HNOF :: Volume #13

#1223: Second Main Quest rewards

The sword tip as if World-extinguishing disaster tribulation of ominous offense, in Void sweeps away. 凶戾的剑锋仿佛灭世灾劫,在虚空中横扫而过。 Had Heaven and Earth Grand Dao appears to congeal for the visible light stream in addition holds around Jade Capital Mountain, but in this moment, the situation steep revolutions, that band of light under terrifying Heaven Punishment Sword Formation sword tip, is and again stave. 原本有天地大道显化凝结为有形光流加持在玉京山周围,但在这一刻,局势陡转,那条条光带在恐怖诛天剑阵剑锋之下,连连破碎。 Huan Ri Nether urges that one path stream of light that sends, under that as if entire Heaven and Earth transformed into scarlet Giant Sword sword tip, was cut to fall by 1 by 1. 幻日幽都所催发的那一道道流光,也在那仿佛整个天地所化的血色巨剑剑锋下,被一一斩落。 Hears you to have a handle ominous sword, destroys the Heavens extinguish Dao, counter chaotic Great Thousand?” In Huan Ri Nether both eyes radiance circulation: Your present Mystical Ability, as if leaves a source with Strength Domain of your handle sword.” “听闻你有一柄凶剑,毁天灭道,逆乱大千?”幻日幽都双目之中光辉流转:“你眼下的神通,与你那柄剑的力量意境似乎同出一源。” His huge body stands erect in Void, sinking sound shouted to clear the way: Such being the case, let me take a look your handle sword.” 他巨大的身躯屹立在虚空之中,沉声喝道:“既然如此,便让我看看你那柄剑吧。” At the same time was saying, Huan Ri Nether forehead, then has the black brilliance sparkle. 一边说着,幻日幽都的眉心处,便有黑色光华闪耀。 That black light seems incomparably deep, seems among Heaven and Earth gloomiest existence, but also as if is very dazzling, is similar to the Cosmic World center. 黑光看上去无比深沉,仿佛是天地间最为晦暗的存在,但却又似乎无比耀眼,如同宇宙中心。 Flash that black light presents, the Grand Dao wail sound is clear, as if Great Thousand World also in wail similar. 黑光出现的一瞬间,大道哀鸣声清晰刺耳,仿佛大千世界也在哀鸣一般 In this moment, is Lin Feng on Jade Capital Mountain, brow slightly is pressed, feels the arrived tremendous pressure. 在这一刻,便是玉京山上的林锋,也眉头微微蹙起,感受到了巨大压力。 Huan Ri Nether calmly said: Nether Profound Magnificence.” 幻日幽都静静说道:“幽都玄华。” The flash of wild black light only appeared, then and Lin Feng Heaven Punishment Sword Formation Strength clashes in the same place, the point of intersection Void thorough transform into to be destroyed, extinguishes broken is Primordial Chaos, this Primordial Chaos gets down quietly, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind annihilates completely, definitely is unable manifestation new Good Fortune. 狂暴的黑光只在出现的一瞬间,便和林锋诛天剑阵之力对撞在一起,交点处虚空彻底化为乌有,碎灭为混沌,这混沌沉寂下去,地水火风全部湮灭,完全无法化生新的造化 black Nether Profound Magnificence is among Heaven and Earth the non-stop sparkle. Is showing the overbearing destructive power, purely and pinnacle, Strength as if endless. 黑色幽都玄华天地不停闪耀。彰显着霸道的破坏力,纯粹而又极致,力量仿佛无穷无尽 Lin Feng static looks at this. The heart said: Is similar and different to Nether Sovereign Tian Hai Nether Dark Magnificence, is actually extremely formidable destroy Strength, no wonder can breaks open Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower, Nether Clan, live up to reputation.” 林锋静静看着这一幕。心道:“与幽皇天海幽都冥华相似而又不同,却都是极为强大破灭力量,难怪能破开太虚九重天阙,幽都一族,名不虚传。” This is Nether race Innate Talent Mystical Ability and product of Heavenly Dao Monster Scripture union, only has genuinely Nether to display pinnacle Strength, resembles Sky Demon Great Saint and Golden Peng Great Saint such, although studies Heavenly Dao Monster Scripture to refine some Nether Dark Magnificence. Also just promotes their own strengths to a certain extent, is unable to display the peak it.” “这是幽都的种族天赋神通天道妖经结合的产物,唯有真正幽都才能发挥出其中极致力量,似天魅大圣金鹏大圣那样虽然修习天道妖经更炼化部分幽都冥华。