HNOF :: Volume #13

#1220: burn the Heaven and extinguish the Earth!

It is not the sole life, birth and death of Life, but is birth and death of Grand Dao. txt E-book downloading / 并非单一的生灵,生命生灭,而是大道生灭。txt电子书下载/ In Supreme Ultimate Diagram of flame of Xiao Yan Divine Origin transformed into, reveals to sell Green Dark Sword Venerable also to feel stunned and palpitation Strength. 萧焱元神所化之火焰之太极图中,流露出让苍冥剑尊也感到愕然与心悸的力量 his attack is the red halo that Heavenly Calamity Strength forms is cut off all, but Xiao Yan's Firmament Fire Lotus, actually no trace of politeness hits to him. 他的攻击尽数为天厄之力所形成的红色光晕所阻隔,而萧焱的苍穹火莲,却毫不客气向他打来。 terrifying Strength that in the wild raging fire contains, while green Sword Light transformed into World Destruction, lets Green Dark Sword Venerable Immortal Sky Sword Qi and vault of heaven immortal sword True Fruit is damaged from fundamental. 狂暴烈火中蕴含的恐怖力量,在将青色剑光所化世界毁灭的同时,也让苍冥剑尊仙天剑炁与苍穹仙剑真果根本上受损。 Green Dark Sword Venerable can felt clearly that along with Destruction meaning that surging fire intensity also unceasingly expands. 苍冥剑尊可以清楚感觉到那随着滚滚火势还不断扩大的毁灭意味。 Ancient Sword Green Dark surface reappearing massive light marks, these light mark as if completely turns into the flame the fuel, was burnt down by non-stop. 古剑苍冥表面浮现大量光纹,这些光纹仿佛全部变成火焰的燃料,被不停焚烧。 But above Green Dark Sword Venerable oneself Divine Origin, some massive light marks appear, under raging fire burning down, non-stop extinguishes broken. 苍冥剑尊自己元神之上,也有大量光纹浮现,在烈火焚烧下,不停碎灭。 Mount Shu big sword cultivator that this from the Medieval Era time then obtained enlightenment, felt at this moment impressively the Mind consciousness is somewhat fuzzy, many things as if are leaving him to go far away. 这位自中古纪元时代便已经得道的蜀山剑修,此刻赫然感觉精神意识有些模糊,许多东西仿佛在离他远去。 The but short instantaneous happen matter, as if is very long, incomparable suffering, but in this suffering, deeply feels fast changing, is hard to recall, the despair that is hard to resist. 不过短短瞬间发生的事情,却仿佛无比漫长,无比煎熬,但在这煎熬之中,又深深感到瞬息万变,难以挽回,难以抵抗的绝望。 Houseboy rests crazily!” Green Dark Sword Venerable rave, left hand to Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation one finger of top of the head. “竖子休狂!”苍冥剑尊狂吼一声,左手冲着头顶的仙天太初剑阵一指。 He could not attend to Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper at this moment, only wanted to inspire Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, extinguished with oneself kills Xiao Yan. 他此刻顾不得天罡剑尊了,只想要引动仙天太初剑阵,和自己一起灭杀萧焱 However under a finger, he discovered that Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation instead tied down by Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper unexpectedly, is unable to fall. 但是一指之下,他发现仙天太初剑阵竟然反被天罡剑尊缠住,无法落下。 On Vault of Heaven, in addition holds Heaven Forming Supreme Void Profound Light on Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation to be worn down cleanly by Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper, Sword Formation gradually was also suppressed by Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper. 天穹上,加持在仙天太初剑阵上的成天太虚玄光已经被天罡剑尊消磨干净,剑阵也被天罡剑尊渐渐压制住。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper lip tight sip, the Divine Consciousness thought reverberates in Heaven and Earth: Green Dark, receives the hand!” 天罡剑尊嘴唇紧抿,神识意念在天地间回响:“苍冥,收手吧!” Totally incompatible different furnaces, Heavenly Dipper, the effort of what Mount Shu all previous dynasties older generation between I and you do not have, You and I over ten thousand years of painstaking cultivation, in the end just spatial? Nonsense!” Green Dark Sword Venerable sound like rolling thunder: today I then am the oneself body die. Also must this houseboy Behead!” “冰炭不同炉,天罡,我与你之间没什么蜀山历代先辈的努力,你我上万年苦修,到头来只是一场空?