HNOF :: Volume #13

#1221: Fights White Cloud Mountain( in addition, thanked gaining across the board of troyglxx pledge to hit to enjoy!)

Xiao Yan and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper are looking at each other, two people has not made noise, during the aspect falls into to be silent. 萧焱天罡剑尊对视着,两人都没有出声,局面陷入沉默之中。 comprehend Grand Dao birth and death opposition Strength Domain, Xiao Yan, although can alleviates oneself, because displays Firmament Fire Lotus, by the Strength of Dao Extinction create wound, but damages in the situation of repeatedly accumulating, is Strength of Dao Birthing also needs Time to come the again cure. 参悟大道生灭之对立力量意境,萧焱虽然可以缓解自己因为施展苍穹火莲,受灭道之力造成的创伤,但损伤反复累加的情况下,便是生道之力也需要时间重新治愈。 At this moment although he still had fights Strength again, but Mystical Ability Magic Force also inevitable large scale decline. 此刻他虽然仍有再战之力,但神通法力也都不可避免的大幅度衰落。 As for beforehand Heavenly Calamity backlash and Green Dark Sword Venerable Sword Dao create wound, still existed, but Xiao Yan medicinal pill are along many, after taking, the injury was steady. 至于之前天厄反噬苍冥剑尊剑道造成的创伤,也仍然存在,不过萧焱随身丹药不少,服用之后,伤势已经平稳下来。 Facing before one's eyes Realm of Dharma-Ending Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, Xiao Yan is neither arrogant nor servile, tranquilly by right. 面对眼前末法之境天罡剑尊,萧焱不卑不亢,平静以对。 Although the Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper facial expression is tranquil, but vision actually inevitable becomes must be complex. 天罡剑尊神情虽然平静,但目光却不可避免的变得复杂。 Luo Qingwu, Chu Yang and Zhuge Zhan up to Xiao Yan side, but retrieval free Ji Wenrui, Sword Venerable Li Xiong and other Mount Shu Cultivator, arrives at Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper behind, all the facial expression is gloomy. 洛轻舞褚阳诸葛战起来萧焱身旁,而重获自由的姬文睿离凶剑尊蜀山修士,也来到天罡剑尊身后,全都神情晦暗复杂。 No matter Green Dark Sword Venerable, or by Luo Qingwu Behead Sword Venerable Shaoze and the others, is Mount Shu Sword Sect Ancient Elder, the core grandmaster character, their fallen, making Mount Shu Sword Sect that Wind and Rain swayed lose seriously. 不管是苍冥剑尊,还是洛轻舞斩杀少则剑尊等人,都是蜀山剑宗宿老,核心宗师人物,他们的陨落,让本就风雨飘摇的蜀山剑宗损失惨重。 Miserable of this moment Mount Shu Sword Sect condition, pursued the Medieval Era time to be trampled the Mountain Gate later region by Extreme Sovereign Shen Yuan in the past. 此刻蜀山剑宗境况之惨,直追当年中古纪元时候被极皇神渊山门以后的境地。 One of create such situation primary causes, then in Green Dark Sword Venerable and the others on oneself, is Green Dark Sword Venerable fallen, is because he must make the war of life and death life and death with Xiao Yan. 偏偏造成此等情况的主要原因之一,便在苍冥剑尊等人自己身上,便是苍冥剑尊陨落,也是因为他要与萧焱做你死我活的决死之战。 Moreover, Green Dark Sword Venerable and the others have also left behind the one mess. Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation was shattered, other major Sword Dao Sect were also affected, afterward many hand tails must tidy up. 而且,苍冥剑尊等人还留下了一个烂摊子。仙天太初剑阵破碎,其他各大剑道宗门也受到波及,事后又有不少手尾要收拾。 War between Two Worlds had not finished. Mount Shu Sword Sect is in a tight corner of all difficulties, although also has Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper to assume personal command, but the situation compares to Great Qin Dynasty badly, where also good not arrive to go. 两界战争还没有结束。蜀山剑宗便陷入万难之窘境,虽然还有天罡剑尊坐镇,但情况之恶劣比起大秦皇朝,也好不到哪里去。 Immortal Sky Sword that looks at breaks once more, Mount Shu people in the heart is with complex feelings. 