也只是一定程度上提升他们自身实力,无法将之发挥到巅峰啊。” Lin Feng left hand pinches Secret Technique. right hand Index and Middle fingers exists side by side like the sword, all sort of Strength achieve mastery through a comprehensive study together, stimulates to movement Heaven Punishment Sword Formation transform into peerless sword tip, meets head-on Huan Ri Nether Nether Profound Magnificence. 林锋左手捏一法诀右手食中二指并立如剑,诸般力量一起融会贯通,催动诛天剑阵化为绝世剑锋,迎战幻日幽都幽都玄华 That ominous offense sword tip. Directs gathering boundless Heaven and Earth hostility, as if Myriad Things Doomsday, Grand Dao dead end similar, in its front, all things Myriad Things in non-stop Destruction, all things Myriad Things destiny completely, the trend perished. 那凶戾的剑锋。引聚无边天地戾气,仿佛万物终焉,大道末路一般,在其面前,万事万物都在不停毁灭,万事万物都气数已尽,走向灭亡。 Then is that terrifying black profound light, by a sword tip thorn, contact point of intersection seemed to be started the destroy collapse. 便是那恐怖黑色玄光,被剑锋一刺,接触的交点处仿佛都开始破灭崩坏。 Huan Ri Nether vision flashes: Good formidable Strength of Dao Extinction. Good pinnacle Strength Domain.” 幻日幽都目光一闪:“好强大灭道之力。好极致力量意境。” But under the his stimulation of movement, Nether Profound Magnificence as if endless similar, non-stop flashes. Grand Strength is boundless, blood red Giant Sword binds gradually Heaven Punishment Sword Formation transformed into, is withstanding this Sword of Dao Extinction point simultaneously, from is shelling that blood red Giant Sword in all directions together. 但在他的催动下,幽都玄华仿佛无穷无尽一般,不停闪动。宏伟力量磅礴浩瀚,渐渐将诛天剑阵所化之血红巨剑裹住,在承受这灭道之剑的锋芒同时,也从四面八方一起轰击着那血红巨剑 Although non-stop cuts to extinguish massive black Profound Entrances, but World-extinguishing of sword tip Heaven Punishment Sword Formation transformed into, bears the tremendous pressure. 虽然不停斩灭大量黑色玄关,但诛天剑阵所化灭世剑锋,也承受巨大压力。 It looks like altogether peerless Long Sword. Although the advantage of sword tip destroys the hardest defenses, but actually some innumerable handle sledgehammers. Pounds from each angle non-stop above the Long Sword sword blade edge, will try the distortion to break off, thorough smashing. 就像是一并绝世长剑剑锋之利虽然无坚不摧,但却有无数柄大锤。从各个角度不停砸在长剑的剑刃之上,试图将之扭曲折断,彻底粉碎。 Under jade auspicious cloud covers, Lin Feng stands on Jade Capital Mountain, the eye narrows up gradually. 玉石般的祥云笼罩之下,林锋站在玉京山上,眼睛渐渐眯缝起来 Huan Ri Nether sinking sound said: Da Luo and Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl in your there, were you have then gone bad the plan of Sovereign Tian Hai brother, destroyed this clan to refine the Spirit Sea important matter?” 幻日幽都沉声说道:“大罗天蜃金珠在你那里,便是你坏了天海皇兄的计划,毁了本族炼化灵海的大计?” Lin Feng heard this, said indifferently: Da Luo and Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl truly in this Eminence, but must say that plan of Nether Sovereign Tian Hai, that actually defeats in his oneself on hand.” 林锋闻言,淡然说道:“大罗天蜃金珠确实在本座手里,不过要说幽皇天海的计划,那却是败在他自己手上。” In the past in Spirit Sea, after witnessing all, all cause and effect relates up, Lin Feng then already the complete plan of understand Nether Sovereign Tian Hai. 当年在灵海之中,目睹一切之后,将所有前因后果联系起来,林锋便已经明白幽皇天海的完整计划。 Although Nether Sovereign Tian Hai own fallen, other Nether Expert are also forced to hide away, but has Da Luo to take off Fleshly Body and Monster Strength, even including Monster Soul after the special handling, the Divine Soul mark and memory does not retain, thus breaks out of the fetter of Spirit Sea Strength transformed into white ring of light, after reincarnation time and time again, is separated from the surveillance of Spirit Sea thoroughly. 虽然幽皇天海自身陨落,其他幽都强者也被迫隐遁,但却有大罗脱去肉身妖力,甚至连妖魂都经过特殊处理,神魂印记和记忆都不保留,从而摆脱灵海之力所化白色光圈的束缚,经过一次又一次的转生,彻底脱离灵海的监视。 