胡扯!”苍冥剑尊声如滚雷:“今日我便是自己身死。也要将这竖子斩杀!” Profound Gate Heavenly Sect must tread my Mount Shu to rise, they must pay the price!” 玄门天宗要踏着我蜀山崛起,他们就要付出代价!” Vault of heaven Sword Venerable left hand Sword Secret Art fluctuates, spells to try toward the Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation stamp to refer, Sword Formation in this flash. Suddenly falls into static. 苍穹剑尊左手剑诀变幻,拼尽全力朝着仙天太初剑阵戳指一点,剑阵在这一瞬间。突然陷入静止。 sky-filling Sword Qi Sword Intent, in as if coagulates similar at this moment. 漫天剑气剑意,在此刻仿佛凝固一般 Defending mountain Great Formation of other eight big sword sect respective Mountain Gate places, at this time suddenly was also tranquil, before all always not previously happen excessively seemed to be same, making Thunderbolt Sword Venerable, Heavenly Connection Sword Venerable and the others bewildered. Reads the latest chapter welcome to 800 其他八大剑宗各自山门处的守山大阵,这时也突然平静下来,之前一切仿佛从来不曾发生过一样,让霹雳剑尊通天剑尊等人都莫名其妙。【看本书最新章节请到800】 Immortal Platform Absolute Beginning Sword Formation front Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper look actually slightly changes. Divine Consciousness fluctuation shakes Void: Green Dark, you were insane!” 仙台太初剑阵面前天罡剑尊神色却微微一变。神识波动震荡虚空:“苍冥,你疯了!” his Heavenly Sword Star River cannot attend to that many again, in Void rewinds, fell toward Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation rapidly. 他的天剑星河再顾不得那许多,在虚空中倒卷,朝着仙天太初剑阵急速落了下去。 In Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper Sword Light and Instant of Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation contact, Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation moved up suddenly. 就在天罡剑尊剑光仙天太初剑阵接触的刹那,仙天太初剑阵猛然动了起来 This moves, immediately is earth-shaking, surrounding area endless Heaven and Earth, as if shook. 这一动,顿时石破天惊,方圆无尽天地,仿佛都为之震荡了一下。 In Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, projects Dao Light glow suddenly, directs to gather 4 sides clouds move. That ray center is handle white jade Long Sword, precisely Immortal Sky Sword. 仙天太初剑阵中,突然射出一道光芒,引聚四方云动。那光芒中心是一柄白玉长剑,正是仙天剑 Immortal Sky Sword in airborne shakes, dissipation leaves stream of light, curls the Mount Shu people to fall to the distant place, but his downward flies to the place of Green Dark Sword Venerable. 仙天剑在空中一震,散逸出一道流光,卷着蜀山众人落向远方,而其自身则向下飞往苍冥剑尊之处。 In Sword Formation another Treasure Item Absolute Beginning Sword Stone, then blasts open loudly! 剑阵中另一件宝物太初剑石,则轰然炸裂! The four sides black stone, changes to innumerable stream of light in this moment, toward flies to shoot in all directions. 四四方方的黑石,在这一刻化作无数道流光,向着四面八方飞射。 As several big Sword Formation of Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation Strength supplies, at this moment unprecedented rebellion, all Sword Qi was also directed to gather Mount Shu by a desperate crazy situation. 作为仙天太初剑阵力量供给的几大剑阵,在这一刻也前所未有的暴动,所有剑气以一种绝望中疯狂的态势被引聚到蜀山 Heavenly Connection Sword Sect, Thunderbolt Sword Sect and Vast Sea Sword Sect can also support. Flowing Light Sword Sect, Constellations Sword Sect, Sun-Moon Sword Sect, Blazing Sword Sect, Desolate Sword Sect and in Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, Mount Shu oneself that Sword Formation, together collapses in same Time! 通天剑宗霹雳剑宗沧海剑宗还能支撑。