看着再次断裂的仙天剑,蜀山众人心中更是五味杂陈 From the before one's eyes situation, before Green Dark Sword Venerable and the others, has not entered the war, can does not conduct the statistics. But now is equal to compensating Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, finally actually has achieved nothing. 眼前局势来说,苍冥剑尊等人之前也没有参战,可以不做统计。但现在等于是赔上了仙天太初剑阵,结果却一无所获。 This lets the Mount Shu people from top to bottom. Feels depressed, this makes them face Xiao Yan and the others again, the mood thinks that is not complex difficultly. 这让蜀山众人从上到下。都感到郁闷至极,这让他们再面对萧焱等人,心情想不复杂都难。 Regarding Green Dark Sword Venerable and the others behaviors, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Ji Wenrui also very difficult completely with rebelling against the civil strife determines the nature. 对于苍冥剑尊等人的行为,天罡剑尊姬文睿很难完全用反叛内乱来定性。 Xiao Yan and Luo Qingwu have not said anything. Then just calmly stands there, waited for that Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Ji Wenrui make the decision voluntarily. 萧焱洛轻舞都没有多说什么。便只是静静站在那里,等待天罡剑尊姬文睿自行做出决定。 But at this moment, Heaven and Earth shook suddenly fiercely, as if fluctuation that transmits by outside Void, is shaking Divine Great Land Great Thousand World. 但就在这时,天地突然剧烈震荡了一下,仿佛由界外虚空传来的波动,撼动着神州浩土大千世界 Place also not in Mount Shu here, is quite as if remote, the sound seems like just now Xiao Yan, Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Green Dark Sword Venerable has not fought in a big way, but Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Xiao Yan vision turns toward the northeast to look. 地点并不在蜀山这里,仿佛极为遥远,动静看似没有方才萧焱天罡剑尊苍冥剑尊一战来得大,但天罡剑尊萧焱目光都向着东北方望去。 White Cloud Mountain!” Xiao Yan and Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper slightly frowns, war that there carried on. Is mammother than Mount Shu here even more, even more terrifying is frigid. 白云山!”萧焱天罡剑尊微微蹙眉,那里正在进行的大战。比蜀山这里还要声势浩大,还要恐怖惨烈。 Similar vibration, has had before this actually. But that especially is just now stirring. 类似的震动,此前其实一直都有。但方才那一下,尤为震撼人心。 Nether Clan attacked White Cloud Mountain, the war carries on at this time, marched into the intensified degree obviously. 幽都一族攻打白云山,战局进行到这时,显然也已经步入白热化的程度。 Beside Great Thousand World Domain, in endless Void, is carrying on an unrivalled war at this moment. 大千世界界域之外,无尽虚空之中,此刻正在进行一场旷世大战。 The one whole body up and down is silvery bright hair. The body surface flashes purple radiance, on radiance covers entirely black Rune human form Giant Beast. In arrogant stand on Void, on the his forehead emits one path pure black brilliance, fall on distant place one extremely big resembles above the extremely small light group. 一个周身上下都是银亮毛发。体表闪动紫色光辉,光辉上布满黑色符纹的人形巨兽。傲立于虚空之中,他的额头上放射出一道黑色光华,落在远方一个极大又似极小的光团之上。 That light group flashes mysterious and unpredictable, brilliance that is hard to speak, contracts defense fully, resists that Giant Beast to send black radiance. 那光团闪动玄奥莫测,难以言说的光彩,全力收缩防御,抵挡那巨兽所发之黑色光辉 But under black radiance affects, light group surface brilliance by non-stop eliminate, although becomes radiant bright, actually instead flows in ordinary, lost that mysterious and unpredictable, keeping aloof Strength Domain. 但在黑色光辉波及下,光团表面的光彩被不停消融,虽然变得璀璨明亮,却反而流于凡俗,失去了玄奥莫测,高高在上的力量意境 but, this moment light group surface, actually also the lines after lines purple golden color radiance circulation continuous, as if long lines, together resist that black profound light in the help light group. 不过,此刻光团表面,却还有一道道金色光辉流转不休,仿佛一条条长龙,在帮助光团共同抵挡那黑色玄光。 The long line roared, vibrated Heavenly Circulation, actually as if directed to gather all living things faith, formed Paramount to be dignified, was indistinct inspires the Divine Great Land Great Thousand World land features air/Qi non-stop to vibrate. 