After this step is completed, when Da Luo and Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl contact to awaken, just now can again opening in the past because of Nether Sovereign Tian Hai close Spirit Sea, that was the secret door that Nether Sovereign Tian Hai in the past left behind specially. 待这一步骤完成之后,当大罗天蜃金珠接触觉醒,方才可以重新开启当年因为幽皇天海而封闭的灵海,那是幽皇天海昔年特意留下的暗门。 But Rebirth is Nether Da Luo, after Spirit Sea reopens, through similarly Golden Seal stone symbol that is left behind by Nether Sovereign Tian Hai, immediately enters Spirit Sea. 重生幽都大罗,在灵海重开后,则通过同样由幽皇天海遗留的金印石符,当即进入灵海 Da Luo entered Spirit Sea, with hiding away the Huan Ri Nether and other numerous Nether Expert coordination, then can relieves Spirit Sea to exert in short Time in Nether Expert mark, then both sides collaborate from outside with the inside, refine Spirit Sea. 大罗入了灵海,与隐遁的幻日幽都一众幽都强者配合,便可以在短时间内解除灵海施加于幽都强者身上的印记,然后双方里应外合,炼化灵海 When the struggle of Oceanic Sea, Da Luo then with Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl coincided in the past, but Rebirth, but hereafter the Great Thousand World two years pass by, Supreme Void Temple just now can re-entry Spirit Sea, if Nether Sovereign Tian Hai plans all smoothly, in the situation that Nether Clan even can in the entire Heaven Primal World all living things are completely spiritless controls Spirit Sea. 在当年瀛海之争的时候,大罗便与天蜃金珠相合而重生,而此后大千世界两年过去,太虚观方才得以重入灵海,若幽皇天海计划一切顺利,幽都一族甚至可以在整个天元大世界众生都无知无觉的情况下掌控灵海 But, the plan of Nether Sovereign Tian Hai had the problem. 但偏偏,幽皇天海的计划出现了问题。 Mentioned accurately, was not the plan itself has problems, but was the person of implementation plan had problems. 准确说来,并非计划本身出问题,而是执行计划的人出了问题。 Da Luo throughout in passive reincarnation, having problems naturally is not he. 大罗始终在一次次被动的转生,出问题的自然不是他。 Speculated according to Lin Feng's that in the plan of Nether Sovereign Tian Hai, should also has the person of one in secret assistance and ensure in Da Luo after long Time reincarnation, after getting rid repeatedly Spirit Sea Strength fetters, by Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl helps him to awaken, opens Spirit Sea. 按照林锋的推测,幽皇天海的计划中,应该还有一个暗中辅助之人,确保在大罗经过长时间多次转生,摆脱灵海之力束缚之后,以天蜃金珠助其觉醒,开启灵海 The Da Luo reincarnation manner multi- worlds, the previous life memory disintegrates, when he just awakened, needs the person to guide, simultaneously ensure Golden Seal stone symbol unlikely to Spirit Sea bridge loses, making Da Luo can first Time enter Spirit Sea. 大罗转生为人多世,前世记忆散碎,在他刚刚觉醒的时候,也需要人引导,同时确保通往灵海桥梁的金印石符不至于遗失,让大罗可以第一时间进入灵海 But this person, vanishes to disappear suddenly. 这个人,突然间消失不见了。 Therefore, Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl goes through the circulation, fall on Divine Great Land Human Race Cultivation World Wind Divine Sect Sect Master Dao Venerable Heavenly Wind on hand, but countless people handling it, with knowing the person of Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl existence, do not have one person to know the this treasure genuinely use and important function. 于是,天蜃金珠几经流转,落在神州浩土人族修真界风神宗宗主天风道尊手上,而无数经手人,和知道天蜃金珠存在之人,却无一人知晓此宝真正的用途和至关重要的作用。 Therefore, should after Da Luo awakens, Golden Seal stone symbol in first Time fall on his hand. Also loses under the chance coincidence, finally goes through fall on Eastern Sea Loose Cultivator Dao Venerable Flowing Waves on hand. 于是,本该在大罗觉醒后,第一时间落在他手里的金印石符。也在机缘巧合下遗失,最终辗转落在东海散修流波道尊手上 Perhaps that person of surprise died, plan and secret together bury along with him / her. Perhaps that person stemming from own idea, dies in the Nether Sovereign Tian Hai body, after Nether Clan Expert hides away all, the rejection shoulders the responsibility and mission again, perhaps is other any reason, person who in brief, this should has. Did not exist. 