流光剑宗星宿剑宗日月剑宗烈火剑宗大荒剑宗仙天太初剑阵内,蜀山自己那座剑阵,则在同一时间一起崩溃! Takes Absolute Beginning Sword Stone as to direct, boundless Sword Qi Sword Intent erupts completely in this flash. 太初剑石为引,磅礴的剑气剑意在这一瞬间全部爆发出来。 terrifying Strength that erupts instantaneously. Let Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper have to step back, but lets is, Green Dark Sword Venerable that in his mind feels fuzzy stretched out left hand at this time, catches Immortal Sky Sword, then turned toward Xiao Yan to divide! 那瞬间爆发出来的恐怖力量。让天罡剑尊也不得不为之却步,但更让他心中发沉的则是,苍冥剑尊这时伸出左手,接住仙天剑,然后便向着萧焱劈了过去! Although was unable to be complete, but Immortal Sky Sword also power and influence terrifying at this moment. Boundless Sword Qi launches, finally protects severely wounded Green Dark Sword Venerable. 虽然还未能圆满,但此刻的仙天剑也威势恐怖。茫茫剑气展开,终于护住重伤的苍冥剑尊 Green Dark Sword Venerable left hand holds Immortal Sky Sword, withstands the wild bombardment of raging fire, the goal points to Xiao Yan, irreconcilable until death! 苍冥剑尊左手抓住仙天剑,承受烈火的狂暴轰击,目标直指萧焱,不死不休 Flame of Supreme Ultimate Diagram Xiao Yan Divine Origin transformed into, in flaming Fire Sea, as if has a person's shadow, stands proudly, coldly is gazing at Green Dark Sword Venerable. 萧焱元神所化之火焰太极图,在熊熊火海之中,仿佛有个人影,傲然而立,正冷冷注视着苍冥剑尊 You must fight to the death, we branched out Life and Death to be good, looked that who was finished first.” In the Xiao Yan lowly shouted sound, composes the Supreme Ultimate Diagram flame, originally because of second Firmament Fire Lotus, but dim gets down in this feebly, at this moment again becomes bright. “你要决一死战,那咱们就分出生死好了,看谁先完蛋。”萧焱低喝声中,组成太极图的火焰,本来因为第二记苍穹火莲而在此黯淡衰弱下去,此刻又重新变得明亮。 The light of mark innumerable incomplete breaking appears above Supreme Ultimate Diagram, then under the flame shines, again becomes complete, some innumerable new light mark Talisman non-stop condensation. 无数残缺破碎之光纹在太极图上方浮现,然后火光照耀下,重新变得完整,更有无数新的光纹符箓不停凝聚。 In the Xiao Yan Divine Origin surrounding surging red light, non-stop surges, even more is then concise, leaves the one empty probability in airborne appears unexpectedly Light Avatar. 萧焱元神周围的滚滚红光,不停激荡,然后越发凝练,竟然在空中显化一个似虚似实的光影 The giant stone column that scarlet-red Light Avatar as if being indomitable spirit, sets upright among stand on Vault of Heaven. 那赤红光影就仿佛一根顶天立地的巨大石柱,竖立于天穹之间。 But this just likes the hold up the sky pillar red light beam, not only after letting the person saw, is unable to feel at ease, instead meets in the heart to raise even more restless palpitation, making one be afraid the danger. 但这根犹如擎天支柱似的通红光柱,让人见了之后不仅无法安心,反而会在心中升起更加不安的悸动,令人感到危险和恐惧。 Although this red light beam is phantom, but appearance and Principle Domain, in the distinction and Underworld Sea that ferocious Good Fortune Magical Treasure Heavenly Calamity is similar. 这通红光柱虽然是虚影,但模样和其中道理意境,分明与冥海中那穷凶极恶的造化法宝天厄相似。 The Green Dark Sword Venerable Immortal Sky Sword thorn strikes on the scarlet-red light beam of Heavenly Calamity appearance, sharp sword tip as if inspires entire Heaven and Earth to change to sharp sword together attack. 苍冥剑尊仙天剑刺击在天厄模样的赤红光柱上,犀利的剑锋仿佛引动整个天地化作利剑一起攻击 sword tip of white jade pricks in the scarlet-red light beam forcefully, crawl. 白玉似的剑锋强行刺入赤红光柱内,徐徐前进。 But the Green Dark Sword Venerable pupil contracts fiercely. 苍冥剑尊瞳孔剧烈收缩。 Although Immortal Sky Sword appears, but cannot carry out thoroughly, compared with the prestige of genuinely Good Fortune Magical Treasure, Green Dark Sword Venerable oneself is not the spent force, cannot one strike pierces the Strength projection of Heavenly Calamity! 