长龙咆哮之间,震动周天,却仿佛引聚了众生信念,形成至高威严,隐约间更引动神州浩土大千世界的地脉之气不停震动。 Although the purple golden light dragon disrupts in non-stop, actually delayed the speed of that black profound light breaks open light group. 虽然紫金光龙在不停碎裂,却延缓了那黑色玄光破开光团的速度。 That Giant Beast naturally is Nether Clan present age Patriarch, Nether. 12. Huan Ri, called Huan Ri Nether. 巨兽自然便是幽都一族当代族长,幽都.十二.幻日,也称幻日幽都 Huan Ri Nether tranquil looks at this: „Is this directs to gather Divine Great Land so-called ordinary Qi of Dragon Veins?” 幻日幽都平静看着这一幕:“这是引聚神州浩土所谓的世俗龙脉之气吗?” In his behind distant place in Void, is standing one crowd of Nether Beast, is resembles the human form, the flesh surface appears the purple light mark. 在他身后远方虚空中,站着一群幽都兽,都是酷似人形,肌肤表面浮现紫色光纹。 Is two Nether Beast, the body is quite big, one seems like the old person appearance, another one is the middle-aged person appearance. 为首两头幽都兽,都身材极为高大,一个看似老人模样,另一个则是中年人模样。 That quite old Nether calmly said: does not go seeks them , do they also dare to come to pick a quarrel on own initiative? It seems like this clan was leaves this Great Thousand World to be too long seriously.” 那较为年老的幽都静静说道:“不去寻他们也就罢了,他们还敢来主动寻衅?看来本族当真是离开这大千世界太久了。” His slightly turns the head: you guys following this so-called Qi of Dragon Veins, processes.” 微微侧首:“你们循着这所谓的龙脉之气,去处理了吧。” That Profound Gate's Master, although the there is news hurries back to here from Heaven Desolate Land, but his Clone is weak, can only attend to White Cloud Mountain.” “那玄门之主然有消息从天荒广陆赶回这里,但他分身乏术,只能顾着白云山这边。” In its behind numerous Nether Beast heard this, cracks into a smile, reveals a sharp fang of dragon wolf-like. 在其身后一众幽都兽闻言,都咧嘴一笑,露出一口似龙似狼的锐利獠牙。 Nether of that middle-aged appearance beckoned with the hand: Kong Yuan Grand-Uncle, so is why must troublesome, we were out to be good here, was connecting the breath and pulse, was killed by shock that several Human Race directly.” 那头中年模样的幽都则摆了摆手:“空原叔祖,何须如此麻烦,我们在这里下场就好了,连接着的气脉,直接就震死那几个人族了。” Described that old Kong Yuan Nether has thought that nod one's head: „Before fine, Clan Lord, already the there is word, I and others did not need scruples, Qing Luan, was been good by me and your take action.” 形容苍老的空原幽都思索了一下,点点头:“也罢,族主之前既然有言,我等也无需顾忌,青峦,便由我和你出手好了。” His paused for a moment, turn the head and looks to behind: Jing Yan, your also up, since must begin, that simply thoroughly.” 稍微顿了一下,转头看向身后:“景炎,你也一起来吧,既然要动手,那就索性彻底一点好了。” In him and Qing Luan Nether behind, is standing abreast in row three big Nether Beast, middle that Nether heard this, nod smiles immediately, takes a step to go out from the crowd, arrives at Kong Yuan Nether and Qing Luan Nether side. 在他和青峦幽都身后,并排站着三头高大的幽都兽,中间那头幽都闻言,当即点头一笑,迈步从人群中走出,来到空原幽都青峦幽都身旁 Three Nether Great Monster simultaneously roar towards the sky, appears primary form True Body, terrifying Monster Strength fluctuation shakes 4 sides. Is a long and loud cry, then tears the lines after lines scar Void. 三头幽都大妖同时仰天长啸,显化原形真身,恐怖妖力波动震荡四方。仅仅是一声长啸,便将虚空撕裂出道道伤痕。 Nether Unparalleled Magnificence.” 幽都无双华。” Nether Natural Free Magnificence.” 幽都空灵华。” Nether Bright Heaven Magnificence.” 幽都煌天华。” A [gold/metal], one white. One scarlet, 3 paths radiant brilliance simultaneously in Void shines, infinite glow clouds and mist and Talisman Divine Mark emerges together, spreads the top of the sky place, will distinguish the direction Void to flood difficultly. 一金,一白。一赤,三道璀璨光华同时在虚空中亮起,无穷霞光云霭符箓神纹一同涌现,铺天盖地,将难辨方向的虚空充斥。 