或许那人意外死亡,计划与秘密都随他或她一起埋葬。或许那人出于自身想法,在幽皇天海身死,幽都一族强者尽数隐遁后,拒绝再背负职责与使命,又或许是别的什么原因,总之,这个本应该存在的人。不复存在了。 Plan of Nether Sovereign Tian Hai, therefore fails. Until under the chance coincidence, Lin Feng has substituted for the this person position, must meet Da Luo with Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl, and urges Da Luo to awaken. Just now makes Spirit Sea again open finally, there is a conflict in later Spirit Sea. 幽皇天海的计划,也因此落空。直到机缘巧合之下,林锋取代了这个人的位置,携天蜃金珠得遇大罗,并促使大罗觉醒。方才使得灵海终于重新开启,以至于有了之后灵海中的一番争端。 however, Lin Feng, although entered Spirit Sea with Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl and Da Luo together, will not actually continue according to the plan of Nether Sovereign Tian Hai. 只不过,林锋虽然携天蜃金珠大罗一起入了灵海,却不会按照幽皇天海的计划继续走了。 „Did the plan of Sovereign Tian Hai brother have problems?” Huan Ri Nether heard this, in both eyes ray flashes, as if thinks arrived anything. 天海皇兄的计划出了问题?”幻日幽都闻言,双目中光芒一闪,似乎想到了什么。 his vision quick change dignifiedly, gazes at Lin Feng very much, slowly was saying: Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl and Da Luo in your there, between Your Excellency and my clans. Must see to get down high.” 他的目光很快变得凝重,注视着林锋,缓缓说道:“天蜃金珠大罗在你那里,阁下与我族之间。必须见个高下了。” Was hundred years later, Spirit Sea will reopen once more, at the appointed time Profound Gate Heavenly Sect and Nether Clan will center on Spirit Sea to start the contest inevitably. 距今不足百年之后,灵海将会再次重开,届时玄门天宗幽都一族必然将围绕灵海展开较量。 At the appointed time besides them each other. At least also will have Supreme Void Temple participation, even though Source Qi of Supreme Void Temple in this War between Two Worlds damages severely, so long as does not have the thorough wound and fundamental, when the struggle of new Spirit Sea, they will still be the noticeable powerful competitors. 届时除了他们彼此以外。至少都还会有太虚观参与其中,纵使太虚观在此次两界战争元气大伤,只要没有彻底伤及根本,等到新一次灵海之争的时候,他们将仍然是不可忽视的有力竞争者。 Before this in that Spirit Sea accident, profits the fault in Nether Sovereign Tian Hai plan. Also profits from the older generation blessings left by predecessors, Supreme Void Temple instead turn was to profit at that time many a side. Spirit Sea reopens once more, their opportunity assurances, must be bigger than Profound Gate Heavenly Sect and Nether Clan. 此前那一次灵海变故中,受益于幽皇天海计划中的失误。也受益于先辈遗泽,太虚观反而成为当时受益最多的一方灵海再次重开,他们的机会把握,更要大过玄门天宗幽都一族 If Supreme Void Temple crossed this War between Two Worlds inexorable fate, when fights Spirit Sea again, Heavenly Clam Golden Pearl and Da Luo become regarding Nether Clan even more are important, can greatly enhances their complete plan. 如果太虚观渡过这次两界战争的劫数,等到再战灵海之时,天蜃金珠大罗对于幽都一族就变得更加重要,可以大为提高他们的成算 Lin Feng smiles: you guys joins in War between Two Worlds, visits above Divine Great Land, between this Eminence and you guys, must do.” 林锋一笑:“你们投身于两界战争之中,踏足神州浩土之上,本座你们之间,本就要做过一场。” Huan Ri Nether said: good that said that compared with only remains the one skull Supreme Void Temple, Your Excellency is one better opponent, but today will be buried in this finally.” 幻日幽都说道:“说的不错,相较于只剩一个空壳的太虚观而言,阁下一个更好的对手,但今日终将葬身于此。” finished speaking, his forehead place jumps Nether Profound Magnificence that shoots to be even more vigorous vastly, toward Lin Feng and Jade Capital Mountain explosive strikes. 说罢,他眉心一点处迸射出来的幽都玄华越发雄浑浩瀚,朝着林锋玉京山轰击过去 That black brilliance in Void fills the air, the massive Divine Mark Talisman non-stop arrangement, in the wink of an eye forms a mysterious and gorgeous picture, floods entire endless Void, all around all will cover. 黑色光华在虚空中弥漫开来,大量神纹符箓不停排列,瞬息之间形成一副玄奥而又绚丽的景象,充斥整个无尽虚空,将周遭一切都笼罩。 