血色巨剑表面,泛起一层玉石似的光辉,而在剑尖处则有一点黑白二色神光不停流转。 next moment, Giant Sword brandishes, front that destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth, end world rainstorm similar [say / way] stream of light cuts to fall! ( to be continued ) 下一刻,巨剑挥舞之间,将面前毁天灭地,末世暴雨一般的道道流光斩落!(未完待续) ps: Thank the matches 900 years of pledge 100,000 coins to gain across the board to hit to enjoy! ps:感谢火柴900年盟的100000点币飘红打赏! Matches 900 years of pledge formidable might aggressive did not explain! 火柴900年盟威武霸气不解释! Two chapters of in addition will not be less, beforehand additional I also on the heart, successively the order sooner or later will come according to Time, will not owe, everybody completely can felt relieved. 两章加更不会少,之前的加更我也都记在心上,先后顺序按时间早晚来,绝不会欠,大家尽可以放心。 Also thanked other to subscribe this book, hit to enjoy this book, throws friends who the monthly ticket gave this book, thank you! 也感谢其他订阅本书,打赏本书,投月票给本书的朋友们,谢谢大家!
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