Three Dao Light magnificent, with Huan Ri Nether Nether Profound Magnificence together fall on above Supreme Void Temple White Cloud Mountain transformed into that giant light group. 道光华,和幻日幽都幽都玄华一同落在太虚观白云山所化的那巨大光团之上。 Almost only in instantaneous, numerous Purple gold dragon image on light group. Then starts in abundance shatter. 几乎只在瞬间,光团上的众多紫金龙影。便开始纷纷破碎。 Qing Luan Nether coldly smiles: Inspires ritual that Magical Treasure actually good, but exercises the ritual person. cultivation base Cultivation Realm was too low, is inspiring so-called audiences Strength of Life, the air/Qi of land features, no more than this.” 青峦幽都冷冷一笑:“引动法仪的那件法宝倒是不错,但行使法仪的人。修为境界太低了,便是引动所谓众生之力,地脉之气,也不过如此而已。” Under four Dao Light magnificent shell together. in addition holds Qi of Dragon Veins on light group to start to collapse to disintegrate instantaneously, including White Cloud Mountain transformed into light group, starts the avalanche. 道光华一起轰击之下。加持在光团上的龙脉之气瞬间开始崩溃瓦解,连白云山所化光团,也开始崩塌。 Under the Qi of Dragon Veins hauling conduction, on Divine Great Land, Western Hill City and Sky Capital City vibrate immediately, two magnificent city were similar to has encountered in this moment the unprecedented strong earthquake, usually seemed huge City that is unable to vacillate, at this moment at any time had the danger of landslide unexpectedly. 龙脉之气牵引传导之下,神州浩土上,西陵城天京城顿时震动,两座雄城在这一刻都如同遭遇了前所未有的强烈地震,平时看上去无法动摇的巨大城池,这一刻竟随时都有塌方的危险。 Above the Sky Capital City imperial palace, is grander than Great Zhou imperial palace even more. even more dignity, as if Celestial Immortal king Divine Palace's giant imperial palace, float in the sky. precisely Supreme Imperial Palace. 天京城皇宫上方,一座比大周皇宫还要雄伟。还要威严,仿佛天上仙神宫的巨大皇宫,悬浮于天际正是太皇宫 Massive Qi of Dragon Veins were directed to gather above Supreme Imperial Palace, above Supreme Imperial Palace has one huge light sphere, light sphere non-stop flashes, Great Zhou Qi of Dragon Veins and intercepted Great Qin Qi of Dragon Veins, escorts to outside Void together, in addition holds on White Cloud Mountain. 大量龙脉之气被引聚到太皇宫之上,太皇宫上方则有一个巨大的光球,光球不停闪动,将大周龙脉之气和被截取的大秦龙脉之气,一起送往界外虚空,加持到白云山上。 This moment White Cloud Mountain place. The pressure increases suddenly, ritual is unable to withstand. The light stream massive collapses that Qi of Dragon Veins forms disintegrate, the huge pressure spreads following the dragon vein, shuttle Void, toward Supreme Imperial Palace. 此刻白云山处。压力陡然增大,法仪无法承受。龙脉之气所形成的光流大量崩溃瓦解,巨大的压力顺着龙脉一路蔓延,穿梭虚空,向着太皇宫袭来。 Under that wild Strength function, Supreme Imperial Palace above light sphere, is shortly stave, under the Inner Qi hauling, Western Hill City and Sky Capital City creaky. 那狂暴的力量作用下,太皇宫上空的光球,眼看便要破碎,气机牵引之下,西陵城天京城都摇摇欲坠。 To the limit......” in Supreme Imperial Palace, the Zhou Emperor Liang Pan look was serious, but the vision is tranquil, appears confident. “到极限了……”太皇宫中,周帝梁盘神色郑重,但目光平静,显得成竹在胸。 His both hands Secret Technique fluctuates continuously, the huge Supreme Imperial Palace ray sparkle, one complex and plain mysterious Diagram appears, integrates in Supreme Imperial Palace above light sphere. 他双手法诀连续变幻,巨大的太皇宫光芒闪耀,一个复杂而又古朴玄奥的图纹出现,融入太皇宫上方的光球之中。 That light sphere shakes suddenly, then suddenly in the sky Space disruption, transform into one path stream of light dissipation, but that complex plain Diagram in the sky airborne flashes passes. 光球陡然一震,然后突然在天空间碎裂,化为一道道流光散逸,而那复杂古朴的图纹在天空中一闪即逝。 Under that Diagram flashes, transmits the terrifying pressure that from in Void White Cloud Mountain, there is flows to the Western Hill City direction unexpectedly majority, but rushes the Sky Capital City part, by Supreme Imperial Palace, was united Sky Capital City defense Array Formation that the Qi of Dragon Veins in addition holds to keep off together. 