Lin Feng fixes the eyes on to look that sees in that picture, impressively is piece of bright Star River. 林锋定睛看去,就见那景象中,赫然是一片灿烂星河 It is not the stars of Mystical Ability Monster Strength transformed into, but is piece of genuinely Star River covers Void Myriad Things, is flashing bright dazzling starlight. 并非神通妖力所化之星辰,而是一片真正星河笼罩虚空万物,闪动着明亮耀眼的星光 starlight and black profound light melts, just likes in the curtain of night stars, grand Strength all around Space all will grind, plunges Lin Feng. 星光黑色玄光相融,犹如夜幕中繁星点点,宏伟力量将周遭空间尽数碾碎,扑向林锋 Heaven and Earth Grand Dao a appears lines after lines band of light, by black profound light engulf, the grating Grand Dao wail sound, at this moment instead gradually was been completely quiet before, but in Nether Profound Magnificence terrifying Aura is getting more and more intense. 天地大道显化的一道道光带,完全被黑色玄光吞没,之前刺耳的大道哀鸣声,此刻反而渐渐沉寂下去,但幽都玄华恐怖气息越来越强烈。 Star Sea in Void of distant place, suddenly the there is stars become extremely bright, intensely bright, just started also just one or two, to are finally getting more and more, is getting more and more crowded. 远方的星海虚空中,突然有星辰变得极为明亮,耀眼夺目,刚开始还只是一两颗,到最后越来越多,越来越密集。 These suddenly become the especially bright stars, was actually away from terrifying Monster Strength far away, shakes collapsed and destroyed forcefully, as if the fireworks is the same, erupts the final brilliant brilliance, dazzling actually short, being depressed of Annihilation death. 那些突然变得格外明亮的星辰,却是被隔着老远的恐怖妖力,强行震得崩灭,仿佛烟花一样,爆发出最后的绚烂光彩,耀眼却短暂,更有一股寂灭死亡的暮气。 Lin Feng looks at before one's eyes becomes even more powerful Nether Profound Magnificence, in both eyes the ray becomes even more is also bright, then in the wink of an eye belongs to tranquilly. 林锋看着眼前变得更加强盛的幽都玄华,双目之中光芒也变得更加明亮,然后瞬息之间归于平静。 His slightly smiles, the right eye shuts, in the left eye has the one light group to depart, circles sky over Jade Capital Mountain, the ray diverges, reveals a golden color disc. 微微一笑,右眼闭起,左眼中则有一个光团飞出,在玉京山上空盘旋,光芒散去,露出一只金色圆盘。 The Lin Feng intention moves, above the one path Purple Qi fall on disc, the disc sends out lines after lines golden color radiance immediately, integrates in Jade Capital Mountain surrounding that jade auspicious cloud. 林锋心念一动,一道紫气落在圆盘之上,圆盘顿时发出道道金色光辉,融入玉京山外围那玉石般的祥云之中。 Huan Ri Nether is stimulating to movement Nether Profound Magnificence, sees to cover Lin Feng and Jade Capital Mountain jade auspicious cloud puts golden light suddenly greatly, the radiance in Void congealment is the one disc, disc turning round one revolution, suddenly starts to direct to gather massively the in Void black profound light. 幻日幽都正催动幽都玄华,就见笼罩林锋玉京山的玉色祥云突然大放金光,光辉在虚空中凝结为一个圆盘,圆盘滴溜溜一转,突然开始大量引聚虚空中黑色玄光。 Nether Profound Magnificence that was in the upper hand greatly, was held by that golden color compact disc massively, during situation Time falls into to refuse to compromise. ( to be continued ) 本来大占上风的幽都玄华,被那金色光盘大量吸住,局势一时间陷入僵持之中。(未完待续) ps: Another new hegemon Ai Ai yeah likes being born! ps:又一位新盟主哀唉哎爱诞生! Ai Ai yeah loves pledge formidable might! Ai Ai yeah likes the pledge rippling! 哀唉哎爱盟威武!哀唉哎爱盟荡漾! The words said I who has not retained the draft, at this time was the only pain is really joyful can describe my feeling clearly. 话说没有存稿的我,这时真的是只有痛并快乐着才能清楚形容我的感觉了。 For these days has caught up with the manuscript diligently symbol in non-stop, although Carvin wants dead, causing the speed unable to raise, but I performed the oneself maximum effort absolutely, will not disappoint everybody's enthusiasm. 这几天一直在不停赶稿努力码字,虽然卡文卡的想死,导致速度提不上去,但我绝对尽自己最大努力,不会辜负大家的热情。
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