仙天剑虽然重现于世,但未能彻底完成,不比真正造化法宝之威,苍冥剑尊自己也是强弩之末,没能一击天厄力量投影刺穿! Although Immortal Sky Sword sword tip in the breakthrough red light beam impediment, is away from Xiao Yan Divine Origin to be getting more and more near unceasingly, but in the fall on Green Dark Sword Venerable eye, is actually unbearable. 虽然仙天剑剑锋在不断突破红色光柱阻隔,距离萧焱元神越来越近,但落在苍冥剑尊眼中,却是咫尺天涯。 Congeals scarlet-red light beam same Time in the Heavenly Calamity Strength projection, Xiao Yan third five colors Fire Lotus, in Void calmly appears! 天厄力量投影凝结成赤红光柱的同一时间,萧焱第三朵五色火莲,也在虚空中静静浮现! The beforehand raging fire has not cleared, still filled the air in Heaven and Earth, all things Myriad Things that Destruction contacts. 之前的烈火还没有散尽,仍然在天地间弥漫,毁灭所接触到的万事万物 The even more crazy fierce overbearing flame then once more blasts open, oneself initiates the terrifying catastrophe at the same time, even more formerly raging fire again directed to gather, was erupting together, the Strength sea tide seemed to be same, wave after wave, prolonged, did not have the end. 更加狂猛霸道的火焰便再次炸裂开来,自身引发恐怖浩劫的同时,更加先前的烈火重新引聚,在一起爆发,力量仿佛海潮一样,一波接一波,经久不息,没有尽头。 Green Dark Sword Venerable sends out angry low roar, raids the body to disregard to the row fire, stimulates to movement Immortal Sky Sword to continue to go forward fully, the thorn to Xiao Yan, must put together to perish together with it! 苍冥剑尊发出愤怒的低吼,对列火袭身不管不顾,全力催动仙天剑继续前进,刺向萧焱,要与之拼个同归于尽! The flame of Supreme Ultimate Diagram in Void non-stop circulation Xiao Yan Divine Origin transformed into, flame again by dimly becomes bright, the Heavenly Calamity Strength projection form scarlet-red light beam, erupts loudly rogue Strength, changes from defensive to offensive, toward Immortal Sky Sword and Green Dark Sword Venerable counter- volume in the past. 萧焱元神所化之火焰太极图在虚空中不停流转,火光重新由黯淡变得明亮,天厄力量投影而成的赤红光柱,轰然爆发出其中凶恶力量,反守为攻,朝着仙天剑苍冥剑尊反卷过去。 In Heavenly Calamity Strength and raging fire Strength diplomatic spin, by the Heaven-shaking Earth-moving power and influence, in addition various above Green Dark Sword Venerable and Immortal Sky Sword. 天厄之力与烈火之力内外交旋,以撼天动地的威势,加诸于苍冥剑尊仙天剑之上。 Severely wounded Green Dark Sword Venerable, Divine Origin started to disrupt directly, but makes his eye socket want the matter of crack is, Immortal Sky Sword under two big Strength fierce distortions, above the sword blade edge of that white jade non- flaw, presents the one path slit impressively! 本就重伤的苍冥剑尊,元神直接开始碎裂,但更让他目眦欲裂的事情则是,仙天剑在两大力量剧烈扭曲之下,那白玉无瑕的剑刃之上,赫然出现一道缝隙! No!” Green Dark Sword Venerable roars, sees Immortal Sky Sword sword tip, cannot bear the tremendous pressure, breaks! “不!”苍冥剑尊怒吼一声,就见仙天剑剑尖,承受不住巨大压力,断裂开来! But almost same Time, Green Dark Sword Venerable in the mind all the thought thoughts of rotation, stop suddenly, Divine Origin thorough extinguishes broken, for roaring Fire Sea and red light engulf. 而几乎同一时间,苍冥剑尊脑海中所有转动的念头思维,戛然而止,元神彻底碎灭,为咆哮的火海和红光吞没 Luo Qingwu, Chu Yang and Zhuge Zhan three people also by far draw back, look dignified looks at before one's eyes already completely transform into flame World's Heaven and Earth. 洛轻舞褚阳诸葛战三人也远远退开,神色凝重看着眼前已经完全化为火焰世界的天地 in Void resounds Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper one to sigh deeply, before rupturing of Immortal Sky Absolute Beginning Sword Formation, interweaving with before one's eyes raging fire, making Divine Great Land Great Thousand World Domain be damaged in this moment, Mount Shu in it position, all transform into was destroyed, forms a stretch of Destruction domain. 