在那图纹闪动之下,从虚空中白云山传来的恐怖压力,竟然有大部分流向西陵城方向,而涌向天京城的这一部分,则被太皇宫,联合龙脉之气加持的天京城防御法阵一起挡下。 But at this moment in Void outside territory, Nether Clan four big Expert shells White Cloud Mountain together, on White Cloud Mountain in addition the Qi of Dragon Veins extremely fast that holds disintegrates. 而在此刻的域外虚空中,幽都一族四大强者一起轰击白云山,将白云山上加持的龙脉之气极速瓦解。 Qing Luan Nether slightly has leaned under head, sneers was saying: Initially in Spirit Sea, besides you guys Supreme Void Temple, should also had third party influence take action, whether is that Profound Gate's Master? Some time ago was you guys or he tries to reopen Spirit Sea?” 青峦幽都微微侧了下脑袋,冷笑着说道:“当初在灵海里,除了你们太虚观以外,应该还有第三方势力出手,是否就是那玄门之主?不久前是你们还是他试图重开灵海?” No matter which in you guys, has helped busy of this clan, otherwise our possibly even more multi- and other years can re-enter Great Thousand World.” “不管是你们中的哪个,都帮了本族的大忙,否则我们可能还要多等几年才能重回大千世界。” The Huan Ri Nether look is tranquil, terrifying Nether Profound Magnificence shocks Heavens, that overbearing black profound light, unexpectedly forcefully Heaven Forming Supreme Void Profound Light breaks open that beside White Cloud Mountain covers! 幻日幽都则神色平静,恐怖幽都玄华震撼诸天,那霸道黑色玄光,竟然强行将白云山之外笼罩的成天太虚玄光破开 Changes to the Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower appearance White Cloud Mountain, at this time the fierce shake, was shaken by that terrifying Nether Profound Magnificence with friendly Supreme Void Yin-Yang Great Formation separates. 化作九重天阙模样的白云山,这时剧烈震荡,与原本相融的太上虚空阴阳大阵也被那恐怖幽都玄华震得分离。 In Supreme Void Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower, Profound One Dao Venerable, Yan Nanlai and Supreme Void Sanctuary Light Avatar flashes, was shaken is separated from Nine Heavenly Layers Watchtower. 太虚九重天阙之中,玄一道尊雁南来太虚圣殿光影闪动,都被震得从九重天阙里脱离。 Is separated from White Cloud Mountain and Formation protects, Profound One Dao Venerable, Yan Nanlai, Kuang Heng and the others facing numerous Nether Expert, the consequence are inconceivable. 脱离白云山阵法护佑,玄一道尊雁南来匡恒等人面对一众幽都强者,后果不堪设想。 But at this moment, endless in Void there is enormous and powerful Purple Qi fills the air suddenly, all around Heaven and Earth all will block. 但就在这时,无尽虚空中然有浩荡紫气弥漫,将周遭天地尽数封锁。 Huan Ri Nether, Kong Yuan Nether, Qing Luan Nether and other numerous Nether Expert, simultaneously vision flashes. 幻日幽都空原幽都青峦幽都一众幽都强者,同时目光一闪 Profound Gate's Master?” Huan Ri Nether turns around slowly. 玄门之主吗?”幻日幽都徐徐转身。 Purple Qi dispersing, reveals white jade similar Immortal Mountain, immortal above the mountain seven color Precious Tree shining, the branches and leaves rustle shaking. 紫气散开,露出一座白玉一般仙山,仙山之上七彩宝树熠熠生辉,枝叶簌簌摇动。 The Mysterious Heaven Precious Tree under foot, one purple clothes youth both hands shoulder behind, stands tranquilly, precisely Lin Feng. ( to be continued ) 玄天宝树脚下,一个紫衣青年双手背负身后,平静站立,正是林锋。(未完待续) ps: Thank troyglxx pledge 100,000 coins to gain across the board to hit to enjoy! ps:感谢troyglxx盟的100000点币飘红打赏! the troyglxx pledge is aggressive! troyglxx盟霸气! This is to the second chapter of in addition that the troyglxx pledge 100,000 coins gain across the board to attack to enjoy. 这是给troyglxx盟100000点币飘红打赏的第二章加更。 My remember, will not forget, has one after another. 我一直都记着,不会忘的,陆续有来。 Also thanked other to subscribe this book, hit to enjoy this book, throws friends who the monthly ticket gave this book, thank you! 也感谢其他订阅本书,打赏本书,投月票给本书的朋友们,谢谢大家!
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