虚空中响起天罡剑尊一声浩叹,之前仙天太初剑阵的爆裂,与眼前烈火的交织,使得神州浩土大千世界界域在这一刻都受到损伤,蜀山原先所在之方位,已经尽数化为乌有,形成一片毁灭领域。 In that boundless raging fire, there is a one person's shadow to appear gradually, goes out from Fire Sea gradually, wears the black robe, a purple clothes, tall martial-looking, precisely Xiao Yan. 在那无边烈火之中,有一个人影渐渐出现,从火海中缓步走出,身着黑袍,一袭紫衣,身材高大英武,正是萧焱 At this moment, on his is still also fluttering the fragmentary flame, but does not burn on him, just circles the winding. 此刻,他的身上也兀自飘着零星的火苗,但并非在他身上燃烧,只是盘旋缠绕。 Xiao Yan walks, while putting out a hand of doesn't care pats the breath flame, his look ice-cold and tranquil, strolls in the raging flame, like one Monarch that goes out of flame Underworld. 萧焱一边走,一边不在意的伸手将身上的火苗拍息,他的神色冰冷而又平静,漫步于熊熊烈火之中,就像一个从火焰地狱中走出的帝王 But in that boundless raging fire, actually did not see the Green Dark Sword Venerable form. 而在那无边烈火中,却已经不见苍冥剑尊的身影。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper and Xiao Yan are looking at each other silent, he received Ancient Sword Heavenly Dipper, the palm has held up to stretch out to the sky, in Fire Sea departed the one shadow, was gloomy in this moment. 天罡剑尊萧焱沉默对视着,他收了古剑天罡,手掌向天空举起伸出,火海中飞出一个影子,在这一刻黯淡无光。 Handle white jade Long Sword, precisely Immortal Sky Sword, what is alarmed, the sword blade edge of that white jade, the sword tip place breaks off at this moment impressively, does not know the trace. 一柄白玉般的长剑,正是仙天剑,但令人触目惊心的是,那白玉似的剑刃,剑尖处此刻赫然折断,不知所踪。 This handle once first under Heaven sword, when experience recast, not yet thorough success, then again caused heavy losses, once again under Xiao Yan and Heavenly Calamity collaborate to break. 这柄曾经的天下第一剑,在经历重铸,尚未彻底功成之际,便再遭重创,又一次在萧焱天厄联手之下断裂。 But once with Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper on hand Ancient Sword Ancient Sword Green Dark of Heavenly Dipper and name, was damaged seriously, again and Green Dark Sword Venerable withstands just now that one strike together, was destroyed directly thoroughly! 而曾经与天罡剑尊手上古剑天罡并称的古剑苍冥,本就受损严重,再和苍冥剑尊一起承受方才那一击,直接被彻底摧毁! This war, Xiao Yan Behead is away from the Realm of Dharma-Ending only one pace forcefully Beginning Calamity Tribulation-Facing Stage big sword cultivator, Mount Shu Supreme Elder Green Dark Sword Venerable, breaks off Immortal Sky Sword of recast. 此一战,萧焱强行斩杀距离末法之境只有一步之遥的初劫历劫期剑修,蜀山太上长老苍冥剑尊,更将重铸的仙天剑折断。 Although the Immortal Sky Sword distance becomes Good Fortune Magical Treasure also has the distance seriously, but also is far from Enlightenment grade Magical Treasure may compare, the Xiao Yan so success spreads, will certainly shock entire Heaven Primal World. 虽然仙天剑距离重成造化法宝还有距离,但也远非大乘级数法宝可比,萧焱如此战绩传扬出去,必将震惊整个天元大世界 After Wang Lin and Zhu Yi, Xiao Yan also succeeds to tread this key one step, not only will be oneself on the Dao Cultivation road will distinguish clearly the direction of advance in the future thoroughly, will turn toward the Heaven Primal World stage center to make great strides forward. 汪林朱易之后,萧焱也成功过踏出这关键一步,不仅是自己日后修道路上彻底辨明前进方向,也向着天元大世界的舞台中心迈进。 Sword Venerable Heavenly Dipper is looking at Xiao Yan, is silent, in Xiao Yan tranquil stand on Void, has not spoken similarly, among Heaven and Earth did not have the sounds of people quietly, the only surplus raging fire still burnt in non-stop.( To be continued.) 天罡剑尊望着萧焱,沉默不语,萧焱平静立于虚空之中,同样没有说话,天地间悄无人声,只有剩余的烈火仍然在不停燃烧。(未完待续。) ( This book collection origin website clear, refresh rate quick) (本书采集来源网站清晰、、更新速度快) (.) 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